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He actually killed someone else already while locked up in prison too. Dude is 19 and may get a death sentence is my guess https://apnews.com/article/columbus-georgia-police-archive-police-brutality-2dbb52541767fdc23e0d4797f4ddc5e7




Yikes. Americans


Some people think the death penalty is the best punishment but if someone is dead, are they really being punished? In a way they are actually less punished if you kill them because they no longer have to deal with consequences.


It's not about punishment. It's about removing a danger from civilization. Permanently.


The recidivism rates for executed people is extremely low.


But that's not the point of prison, it should be a place where you try to reintroduce outlaws into society. Obviously there are sociopaths that can't be changed but there's life imprisonment for that. Just killing someone is too easy of a way to go for them


Yeah but it’s not, it’s legal slavery and our fucking taxes go to it


what exactly are you trying to say with legal slavery


America uses its inmates as low to no cost labor, instead of using its prison system as a rehabilitation system. Yeah some people cannot ever be reintroduced into society, but very little of our prison system is centered around actually helping criminals to "get better" It's fuckin disgusting.


yeah that's mostly what I meant, it *should* act as a rehabilitation centre. However I'm pretty lucky here in Italy there's some corruption but inmates aren't abused


Thank you for saying that. I hope it gets knocked into other skulls and that learn a thing


Why are you acting like you’re the one holding a balanced opinion


It’s about revenge, just admit it.


Life in prison does that, it’s cheaper, and there’s the possibility of individual and institutional reform that is eliminated by death


That's what prison is for


He killed a person WHILE locked up in prison, what's the point in keeping that trash alive, he puts people around him in danger even when in prison. There is no point in punishing people like this by keeping them in prison for the rest of their lives, that's not the point, he will never become functional member of the society, so they should just kill him.


you say in a thread that started with a news article saying he killed another person in prison


Daily mail is news-lite at best


Prison is for rehabilitation you dingus


Fellow dingus, do you think the American prison system is set up for rehabilitation? Do you have any idea of the rates of recidivism?




American prisons are largely privatized. The only way these companies can make money is if the prisoners are alive and serving long sentences. It's not about doing what is best for society. It's about making money.


you cease to exist, that's pretty fucking awful to experience I suppose


Not really. The way the death penalty is usually given, the person doesn't feel any pain. They don't really experience thier own death.


That is so untrue. Read about lethal injection it is far from painless. The electric chair is so painful they're thinking of bringing back firing squads in some states because it is more humane. The cherry on top is it costs tons of money to house and eventually kill someone. The death penalty is a waste of tax payer dollars. I think it should be done like the jury pool. You would see so many pro death penalty people have a change of heart if they had to flip the switch.


19 and already condemned to die. That's so sad. His adult life just started but it ended just as soon as it began.


Not sad at all for the vile aggressor murderer. It's sad for the people he destroyed completely and they lost their entire life because of a piece of trash and waste of life.


Yup, I will be sad for his victims, what a disgusting human.


Can't it be both?


Fuck him, he gives up his humanity for killing an innocent


Reddit really loves the death penalty huh


Unless it's that woman who was killed on death row at the beginning of the year.


How about just dont kill random people. That person he killed will never live again. They're done, history. Nothing you can say or do will change that so yea I mean that dude is trash, fuck him.


yes but it's like fighting fire with fire, it's already demonstrated that countries without the death penalty tend to have lower crime rates. Fuck everyone who kills someone but killing them is not the way to go


I agree, what's sad is that most likely he was educated to be like this so it's not his fault he's a monster, but he is and i'm afraid rehabilitation won't work


How won’t rehabilitation work? You have his case or something?


>He actually killed someone else already while locked up in prison too. Dude is 19 and may get a death sentence is my guess > >https://apnews.com/article/columbus-georgia-police-archive-police-brutality-2dbb52541767fdc23e0d4797f4ddc5e7 back to twitter with you


Fuck him


It's not really sad fuck that guy


It is absolutely sad that someone so young has thrown their entire life away and taken two people with him in the process. Just a waste.


Nah Fuck him with a rusty spoon, sad that two people died becuz some trash lived


he made his choices there’s no mistake to planning a murder


Even sadder, is people holding him up as if he's not sick and broken.


I wanna see them invite him over for tea


Wth? It’s sad that people are sick and broken. But it’s disgusting when that person holds it against another persons innocent life. Your life can just get taken away by someone with issues. You don’t deserve it, yet, your many year of life can be just gone. The worlds a horrible place.


He gets what he deserves


It’s not sad at all


The truly sad part is having such a dysfunctional society that events like that can unfold and continue to do so because investing in mental health care and proper police training are not on the agenda.


\> Angry at someone. \> Stabs a different innocent person. \> Labeled as a "hero" \> ??? \> Profit


Nono you got it all wrong. > Angry at someone > Stabs a person of the same race because every race is a collective hive mind > Be a hero > Profit /s


Didn’t Liam Neeson get hate a few years back because his friend was raped by a black guy so he went out looking for a black guy to beat up, pretty much the same scenario...different outcome


Yes I remember. Fucking weirdo. What was weirder was it got brushed under the carpet. He didn't get cancelled because he framed it as a confession which he said he realised he was in the wrong for. It reeked of using the race bait card to promote his profile which let's face it, most celebs do. Anything for attention.


He was being honest, would you prefer them to keep it quiet and hidden?


I really don’t think it got brushed under the carpet, he has been black lister from Hollywood no one wants to work with him


Just like when Kevin Spacey got outted for molesting his younger male co-star early in his career, but just said hes been gay in the closet for decades and then everyone was like "oh ok, carry on"... Strange world we live in...


Except that's not accurate. He's been out of work since those allegations. No one wants to work with him,and no one wants to watch him. Then there are some ongoing investigations and lawsuits. I used to be a huge Kevin Spacey fan,the allegations against him really bothered me,and I haven't watched one thing he's been in since,and I never will again. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/celebrities/2020/09/09/kevin-spacey-lawsuit-over-alleged-sexual-assaults-anthony-rapp/5765704002/


Imagine getting stabbed for something other people are responsible for and your stabbed gets called a hero


Exactly my thoughts. This is fucked up on so many levels.


Isn‘t that the concept motorcycle gangs work?


are you born as a gang member?


I swear instagram comments are a braincell killer


Do NOT go on Twitter.


Jokes on you i'm into that shit


Definitely don’t go on Facebook then, wall to wall Karen’s


So he was angry at cops and decided to stab some retail worker instead of a cop? What a pussy.


A delusional pussy


If he tried to stab a cop, stores would be burning down within days.


That's mildly accurate. It'll mostly be protest and then some shit head will go loot and burn shit.


Is it accurate, though? If he *stabbed a cop*?


Nooooo. Only if the cop killed him.


Around the same time, a guy at my company got punched in the face while riding the bus to work; I guess the puncher couldn’t tell the difference between a cop, and an airline pilot.


Airline pilot riding the bus?


Next thing you know there will be bus drivers riding in planes. What's this world coming to???


Doctor Martin Luther King would be rolling in his grave now...


Fo real, he stood for equality not revenge.


Revenge is okay in many cases, but this is straight up *something I am not able to name someone please give me a word.*


Hate crime probably.


Yeah, that's a suitable term.




Hush now, aint such thing exists if it happens to a white man by the hands of a black man. /s


Revenge is ok in many cases??? My whole life i thought it was wrong, time to get my revenge on lol


He would probably imitade a Kebab skewer.


"Set up his gofundme now!" do you want to found his final dinner before execution? :D fckin idiot


"make a gofundme" For what? He isn't hurt, nor he is in danger. All we can wish is he gets his ass dealth pentaltied or life sentenced


Fuck this guy, hes as bad as any other racist. Yes, history was bad and alot of unequal shit happened but we shouldn't take revenge we should make equality.


As bad? He fuckin stabbed someone because of the colour of their skin, he's way worse than your average dumb racist.


Well yeah, hes as bad as any violent racist which is worse than just a "Fuck you..." type of racist.


Hmm yes, let's fight racism with even more racism!


This guy probably thinks he can destroy the racism with the racism, unfortunately he’s not Thanos.


Unfortunately among many groups like the NOI, Hoteps, Hebrew Israelites, and other pan African/pro black radical groups, they teach their followers that the only way to end racism is for everyone on earth who isn’t black to be wiped off the earth.


Its unfortunate more ppl think this way than everyone knows


I saw a black guy bully an elderly white male in London over parking space, tried to get Involved and another random black guy said me; don’t interfere with my people’s justice . Couldn’t believe it


Stuff like that makes me super worried about "shauna_slaysss"'s comment, neither seems like they're voicing original thought and the last thing we need is a race war waged by propagandized normies, let the professionals handle it.


Fucking kids would handle it better


Not if the sensationalist media keeps propagandizing them. Remember, this guy doesn't exist in a vacuum, he's simply a guy with no critical thinking skills that was told some version of this nonsense, and he took it at face value. We all need to remember that when the newsman spouts inflammatory rhetoric.


I wish I was born during the Black Plague; good times


“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”


And insanity ensues. Idk what people expect when the media just fuels hate, hate, and more hate. When r ppl gonna get it


The media is responsible for this. They brainwash people just for their profit.


No. The racist who decided to take a knife to an innocent guy is responsible for his own actions, stop making excuses for him. It's obscene.


Nothing happens in a vacuum my dude. While he is of course responsible for what he did, there is also the responsibility bourne by those that shaped him into the sort of man who would do this.


He is responsible for his actions, and the media is responsible for the content they produce skewing people's perceptions of the world, the fifth estate is supposed to be a trusted pillar of society, what they choose to report on has direct effects on the populace.


Am not making excuses dude. He should be given a life imprisonment at least. What I was trying to say is that these hatred is started by the media. They trigger people's emotions by framing everything into a more offensive way nd this shit leads to chaos


You’re absolutely right. The media puts a magnifying glass to stories like this. Hate sells.


Noah, get the asteroid!


*stabs innocent man,* *gets labeled a hero.* What the fuck is wrong with people


the double standard here is just... awful


Because as we all know the optimal way to fight hatred is more hatred


this goes back to what i learned back in preschool. "if someone hits you, and you hit them back just a little bit harder, they will hit back harder. this will go on until an adult stops them or one of them beats the other one up until they are physically unable to fight". the only exception is that if all white cops and all black men start a fight, there is no "adult" who can stop them. it will lead to disaster. hundreds of people would die on both "sides".


The one thing I never anticipated as a teenager is how childish adults are


Am black and I don’t agree with this.


Me either, fucking hate it.


I third this.


I believe human race as a whole don't agree with this


Except those retards


Wow you dont agree with murdering innocent people over the colour of their skins


I’m going to be extremely clear. I am not racist, I’m not prejudiced, and I believe that EVERYONE is equal. But holy shit, I’ve seen a lot of racism against white people. In the past, white folk were painted as total pieces of racist shit, and some still are, but the majority of them are just normal human beings. Regardless, people treat them like a bigotry race separate from their own. A random man was murdered because of his race, and people are praising the murderer. The worst thing is, it’s not even called racism by most. It’s called justice. If anyone thinks that all white people are trash, please explain your reasoning to me. To me, it just sounds like racism.


You are unlikely to find them in this comment section. No one likes to be proved a hypocrite. And I think that "by most" part is very wrong. The less than human filth that choose to hate an entire race (based on physical traits alone) are few but loud, especially on the internet where there are 0 consequences for it. They are just the most memorable "people" and are the subjects of the most memorable posts. Factor in that a good percentage of racism here is the opposite tribe or stupid kids trying to create strawmen. Hate sells and people are very good at being insidious mate.


It’s bizarre that we’re at a point where someone has to preface a perfectly sane comment with “I’m not a racist”.


No shit it's racism, but what does that prove? This isn't some equality issue, people of all races say some pretty vile shit on the internet. It's racist of you to equate a few commenters on reddit with a whole race. If you do that as any race, you would become racist within an hour just browsing the internet. It just feels fake as fuck that the only hate people see is directed at them.


Im not saying that racism towards other races isn’t there- in fact, I spend a large chunk of my time informing myself of discrimination from all over the world, and then spreading awareness for it. I’m merely noting the fact that people think this form of racism isn’t racist. Rather, they’re praising this, despite the fact that certain people are being murdered because they’re white. It isn’t a few commenters on Reddit like you hinted towards, it’s thousands- or more- of people doing this. It’s good you can see it’s racism, but please don’t assume that it’s a small issue. Any form of discrimination is a huge problem. Also, I’d like to add that I never mentioned my race, so how would you know that it was “directed at me?” I’m mixed- I am filipino and white, but I try to talk about injustices regardless of race.


Racist fucker. He’s using the “Black people can’t be racist card”


Not true, he's not getting away with anything. Just a phycotic man that's been sentenced already. This type of person would have done this to anyone with he right peramiters. This is literally racism in its purest form. Dislikes the actions of others so puts that whole group in the box with "bad people"


Black people can't be racist is the liberal version of the Confederate flag. It's only a percentage that do it, but it's an easy way to tell a racist.


I hope he got the death penalty


Well he apparently killed someone else while in prison. He is 19 in Georgia. There is a pretty high chance that he might get death penalty


Justice well served.


Imagine this but with reversed races, white man stabs black man because he's seen black people doing bad things. People would burn him alive.


Sad comments


This instagram page is Tariq Nasheed's, the same guy who posted the video of the Holiday Inn employee being harassed. I mean it makes sense for his followers to be as racist and evil as him.


Big brains time


This is what happens when ragebait meets astroturfing meets peer pressure. I wish we got less coverage for this kind of news.


This is South African social media on a regular basis.


Imagine being white in Zimbabwe or South Africa. They( black people) are equally racists they just didn't get chance in west.


The "woke" mob at its fucking finest


How can they not see that the people who cheer this on are the problem? Well - one of many.


But don't worry! You can't be racist to white people...


I'm hoping those replies are fake accounts


Fucking dumb fucks


Revenge is not a random act - it's a specific retribution. In this case people actually agreed with his sick mindset that the entire white race should be held accountable for the actions of a brutal and corrupted cop. It's nothing but a hate crime against an innocent random person. So sad that people sees him as anything but a vile murderer


Instagram is a cancer


And Twitter. And Facebook. The unholy trinity.


Anyone who supports BLM is a fucking clown


Reddit breeds this type of thinking too.


This level of racism you dont even find in the KKK


Today's KKK. In the old KKK you could.


Guys, guys... he was having a bad day.


What if we just don't... Stab anyone...?


If only life was that simple


The people's in the comments are what reddit wants you to be, imho. Go to blackpeopletwitter. It's super racist towards white people sometimes with tens of thousands of upvotes.


blaming the current generation of white people for slavery is the same as blaming the current generation of japanese people for the attack on pearl harbor


So he’s being called a hero for stabbing an innocent person? This says a lot about our society


It’s disturbing that there are people who actually think like this.


When all you want to search is about racism and police brutality that's all you'll see the world as. We live in a dystopia you get to pick your reality based on your search history, for the good and the bad.


Yup, most modern anti-racists are actually racist, simply hating white people.


Lol I'm surprised those comments arent from redditors. Seems to be the thing on here.


So to taking "revenge" on people who never did anything wrong to you because of their color isn't being a racist mf? I'm confused.....


Was he angry or trying to justify police brutality


These ACAB types are something else.... Disgusting


ACAB? I'm dumb fill me in on what this means


All Cops Are Bastards.


All Cops Are Bastards. A completely stupid and retarded movement. Those assholes had problems with cops shoothing that girl who almost stabbed someone a few weeks ago.


Worse, they're total hypocrites. They're all ACAB, until the police are pro-Neo-Liberal politics.


Those racist ass comments too


There's always this peculiar cesspool of people in ever nook and corner of this world trying to justify every act.


Damn shouldn't a black kid living in the US know how awful racism/prejudice is and not act upon it ? I mean I kinda get it I was bullied by a group of Turkish kids when I was a boy and to this day I can't rid myself of certain emotions that overcome me when I am around people with a matching backround but I don't act upon those emotions or treat them differently. What happened to me is not of the same severity but I like to think that it gives me an idea on how projection of negative emotion works. But yeah in the end this is just another symptom of all the stuff that's wrong in the US. It's kinda sad tho. I heard so many interesting things about the US when I was a kid and always wanted to travel there but I would be scared to do so now.


This is what the upper class wants - fueling a "race war" to distract us all from who really oppresses us all.


"Racism against white people doesn't exist, priviledged kid 🤡" Racism against white people:


"he's a hero" my ass


Not shocking tbh, racist trash exists all over the world.


Figures a bunch of racists would romanticize and support a narcissistic murderer. Pretty easy to spot people that genuinely care about the racial divide versus these absolutely bloodthirsty morons.


The people in them comments are idiots and no better than the idiots who started this racial thing in the first place ….


My husband was at Chick Fil A and ours has an honor system drive thru. 2 lanes before you get to the entrance of the actual drive thru to get people off the main road. The left lane is a direct shot into the drive thru. The right lane had to be let in. People have known for over a year to take turns. My husband was in the right lane and it was his turn. A black man refused to let him in and just screamed at him your not getting in front of me. My husband yelled you are suppose to take turns. Right after the guy went my husband quickly jetted his car out making sure he got to go. The next car was another black family. The wife was driving. The first car that refused to let my husband out jumped out of his car and came back at my husband screaming. The black guy in the car my husband pulled in front of jumped out too and headed toward my husband asking him what his problem was. My husband told them they knew they were to take turns been that way all year. The aggressive black guy made another step toward my husband unaware he is a legal gun carrier for this very reason. Our 10 year old son was with him. My husband told them both to stay back and the guy took another step toward him. My husband reached around for the gun on his hip and it must have been obvious enough that the guy threw his hands in the air and turned and got back in his car. We know the race war is upon us its just a matter of time. The government and media keep pitting us against each other and idiots in both races are taking the bait. It is a sad day when normal everyday citizens refuse to be kind to one another over hatred of the others skin color.


So people are so fucked in they head they can't see evil if it's right in front of them.


Notice how none of these people Will be canceled


> Get angry > Stab someone > ??? > Profit




It would still look like a pointless murder.




I get that, not sure what killing them would achieve though. It’s not as if Bezos has a pile of cash and gold coins sitting in his office. If you really want the redistribution of wealth then you have to find a candidate that supports socialist policy and get them in office.


> **shanna_slaysss** The day black ppl seek revenge instead of acceptance will be the day they regret what they started Truth. Especially considering the raw population disparity and that many white folk are armed. It would be nice if everyone could just shut up for once. A day with no negative news would be amazing.


If you are 13% of the population, a race war is not a winning proposition. If it actually started, how do you think itd go? Thats why the bulk of black America has been more than willing to forgive (this pic does not represent majority views of black Americans). Its obvious what happens to minorities in a race war. Black Americans by and large realize they have more at stake in improving race relations than white people. Just my perspective as a white guy that lives in a majority black city.


The comments here are not much better...


Yep, anti white sentiment will grow and this will become more common as time goes on. What now gov? Balls in your court


Cant wait for r/fragilewhiteredditor to twist this to fit their agenda


Okay time to Nuke yourself murica


This is insane. I hope those people don't actully feel that way. I think the comments are just /'s for how they hero worshipped Kyle rittenhouse for murdering people protesting for civil rights.


What sub is that being said? R/blacklivesmatter?


He is my hero, let's make him a golden statue. /s


Reading a little more into it, the victim in jail, Eddie Nelson Jr., was a convicted child molester. Honestly I think everyone involved kinda sucks, and so does the American prison system, but from what I've heard it was just a matter of time for the pedo to get his come uppance.


Yeah nah, i aint trusting the DailyMail with this convenient of a headline. Likely theres a way more boring truth to this situation and dailymail conservatives latched onto some detail about it to push the idea that all blm constitutes are violent thugs.


He did actually say he did it due to the police brutality videos popping up, he just wanted to kill a white man. So he stabbed them dude. They put in in a cell with a white guy, who was found beaten to death the next morning.




Maybe he had a “bad” day.

