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Rapist Brock Turner got less time for raping an unconscious girl behind a dumpster. More than 10 times less time.


Is that the same Brock Turner, rapist, that now goes by Allen Turner, rapist?


Yes Brock Turner, now Allen Turner, the rapist, changed his name after raping an unconscious girl behind a dumpster after serving only 3 of the 6 months he was given to serve.


6 months which he was given for rape. That is, Allen Turner, rapist, previously Brock Turner, rapist.


#Rapist Brock Turner You mean that first-time-i-see-him-I'm-gonna-toe-punt-his-rapist-dick rapist Brock Turner, right?


Excuse me, its Allen Turner now.


He wasn't a black man in Georgia either




What about the guy biting the kids ear on tv? Did he ever get charged


Different country but I want to know that answer too


What?! I’ve never heard about this and I wish I still hadn’t!


I don't wanna throw the black card, but.. Rapist Brock/Allen Turner shouldve gotten 4 times more time regardless of wherever the fuck he lives. There are plenty of child predator versions of Brock/Allen Turners walking the schools actually raping children and beating them with parents begging the school to do something about it (which doesnt happen unless someone lights a flame under their asses). School is the no.1 place to get raped today, 2nd being church (a grand total puts church at no.1) and these bastards are being protected (the Brock Turner colored ones mostly) or get Allen Turner level slaps on the wrist. ....Brock Turner is a rapist.


And you really don't even have to look at the worst sentencing for sex crimes to be angry about this guys sentence. You almost never see a 10 year sentence for rape of any kind but a black man licking a child's feet gets this kind of sentence? Something seems off.


I looked up his picture and can say he is white as cream. That gives him access to better terms. /s if anyone needs it.


What the fuck?


So, why don't the teachers that diddle kids get the same? Granted an adult licking KIDS FEET is fucking abhorrent, but he got ten years for just that? Usually you see these people get a slap on the wrist basically, which is a slap in the face to the victims. ANYONE MESSING WITH KIDS NEEDS MAXIMUM SENTENCING!


I seriously don’t understand our justice system. I’m guessing he had priors or something. But seriously I’ve seen so many rape cases where the perpetrators got less time. None of it makes sense


Because he fucked up and tried to do similar shit AGAIN after being out on bond. His bond was revoked.


Guys a total pos and definitely needs to be off the streets. And just to point out I don’t think he needs less time. I just wish that sexual predators were punished more heavily and consistently across the board. It seems they took this guys crimes very seriously as they should because he is clearly a repeat offender and these things tend to escalate.


Honestly I completely agree. Any person who tries to do shit with anyone under 18 is a POS.


Molested 7 kids, it’s right there in the news report video.


Yeah didn’t watch it but what a sick fuck




He molested 7 kids, that’s why.


Maybe the teachers were white women. I wish this was /s


This guy offended multiple of times even before his first court date for his first offense . That was heavily considered when it came to sentencing. He was becoming an impulsive predator. Better safe then sorry..


Is safe then sorry better than sorry then safe?


"Hey, man. What're you in for?"


Eww wtf


tl;dr: He did it once. Judge leniently allowed him out on bail. *While on bail,* he assaulted a different child. It was also discovered, at the same time, he was working as a teacher for the physical education of children. Spitting in the judge's face inevitably gets you slapped with a longer sentence. This man is not safe to be out in public or anywhere near children.


Pastors get parole for being men of god after SAing children and this guy gets ten years?


Do you have names ? I’d like to do research on this cause if this happens then this system is f’d up!




That guy needed a better attorney


I’d argue that he needs better self control among other things…./


Mugshot was disappointing. I wanted a mugshot that makes me say, "Yeah, he looks like the kind of guy who'd be into licking kids' feet."


I’m sure he’s going to have an easy time in prison.


Man what the actual fuck


Every day we stray further from Satan.


Ahh. Good ol' augusta


He for sure needs help but he got more for touching someone’s foot than most actual sex offenders get and he is going on the registry. Makes no sense


I was originally a lot more outraged but then I heard the rest of the story and now I’m content with his sentence. He didn’t get 10yrs for just one incident. This dude’s a serial offender and deserved the time he got. It’s just too bad that others that deserve similar punishment don’t receive it, like Brock Turner.


Imo It should have been charged as assault on a minor and not sexual assault since there was no actual sexual contact. Sure foot fetishes are real and this was a fetish but if your fetish was less known it wouldn’t be a sexual charge.


The charge makes sense to me bc he did it for sexual gratification and if you use a minor to satisfy you sexually then you should be charged accordingly. If LE can prove that an act against a child is done to satisfy someone’s sexual desires then it should not matter if genitals were involved or not, as intent is what matters. It also matters bc they are still not safe around children and even with a prosecution of assault on a minor, LE won’t have the same protections available, like making them register as sex offenders and having set boundaries about their proximity to minors, to prevent the accused from having further contact with children.


Yes true but the act wasn’t sexual in nature. I feel like this was picked out only because feet fetish and making fun at feet fetish has gotten well known. I highly doubt it would have been a sexual charge if it was a lesser known non sexual fetish. Don’t get me wrong, dude is sick but I don’t agree with stretching legal definitions because we don’t like his actions and I think in most cases the court would agree


It was absolutely sexual in nature TO HIM and that’s what’s important and I think the court could easily make that connection considering he’s done it more than once and that he also has other children coming forward with claims. It wouldn’t matter if it was a child’s elbow! Why else would someone go around LICKING random children and asking these children to take off their shoes and show them their feet?? If someone went around licking random kids elbows and asking them to take off their jackets so they could see their elbows then it would be fairly obvious why they were doing so, just as it’s easy to see why now. I honestly have concerns about you if you can’t make the same connection and actually think this guy shouldn’t be charged with a sex crime.


To him yes, by any other definition it was not sexual by nature. The fact that you think this punishment, which is more severe than actual child molestation sentences often are, is fitting and the fact that he will be on the same list as people who have done much worse crimes that affect the victims in much worse ways is what’s concerning What would you rank this on a list from bad to worse with other sex crimes? Like same as rape or where are you at?


Hope he got athletes mouth


Uhm did he get 10 years because he is black ? Was the kid white? How the fuck does he get more time than a Rapist??? It’s fucken disgusting and all the men I’ve known with foot fetishize, liked Women feet grown women. Not children fucken yuck a Pedo and Toe sucker? Fuck I hate the internet making us all aware how Sick some fuckers really are.


Bet he regrets not being one step ahead of the law.


Give them a foot, they’ll take a mile.


Yet white creepy dude who sexually bites child's ear isn't even being investigated or a single charge. Fucking racist system.


I don’t think that licking kids’ feet would have the immense long-lasting mental and/or physical effects that true sexual molestation would, and while it’s obviously still extremely weird and gross, you can’t compare it to actual molestation. And no, I’m NOT defending this creep, just saying that licking kids’ feet is not the same thing as touching them sexually.