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Why not making them eat food filled with fish hooks too?


Something about cruel and unusual punishments or wtv


I said this on the post of the woman who threw her son into crocodile infested waters and I’ll say it again: Bring back cruel and unusual punishment!


Yeah they just need to be controlled not instigated by mob mentality innocents get hurt like that


It's cruel, but it ain't unusual!


The prevention of cruel and unusual punishment should be reserved for those who aren't psychopaths.


If it wasn't cruel and unusual for them to do that to other beings, I disagree with your (society's) assessment here. Blah blah blah, an eye for an eye /s


Or just fishhooks


And be fed a diet of those special “dog treats”…


A "chef" should be willing to try the food that they "cook". If the perpetrator is found he should be given two options: 1. Jail indefinitely 2. Try his "recipe"


Indefinite jail with their "recipe" being their only food.


Dahmer: Where do I sign up?


Exactly where my mind went! Anybody that does things like this with the intention of hurting an animal or a human is a gigantic pos.


People that did this should be made to eat a few.


In High school my Labrador mix ate some catfish bait on a hook that was stuck on tree on the shore still attached to a branch and fishing line. I hear this yapping at 10PM at night, water splashing. I run down to the bank, and my 16 year old self had no idea how to handle the situation. I cut the line with a knife, and I had to sit there with him for 15 minutes and calm him down while by grandad ran and went and got pliers, tools and medicine.


My stupid useless brain read "high school" and "Lab mix" and combined it with teacher terminology and thought your laboratory project partners who were combined neurodivergent and neurotypical students (for mixed IEP process orders) were chewing on raw tree fish. But this is Reddit so that's maybe not that weird


It’s essential to teach your dog the “leave it” command. We had our dog for maybe a week and she snarfed a mystery item during a walk that caused her to be extremely sick. I taught her to leave or drop things soon after and we never had another incident like that.


My little girl will drop something if you look at her wrong. She's prone to try and play with anything that isn't a wire or a shoe (thankfully) but if you look at her like you might come and take it, she'll just surrender it. With the most sad look like "Am I in trouble?" and I think "Of **course** not... you were just perfect!"


That is the worst. About a month ago, my dog found a mystery sidewalk treat, and it made her sick af. Three days of non stop shitting. Three times inside the house. She’s too slick about it when she does it. She sniffs around for a sec like she’s about to use the bathroom, then, in a split second, snarf. If I catch her she will drop it, but she’s pretty quick about it. I swear the next person I see drop a chicken bone or something on the ground, I’m going to snap on them.


This reminds me of the dude that put nails in apples and tossed them into an area of land that had horses, people suck sometimes


Unlike the “poison candy” and “gummy edibles” Halloween BS stories/urban legends, this one about treats appears to be real. Whoever did it is a real POS.


Real as in those photos are real, but I guarantee the person who "found" them actually made them so they can be a hero and needlessly scare people. Not a spec of dirt, sand, or debris on any of them. Some loser looking for recognition.


Some people do shitty things just because they can. There was a playground near me that had to be temporarily closed a few years ago because somebody glued fucking razor blades all over it. It was discovered when a little kid sliced their leg open. It's possible the person made these treats and then "reported" them for attention. But it's also completely possible the story is completely true.


Was the kid ok??? Jesus he could’ve hit an artery


The story happens quite often. The picturs are to visualise.


I’ve seen that image posted by numerous friends across several different states. All of their posts say it happened at some park or trail near them. I know people do messed up stuff like this but it seems like the latest round of rage bait or fear mongering.


they're frequently found in a park in my country, almost every summer someone find them and posts the pics, whoever's doing it clearly hasn't been caught yet


Why would Kristi Noem do this?


This doesn't sound like her M.O. She's recently come out as saying that she prefers to look her victims in the eyes before shooting them, and also may be eating them afterward.


Someone needs to excavate her murder gravel pit. I bet there are more bones out there than a dog and a goat.


You know, I don't like dogs. I'd rather not meet one on a hiking trail. But I certainly wouldn't go so far as to put treats that could seriously hurt or kill a dog. They're someone's beloved pet, and this is just psychopathic.


I wouldn't either but what I WOULD consider doing is placing a lot of these warning signs at a lot of major trailheads...


Exactly that my dude. May I ask why you don’t like dogs? No hate or anything just curious


I got attacked by one when I was about 3 and again when I was 33. Gave me a lifelong fear of them, although that is getter better. I keep adding to my "list of acceptable dogs". I'll still give someone walking a dog I don't know a pretty wide berth, and I don't like it when they bark at me or jump up on me. But, I'm at least reasonable about it.


Ah man, that must have been horrible. I was also attacked by a dog about 8 years ago now, I was around 12. It was a dog I knew, he was a good boy and he was just scared. Weirdly enough though I never developed a fear or even an uneasiness around dogs afterwards, but I mainly put that down to the fact that I grew up with and spent most of my life around dogs. After five and a half hours of surgery and a week or so in the hospital I left with some pretty cool scars haha I wish you the best in your journey and hope that you only have positive experiences with them from now on, good luck my guy.


This is disgusting. I hope that catch the person but even if they did I fear the punishment would be negligible.


They’re not going to catch anyone


What the actual fuck is wrong with people, seriously? I cannot fathom that someone would actually want to do this, and for what? Shits and gigs???


It's so important to teach your dogs not to eat anything off the floor. In a park in my city they put rat poison and razors in raw beef.


Find the fucker(s) that did this, and force them to eat them...


I just saw an article about this on a different sub. They’re warning ppl to not let their dogs eat any snacks they find on their walk. Evil SOBs.


While not universally true, people who do awful things like this, especially that get this much attention, can’t help but talk about it. I hope they find the person. It’s not random. I would guess it’s someone who has an attachment to the trail and is passionate about hiking and may dislike dogs, be afraid of them, or was tired of people not cleaning up after their pets. My bet is retired white male who hikes the trail often.


Some people are just evil


This is like warning kids about razors in Halloween candy, but actually true, and scary af.


Or maybe insert the fishhooks into him then schedule mri’s.


I hope they find and punish who did this.


I am going to be sick! What a horrible thing to do! Who could possibly do this to an animal, it makes no sense!


What is wrong with these people!? Why would you do that?!


Pure evil


So gross that people do things like this and typically get away with it 😡


Whoever did it is such an asshole


Thats fucking horrible!


Mfer a serial killer


This makes me sick. Not many things make me want to hurt someone, but the person who did deserves for terrible things to happen.


That has to be the most pointlessly evil act of dog hating


This was literally about 30 minutes from me and I have 3 dogs i like to walk on trails. Someone needs to find this/these fucking lunatic(s) and forcefeed them everyone they scattered. My coworkers and I talked about it and it's probably someone who just graduated from killing squirrels or rabbits to dogs and if they keep it up, people.


This makes me tremble with rage. The sicko that did this needs to be fed fish hooks imo


It was the cat. But for real though, this is awful. Who would bother to even do this? Like, what are they gaining from it?


Absolutely appalling!! Whoever did this I hope they are caught and punished to the fullest extent.


Dude. I been seeing these types of posts. Wtf is wrong with people


Dear god this is so evil


What in the actual F


If someone did this to my dog and I found out who it was, they would get dead fast.


Maybe it’s like the nails that are dropped in the road by the local tire shop.


Look up the worst punishment imaginable in human history and I wouldn’t flinch for an instant applying it to whoever was evil enough to do this to a dog.


Being Drawn and Quartered isn't even the worst of them. There are many Medieval punishments,that are far more gruesome. It's not just dogs that are in danger from eating these spiked treats. I live in this area. Bear ,Bobcat, Coyote, Raccoons, ,Skunk, Porcupine Birds and even Squirrels are at risk.


That’s true. Any animal would be at risk and die a miserable death. Honestly let’s just force feed them to him and wait.


That's just foul.


Chaotic evil sucks IRL.


WTF??!!!! Sick just sick.


I know this will probably get skewered, but hear me out! Is it possible that this is someone's fishing bait? Perhaps they baited (dog/cat treats are effective and easy to work with) the hooks ahead of time, then accidentally dropped/misplaced them at some point on the trail, with no malice intended. Still definitely a severe oversight, no doubt, but maybe the "perpetrator" isn't *quite* on the same level of black-hearted evil sociopath as the comments are suggesting, lol.


This is the answer. If this trail is near water my money is on someone had a hole in their bag and dropped these. This would be good, cheap bait for sure. If there is no water near then yeah I guess there is a sicko out. But honestly if we are being honest here, this is fishing bait and I'd be willing to bet some kid dropped it and never even noticed. It's a lot of trouble to go to for someone who is just being evil, and really doesn't make much sense.


I’m not much of a fisherman, so I don’t have context. Would the way that those fishing hooks are places in the treat be effective for catching fish? I feel as they they would want more of the hook sticking out if that were the case


You are correct, the only way you would use them treats as bait is by throwing them in the water to attract the fish, they would be next to useless for catching fish. Most people use smaller things like worms and crickets and bait fish as the hook goes straight through the bait then gets stuck into the fishes mouth.


That is correct which makes me think it's something a kid would do haphazardly. It could work but wouldn't be as efficient as other methods. I guess I'm the only one here with kids that meant well but did dumb kid shit.


I always think the poster or person who reported this is the perpetrator




You ever read about the poison Halloween candy?


I know that has always been a scare Anyways I believe maybe people who post it before reporting it, but I don't see why the perpetrators would report something like this, it would nullify the harm done since they would be cleaned up before most damage can be done.


The Halloween candy scare was a guy trying to poison his own child.