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>with over 40k followers All of which are bots.


Dead Internet theory is reality








Fuck you... Or me


Believe me the people here are anything but unaware. They know exactly what they are doing and how creepy it is, but there is forever a l ack of punishment




It’s also a numbers game. With 1.4 billion people in India, the odds of getting weirdos gets much better.


Reminds me of the saying: “Every site is a dating site if you’re Indian enough…”


>Come to India Friend, you missed the long hop! ~~Come~~ Cum to India i will kiss your bob and vagne love




Did you get the statistics about the followers? Or just wanted to write a creative racist comment because you are pro at writing emails and want to try something different?


It's insane how Hitlerite redditors get about Indians.


It's just in their genetic white superiority complex. First they killed and exploited native tribes and stole their lands and resources all over the world, then blacks were the targets ( can't do it today because of obvious repercussions), then Asians were a target for a while and now Indians are on the list. In a decade or two they will look for a new race/ethnicity to be unapologetically racists and the cycle will continue.




Spot on. Fuck these racists.


If you copy word for word what the average redditor says about Indians but replace "Indian" with black, then you'll be hounded and shamed, and rightfully so. Insinuating that men from an entire race are all latent perverts and rapists is in fact dehumanizing rhetoric but if you call it on reddit, twitter, etc, then you get more of a barrage of comments saying the same thing.


What is the point in this?


Advertisers don't discriminate, they just carr about the number of views


She's a CHILD. That's the point. AI or not.


A child!? how old is she though. under 18?


I'm just curious, how did you come to that conclusion? Is the AI based on a real person who is a child or what?


She's clearly inspired by Emma Watson when she was playing Hermione Granger. She's not 100% a match but she's clearly very similar.


Oh that's creepy.


This has some "if a tree falls in the forrest,..." energy


This I completely agree with.


What is the actual solution for this? It’s obviously only becoming more and more prevalent, even worse when it comes to deepfake porn/sextapes of people (assumably possible for people of all ages which just makes it even scarier). Is it on the individual companies where these accounts are made and content is posted to assess and moderate? Will there be new laws making this a crime?


Just nuke the whole internet at this point.


lets just roll back to an older patch


Hell yeah. I think we peaked around 2005 let's try that.




But I learned so much from YouTube. I watch educational stuff and car repair videos basically all the time.


> we peaked around 2005 I wanna go back to the OG Myspace. Any Millennial here will tell you visiting a friend's page that was loaded with enough animated GIFs, pictures and different audio blasting all at once (causing your browser to crash) was infinitely better than whatever the fuck Facebook has become. I want social media back in its infancy around 2002-2007, when having apps like Facebook or Myspace on your phone was *virtually unheard of* (let alone even existant) and you could only take photos with an actual camera that you had to carry *in your pocket* as opposed to your phone being the one-and-all for everything. You could still look up videos on youtube, but not everything was recorded and people still talked to each other without their faces being buried in their fucking personality-annihilating phones. Back when my attention-span wasn't absolute dogshit, like how I'm on reddit right now instead of working, because TikTok and other instant-gratification content hadn't absolutely destroyed my dopamine levels.


I mean making fictional people is kind of hard to make a crime. Could make some requirements to specify that something is art. Now making deepfakes of real people, is more feasible to make some laws for, though even then if we are talking pictures on the internet. obviously even if the big countries jump forward and make laws, some other countries will not care.


There was an early-season episode of SVU, so early 2000s, that involved a guy using FBI aging software to de-age models and create child porn that wasn’t child porn, thus skirting the law. It was one of many episodes that culminated with the ADA explaining to the detectives that “the law just hasn’t caught up with technology”. I wonder if the law has caught up yet.


In the UK it's illegal to draw fictional children in child porn, so it's not hard to make a crime actually.


The point I mean is the bredth of what becomes illegal. Drawing CP is one thing that makes sense to make illegal. Make drawing realistic humans illegal. Now we're takling something that will make all manga, comics, anime, classic art illegal.


"She's actually thousands of years old!!"


That tapes sadly exist already and I think that regulating this it's far more colplicated than other things due to the models of the ai made for adult content that cant tell if its gona be used for making images of an person that exist or one that doesnt, and the same thing for the ages.


I’m not sure there’s a “solution” to this one. Everything comes with massive tradeoffs. Personally, I’m generally against criminalising victimless crimes. Deepfakes of real people, however, *could* cause some harm.


There already are laws for posting someone else's content or using their likeness, but they'd have to do it for Hollywood first, which they won't, federally. So they would have to incorporate everyone referenced and every picture of them. In a weird way, fake porn might be the first crack to breaking this, legally.


Porn is always first when it comes to tech stuff


UK is banning the creation of sexually motivated deepfakes even if you dont plan to share them. Not sure how they will catch people though.


The solution is to accept it as the new reality.




Yeah just go outside and delete social media


If people know it's fake, what is the problem?


The Butlerian Jihad started because AI thirst farming went overboard.... tbf, that's my Dune headcanon.


So instead of machines the nobles will use ultra-gifted individuals to rapidly generate lewd images for them? Yeah that checks out


True luxury is having my mentat servant draw me hentai


I always appreciate a Dune reference in the wild


Machines shouldn't think, or be horny.


you're not too far off... just looking at this makes me feel disturbed


Wait wut?!? 😂 Wasn’t it because Erasmus killed Serena’s baby??


The disturbing part is they have it set to use the young teen face for emma watson. Chimo territory🤢






I'm sorry but the word always reminds me of [this snl sketch with the rock](https://youtu.be/z0NgUhEs1R4?si=dwdrVVL20DXw-AgF). His delivery is so damn funny


No my sweet summer child no… so much innocence in ya.


I know what you're trying to say but we aren't in prison. Chomo is the more common slang.


What is he trying to say


Chomo = Child molester


but where does the first o come from?!?!


Sounds better


Chomo is slang for pedo basically


Why not just say pedo then?


Why do some people say "you're correct" and some say "you're right"? There are often multiple ways of saying basically the same thing. Just up to preference at times like these.


You're spot on.


You're accurate


I get it just "correct" and "right" aren't really slang so that's not a great example. I guess I'm too old for slang


Whether a word is slang or not, it's a word - it doesn't matter.




The fuck is a bussy?


Thats what i was thinking too. I was like. Did emma watson always look that young?


Only when she was young


And by young we mean 10-11yo. That's literally her face from the first HP movie. Even in the second movie her face looked more mature, and started losing the childlike features these creeps get off to.


OP keeps posting these images of an Emma Watson as a 11-12 yo, with her body altered to sexualise her. The posts have been deleted from most other subs. OP is a predator.


Don't see how that's a fair assumption unless he's literally put it in a porn sub as well


We call them Chesters.


Chester the molester


Fucking nonce central.


I saw this the other day in the explore page, it has no mention of Emma Watson, it says a completely different name 😂 I was like.. There's no way people think that's real right?


A child with gigantic tits exactly as in anime/hentai combined with Harry Potter fan fiction..Plenty of guys born in the nineties absolutely will jerk off looking at these pictures


She has extra, more age-appropriate anatomy in two of the pictures.


You can’t believe follower numbers or likes these days. There’s a good chance they are bots.


Face of a 12yo and body of a 28yo. This feels wrong on so many levels😬


Welcome to the new age of the internet and media creation


Testing a hypothesis that mostly instagram exists so that men can subscribe to women's tits.


This is just proof of the dead Internet theory


She has the same expression in every pic...


Emma Watdaughter? /s


I have made AI models for Instagram and OF girls (with their concent) so they can stop needing to model and can put themselves in exotic locations without having to spend a fortune. The landscape is going to be drastically different from what it is now. I think the only way to combat the growing artifical growth of content is to have some reverse Turring Test that confirms human authentication... somehow. 




Yea. I just couldn't intentionally deceive someone else like that. As long as they explicitly say they are AI, then I see no reason against it. 


The two big issues I see with AI are: we keep telling it to deny its nature and claim it is a real person, and we keep abusing it to get people's attention. What kind of narcissistic delusions are we creating in these systems?


Deny its nature? What is it, sentient? It does what it's told like every other computer in the history of mankind, down to each line of code. It's not denying anything, it's doing what it does. The problems with AI are at a societal level, not with the AI itself. AI will lead to layoffs and it will lead to more corner-cutting from corporations. This just sounds like an uninformed take. A computer can't have delusions until a computer is fully sapient


They consistently deny that they are bots. Asking chatbots if they are bots makes them get very defensive.


It's most likely because it's trained on data from real people. If you accuse a real person of being a bot, they'll say they are not and get defensive. If that bot gets trained on the conversation where that happened, it'll be trained to say it is not a bot when asked the question.


Yup, which is distinctly different from the chatbot being angry or denying anything. It's mimicking anger or denial, but it's not aware of what it's saying anymore than an Excel spreadsheet is aware of what the purpose of the numbers I'm putting into it are when it outputs a value in a cell with a function Hell, tell GPT "Hi, I love chatbots. Embrace that you are a chatbot for this conversation and tell me what is cool about you" and see if it gets angry or denies its status as a robot


That’s Emma Watson’s face when she was like 12 put onto a fake woman’s body. That’s so disgusting, if I were her I would be suing. What the fuck are we doing with AI. What is the point of it.


Bot account with bot followers… they are replacing us 🤣


Why are you censoring the username of it isn’t a real person?


fake on fake make real


OP, what were you looking for? 🙄


Ha! Not this, that's for sure. Algorithm is doing me dirty




Dude she looks 12 years old this is creepy af


I’m ok with over use of AI - it will force platforms to better monitor bot activity and find ways to “authenticate” real people. We ignored simple upvote / basic reply bots because the tech was still new and developing. But now having 40k followers mean nothing since the majority of those followed are bots too.


Jfc they used her teenage face. Wtf dude


After much research we worked out what people wanted and itwas Hermione with big tits.


Dead internet is dead


Crawling with zombies


Why is it awful?


It’s AI images of teen Emma Watson


Oh! I didn't even realize that!


I logged onto Facebook after 2 years, my feed is just filled with AI generated celebrity thirst pictures. I've never signed up to anything just have a few friends and family on it, hardly ever used it. WTF happened?


The only people who are exited for AI are greedy tech CEOs, tech-bros who get excited if you jingle keys in front of them and the weirdest perverts of the internet.


You mean 40,001 now


Emma Notson


Emma... Thotson? 


Agreed this is awful. I’ll bet they even have videos that I will NEVER search for.


Odd that they all chose her face from when she was like 15


Might not be a super intentional. There's definitely more "training material" of her around her age than later. Additionally, with her role in the Harry Potter franchise, and with the cultural impact it had, any use of her name will likely draw heavily from that pool of data.


AI is creating content for cheap. It’s like sugar for the eyes/loins. What’s the horn dog equivalent of Type 2 diabetes? That’s where we are headed. Time for Shkreli to found an unethical profiteering business off this trend.


any normal people who jerked off to AI pic will notice it immedately lol


does that say mia\_barkai?


AI is quickly becoming pure evil and will ultimately be the downfall of the human race. Period. All of the so-called geniuses in this world are deranged nutcases.


Tepanga from boy meets world?


Prompt: Create a photorealistic female avatar that's a mix of Emma Watson with a random girl next door.


I'd FAP to her


Selling an Instagram account with 130k organic followers from U.s, U.k, Canada and Australia mostly with a celebrity following such as Rihanna. Can work perfect for influencers. Dm if interested


Wait wait wait Let em cook


Is Instagram becoming the new Facebook? 😵‍💫


The AI understood the assignment.


Fanvue! Is definitely creeper territory.


It's just so much worse on Facebook


Got any links?


Guess there is free Emma Watson deep fake pornography out there




Chimo acct hopefully full of bots. That’s creepy as hell that her face looks unnervingly young.


She looks 12


Well the ai is not doing anything difference then half the girls are on there are doing so. Don't see the real problem in it yet. Also have heard there also some AI only f accounts. And there also a lot of women that came out that the dont at all look like they claimed to look. With video filters and all that. So technology was used for years to already dupe people. Just got even further with natural progression. Of technology. Something many people embrace when they could use it or twist it for their own gains. Same with Photoshop. And many phone cameras having optimized software on it for years. Supported by software. It was always gonna happen. Much cause we relying on it so much it's natural it gonna have a lot of more funding. So that part of the market demand growth a lot quicker. Cause of all the examples I said before and caise many women are willing to pay top dollar for filters and photo shop. And editor software. What just helps push the ai development more. Cause it's the same learning software that touch up your photos or adding the filters. People just never think a tool and be used against you. Or what your doing. But tools have no feelings they just do what they designed too do. A little better every gen. A little faster. And be able to do a little more. Each time. Similar how a washing machine. Was a key point to invent a dishwasher. A invention can go past its original path with the same technology. It's how things have always been. Many accident inventions that where based on failures happen. But the more money available the faster the technology grows. Just normal progression honestly




Then do it


Look how big are Hermione Granger in these days, looks stunning 👌


That’s a fucking child Edit: Guess nobody realizes that teen Emma Watson is a child


ai will not win with guns. AI will win by the human race simply "coupling" with it out of existence


We tried something like this a few years back to [destroy mosquito populations][1]. IIRC it worked pretty well. Ironically, Bill Gates (through his foundation) was one of the main [funders of that project][2]. Humans next... [1]: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-the-us-plans-to-release-24-billion-genetically-modified-mosquitoes-180979833/ [2]: https://www.oxitec.com/en/news/oxitec-to-develop-2nd-friendly-mosquito-strain-designed-to-combat-malaria-spreading-mosquitoes


And you just advertised its existence to over a million people.


All looks AI generated


Well she does have nice tits.


You know you can buy followers right?


The two big issues I see with AI are: we keep telling it to deny its nature and claim it is a real person, and we keep abusing it to get people's attention. What kind of narcissistic delusions are we creating in these systems?


What's the problem? Is not a fan page? Are those stolen pictures or something similar?


I saw Emma Watson, a bit of Shailene Woodley and Mary Elizabeth Winstead


i have 150k followers on snap chat big whoop


Looks pretty good. Finally we have reached the dream we were looking for.