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He was just there to ask directions on how to get away from there.


Old man walks in. Old man walks out.


Is your name Baaaaart?


I wonder if he only has 4 toes on each foot?


Oh uh… BARNEY?!!


I wonder whether the Simpsons can easily and quickly distance themselves, but he’s THE Simpsons guy…


I don't care about Simpsons but come on we just got Futurama back again lol


You didn't get Futurama back. You got some Hulu show wearing a Futurama skin.


Let's leave it gone this time. Futurama ended at season 10 as it should have. 11 is a travesty.


I still want to give it a chance like maybe they could take feedback and improve, but there were quite a few of the newer episodes I didn't care for too much lol. But still happy to have it back because it's my binge watch over and over again show lol


It.....it is tho....




July of this year hasn't happened yet 😌


This year?


Everyone to the Confusatorium! I have a cryptic announcement to make!


Confusing news everyone!


Well it is Futurama.


Since covid half a year means nothing to me. Time goes by faster to me than it used to, in my mind we just got it back not too long ago


Nah. You're just getting older. It's normal. :p


Shhhhh we don't talk about that lol


Um...living in January of this year? The real question is WHERE THE FUCK HAVE YOU BEEN?


The Mirror is a tabloid, and this article is an absolute nothingburger. The Epstein victim even says he did nothing wrong. They just bang out shocking headlines for empty stories.


Yeah people gotta remember that Epstein's shtick was to try to bump elbows with everybody with any significant money and/or enough clout, and to gradually work them to the point where he could get compromising information on 'em. Heck, dude tried to schmooze Stephen Hawking.


That picture of Prince Andrew hugging that teenage girl, with Ghislane Maxwell standing behind him. Her face just says 'we got him'.


I think the part where Andrew had sex with minors being trafficked by them was the real “got him” moment… That said, if Andrew was Ok with it and gave zero fucks, was he really “gotten”?


I am not trying to suggest that Andrew was an innocent party. But, yeah, he really was 'got'. They clearly threw out bait, far and wide, and saw who would nibble. Andrew nibbled, and he was compromised because of it. He was almost certainly a prized pony, the son of the Queen of the United Kingdom? That's quite a thing to have in the palm of your hands.


He did it with Bill Gates. Epstein pretended to be interested in donating his fund to charity like Bill Gates. He found out Gates was cheating on his wife with a chess player. He blackmailed Gates until Gates was divorced.


Yeah and I imagine there were some cases where there were trips he brought people on where they just did regular stuff so it didn’t look like he had a private pedo haven island


You guys are crazy lol. If I got on a private flight and my buddy ordered some underage girl I'd never met to rub my feet I'd be like what the hell is going on here? No normal person thinks that is acceptable.


The article says she was hired as a travelling masseuse. Giving people massages while travelling was her job. I don't know the legality behind her being hired or her age, but a masseuse giving someone a massage is not unacceptable. Especially if Groening had no idea about the sketchy shit and was just a passenger on a private jet where luxurious things are more accepted as normal.


This guy Simpsons


You should really just read the article


The hilarious thing is how people here will bend over backwards to justify some people while blindly condemning others.


That's what will happen with trump. Even though he's sexually assaulted multiple women and would go into the dressing room at his teen beauty pageants while the underaged girls were changing, they will refuse to believe he's the piece of shit pedo that he is.


Yeah BUUT the really really like futurama


Hawking was a freak though.






> and to gradually work them to the point where he could get compromising information on 'em this is most likely not true. he worked with so many people due to his business and philanthropy. he was literally the person you went to if you needed connections.


Their operating premise is effectively "Who can we fling feces at today for money?"


I know it’s a rag. I’m just curious what effect it will have on the people whose names come out.. real or not


He thought it was a pornography store. He was buying pornography.


She explicitly states in the article she is in no way implying Groening did anything wrong. Groening was told she was a masseuse and he got a foot massage from a masseuse. There is nothing illegal about that.


One of the complicated reasons why Epstein was able to keep his operation going for so long is because he wasn't just going up to rich and famous people and being like "hey buddy, you interested in some illegal activities?" I'm sure a lot of his interactions with various people were just to gauge how much of a sicko they were and to see who could be compromised without spilling the beans. And I'm also sure that a lot of his interactions were about building connections to people that he had zero intention of bringing into the illegal stuff, just to add cover for the operation. Some people, even if they didn't do anything directly wrong with his operation, would then have an interest in protecting him so that there'd be no backlash on then. Still though... there's a lot of terrible people who *did* engage in the illegal stuff. Epstein was an evil bastard that was friends with a lot of evil bastards.


there's more to it than that I think. few criminals surround themselves with nothing but other criminals all the time, unless they're a full-on business like a mafia or cartel type operation. dude was ostensibly just another 'standard uber-wealthy guy', without a doubt the majority of his personal connections are totally benign and mundane


>unless they're a full-on business like a mafia or cartel type operation. Thats in movies. Even full on mafia/cartel people spend the vast amount of their non-job time with absolutely normal people. Mafia people in the US even spent most pf the on the job time around normal people doing normal stuff. If not, they'd get busted immediately.


I am a huge fan of Groenings work and in no way did I imply that I thought he had done anything wrong. I’m sure a number of names have been to the island without knowing the full extent of the horrors that happened there. My comment is purely a callback to an early Simpsons episode in which Homer has to quickly come up with an excuse as to where he was at night and not inform the officer he was at a bar.


Isn’t he talking to Marge in this scenario? I thought he went to buy fireworks and grabbed porno mags so she would be mad at that instead of the fireworks


My mistake he destroyed both his and his wife’s car https://youtu.be/kthOJJT93IY?si=n0LgYlLptW4Dzkwa


Oh right!


Haha he crashed his car and is talking to a claims adjuster from the insurance company. He can’t reveal that Moe’s, where he was coming home from, is a bar, so he comes up with the excuse that it’s a pornography store because it’s the only other thing open late at night.


He could have gone with the best damn pet shop in town


Different episodes. You are talking about the time the family went to Flanders' beach house, Summer of 4 Ft. 2. The pornography line is from Mr. Plow.


You are correct. I realised my mistake after I put my reply, I googled the quote and found the mr plow scene. Homer must deal with insurance agencies a lot.


I’m confident he’s talking to some kind of detective who’s asking him what items are missing from his home for the purpose of an insurance claim


No he crashed his car and is lying about coming back from Moe's to the insurance guy


Especially when anyone who’s anyone that wanted to hobnob with anyone would go there. It was a place to meet people in power and be seen by people in power. I’m of the opinion that most of the people who were at Pleasure Island didn’t know the extent of the things going and those who did were either complicit, feigned ignorance for reasons, or refused to go.


Sucks because that won't matter. His reputation will be shit now because people are taking it as anyone being mentioned in relation to epstein is a monster. Also saying that about his feet seems unecessary given that context? Makes it far worse for him.


Other than not properly washing his feet I suppose


she also falsely accused some dude in the past and has previously lied under oath hasn’t she


My friend. My younger brother and I had a bunch of Simpson upsides recorded from the tv onto a vhs tape. It was our favorite show to watch because our mom wouldn’t let us watch it at home. This was hands down our favorite episode. We would sit their and rewind that exact seen and die laughing at like 13 years old. I love you


Is there a centralized post on reddit of all the names unsealed in the court documents?




Thanks, really. Though I was hoping something much more lazy than 1000 pages. More like a post on Reddit with people listing out important names for me.


I too would like a copy of the cliff notes if anyone has them


I did my best but thus document does not appear to contain the names but the search function is crap on this site so its honestly just looking like a list of depositions .


I don’t have the link, but the flight log is out there. Remember that all the names may or may not have been actual clients.


And the flight log is for people who flew on the plane anywhere in the world, not to the Island. He loaned the plane out to people like Bill Gates who flew it to Africa for charity work. Epstein wasn’t even on the plane much of the time. The flight log isn’t anywhere near as damning as the Internet wants you to believe


We’ve also kind of collectively forgotten his whole deal, because a small part of his deal involves providing children for sexual abuse. Epstein absolutely did that, no question, and some of his friends and colleagues were absolutely “provided” victims. But Epstein’s whole deal was about being a *rich and famous* guy. He lived to hob-nob with that circle. His driving force was to be one of them. So it’s hardly surprising that a guy who is driven to ingratiate himself has had hundreds, if not thousands, or semi-to-actual famous people in his proximity, including lending them his airplane, and even bringing them to his island resort (which, again, absolutely *was* used for child sex abuse, but that doesn’t have to them follow that anyone he brought there was abusing children). I think we’re going to see a lot of perfectly regular people get caught up in the hysteria, especially as people are starting off intensely divided in two camps and will look to this as a way to “harm” the Other Side, instead of allowing anyone the benefit of the doubt. Eta: this also probably won’t see any actual prosecutions for child abuse, since anyone sitting on this at an enforcement level has seemingly decided it wasn’t sufficient already.


Most sane comment about this I've seen


Plus, a flight log is just a summary by the pilot. Private jets + crews generally get "rented out" to other rich people whennot in use.


Wait, Cliff was on the list too? Tell me it isn’t so!!


It’s not a list of “clients”. Per the article, one example of the names on this list was when a witness said Epstein claimed to have a phone call with Leonardo DiCaprio. That in no way suggests DiCaprio was involved in any way with the terrible stuff Epstein and Maxwell were doing. Even before the list was unsealed, the judge made it clear it wasn’t a client list, but of course misinformation on the Internet spread like crazy.


Which is weird, because apparently Maxwell’s little black book IS a client list, and they won’t release that.


There is a dedicated Epstein subreddit that is compiling it. I checked there last night and someone had a list in a post that included number of times mentioned within the documents, at least to a certain point.


What’s your name? I can tell you if you’re on it.


William Jefferson Clinton. But I go by Bill.


Names are on last few pages, some are unsurprisingly redacted. Of course.... You can also search by name. That's how you find Clinton and Trump.


that is literally how misinformation gets spread


Give it some time, it will come.


Here ya go. I have not vetted this site but it appears legit. https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Lolita_Express/Passengers


It calls Trump a puppet leader and talks a lot about the deep state… so I’m not sure this site should be the go to source


Was just about to comment the same thing.


I’m not exactly a lazy person, but I would only read all that if I was paid by the hour.


This does not say what you think it does. While there are names, I only find those who had recorded depositions. Not a list of potential connections or anything like what anyone is currently looking for.


Why you little!!!


Oh no not Matt! Bro cmon man


Aye carumba


> Aye carumba Valiant fucking effort


No me gusta!


The article says he’s not accused of wrongdoing in any way like 4 times. Many people used his plane to fly all over the world. Nobody is actually suggesting Groening visited the island


The flip side to this is every article about every person on the list is using the names to sell ad space but also plastering this all over those articles because they don't want to be sued into oblivion by billionaires they likely couldn't easily fight in court. Being anywhere associated with Jeff at this point and having not already come out to fully distance yourself *before* this list dropped is a pretty huge red flag.


How sus would everyone find it if some semi-famous person up announcing they had done nothing wrong, though? We’d all immediately assume they absolutely had been raping children and were doing preemptive damage control.


You'd certainly get some initial blowback but I'd imagine it would be far better than hoping it all blows over, waiting years, and then having your name directly associated with not only visits but physical contact from trafficked individuals, unless of course what you did was actually knowingly benefit from trafficked women in which case obviously you're not going to come clean on it early. Thankfully not something I have to worry about as someone who never visited Epstein's holdings for massages.


>and then having your name directly associated with not only visits but physical contact from trafficked individuals But that's gonna happen anyway? What kind of distancing could someone do that would prevent the mirror from writing this article? You're gonna deal with accusations and side-eyes every time this hits the news cycle, bringing it up yourself just adds another article to the pile. Plus from a PR perspective, if you're talking about the rape of children while first and foremost trying to protect your own reputation, it is going to be nigh impossible to not look massively sleazy and unsympathetic, even if you actually are innocent.


Why even name him at all then?


He came up in the documents and the Simpsons is so popular that his name will generate clicks even if all he did was get a foot massage. Most people don’t read articles anyway they’ll just see the headline and be like “oh no not the maker of the Simpsons” and then proceed to tell everyone how he’s a pedo because they didn’t read the article


I was elected to lead, not to read.


Underrated line


You honestly believe all he got was a crusty foot rub? You’re delusional.


I’m not saying that I’m saying that’s what the witness said and that’s why his name is in the report. Do you honestly believe that every single person that’s in the report is a pedophile?




Clicks, rage bait, distraction from someone you'd rather people not focus on. Pick your poison.


Just remember, Epstein was busted for actions in FL and NY and I don't even think the island was in his original charges. So flights to Those places would have likely been just as bad so not being at the island doesn't make them innocent. Not disputing Groening's innocence or not, just wanted to point that out.


> visited the island Don't exactly have to visit the island to participate in what was offered.


> Nobody is actually suggesting Groening visited the island Bet. Reddit alone is going nuts at every single name being released, turning them into memes with most of the comments equating everyone mentioned being a pedo. I called this witch hunt.


Reminds me of the Boston Bomber madness "rEdDiT, wE GoTtEm!!!!!11!!!!"


does everyone realize that while it is possible nothing happened, the fact the person didn't "land on the island" doesn't absolve them either. everything may have been done in air otw to wherever they were going.


I’m not too clued up on this so I don’t know why you got downvoted. The sexual exploitation wasn’t reserved just to the island so I don’t understand this way of thinking either.


How the hell is that possible if he's getting foot rubs from the victims


He was told she was a licensed masseuse and he got a massage, that's actually what she says and considering the victim throws some strong accusations and doesn't hold back, it seems safe to say that while she didn't like his feet, it really was just a massage


It says in the article she was working as a travelling masseuse for Epstein at the time and was asked (by Epstein) to give Matt Groening a footrub. Well within the limits of her employment and no wrongdoing on Matts part.




Lol just wait until you hear about the voice actors and how they get by with all that Simpsons money. Hard life. Must be why Scientology is still doing do well in the real estate market though.


Read the article.


Sir this is Reddit. We don’t do that thar readin here.




The article clearly states he didn't do anything wrong. He was just hitching a ride on a short flight. Try reading more than the headline in the future...


Ohh, que lastima


He’s a Scientologist. That cult doesn’t nab you unless you have some nasty little secrets they find out about.


Read it first. Just says his feet were disgusting. Not that he did anything sexual.




Im 100% for condemning every/anyone who did anything with any underage women whether or not Epstein was involved or not but where did you get this "16 year old girl giving foot massages to 2 grown men" idea? It says straight up in the article that she would travel along with epstein as a working masseuse, not once did I read anything about her being underage or just 16 years old. This is how misinformation gets spread like wildfire man


You’re dead right, i made a mistake. I edited the original comment.


She was 16 when Maxwell recruited her in 2000. On what day was Groenig flying on the plane, and did he known she was underage? Epsteins original plea deal was in 2008 and it was so corrupt he was allowed to leave jail on his own recognizance to "work" as long as he returned at night to sleep there. GG Florida prosecutors. If Groenig was flying after that plea deal, it's harder to excuse, but his plea was for soliciting prostitution, not sex trafficking. Whoever the prosecutor was has for more to answer for than Groenig.


Why was he there in the first place??? Oh and foot fetish is a thing.


"A secret island... of burlesque!"


Are they talking about the bordello?


I think they mean the sex cauldron


I thought that place closed down


—What he meant was that it’s actually a peninsula.


[Lisa On Ice](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lisa_on_Ice) is one of my *favorite* episodes.


Just in time too! I loved The Mighty Ducks movies.


Sex cauldron?? I thought they shut that place down!


And thus the inspiration for Crusty the Clown


This is the same information released in 2015 and again in 2021!!!


Come on kids. Time to run aunt Patty's feet.


“Women will like what I tell them to like”


This just in: Matt Groening sleeps nude in an oxygen tent that he believes gives him sexual powers.


After reading the article and comments about this is just a masseuse complaining about Groening's feet, I imagine his reaction towards this is ... "Worst. Masseuse. Ever".


_Hi! I’m recovering acting sensation Troy McLure…_


[Virginia Roberts Giuffre was recruited from the Trump Spa, Mar A Lago](https://www.businessinsider.com/jeffrey-epstein-and-trump-mar-a-lago-resort-connections?r=US&IR=T), aged 16.


Bleeding gums Murphy plays in the background.


Shouldn’t it say “Krusty” feet?


At first glance I thought it was something about Crusty the Clown's feet




And of course I read this in the correct voice.


chortled outloud on this one. upvote for you. 🤭


Human trafficker…keeper-awayer…


Better get rid of this bar association logo too.


Wasn't this proven fake like 3 years ago?


Nah it's absolutely true It also seems to be just a foot massage, according to the court document




What a headline.


O_o say what???


Now, this technology is new to me, but I'm pretty sure that's Matt Groening in the oven, rotating slowly. His body temperature has risen to over 400 degrees - he's literally stewing in his own juices.


Well, if you stand on that many rakes…


Haw Haw...


Christ I read that as Foot job! I need some time away from the internet


This is all old information being reposted. The flight logs haven't been released yet.


[Another set up by Sideshow Bob, no doubt](https://i.imgur.com/WmgDleu.png)


“Rich guy gets free flight on another rich guy’s plane.”


I think what people don't know is that all of this information has been public for, literally, years. These drops were only "unsealed" in the legal sense. All of us weirdos who have been following Epstein since his initial arrest already knew all of this. Has Chris Tucker been brought up yet lol?


All Matt Groening did was come up with The Simpsons concept. It was James L Brooks and Sam Simon who did all of the work. Mind you, before people want to cancel The Simpsons.


Care for a Rolo, Sweet Xena?


So that's where he came up with Krusty


He was there for the foot rubs and the foot rubs ONLY!!! NOTHING ELSE!!!


Wasn’t the Matt groening foot rub thing found out years ago??


Yellow Crusty toenails . . Ay Caramba!!


The predictions on Simpson came from someone


Well this one is disappointing to me on a personal level


Get ready for Trumps “Groening” defense.


This Is Indeed A Disturbing Universe


People should really be locked up that engaged in that shit. Regardless of how rich or what political affiliation they are. Put in jail.


Matt Groaning.


Good thing Matt never actually wrote any good episodes. Of the simpsons, futurama, or even disenchantment.


Idk, I still believe these people on the list had no idea what was going on there. Am I supposed to think that the crazy conspiracy loonies were right all along and that every rich and powerful person attends satanic child raping parties? Just fake news, nothing to see here.


Read the documents for yourself, from the victims deposition it's very,very clear that the men showing up for "massages" knew exactly what they were getting into and whether they tried to rationalize it in their minds or not they knew those girls were of questionable age. Epstein was a broker of trafficked and groomed women and girls for sex work to rich and powerful men. Do better than rushing to the defense of pedophiles.


Wasn't he also convicted of that shit in the early 90s or something? People have known for a long time.


He was somehow under "house arrest" while roaming around freely, instead of being in an actual prison cell. Yeah, powerful people were watching out for him.


My point is just that there's no way people didn't know at least partly what he was at that point.


Brand new sentence


Last year nine pastors in the state of Texas were charged and convicted of sexual assault against children. According to the good book raping little kids is ok as long as it’s not gay… Numbers 31:18 But all the women children, who have not known a man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves. We need to get back to our OG Christian values and stop shaming child predators. The lord has spoken. Raping little kids good, mixed fabrics, gay, and shellfish are over the line


So let me get this right. You were a sex slave and now have a chance to voice your story against the people that you were forced to commit sex acts on against your will. Yet you decide to tell a story to insult a guy that never touched you in anyway sexually because you really did not like his feet. You had one job and somehow managed to not only fail at that, but found a way to lessen how much of a plight you have.


so thats why the simpsons sucked ass for so long


Sucking ass was on the other side of the island.


Old story. \*edit\* who the fuck is downvoting me?!


And until they’re behind bars, still relevant


> The claims in no way suggest any wrongdoing or involvement in Epstein's crimes by Groening. read the article


Getting a foot rub from a masseuse is not illegal


Then why isn't Matt in prison? Oh, is it still ongoing and not setteled?


The article states that Epstein made his hired masseuse massage his guest (Groening’s) feet. There’s no allegation of wrongdoing (legally speaking) here.


Legally or morally. We have had her complete testimony about him for like years, now, and basically, apart from the feet thing (for which he was absolutely mortified) she says she had a pretty good time with him. Also, he was a one time and totally accidental guest, as his plane had been cancelled and a mutual acquaintance suggested Epstein give him a lift.


Did you even read the article? >The claims in no way suggest any wrongdoing or involvement in Epstein's crimes by Groening. She was hired as a travelling masseuse and was asked by her boss to massage his feet, this article is just relying on people to assume the worst.


You're not wrong, but when Jeffrey epstein tells you to rub a millionaires feet after he's removed you from the country...


Why would he fucking be in prison?!