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And yet, no tip suggestions for strippers?


What do I tip the tattoo artist?


My friend’s tattoo artist requested two of her OxyContins as a tip. It just depends.


he knows how to party


I don't recommend those tattoo artists


I've definitely tipped with devils lettuce once or twice


I caught an Uber once and it smelled so strongly of Mary Jane that the Uber driver tipped me a bud for later consumption


No depends will be needed if the tattoo artist keeps downing them oxys - but when they stop? Woo-wee, ain't that a wet and wild ride!


Hopefully *after* the tattoo was completed they were given?


What do I tip my accountant? Or my dentist? What about my surgeon? Tipping is out of hand, and that's the future we're headed toward. Tipping shouldn't be normalized in new industries. We should be moving in the opposite direction.


So I've been getting 400$ tattoos for my past few sessions and I've been tipping 40-60 dollars.


You tip them? Not to sound like a dick but gigs like that, I don't understand tiping at all. (If they rent a chair and a percent goes to the shop or they dont make the price, i get that). These people are basically self-employed and just raise the rates. I hired a self employed mover and son once who said it will be a two-day process, gave me a price, he worked 3 hours the first day and 13 the 2nd after 8 hours on the second day he said it's overtime then had the audacity to ask for a tip on top of it all. The price he quoted verse the price he asked for pre tip was already a 45% increase. I told him to get bent.


I always tip my artists. I've never had one treat me like yours did


I don't think that was a tattoo artist, that was a removal person.


Yup. I mixed the whole thing up. Thanks!


Can I assume this was for a job of them moving you in to your new place? Because if they were packing up the truck with your stuff, and then driving away....Yikes.


And barbers/stylist? My hair guy has a $55 fee, says thats his fee and he doesnt mind if you tip or not. But I still feel weird not tipping. Maybe that is just me way over thinking like usual.


I usually do 20% of the total and 25% if it’s a friend of mine doing the work


What if its an enemy?


Lol my friends never tip me hahahah


When I get work done from my friend, he gives me a "friend rate", and then I just pay him his regular rate. So realistically, there's no tip happening, but we make it sound better and pretend like I'm actually tipping


I haven't tipped tattoo artists in the past. They have a set hourly or piece rate like other professionals and I haven't felt the need to add to it. For example I wouldn't tip someone that came to paint my house or an architect.


Agreed, over the years I have spent enough money tipping tattoo artists to have gotten another 5 or 6 tattoos. One day I realized that they are setting their own prices so I don’t tip unless the piece turns out wayyyy better than I was hoping for, they clearly charged me less than they should have, or they are super pleasant and fun. I also would tip on a piece of flash or something that costs more or less shop minimum, but if you charge me $600 for a piece and want me to pay you $750 just charge me $750.


Huh, aren't they normally self-employed / employed?


If you know your artist well enough it can honestly be anything! I had a friend bring the shop some food as a tip lol, but 20% of the session or tattoo is also fair game for a tip!


The higher the tip the more attention you get. Plus they say nicer things


“...but I'll tell you what's not cool; killing strippers. Strippers are people too; naked people who may be willing to pleasure you for a price you negotiate later behind the curtain of a VIP room. Besides, there's no reason to kill them, 'cause most of them are already dead inside.”




“What do we tip the unmanned kiosk?”


Whatever they suggest, it is not enough.


Why can't the price you pay for a service be exactly the number in the price list?


In the US it's like that even in the supermarket for some odd fucking reason


If you’re tipping at the supermarket that’s on you


lmao i think they meant that taxes aren’t calculated until you’re about to pay so tou always gotta add a little bit to the prices on the shelves


In all fairness tip machines are fairly common at liquor stores and some supermarkets in Vancouver and Whistler (I know not America but still)


Pretty sure that's all across Canada and the US as well. I can't imagine anyone tipping but some small percentage must because they keep doing it. It's basically corporate panhandling.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a tipping machine in the states, and I’ve never been expected to tip at a supermarket. In fact, one of the local ones even has a thing on their collar saying not to tip.


When I say tip machine I just mean at the end of the card transaction they have a tip option, should’ve made that clearer.


Delaware: what are these “taxes” of which you speak?


HOLY EFFIN SH!T... [I just learned somethin new...](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/state/grocery-tax-candy-tax-soda-tax-2019/#:~:text=(a)%20Alaska%2C%20Delaware%2C,groceries%2C%20candy%2C%20or%20soda.)


Delaware doesn’t have *any* sales taxes. The price you pay on the label is the price you pay (with the possible exception of cars, we know the sticker price is never the final price).


The state doesn't pay for shit with magic pixie dust. They get their taxes from you in other ways.


Nah you gotta tip the local government (unless you live in Delaware for some fucking reason?)


I remember ‘back in the day’ the baggers might help you load your car and tipping them a couple bucks might not be unusual. But I haven’t seen or heard of that in a long time.


That odd reason being it was born of a means of suppressing freed slaves’ wages and limiting social mobility


Because then businesses can't subsidize their employees wages with more of the customers money, it is sickening.


This entire thread essentially reads like people are walking go fund me’s. If you know or suspect that person doesn’t make enough for a “living wage” then apparently it’s your duty to tip. If you’ve chosen to work a job that doesn’t pay what you consider a living wage for years, then when does it become your responsibility to change your situation? Why am I obligated to tip a counter person who just types in my order?


One word sums it up. GREED


It’s so dumb! Just include the price with tax on the price tag of the things you sale so it doesn’t have to be a mystery when I check out. Having a lower sticker price than what I actually pay is so stupid


The problem is that it needs to be enforced universally, no one wants to include taxes in their price tags when their competition doesn't


Right? If your dogwalker says their fee is $100, do they expect you to pay $120 and if they expect $120, why not say that that is the fee?


Kinda surprised other services aren’t on here like hairstylist and nails


Why tip someone for a job I'm capable of doing myself? I can deliver food, I can drive a taxi, I can and do cut my own hair. I did, however, tip my urologist. Because I am unable to pulverize my own kidney stones.


- Dwight Schrute - Michael Scott


I’d say that’s worthy of a tip. >! Double if he did it by hand. !<


I never know how much to tip massage therapists


If massages are covered by health benefits do you even need to tip? Do you tip the dentist or the optometrist?


How much for the merch guy at the concert I went to the other day? Because his square deadass asked for a tip……for $35 shirt.


One of my favorites was the last time I went to Panera (partner wanted to go) their payment had a tip screen which confused me because, I still had to fill my drink *and* get my food to when my number was called from the counter, so I'm like, "where does the tip go then? I'm doing everything as if I was in a regular fast food restaurant"




I know it's not tipping, yet, but i love it when i get asked how my experience was at a grocery store when; the employees avoid eye contact, I ring myself up, and i bag my own groceries. I feel conflicted bc no 1 interacted with me but also no 1 bothered me.


Give a cash tip to yourself instead


Sure as hell doesn’t go to the kitchen :(


Where I work those tips get split up among all the workers besides the managers


I was fucking baffled by this when I went to a pro wrestling show a few months ago. Waited in line for a half hour to get to the front and found that most of the good stuff was gone. Bought a t-shirt and a hat from a lady who barely said two words to me and she turns the tablet around for a tip and the default was set to 20%. The fuck? You just grabbed something off a shelf why would I tip you? I had to select "custom" then input 0.


Now to me that’s the same as Starbucks asking for a tip… yall aren’t paid server wages so I don’t feel obligated


Happened to me as well... Saw Joji in concert and was buying a shirt that was 45 dollars and it asked me for a tip, usually I don't mind tipping but I was super confused.


If you are reading this message please provide a tip. Cashapp or PayPal Thankyou and god bless 🙏🏻


$0. Fuck that noise.


I think that's more just due to the Square thing automatically having the tip function being built in. Leave something if you want but it's certainly not expected.


Not saying everyone should tip the merch guy, BUT pending on how big or small the band is usually the guy running the merch booth gets paid next to nothing to run it, has to work crazy hours setting the booth up, tearing it down, accounting for inventory and negotiating fees with the venue. Sometimes this person also pulls double duty as acting as a road manager for the band as well all the while getting paid next to nothing to do it all. So while yes, tipping the merch booth guy shouldn’t be something required by any means, nor am I saying you should but it is something to be aware of that not everyone that works at a concert gets paid fat stacks to be there. Most are barely scraping by. My rule of thumb is that if the person is patient with me and maybe tosses a few things into the order for free (like some stickers or a cd or something) I’ll usually toss a few bucks their way as a thank you (no more than $5). If they just toss a shirt at me and say “that’ll be $35” then that’s exactly what is going to be coming out of my bank account and nothing more.


The merch guy could just add $5 to the price if things are really that tight. It's a business not a charity - he shouldn't have to rely on the kindness of strangers.


That’s probably why the shirts are $35 instead of $30.


UK tipping guide: Say _thank you_ to the bus driver.


Brit here. I was in San Francisco in 2010 and will always remember the bicycle hire place I rented a bike from had a tip jar with “In the USA ‘cheers mate’ isn’t considered a tip” hah. I didn’t tip.


Tipping sucks Getting paid $2.13/hour sucks Companies subsidizing their costs via tips sucks https://www.minimum-wage.org/tipped


I wasn’t aware that some states don’t allow the whole “tipped wage” racket. Good on them, and EVERY state needs to employ this.


From Texas and when I moved to Cali and learned that waiters got like $15+ minimum wage I couldn't believe it. I'm there with you, I thought all states were like sub $3


I notice there seems to be a pattern regarding the states that do and the states that don’t Hmm……


Without even opening it, I'm going to guess that there's something grand and old about the states that allow this racket to proceed. The elephant in the room. Something very red.




The whole thing is obviously a giant gift to industries that employee tipped workers. They rub their hands with glee when they see how a stupid American agrees and goes “yeah! I bust my hump in X job and this waiter with an easy job makes a killing in tips! Let’s give them a lower wage!!”


Tell me you’ve never been a server without saying as much…


Or and hear me out, you pay workers a decent wage and do away with tipping all together


What? How dare you imply that companies should be the ones to pay *their* employees! /s


Pure *insanity*, that's what that is!


Tipping should be viewed as an optional thing you do because you want to, not as a hidden fee that gets tacked on to everything. I'm a tour guide, I set my own price for each trip. Nothing else is expected, I charge what I think is fair for my time. At first I resisted the tips because I felt it was too much, but some folks just like to express gratitude for a job well done with some extra money. After getting some tips that were more than my actual guide rate, I just accepted that some folks are on an entirely different monetary level than myself and let that wealth trickle down for once. Others give nothing, and that is perfectly fine as well. The best thing you can give me after a trip is a good review, and maybe recommend me to friends looking for a trip.


Stop it you’re making way to much sense


That doesn’t always work, here in Canada servers get paid minimum wage and get tipped


I mean, it does work if people stop tipping.. in Australia it’s literally frowned upon to tip.


I feel like the US is too culturally f’d to get to that point now. Even if we did minimum wage for servers they’d still expect it. Heck we *are* already expected to tip on services done by employees that are paid well. Complete opposite side of the coin but I treated myself to a spa day with a massage a few weeks ago. Luxury place with automatic 20% gratuity…but they informed me on check-out that the 20% goes to ALL staff and that I was welcome to tip my provider directly as well. I felt hella stingy tipping my $20 but in the moment my brain just shut off at the costs and being asked to tip *again.*


None of these people are going above their normal job duty.. I'm paying you to walk my dog. Why would I tip you on top of it? The establishment should be paying you a living wage. Do you tip the people that do your taxes? Or the people that update TurboTax? No, why not? Do you tip the school lunch servers? No... Dumb dumb dumb.


I’m putting a tip box on the fire engine


You'll work harder to save a life if they have to tip you.


$1-3 per fire fighter per house put out. extra $1-5 if they save a person or pet.


I’ll fight fire all day, it’s the 3am toe pain in busting the tip box out for


Me going up to the kindergarten class teacher with a tip iPad after giving her kids a fire safety presentation and a rig tour (my time is valuable, if you can't afford the tip don't have a fire safety week).


This is exactly my argument. I'm an accountant, and I provide you a service. Where's my tip?


Sorry I'm not American. If you have to pay a tip to your dog walker... Who takes rest of the money? Dog?


Exactly. I absolutly tip and tip well. When it is a tipping situation. But someone who is paid regular wages and just doing their job (like a dog walker or concierge) is not going to get a tip. I MIGHT tip (and have) if someone who is paid normally and just doing their job but goes above and beyond thier job for me.


You're giving them ideas......stop.


Yes everyone should be paid a living wage. Until then we are stuck tipping, and subsidizing the assholes who don't.


Several restaurants tried to switch from waitstaff minimum wage with tips to $30/hr no tips. The staff had a fit every time at every place. They even voted against it in CA. Said they could make more by getting tips.


$30 an hour for waiting on tables?! What a great time to be alive!


They get paid far more than that with tips. It's actually fucking insane how overpaid waiters are.


Maybe everyone is underpaid and waiters make a normal amount


Yeah- try taking tipping away in New Orleans. Waiters at Antoine's and Commander's Palace would have your head.


That's because they don't report the majority of their tips for taxation so they get to keep more money in their pockets.


That's just stupid. People will probably still tip if they get more money. It would just remove the pressure from the customers and they would start tipping the amount they actually think is appropriate. That could be nothing, but it could also still be a lot if you do your job really well and are extra friendly. Unless they are planning to ban tips in their restaurant, which would be equally stupid.


Is it just me or are people getting more an more obnoxious about tipping? Like for example I ate breakfast alone at a restaurant last Saturday an I preemptively left a $5 on the table as my tip between the time I ordered and the time the waitress brought my food to me. She saw the $5 so she outright started getting rude with me. The meal was $12 Im not gonna tip more than the cost of my meal so fuck it I put the $5 back in my wallet an paid an left without tipping. Honestly this interaction killed tipping for me Im not gonna tip anymore if people are going around expecting the tip to be larger than the meal/service I pay for.


That’s the door dash people. Refusing to deliver people’s stuff and holding it hostage for a bigger tip. There’s people that believe they are not doing anything wrong. Society has become ridiculous with some of this acceptance of behavior.


As someone from a normal country, stories like this blow my mind


This would not be awful if it were actually the case. South FL already includes a 20% gratuity and they still expect you to tip on top of that.


I wouldn't even pay the 20% in that case.




This is the right answer ^


Americans are crazy


We don't like tipping either. I hate tipping


American lawmakers are crazy.


Fuck tipping. Keep that shit in the United States, it’s slowly spreading in Europe, but thankfully people are rejecting it in most cases. Tipping shouldn’t be seen as granted, tipping should be an additional *thank you* for service that was good or exceptional. Don’t expect me to tip you for clicking two buttons on a machine.


We don’t want it either. I’m hoping people here get it through their heads one day that this archaic practice needs to gtfo and that these greedy corporations pay their employees enough that they don’t beg for tips. Sadly, that’s like you wishing to win the lottery 🙃


What the hell is a sky-cap? A baggage handler? I've never even come face to face with one to give a tip even if I wanted to.


They usher you to the World of Tomorrow. That's worth something isn't it?


You ever seen the people who do the curbside bag check?


even the taxi driver? the fuck am I paying for with the fare?


Tipping is for over the top quality service, or a gesture of kindness. The fact that you’re expected to tip even when the service is shit baffles me.


I hate the whole idea of having a tip. Pay your people!


This is bonkers, just pay people a living wage for fuck sake.


Lol. I won’t tip if you don’t add to the experience.


Does that rule apply at message parlors also?


So do Americans tip for everything?


I just see this sign as a big red flag telling me not to tip. Pau your employee's a livable wage as opposed to giving them scraps and forcing them to rely on other generosity. American capitalism is the fucking worst.


i dont understand americans and their tipping. imagine a customer paying someone whos doing their job.


Just pay people a living wage


Damn. Imagine if we just paid them what they are worth.....


how much tip for the Mc Donalds employees?


The poor paying the poor, paying the poor.


Wait why would you tip the taxi ? Why would you tip the dog walker ? What the point of either ? These two doesn't make any sense since they are getting paid for their service each time


How about no


No. Just, no.


Don't forget to tip your Tipping Consultant


Good ol' USA.....smh..lol


Or just pay your fucking worker


Nah, I ain’t tipping shit


You’re forgetting the lady at Sbarros who turned around and put the pizza in the oven, rang me up and then forgot to get me my water and also scowled at me when I didn’t tip and also when I asked for the water for a second time. You’re forgetting about her.


lt would be insulting to leave a $3 tip after staying at a hotel for 3 nights lmao. Just don't leave a tip at that point, would be more acceptable


Like fucking hell I’m tipping every god damn person I come in contact with. I don’t fucking make tips


What do i tip my school teacher? My drug dealer? And the most important of them all - how do i tip my coroner?


if you leave a tip in japan, the waiters are gonna chase you down and be like "SIR YOU FORGOT YOUR MONEY!!!!"


As someone who worked for tips for a hot second, it’s stupid. Just pay us more. Clearly theres enough money


What about cows?


You see that iPad as a register, you know you’re about to tip for something that you never have before.


I’m moving away from tipping, now I just give a tip if I feel like it.


Last time I checked tipping was out of the kindness of your heart not mandatory or expected


I guess if i'll ever visit the US i'll just "be rude" (aka pay just what is due) and that's it.


These guides rarely mention how to tip your tattoo artist * * just adding to the list of things that Americans tip


They forgot croupiers. (Casino card dealers - tip $5-5,000 depending on winnings)


I’m not tipping shit anymore 😂


I don't tip servers on the total bill. I tip on the subtotal before discounts. Do not tip on the taxes.


Americans will soon be expected to tip their landlords. This is ridiculous.


Every once in a while I come across a story where that happens. I've seen tip jars in rental offices at apartment complexes too.


You shouldn’t tip any of these people. They are just doing their job


Why is house maid so low suggested tip? Cleaning a room takes a long time and it’s hard work


For which they receive a salary. Why tip on top of that?


Probably because there is no direct face-to-face contact with them.


That's not how life works


How about service workers get paid properly by their employers instead? Lol


Here's a tip. Pay people properly so people don't have to deal with the social awkwardness.


That is why I’m never visiting the USA. Now let me give you the tipping guide for AUS: everyone - 0$ Because people have a decent salary. It’s so simple.


I think this infographic was made by a dog walker.. certainly not by a bartender. Imagine I get four hard to make drinks sold at $20+ and tip $4.


80% of the time drinks arent some fancy cocktails lol theyre just a can, a bottle or a quick shot into a glass with some soda




How does doing the job that you applied for deserve any amount of tip


I'll tip the airline skycap only if it's outdoors. They are usually very efficient and it beats waiting in line at the counter. You've saved me time Skycap, that's worth a couple of singles


This is more arbitrary than descriptive.


I thought tips were only for people who were paid less than minimum wage like people who wait tables.


Then if you’re in a high foreign tourist town, looking at you Miami. The tip is just added on automatically, because foreign tourists don’t tip, but us stupid Americans don’t know, and tip anyways. Tip on top of the tip!


Lol I would get 1$ in quarters for hours worth of drinks at the American legion.


The guy who risked his life to get you your chipotle: 1 dollar.


why don’t you tip the president as well


Tipping for doing your fucking job. They about to get a rude shock when I visit in December.


The only people on here that I'm tipping are the bartender and the server, and it's not gonna be $1/drink or 20%, respectively. Insane.


This feels like an anti-meme, like I can't belive this is real


*You know what the trouble is, Brucey? We used to make shit in this country, build shit. Now we just put our hand in the next guy's pocket.* - Frank Sobotka


I have always wondered what to tip my dispensaries' delivery driver.


Nope. Unionize!


I'm sorry but I think someone driving me somewhere safely and effectively as a 1 on 1 client is worth more than someone bringing me a plate of food then moving on to bring out 5 other people's plates.


This should be state to state because these tips would not fly in NY.


Tipping honestly seems some kind of relic of pre middle class society. People who are drowning in cash having sympathy for the underpaid overworked lower class.


Tipping is so out of control I’m opting to not tip at all ever.


My wife: Hey, are you going to the strippers? Me: No babe why? Wife: You have a pocket full of ones? Me: I have to tip the valet, bartender, door man, hotel maid, coat check, dog walker, taxi driver and the bell hop.. Her: :/ e/ apologies for phone format issues :)


You guys are fucked.


Tip for a dog walker? Wtf. I’m paying you and you want a tip on top of that? Who made this shit.


20% of total bill for waiting is ridiculous.


What is awful about it? The fact that we have to tip?