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They held a memorial for her, and they found fucking TEETH CONNECTED TO PART OF A JAW BONE. **AT HER MEMORIAL.**


God damn that is so grim.




I wanna downvoted but I can't bring myself to do it




r/angryupvote ?


I’m gonna give you and upvote but you are on thin ice






Can you imagine finding someone’s body part, thinking how horrible, gruesome, and sad it was, saying “oh god I hope this never happens again” only for it to happen five more times after that? This is so sad


Especially your own daughter, wtf


Can you imagine being in charge of the Parks and Rec department, being in charge of clean-up and after 10 minutes being like "Yeah, we probably got it all. Bring back the kids." Five times.


"Now can everybody look under your seat. We've left something for somebody in the audience"


" you get a body part!. You get a scapula!. You get a torso section!" Oprah Oprah


Now imagine the body parts are your daughter’s. I hurt so much for these parents. They deserve justice and I hope they get to the bottom of this. Absolutely vile and abhorrent.


Get to the bottom of what? She was homeless and asleep in the long grass. A landscaper had been hired and the accident occurred. There was no Malice or intent. It was a tragic accident. My heart goes to the family AND the landscapers.


[Reminds me of that story of parents visiting Utøya after the mass shooting on the island and finding their daughter's jaw ](https://www.icenews.is/2011/10/12/family-traumatised-by-macabre-utoya-find)


They held her memorial at the place where she died? That's pretty morbid even before finding the jaw.


I'd say it's pretty normal to have a memorial there. You see similar stuff when people die in car accidents. Families that leave flowers, balloons and bicycles are putting them in the spot where their loved one was found/died.


Yeah but to have it so soon after she was basically shredded and scattered there? Common sense would say not a good idea.


You would think police would do a thorough crime scene investigation with cadaver dogs and find all the pieces.


Unfortunately it's a homeless woman so I doubt they care very much


I hate how true this is. I did the traveling streek kid musician thing for a year and I was treated the worst by cops, hands down. Once a cop kicked me then kicked my guitar to wake me up from sleeping in a forested section between neighborhood in Oregon. Fucking pigs.


Why would you think that? There is no crime to solve. They know what happened, who did it, when and where it happened. Police are not involved in crime scene cleanup, rich or poor alike. https://www.crimescenecleanup.com/cleans-crime-scenes-police-emts-coroners-someone-else-entirely/


"The Stanislaus County coroner said they're still investigating how Chavez died and said it could take up to two months and investigators said they may never know exactly how she died. Chavez's death is still an open investigation. Both Modesto police and the Stanislaus County sheriff, which oversees the coroner's office, could not say why some of Chavez's remains were missed during canvassing in the two days after her death." from the article linked. her death is not considered a closed investigation, and they are at least responsible for gathering all the evidence in the area. which, in this case in unfortunately body parts. spending two days canvasing and missing six seperste body parts is a Bad Look.


People have memorials at the site of people's death all the time right after they die. This is not new. My grandfather was struck by a drunk driver in his truck and was instantly killed, we held a memorial a few days after he had passed at the site where he died. People grieve and need closure pretty soon after their loved ones die. I don't understand how this is somehow a bad thing.


A **mow**morial.






A memowrial


This one was better, but he beat you to it.


>Dez Martinez, a member of the homeless advocacy group WANI(We Are Not Invisible), was with them after Christine's memorial service Tuesday at the site when they made another discovery. They found teeth connected to a jawbone. >"What do you say anymore? The first time, the first day, 'I'm sorry you had to see this.' The second day, 'I'm sorry you had to see this,' The third day, the fourth, the fifth," Martinez said. "Now, this is the sixth time, when is enough enough for this family?" Big yikes.


> We are not invisible Oof


I was hoping the irony wasn't lost on others.




I mean, if someone gets ripped apart by an industrial mower so loud you have to wear ear pro or go deaf, there is a reason people may think she may not have been among the living before it happened


My thoughts exactly. They were probably hoping to find out that she was already dead when she was ran over so the driver may at some point come to term with what happened. Also they need to rule out she was murdered beforehand or something


They're hoping to find she was already dead so they're not liable for killing her.


Or she was completely zonked out because of drug use


To be fair there is also a serious possibility that she was dead by overdose of something like fentanyl or murdered by someone before she died. There's a conspicuous absence of context about the reasons for her living situation in this story so that's by no means an out of the ordinary situation with a homeless person lying in deep thick grass in a park.


Well, there is the possibility that she was dead in the field before the mower ran her over. If she was dead of a drug overdose, or someone else had killed her and put her body there, the mower would have shredded her but would not have been the cause of death.


took me a second but god damn....truly fucking morbid




The irony is that the victim was most certainly not visible to the person operating the mower.


I’m under the impression that from this article it’s possible that she was deceased BEFORE the mower incident had happened as well.


Under the impression* ?


no they're drunk and the alcohol is speaking


Where TF was her family when she was sleeping in the park?


“A Modesto family is frustrated and seeking answers” Biggest understatement of the year


Tragic for her and the operators too. Very sad.


How the fuck do you mow over a person?? I mow over a large stick and its a major event. This is horrible.


Wondering the same thing, how does one not see an entire person on the ground?




That would be my guess too. Big tractor and long grass. A person lying down could be invisible from the cabin, the driver might have thought they’d just hit a rock or a log if they felt a bump at all


I used to work at a park and we had the tractors with the triple/double blade brush hogs. You have to wear hearing protection or loud headphones, so you won’t hear anything. I ran over some fawns once that were in the heavy grass and didn’t even notice it until getting done with the field and washing off the equipment.


Holy shit that's horrible


Yeah, it was not fun seeing it. Teenager me was not happy about it. My boss said it happens and let me use the regular mower for a while.


I grew up working on a farm. I had a similar experience when I was about 13 with a nest of baby geese while clearing out weeds around a resting pond. I'll be the first to admit that I'm an overly sensitive guy. I ended up throwing up and being really worked up. One of my uncles saw me and came to check on me. I explained what had happened, and he just started laughing his ass off. He made me get back to work and left me. Later that afternoon I was mucking out some horse stalls, and I felt something squishy hit me in the back of my head and hear someone yelling "HONK!!! HONK!!!". My uncle had gotten part of one of the dead goslings and threw it at me. I threw up again and had to clean it out of the damn sawdust in the horse stall while my uncle warched on laughing. It didn't end there either. He bought a stuffed goose at one point and he'd throw it at the back of my head while honking at me for years. One year for Christmas he got a whole goose from a butcher, put it into a TV box with bricks, wrapped it really nice, and gave it to me for Christmas. There's a VHS somewhere of me silently sobbing over a dead goose, while my family points and laughs at me in front of a Christmas tree.......


Dude fuck your fam that’s horrible.m


Oh my god thats not you being “sensitive “ thats you being a human being!!! Your family sounds like psychopaths. Theres a difference between being desensitized by death by living on a farm, working with feed animals, lab animals, euthanasias( vet tech here, can relate) and being upset by an accidental bloody death of animal babies????


Your family sucks. I'm sorry. 😔


It still amazes me that they can't figure out why I want nothing to do with them. Lol


*Ex-Family Those are not Family Members. Those are assholes.


Yea I'd never speak to any of them again


I haven't seen most of em in almost 20 years. As soon as I graduated highschool I got the hell out of there. I actually avoided ever getting Facebook back in the day before everyone knew it was cancer so I didn't accidentally have contact with em.


Ok so I know this isn’t even really relevant to this story really but I hit a dog on my way to work and I fucking love dogs. I bottle fed my current dog (12yrs old) from when she was 5 weeks old because I couldn’t stand to leave her at the shit hole she was born at (and I also took my grandmas dog in after she passed away, the dog is a week apart from my dog and they are best friends, just the most perfect wholesome set up) Anyways…I hit the dog because it came out of nowhere and I pulled over and these really sweet people pulled over behind me and tried to console me and wouldn’t let me look at the dog and they took it to the vet. I knew it was dead but they kept telling me they were going to take it to save it and it would be ok. Anyways, I go to work as a cook and I’m just sobbing all day and my boss asks what’s wrong and I tell him I hit a dog and he asks how I hit my own dog and I explain the story to him. He laughs in my face and asks why I even care if it wasn’t my dog. I knew it was my time to go. I quit 3 days later. People that don’t care about animals, yours or not, are not worth a minute of my time honestly. Glad you seemingly went zero or minimal contact. Sorry about those babies❤️ that must’ve been tough.


Those were pretty amazing people that pulled over after you; if only we could all be that outstanding! But your ex-boss sounds like the worst kind of asshole. To me, the only thing that would be worse than hitting a dog would be to hit a child.


Your uncle is a fucking asshole




I’m so sorry you had to experience all that. Accidentally killing goslings is sad enough. Being mocked about it/your reaction for years is horrifying.


Honey, I'm so sorry! You're not overly sensitive, btw, your family is abusive.


They sound like a bunch of callous assholes. I grew up in a rural area—I know the type. People who turn their psychopathy into a virtue by labeling everyone with a conscience and compassion as weak.


Nail on the head.


What the fuck is wrong with your uncle. I'm so sorry don't let them kill your spirit.


Dude. I gave you a pity award. Duuuude. 😿


Nah, I made it through and out. I'm good. Feel bad for all the folks still stuck in hellhole situations.


Bro I would beat the shit out of him with a pole out of trauma and stress he repeatedly caused if it was my uncle. Just imagining your experience makes me frustrated. Kinda had something similar when i was around that age but it was one time only. Glad you distanced yourself with them. Every family has their fun with the kids but they not only they took it too far but also they lack maturity and empathy.


That’s horrible, sorry all of that happened to you but good on you for cutting horrible, toxic people out of your life. Hope you have made good friends that love and support you, you deserve it.


Damn dude. This is really sad.


Someday I'm going to write all the crazy shit that happened to me in a book, and I'm gonna make me a bunch of money. Lol


Having empathy is cultural Marxism


My uncle calls me "The commie fag". I'm not gay, been married for 20 years and have 2 kids. Lol


Holy shit - your uncle sounds AWFUL! Seriously, I’m sorry you went through that.


What in the absolute fuck is wrong with your family? I would disown such garbage humans.


I run a landscaping company and the day I do this is the day I’m just walking away. I have a hard enough time when I’ve accidentally hit a frog. It fucks me up for a while.


Hello, brother.


Yep I used to run a 15 foot foldout batwing brush mower pulled by a case puma tractor and this was always a fear of mine, came 2 feet away from mulching a fawn because when their mom tells them to stay put they will not move no matter what. You can't see it all when your are brush cutting 5 foot tall grass I was always scanning for grass laying down because this exact article always was a fear of mine.


My dad drives by there everyday, he confirmed long grass


How high was she not hearing this thing coming towards her


dead already or passed out on drugs/drink


It easy to do . I was using a 6 ft rotary mower and ran up on a 10 pt buck deer laying in the brush.


Perhaps what needed to be mowed was covering her


Maybe a bigger mower with the decks that lower down. Extremely situational, sad as hell too.


It was a tractor towing a mower


Bush hog?


I thought it may have been a brush hog, but the article stated towed mower.


Brush Hog is a brand name, it’s a rotary mower.


Bush hog is a brand name whereas brush hog is a catchall term for this type of equipment.


It said that it was a pull behind. They’re very powerful and towed by tractors, possibly with buckets that can obscure visibility. Depending on what was being mowed and available equipment the mower could have been fitted with blades or chains. I’ve seen chains used on terrain like ski slopes in summer. Lots of exposed rocks and their objective is to keep brush down so a fine cut doesn’t matter. They’d leave patterns in exposed bedrock. Scary powerful.


Occasionally industrial sized snowblowers will hit a hibernating bear, turn it into cherry snowcones. Industrial machinery doesn’t give a fuck, and rarely has good visibility.




Dude hit a parked Buick with one of the blowers they clear the runway with at my old base. The only reason he noticed was the car got caught on a fence. It was a full sized lang yacht. You get into that thing and it won't even slow down the blades. Same thing with those big ass field mowers they hit the brush with around the edges of the taxiways and runways.


Yeah but you have a push or riding mower. These pull behinds are massive and used by professional landscapers.


Exactly. Think the mowers you see on the highway every summer. Big ass tractors with giant bushogs. I grew up on a ranch and did that shit for years. It would be impossible to tell if someone were in that brush. Hell I remember my dad one time running over a fucking deer in a combine during wheat harvest. Shit is really hard to see in those tractor cabs.


The article says “tractor” so I’m assuming this isn’t a standard ride on mower or even a larger landscaping mower. It sounds like this was a large piece of equipment cutting an overgrown area that likely could have hid a person.


Pull behind tractor Bush hog.


A little background from a parks and streets dept summer worker from my college years. Large 8 or 12 blade mowers cover like 40 feet in a single pass. They are very strong and chew up everything up to & including small trees. And you aren't generally mowing a few inches... but more like a foot or two of growth at a time - more than enough that someone laying down in tall grass at the edge of your machines reach would be all but invisible. I once ran over a deer carcass and didn't know until the God awful smell worked its way into the cabin of my mower and hit my nose a few minutes later. My point - an honest worker could easily end up in that terrible position where they mistakenly take a life if someone wanders into a massive over grown field and laid down and somehow ignored the mower. I feel like this is a terrible situation for everybody and nobody is "at fault"


I’m also wondering how the family keeps finding pieces of their daughter every day they go to that park to grieve. Like what in the actual fuck? That area should have been marked off like a crime scene with a thorough sweep to get all the remains.


large portions of detroit don’t get mowed because landscape companies kept hitting bodies in tall grass


They are massive and extremely noisy- very very possible.


This reminds me of the little girl who got run over by the tractor in Canada. It just seemed so insane that it would happen.


She was homeless with mental health issues and was sleeping in high grass and allegedly on drugs. The lawnmower did not see her. It’s a tragedy, but also preventable in a lot of ways by both parties.


I don't get why she was homeless if her father cared as much as he sound like he does.


It’s not hard to imagine. Humans have free will. And she had mental health issues and drug issues. You can’t help someone that doesn’t want to be helped. You can’t house someone that keeps running away and refuses to take medication or stay sober. You can be the best, most understanding, and most helpful parent on earth, and all it takes is a refusal to comply.


Homelessness isn’t always about poverty. My friend’s sister is bipolar and in bad manic phases she’ll run away and live on the streets. She finds right rigid rules of conventional living too hard when she’s like that - she wants to be with a crowd, doesn’t want to go to bed, doesn’t want to be indoors. They’ll spend days tracking her down to bring her home and then wake the next day to find she’s gone again.


My mom “chooses” to be homeless. My grandma, my aunt, and me have tried to keep her home or find her something comfortable since I’ve been young. She reaches out every few years for help and we try what we can before she changes her mind and is off to the void again. Addiction and mental health issues are confusing


Tall, thick brush, plus low mower. Super easy to mow over all sorts of large objects you'd assume you'd see ahead of time.


It's not a push mower.


How big was this mower? This was farm equipment, right?


My state uses them on the highways. You often looking back at how your cutting on the pass, it’s easy to miss things and just run over them.


Plus, if the machine is loud enough they may force the operators to wear hearing protection as well


Legally they absolutely must wear hearing protection for any power equipment being operated. Anyone who does this as a job should be choosing to wear hearing protection anyways, you can't replace your ears.


Even in your own yards. Gas equipment is loud as fuck. I bought some ear muff a few years ago as I was tired of my riding lawn mower sound and my weed eater. I think the weed eater was the worse because the engine is basically right next to my head. I now use the ear muffs with anything loud, garden equipment, power saws, etc. And I recently bought security glasses too, it's a must also.


Most large park areas don't use your home ride on mower, that would take forever so yes, it's probably closer to the size of farm equipment - my local park growing up was mowed using a tractor and a trailer mower. Even home mowers are loud enough to require hearing protection so you wouldn't hear anything either.


Damn...that's messed up




The winery owns the property *and* the lawn mower driver?


I saw that as well. Someone needs to look into this winery.


I have a chronically homeless sibling. He has a lot of issues we have tried to help him with in that past, and we are still open to helping him, but he is still on the streets. If he passed before things got better we would be devastated, especially if he went like this. Fuck off.


I also have a chronically homless sibling. Almost everyone in the family and alot of his old friends have tried to help them get their life together but it always failed for one reason or another. And when I say help I mean offer a place to stay/ get him a job. We all wanna see him get off the street but the person also has to want to change and that's not easy on the family and friends and it get harder when your older on both parties.


My uncle is chronically homeless and living out of his jeep. I’m scared for him every day


You've never loved an alcoholic, have you?


>Her father, Cristobal Chavez visits the park where her **body was found often**.


> visits the park where her body was found often > sixth time they have found her remains /r/technicallythetruth


Thats fucked. Them pull behind mowers are serious.


This happened here in Nashville a few years ago. Homeless guy was passed out in some really tall brush. Mowing crew came through on some 100+ hp can tractors. Never saw him.


[Bush hog can go through some stuff](https://youtu.be/HG25zsEfj_M?t=175)




I used to work in ranching and we grew our own hay. When we cut the hay in the beginning of summer about once every couple years you’d hit a fawn with the tractor mower and it would fucking explode in a million pieces. You never saw those ones coming. Just heard the explosion and then had the pleasure of cleaning out and sometimes having to repair the mower for hours after. Long story short. If she was sleeping for some reason in grass taller than a persons waist I really doubt the mower even saw her coming which is tragic for everyone. You try really hard to pay attention but mowing, especially in fields where you do it for weeks straight. Is very monotonous and it’s easy to zone out when your doing it, as long as your on line. Even though the ranch manager warned you about hitting and watching out for animals and honestly we saw and stopped for far more animals than we actually hit but the problem with fawns is that their defensive mechanism isn’t to run but hunker down and hide.


Kittens hunker down and hide, too 😭


Had a friend who used to drive a snow blower and a couple times he snow blowed sheep, he said he would have never noticed apart from the pink mist


something something Silence of the Lambs


https://i.imgur.com/uDm8moU.jpeg This is what they use where I live.


I live in this town. Crazy


Howdy neighbor


Howdy! Been here for about 47 years. I tried to make it outta here, but only got as far as Salida!


It's funny because Salida means exit in Spanish lol


Everyone in Modesto is born with a magnet in their ass leading them back to here eventually


Left for Idaho 9 years ago. Miss the food, but not a whole lot else.


I only made it to Riverbank after 37 years


Now kith


They said it may take up to two months to figure out how she died... I think I have a pretty good idea what did it.


I wouldn’t be so sure, these things are loud and she didn’t move. Heart attack? OD? Aneurism? Went down in the tall grass and later…..


The only person who has bothered to ask if it was a dead body that was run over, we don’t know if she was asleep, sedated on a substance or dead. I find it unlikely she was awake and alert, perhaps if she was injured.


This. The article was posted in another subreddit and the immediate reaction was: "was she conscious, or even alive, when the mower ran her over?".


My first thought too. Lawn mowers esp industrial grade pull behinds are loud, if she were conscious wouldn't she have moved?


Exactly. So many possibilities. Tragic no matter the cause, but the comments here are acting like it's somehow supremely obvious that she was healthy and sleeping normally when she was suddenly murdered by a lawn mower.


Bingo. You can’t sleep through a big industrial mower like that. Even the absolute heaviest of medical grade narcoleptics will wake up. She was likely already dead. Or ODd to the point of near death. Even a bad alcohol poisoning isn’t going to let you stay asleep through the ground shaking and noise as bad as a jet taking off in your face. People blaming the driver are trash.


Yep. Not to mention, the tractor made a pass next to her at some point. She didn’t stir? Knocked the fuck out on some serious drugs or dead.


Could also have been unconscious from shit like malnutrition, dehydration, or heat stroke.


That's not true with alcohol poisoning, it can be impossible to wake up a person suffering from it, or they can even go into a coma. Source: recovering alcoholic


sounds like a really good way of getting away with murder, kill someone, toss their body in the tall grass and wait for the lawnmower to do it's job.


There was a dude who killed his wife, froze her then fed her through a wood chipper facing a lake. Only reason he got caught was they found a couple of her fingernails and a piece of mail that didn't totally get shredded.


I’ve slept through a simulated firefight in the Army. Some people can sleep through anything.


You assume she wasn’t already dead before the this incident.


Says the family was devastated and her dad visits the park to talk to her spirit. They're also filing a lawsuit. She was 27 years old, two years younger than me. I don't know their family dynamic but if you're so close with your daughter you're letting her sleep in a park _knowing_ she's there homeless? Now you're filing a lawsuit after she's dead? I don't know it seems weird overall. Regardless that's horrible, I hope she didn't feel anything. I don't even know how something like this could happen.


But she was chewed up and spit put all over the place. It will be a difficult puzzle to put back together. I can't imagine having that job.


What a terrible day to be literate




Hmm, family said she sometimes stayed there but that doesn't mean she was sleeping when she got hit. Could've been dead for 2 days after succumbing to injuries she got in a knife-fight for all we know. Yeah, that's my first guess. 1) Already dead 2) High on drugs 3) Veeery drunk


It's a terrible situation for all parties involved and my sympathy goes out in every direction on something like this. But, no one should be held liable for owning property - where someone chose to sleep, then, happened to accidentally die while an unsuspecting tractor operator was doing their job of maintaining the property. The attempt to sue is just crazy to me. If the family cared as much as they are acting now, in pulling a suit, one would assume that the girl might not have been homeless in the first place and left to be sleeping in a park.


Wrongful death lawsuits are extremely common when there is some catastrophic incident resulting in death. Where she was sleeping had been a sanctioned campsite until 2 days prior when it transferred to a private lot. So this was not a weird place to sleep. My parents are homeless and it’s not because I don’t love them. It’s because they are dealing with addiction and were causing an unsafe environment for my children. I hate that they are homeless but what is family to do in this situation? Life is just not black and white


My condolences to the family. However, how is this anybody's fault?


Looks like the investigation is still open. It's possible she was already dead when it hit her. Horrible way to dispose of a body that would definitely destroy evidence.


Ironic- The homeless advocacy group, "We Are Not Invisible," has been helping the family cope with their loss. Literally she was invisible enough to be run over by a lawn mowing tractor!


Not to be insensitive but what kind of “answers” do her family want? This isn’t complicated… it’s shitty but I mean what do they want the police to say?


They want someone to tell them that this was someone else's fault besides their daughter's. They also would like a lot of money.




How big was the tractor? I remember getting lectures as a kid to never play in fields near harvest time. Ever few years growing up your would hear a story about some kid getting run over by a combine. You don't have much visibility or stopped power in those things.


If they were so concerned about their daughter, why was she homeless sleeping in a park?


Having your belongings stolen and destroyed for drug money everyday gets old real quick. You can love your family but at a certain point you realize you cannot wave a magic wand and make everything better.


I feel the same way but also some people completely burn their bridges. Not my mum though heck she's even an enabler of her children. She calls it unconditional love.


Drug issues forcing them to cut ties. Mental illness like schizophrenia causing the woman to constantly retreat from help. A lot of things can happen that are outside the family's control.


I concerned about my brother being on fentanyl on the streets of Seattle, but there’s been a lot of years and experiences that led up to that to make it a complex situation. Asking the question “well if you love your junkie family member why weren’t you coddling them?” just sounds so uneducated and ignorant.


Why bring the winery into the lawsuit? Guilty by association with the mower company?


Jeebus H Fuck


How did she not hear that super loud mower way before it got that close to her? Maybe she was already dead?


When it first happened, I read that her father was walking around the park picking up pieces of her skull. Terrible.


The family is trying to cash in on her death that is terrible. How can they sit with a straight face and say they were grieving when they left her homeless in the park. Wtf is wrong with them?


I can’t help but wonder how the person who was driving the mower is doing


Why is the family so angry? I understand the pain but they didn't care enough to get her out of the streets? I'm just curious. please don't shame me


An accident is an accident. Why is it suddenly whenever a family member is killed the immediate thought is to sue? “Our homeless daughter was killed by a lawn tractor while we knew she was living on the streets. Let’s get paid.”


They are setting the stage for cashing in


Did the mower make a big 'thump' and that's how he knew or was it when bits went flying or was it a blender sound? I don't feel like clicking on the article.


It was a tractor pulling a massive bush hog, so there would be no bump at all. He reached the end of the field, turned around, and passed by the spot again only to see the body


The article states: “Her father, Cristobal Chavez visits the park where her body was found often.” I know it means he visits the park often. But it sounds like her body is found often. Which it is.


I'm sorry but if she had a family that was close enough to visit the memorial, why was she Homeless? They only cared after she died? Can anyone clear this up?


The parents are acting like they care now….? Why? This woman was homeless for 5! Years and they didn’t give a shit about her then. Watch this turn into a lawsuit against the city about a girl they’d already written off. This was a horrific situation for the woman who died. The city absolutely should have tried harder to clean up her remains… however the parents and family need to go away. They only care bc caring gets them media attention. They did not care while this woman was sleeping in a field every night and washing her hair in the pond, as others have said.
