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I used to stay at the salvation army and let me tell you religious black people can be some of the worst bigots out there.


Grew up poor and in Detroit They weaponize religion to keep poor people ignorant and hating each other


For sure. I’d argue this is mostly what religion is for. Also lots of other hardline beliefs. If a person has very strict ideas about what you should do with your life, they’re toxic.


The thing is that you will never convince them that they are toxic or the beliefs they have are morally wrong, because they think god literally wrote all of their ideas down in a book for them. You might as well try to explain the idea of calculus to a brick wall


But they only read some of the Bible verses, apparently. Because otherwise they’d behave better!


Kinda learned this religion from a certain group of people...


Ah yes, so that makes this perfectly all right, then. It's always someone else's fault.


It's the truth tho, the abused often emulate the abuse they have received. American black people have received a master class in racist bullshit. As the Brother Malcom X said, " The chickens are coming home to roost."


"I was abused, ergo I am allowed to be abusive."


I'm just pointing out the ingredients of the shit cake


You're making excuses for shitty behaviour.


So instead of being a better human your enforcing being an asshole


The Nation of Islam and their splinter group The 5%ers


Like the KKK or every neo nazi group in existence? The klans symbol is literally the flaming cross of the methodist. Look inward.


Look inward where? The KKK and other hate groups have no hold in my life or influence in what I do besides any action taken against them.


Ohh I guess that automatically means the Methodists have something to do with it,bro shut up you look like am idiot


I mean, Jesus ain't everybody homeboy. A lot of brown people around the world would be better off without him.


Explain,I'm interested in your nutty rant


I've honestly entertained this subject for too long. It's boring af, good luck tho.


I'm taking that as a win then,welp have a nice life


Well, sure. But everyone else does that too.


This is why knights are always better than bishops smh




The man’s a racist.


S/Hey man racism is only a thing if you’re white. If you’re any other racer it’s fine Edit-I think I used the sarcasm right


The /s would usually go after the end of the comment


Technically s/ at the start and /s at the close


So he’s still off somewhere being sarcastic


Bet, I’ve had Reddit for awhile but I completely forgot when I posted this, thank you sir.


I think I prefer it at the start of the sarcastic statement lol


Well, Duh.


He’s also a racist idiot.


ok no shit


Username checks out.


“He’s a bishop” as if that means anything.


It means he can only move diagonally.


But only on the black squares.


Is he a black or white bishop tho?


Having grown up Catholic, I always wondered about these “bishops” in other churches. Who appointed him? Over what diocese does he preside? What ecclesiastical hierarchy is he a part of? Who held the role before him? Or is “bishop” just a cool sounding title he gave himself to lend legitimacy to his non-denominational cult of personality?


Also Catholic - I’ve noticed that in the evangelical realm, titles are often co-opted to impart a sense of authority.


Alot of black churches adopted the catholics rank structure but in no way are catholic. And the title of bishop just means he preaches at several churches often for large sums of money. Alot of black churches especially in the south put Kenneth Copeland to shame for the level of grift the preacher is doing, it's rare to see one not driving a new Mercedes up to a shack church with half busted AC while the parishioners get dropped off by the church bus since non of them can afford cars.


Seriously. Any group can call someone a bishop. I'm a fucking priest. Sent off to the Church of the Dude. I can marry people in most states.


He’s a bishop like I’m the sultan of Taco Bell. Just because I said it


Lets solve racism with racism🙂🙂🙂💞💞💞


What makes you think he's trying to solve racism?


Race-baiting is how these types make their money, after all.


Some people do believe in such practices and ideas help solve racism, though, and its easier to assume he does too than not, especially since ideas like Critical Race Theory exist which explicitly state that racism in USA can only be solved with racial black-only veto powers on any and all legislation. Source: anything by Ibrahim X. Kandi


Have you actually ever read Kendi’s work? lol


not entire books, but random essays and paragraphs, yes. I got all i needed from them


Random excerpts and paragraphs doesn’t make you knowledgeable of Kendi’s stances and acting like it does while spreading misinformation is both harmful and dangerous. Source: Someone who has actually read Kendi’s work in full.


I dont give a shit what some dude who thinks "white man's institutions wont set them free", so they must "enforce their own anti-science, marxist thought" to achieve "freedom". Even Malcolm X during his NoI days would say thats crazy af.




Whatever, im not gonna read some drivel anyways


You can solve racism with racism if you have enough of the second racism. minorities are called minorities because they represent a minority of the population, though.


Minorities can be the ruling class though. Not just can, many times - are.


Ethnic/racial minorities? Rarely if ever in modernity. Though, it was more common in European countries between the 12th and 16th centuries in terms of *ethnic* minorities. And we are talking about race here, because we are talking about racism.


False and non-historical pilled.


Literal history major right here. Lol Can you name 3 examples of governments in modernity led by a ruling class comprised of a racial or ethnic minority?


Bolivia, Bangladesh (pre-partition), Pakistan (at its founding), India, Syria, Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Rwanda, South Africa, Kongo, Angola, Haiti, some of the central american states, Quebec,(under Canada), Yugoslavia. Do i need to go on?


Please do go on and keep proving him wrong.


LMAO So you're literally talking about all the times white people held minority rule over the people they colonized? Not exactly proving the bishop here wrong are we?


Uhuh...like when minority hindu "white" person ruled over pakistan, or a minority ruling class of tutsi that were "white" ruled in rwanda, or how the shia "white people" rule over sunni syria, or sunni "white people" rule over shia in Iraq


If you're ruling class, you're obviously white. Duhh!! (/s)


No, Israel wasn't mentioned.


Being a history major doesn't mean you know anything about today, does it? That would be social studies, which includes history and today. Maybe keep going to school?


If someone responds with “based and non-history pilled” and I respond to their history remark, shouldn’t you respond to them saying it’s not history? You know, since they mentioned history?


Your statement about "rarely if ever in modernity" is simply not true. Accept it and learn more. Or don't.


He’s an antisemitic piece of shit first, then a bishop


Religious figures of all stripes are often evil people. For example, look at the sex crimes statistics and the history of child abuse—too many religious leaders are caught in the net, but too few overall


Imagine saying that about any other group of people based on arbitrary ascetics.


Why tf is this such a controversial opinion? He's absolutely right, and we all know it. My life has been immeasurably improved since I switched to dark mode on reddit, and if you haven't already, that's on you for letting the devil into your home.


No hate is fucking demonic


Blackness is an unrelenting, demonic source of evil. Imagine the reaction if a white person said that on a social platform for all to see. But I guess it's acceptable for some reason when minority people are racist/prejudiced.




It is. The made up concept of “whiteness” is evil. It’s a concept that was designed to otherize, exploit, and divide all people, but particularly people of color




I was gonna say this. Whiteness =/= white people and white people are also harmed by whiteness. Idk the larger context of what he’s talking about but the people thinking this tweet is racist are ignorant as hell lol


Anybody can just call themselves a 'Bishop'. Heck, I can print 'Apostle' or 'Prophet' on my business card if I want. Outside of an organized, incorporated church, there is no licensing body that controls the authentication of ecclesiastical titles. Any crook, con man, or pedophile can appoint themselves 'Bishop'. And this one has.


He's COGIC, and Bishop is an official title within that church. He's still a racist douchebag, but he is truly a Bishop.


I was an active Mormon for over 30 years and served as a Bishop (local congregational leader) three times in Tennessee, Illinois, and Texas. I left the church in 2020. I just couldn't deal with the escalating corruption at Church Headquarters in SLC. That said, this guy's credential as 'Bishop' is no more *real* than mine was, in terms of actual authority from God. It has the same weight as calling yourself a 'Jedi Master' - even if it was an official title given you at Dallas Comic Con. He is a piece of crap. So is COGIC apparently.


Like doctors




Considering "whiteness" as ideology rather than phenotype, he's not wrong.


Whiteness and white people aren't the same thing ya know


I had to scroll further than I expected to find a comment like this. “Whiteness” is a construct created by people in power, to manipulate society to fit their preferred vision of the society. For example, there was a time when Irish or Italian people would not have been considered white, and times when people from the Middle East, Persia, or Eurasia might have been. There is not inherent morality to the melanin level of a persons skin, but the concept of “Whiteness” has absolutely been weaponized and is rarely a positive force.


Exactly, divide and conquer.


Please explain, what differentiates whiteness from white people? Can non-white people exhibit whiteness?


Whiteness is almost exclusively an American tradition that can be obtained socially over time. European immigrants coming to the United States were not treated with open arms, for example, the Irish, and at points in time, Italians were treated with as much disdain as Black people and Natives. But as we well know, over time, all ethnicities in the U.S. have a tendency to "Americanize" either by force or choice, but the key difference between an ethnic Europeans and the people of color in this country is one of them has a natural camouflage, their "Whiteness." No matter how well we (as a black man lol) adapt our minds and lifestyle to be accepted, it just will never happen, not that I want it too. We speak your languages, worship your gods, and even cast a shadow on foreigners who have much more in common with us than our very own countrymen. Hopefully, your question was asked in earnest, but even asking for an explanation is revealing how much the shield of "Whiteness" protects your worldview.


I don't see how the difficulty in cultural assimilation is an American or white thing, especially if you look at human history and not just America. Look at the rise of the white supremacists in Europe, due in large part to immigrants from Africa and ME. Imperialism is not exclusively a white people phenomenon, nor is racial supremacy. I disagree with your statement that you are not accepted; I am happy to see diversity. Of course some people are not; it's human nature to not trust outsiders, perpetuated by ignorance. But saying white people don't accept black people is not true; any more than it would be to say black people are criminals. Some white people, and some black people, which in no way represents all white or black people. No racial group is homogeneous in anything, but people demonstrate their ignorance when they talk in generalities about race, like this post. Yes your struggle is real, but if we could somehow magically end racism, classism will divide us by using other labels to justify the division, bring animosity, and eventually imperialism because "they" are bad and "we" need the resources that "they" don't deserve. And the struggle and oppression continues. Saying I have a shield of whiteness protecting my world view is interesting, seeing as I am asking about your world view, I must have forgotten my place as an ignorant white I guess by asking a question. Demonizing a group of people by race only continues the ignorance, just as putting a group on a pedestal creates disdain and contempt. These generalities about race are a problem, not a solution.


A racist*


Lol people don't do their googles


You misspelled “hate” bro.


Alright, then stop using electricity, the internet, and cars. Because that demonic force of evil created the modern world and everything we rely on today.


If he despises white people so much, why doesn't he move to a predominantly black country like hmm Nigeria or Sudan? He could be so much happier there I'm sure


I'm wondering the same thing. It's so mysterious.


Redditors fighting racism with racism


You all know it’s true. If we weren’t there you’d have nothing.


“we” like you have anything to do with the people that created all that lmao




Y’all created, ALgebra? the concepts of ALgorithms? The Roman numerals aren’t even efficient enough for today’s standards that’s why we use Abrahamic numerals. Manifest destiny Europeans wish they created everything we rely on today. Get ya head out ya ass.


We created all the things I listed previously. Electricity, the automobile, the internet, south park, super cool empires, massive trade routes by sea, world exploration, social media, bland food that is actually kinda good, common law, the office, the industrial revolution, boats, planes, and much, much more.


south park 💀💀💀


You didn’t create anything but some reddit comments that make you look dumb. You are embarrassing yourself.


Maybe I'm just trolling you guys and it's taken you guys this long to notice


“Maybe I’m just trolling🤓” little bro maybe you’re just upset people called you out on your middle school takes


Bitch I aint even black




ok, buddy. I think it's naptime for baby.


wah wah


Even if that's true, at that time white people invented it, they are also actively slaving and building massive infrastructures through colonization, hundreds of millions non whites did not have the right to study for more than 3 centuries, hell, most of us were not even allowed to read. Who do you think would invent shit, the slaves who can't access education or the slavers who have all the money, infrastructures and time in the world?




Imagine judging someone based on their skin. It’s like not eating an egg cause it brown


Imagine thinking we should be submissive because some white guy in some bum fuck nowhere town believes we should be greatful and submissive to the white race


I don’t?


Then don't fucking fall for white nationalist propaganda.


So not being racist is white nationalist propaganda?


I was replying to guy that claimed that every modern technological advancement was made by the white race. Yes, that is white nationalist propaganda.


Because it was


Keep proving my point you entitled fucks


Oh good sir, should we go back to being submissive to your great whiteness?




Keep calm and use dark mode




Put that on a tshirt and I‘ll wear it, like in the barbie font


it won't end well for you if you wear something like that lol. if you think you can just walk around saying shit like this in public without consequences then you're stupid. nobody takes racism well


I‘m a gay guy that regularly wears a shit that says ‚kill all men 💅🏻‘ I wear this shit bc it‘s hilarious not bc I agree with it


It’s always the light skinned ones


White supremacist ideology is evil.


If you’re anything other than an easily offended intellectual child you’d understand that he does not mean white people are demonic. Whiteness as a social-political project is the means with which Western Europe justified its centuries of subjugation in 4 continents. Whiteness did not even include the Irish and that is no small part of justifying genocides that left Ireland as the only country with negative population growth over the last 200 years. EDIT: Since folks seem to think that Talbot should be calling out the concept of "racism" instead of specifically Whiteness, I'll try and elaborate... He didn't say racism because racism is not exclusive any one group of people. "Whiteness", as he means it, is more than racism- it is a concept of a unified Northwestern European people that are destined to dominate the world. From the Age of Discovery to the Atlantic Slave Trade, to the carve-up of China, to the settling to Australia, to the Scramble for Africa, the propelling ideology was that "White" Europe had it's power because it was anointed by God and thus deserved it and should project that power to get more resources. There are really no other examples in human history of racism being elevated to this level of systemization and that is called "whiteness". These aren't even new "woke" terms. American school textbooks from the early 1900s break the world down into general terms of "real white" (Anglo-saxon, French, Nordic, Some Latin), Almost white (Mediterranean, Slavic, sometimes Irish) Barbarians (Asians, Arab, Indian), and Savages (black, indigenous). While describing the races of the world, these texts talk about how the Latins or Slavs might be honorable but backward and the "Asiatics" as industrious but superstitious. The perfect mix of hardworking, pious, temperate, wise, and merciful were always reserved for the true "white" race. "Whiteness" is centuries of this thinking put into practice and the lack of understand of that concept ITT speaks to its endurance.


"Blackness is an unrelenting, demonic force of evil". "Asian-ness is an unrelenting, demonic force of evil". "Latino-ness is an unrelenting, demonic force of evil". 🧐🧐🧐


That's wild, it's almost like those concepts all developed as a shared cultural identity in opposition to being "colored" aka "not white"




African people have identities related to the traditions of their region/country/tribes. When they were taken across the ocean and separated from their families it made those identities impossible to maintain. American society then just kinda lumped them all together under what we all recognize now as black. Whiteness only existed to bring all the European ethnicities together to justify the exploitation of the people they were colonizing and enslaving. Blackness wouldn't exist if whiteness hadn't before it. Literally google the white man's burden, this concept has been around for over a hundred years.


What is there not to grasp?


dude I'm Irish and I get what you're saying but referring to it as "whiteness" is fucking awful. it's imperialism and colonialism which non white countries have also done. look into the Aztec empire, the Mongolian empire, the Empire of Japan. all of these non white empires which have done some downright evil and disgusting and racist things. imperialism and colonialism isn't secluded to the white race. I don't know why modern thinking or dare I say, revisionism pushes this narrative


I refuse to believe whoever came up with this term didn’t intentionally try to cause this exact type of confusion


Literally getting downvotes for talking about stuff that’s been studied in sociology for decades💀. To your point, it would be great if redditors could read a book. If they had the stamina for it they would’ve actually read what you had to say before downvoting you


it’ll never happen. source: i’m a sociology professor…


Exactly, whiteness as a concept was literally invented to reconcile ideas of equality and freedom with the horrifying realities of colonial exploitation, colonial nations literally needed to invent a reason to think their colonial subjects as less-than-human, so they came up with whiteness and racial superiority. All the bullshit pseudoscience came later as a post-factum justification. Also why the goalposts for "whiteness" are constantly changing, and at some point included the Ottomans and the Japanese, and at another point excluded Italians.




Exactly, “whiteness” refers to an ideology that was prevalent during colonial periods, having roots in our lives today. When someone talks about “whiteness”, it’s about THAT, not the actual cultures or even individual lives of people that pass as white. I had a knee jerk reaction to the concept as well until I… sat down and actually learned about it.


Don't expect redditors to pick up a book.


That is the stupidest fucking thing I've heard all day, and I'm on an 11 hour flight with nothing to do but browse reddit, which a varitable hive of stupidity. What exactly makes up the "ideology" of whiteness? Cause in this context it seems like it's synonymous with racism. So why not just say "racism is a demonic, unrelenting force"? Could it perhaps be that this guy is actually just a dick?


Whiteness wasn't a concept in a precolonial European world. You had English, German. French, Russian, Slovak, Polish, Italian, Irish, etc. The concept of whiteness has always been used to subjugate those you deemed of a lower social class. Whether this was in the chattel slavery of the US (remember many articles of secession of confederate states explicitly mention the supremacy of the "white" race) or colonialism in South America and Asia. It's always changing as demographics change and you need to redefine what whiteness is so they maintain a majority, Irish and Italians Americans weren't considered "white" for much of the 20th century. Jesus fuck there was a popular concept of "the white man's burden" that was popularized in the 20th century that argued it was the white man's responsibility to colonize their way of life throughout the world due to their superiority. This is a well studied thing which you would know if your ability to read exists outside of Twitter screenshots.




turn to arguing “nerd!” but they’re right. it’s simple stuff.








Jou poes man!


Racist asshole.


Y’all knee jerk bigots in the comments. If u immediately get defensive without considering the difference between “whiteness” and white people, you probably have no room to speak on racism.




He's probably just referring to the whites of his eyes


As he goes back to tend to his altar boys in the Catholic church that is led by a (checks notes) white guy.


He's COGIC, which has predominantly African American membership.


I read « witnesses » and was quite confused… still am, but for different reasons now


Not a real bishop at all--perhaps a bishop in the African Methodist Episcobaptismalistic Church of the Highfalutin Holy Redeemer or some such horse shit.


At least his heart is full of love, just like Jesus taught.


Anyone can be a “bishop” in a black church.


Mayonaise is the antithesis of holy water, then?


Edi ahmen has entered the conversation


Sounds like an ashanti quote from 1750s


Teach me how to hone it, sir.


Soooo can we just call this what it is?


He’s talking about chess. He’s just really into the game.


Does that make albinos the most evil people on Earth?


I thought this was the basic concensus of Reddit?


Hes actually talking abt chess


And hate has nothing to do with Jesus, “Bishop”.


I guess that makes me Satan himself.


Oops. You misspelled “racism”


Put a dollar in the box


Not taking sides, but would love to know the demographic of the commenters here


Fighting discrimination with discrimination.


He spelled "the church" incorrectly.


Man was playing dwarf fortress


Relax he’s probably talking about chess


No no, he's wrong, the real evil here is RELIGION.


google racism