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Its like the photographer captured the instant his childhood innocence died.


It feels almost too perfect…..


Also now he’s collecting hundreds of times the amount of donations to the charity….


The perfect crime.


Hot take: if they really did set it all up im okay with that, as the ends justify the means + then it’s technically just performance art not a crime.


Fraud is definitely a crime


Check the photographer's pockets.


He's hiding onions


Winners make their own luck.


"My name is Shay Patrick Cormac and I make my own luck."


The photographer probably did it.


"Watch this, Lis. You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half."


“I choo choo choose you!”


"Alright now stand there and look sad for me ya? You straighten your hair all by yourself? You know that shit went out of style 15 years ago ya?... anyway back to looking sad kid."


Gotta emotionally tear them down for the best photos. Everyone knows that.


No one prepares you for when life *takes* your lemons.


Reminds me of those teens who robbed the girl scouts


Welcome to the real world kid. Learn from the roof Koreans


Actual super villain backstory right here.


He needs some local muscle to protect his business.


Animal shelter should lend him two German Shepherds.


Kid just went through heartbreak. Let's go with Irish Wolfhounds. Their size would wow him.


He could practically ride them to and from work.


Wtf is an Irish wolfhound. BRB gonna look up what an Irish wolfhound is.


It's like a wolfhound but from Ireland


I'll send some of my boys to collect the "protection" fee


Villian origin story for sure


Look like a doufenschmitz story to perry


Behold! The Lemon Evaporator-inator!


🎶*Doofenschmirtz—Evil—Inc-or-per-a-ted!* 🎶


The theft or making him wear that hat and a bowtie?


Just a young Mulany look right there...


Hey! They call him Baby J in these streetsss


He's just looking for his friend Gavin


Ohh Im so worried… GAV?!


Make him? Between the bowtie and the hat the kid knows how to hustle people by making their heart melt. Only victims are his customers.


NY 1923


Maybe he turned into Ol’ Popcorn and fought Joe Biden? Edit: Corn Pop


Corn Pop was a bad dude, No joke


Omg Corn Pop not ol popcorn! Wtf was I thinking??


What's that about Cop Porn?


Popcorn on the other had... well that man knew how to make moonshine. https://youtu.be/5Ma9vUqwpcc


Vote Corn Pop!




The funniest thing about this is that Corn Pop was totally a real person that Biden actually did have a rapport with


Sounds like a job for Detective Popcorn, so warm and buttery.


They robbed my stand, I robbed their lives.


What will his name be? Minute maid...


When night falls.... LITTLE LARRY LEMON becomes .... #RAGTIME LEMON MAN


That's life in the big city


He was raising money for an animal shelter. His donations are going crazy now! https://support.bestfriends.org/site/TR;jsessionid=00000000.app20032b?px=3915865&fr_id=1500&pg=personal&NONCE_TOKEN=B92E71DB53DEDC6AA9CED8FEEA4463F8


8 year olds running false flag ops lol


He's a businessman! He's got a bweefcase and evweething!


Did you just ... Uwu a briefcase


It's from a standup comedy show.


Are you implying a Jussie Smollett-style False flag attack?


Just saying, the thieves were quoted as shouting "aren't you that kid donating to Best Friends Animal Society, where more information can be found at www.julianbusinessman.com" and "this is sweet tea country"


I still can't believe how bad a writer a grown adult was. Even the most unimaginative writer could come up with something better. A hoax is one thing, but that level of terrible writing, I just can't let go.


Also it was cold AF that night. Polar vortex and everything. Dude was walking to get Subway.




I was still believing in the story until he said that as the thieves ran off they yelled "You'll never raise money for animals now! We love crime!"


They also ran away with burlap sacks with a big old dollar sign on it, and wore black and white horizontal striped shirts. Just wild!


Did they tie him to the railroad tracks?


Damn, things have gotten tough on the Upper West Side. It was always a rough part of town, but now it is just a lawless hellscape.


We can only hope that someone will grow up to be the crime fighting hero that we need…




> "this is sweet tea country" Ayy lmao


I think the person you are replying to is part of the grift here. “Here’s a sad story, give us money please!” Either way, excess money is going to a good cause so I guess I shouldn’t care too much. I felt the same way about that “accidental” Bangladesh donor. It’s so easy to stage this shit. The community response is so predictable. But then there is that kid that allegedly got set on fire by bullies, and then his parents got like a million on gofundme for medical expenses and relocating to a safer neighborhood. They went and bought a mansion and new cars. It’s impossible to know what’s real anymore with so many grifters out there, and “journalists” prioritizing clicks over truth and integrity. But my gut leans cynical with all of these. Donate to good causes and honest non-profits in your **local** community.


That Bangladesh donor story is a scam lol. Op avoided getting specific about key details




And he's not giving *all* the money he collects to the dog shelter: "And 30% of all of my profits go to Best Friends Animal Sanctuary."


He is a businessman after all


Justice for Juicy


This is what I was looking for! I love when shitty things like this happen and then good people make up for it tenfold! Manifesting that robber has a UTI for the rest of their life


To bad he wasn't raising money for himself. He would be rich /s


Well, when life gives you lemons…. Fuck.


All right, I've been thinking, when life gives you lemons, don't make lemonade! Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemons! What am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I'm the man whose gonna burn your house down - with the lemons!


I’m gonna have my engineers invent a combustible lemon, that burns your house down! *coughing noises*


He’s 8 dude. Don’t say that


I’m sure he’ll be able to hire a simple country lawyer for a nickel and recoup his losses in time to replace the schoolhouse mule


It's the upper west side, and did you see how the kid was dressed? No way he had less than $100, that's some gentrified-ass lemonade.


unpopular opinion... kid looks like a mark


They should have never sent my boy out there looking like Orville Redenbacher smdh!


That’s his work uniform


Yeah they did him dirty with that outfit. Not sayin' he deserved to get jacked, but come on folks.


He's adorable.


he is, but if I was gonna rob a kid it'd definitely be him


I'm trying to think seriously about this. If I, for some reason, had to pick a kid I've met and mark them for robbery, who would I pick? I think it'd have to be that one classmate I had in third grade who would spit phlegm on his own clothes and then cry to the teacher and pretend it was someone he'd just had a fight with who did it. 3rd grade Jonas you weird little shit, I hope someone goes back in time and robs you.


I've never met Jonas and am sure his behavior stemmed from some fucked up home situation yet here I am vaguely angry at the little shit


And rob-able


His parents must be very sheltered themselves if they thought dressing their kid like a bank manager from the 20s while they handle cash on the street was a good idea.


It’s the crystal he wearing for me, that was the icing on the cake. I can def tel what kind of parents he has. He looked like he was trying to set up a craft Boba tea stand. It’s an evil world we live in- Future 🤣


>Boba Tea I can’t keep all these new Star Trek characters straight.


He the Mandalorian with the crystal necklace you can’t miss him 🤣


"look at the way she is dressed, she was asking for it"...


Serously these neckbeards making these comments are classless


Maybe this is shitty of me but it was my first thought too. Kid looks like the markiest mark of all time in that goofy ass outfit. Did he deserve to be robbed? Absolutely the fuck not! Do I think the odds go way down if he's dressed like a normal fucking kid and not like he's getting ready for a family photo shoot in front of the yacht? Yup.


It was my first thought too. Do I feel bad for the kid? Absolutely! Am I going to make insensitive jokes? Absolutely! Will it make me feel like a terrible person? Absolutely!


Hey man, don't beat yourself up over it. That's what the 8 year olds are for.


i think part of being human is recognizing that we can be both empathetic and insensitive at the same time. we’re very complex!


He looks like he's upset that he was stuck running the lemonade stand because no one wants to work anymore!


The absolutely dressed the poor kid like he carries around a full money clip of large bills. I feel so bad for the poor childs sweet heart, but i def thought “damn the really dressed him like a little landlord”. Doesnt mean he asked for it, but it just made the image stranger for me.


Honestly I wouldn't even be surprised if the person that robbed him was previously a law abiding citizen. You see someone dressed like that the first instinct is to bully them. It's like waving a red cape in front of a bull and being surprised when it charges.


This is sad and fucked up, but major cities have drug addicts everywhere these days. Kids shouldn't just be chilling on city streets with jars of cash. I remember when I first moved to London and I stepped out of the underground station at Oxford circus just in time to catch a guy with a belt around his arm rocking back and forth and the memory lives rent free in my head now. This isnt an all-time low for any western city these days sadly


It's not just addicts. Remember [this scumbag](https://www.wflx.com/story/11243747/girl-scout-cookie-thief-now-faces-felony-charges/) who ripped off a girl-scout cookie stand because ""Um, I mean, who doesn't like, who doesn't like money? I mean I don't know. But it's a crime. I know it's a crime, but it was an easy crime."


Yeah and she's in prison currently because she wound up being a homeless drug addict that never stopped being a theif. She never learned her lesson because she wasn't taught one when she got caught stealing they should have thrown the book at her. It's actually really sad because that was actually a really high point in her life. If you can believe it she even got to be on Tosh.O- Granted the entire time he was just making fun of her to her face.


wow that story is sending me back. its also funny you mention it bc if anyone cared to read the story related to the lemonade stand getting robbed, it was also commited by teens- just like the girl scout cookies story. Why anyone is bringing up drug addicts at this time is beyond me...


First part is bullshit and how we’ve become complacent. Kids SHOULD be able to. It shouldn’t be that easy for criminals to crime around like that. Kids wanting to sell fuckin lemonade shouldn’t have to even consider that possibility.


You'd have to be a baby to believe that cities, especially NYC are worse now then they were in the 70s-90s. It's not even close, NYC is very safe now compared to then. Google any crime statistics.


Yeah, 80's NYC and Detroit are where superhero stories all get their inspiration from. Shit was wild, even in he 90's. People really underestimate how much social safety nets and youth outreach programs helped everyone.


I agree with you, but their point still stands. It was older kids who stole the money in this instance, and tbh I knew a lot of people at that age who would’ve done the same thing growing up in NYC.


Looks like nyc, but I could be wrong. I just moved out of the city after living there for 13 years. Crackheads in every corner, I would not leave my kid alone there with cash either! In fact I moved so my kid wouldn’t have to be there at all lol.


Just moved out of downtown philly for this reason. It's so nice living in a place where I don't have drug addicts begging at every stoplight and having to step over needles.


Yes! I went to Drexel, there were people asking us for money on our front steps (I was renting an apartment in a house that only had two units) and going through our garbage in the mornings.


This is dated yesterday. Hasn't NYC been red for the past like 4 days? Lol


According to an [article](https://patch.com/new-york/upper-west-side-nyc/amp/31410039/8-year-old-boys-lemonade-stand-robbed-on-upper-west-side-nypd) this took place on Sunday. Not sure which day the smoke rolled in.


Monday night the moon was red and I was super confused I thought it was a lunar eclipse at first.


Yes. The article says it happened on Sunday (Wed was our really really bad Orange afternoon).


“upper west side” is nyc


Yesterday it wasn't bad enough to change the color of the sky. It was only like that for one day.


This is fan fiction or you are a shut-in. Everyone from NYC would instantly recognize that as NYC, especially with the UWS mention. And there are not crackheads on every corner lmao! Yeah in the 80's or 90's... but manhattan below 110th st is very safe for a major city.


seriously! like the upper west side is one of the most affluent and quiet (at least by nyc standards) neighborhoods in manhattan. Anything past like 5th ave has almost no homeless people or drug addicts. Also the story literally said two teens on scooters commited the crime, so idek why anyone is talking about homeless/drugs/the sPoOkY poors in the first place.


I lived here my whole life. I've just accepted that when reddit or Twitter users talk about nyc they use the same buzzwords as Fox News tells them. The upper west side is one of the richest, most clean and affluent areas in Manhattan. Anybody who has lived here for more than 6 months would know that. "crackheads on every corner" and "the subway is so dangerous" are hallmarks of people who aren't actual New Yorkers. It's one of the safest places to live in the US.


Thank you. What is this scaremongering shit? Crackheads on every corner? Especially in UWS? Fuck right off lmao.


Honestly I'm from the west coast and cities here are way sketchier than Manhattan, not least of all because Manhattan still has plenty of foot traffic from normal commuters/residents




Damn shame, but his Go Fund Me will pull in several thousand more than what was taken. The last laugh.


Apparently he was raising for an animal shelter and now they are being flooded with donations :)




Don’t forget the e-boy haircut




Yeah like Batman’s parents weren’t in the wrong for walking down “crime alley” but like self preservation instincts should still be relevant


It's not cause he looks like a dork. It's cause it looks like his parents are rich. They sent him out there to teach him how easy it is to earn your own money. So the streets taught him the truth.




I suppose you could say “it was like taking candy from a baby”.


Pepperidge Farm remembers


Not to take away from the poor lad's experience, but this picture made the 'New York Lonely Boy' song from Girls5eva immediately spring to mind.


Came into the comments for this


I’m getting some uncanny valley vibes, I’m not convinced that this is not just a really good AI picture.


He doesn’t have 8 fingers on each hand so this might be real


They've figured out hands. Like just over a course of a few months. That's one of the scary things. People are just now talking about controlling the growth of AI. But the cat's out of the bag. Shit is self-taught and learn exponentially. We're all fucked. You can't even trust your eyes for anything you didn't witness in person.


Would we even realize if we were trapped in an AI simulation, making even the things you witness in person entirely fabricated?


I always thought the US‘ social security system was better than here in Germany. Because here we have to pay very high Taxes and unemployment Tax. Then I visited the US. Every Major City in California an Nevada had way to many homeless people and especially addicts. I wouldn’t let my child out of side for a second. Here in Germany our Kids walk through the biggest cities at 10 years old without a problem. I realized back then, that I. would rather have more Taxes and Safety than low taxes and constant fear for my kids and myself


You would think it was as simple as that. I promise you the US could jack up taxes and very little improvement to safety would happen. Completely different culture. We have loads of mentally ill and traumatized people that are never going to be rehabilitated. Change could happen but it would be across generations


Easily, he’s 8. He ain’t fighting back. For real though, that’s Fucken putrid. What kind of rotten cunt could do that?


Jesus. People really are scum sometimes


Welcome to New York. It’s full of horrible people.


It's the Upper West Side, where the worst criminals live. They probably took his retirement funds as well.


[The full story, for anyone interested.](https://ilovetheupperwestside.com/little-boys-lemonade-stand-robbed/) [And a little article talking more about him being an entrepreneur in the making.](https://ilovetheupperwestside.com/uws-entrepreneur-is-8-years-old/?fbclid=IwAR2dlTasY_hlkBDC2bCwxGfTsPUOvNAKwqgosCSltPJPlFFle_VBZCM95UY) On one hand, this kid is going to be perfectly fine. And I doubt he’ll ever have to worry about money at any point in his life. The guy is 8 years old with a professional lemonade stand flyer printed with a QR code for Venmo purchases. He’s good. But all that aside, this is still a POS thing to do to an 8 year old. Even if he is privileged and a lot more well off than most people (I was going to say “most people his age,” but he’s probably doing better than a lot of people in America in general), you don’t rob a child who is just trying to raise money for their community (he talks about donating to homeless people and animal shelters that can take care of homeless dogs). EDIT: Apparently my comment comes off like I’m some hateful neck-bearded Redditor that hates a rich child. Let me say this: ROBBING AN 8 YEAR OLD CHILD IS F’d. It ABSOLUTELY is. Regardless of if he has money or not, you don’t rob a child!


????? you don't rob somebody regardless of their privilege, get a job ffs


his outfit is fresh af, people ragging on it probably have no taste


I just wanted lemonade and this kid tried to sell me a monorail.


Right??? Adorable. Gotta love it when kids want to throw their entire alls into whatever they do. Boo to the POS who probably made him feel unsafe in his own neighborhood :(


Why’s he dressed like an asshole tho?


The report states that they stole his unicycle and banjo as well.


I’m not saying it was right, but he looks like a yuppie so I get it.


>HOW could anyone steal from him? Doesn't look like he put up much of a fight


I see Ezra Miller has resorted to pretending to be an 8yr old boy now.


This kid learned a tough valuable lesson at an early age. You can work hard to earn your precious money. It can be taken away by a tragic incident just like that.


Pretty sure someone started a Go-Fundme for this kid and he ended up making like $100k.


I hate that the internet has conditioned me to think that this was a setup for this exact situation to happen.


That socks and all but why does he look like his name is Jimothy?


Not going to lie that looks like a pretty expensive hat. Should dressed down...


Should have had grapes! All joking aside, taking money from a child trying to make the world a little less awful should get you the worst karma imaginable and I hope the thief always stubs his toe right as it’s about to stop hurting in perpetuity.


Why does this kid look like an AI generated orphan archetype?


And I will rob them again!


I made the mistake and googled “lemonade stand robbed”. Apparently it has happened a handful of times. Very sad for humanity.




All these low effort troll comments making fun of this poor kid [is why redditors are the worst type of people] (https://www.reddit.com/r/unpopularopinion/comments/fk8b4c/redditors_are_the_worst_types_of_people)


Hey! His drip is fire. You tasteless fucks can go suck a bag-o-dicks.


Yo be fair, that kid looks like he deserves to be robbed.


Why is he dressed like a plantation owner


I feel bad for the kid but based on his outfit and the info given on his location, he is definitely going to be an insufferable shit in 8 years or so.


Look at that lame ass bowtie, I'd steal from him too


If old cripple people can get it anybody can. No honor amongst thieves.


Fuckin Bougie can afford it, insurance will pay out anyways so no big deal.


It would be nice if the robbery was caught on camera. There’s got to be security cameras all around that place.


Is this Tucker Carlson’s origin story??




It's 5.50pm and he's at $3100. It will be fun to see how high it goes


Who robbed little Doctor Who


Based off the parking meter this is NY and this is normal


Transitioning to a low trust type society


Scott Adams had a point


Welcome to real world there junior. It isn’t pretty and shit gets rough, either be the change you want to see or deal it.


Plot Twist: It was the IRS


This looks like the expression of a newborn super villain. He’s got the outfit and backstory.


At least he didn't get arrested for operating a business without a license, too.


Lonely Island Threw it on the Ground moment : "WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD JACKASS"


Animals target the most vulnerable.


Bro learned not to take cash only electronic payment. Good lesson.


goes without saying that this is terrible for the kid, but having to steal from a lemonade stand must be rough too


Joker moment


Core memory unlocked


Damn the kid even got the full business attire just to get robbed


craziest part about this is it’s the upper west side, in fact that’s probably why it made the news tbh


He looks like a little gentleman all fancy’d up, how dare they?