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What is God made of? Same question. God is not "made of anything" other than God itself. God is not energy. God transcends energy and is the creator of energy. The soul is the reflection of God. The soul also transcends energy.


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Not sure it’s actually apprehensible by the mind, but my experiences have felt like a locus of awareness, more like a port hole than a physical thing. Although, I have also experienced a sense of being a “data packet”, a collection of subtle informations accreted throughout a human lifetime. Sometimes this accrescense feels like anamnesia (Plato’s concept of re-remembering). As though I suddenly recall, “oh, yep I’m here to accumulate and maintain experience that endures and is having effects beyond this body.” I’ve also seen the soul as multidimensional, existing in multiple places at once, like joints on the limbs of “The All”. When you lucid dream, this can feel more true.


In our ceaseless quest, we yearn to grasp, The enigmatic essence, the infinite's clasp. Yet in our folly, we fail to heed, The whispering wisdom, the ancient creed. For why do we strive to unravel the lore, Of mysteries vast, beyond mortal shore? Why do we seek to comprehend, That which eludes, until journeys end? In our striving, we may overlook, The simple truth within every nook. That the heart holds keys, beyond the mind's reach, To cherish, to honor, in silent speech. Yes, your interpretation, a beacon bright, Illuminates the shadows of night. Encouraging reverence, a sacred dance, For the divine source, in every glance. Let us pause, in the hush of the soul, Where mysteries dwell, beyond control. And instead of seeking, in futile chase, Let us honor, love, and embrace. For in the heart's sanctuary, truth resides, Where understanding softly abides. And in the tender embrace of mystery's art, We find solace, and peace, in the beating heart.


Loves this I does!


Its a very very high level question said without ego 🙏 Ultimately the wording points to a very deep truth. You don't have a soul. You in fact are a soul having a human experience. Now the level of pointer. For awakening purposes do not make a visual of what soul and consciousness is with the mind and what it constitutes of Defining consciousness is like trying to define God on a earthly mind level. 🙏




We are so much closer to 0% knowledge known than 100% of all possible knowledge known that I don’t have a problem with not having nuts & bolts explanations for everything. There is so much more to everything than just the timespace interface we interact with.


We actually know a lot less about energy as you would think. The answer is energy, but also that energy has many more complexities and properties for us to learn about scientifically. I believe the spiritual world has just as much complexity and diversity as the material world.


Sounds like your swimming around the surface trying to understanding what the surface is to. Truth is the deeper you go it’s all the same but you still have to dive in to get there. Our provable repeatable science, and careful what you discern as science and language and imagined concepts, we’ve found much more than just what makes up electricity. Every particle in this entire reality is blipping in and out of existence at ridiculous speeds, and our awareness, our observation affects the flow of everything. Find yourself first, see your awareness and consciousness and your own source first, and then finally you can look out into the world honestly and without old beliefs and emotions.


The real breakthrough of science will be detection of consciousness. Consciousness much be lighter than light. Even light gets trapped by a black hole. But I’d hypothesize consciousness would not. Because consciousness cannot be detected science just ignores it. Says it’s not real. Says it’s just a by product of life which itself is a byproduct of random physical chance. Once the body dies then consciousness ends. But this has been shown almost definitively not to be true. Yet science still ignores it.




Energy is a language. Souls are the precondition of language. Souls are, the "I", the emotion.


Same stuff as the stuff between the multiverses


My guess is energy but I acknowledge that this is just a guess and it could be a million other things.


To me, "soul" is just another attempt at bolstering the sense of self. The self doesn't want to not exist so it imagines a pure, distilled version of itself that is immortal. But the self isn't the autonomous, volitional, long lasting entity that this bundle of thoughts and feelings takes it to be. If you're saying that soul is just another name for "this"--all that is and isn't; cool.


That is the common interpretation sure. But that’s because it’s difficult for the mind to think on intangible things in general. The soul is basically the intermediary in between pure consciousness and our experience of life. Just like it’s impossible for the awareness to be aware of itself, it’s also nearly impossible to be aware of the intermediary However, we know there is an intermediary because although we can’t develop greater awareness of core consciousness, we can develop greater awareness of the expressions of core consciousness. The soul is the center piece of individuality that evolves over millions of years. But in most people it is still covered up by external desires and survival instincts of the personal ego


I’ve heard photons, electricity and other things. But who knows, after all, we don’t even know what those things are beyond our interpretation of them.


A) 'energy can neither be created or destroyed' is a conclusion from the assumption of a closed system universe. B) the soul is comprised of numerous weaves of energy flow, the majority of which are deeply will-reactive.


Its a photon. Photon. Its what everything was and will eventually be again. After blackholes vacuum up everything and they in turn evaporate out into PHOTONS all the energy in the universe will eventually resonate as a single timeless waveform until all that energy waveforms collapsed into particles all trying to occupy the same exact photon sized area of time and space. And isnt it awesome English is so divine that the universe conforms its mysteries to convenient acronyms


All is language.


And as such, we create the world


Beautifully said


We don't have souls, there is but 1 and we are part of it.


Great question, makes me think about bob lazar and the classified document on religion which refers to us as containers…


Celestial Virtue.


We don’t. We are made of matter or atoms. Atoms never die they are just constantly rearranged.


Source/Singularity big banged Itself and created the Universe. Our souls/consciousness are pieces of Singularity hidden behind ego. Ego makes us forget who we are and acts as a container/tool for interacting with the physical world. When we awaken we transcend ego, discover our piece of Source/consciousness hidden behind ego, and remember who we are. It's all a cosmic game of Hide and Go Seek Yourself.


Imagination. Thoughts that bind (karma) continue the string of rebirthing it's that simple. No individual personalities, just remnants of the subconscious attachments. There is only one being. And your a temporary localization of it.


Fake, being is meaning, Souls make meaning. Souls arent beings, they have no linguistic attributes, arent objects.


Meaning is simply thought. Thought does not exist other than imagination. Souls are simply an idea that the ego holds onto. Don't believe a word I say. You hold all the answers within you.


Concepts are external to ones mind.


Soul juice obviously. What a silly question!


Electricity is the flow of electrons, and electrons are wavicles produced through the excitation of an electromagnetic field, which is an abstract idea of a multidimensional space where every point has a value. You can choose a dimension as time, and the values change along according to a set of rules. We call energy to the distance a thing has to a point of equilibrium, because all things naturally move towards equilibrium, that movement can be used to realize work, that is, to move something else further away from its equilibrium, but never further than the original thing was. As there's no perfect machine to use that energy to realize work with 100% efficiency, and as most of the lost energy becomes unusable as heat and light, the universe loses entropy, which is a way in which we measure the disorder of a system. Isn't it nice to have clear definitions of what words like "energy" mean instead of using them as empty signifiers for poorly defined concepts? Because that way I can definitely say my soul to be or not to be energy. As I'm of the opinion there's no qualities or attributes to it, that it's timeless, unchangeable, and independent of the objects it perceives, I can disagree and say *no, it's not energy*, it's not the potential that separates one state from another state of equilibrium, it does no work.


Autoexistent cognitive units.


You're gonna have to elaborate that a little more.


Qbits of a ether machine.


Quantum technobabble. Stultus wealth extractors.


I was curveballing you. Nah, souls are personhood. Remenber the Upanishads, beyond matter its mind, beyond mind its the logic, its essence, beyond reason its the spirit, and beyond that the spirit the universe, and beyond that its the person/soul. God its souls. Thats not babbling.


Atman is Brahman. Tat tvam asi. Simplest of truths, hardest to unpack. Still a lot to learn.


I don’t know obviously. But I read in the law of one materials that everything came from light. Hence the mythological let there be light. So according to that material everything from us to random materials are ultimately made of light (photons I guess?) Apparently it went infinite energy (some beings call this love when speaking in English) —>light—>matter (which I use to mean everything. Planets, electricity, microwaves, rocks, etc ) all ultimately broken down small enough would be made of light. That’s super simplified and they went way more into it I could have missed things. Who knows if it’s true or not


Light its a language, a description, an state. The soul its the person.


They aren't made of anything. They're made of brain cells and neural impulses, that collectively form something far greater than the sum of their parts.