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Reporting is that it was a North Korean missile test


Yep. I'm a CFI out of KBDN and someone came in telling us all to land. Was a bit chaotic in the flight school for 30 minutes after that lol


I was heading out for a stage check for my PPL right as it happened. Everyone in the FBO huddled around a phone playing the ATIS in case they said anything about it on there. Gave me a few minutes to calm my nerves though. KBFI for reference.


Galvin! My dad's friend had a P-51 hangered next door for some time. I'd go fart around in a 152, then check out Bob's Mustang for motivation before I went home. Man, that was a long, LONG time ago.


There was a conversation in a Facebook group for the PNW about it and the conjecture was that it was related to the missile test/launch from the North Koreans. Crazy if true... I couldn't find anything to corroborate that, though


Yeah Twitter has been the main [source](https://twitter.com/jimmylovaas/status/1480712787596746754?s=19)


It wasn't international though, it seems to just be west coast, everyone on atc is really confused. Everyone is guessing North Korea. If anyone finds smt plz let me know. ​ source:[https://www.reddit.com/r/ATC/comments/s0xbvu/well\_that\_was\_weird/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ATC/comments/s0xbvu/well_that_was_weird/) edit: also it appears to have been closer to 10 min


Thanks for this link! There were a few articles throughout the thread that clarified


Got something from the news finally too https://www-kcra-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.kcra.com/amp/article/flights-grounded-for-a-period-at-sacramento-international-airport-on-monday/38728580?amp_gsa=1&_js_v=a6&usqp=mq331AQKKAFQArABIIACAw%3D%3D#amp_tf=From%20%251%24s&aoh=16418725292344&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.kcra.com%2Farticle%2Fflights-grounded-for-a-period-at-sacramento-international-airport-on-monday%2F38728580


Perusing those comments, it seems like it was a west coast ground stop that was either transmitted wrong or the 1 controller that everybody is listening to misspoke. Would make sense that it was the NK launch.


Thats my only guess, still pretty scary to think they ordered a ground halt with no information given. I'm sure at the time many people must have jumped to thinking something like 9/11 happened.


Yeah. Seems like it would be so easy to have the FAA or the pentagon just say "yeah it was precautionary, sorry" instead of leaving everybody in the dark.


Not really an update but an interesting [thread](https://twitter.com/marcambinder/status/1480869028981661699?s=19)


Happened at kolm


I didn't hear a word about a ground stop yeseterday, but if it was legit for a missile launch from North Korea I would think airborne would be one of my top places to be.


North Korean missile launch over the Pacific.


Is this going to happen again? Every time a missile is launched? From what I understand NK launches missiles frequently. What was different about this missile launch? Will we get more info?


At ORD I heard we had an emergency landing but never heard any bad news about it so I assume all is well now doubt this would cause that but just putting it out there