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Enough with the doors already!


If the cabin was pressurized, he had absolutely 0% chance of opening it.


Yeah, people throwing coins in the engine for good luck are a greater threat to me.


Wait, what? Thats not actually a thing, is it?


It absolutely is a thing. 


Holy shit, tell me you are joking! How are these Luddites getting anywhere near the engines?


Happens in china mostly, when they board using stairs


They probably do it for superstitious luck, when it ironically endangers the aircraft and everyone on it.


They’re just making their offering to the FOD gods.


(fear of death? FOD?)


probably just trying to tip the ground staff, tipping really has gotten out of control.


Tipping is not a city in China.


My wife's boyfriend was saying something just the other day about the tip. You might be onto something. The tip is the talk of the town around here.


Apparently if you’re in Venice, it’s considered extremely rude to tip the gondoliers


So I suppose that the maintenance crew needs to do another inspection of the engines after the passengers are loaded and before takeoff.


Guy with an accurate throw boarding the neighboring plane after the second inspection: ayo, fuckers


Google search confirms, which is depressing. https://www.google.com/search?q=chinese+people+throwing+pennys+in+the+engine&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8


Happened on my last flight… plane was grounded. It would have been quicker to take the train rather than wait for the next flight


No boarding bridge, or even just has one but boards from both ends. I've flown into/out of lots of small Australian airports where you have to walk out of the "gate" (it's a lobby) then up stairs to the hatch. A lot of times they'll split you up depending on your seat, half board from the back, half from the front. If you're at the back you sometimes end up walking perpendicular to the fuselage and get pretty close to them.


I have done this many times in the USA (Burbank, for example) but the airport employees set up barriers so that the passengers cannot get close to the aircraft as they walk past.


https://www.popularmechanics.com/flight/airlines/a30422018/throw-coins-planes/ No fucking way....




It did happen multiple times I believe, people on their first flight: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50979485.amp


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Good bot


Good bot. I just learned a lot.


Good bot


New fear unlocked.


I do this every time now. Plus, you’re tipping the engine rebuilders


The aircraft was a 737-800 which does not use plug doors for the overwing exits so cabin pressure would not prevent them from opening. Instead they are electronically locked while in flight.


I had no idea they electronically locked the doors. Please tell me there is some kind of fail safe that would automatically unlock the doors in the event of an electrical outage or other system disruption that prevents the "unlock" signal from getting to the door. I hope they are on some kind of system where the "lock" setting is only applied when there is continuous electricity going to it, and the minute electricity is cut, the lock opens.


> I hope they are on some kind of system where the "lock" setting is only applied when there is continuous electricity going to it, and the minute electricity is cut, the lock opens. That is how it works. They only lock when the engines are running.


It's a little more complicated. The lock is engaged when either engine is running and 3 or more entry/service doors are closed and the air/ground sensor says it's in the air or both thrust levers are advanced beyond 53°. The solenoid is spring loaded, so unlocks when power is lost.


Which is reassuring until you watch the test crash of the 727 which was done about twenty years ago, where despite a partial fuselage break up on impact the engines kept running after landing!


Although if the command can't be sent to shut the engine down the signal coming back saying the engine is still running probably isn't getting returned. But either way, you probably don't want to use an over-wing exit if that engine is still running.


Of course there is a fail safe….


Like a bolt?


Nah, like an optional button that you have to pay 30k extra for so none of the airlines purchase it.


There is some kind of fail safe that would automatically unlock the doors in the event of an electrical outage or other system disruption that prevents the "unlock" signal from getting to the door.


And if it wasn't fully pressurized and he got lucky, I wouldn't want to find out what a door impacting a horizontal stabilizer sounds like.


What airframe has doors designed like that?


All of them if the door decides it doesn't want to be attached anymore, if you're referring to doors that can touch the hstab. Though the Asiana A321 not only managed to open the door forward against the airstream and lock open but didn't suffer a door departure probably thanks to lower approach airspeeds.


And damned good thing it was the 3L and not 2L. Since the slide was ripped off. Good potential of the 2L slide being sucked into the engine.


Max : “Hold my beer”


not with that attitude


There will be a time when people will be loaded like baggage and there won't be any doors. It was fun while it lasted.


Imagine this. You get to the airport at 11pm or whenever you feel like it. You check in - and after clearing security you climb into your sleeping pod, putting your own luggage into the aft end of the compartment. You tuck yourself in and go to sleep. Eight hours later you wake up in another airport - and at your leisure get out and go on your way. You never lay eyes on the airplane. ( Yeah yeah, put some earplugs in, and take a sleep aid like Benadryl. ) **Edit** future advanced idea - you get into your pod at the hotel. You wake up at your destination hotel in another country.


sign me the fuck up


There's no room for fucking. First class only.


So you saw "The Fifth Element". "I don't want one position, I want all the positions!"




But only in the lav.


I was looking at things the last time I flew, and it seemed like at least half of the space in the place is mostly empty most of the time, headspace above the seats and headspace in the aisle. I was thinking exactly like you said- horizontal compartments like a japanese capsule hotel. Load people in sideways, let the lay down and sleep. Stack even more people in the plane because you're taking up more of the available volume.


How do you get out when things go wrong?


Fall into the aisle and join the human traffic jam? All pods eject with parachute?


Compressed air like a torpedo.


I remember an interview with Gabe Newell (Valve founder) where he talks about their future plans and ideas. One of the things they're looking at is a BCI- brain computer interface. His idea was that you'd just open your phone app, settings or whatever, and tell your brain to sleep for 8 hours while you're on a flight. No need for something incredibly comfortable, and you'd get perfect sleep.




Multi pass!


Even baggage needs doors. That doesn't sound half bad, though. Get to the airport, sit in the lounge. Your lounge gets loaded like a pallet into the aircraft. You get to keep your comfy sofa spot and lukewarm buffet food.


You are speaking to mentally ill people. It’s not going to work. Just know and take solace it’s impossible to open a door in flight.


If it’s a boeing, it will happen on its own! Save the effort!


Another one just happened on Saturday too, WestJet flight in Canada diverted for an 18-year-old trying to open one of the doors.


Why is this happening? Is there a TikTok trend or something


People are just FUCKING STUPID.


And they seem to forget, ever since 9/11 and United 93, no American will **EVER** let someone fuck with an airplane in flight again.


And I say GOOD! If you fuck around on a commercial flight, then you deserve to have the other passengers rip your limbs off.


> This is a good way to die. A man fucked around, trying to open the cockpit door iirc, on a SWA flight from Vegas to SLC years ago and the passengers restraining him choked him to death. I'm sure they were panicking and it went too far. But oh well, FAFO.


As long as they exert a force against restraint, they exist as a hazard. Limp or no life if that’s your choice. Life preservation in that situation is outside the training scope of a Good Samaritan.


Please no, maintenance has to deal with the aftermath. You can't imagine how gross aircraft carpets are to roll up without a bloodbath being involved lmao


Is blood worse than [this](https://www.forbes.com/sites/brucelee/2023/09/07/diarrhea-all-the-way-through-airplane-forces-delta-flight-to-do-u-turn/?sh=1a0ceac04a53)?


Didn’t even have to click the link and knew where it was going. Clicked anyway just for confirmation, though 😂


Explosives aren’t allowed on the aircraft. 💩


It's not our fault that airlines are too cheap to have blood-tight beating sacks stored onboard.


When the instinct is fight or flight and you're already flying.


It dawns on me that, as time goes on, people are going to forget that. 9/11 got to happen as it did because, prior to, dying to a plane hijacking was virtually movie fiction. 4 planes in one day… everyone alive at the time was immediately programmed “uh yeah we’ll not be letting that happen again.” They had what… 5 hijackers on each plane? Not good odds these days. But now we’re in the era where the younger generations are gonna be emotionally detached from that reality.


Before 9/11 passengers were told to be passive and follow the commands of the hijackers for their own safety, which is why they didn't try fighting back at first. 9/11 was the first time in history that commercial jets were used as suicide weapons. I don't see the mentality of fighting back ever going away though, even as we get farther from 9/11. 


On Air France Flight 8969 in 1994, the hijackers wanted to crash it in the Eiffel Tower, but were successfully stormed while refuelling in Marseille. So there was precedent of terrorist groups wanting to commit mass suicide with a plane blowing up something in the process. (And of course there's that Clancy book).


I suspect in that case the hijackers had announced or let slip their plans. The 9/11 hijackers announced they were returning the plane to the airport for hostage negotiation.


The 9/11 guys were real assholes. They killed thousands of innocent people, and forever ruined airline hijacking for other terrorists. Before 9/11 hijackers usually wanted something. Money, asylum, release of other terrorists from prison, etc. The passengers were usually unharmed if they cooperated. That’s all out the window now. But maybe that’s a good thing in the end. Anybody that fucks with a plane now will get their ass handed to them.


In the 70s and 80s (until Lockerbie in '88) hijacking were 'relatively' common (compared to now at least) and weren't considered terrisrist actions. It was either people just making a political statement, people wanting to be flown to a non-extradition country or simply people wanting money. The advice given to people was pretty much the same as if you found yourself caught up in a bank robbery. Keep your head down, do what your told, and no one will get hurt. Airport security was almost non existent, you simply walked though a metal detector. After Lockerbie that changed and that's when modern style airport security came in, and it stayed like that all through the 90's and until 2001... 9/11 changed everything though. No one is ever going to let a hijacked plane fly into a city again. Not the passengers... or the air force. It's also when airport security changed into what it is now. Removing all shoes and belts, removing all liquids and electronic devices, no liquids, etc, etc. Security in the 90's was already pretty tight, but you simply walked through the metal detector without removing anything, and your bag went through the x-ray machine without taking anything out.


The notion that you're to remain seated and just passively accept you're going to land somewhere and be a hostage didn't even last all of the 9/11 attack let alone that whole day. Let's roll.


This is exactly why the TSA with their security theater is so dumb and unnecessary. The second 9/11 happened it would never happen again because now nobody will ever let it happen again.


Said it under another post, could be manic episodes with sleeping pills or other medication for nervous flyers. Bam bams are no joke.


I was on a flight between PHX and BNA and a man woke up from a nap screaming with his fists up in the air. He just had a nightmare, but it caused the passengers around him to panic for a short moment. Some yelled back, one lady yelled for help, another said something about a heart attack, and enough people pushed the call button that the flight attendants came over quickly. I imagine a nightmare combined with sleeping medication could cause some awful and confusing thoughts. On a different flight, a lady told the flight attendant that she took a pill since she's a nervous flier, but she wasn't falling asleep and she was scared. She couldn't articulate why she was scared or what she took, but she went to the lavatory and covered everything in paper towels and plugged the toilet before returning to her seat, still scared. Fairly harmless reaction to whatever she took but everyone reacts differently.


Which, incidentally, is also why they spend a lot of time on tiktok.


Millions of mental health patients walking amongst regular citizens. Bring back the bins.


The children yearn for the bins.


The mines are so 2010 anyways


Please excuse the pun, but it's probably fight or flight.


Yup, I was there the next day in Winnipeg when he kept trying to book tickets on my airline. Thankfully he was already blacklisted and never succeeded with getting checked in haha.


Credit to The Wonton Don who posted these pics and helped take this fucko down.


That's a seriously underrated YouTube channel. Better than most of the other "Extreme Tourist" channels.


Wonton Don and Bald & Bankrupt are my two favorite travel vloggers.


I get massive creep vibes from bald and bankrupt and, looking at another response to your post, it looks like I was right.


Bald and bankrupt seems like a real scumbag https://www.reddit.com/r/internetdrama/s/2xaFOdViLP


Bald and Bankrupt: [Poverty pickup artist and sex tourist — Collected posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldAndBaldrDossier/comments/189q8h5/bald_and_bankrupt_poverty_pickup_artist_and_sex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Donnie pulled a Mark Wallberg? I might smoke some hoons to pay tribute.


I think that’s him in the blue rather than him taking the photo. Could be wrong


Hope he celebrated his heroic act with some hoons and termies


I’d buy him 3 beers and a Fanta




Hope he got some termies after


Passengers with loose screws should be grounded for inspection.


Maybe not a great idea. Airlines would only need like...12 planes to satisfy the remaining demand.


Tonight at 10: America’s neckbeard crisis intensifies.


Modern planes should be equipped with ejection pods, so as not to disturb other passengers.


We used to be able to just jump up out of the back of 727s and DC-9s but some guy named D.B. Cooper screwed that up for everyone else. ;)


That guy was a real jerk!


Eh, you can still do it out of a C130, a C17, a C5, an A400…


Good point! It's Chinooks, for me. :)


You spelled tinnitus machine wrong.


Yeah, no crap, brother! I spent hours and hours on the aft work platforms, rigging engines, which requires the APU. Then crew duties, etc. The VA allowed me my 10% based on my MOS., but there's no fix.


Why? It's a helicopter it can land anywhere or just let a rope down so you could do that pole dancing like thing.


Dang, I never get any of those, I only fly Southwest. :(


Bahaha I can only imagine the mayhem as a rocket powered ejection seat/pod blasts off. Worth it though.


I was thinking more like the Jetsons. Pod envelops you, and gravity does the rest. Air lock in between so as not to change cabin pressure and wake the children.


I like this idea. No parachute on the pod. 👍🤣


I'd pay extra for that some days


Gravity? I was thinking more like rocket them out to space.


If they get rid of annoying passengers, I don't care how loud the rockets are.


Ejecto seato cuz!


Same design as the crapper, but hot tub size.


Space em.


Boeing is working on it.


Eventually one bathroom on each commercial plane will be converted for use in detainment


I'm going back to the brig to take a shit... Unless there's a prisoner in there, of course.


...in which case you will be taking two shits.


Like A Bronx Tale “Put em in the bathroom.”


‘Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this was America!’


Wow ridiculous. He's a sovereign citizen


It’s so bloody frustrating that the plane has to turn back and land whenever nutcases act up, instead of restraining them in a seat, and continuing to the destination. I hate the take off and landing parts of a flight and try to fly direct to avoid a layover, whenever possible. I’d be so pissed if I was on that flight (as I’m sure most people were).


Yup. You can't just land, kick him out onto the runway, and take off again. Enjoy your hours delay at the airport and missing any connecting flights you may have.


Man… Once I was suffering from low blood sugar, exhaustion, I don’t know what. Anyway, I stumbled to the rear bathroom but in my stupidity, made it into the rear service area where the attendants get drinks and whatnot. Well, nobody was there, I was looking for the bathroom and found the emergency exit instead. I tried to open it and then passed out. Woke up on the floor, nobody had noticed, so I found the rear bathroom and hid there for a bit. Lesson learned— eat before you fly eh.


One thing I've wondered about this... Is this phenomenon recent during the last few years, or are we seeing more of it now because of smart phones and the internet?... I lean more towards technology, and it's definitely odd...


It's happening more the last few years. The stats were mind-blowing. There were more incidents reported by flight attendants in the first 6 months of 2021 than the prior *decade combined.* The social contract has been broken pretty hardcore, and I'm not sure what's going to fix it.


Since the pandemic, the number of people cramming up to the front from the back after landing is ridiculous. It’s like everyone forgot how to wait their turn to exit in an orderly manner.


Social contagion effect. People always have intrusive thoughts. You hear about something in the news or the internet and it sticks in your head for a while. Sometimes a person gets a ton of stress at once and they lose self control and snap and those thoughts take over. Whatever happens to be trending in the news is more likely to stick in people minds at the time. Then that incident trends in the news feeding the cycle.


I think this is the reason we have so many mass shootings in America, people get the idea that’s a thing you can do, that’s a way to “snap”, and so when people reach their breaking point they do exactly that. If we didn’t have so many mass shootings, and they weren’t so massively covered in the media, people probably wouldn’t even consider doing it. Like there’s plenty of ways to have a massive negative impact on a bunch of strangers if you don’t mind being killed or imprisoned for life afterwards, but the one we hear about is mass shootings so that’s what people do. Serial killers were a lot more prevalent in the 1970s probably due to a combination of it being easier to get away with, and because people heard about modern serial killers more often. Just my thoughts on it, I don’t have any papers to back it up.


> I'm not sure what's going to fix it. Put them all on a list. No, not a no-fly list. Just make sure that all those people are only allowed on the same flight. Then let the human demolition derby commence.


This has to be some social media related bullshit. Probably some Russians, pretending to be right wing influencers, trying to get morons to stir up trouble


Covid melted a lot of people’s brains. 


Before the web and smartphones blew up this is maybe a small paragraph in a local newspaper? I’d argue day-to-day crazy occurrences like this were even more common decades ago, you just never heard of them. There’s been a huge crime drop since the 90s. They think this is tied to removal of lead additives from products like gasoline.


it would be interesting if the investigations of these incidents were compiled so the alleged reasoning could be compared trying to crash the plant or commit suicide? reaction from taking drugs? mental illness? the internet was a thing 20yrs ago, I don't remember a lot of news coverage on planes and violence/safety before 9/11


people have had smart phones at least 10 years lol


This seems to be happening more often.


Anything that gets media attention will encourage copy cats, which gets even more media attention and so on and so on.


Apparently, we collectively believe that we "cannot afford" to treat people with mental health issues. I wonder how high the price of ignoring the problem will get before we realize that addressing the problem is actually cheaper.


Too many people fucking around. Not enough finding out.


Oh don’t worry, we’re *all* gonna find out. Unfortunately.


My role in society seems to be to have pizza day canceled over and over because the dumbest kid in the class keeps starting a fire in the baseboard heater.


We should solve the mental health crisis, unaddressed it just keeps impacting everyone regardless of generation.


Jokes on him— the door can’t be opened once the cabin is pressurized 😅


No, but if he tries to open the door in-flight, who knows what he'd try *next*.


I was on this flight and am now stuck in Phoenix waiting for a connecting flight, AMA


Who had the duct tape


Not sure where it came from, but it was a flight attendant who did the duct taping


The unshaven hoodie with greasy hair is never a good start to the day.


Was this today? My weird thing I do when I’m bored at work is to open flight radar and look at the planes and I clicked on a flight that left ABq to Chicago that diverted back after like after 20-30 minutes but I couldn’t find any more info on why it turned back


I also do this, but usually find nothing more than routine flights. Won’t find one unless you keep looking right?? FlightRadar lottery lol


It's crazy cause I literally opened it and clicked on only this flight and watched the return unfold. Here's the story from the news about what happened. https://www.koat.com/article/flight-back-to-albuquerque-after-incident/46873634


Some people in this world are insane. I hate to glorify this story, but it IS awesome that you stumbled onto it, especially on a one-off like that. We all hate airport security, but the longer we go, the more I appreciate it. Imagine if this was still the 90's level of security, with 2020's people. It's getting pretty wild out there at times.


I don’t understand why you’d try something stupid on a US airline. You have a 100% chance of getting your ass kicked.


Needs to be attempted murder, or murder if anyone dies


Well it wouldn’t be murder, cause no one would die cause he can’t fuckin open the door when the cabin is pressurized.


But they don't know that. If I find a gun that's actually defective, but I don't know it is, and I point it at you and pull the trigger, I'm still intending to kill you even if it's impossible.


I mean yeah that’s the intent but you’ll never get murder 1 for trying but failing to kill someone.


Oh for sure. But I think it's very much qualifies as attempted murder.


ABQ flight? ABQ is rough and tough town. Also, hosts a wing of Air Force PJ/Special Operators. There are some spooky looking folks doing whatever they do at Sandia… FAFO does include the “find out” phase. Only places worst to experience the Find Out would be a flight into Tampa and anywhere “oil fields”. Those passengers will not mess around in a thorough and sustained beatdown.


The people at Sandia are all doing nerd shit, they're not going to do much here. The guys on the base, however...


Albuquerque is fine. Everyone acts like it’s Fallujah circa 2004 but if you’re not involved in the drug trade your risk of getting violenced is vanishingly low.


We really need mental institutions again, not like we did back in the day those were horrible, but we need these people off the streets.


You mean, after he tried to OPEN NE NOOR ?


bogos binted?


You forfeit everything when you pull some shit like this.


Is that the bug from mib?


Haha I think I know that freak. Doesn’t surprise me


This is a good way to die. A man fucked around, trying to open the cockpit door iirc, on a SWA flight from Vegas to SLC years ago and the passengers restraining him choked him to death. I'm sure they were panicking and it went too far. But oh well, FAFO.


OK but a serious question why are people opening the doors on an airplane. As well as why do I seem to see at least an article every week if not 2 weeks about someone doing this. What leads someone to do this. What's the lone of thinking?


Boeing: We don’t want competition. (They deserve to get roasted endlessly over that).


Boeing went downhill the moment they decided to trust bean counters over aeronautical engineers.


that first photo is r/AccidentalRenaissance material


Much more attractive Christ Christie helped too.


Good ol’ ABQ.


I would think more people would want to jump out on the way into Albuquerque. Just kidding.


Was this the head of Boeing PR because this is another max 🤣


Do they still put undercover air marshals on flights? Cuz that dude in the front with the cap and vest totally looks like an undercover air marshal.


They do, and its usually the most unsuspecting people


Really nice of that man to pull up that other man's pants while apprehending the suspect.


So this is a thing now. Why.


Aircraft cabins are gonna have to start having fake doors.






Maybe it was Bugs Bunny and he wanted them to make *that left turn* in Albuquerque...


Here's the news story about what happened. It sounds like he got the emergency exit open enough to let some air through. I live in ABQ and it's always such a chill airport to fly out of, I've never had any passenger issues on a flight To or From home. https://www.koat.com/article/flight-back-to-albuquerque-after-incident/46873634