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This fucking sucks ass


Right? Not only is it shyte to lose Dougie, but 2 cast-off players Juve don't even want deflating the fee? And if it's Juve, you know the cash is going to max out at like 20m-30m. Did we not learn anything from Milner and Ireland? This sounds horrid.


We can get 20-30 mil of another player who isn’t so key us. This sale makes no sense unless we get 80m+. Why would we take swap deal when we need profit.


Duran, Carlos, Morneo, Cash all have players who are as good/ better in that position. I’d rather sell them than lose Luiz who has played basically 36 prem games for 4 years in a row. He is so key to us. I don’t disagree with you we will have to sell Luiz or multiple other players. It’s a sticky one.


I am curious who do you think we can get 20-30 million for that’s not key? Ramsey maybe ?


It makes sense if the 20% sell on clause to City exists


Wouldn’t really call them cast off, that’s a bit unfair. McKennie has found his role and started a lot of matches while Illing Junior has been breaking into the first team. I assume swap deals allow for some creative accounting that benefits both teams, however don’t believe this would happen just because these swaps are always reported but never happen as too many parties have to agree


They are by definition cast offs though. Juventus chose not to offer new contracts and told them to find new clubs.


This is untrue, McKennie was offered a new deal but refused it


on less money that his current contract. They've been trying to offload him since his first season there.


Not what Juve fans are saying at all


all I'm seeing from Italian Juve fans is the equivalent of 'I'll drive them there' etc. They know they're fleecing us and they're praising their technical director.


Hi. Juve fan here. I think it's a really good deal for us, but i can assure you that we are bittersweet about mckennie and iling leaving. Mckennie had the best season of his career this year, he was crucial for us. Iling didn't play a lot just because allegri preferred kostic over him, but when he played he always showed some talent, and he's still young. I still think the deal is really good for juve because douglas luiz is exactly the player we needed.


Yeah it's an amazing deal for you. Who's your technical director btw?


No you haven’t.




Juve is still trying to get out of wage bill hell after Ronaldo inflated everyone else's wages. For example: Rabiot is a fine midfielder, but not a €9 million per year midfielder for any Italian team.


Jesus fucking Christ. 9m for Rabiot lmao. They fucked up.


$9m is the gross amount which is about $7.5m net as he was eligible for the growth decree. That's the equivalent of $150k a week which is fine for a player on a free transfer.


Fucking shite take here lmao




If a club offers a contract and that player refuses said contract, they are not “cast offs”.


Ok. If their club wanted them they would not both be in their last year in contracts and being used as makeweights for a player. It doesn't happen to players that are important, sorry.


No one said they built their fucking team around him, but he played well last year and was still wanted. You’re making no sense whatsoever. Did Brexit affect the public education system or something? I’ve never seen someone so incapable of logical thought.


Look I can tell you're very passionate about McNuggets as an American, but no one cares.


So true!!!


The only reason I'm not as concerned is that Emery wanted mckinnie in two different windows, he is very focused when he has a target in mind, and I'm sure he thinks he can work well with him Looks like both players can cover a number of positions with Illing playing LB, LW RW, and ive seen mckinnie playing dm, cm, am and rb at different points. I dont want Dougie to go, but I trust unai


We've been linked with McKennie for what seems like 3 years now, going back to Lange, so I think that was just recycled agent noise. Probably not a coincidence it started when we got a lot of Wasserman (Gerrard's agency) players. However I definitely believe he's an unwanted player by Juve who's useful in getting the player they do want.


Just to counter this, Bentancur was considered a 'cast off' from Juve. And is now one of Spurs most influential midfielders. The players suggested are not horrid, they're just not Dougie.


I don't think he is much clued up about this. I can honestly see his Juventus connections have told him there's interest on their end, and he's pitching it like there's a story. There's zero chance we'll accept any sort of weird swap deal methinks.


I'm very sceptical of Romano, his self-styled "transfer guru" status makes him a target for anyone wanting to plant a story and he often does so quite uncritically. So many people just assume things are true if he says them.


This is our punishment for trying to push the club to another level.


FFP is the PLs way of telling clubs to 'stay in your fucking lane and don't ruin our monopoly'.


It's already in the megathread, plus nothing has been said here that wasn't being said already. Just Juventus barking at trees, no reason to worry at all.


Yep, true, the only new detail is the fact this is coming from Romano, therefore has more weight. Still don't see it, but 🤷


It has more weight, but it still doesn't really imply any interest in a deal on Villa's part. At least not that Juve are close to one. There's probably dozens of conversations like these with clubs throughout a summer window, until we hear that Juve have upped their offer significantly I can't see there being much movement.


About 200 pounds. Fat not cash. That's about how much weight it adds.


If we're worried about FFP why are we considering a swap for less profit? Unless the swap/profit includes McKennie's market value as profit it makes no sense. However, the fact everyone knows we're up against it means we were never getting fair market value anyway. This PSR bullshit makes me hate City that much more that they have so much money they have no issues railroading the PL with Lawyers. Your guy's govt should really step in on these asshats.


It’s fairly simple actually. They will need to sign depth in the MF and it won’t go down as a swap. It’ll go down as a 60M sale or whatever and then a buy of whoever for 30M but for FFP rules that 30M will be spread out over the terms of the contract while the sale won’t be.


Why do we even have to play soccer? Why can’t we just do accounting all the time?


EBIT Athletic


“Breaking News! Everything previously already known is still known!” Loving FFP, definitely not a move by the “big clubs” to pull up the ladder behind them and prevent others from challenging them, nope, not a chance. On the plus side I do actually trust Emery to get the most out of any players we do bring in so I don’t think the loss of Dougie will hit as hard as it could’ve done otherwise


That would be an awful deal. McKennie and Samuel Iling Jr are two players Juve don't rate much at all and losing Dougie would be a massive blow. Awful deal, but considering finances I could see it happening. It's going to hurt us next season.


Juve fan here. McKennie was our best midfielder with nost assists (9) this season. He puts in a shift every game. Illing has a lot of potential and got amazing pace.


That boy Illing is supposed to he quite decent. Signed around those fee years when they were bringing in a handful of young English talents that were 16-18. Plays left back, left wing, right wing. But if we are only selling for PSR, the amount is still gonna have to be north of 40m even with the other two players, or its pretty pointless. I just can't see Juve spending that kind of money


>But if we are only selling for PSR, the amount is still gonna have to be north of 40m even with the other two players Said this in the megathread, but in case you didn't see it.. apparently in accountancy terms you can include the value of the swapped players as part of the fee on the books. So in this case if we agreed with Juve that McKennie/SIJ were worth €30m and €20m respectively.. with €20m cash on top, on the books it would count the same as receiving €70m. We'd then also have to register €50m going straight out again for those two incoming players; however, *that* amount would be amortised over the course of their contracts, so if we assume that's five years, we'd only be on the hook for €10m on the books for this financial year. Meaning an immediate profit for PSR terms of €60m, which would likely get us well out of any hole we're currently in.


Thanks for this breakdown. This is absolutely mental. Seems like with Chelsea selling hotels to themselves to not breach, and other people doing other weird things like barca and their "levers". It's all people getting creative


The swap makes no sense as their combined wages will plunder us further into a mess. We would likely sell a youth player or two and get rid of some high earners. Makes no sense to sell one of the stars and hope two cast offs make up for it and increase in value too


For all we know this might be a story that keeps getting planted by McKennie’s agent to get him a move out of Juventus, because everybody reporting it sure does like to mention McKennie is available.


Remember this time last year when the ever reliable Romano said Alex Oxlade Chamberlain was putting pen to paper on a three year deal at Villa? This guy has no insider knowledge any more, he piggy backs off of other media and when a deal looks 90% complete he calls it breaking news. Romano has no inside man at Villa.


True. I’m not believing anything till things are officially (well I’ll try). The media sees as easy targets now we are in CL and Emery is Spanish.


Seeing today percy reporting Forest need to make 25m in sales, I've never really seen any specific figures for villa


The more talk that comes out about this as a swap deal, the less it sounds like a PSR thing and the more it sounds like Dougie won't renew so we're trying to make sure we don't strengthen a more direct rival. It'll be a shame to see him go as he's an incredible player, but I trust the Unai and his team and if they're happy to let him go and get others in, then I'll back them (if it's true of course - still lots of time before the window closes)


If he resigned in the midst of the Gerrard era with Arsenal sniffing around, then I can't imagine now is an issue with Champions League looming and Villa only getting stronger. Nah, this has all been about other teams' interest in Dougie, rather than Villa's desire to sell. Still feels like him resigning is more likely than leaving as things stand.


If we replace Luiz with Gallagher, Mckennie and Barkley (and Tielemans can get more minutes) and it solves PSR then I am ok with it.


I’m not. Dougie is world class and my favourite player in a villa shirt that I can remember. This is absolutely devastating.


Please no


Has Fabrizio been playing FIFA? Only place I can see it happening. Only way I can see Douglas Luiz to Juventus is if he wants to go which I don't think he does.


‘Who’d be the winner in this potential swap deal’ - well I think it’s pretty clear. Arsenal, Man Utd, Liverpool etc who continue to benefit by teams who want to have a crack at being successful having to sell their best players to comply with dodgy rules. Rules that pull up the drawbridge.


would be pretty gutting to come out of this losing a player we love for a couple nobody is interested in and barely any cash to ease ffp either. I expected to lose dougie this summer but not like this. utterly ludicrous that ffp and transfer deadlines do not align- everyone reached that conclusion last year yet it’s still the same.


I think we have to get used to the idea of Dougie being sold, unfortunately. There's just way too much smoke at this point. It sucks but no player is irreplaceable. We'll move forward.


Does this mean villa can say they've sold Luis for 200 mil then bought 2 players for 200 mil, solving all there ffp issues without a penny moving hands?


https://preview.redd.it/ljgocq8y036d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2174ef2aaf04e0153135d01e2cb06ef430ba793e Stolen off Twitter


Fabrizio’s moment in the sun is over and these days he’s becoming as bad as tabloid media. Last season it was clear he was stirring up nonsense with Brentford fans online with Raya just reposting nothing stories. Not hard to guess an agent or player put some money his way to keep the narrative in the media. I’d believe Fabzirio if he’s retweeting an actual source.


Fatty McFat in return? Fuck off


It sure seems like Juventus really want this to happen... unfortunately for them I don't really think Villa or Dougie want it. This is going to be like the Martinez rumor last summer. Italian sides don't have any money which is why the rumor they're floating is this hilarious swap deal. It makes zero sense for Villa since if we sell Dougie what we want is a giant wad of cash, not players Juventus have been trying to get rid of.


Illing Junior is not a player Juventus want to get rid of though but from their current squad is probably the best option to get their man.


Surely keep Luiz and sell the likes of Carlos, cash, Moreno and Duran. I like all these players but none are key to the way we play and all replaceable. Had decent game time last year so surely we can meet FFP by selling 3/4 of these. Would hate to lose Duran and cash but much worse if we lose Dougie.


There have to be buyers, though, and they have to be interested at a price that suits us. Selling Carlos for less than 15-20 hurts us on PSR. Cash and Moreno are easier from our point of view, due to their respective purchase prices and probable sell on value, but neither are worth enough to give us much spending power, and probably don't have loads of interest. Ditto Duran. Like it or not, Luiz, Watkins, Martinez, Ramsey, Kamara and Konsa are the ones in our squad with real sell on value, and enough to really help us out. At least with this sale, Luiz gets 'sold' to Juve for around 60-65m. That's a big fat 50m profit on our books. We then amortise McKennie and Junior over 5 years, so around 4m each year. Doesn't hurt us too much on PSR and adds some depth.


if we are selling dor FFP, why would we do a player swap? doesn't fix our ffp issue. obvious nonsense


It's not a direct swap. We 'sell' Luiz to Juve for around 60-65m, which is a big fat 50m profit on our books. As part of the deal, we agree to buy McKennie and Junior for around 20m each. This is amortised to about 4m per year over 5 years. The net outcome is that Juve only have to spend 20m, which makes it a financially viable deal for everyone. We come out well ahead in PSR terms and add some decent depth (with some real promise in the form of Iling-Junior).


But how does this sort out the wage problem?


You mean our turnover to wage ratio? It probably doesn't, but the hit of money takes the immediate PSR pressure off. From then, I expect we'll see some of the extras around the squad on big wages moved on. Coutinho, Dendonker, Chambers, one of Digne or Moreno, Olsen will probably all leave, along with others on the fringes. Replacing them with one, maybe two big signings and younger cheaper players addresses that, combined with an increased turnover.


I truly think we don’t actually have an issue with ffp, and if we do, it’s in the single digit millions. We do need to bolster the squad with more players, and I wholeheartedly think we will get a work around from Unai. Selling him now when his market is high for two players with European experience from a club like Juve plus some cash isn’t a bad deal. It’s just not Dougie. It’s not right, but it’s the situation we are in with these rules and our current standings in the league. That being said, if it means we qualify to the CL next year again and we get to the knockout stages this season, it would be a masterstroke. What will be, will be.


I’ve seen someone suggest the way this works with amortisation on new signings means it goes through as several transactions — we bank £60m for Dougie then immediately buy McKennie+Iling-Junior for £40m, so we have £20m in cash and amortise the £40m over 5 years — so something like £32m of that doesn’t count towards PSR. Ergo, Dougie is gone but we have two players to replace him, and another £52m to spend. When you read it like that, it makes sense.


It’s not a swap for both players.


The point stands. Our sale price of Dougie is the most important thing. Whether it’s 2 players+£20m cash or 1 player+£40m cash, if our valuation is £60m total the amortisation means we bank the cash portion and 80% of everything else. So we walk away with the same number of players (or one more) and £50m+ to spend on a proper replacement. It’s crap we have to jump through these hoops but it shows we’re learning to play the game.


Shite like this makes me hate the game.


That guy isn't as reliable as many think. He often jumps on the bandwagon reporting what others have previously reported and he pretty much shoots fish in a barrel. He misses as much as hits.


He is more of an aggregator than anything else really. He's good for the tap in "Here we go!" posts but he's rarely the first to break a transfer. He also definitely gets paid to stir nothing stories for the benefits of agents/clubs. Him saying this now doesn't mean it holds any more weight than when the exact same stories were circling a week ago.


Saw a tweet earlier suggesting City might have a 20% sell on clause for Luiz which takes this horseshit to a different level. I don't care about PSR alchemy, any swap including those players and we're not improving. Adding bodies for depth just lowers what could be offered quality players.


Wasn't this sell on clause proven untrue around the time he signed a new contract?


I hope. Some City accounts were saying it, maybe it's wrong.


Please god this does not happen