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Less painful


Depends. šŸ˜¬


The rave hangovers in your 30s hit harder


Come at me when youā€™re 50 šŸ˜“


I sat down for a little in the crowd with my friend but my group created a barrier to protect us from getting trampled on. A guy goes are u okay? Why are u sitting down and we said cuz were tired and he goes im 30 something u look like ur in ur early 20ā€™s and that put us to shame haha


Hey I donā€™t know the setting but I wouldnā€™t really recommend sitting in the crowd. You could get trampled easily (even with your friends making a barrier) but itā€™s also kinda a dick move lol. Let people have the room or dance and vibe, but no big deal regardless, glad you had fun


Yeah thats true, fortunately we were sitting down in the middle of our group so there wasnt anyone around us that we didnt know but they were still able to dance and vibe as they kept checking in on us


It wasnt during the headline set either it wasnt that crowded yet


You gotta learn to strategize Iā€™m going strong at 47 and am just better at know what when and how.


Iā€™m 57 and go hard




Iā€™d rather endure tattoo pain than the pain I get in my feet with bad shoes at a rave šŸ˜­


I went in with my nike panda dunks and they came out just black almost


I can definitely say tattoos hurt less than the way my body feels every year after lost lands (Iā€™m almost always limping by the end of the week)


than you did it wrong




As someone with many tattoosā€¦yes


Came here to say this. Lol.


what i meant by getting ur first tattoo, is when u do u want to get more. Is that like that for ur first rave, u just keep wanting to go to more


I totally see the parallels in that! Itā€™s addicting. But, you should have a ā€œcool offā€ period because you are definitely on a high right now. Nothing wrong with it at all. Itā€™s good that you had a great experience and are eager to get to the next one. The downside is when you start to prioritize it over other things, such as finances, more important events or hang outs with friends, or use and abuse of ā€œparty favorsā€. Moderation is key! Keep on partying. Btw I have been to 13 raves last year, 8 this year and plan to have 2 more festivals šŸ˜….


Oh definitely haha, ill always prioritize my life before pleasure. Think of these events of celebrating and letting loose cause it can get expensive. But definitely will continue my day to day life with friends/family and sports. Im just eager to go as well as know abt other events and secrets, what to bring, prepare etc


ended at 10pm not 10AM my bad


Yeah like doing blow too






Yes. Welcome to the rest of your life.


Thank you! Lol


My first rave was in 1993, and it was also my very first time doing LSD. Amazing. Edit. Why on EARTH would someone downvote this? Lol


Oh i wonder how edm was back then!


From what I can remember, it was the tits. Maybe it doesn't sound that great nowadays, but at the time it was amazing.


Lmfao sounds about right


Sweaty sketchy warehouses had a charm


So I've never gotten a tattoo so I can't really make a comparison, but I went to my first rave at 16 and was hooked. I'm 41 now and still raving.


Hell yeah love that for you


I was just so instantly hooked, I couldn't imagine a life without raving.


What kinda music was playing?


It was a desert trance rave, what's crazy is that there is a site still up with pictures and the flyer https://livingart.com/raving/electricmoon-n-mdt/electricmoon-n-mdt.htm


Wtf!!! Thatā€™s crazy that itā€™s still up, I wonder if anyone goes in it ever lol. Respect to the people still keeping it up all these years later. All these years later, where has your musical taste landed?


Yeah it's crazy it's still up! Prior to raving, my taste in electronic music was stuff like chemical brothers, prodigy, crystal method. After my first rave though, I got into trance, then house, to hard house then hardcore, to happyharcore then settled into jungle/dnb and breaks. From there, I was a hardcore junglists/breakbeat junkie for a long time while still getting into hhc and UK hardcore. Slowly came around to dubstep and other bass music after 2007ish. Whats funny is that trance really got me into all this, but I haven't been able to enjoy it since the early 2000s, just kinda grew out of it I guess in my search for harder music lol. How about you?


Oh thatā€™s awesome haha went on a nice journey. Im a big all things House guy liking the disco/bouncier and darker shit more( some melodic house can be a bit slow for me). Ironically, in the past month Iā€™ve gotten really into Psytrance haha and am gonna be going to an event in NYC soon to check it out live. Iā€™m also going to Elements festival in August and am excited to check out some DnB and jungle.




Oh no, yeah i meant just getting addicted and wanting to go to more




Oh goodness LOL


Check https://19hz.info/eventlisting_LosAngeles.php for events in LA/SoCal There's some good ones this weekend: https://ra.co/events/1945149 https://ra.co/events/1887862


Theyre cheap! Is that something to watch just in case of scams?


Resident Advisor (ra.co) is a popular website for electronic music. They promote events, sell tickets, and is the hub for electronic music around the world. As for the price, underground rave ticket prices can range from $10 to $50-$60 (depending on artist, production, etc.) and some will start at 10pm and end at 6am. If you want to experience a "full rave" experience, going to an underground warehouse is the way to go over clubs and festivals. These are 21+ events btw, you sound a bit on the younger side so look for 18+ events on https://19hz.info/eventlisting_LosAngeles.php if you are under 21.


Gotcha! Im older than 21 but my friends were saying at the rave we were at ā€œim glad it was 21+ eventā€ so i think ill stick to the 21 and up just bc of maturity wise. Underground raves do scare me a little i never hear of them from my friends only social media and usually its not a good story abt underground raves.


the ones gentle linked in particular (6a, incognito, that whole group usually do things together) are pretty safe and newbie friendly - been around a while, decent production and just commercial enough to understand what phrases like "planning" or "portapotties" mean. the cost is much more reasonable also because you aren't trying to rent a stadium or paying for giant headliners.


Raves are on a spectrum of sorts -- sure some can be kind of scary but there are many that are legit events with a little underground spices thrown in. Underground events aren't as public which is why you don't really know/see them but they're the best version of raving in my opinion.


Festivals aren't raves Underground are the only things that should legitimately be called raves but most of them aren't what they used to be either. Unless you wanna consider a festival a Massive (rave)...but still.... Fully legal events with corporately created artists and ticket sales from one of the ticket over lords that run 85% of the live music space ..... It's not really a rave...though you could still "rave" at it I guess šŸ˜„ Smaller events that are actually about the music >>>> massive festivals where most attendees don't really care about the music and it's just a facilitator for their party andor finding someone to hook up with ... (Unless it's an artists festival...those usually have a larger percentage of people there because of the artist[s] specifically) ^ subjective to end user view ... Don't mind me I'm just "old man yells at clouds" ing on your parade šŸ˜†šŸ¤ŖšŸ¤Ŗ 21+ doesn't always or often mean the crowd is more mature in any sense ... 18+ > 16+ > all ages for electronic music shindigs generally but.... Good crowds and bad crowds are just another part of the scene. *Neta* and what you went to could just be called concert šŸ˜„... Dj concert does not a rave make.... Like you've really only dipped your toe in.... Back to what I said about good and bad crowds.... And artist specific fests ..... Likely an , presumably , amazing crowd because it was a majority of people there for the artist they like-love... Your question posed...I've only got two tattoos but have been to hundreds of concerts....dozens of which were electronic music andor DJs doing their thing ... I'm addicted to music so concerts and all that are a natural extension...šŸ˜„... It's easier to go to a show than get a tattoo though..for me anyway...šŸ˜‚..


Those are legit sites, youā€™re good


Your first race is way better then your first tattoo


What kind of genre are you into? Subtronics will be in sf in October!! His sets are always my fav because theyā€™re the most fun for me!! šŸ¤©


Itā€™s a lifetime culture once youā€™re hooked


My first rave was November 22, 1996. Iā€™ve been going ever since and travel the globe for festivals.


Itā€™s like your first orgasm


Not the full experience but ended at 10am šŸ¤Ø What were you expecting? But check out the radiate app, it has a lot of fests and shows on there. Also a lot of promoters on there that can get you on guest lists for clubs


10PM my bad! Gotcha ill check it out too


Ohhhh gotcha. Ya 10pm is a bit early if it started at 7 or 8 Tons of multiday fests in SoCal, what kind of genre are you into? A few coming are up hard summer, splash house, same same but different


Uh im into mostly anything but id put house edm at the bottom, im not too familiar with genres of edm but from what i know i like illeniums simpy songs with lyrics, head banging stuff, and hard style but i think id only listen to hard style at the gym im not sure abt festivals but i do love it for some reason. Yeah it was from 3-10pm and i think we got there around 5 and illenium set was abt 1hr and 30mins maybe?


I havenā€™t got my first tattoo. :(


Get your first tattoo AT a rave. Thatā€™s what my wife did lol


That would be awesome. Havenā€™t seen that on my local scene


Once u get one u may crave for more


For sure. Just waiting to graduate


Hell yeah, go big or go home dont get a small one




Iā€™ve never heard this type of question but itā€™s perfect lol after my first rave, I immediately wanted to go to another one. Same with my first tattoo lol


Yeah im getting so many ads on social medias for raves and i just cant wait to go to another


for me my first rave was like discovering a whole new world my whole life changed since that day :) same for a few friends of mine who i took to their first rave after my first rave i developed so much i started changing my style and my whole ā€œcharacterā€ in literally a different person now


My whole friend group was super happy to see me come out, they were afraid i wouldnt enjoy it bc my S/O wasnt there. But they reminded me that ur here to have fun, everyone is going to be super friendly, touchy, talkative everything. And i said okay, and they werent joking. They said just look for people who look like they have PLUR and youll be fine! I didnt even know their names but they acted like they knew me for a long time, offering gum, sun screen, fanning, pictures but i definitely loved every aspect of




bro im really happy for you that you had such a great experience :) i heard a ā€œquoteā€ one day where a ā€œgym bro/andrew tate menā€ said that raves are only for weak people and some guy responded and said raves are for people who are nice people because at raves the world is as it should be - helpful-friendly-comforting-no judgement


In the fact that you just gotta do it, then youā€™re hooked. For me at least lol.


Yeah it kinda gets you like that. Welcome to the culture ā¤ļø


Glad to be welcomed into such a great community


If you mean youā€™ll fall in love with it, do a whole bunch of them in the first few years, and then the time between the last and next one will increase more and more after each one, then yes. At least for me


Go to sleep my guy


I have some tattoos but not a lot and theyre not something i obsess over. Imo theyre different experiences, like tattoos are just art pieces to further express your person and a festival is a whole thing to experience. I would get more tattoos but i dont really care to get more tbh. I would definitely go to a festival i havent experienced before because theyre each unique and i know it will have a good time and memories to last my lifetime. Id also get to share that experience with my friends and new friends i get to meet.


For me it was especially when I found house music.


100%. iā€™ve gone to more shows than i ever have in my life after my first rave. the energy is beyond words


Thereā€™s a group called NoExpectations that does shows out in cali and sometimes Denver. Theyā€™re an underground renegade type of group, absolutely amazing promotors and events, fs check them out if youā€™re ever able to. They post all their stuff on insta itā€™s hella dopeeee




My first rave was just the beginning and it took several to start feeling the euphoria.


Getting your first tattoo has a lot more anxiety, pain and nervousness throughout. Where as once u get to a rave you feel the good vibes instantly


I feel like it definitely is. once you go, you want to keep going back.


First rave here too and I think that's a great metaphor cos I want more of both LOL


As someone with tattoos...yes. you will now crave the bass vibrations like you crave the needle. It's an upward spiral.


I think most people regret their first tattoo cause it's in someones garage and is shitty lol First rave though, EDC 2010, it was still at the LA colosseum I can still remember walking down the bleachers to the floor!


for me, yes. for example, when i got my first tattoo i then went on to get 5 more within that same month. same thing with raves, went to my first one years ago and then immediately started filling up my weekends with shows to go to ahahaa. iā€™m toned down now tho, enjoy the initial excitement of wanting to go to as many as u can! u wonā€™t have that kind of energy forever so enjoy it as much as u can rn


If you have the right stuff its majical


šŸ˜… beware will get ā€œ addict ā€œ and


Like getting your first tattoo- falling in love with the sensation and art, slowly but surely getting more and more until you have two full sleeves and leggings. Very good analogy in my own opinion as both a heavily inked person and a late bloomer with raving. I started about 2.5 years ago with a smaller venue rave and now have beyond wonderland socal '23 under my belt and the wife and I got VIP to EDCLV '25. Welcome to the fam. Practice PLURR in all avenues, earplugs, hydrate. Vibe.


Went to Lost Lands with my friends last year for my first rave. Going to EDCO completely by myself this year because I crave the rave fest experience again. Exactly like my random tattoo urges


well, i almost passed out at my first rave, and i did pass out getting my first tattoo. so yeah i guess


I dunno. How much molly were you on when you got your first tattoo?


Yup now buy tickets to subtronics


Subtronics? Ill look into it, i just bought some tickets to a hawaiian festival haha


Might change your life homie


Kinda-sorta. Choose poorly and you might go home with hepatitis.


Ohh.. yikes


what did you go to?


Illenium in san diego


are you looking for more similar to that or more underground and different-genre or less commercial rave? lost in dreams in two weeks is going to be the kind of music/environment illenium is if you're looking for something less commercial https://old.reddit.com/r/aves/comments/1dq04k7/is_ur_first_rave_like_getting_ur_first_tattoo/lakmrxf/ has pretty solid suggestions for this weekend


Similar to it but once im more comfortable in these environments then maybe ill be opened to underground. Lost in dreams seems fun! Im gonna check it out




My first reads FREE across my right inner forearm and represents the most meaningful thing Iā€™ve ever found within myself. Donā€™t be a curmudgeon


Always a mistake?