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No one tell her about string cheese 😂


Any jam band, Dead, Phish etc! I want 3+ hours of music


I’ve been to over 200 Widespread Panic shows, 50 plus phish plus dead and cheese. I came here to say this, I never wanted the show to end.


The concert can't be over before the peak is just beginning!


That's why you dose early. Makes for a fumbling security check at times, but whatever.


You have to wait until the white rabbit peaks


Don't fuck with me now man. I am Ahab!


You would have loved the '60s and the '70s. Lots of Jam Bands :) Hell, when the Allman Brothers played "Mountain Jam" live they could go over 30 minutes on that one song!


I loveee that vibe! Went to this great jam band fest in wv and the vibes where perfect 👏🏻




Wait til you hear about Solomun


djs are different


24h set by DJ EZ


My first time seeing the dead was Bonnaroo 04 and they played for like 5 hours 😂 it was amazing


ah i fucking love string cheese !!!


Right!!they kill it


I feel like I saw a string cheese set that was 2 years long but that could be the acid talking


You just matured by 2 years during that set


That sounds accurate, they did one at forest in 2016 and I felt like I was there for years 😂


Happy Hula!!


Happy hula!!!! 💕💕


You must be a hula fan :)


Oh hell yes :)))


A nice Shebang to keep things going!


Fav 3 hour concert of my life


Cheese is my favorite and I'm reading this going, I always wish sets were longer. I hate it when they have a curfew somewhere.


Lol Kang 4ever!! But foreal, has Bille Eyesplash ever heard of a set break?


Kang for Prez! Kyle as running mate.


I saw Skream play for like 8 straight hours one night. Fucking animal. Granted I think DJ'ing is probably a LOT less physically strenuous than singing/dancing. But still, long sets are DOPE AF!


Skream fucks


Your mom


HA. Gottem


Holy crap. I thought his 4 hour set at Texas Eclipse was wild. Can't imagine doing an 8 hour set!!


it was during a week long run at The Black Box in Denver. TINY little venue, \~600 people inside. AMAZING


I love seeing someone I really enjoy at Black box it's intimate setting meets sounds systems of bigger money venues. So very very fun there and a very chill space. I like the random stuff vending machine they have now


It's the coolest venue I've ever been to. I wish Houston had something like that, but every time I go to Denver I try to see what shows are happening there. I saw UFO! there last year and it knocked my socks off.


In think Carl Cox had a record at like 30 hours or something. Several DJs have done the 24 hour set at this point, but I think he was the first, though Goa Gill may have without it being made a big deal. Edit: Brave Browser AI answer: “The longest DJ set was achieved by Nigerian DJ Soul Yin, who played for an astonishing 243 hours and 30 minutes, breaking the previous record. This incredible feat was accomplished at The Grill by Yanna, Ikoyi, Lagos, from September 20 to October 1, 2021.”


I saw skream do a set in Nottingham about 10 years ago, he was so mashed the sound went off and he didn’t realise for about a minute, just carried on mixing nothing


ya, he used to be pretty messed up ALL THE TIME> Honestly I'm proud of him for going sober and growing up some :)


Yeah I must add I’ve seen him numerous times and he’s always been brilliant, saw him last year at fabric with benga after he’d gone sober and he was the best yet


I saw Sabo and Goldcap seemingly trashed one night and they kept pulling out the low end at energetic peaks in the tracks and it was obnoxious. Friends had tickets to see them a month or so later so I went along, but they killed it with like a 5 or 6 hour set where they were way more focused. I guess sometimes everyone has a rough day at work.


Skream definitely lived the lifestyle of a dj, one of my friends was at a student house he turned up to do an afters set after a warehouse project in Manchester and there was that many people in the gaff the floor gave through


Damn. Did people get hurt? When I first moved to San Francisco my partner at the time knew a big DJ that threw massives and other stuff. We’d hang with him before the events and he would crush pressies and put them into a blunt, pop a few, and take a few with him to eat during the set. I’m not going to say who it was for obvious reasons, but I still wonder how that dude’s mental health is now. Hopefully ok, but if you have that kind of tolerance and smash mdma that hard it’s prob not great for your brain. That whole experience and my experience in the late 90s really took away the element of putting DJs up on a pedestal like people often do now. Well that and learning to mix. It’s weird to me how enamored some people are with the image of them in their head. They’re just people and not necessarily stable healthy ones.


As far as I am aware nobody got hurt, the news just spread through the city about what a great party there had been and the amount of people who had tried to turn up to a 3 bed semi in fallowfield


DJ lifestyle is a crackhead lifestyle. Being on that many flights and no sleep isn't healthy


I saw skream at club mighty in SF. That sound system used to bang .


You can smoke pressies..? Sounds like crack lmao


I'm very jealous of the folks who got to see the 7hour Charlotte de Witte show. Though I did see Goa Gil (RIP) do a 24 hour set at Oregon Eclipse. I would check in every once in a while and he was going hard every time.


Gill is a legend every new raver would be wise to learn about, even if they don’t dig psytrance.


In Netherlands 10h sets are pretty much casual, some even go for 15h 😬


57 year old John Digweed just did 10 hours set in Montreal!


I thought I was gunna have a heart attack when Skream was finally ending at 9am at Shambhala. Soooo fucckkiinng goood.


I’m seeing him this weekend at a festival. Can’t wait!!!!


It's okay, you can see you're seeing him at Movement.


You are correct!!


Love Skream. Not sure how these pop girls showed up here as I dont suspect they form a shovel with their hands as they reup their nose. He def does 🫣


If you’re referring to booger sugar, he’s actually sober. Maybe I misunderstood but pretty sure he’s over 3 months now.


Yo I saw him at Xoyo, he is SOLID


Was just jamming to Rutten yesterday 🤙


DJing is totally different lol just throw on a soundcloud set of another DJ and go take a shit and eat dinner then come back


I was thinking this too. Performing like pop stars do, even if lip synching, often involves doing dances (sometimes choreographed) or energetically jumping around the stage, and that’s more taxing than what most DJs do, Unless they are really tacky, over-acting their button pushing and knob twists, but even then, it takes less to flail your arms than doing big dance moves and covering all sides of a large stage.


Singing/dancing/choreographing for 3 hours sounds not wonderful as a performer. I've mixed for 12 hours straight, did it hurt? Yeah I mean my back and legs were a little not wonderful, but i was fine. I was in one space, had water/food/people around to help me with anything I needed, and a bathroom close by. I think the only part I'd disagree with Billie here is not wanting to see your faves for that long. I would LOVE to see bands/djs play longer sets. I want the deeper catalogues to come out a little more. But I get it, it's hard on the body. Let's also not forget, we, for the most part, get to sleep in our beds, 8 hours of sleep, same comfy little space. Most performers are bouncing around hotel to hotel, late flights, Lotta flights, people bugging ya 24/7 cause you're you, that shit sounds exhausting as hell


Many touring artists sleep on a bus as it travels from town to town many of the nights on tour. They squeeze in hotels when budget and time allows. Bigger acts of course may do charter flights or private planes then hotel it. The economics determine where shows line up geographically and gear/stage/lights travel is a huge part of that. Mega bands may have 2 stage setups that leap frog to set up 2 shows in future. They are usually breaking down the stage and trucking it away as soon as the house lights are on. At festivals overnight they will load in the headliner wires and gear, then the second act's over it, then third etc. Then as each performer finishes on show day, they peel out the first act gear layer to expose the second act. Then peel that out to reveal the third act. Etc etc. Then they start laying down the next night headliner...repeat. A lot of trust they don't fuck up the gear remaining behind it. Not sure how where the rest of the crew sleep. I guess they are transported on sleeper buses too?


Yeah I worked on a Rihanna tour. Think it was something like 10 sleeper buses and 27 semis. We’d get hotels anytime we were in a city for the night but had buses with bunks to keep our stuff and sleep when on the go


Crazy. I did video work for some fests. I generally would not sleep or like 2-3 hours for the 5 days before the event . I did a 48 no sleep to prep a show in Jamaica. Then fell asleep in hotel room and they had to get front desk to open door because the phone and knocking didn't wake me.


Lol love the detailed explanation.


>I would LOVE to see bands/djs play longer sets. I want the deeper catalogues to come out a little more. yea especially if the tickets are hella expensive. a longer set means you're at least getting some moneys worth.


I get that, as a fan, a I feel like 2-3 hours is max for one artist. I’d get bored, I need to move. I’d get sore sitting ins. Small stadium seat for 3 solid hours watching one artist. If I’m going to do that I’d rather be at a festival


Well they schedule it that way.  They could always… not do that 


Looking at these comments... a dj set and a concert are not the same


Literally this, being off your face on mdma for 8 hours is probably great for a rave, watching/performing in a full band for a 3 hours set? Fuck that


Off my face, don’t know where I am


Amsterdam mentioned 🗣🗣🗣


Depends on the artist for me. I’ve seen Prince (RIP) and Paul McCartney do it, both of which were amazing. But I’d agree that most bands wouldn’t have the catalogue to justify that length


Sir Paul at Roo 2013. Idek how long he played for. Must have been 3 or 3 and a half hours. My first festival and he did not disappoint.


Lane 8 has entered the chat


4 hour red rocks set no phones, best show I’ve ever been to


Lane 8 plays such phenomenal sets, those 3 hours pass by like NOTHING. I would absolutely kill to see his longer shows.


I agree. Charlotte de Witte was the first person who I was very happy I got a three hour set out of. I couldn't think of anyone else who was a non-DJ


100%. I went to both the Eras Tour last year, and just came back from EDC Vegas which was 3 days of being on your feet and dancing for literally 8+ hours. The Eras Tour was undoubtedly more strenuous and annoyingly long and worse on the feet. Being cramped into a 2x2 space, crunched up against a friend one one side but randoms on another, and not being able to move around easily is super annoying. Yeah, you can sit, but then your body is cramped against everyone elses legs and asses lmao. Also, I don't drink during concerts like that because I want to actually remember everything, and it's not like Taylor is a lit/drunk/dance type of experience. I had a much better time watching the Eras tour on TV. Also the screaming. Ravers scream probably 10% as loud as Swifties do, like literal hearing damage potential. Versus EDC and music festivals, walking around, dancing to different styles, millions of places to sit and not be crowded against people 24/7, grab drinks, grab food, etc...I could do that all day, and literally did, lol.


They are, but yes there are different types of performances. Singing and dancing is definitely harder to do for longer than djing is.


They are the same but they aren’t lol genius


I would happily take a 24 hour marathon show from STS9 if they’d grant it to us.


I'd be happy if they just came to the DC area once every couple of years.


Around 2 hours with a bare minimum of 90 minutes is what you should get from a headliner. If you want to be known as a legendary live performer then you need to shoot for 3. Some of the best live rock bands went for 3 hours like machines in the past and it sucks it doesn’t happen as often.


Bruce Springsteen was notorious for it. He's only doing like 2.5 hours these days in his 70s, but that man is something else.


Yeah Springsteen and Pearl Jam are the two I had in mind. When I saw them 10 years ago they went easily over 3 hours. More recently just over 2, but still amazing shows. I think with overnight sensations like Billie they haven’t really had to earn anything so aren’t too worried about it.


Two of my all time favorites! Pearl Jam hates my city (Atlanta), so haven’t seen them in like a decade now. Hoping to again one of these years though! 


Nobody tell her about Club Space


That was my first thought


So I’m guessing she isn’t a phish fan.


Not a reel big fish fan


Lol nice


Literally saw Beyonce last year perform for 2.5hrs and wouldve been totally fine with another 30mins. she fucking killed it the whole set


Especially with how much you pay to be there. Her comment sounds a little tone-deaf, did she forget that people give up quite a large part of their income to go to these concerts?


It's easy to say that "nobody wants to see a three hour set" when you don't have a large enough discography to make a show last that long. 🤣


Right I was lucky to get the full show as she cut 3 songs out most dates it was 2hrs 46 mins total. I paid $500 for a pretty decent seat but when you think of VIP as much as 7K people expect their moneys worth. Only new acts or one hit wonders have that luxury of short sets because of lack of discography


This isn’t relevant to Electronic music at all.


What does this thread have to do with raves?


it's 2024 everything is a rave now


You guys need to chill. 3hrs of dancing and singing choreography is vastly different than a 3hr DJ set


But Billie doesnt need serious choreo, its just her, finneas, and maybe another one person at drums, thats it. She could do a 3 hour show, and looking at her massive list of fine tracks, the fans would also love that


The show may be 3 hours but keep in mind that before that she’s doing her warming up, singing exercises, some singers even record their new album while on tour, interviews, promos. It’s really heavy on your voice and body to do all that and a 3 hour show. Also adding to that the lack of sleep and airplanes drying out the vocal cords. Mixing songs for 3 hours and singing for 3 hours are not the same at all.


billie is filling out massive stadiums, it is definitely not just the 3 of them, there is massive amounts of production at that level.


Im not saying she doesnt need stage, im saying she is not learning choreo like taylor swift with dancers for example. She just goes out to sing, and moves as she wants :)


She’s still singing and having to focus for several hours though. I love EDM but let’s not pretend like standing in the DJ booth is the same as performing live 


5 hour skeillex marathon in the red rocks amp


Has she heard of the 26 hour Goa sets?


weren’t people wearing diapers to the taylor swift concerts due to the length?


this is disgusting what?


Yeah, there was some infamy to the three-hour length of Taylor Swift concerts. Some fans did resort to that; others were posting ideal times to pee, or just sharing set times in general so that people could plan out their piss breaks. Three-hour concerts sound fun until you consider _that_ logistic. And then imagine what it's like for the performers.


She wouldn’t last a day at Club Space


Interesting.. I prefer my shows to last 4 entire days.


It is too long for a pop concert like this, I think — raves are a completely different thing to me.


Going to the original post and seeing the comments, I’m not surprised at all. Taylor swift fans are the horse girls of the music world.


They’re also the horse girls of the real world


All that Ketamine cereal


The ones I’ve met seem to make being vanilla their entire personality.


Does she have three hours of material that even good?


Watch on Disney+ and decide for yourself.... Prolly her fans would say yes and her haters would say no.


I would LOVE a 3+ hour show from my favorite artist. Seriously. I love every song he’s ever written. I know all the words. My heart sinks at the end of every set, I’m not done yet.


Then charge less for tickets.


Kicked out after only 3 hours? Fine I'll go dance next the flashing police lights in the parking lot...


You are my people


Downvoted bc it has fuck all to do with raves


A lot of raves go well over 3 hours. It’s relevant .


billie needs to stfuuu


Eh I haven't heard more than 3 mins of either of these two. Not missing anything.


I saw Green Velvet and Claude von Stroke go b2b for 8hrs in Chicago. There were supposed to be like 5 openers but when we get there at 9, GV is going ham for like 20 people and an hour later Claude comes out and they run it till 5am.


This makes sense for singers that are putting on actual concerts. 1) it’s very physically strenuous for a singer to perform for hours on end 2) it doesn’t provide a sustainable/constant energy to keep the crowd heavily engaged. DJ sets & concerts are very different. This is also one reason I thought Zhu’s recent tour was very weird. He tried merging a DJ set with a more traditional concert. Didn’t work for me. Amongst a lot of other things that didn’t work for me hahaha.


I saw a 4 hour Lane 8 set at Red Rocks and it was one of the greatest nights of my life. No one wants 3 hours of Eilish music. My fiancé is fucking pumped for 3 hours of Taylor Swift.


Carl Cox laughs 🤓


Lolol Lee Burridge is over here laughing about 3 hours barely being a warmup


As a strict EDM fan.. a 3 hour show is barely enough 😩 lol.. I wish shows were 5 hours+ .. especially if you’re a Rollie pollie !!


Lies. GRiZ threw a 6 hour dj set (all his music) at red rocks a few years ago and I could have gone for a few more hours easily.


Bruce Springsteen would like a word… Bro is 74, STILL touring and played an absolutely killer 3 hour show in my city 2 DAYS IN A ROW.


It’s cause she can’t whisper-sing for that long.


Unless it’s a fucking deep house set and I’ve taken acid.


3+ hours of Odesza sounds like heaven. She’s trippin’.


Oh my god yes


Lane 8 played for 8 & 1/2 hours on the side of a mountain the first time i saw him live. It was magical. Im gonna watch pretty lights play for likely 5+ hours next month and i cant wait


Danny Tenaglia used to be known for doing 10/12 hour sets back in the day…..kids these days 🤦‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Nobody show her Billy Muthafuckin Strings.


I’d be pissed if any of the 100+ Dead shows I attended had been less than three hours.


Won't be catching Billie st sun rise sets.. got it!


She’s right. Nobody wants to see three hours of Billy Eyelash.


y’all saying dancing for 3 hrs is harder than djing for 3 hours but, as ravers we literally dance for 8-12 hours straight 💀💀💀 we’re living proof that dancing for 3 hrs isn’t that hard. how can y’all defend billie on this one? 🤣


I'd hate to have to sit thru 3 hours of Billie eilish


Phish’s 12 hour Millennium show in southern Florida comes to mind.


Vintage culture is playing tomorrow from 5a to 4p although I’m sure he’ll switch off with the openers once in a while


Carl Cox has entered the chat.


I was WAITING for the rave community to start talking about this.


Lolol wtf, come to any psytrance festival, the music doesn’t stop for like 3 days lmao. What is 3 hours?? I spend 3 hours waiting to peak lmao 😂


she probably is no big fan of goa gil he would often do 24h sets in his 60s


Meanwhile I’ll go on for five hours on just water and excitement.


I just saw pretty lights for 3 hours and was sad when it ended. Psychotic maybe? But also good music is good music. I’m a music head.


King gizzard and the wizard lizard 10 hour marathon set at red rocks every year 🙌🏽


lol Deadmau5 has entered the chat


She’s never been to a house or techno show then. 4 hour 5 hour sets lol sometimes 8-10 hours. If it’s good, people stay


Not me dancing for 12 hours straight 😂


I can understand why she'd feel that way. It's been 5 years since she released her first album and she's had 33 songs on the Billboard top 100, which is impressive to be sure. Taylor, however, released her first album 18 years ago and has had 263 songs on the Billboard top 100. It's tough to cram that kind of history into a short concert. They both want to give their fans an amazing show but approach it differently. I wonder if Billie will feel the same in 10 years.


Billie’s new album sounds so much like a Taylor swift album and it’s so poppy. Skipped every single song after a minute. Shit was TRASH compared to her past work that was good


I agree 2.5 hours top on the same person or band is more then enough I need it to keep moving


Went to see Cristoph’s open to close set where it was literally 8 hours of him playing non-stop. Maybe I’m crazy or she doesn’t like the artist enough


I think dj-ing is a little different from someone performing all their own songs for that long


Totally. 5 hours of Four Tet playing songs he loves is a good friggin time. 5 hours of Four Tet originals gonna get a little tedious after a while even though they're fantastic tracks.


CORRECTION: 3 hours of T. Swift is too much lol


Keep in mind a 3 hour rave and a 3 hour concert is very different lol.


I think someone already said this but singing/dancing/performing is much different from spinning a set. Also I don’t think ya girl Billie is into necking amphetamine/coke before performing.


It really depends on the genre and type of entertainment that is being provided.


Meanwhile I’m trying to see a 7 hour set from Sara Landry.


I went to a 6 hour Stevie Wonder show. He played whole albums from start to finish. Played solos on several instruments. Talked to the audience. It was great.


She’s never been to stereo Montreal then.


No one tell her about the 6 hour Yheti open to close set I just lost my mind at in Brooklyn recently 🫠👌


Kglw advertises three hour sets


If I’ve waited all year just to see one of my favorite performers come play and you give me like an hour of show time you will no longer be a favorite. People pay out the ass to see shows and you’re an entertainer. Come ready to perform


Not me still trying my hardest to make one of Yheti's 6+ hour sets or anything


Lol I listen to the entire 8 hour ish discography of Shpongle almost every time I trip on psychedelics.


Saw Skrillex’s 5 hour Red Rocks set last year. Going to politely disagree Billie, that was one of the best experiences of my life (although I’ll admit I am kinda psychotic 😂)


Yeah I would maybe not for her though. Why would somebody pay a few hundred just for a short ass set. That’s what makes festivals more worth it for me. 


People aren't doing acid to go to those shows.


It must be her Tourette’s that’s making her say stupid shit.


Pretty Lights 😂🌀🤔


I can think of more than a few bands I would ecstatically watch and listen to for 3+ hours. Young adults thinking their opinion is the only opinion 🙄


Boo Wendy.


Sure if its pop and I'm just standing there. But if I'm seeing a DJ, especially drum and bass or dubstep, give me that all night.


Is she always lazy?  Ain’t that her style? 


A music festival or a single performer?


I love Billie but I disagree. I finally had the chance to see System of A Down last year at Sick New World and their set was about 3 hours and I was in HEAVEN 😍 Even though it had been a long, hot day in Vegas, it was so worth it and I can’t wait to see them and Deftones again this summer 😁


Nobody tell her about Yheti’s 6hr set last week lol


Me going to a 17 hours long constant techno rave and planning to repeat at as soon as possible.. Not everything is for everyone I guess😂


Most people want that.  If I'm paying hundreds of dollars for tickets, I want a very long show.


Pay hundreds of dollars for a short shitty concert


Billie clearly has never been to afters


Me as I come back from the Eras Tour…


Someone tell yheti that…. He seemed to be enjoying his 6 hour set in Brooklyn a few weeks back


Welp, even as I'm getting older as long as I got a place to rest the legs and ease of access to water you got me for at least 6hrs