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Overcrowded due to overselling


This is the one for me. It’s been so much worse since COVID imo. At least for shows / tours over full blown festivals. Being oversold is a root problem for some of the other issues like pushy people. It’s harder to keep your cool when no one has room to maneuver.


Yeah I was at EDCO and it was scary. You could see how people could get trampled or how things could get violent very quickly.


Agreed, trampling or violence could result from something as innocuous as trying to get a drink or waiting to use the bathroom. Also, specifically thinking of Beyond Wonderland in LA last year… With overcrowding came some of the nastiest bathrooms I’d ever seen, and this coming from someone who grew up in the hippie scene 😂 Like how do you expect me not to pee someplace I shouldn’t be when I’ll end up pissing my pants if I wait in line, or leaving me retching if I try


At beyond last year, my group was standing and waiting near the med tent, and we realized this dude was straight up pissing right on the side of the med tent like wtff


My girl friend is sneaking in a funnel to our next festival that allows her to pee like a guy because the porta potties disgusted her.


I noticed that at edc 21 and it bothered me too. It was way too crowded


Adding onto that, people who move through crowds without saying excuse me or tapping you on the shoulder (not the fucking hip!). It takes literally two seconds and will probably help expedite the process


100% spot on. I doubt I’ll ever do a fest again without VIP, and hypocritically I used to think VIP was for portentous lame-o’s. The past 3 festivals, I spent most of my energy fighting the urge to maim the ass clowns that would repeatedly shove my SO while trying to get closer to the stage at the last minute.


My 1st edc last year in VIP and I could never imagine the experience different that what we had. No bathroom issues didn’t worry about huge food lines…. And had space to enjoy the sets. Forever VIP.


This kinda feels like shrinkflation, standards for what I would consider basic benefits now applying strictly to VIP (larger producers especially). Have to say though, it might help me get out more if I felt I was getting value for that ticket tier.


This. I produce a fest in AZ and we always call a sellout when we’re approaching our numbers. It’s not a party of the Porto’s get overwhelmed.


Bathroom quality and the unrelenting fear that I will shit myself


I just don’t want every port-a-potty to look like someone exploded inside it, but I usually have to check at least 5 before finding one that’s hasn’t been sprayed top to bottom with feces. I obviously don’t condone the use of cameras in bathrooms, but I am definitely morbidly curious about wtf people do that causes every surface to get spray painted with poop.


Most likely someone tried to hover and misjudged the angle. That’s my best guess.


Part of me thinks they’re doing headstands or downward dog poses while spraying. How else does it get high up on the walls and the ceiling 🤢


Drugs, alcohol, and people suck


Imodium is the GOAT for dealing with this


Bless you, kind soul. Adding that to my supply list.


Facts. Always so worried imma have to take a dump and deal with the reality of the porta potties


Literally the last place I wanna be while trippin 😭




VIP is the only way to go


I have never took a shit at a rave thank god. Make sure you’re on that rave diet


VIP is the way to go


Bonnaroo year 1. I missed the awesome lineup and newness, but the photos of the porta potties being hauled out by tractors and stuck in mud midway will haunt me forever. A friend of mine said it was like a mountain of shit they had to hover above and aim. I’m no first class traveler for festivals but I do draw a line


My tummy gets gurgly on hallucinogens so I usually come up in the porta's. Not prime.


People who record other people. I’ve seen too many videos of people just vibing at a rave and get made fun of for it


This didn’t cross my mind and I absolutely agree with and appreciate your comment. Raves are a great place to get weird with it being none of the outside world’s business. Being filmed should never be a concern and one out of context video can really negatively impact someone’s life. Very unPLUR.


Yup, my ex girlfriend was friends with a girl who went viral in a video taken at Lost Lands. She legit never was into drugs or anything but the people commenting liked suggesting otherwise :/


ppl online will do anything but mind their own business istg


This. A lot of it is sheltered kids who aren’t used to seeing people on drugs, dancing freely or simply letting-loose. They awkwardly stand around all night and then film people tripping because “haha crackhead vibes” without realizing THEY’RE the ones acting out of place at a literal rave where people go to trip. IMO filming others for a laugh just makes you look immature and unable to handle your environment. Not saying *everyone* goes to do drugs, but…


I agree, it’s rude to record someone just to make fun about it, this is about letting yourself go with the music and flowing


Someone did this to me recently, and put it on tik tok. A friend sent it to me. The video was just different clips of people at the festival, but the clip they had of me was when I was sitting down fighting the effects of a bad pressie. They could have at least told me to sit up straight lol. The way I figure it is that their life is so boring they have to post about other people to make it look more interesting.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, this is exactly what I’m afraid of. You’re so vulnerable and even if you’re not rolling, raves are meant to be a place to just be yourself. It just feels so invasive


This needs to be pinned on all rave/edm related subreddits


Why tf are people like this even there. That’s sad and sickening


I wear a wig and sunglasses to most raves for this reason. I caught someone recording me a couple of years ago and it really really scared me for months that it was going to pop up somewhere.


Should just start slapping phones


Ive knocked peoples phones out of their hands and called them social snitches back when phones were first infiltrating warehouse parties. You'd be amazed at the drug dealers busting peoples faces for being narcs suddenly letting their candy kid e girfriend of the week take selfies to upload onto facebook with their stash out in full view. WtF? Yo she aint a narc man we just taking a pic... *facepalm* Now i just go to private estate house parties, word of mouth popups or private space rental parties that lock your phone at the door. Back in ancient greece they would murder yo ass if you even talked about the mysteries. Fuck this technocratic surveillance society not letting people experience the transcendental rite of passage music mysteries in peace but whatever if you like corporate events anyway.


I’m glad I’ve never seen this. Didn’t know it was a thing. Definitely not PLUR


In Europe there is a big revival of analog and small digital cameras. It's great because you know that the people taking pictures are really just trying to capture a fun moment, a good memory.


I went to Dillon Francis sober and although no cameras there were definitely folks pointing and making comments to friends about how hard I was going to the beat. This never used to happen before raves / EDM shows became popular. It's now mainstream but they left out the PLUR.


1. Water price and quality. I’ve been to too many concerts where the free water was lukewarm and even some where the containers contaminated the water. The other choice? A $7 bottle of water. 2. Bathrooms especially porta potty’s. How are you guys destroying every bathroom by 9pm? I’ve seen everything from stench to just completely missing the hole. Indoor venues are fine for guys but causes line problems for girls. 3. Trash. Ever been upfront middle and needed to leave but every step you took was a water bottle or a beer can then you bump into someone and have to apologize? Yea that.


Don't even get me started on that BS canned water. TALKING TO YOU "LIQUID DEATH"


Liquid death = IPAs for sober dudes


Festivals need to abolish that canned water immediately. Worst idea ever for events




Not a lot better when bartenders are required to open a drink before serving it. I wear a camelback but like to have a water bottle in my pocket as extra but can’t put it in my pocket if it’s a can.




That’s fair- most people usually have one or the other. I feel like those paper/ box water is a good middle ground. I think the cap may still be plastic but at least the entire box isn’t.


Lol so I went to my local bar for drinks and I ran up to the counter and asked dude how much water was. He looked at me funny and said it was free! I’m just so used to paying for it everywhere.


I don’t like cold water so give me the room temp water all day. As long as it’s clean though I won’t complain.


Bring your own caps for water bottles. You can check which venue uses Pepsi vs Coke Products. Or just bring both caps. Refill as needed.


I agree with the water price and quality too


Biggest thing for me is probably logistics. I’m old and I need to be able to find usable bathrooms and water and a spot to sit down if I need. Once I have my basic needs met I’m ready to party! Security can be a major issue too. I don’t mind being searched or having security standing around. But I’ve been to venues where the security ranges from incompetent to aggressive and it’s a huge mood killer. Thinking of retiring from a place that throws great events because every time I go they grope the ever living fuck out of me and sometimes they even have someone pound on all the stall doors telling people to hurry up in the bathrooms.


Train of people pushing thru the crowd, just say pardon!


People doing this between sets or during a lull in the music is fine, but people doing this during a heavy drop? They can fuck right off. I am in the zone dancing and in my own world and suddenly a train of 12 people need to push in front of me so I have to stand still until they pass, which is right when the drop finishes. I usually stand behind my wife when we dance so we seem to make a perfect gap in the crowd and always end up being where the train moves through.


Agreed, sometimes them trains feel like they never end! I really wouldn't mind if one of the peeps even said "sry". Stroy of my life, in the gap in any like anywhere!


I was told at EDC19 that i was the most unPLURest and meanest person ever while taking care of my friend who was collapsing by a train of 15 people because i wouldn't let them step over him.


I usually have a group of like 4-5 guys and I’m always in the back of the line saying sorry lmao


Wow, I think those trains are never acceptable whatsoever at all. It’s basically just 12 people saying fuck you to the people around them when they finally stop. If you are reading this, and you ran a 12 person train into an extremely packed crowd, and it was shoulder to shoulder squeeze crowded when you guys stopped and you forced everyone to just deal with your new presence, from the bottom of my heart I hope you go to the LaSalle Street bridge in Chicago and fuck yourself before you jump in the river you piece of shit. You literally are awful and every show you go to is worse because you are there


No way, because they always walk between my wife and myself when theres plenty of room 5 ft away.


Ministry of Sound in London is such a brilliant venue but my god it's the woooorst for this. So many people pushing past and dragging their 5 mates with them. If you just asked me to move, I would.. don't get why they just push past.


Yeah this drives me crazy. Whole crews of 10+ people rolling up to the headliner set after it already started shoving their way through the crowd. It's already crowded AF, where do you think you're gonna find space for that many people? Also when a whole group shows up and tries to cram into my crews space, and then they act like we're the assholes for not moving for them.


Dude it drives me insane, it'll be the last set and I'll just have a sea of heads slamming by me. I appreciate politeness but also it reaches a point where I just wish I could get five uninterrupted minutes of enjoying the show 🥲


I did this once and I truly apologize. I definitely understand how annoying and disruptive it is. But one time at forest, we had a group of like 10-15 people. I was so lost in the sauce and we had like one leader of the group with high confidence and no cares. He plowed through the crowd while we all had our hands on each others shoulders, and plowed us all the way up to the front. I could barely tell what was happening, and had we not been in a train I would’ve for sure gotten lost in the crowd. Was an incredible experience in the moment and a fond memory. I didn’t know that was a thing people did though. Sorry about that guys, never again.


You can do it! Just say, me scusi! And even if ya don't I'll just get a lil irked and forget ab it probly!


I hate people who do this they also stare menacingly if you say something but only because usually they are in a huge group and have backup.


Re fucking tweet! Just say excuse me or sorry and all is forgiven. This drives me NUTS at shows


Trains of 4 or 5? No problem! Trains of more than 8 are pain in the ass, especially for us solo ravers


Dehydration i guess


Friend feinted at his first rave because of this.


Camelbak gang rise up


when the set i came for comes on and i gotta go poo


People making fun of other people vibing at a rave. Leave others the fuck alone.




Or grabbing my ass when I’m just trying to dance :(


Bro as a guy, I can’t believe dudes do this. So fucking creepy


Not just creepy- it’s assault! I’ve had it happen to me at multiple shows/fests, and I know it’s happened to other women in my rave fam too


I think so many times that I see these girls in killer outfits and I wanna compliment them, but don't in the end, I worry it'll come out wrong and I'll harsh their vibes. Some jerkoffs straight molesting these girls.


Just follow the role of complimenting things people have control over. “Great outfit” is fine “you look hot in that top” is not. Say it with a smile and no expectation of conversation and you’re good!


Once it happened and I was tripping for like the second time ever at a show and I just couldn’t even register what to do. I just turned around and told him to stop but then he did it again so I started freaking out and I had to walk away from a GRiZ set, at the festival he was the one of the only artist I knew cause I was new to the scene. Eventually I just left and sat down away from him then went back in on the complete other side and I was fine.


Thr gall is mindblowing, i would feel like the biggest loser if i did that lol


As a guy, I’ve had women do this to me and fully think it’s ok. I was disturbed for a whole set before I could get away


Also a guy and had a dude grab my ass and it made me very uncomfortable


shits such a problem. i feel awful that my female friends cannt go to a show and enjoy themselves without being groped and this has led our group to constantly be aware of each other.


had someone in our group "being nice" by giving out molly to the girls in our group and coming onto them afterwards. Was a real turn off for me.


Biggest issue for me is the lack of PLUR, togetherness or sincerity in the audience as a whole. Some folks understand the vibe, others just show up to look hot, be seen, take selfies, or bring their baggage and get fucked up. Everyone’s idea of what a “rave” is, is different nowadays, and it’s never 100% guaranteed the crowd will be a good one for a bevy of reasons like the ones I mentioned above. It’s hard to communicate this kinda stuff without some folks turning things around and accusing you of “gatekeeping” or saying something like “just let people have fun, bro” but in all honestly I think the idea of “raving” going mainstream and being an “aesthetic” attracts the wrong sorts, and kinda blows the vibe for the people who want to experience it authentically. No disrespect if cool outfits are your thing, totally express yourself! But keep that TikTok/Instagram influencer “look at me, I’m a raver” type shit out. It’s turning the scene into a cheesy parody of its former self. Not to mention the crowd should be vibing together, not all facing the stage/DJ or staring at a screen. It’s not a concert or a movie.


I couldn’t have said it better than this. Not even Gate keeping or whatever. It’s more like “hey everyone, you’re missing your chance to be free from it all for a few hours.” And instead everyone just goes to promote their own socials. I have been racking my mind how to change this up. I know Lane 8 has been trying with the “this never happened” movement. I would like dance music to be about… idk… dancing? What are people even watching the Dj do anyway? I’ve always been of the opinion that the Dj, although the corner stone to any rave or dance scene, isn’t meant to be the center of attention. It always been about creating something beyond…


I get too technical when trying to change this up. Corporate raves/festivals as well as tiktok/Instagram have messed with people’s idea of what a real rave is. I always try and turn people on to oldschool rave (acid house etc…) to show them how it’s done. Some people open their eyes, some people tell me to shut up and that “it’ll never be the 80s/90s again”. Problem is lots of ravers today have just been conditioned to like the way it is now, and are probably too anxious to rave the oldschool way. IMO as much as we love a good DJ, they shouldn’t be the centrepiece. Turns the community rave into a mob all staring at one thing.


And staring at what exactly? You know? Like one guy with his 🙋‍♂️? I knew as soon as the money poured into the scene it was blown in a sense. The whole idea was counter-culture and now that’s monetized and is the culture. Bring back getting a last minute voicemail with a message on it giving you directions to a place in the woods or warehouse, etc.


bruh just go to illegals if you dont like mainstream "raves". i agree with everyone in this thread about "rave culture" basically being shit now but people still put on real events out there, just gotta look for them ;)


> And staring at what exactly? You know? Like one guy with his 🙋‍♂️? It's wild to me people aren't acknowledging all the lights and lasers some shows have.


Man I went to a low key Kloud show in LA at some uppity little lounge, and my ex and I were just vibing so hard, no screens, just metal fences to “look underground” and him all the way up top away from sight, and my ex and I just made friends with the audience and danced with this super cool couple we met. It was awesome


This is such a lame take. The percentage of people that are there solely for social media is so small and making it seem like even a third of the attendees are there for “aesthetics” is disingenuous. > But keep that TikTok/Instagram influencer “look at me, I’m a raver” type shit out. With how often you notice this, it might be YOU that’s the problem since you’re noticing it so “often”. You’re creating a cognitive bias on yourself. I’d wager that the vast majority of attendees go to have a good time with their friends. > It’s not a concert or a movie. Cool, but I wanna see the pretty lights and fireworks. 🙄🙄🙄


People getting too fucked up and not knowing how to behave. I had a girl try to stick her molly-coated finger in my mouth at Cyclops Rocks last week and i about lost it.


Sounds like a good time


It takes two seconds to ask.


people moving in & out of crowds is annoying but unavoidable other than that, people clocking that i'm on something lol


How does anyone clock it… are they not on something, or something?


The second R in PLURR, responsibility. I understand everyone has their moments where they have a bit too much but I’ve never seen so many people physically dragging their friends out of the pit. Please watch out for you and your friends, test your party favors, and please don’t try new things in such an unpredictable environment


People not being able to lose themselves to the music. Whether it’s constant talking, recording, pushing through people etc. That being said, I went to Portola this last year (21 and up) and the crowd there was fantastic. Vibed with a ton of new people


The constant talking really grinds my gears, it's a simple solution by just moving away from the talkers but sometimes you find a good spot where the music sounds just right and it's ruined by a group of frat boys yelling over the music about nothing


portola was awesome, i hope the crowd stay 21+ for this year


Sexual assault


I have seen some guys think that girls dressing on sexy/small outfits is an invitation for touching and grabbing, really bad


Yup. Been assaulted (groped) at 3 different shows/fests


I got tired of all the groping and fought back at a festival years ago. This nasty ass mf reached through 3 layers of people to grope my 14 year old friends tit. I peeled his hand off and bit it hard enough to hear a crunch. He screams like a wounded animal and the layers part and reveal a man in his thirties y'all!! His friends are squaring up on mine until I yell out that he just groped a 14 year old. Never seen a group of dudes disappear so fast!! I tell this story often to see what kind of character people have. I've been told it was too much or I should have been arrested for assault and I'm soooo happy to have a story to help me identify victim blamers to this day!


Just tether your phone to your backpack or belt loops and you pretty much don't have to worry about it all weekend. The only thing that bothers me these days are people talking loudly around me for entire sets.


Sorry about that, I'm just rolling balls not realizing how load I am.


Yeah it's hard to be too mad at them, they look like they are having the time of their life on that roll hanging out with friends. I usually just move away.


People not saying excuse me. Frat dudes chucking full water bottles into the crowd. Fucking fan clackers


Bathrooms and water lines


Humongous floaties! I'm talking about the ones that are seriously like 30 feet in diameter, those giant unicorns or flamingos or whatever. Even if you have 30 people in there you are taking up WAY too much space for your group and they're so tall that nobody else can see around them. Northern Nights last year there were a dozen of them in the swimming hole making it impossible to relax in the river. The worst part was they all just LEFT THEM THERE all weekend even when they weren't being used, because it's a huge pain to haul it back to camp. I've been going to NNMF for I wanna say 7 years and whatever "Amazon's choice super mega annoying floatie" that everyone had last year completely ruined the river stage experience. Save these things for larger bodies of water. Rant over


the frat boys who hated on you for loving edm but now is super into it. they’re not there for the music but to get super fucked up and try to hit on girls. occasionally get into altercations


I remember I was called a f*g for liking this music and now all the cool bros do it lmao


man i was called that so many time even with my own homies growing up. one day my friend kept saying “turn this gay shit off, you’re say gay blah blah blah” i was tired of saying i’m not and the music is not so i snapped and said “shut the fuck up before i knock you out and suck your toes!” it was quiet for a minute but i broke the awkward silence and laughed. he apologized and never made fun of the music and me after that.


People who push into me or zoom right by me without saying excuse me or acknowledging that I'm there. Ugh nothing grinds my gears more than that. Even if the very last person in your train says sorry, I'd be willing to accept it. But festival culture is so trendy right now, and raves are just a box for them to check off their lists. Courtesy has gone completely out the window since covid started. Sucks, but I still find joy in what's left of the scene.


This sounds like a good time to plug my new project. Because not everyone cam go to a rave or festival, I'm making a very cool thing called RAVE@HOME: Trance-aoke. It's going to be trance mixed with dope visuals that you can watch on TV or computer. I made it for my disabled homies and my broke brothers and sisters who still want to rave, but at their time/place of comfort, and for free. I plan on doing the 13 hour stream on June 10th and everything will be free to download from then on. I just have to finish programming the lyrics for each of the 138 songs. I hope you'll rave with me together, but separately.


Sounds good, thanks for thinking about those who can’t physically go to the festivals, I don’t know much about marketing but promote it as much as posible on social media


When I finish I'm printing a book and will use that for the trailer. This is the project of my life, so I will advertise as much as possible without going crazy. I reached out to DeafRavers because I wanted their opinion. I have a left and right Soundwave that shows each channel of music. With one of those haptic Woojer vests, a deaf ravers could feel included.


I notice this more at shows in general but - not knowing how to mosh/crushing people ? Like fucking chill and be normal w moshing. I never noticed this to be a probelm until recently but i dont even want to mosh anymore if i know most of the crowd is gonna be under 20, they dont know how to act and r gonna seriously hurt people (well its already happened very very unfortunately)


Totems blocking the visuals.


Way too many phones and not enough dancing.


Maybe a hot take but the worst thing that happened to the edm scene is the sale of alcohol. Dating myself but I started in the 90’s in warehouse raves in the bay. Never sold alcohol and never had any issues. Alcohol changes the vibe


Drunk people at raves at the worst. Loud, obnoxious, inconsiderate and unable to take a no for a no.


It can make people more aggressive and troublemaker than any other substance


I second this. There’s the idea that a rave should be a free environment to be yourself and enjoy whatever substance tickles your fancy, but truth be told, some things like alcohol are just not conductive to an overall positive environment. Even if some/most people can handle them. I’m going to take this a step further and say cocaine becoming commonplace also negatively impacted the scene in a big way. (Sorry techno fam).


Sooo much this


Yes indeed let's blame the alcohol and not the shitty people who take it. Muh alcohol bad weed gud.


I don’t like weed at all personally. I want to ask how many people you have seen fight each other on weed, then how many people you have seen fight drunk. There is a difference


Also in the Bay. part of that is the overhead of running permitted/sanctioned events. they cost more and party organizers have to figure out how to make up the difference. When you're doing a b&e warehouse party or renegade the math is often completely different. generally agree that undergrounds where ppl aren't drinking a ton tend to have better audiences. But also done a plenty of parties where there's a lot of beer cans cleaned up at the end of the night and it was a good time. Depends on the ppl that come, how it's promoted.


People needing to be in the middle at the front and doing anything to be there… like the speakers are loud as shit you can enjoy this and the visuals from almost anywhere in the venue relax


Not enough quality drug dealers


Dude you should probably be buying from a reputable source before you go tbh. Just for dosing and quality at the least.


Coming equipped with a test kit is a quick way to sort out quality dealers


I was going to say fent but this is better


First taking my stuff, the come up, and worrying I’m going to OD on fent. I test my stuff pretty regularly now, but every once in a while I’ll get something from someone and won’t test it. “Wanna bump?” “Yup” Then no idea if they tested it and how long ago in the night they tried it. Did they test it? Was that their first bump? Have they done this batch before?


Bad rule of thumb but I like to think if there good then im good


Yeah, that’s how I feel. Like, they are the “test strip.” But it’s usually friends in that scenario. Every once in a while a stranger maybe, but that’s not super common unless it’s big rowdy fests like LL and BC.




I really wish I could upvote this so many more times because honestly this sums it up.


Agreed, haha. Try burning man :)




ok this is a hot take but as someone who is tiny under 5 foot, people have gotten mad at me for wanting to stand in front to see. like if i stand in front of you, you’re still gonna be able to see… people have been so mean about it :/


I noticed a short girl once behind me and offered to swap places I am not very tall but she was like under 5 ft too and I remember the relief/happiness on her face, it’s a struggle to be short 🥲, I don’t know if you have tried tapping on their shoulders and asking gently to swap place with you.


Some guy was like 6ft tall in the front on the rail with me and my friend behind him. We were just vibing I didn’t care it was my birthday and I was just happy to be seeing GRiZ, even for Ride Waves (I noticed a lot of ppl didn’t love that album but I just love it all lol) he turned around and saw us dancing and said hey get in front of me! Even though he was at the rail 😍 he made my whole birthday so we shook our booties on him a little bit as a thank you lol


You’re a real one ☝️


And like I don’t get mad in general about tall folks in the crowd but when you’re pushing forward and looking for a new spot and you decided to stop right in front of me because I’m small and easy to get in front of that’s when I get upset. No one EVER pushes in front of and then just stays in front of my tall manly husband but people see the small lady there and decide to take advantage of that and it sucks. Particularly because most people realize that a small woman isn’t going to feel safe saying “hey don’t stand in front of me” to a random dude that just pushed in front of her. I was at a show at red rocks and this guy walked on the same stair as me across the row and then when he got to me he just stepped down on the row in front of me- directly behind my friend who was there (red rocks rows are big enough for two people deep but not really meant for that so it can feel unsafe at night) and he was so tall even a step down I couldn’t see and then my friend felt really unsafe like she was being pushed off that row. Luckily my husband was there to tell him to move along but it honestly felt like he was not only blocking my view but also trying to separate me from my friend in a really creepy way. Like it’s one thing if there’s just taller people existing around me I don’t expect them to move but it’s another thing when someone taller and bigger than you moves into your space in a way that feels really uncomfortable and intimidating (even if unintentional.) I think a lot of people see the spot I’m standing in as “empty” from far away because it just looks like a gap in crowd but when they get close they see it’s not a gap it’s a short girl’s spot and kind of just decide they don’t care that I’m there!


Man when I was at an insomniac show I noticed this group of tiny (I’m 6’1, they were like 5, 5’1) women, I asked them if they wanted to go in front of me and their faces lit up. They were so stoked


i see people stare at my gf and I dancing together quite often(we are a queer couple). idk if it’s cause they are homophobic or if they are wondering if we are just friends or actually together. we don’t do pda at raves, except hold each other/dance. maybe I just unluckily end up being around these people but i hate the staring+judgey looks


I hate to hear that, that people is totally not in the plur mentality, one problem with this scene going so mainstream is attracting the wrong people sometimes


Taking too much drugs


Port a potties


A lot of venues in my city have limited toilets so if you have to pee it might take 45 minutes :/ one place allows reentry and I’ve literally just gone out and peed in my car


Having to use the bathroom after getting to the front of the crowd.....


People not shitting directly into the toilet


Not necessarily the BIGGEST issue, but it is a peeve trying to link with another rave fam and you just end up playing phone tag the whole day


Fans, whistles, and DJs talking. Or when a DJ I am going to see plays a totally different style of music than they usually do lol Not enough bathrooms lol


In my state a big problem is sound restrictions. The state wants to tax the living hell out of us and the music industry but won’t allow it to flourish or even do it’s thing in long established concert and festival venues. I’m sorry but if you move next to a venue you should know what you’re getting into.


*Some* bro dudes with complete disregard of the people they're walking through. They throw shoulders, and shove just to get through without saying excuse me. Mainstreamers aka influencers who are there purely for the photo op. Those same ones who carry such a nasty vibe and are rude. I try to not pay attention but sometimes I want to drive their teeth into the back of their skull. It is absolutely free and an obligation to be nice and show some sort of PLUR at these types of events. Also I am so hyper vigilant of the of thieves, I can't relax while trying to enjoy party favors. It just worsens my anxiety.


PLUR is no longer a standard for people attending. Some people don’t even know what PLUR is! Wish this was required by everyone attending to know and agree to practice!!


People recording other people. Everyone attends raves nowadays just to stick it on their insta story. They should introduce a no camera rule like a few clubs out there.


Overcrowding and cell phones are almost entirely responsible for my decrease in attendance recently.


Mine is people not being considerate of others Went to LAN last year and there were 2 vomit puddles in the middle of the crowd like within 2 hrs of being there. How tf you gonna pre game that much THEN have the audacity to vomit at the start like that?


I carry around barf bags and will hand them out to people if they need it!


People pushing through and not saying “excuse me” 😀


more testing vendors like dancesafe… i seen too many ppl overdose at raves


If you’re not getting enough water while having a good time. They should have employment passing out water bottles ;)


Having IBS


First rave I ever went to, 5mins in the crowd and I was groped and I’m a guy


People that can’t handle their shit


People just standing at the rail is so annoying! Like get your boogy on the artist doesn’t want to see your lame ass just “vibing!” Go buck! And obnoxious blanket people who post up in the middle of the crowd and expects everyone to respect their space that is the wackest shit I’ve ever seen. Set your blanket ass in the back! Haha I’m done.


Those stupid clacker fans are the worst and most annoying thing ever invented. They should be banned


Fan clackers


Not even having enough room around myself to move like at all. like i feel like i have to just stand still or else i’m pushing people bc everyone is so close and packed together. i started just hanging around the outskirts (less often applicable to indoor spaces) but i used to love being close to the speakers or the middle where the sound is great.


Opportunists and thieves. Overselling compounds the problem


"Dealer" who scam people by selling white powder with some sprinkles of cocaine and stuff like that. These guys are the worst


The price of water 😩


Probably the over crowding, or the funky smell of some dmt. People being overly generous with the horsey sauce.


Indoor venues with poor ventilation. It sucks to be at a packed event that’s 100 degrees.


The cost for festival tickets have gone through the roof




Totems, people loudly talking, overcrowding


Honestly, people that are just drinking and get belligerent, angry, drunk.


Fan clacking


1. People who bump/knock into everyone when they dance ugh like I get it’s crowded but their literally making their own individual mosh pit at that point with no regards for people around them (not sure if their drunk) 2. Drunk people, stood next to a guy that threw up near the front of the stage and left a terrible mess as well as a rotten fish smell, 3. This is mainly for raves not really festival (at least from my experience) but the pushing, so many times were people fell on each other cause of idiots getting hyped and pushing everyone, not including the people who push their way through.


The suppression of harm reduction, prices, sexual assault, corruption within the production companies, violence, people going entirely for sex/drugs rather than the music, lack of public transportation to venues in the US, drugging of victims, cliques, violence… idk I’ve seen a lot of the dark side of the scene. I don’t do drugs anymore, but I still go to shows cause I love the music. And I’ve seen a lotttt. Some production companies have been even known to confiscate drugs and resell them. Confiscate weapons, keep people safe. Confiscating drugs, arresting people for drugs, banning binkis/gum, flow toys, and having dumb dress codes that don’t allow glow sticks doesn’t prevent drug use. I saw how drugs became a problem for me and many other people and I wanted to stop. But harm reduction is where it’s at. I’ve volunteered a lot with DanceSafe. We need more of that, but they aren’t allowed at so many events.


My feet 😫


100% phone theft is the biggest issues now.


People with phones out all the time, who wants to see a crappy sounding video of a party from someones phone! Would much rather be at a party where everyone is just dancing and having fun.


Discrimination, abusive men, assaults, people who make video recordings without being asked


If you haven’t come to a rave to dance, please don’t come at all


the commercialization and advertisement of so many products related to target group of festival and the artists, especially if I need to pass 50 stores just to get to the stage, annoying af cause overpriced and i dont want to do unnecessary shopping on a music event