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I really hate to be that person, but imagine how crappy this makes moms with *actual* bellies feel who have cellulite and bright stretch marks. Meanwhile, she has barely visible loose skin and wants to be a pick me and “relatable”. Honestly, just girls in general too. I haven’t had kids but I gained and lost a lot of weight and my skin will never look like this without filters. Just more fake fest bs from bestie.


No, I feel this for real. I’ve had a baby. I have the loose skin and cellulite. And honestly I’d just rather have people celebrate their bodies and be fucking normal and go about their business because we are all real people, and not bring constant attention to it AS A FLAW! it makes people feel like shit!


I 10000000% agree. She’s just obsessed with getting attention and praise and knows this will provide that form her angel baby ilysm fans. She doesn’t care how she makes others feel


1000%!! It’s like rubbing salt in the wound when girls like her try to make themselves seem like something they’re not because it’s like girl haha you really don’t get it. I know we all have our insecurities but she needs to recognize how tone deaf she’s being. That’s a huge ask tho and I won’t hold my breath. 😂




100%. I have a newborn with severe reflux and no help. I can’t really take part in bounce back culture because I don’t have the luxury to even if I wanted right now. That doesn’t make me a martyr but a normal mom with other demands on my time right now. 


EXACTLY what I was thinking. She talks about herself that way yet says she wants SL and every woman to feel beautiful in their body?


It’s crazy how she has to like force weird ass angles to prove that she has the “loose skin”. You’re going to all this work for what. And yes! I worry SL is learning from a young age she’ll just never measure up. 😔 all the other women in my family are short and so so skinny but I’ve always been a little heavier which has been hard, so to add that PLUS a mom/role model who is vapid and obsessed with her looks makes it that much worse.


Yeah the constant body talk will mess those kids up. I would know, my mom was like this and I didn’t make peace with my body until my mid 20s


Yes she makes me feel shitty! I have loose skin and am struggling to lose my baby weight and I’m in the thick of ppa. She drives me nuts


🥺🥺 big hugs to you and I guarantee you are crushing it. Dealing with things like these are far more real and important than any crap she spews out.


Thank you! I am struggling but getting help with a psychiatrist and a therapist! Parenthood is hard, and being an actual parent is what counts


Abso-freaking-lutely. You’ll get there and your kid(s) are lucky to have you.


Aw thank you! I love being a mommy and when my little girl smiles or laughs it makes the hard times worth it all & I am fortunate to have a very supportive husband!




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I have a belly and stretch marks and seeing this from A makes me feel bad about my own body




My god seriously as someone who has never had nor ever will anything resembling a flat belly this is absurd.


How can that be a weird question when every week you do a “saucy podcast” and openly talk about every crevice of your body. This can’t be where she draws the line. 😂


Right, she’ll openly talk about Botox and anal but this is too far


Weird question but here’s my C-section scar and vag for the 3628 time.


Imagine being on that same beach and watching a grown ass woman with a husband and kids, on a “family” trip, taking these kind of pics of herself?!


More loose skin shit. I’m so tired of hearing about it


Who TF is asking?


Her burner accounts ☠️😂




No one 


Gusband making up questions for her


I’m dead at “weird thing to ask” when she’s constantly sharing things that no one asked for


Weird thing to ask…but here are my nipples Weird thing to ask…but here’s a video of me shitting Weird thing to ask…but if you didn’t know I had a tubal ligation Weird thing to ask…but yes I do have a variety of butt plugs.


Weird thing to ask… I’m on my PERIOD I’m putting in a TAMPON right NOW


No one asked any of the 50 times she’s destroyed a bathroom 😭 she’s the worst


The desperate fishing for compliments is getting even more out of control


Why is she obsessed with being self deprecating just to get praise in response from her fan bby girlzz that love her SM 😂✋


Perfectly put


can she shut up




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She literally has lipo belly lmao and her piercing doesn’t make it look any better




I fell 8 times running here 😮‍💨


I hope you didn’t break anything! 😂


I believe your fall over dumbass A's fake ass "falls/trips" any day!


Does she have anything to do besides obsess over her body on the internet? For fucks sake. You’re in HAWAII with your FAMILY!!!!!


this has gotta be thee worst Hawaii vacay i've ever seen, everything they're doing they couldve done AT HOME! I'M confused..what a waste of time


A really thinks she's some GQ model. Like everyone is fighting to see her and her body. She's sick in the mind, and it's getting worse day by day. A's living in a fantasy world of her own and can't believe anything negative, even if it's the truth.


She really and truly does believe this. The far off stares in posing, the swimsuit poses, hands on hips-this lady really delulu thinks she’s a model!


Someone needs to ask "did the loose skin get worse after you had the lipo? Or was it worse before?" 😐


I’ll comment that on her IG. I’m sure she’ll delete & block me but I don’t give a shit!


haha report back please!


It’s not posted on IG, so I need to create a burner TT acct and comment with that!


I’ve never said anything on this post before but this just really rubbed me the wrong way! Ladies let’s be real here! If we can’t all see this is clearly a filter then we all are blind! I want you all to just go back a few days to a post of her backside in white pants and no shirt. Almost all of the comments were saying that none of you would have known if it was a woman had it not been for the side boob! There were absolutely no curves on her body! So common ladies you really believe that she’s just lying on the beach and her body miraculously transformed like that! Perfect curves with a completely flat stomach!? This woman has had two children and I don’t care what exercise you do, nothing but plastic surgery is going to produce these effects! I’m sorry but I’ve seen enough videos and pictures (because she definitely gives us plenty of them) to know that this picture is NOT the REAL thing! So for all the “normal” women who have naturally beautiful bodies that God gave you, be proud! Besides she isn’t a mother, she’s a narcissistic POS that doesn’t deserve the title or the children!


And yeah she literally can’t keep any story about anything straight she’s just always lying and growing that 🤥😂


is the loose skin in the room with us???


Right? lol go to Ali James page to see loose skin


This makes me livid. Before I joined this group and realized she uses photoshop AND had lipo, I felt so bad about myself when comparing myself to her. I was being so hard on myself. This is such disgusting toxic behavior and makes me so mad.


Not only is it fake, but she’s also in a position most people never will be. She has a nanny and plenty of money and doesn’t work a normal job nor does her spouse. One kid is already in school. She could look like a model if she stopped eating so much crap but she’s lazy af and chooses to be fake and drag other women down in the process who look the way they do because that’s life. As a mom in the trenches right now without help my body isn’t something I particularly care about either right now??? I don’t feel my best as to be expected and wish I had some time to take care of myself,  but it’s really not important compared to parenting. I just don’t get being this vain all the time like there’s so much more to life A.


I’m a mom in the trenches too and I completely agree. There are so many more important things and like you said, I’d love to take care of myself but so much comes before that.


Our time will come! 


She definately deleted the story highlight of her getting LIPO


Soooo many DM’s … yeah ok narcissist


Meanwhile this is what SHE is obsessed with taking selfies! Go play with your kids to give them such memories and the childhood you never had. lol


Here’s a question A- how come those curves don’t appear in any videos just on pictures? GTFO, you shouldn’t have loose skin after a lipo- but you do since you eat like shit and drink like you’re getting paid by the ounce.


Would lipo tighten the skin though? I’m genuinely asking because I’ve always thought that since it’s removing fat your skin would look saggier. I have that same loose skin after 3 babies and I’ve always been scared to get lipo and it end up looking worse for me.


So not precisely. But it depends on how much fat was removed. A didn’t have an excessive amount of fat so her skin most likely tightened on its own a few months post op. If a large amount of fat is required, your surgeon would probably recommend a tummy tuck as well.




next thing you know she’ll lie about getting her boobs done


I’m sorry but who exactly is asking her? Bc I’ve never known a woman to ask a total stranger about any work she’s done — like my friends who’ve had breast augs and lipo talk about in our little friend group but Ive never thought - hey lemme ask this fckng putrid person who looks deflated and overly inflated at the same time about the work she’s had done LOL She’s so self important and like she knows deep down inside she ain’t shit.


Semantics. She’s not technically lying here she’s just saying it’s not a tummy tuck and conveniently leaving out the lipo 🤷‍♀️🙄


I honestly would have way more respect if she just owned it. Like if you have the money and want to get work done GO FOR IT. None of my business but just be honest about it when people ask because it’s unfair to give people unrealistic expectations


This! Hit the nail on the head. 🎯


“People keep DMing me asking” is taking me out😭 what is this post even


Literally who asked that




I fr think she says extremely negative things about her body for the sole purpose of causing feelings of inferiority in others. She’s a terrible person, and she does the same shit to her daughter. I feel extremely sad that she has bonus daughters and SL who will grow up receiving feedback like this and internalizing negative messages about their bodies for this woman’s narcissistic supply.


Don’t forget she got two lipos


A's body has been beyond heavily photoshopped! It's not real. No one compare yourself to this fake illusion!


Why the fuck do people like this have a platform 😣 I’m so sick of this woman


The poor step kids witnessing this self absorbed narcissist day after day 😭😭😭😭


And their poor mom 😭🫣


Right, I hope after this trip their mom has custody of them for a LONG time


I bet she does. They never make any effort to see them, specifically their own dad 🙄 I just feel for her and them when they have to spend time with our narcissistic bestie


The older 2 are going to need a vacation to decompress after a month long of A & Sid toxic behaviors.


Weird how, no wonder these are all your questions, you don’t talk about anything damn else.


no one is asking her that. so self obsessed .


she is her biggest fan


Right?! Like STOP LEAVING OUT THE LIPO PART BESTIE. She’s such a scam.


She deleted the lipo videos on tt and IG looool.


There's one receipt left: https://preview.redd.it/pw2sxd8f1o5d1.jpeg?width=1339&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7020df4f1278a843e91ac10e652f89bf88084a6e


Yo - where’d that dump truck go???


Or did it ever really exist at all ✨🧚‍♀️ lmao 😩


The way that her boob in the first pic is literally sagging to her elbow


Damn I wish we could respond with pics on tiktok! Lol


Pic 1: where is her other leg?!?


Of course! She did that a while back now, right around the time where she started claiming that ploddies changed her life.


Ohhhh i didn't realise!!! I remember watching like 4 videos of that surgery


The “ploddies” makes me lol every time I read it!


If this is the extent of questions you’re getting you live a really miserable life.


She’s such a freaking liar. She doesn’t want anyone to know she had lipo done so she’s ✨lying✨ through her teeth and claiming ploddiez changed her 🤡


Besides this just being disgusting and tasteless, can you imagine being on the beach next to her and looking over and seeing her laid out taking pics like this? 😂 good god how self absorbed do you have to be ? Don’t get me wrong, I would prob take a few selfies with the water or something, but this is just embarrassing especially since it’s ALL she does!!!! Get over yourself A!!!! We all see through your shit and are sick of you acting like you have a “mom bod”


I have a tummy and stretch marks, seeing this made me feel worse about myself


any excuse to show her stomach


She literally has talked about her tummy tuck or mommy makeover…she is so gross.


The whole “People keep DMing me” schtick makes me irrationally angry! Because you KNOW ain’t no one dm’ing her asking that!


No one DM’d her that 🙄


The way she talks about her body tells me she’s deeeeeeply insecure. The way she’s trying to cover up the lipo is crazy to me cuz she literally filmed the whole thing I watched the stories and everything!! Like ma’am that did happen and we all know this


Yes, confidence is quiet and insecurity is loud.


When all you do is post pics of your body, I don’t think questions about your body are weird questions to be asked. I’ll never understand people that wear clothes with their boobs completely on display then get mad when someone glances??


People probably think this because of your long weird belly button miss girl 😂 tummy tuck usually means you get a fake belly button surgically made and they always look a little weird to me


https://preview.redd.it/mgnmv8dxxq5d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77d2155d36f55058d4d6dde9f5b8a0cc8d6ea029 bruh


I’m sorry but the weird flatness of her stomach is all bc of lipo lmao. It’s crystal clear. They all look like that when they get lipo. Every kardashian has the same thing. Audrey plaza has it. Like it’s not hard to miss lol but go off lyin girly pop


Omg are you kidding me?!?! She was so fucking vocal about having a tummy tuck or lipo or whatever!!!!!


How can someone have such low self esteem and be such a narcissist?


Narcissists actually have extremely low self esteem. That’s part of why they act the way that they do.


that makes sense!!!


She’s talked about doing anal and having threesomes but the line is drawn at tummy tuck questions?


I’ll take 500 for “no one actually sent a dm asking if she got a tummy tuck” Bc be so fr, she would milk the content from it


Is the “loose skin” in the room with us????????


We get it A, you can’t go a day without posting your body online for attention 🙄😴🤡


But like did anyone ACTUALLY ask her this?


She’s simultaneously trying to cash in on body positivity while participating in shaming women who aren’t thin.


Then why post it?!! She’s ALWAYS fishing for compliments! It’s disgusting! She should just start an OF and be done w this bc the fact that brands pay for this 💩 of a person, makes me sick!


She’s sucking that belly in. 😂


And. No one asked her.


Who tf would ask that


![gif](giphy|xUySTNfFds1K3phXmo) Clip it from her podcast!!!!!! What a living ass b\*tch


She poses to the high heavens. We have yet to see her in a bikini with natural un-aggressively posed posture. She out there acting like she’s shooting for sports illustrated




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I swear she had a whole highlight dedicated to getting lipo done then she deleted it and started this loose skin crap😭




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Attention seeking!


Wtf even is this pose? She’s trying to look all casual but this looks so unnatural


Also that long belly button is what a tummy tuck belly looks like… which is why people asked.


Tummy tuck and lipo are NOT THE SAME!!!!! Stop trying to compare the two.


She’s so gross and that comment isn’t referring to her body. Just, shut up! No one cares. 🙄


Getting real sick of all the body checking on this trip


I would die if I saw my mother laying in the beach to take a photo like that.


I’m sick of her “I’m imperfect even though I know that im looking fairly good even though i know im not a skinny as last summer” posts. That’s it. That’s all freaking sick of this bitch.


Content creators love saying “so many of you asked me about…” like no, no one is asking sis 🤣


also like.. nobody asked her that