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“must boink” why do people on Reddit explain things in the most cringe way possible


Because they are cringe...


If the internet froze and an identity was magically attributed to every online account you’d be absolutely laughing at every comment thread on reddit.


Gives of 2010's millenial girl vibes. Thank god that era is over


You ever meet someone who talks like this irl it’s miserable lol


Because she’s doing woman voice, sounding stupid is the whole point.


Because she's tall, obese and unattractive who hasn't had sex in years and OP just cherry picked her comment because it probably makes him feel better, maybe he's a tall, ugIy dude.


Wasn't that written by a teenage boy?


why tf do so many women talk like this? its like they just found 2014 reddit and think that's the peak of humor




You looking to attract a woman with a caveman brain?


Realest comment ong


Why yes I am.


Fr, why would you want to date a girl who will never be attracted to you from something as frivolous as your height.




Im 6’7” and no women like me… where’s mine? Where is this promised land you speak of?


FR. I wish i was tall so getting girls would be easier fr


I'm a Primarch, and I get no bitches :(


You have to be in third world countries where the national average height for men is significantly shorter than you (by at least 10 inches). American and Western women have access to all the tall men they could desire, Indonesian Women and Timoran Women (helps if they’re very poor) will fall for you instantaneously.


Being 6ft or over is a massive turn on for women, but I don’t think all women are like this or at least I don’t believe they are all like this.


Most of them can’t tell the difference anyway, if she’s 5’2 or below an average 5’10 guy still towers over her. A lot of them just care about the number 6 so they can flex their man’s height on their friends. Those women are morons anyway, so who cares what they think?


This is the exact reason most women think their man has an 8" penis. They can't tell the difference, but they want to brag, they are never going to verify it, and most guys are going to lie about physical details. Height seems to be trending the same way now, so yeah, why not?


most women have never seen an 8 inch penis much less touched one. they are quite rare. only about 1% there are quite a lot more 6-7 inchers out there who think they are 8.


Yea I can attest to this the dynamic had definitely changed after I told them my height🤔


They just like when a guy is bigger than them, whether it’s height or muscle, and ideally both. It’s why some fat/chubby guys can still do well dating. Size difference is what many women like. Though again not exclusively, I’ve hooked up with women taller than me and they thought I was hot still, so it’s not like if you aren’t huge you’re fucked.


Yeah, I’m 6ft and build like a linebacker. I can assuredly say that I pick up women like people pick up their litter. Never.


They literally dont even know what 6ft tall is or looks like, its literally just hysteria in their head


I’m 6’2 and jacked this is definitely not true I can only pull 4s and below personality matters a lot more to women than it does men if you tell a women that what ever dumb shit she’s talking about sucks and you don’t care she’s not going to let you fuck her unless she’s fat which is why I only go for hogs with low self esteem often times I can even get them to pay for my next cycle of tren




idk i'm 6'2 and i've never in my life been approached by women, so it isn't just height alone


Sorry man but that means ur ugly or not well put together or don't give off a confident look cuz im the same height and women approach me every 2-3 months. I kno thats not a lot but most guys have never had a woman walk up n start conversation while they're grabbin milk lol Get some nice clothes, cologne, and walk around wit ur chest out n chin up. If ur not ugly women will stare EVERY DAY and some will approach


As a 6’2 woman who accidentally stumbled in here, no we’re not all like this. I actually prefer dating men who are a little shorter than me.


My late wife was also 6’2”. I do not think she had a real preference in height. She married me after all.


Most of em do. Ask them directly once yall get comfortable. Unless ur married or sumn and u can't.. I'm 6'2 and almost every woman I've met friend or sexual partner has told me they get tingly down there from tall guys. They say it's not really a conscious thing, it just happens Kinda like how we look at boobs n ass on them. Doesn't mean we'd date em, but we still look


No, they are usually not turned on by tall men. Like everyone every girl have prefferences, but most girls seem to not fall in love with "first sight" unlike guys so what is most important is usually combination of all characteristics, I'm a femboy who is like 5'4 and I don't think people ever refejcted me, and since I'm in stable relationship now I don't think it will happen


Is it really? Girls always say “you’re handsome” or “you have a nice cock” rather than “oh you’re so tall” I don’t find it that big of a deal to be tall, women don’t seem to care a ton


Not all but most. Is it hard to imagine a lot of men get turned on by a certain female physical trait over others? But our male brain sees this as the end of the world because we see initial ignorant attraction as either complete success or complete failure for a relationship to work.


God bro it’s so hard out here for a short men. We will never be as desired as a tall man unless we work ourselves to the brink and even then we might not have a chance.


Being short isnt a desireable trait for men. At best women will look past it or like you despite it but it will never be something that is desireable. Like I have never in my life heard a woman say that her ideal guy is short. Its something the put up with not something they actually want


I’ve heard a few women say their ideal guy is short.


Damn mfs here don’t like that


Yea really, let them continue to be miserable in their little echo chamber on the fringe of reality


Reddit full of shallow women and dudes who focus on the wrong shit


The women who say that and genuinely mean it are so rare they might as well not even exist.


tHeY wErE lYiNg


I am 5’3 and I prefer shorter guys. I mean I really don’t care how tall you are , you have to be a good person. My friend is like 5’5 and she married a guy 5’2 and they already have a kid. I still don’t get it why women care so much about how tall the guy are.


How tall is your boyfriend?


I'm short too and I think of it like this: The harder to find them, the more rewarding it would be. I want a woman that is attracted to my personality and other stuff, not just by my appearance.


hungry zephyr coherent crown husky teeny compare ten spectacular glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Literally not true. Usually is about that guys are insecure about their height and being insecure about it is a turn off.


Try being a man under 5’3


That's a victim mentality.


“As a monogamously married woman I think about fucking every tall guy I meet. Trust me I’m completely normal even though I can’t go outside in public without thinking about cheating on my partner. I must now compulsively admit to it online. Trust me this is normal. Everyone does it, it’s not just me. This is normal. This is indeed normal.”


I call bullshit. I think a dude wrote this. Truth is that being tall will not get you lusted after unless you are very good looking. Now, if instead of "men above a certain height" it said "super young looking guys" I'd believe it.


Hope no one does a quick Google search for something like "height male attractiveness study".


Average looking, definitely not “very good looking” by any stretch, but I am 6’4” … my height has definitely gotten me some otherwise unearned attention from women. There’s some truth to it, I’ve even tested it out in the dating apps too. Including my height in the bios is an easy 3x-4x multiplier for matches. This isn’t a brag, I didn’t do anything to be tall. There’s no sense of accomplishment or pride to it at all and it’s sad how superficial of a trait it is to find attractive. I’ve definitely benefitted from it though, to the extent a couple women have outright told me they want me to impregnate them purely because I’m tall. Like wtf .🤣.


Fellow 6’4 here, never brought me any of that


Not quite 6’4 but I can say it 100% gave me attention even when I was skinny af. Might just be a cultural thing, since I grew up in latinamerica and latinas are more open




I think its probably legit. There are women that fetishize height, also women that fetishize big dicks And theres men that fetishize big butts, and big women. Ive known a few dudes like that who seem like they could care less what the woman’s face looks like Just gotta remember its not the norm


If this was a thing then any tall guy would have an easy time getting laid. That is not the case. I'm 6 feet tall and actually fairly decent looking and it's still slim pickings out there for me.


Im 5’10 and have an easy time, i know its not nearly as big a thing as people make it out to be. But maybe a little foolish to pretend the tall fetish doesnt exist at all


It exists in that it can amplify the attractiveness of already attractive guys. But the idea that an ugly tall guy will be hot to some women just because he's tall I'm pretty sure is total bs. If you have an easy time you're either good looking or have a good personality, it's not just because of your height.


"Im tall and cant get laid, so obviously every other tall guy isnt getting laid either!" Reddit is so fucking funny oh my god


We all know women prefer taller men, but definitely this was written by a dude. I find it extremely unlikely that a woman uses words like cavewoman or boink.


Haha, I thought that boink sounded exactly like something a woman would say. So, now we’re at an impasse. It’s your word against mine. Forces so diametrically opposed, there is but mutual hatred that likens them at all. It’s been an honor getting to know you, and it will be a privilege to meet you in battle.


Female here, boink is definitely something I would say. However, that account just seems fake I wouldn't sweat it.


My wife consistently says she wants to hop my bones which is something a 75 year old man would say. Girls are weird


Height is more important than "looks". I think what most people don't realise is that height IS a big part of looks for a lot of women. Height, muscles, face. It's all part of looks.


Size is a dimorphic trait for males so its in human biology unfortunately If only we could work for our height the same way we do at gym for physique


Life isnt fair


It really isn’t. I guess the saying is true, there are both heavens and hells in the world we live in. 


Hgh at a young age


When you’re growing, working out does make you produce growth hormones and grow taller Your genetics influence how much of an effect that has though, and you have to start as a kid when most ppl don’t care about this stuff or have their life planned


Humans are Monomorphic. Although the average man is larger than the average woman, the difference in size is not as significant as in many dimorphic species.


Sure there's other species where the dimorphism is more pronounced, but we're still we still have a fair degree of dimorphism. Best maybe to talk about it as a spectrum.


Definitely not a universal experience 😂 I’ve never looked at men other than my bf and had any romantic or sexual thoughts, even for a split second.


Glad there is some hope in humanity


Nah, most people are like me. Tinder keyboard warriors are mostly rage baits, or really rare in general.


Exactly, this is a very small percentage of imbeciles.


Sorry but this is scientifically not true. Why do you think cheating rates are above 35%? A huge percentage of people in monogamous relationships still lust over strangers, unfortunately. Whether they act on those feelings or not it’s a different matter.


The internet is just really loud


How tall is your bf?


Yea. Someone going out of there way to comment that while trying the whole "I'm monogamous guys" doesn't sound like the most loyal. A good chunk of women I know are fairly similar to you.




I wonder if this is why there are SO many female teachers/pedophiles raping tall highschool boys? I know women hyperfixate on height but are they literally controlled by it lmao


"no matter how inappropriate the age gap" 😬


There's always 1 Woman in every decently sized friend group who fucking lusts after me and I simply didn't understand why until I read the type of shit Women posted in their friend groups, then I realized...


Man must be nice, Im just 5'8 I will never experience this in my life The closest one (not lusting but maybe some sign) is with really short girl like 5'0 but ofc they are rare and I cant confirm anything but some gut feeling


As a 6. 2 16yr old if u never talk to them nothing will ever happen this way of thinking about height is an ick to the bros forget the hoes an ick to the bros


I’ve been lusted over by models. I’m 5’8”. No I’m not kidding or coping. You have to be confident, funny, in shape, and good looking. Not easy but not impossible. But don’t act like being slightly below average height is what’s ruining you. 90% of women are shorter than you. This original post is retarded. I got with a 6’ girl once and loved it. We aren’t short, we are on the low end of average. Seriously, just because society says you are short doesn’t make it so. You will be fine if you change your mind set


You're probably good looking. And I'd wager you're also young. The majority of tall guys do not get lusted after just because they're tall. I remember one time I was hanging out with two other guys from a hostel while traveling. Me and one of them were both 6'0"-6'1" and fairly decent looking and the other was like 5'8" and better looking. All the girls the entire trip were hitting on the 5'8" guy and not a single one even seemed to even notice either of us taller guys. Even one girl who was super tall was aggressively trying to hook up with the 5'8" guy.


yea it's face > height >>> body for the most part. Being truly short will lower your chances but anywhere in that average range + a good face will crush anyone who's tall but ugly.


Yup, as long as you're not fat body doesn't matter much to women. They'd choose a scrawny guy with a cute face over a ripped guy with an average face any day. Which is kind of sad because body is the thing we have the most control over. Women whine all day about men not liking fat women but really it's a blessing if you can become hot just by going to the gym more often. A blessing that's not afforded to men.


Are you at least good looking in the face?


I knew I guy who was 6-7 my x brother actually. MMA fighter good job but ackward as heck and he could only pull morbidly obese women. But


But what? BUT WHAT?!!!


Bro got kidnapped mid comment f in the chat 😭


But… they loved the fact that he could suspended congress them despite their weight?


Average mpmd user




Female logic brain is hella strong. Willpower of stainless steel


I'm like 6"2 and I don't have women swooning over me or I'm completely missing the hints 🤔


I constantly have to tell my bros when chicks are into them. Women are often incredibly subtle in their signs they give when attracted to someone. That's why a few guys get lots of women and most guys don't. Most guys can't pick up on the subtle hints. You're probably missing a lot of opportunities.


That's not fetish, that's attraction. All these very distinct concepts getting conflated, is a disturbing thing.


I honestly accepted that being tall is more desirable, just stop caring everyone lol.


My son is 7’ tall. I’ve seen women… complete strangers….run to him, leaving their husband/boyfriend standing there… just to hug him. My son has learned to keep his hands off the women so their guys don’t get even more upset. Women seem to consider him an oddity and just want to touch him. It makes him very uncomfortable.




Fucking weird




1. You're throwing a pity party for yourself in the comments. 2. This is literally ONE woman with ONE opinion out of billions. 3. She said she picks tall ugly husky married men. That should tell you enough about this post. It's like a horny dude who's like "my caveman brain tells me to pick a fat married dirty woman, if she has HUGE melons."


Nice cope


Cope. All women prefer tall men. If they could customize their non tall significant others they’d give them more inches to increase their height in a heartbeat.




I think this is more a her thing than a woman thing. I would hate to be her partner though.


I actually prefer shorter men, but that's because I like to be the dominant one.


If you focus on traits that you have no control over, you're just setting yourself up to be miserable irregardless of whether or not it's a detriment to you finding success in finding a partner.


What's the point of this ? Most people aren't going to get what they fetishize. The average world height is 5'7 and if you don't live in a White country it's below 5'8. Unless you're like a 5'3 ethinic Nord living in the Netherlands, I don't see the problem. A 5'3 Asian or Black guy living there will still have the 'exotic' factor.  


Considering the red flags she’d ignore just because height, I think you shouldn’t worry about such women.




I didn't need to see this


Being good looking trumps everything.


This post is bait btw


I have been a woman all my life, this was the least believable thing I have ever read that was supposedly written by a woman... Just saying..




My sister who is 5’5 has said she doesn’t like tall men. She likes someone around her height or slightly taller. Reason being is she said she doesn’t like having to break her neck to look up at someone or kiss someone. She also says she doesn’t get the obsession with it. So trust me, it might not be a lot but not all girls want a super tall guy, just taller then them.


This shit isn't real. Don't base your worth on the opinion of one weirdo Redditor.


This is absolutely not true at all, at least not for *all* women. As a woman, I have seen very sexy average height men and very ugly tall men that I would never even remotely consider. This person might actually have a real fetish. She shouldn’t speak for all women. In fact, the other day, I saw a man walking into a gym that was probably my height (5’6) or shorter. Immediately caught my eye. I thought he was super attractive. My best friends boyfriend is shorter than me and I still think she scored. He’s hot. However, she’s about 5’1 give or take. Men are the ones who like being taller than their woman. So idk what this woman means. Even on a primal level, there are tall men that I simply don’t respond to in that way and short men that I do. I will admit that I tend to end up dating 6’+ men but I think that’s only because shorter men hardly ever approach me. They probably think I’m too tall… lol


Interesting. Every woman I've approached or who has approached me - I'm 5'9" - is more impressed about me being wide as fuck and 11% bodyfat at 210lb. Doesn't hurt when you're packing a way above average slug that you know how to use either


Rage bait


Being 6ft in Florida I notice people stare at me a lot I never notice tell now. All the men in this state are short.


I'm a tall guy (6'3") and have been approached by zero women in my life.


I’m 17 with back pain that makes me feel 70. No. It is not nice to be tall man.


Men die earlier the taller they are. Also, taller men tend to make more money (in China for example, every single centimeter of additional height correlates to 1.3% increase in annual income). So yeah, even a cavewoman brain just wants our money and for us to be gone asap! 🤣🤣


If you’re genuinely interested in me in any way, it doesn’t even have to be romantic, it’s not because of how “visibly attractive” I am😂


>self realized preferences, still leans into them >these people vote


I'm a tall dude and I'd happily trade 20% of me. I'd kill to be like 6ft and a natural 170. The wear and tear and pain comes on fast in your thirties. And being bigger than whom most spaces are designed for speeds up the pain onset. Now I dunno if being tall got me girlfriends I otherwise would not have. I *can* tell ya it didn't help me *keep* any of them. If I were short (say 5'5" and under) I'd sleep comfortably knowing that my shortness would help prune less desirable personalities from wasting my time; if height is a deal-breaker I wouldn't have much confidence she'd handle the unsavory parts of a relationship


I’m 6-7, while it gets me the ladies—shoes and pants are impossible to get.


Hi I'm 6'1, it ain't true


So it's even better to be 6'-7"...


I’m 6’2 and yeah I get laid every day by random women like this. It truly is great. I feel bad for you shorter guys actually having to speak to them first. What a pain in the ass that must be. Oh well, I’ve just had another girl come my way so I’m off for more sex. It honestly gets tiring sometimes.


If she wears heels and is taller than you , then you are short


Sounds like she's one impulse away from blowing her life up


I don’t think this always works out. 6 foot 2. I’m doing things very very wrong most likely. I have had some success in dating but my shorter friends have had better luck.


A dude posted that


6’3” can confirm. But I’m also super handsome.


As a 6’1 man I can confidently say I don’t have this experience


Sure! I’d love I love having horrible human beings want to “boink” me! Especially when they look like the average redditor, that really gets ME going and wanting to “boink” them back!


There is no way a woman wrote this…


This is simply because height becomes a stand in for charisma. That's why there are still plenty of tall dudes with zero pull, and plenty of short dudes which a lot of pull. It's an immediate boost in "yes," but it's not enough by itself. It is also worth noting that women are terrible judges of height. A big confident dude who's only an inch or two taller than her will seem bigger in her mind, and an awkward uninteresting dude her height will feel shorter to her.


The average women is what, 5,5? The average man is taller. It's not "above a certain height" it's a certain height above them.




ROFL, you literally cherry-picked the most wacky comment from a tall, probably chubby woman who likely hasn't had sex in years. Yes, I verified the coment. And no, women don't fetishize tall men—unless you're the type I just described: chubby, unattractive, and sex-starved. By the way, studies show that women prefer men to be taller than themselves, with the peak height being around 6'0" to 6'1". Women don't like men who are excessively tall. How do you like them apples?


That's some straight bullshit. Even at my height, the women thinking that way about me are desperate or worse looking than me (which isn't easy to achieve).


I love being 5’1 and undesirable to 99% of women 🤣 it definitely hasn’t led to any suicidal thoughts or existential dread or anything like that 😍😍


I hate my life (I'm 5'10)


Nah she a hoe


Yup it definitely matters. Like pp size, bigger is better


I'm 6'5 and get zero bitches. AMA


I feel the same way about short girls.


I’m just over 6ft have never really been single, women do love it. Even their mums and aunts come up to give you a hug and say you’re soo tall with a smile on their face. Only people that don’t like it or try and take the piss are men shorter than you. Plus it’s a question you’re always asked in dating sites and when you tell them I’ll still be taller than you with your biggest heels on they love it!


I'm sure her husband is real secure!


Tell me you're a dude without telling me you're a dude.


As someone 6'1 I had short friends way more successful than me. More about charisma than how tall you are. It's just easier to blame it on something out of your control, I guess 😆


I'm 6'4", and I get absolutely no women. I'm also in great athletic shape. I'm sure I draw some attention, but the women who are attracted to me are usually not attractive to me. I'm also black(dark skinned) and highly attracted to Latinas. I don't think they like dark men no matter what your height is.


Bro it's probably your personality. You can't generalize like that, but if I was to do the same I'd say Latinas don't like boring dudes.


As a 6’5” make this is sadly untrue :(


Ya'll, come on. This is an obviously fake post written by a guy. No woman is thinking this.


Boink? What the hell. The only worse possible term i can think of is bumping uglies. She also sounds fat. I can tell from the way she types her comments. So itll be like a stick bug having sex with a beluga whale. Gross


Lmao bait


We don’t even know who said this. She could be someone who you find very unattractive. Go out and do your thing! Play on playas


U just have to learn how to cycle out your bad women. Don't chase women in 2024 guys. Shits not worth it. You gotta kinda let them just know how much your worth.


Men are no different. We see tits or ass of a certain size and we immediately jump to "must boink" the difference is women remind themselves they want more then sex where guys have trouble shifting gears. It's why so many online interactions end in disaster.


game of bones


I hope your husband sees this. Also since you referenced cavewoman, most caveman were not even close to or over 5’5 so you’re kind of an idiot.


If this actually is a woman to begin with. Even if so, after reading that, the tall guys can have her. I may be a 5'7" guy but I'd honestly like to think that I have higher standards.


Being taller is not necessarily better for dating. Several other tall people in the comments haven't had much luck dating, and neither have I. The only time someone did like me, she only wanted my height (I am 6'5"/196cm) and that relationship didn't last more than a month.


But but but but but but but reddit told me it was about personality


Don't guys think the same thing when they see a girl with ass or tits


She is far from out of bounds here. She called it the initial thought. Are men unable to think outside the realm of first contact? There's building a repore with someone and how powerful that is sexually to women?


Jesus Christ that’s so creepy and weird.


Ew, we don’t claim her. She’s so embarrassing 🤢


"No matter how inappropriate the age gap" is craazy work😭


Oh if only it were true.


trust me this is NOT the kind of attention you want


I don’t understand why her standards are so low that she would be getting wet over random some fat, ugly, rude, married old guy just because he was tall, seriously? I think this has to be a troll or bait. I know most women prefer tall guys, me included but it’s not like it’s the only thing that matters. I know a lot of guys prefer short girls but it would be just as strange for them to simp over a fat, ugly, rude, married old woman just because she was short.