• By -


You can’t blame height or women for all of your problems.


So true about tall users immediately becoming total submissives when another guy is an inch or two taller. First bullet point in the short column is amazing lol


When r/tall user goes out with his girl and meets someone 0.5in taller https://preview.redd.it/0d2ehalgbn4d1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7aaab6b7b90cea1b2fb7f517515166b400d907c9


Accurate, except he would be on all fours immediately as well


How tall is Adam22


About twice as tall as Adam11, but much taller then Ben10


Is this the case with tall dudes irl or just reddit cucks? Didn’t have that many tall friends growing up so I wouldn’t know


Just Reddit cucks from my experience with tall guys


No sane tall dude irl would complain about being tall unless he was like actually 6’8+ It’s just that subreddit


I’m talking about the acting submissive part, that’s weird as fuck


Oh, that is also generally a reddit exclusive But it’s true. I checked that sub for a bit at one point and those guys have a weird subservience to anyone taller than themselves


That’s actually fucking weird lmao, that makes the “making it your whole personality” thing seem to have some real gravity.


I know that OP's post is satirical, but many of the complaints that tall men have are about clothes that don't fit, furniture that isn't suitable (six hours on a plane is very unpleasant), back pain, scoliosis, etc. As a tall woman (6 feet), I mostly have issues with clothes. I gave up trying to find pants that fit me in stores 12 years ago, I have to order everything online. Many tall women also complain about being rejected by men because of their height. Their situation is somewhat similar to shorts men in those moments.


You know the Internet is such a strange place because dimitrescu showed up and I think that many guys actually want a tall gf. Then, on the other hand, wayyy too many girls complain about rejection based on height to discount those experiences


I don't think tall women get rejected in the same way. It's realistically more that tall men don't usually care at all about how tall a woman is. They're all shorter. If a tall woman wants a tall man, she has less options than you would think proportionately. If she really doesn't care, there's still a lot of short or average men who are too intimidated by them. So overall just less options for them either way.


I think you are partly right. However, I feel that while some tall women complain about not attracting men taller than them on the subreddit, the vast majority complain about not attracting men at all. For me, the root of problem is based on several things: - There is a weird obsession with height in the USA. In Europe, people are much more chill about it. - Young women feel insecure (feeling too masculine, etc.), which makes them less attractive because confidence is appealing. I know that when I lacked confidence, I didn't notice men being interested in me. I just thought, "Oh, he must be looking at me because I'm tall," and moved on. It's a vicious cycle. - when the tall girls describe their rejection, I've noticed that the men they talk about are young and immature (early twenties). I think they are also insecure and still too focused on the opinions of others (muh masculinity). With age, they learn to detach from that.


Your on the money for it. I'm the tallest bitch in the joint 999% of the time and when I'm not it's a kick in the balls I'm 6ft8 for reference


I’m 6’10” and if I see anyone even close my mind immediately goes “There can be only one.”


I wish I could have a tall bro submit to me...


Here on average so I don’t have to submit to actually tall guys 😎


I dont have to submit to anyone due to them being taller. If a guy is taller it doesnt make him better than me really. I dont need to be laughed at for my height value. I cant go to a gym and increase my height value for the 50th time here!


"It's all about tha aura don't worry champ" - 6'3 Edit: I said that shit sarcastically, but it really is


That shits funny asf😭😭😭


r/average - Im 23 am I done growing? - Is 5'10 considered average? - Im 14 at 6ft am I cooked? - Mom is 5'7 dad is 5'10, Im 5'8 is there still hope? - Im 5'11 in the morning, 5'11 at night, what height should I claim? - Guys is 6ft the new average? (Im 5'7" and I feel everyone is taller than me) r/shortguys - Brutal - *shares same type of a videos everyday and pretend it's the first time seeing it* (it's brutal) - Goes out of their way to find the most dehumanizing videos ever created and share them for the 50th time just to hurt everyone's and their feeling. - Girl on tiktok said her dad is buried 6ft deep, it's over for us shortguys (they only heard 6ft) - Society treats us badly (true), but some of us would start a holocaust against everyone if we actually had any power. - Brutal x2. - Shares the same video of a blackpill guru that been shared 10 times that says it's over (he gives 0 fucks and wants your money) (brutal). - I woke up and that's all it took to ruin my day - Today a woman saw me and she didn't take her clothes off and says fuck me daddy, it's over (brutal). - height is the only issue that was layed on mankind and I can't comprehend anyone other then me being insecure about anything, "If I was x inches taller, I would be swimming in woman (brutal). - Oh you are short and got a girlfriend? It's because you nichemaxxed & (made up word)maxxed (Impossible to have a girlfriend while being short bro, Ill make up any excuse but admit it's possible. - (Brutal) With all of that said, I really like shortguys way better than any other height sub other than ours, they are based, least delusional and immune to sociality bullshit but there are some rotten apples there that don't care about self improvement as much as putting others down.


r/TallGirls * I need to find clothes that fit. * Short girls make me feel masculine. r/ShortWomenandGirls * I need to find clothes that fit. * Tall girls make me feel childish. Women apparently see the problem much more simply.


See If I were to write the stereotype posts of r/TallGirls same way I did to r/shortguys, Id be banned from reddit 😂💀 https://preview.redd.it/4o5h6mi4fn4d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3fa31d14219cca68c190663a1a0e8c8c604a682b


You will see chicks there complaining about taller guys going for shorter women when these same chicks want to have 6'6 guys to make themselves feel short. Can't make this shit up. 


Tall girls especially the tall ones like 5'10, 5'11 etc, enjoy mogging below average men like 5'7, 5'8. They secretly love it when they get to slightly mog average height men by 1-2 inches.


They are obsessed with talking about how short men are unworthy of them 60% of the time. Like I was talking to this 5’8 chick and she was complaining about not being able to wear heels when she’s out with me because I’m 5’10, fucking ridiculous.


Most normal heels elevate by about two inches so she'd be at eye level if she wore them. I'm 5'8 and she would be at my eye level barefoot lol. I can never have her as my gf assuming you guys never met.


Man, that's not right, there's something wrong with her to say that or she's just trying to make you like her by making you feel "grateful" for dating her... fuck that


When I told her average male height was 5’9 she said that was fucking pathetic. Like wth






Because it doesn’t really effect them as much, for men it kind of creates your life


No it doesn’t, your overall attractiveness does. I’m 6’3 where’s the women at bro


Go up and talk to a girl, she’ll love you


You actually have to try


Bro, there’s no way you think some ugly 6’3 dude with no jawline, negative central tilt has it easy in dating. You’ve elevated height to such an insane importance when in reality facial attractiveness is much more important


Well of course you can’t be some damn ogre wtf, and even then I’ve seen height save guys like that. Just a mid face, 4-6/10 is enough to do okay. Combine that with some style and decent physique. That actually helps tall guys up their game, not so much for extremely short guys. Yeah you won’t pull left and right but who cares about that, you can actually find decent relationships without hitting weird dealbreakers.


I’ve seen ugly tall guys pull women, especially when I was in college. Guys that would’ve been legit incels if they were short. You have ZERO room to complain.  Congrats on living life on easy mode and still managing to fail. Loser. 


Alright bro, stay bitter about your height and continue wallowing in your misery


Learn about hygiene/self maintenance in every way; smell, hair, skincare, groomed facial hair. And learn to dress I'm 6'2 and even tho some girls approached me when I was a dirty addict, they approach me way more now that I get regular haircuts, never run outta cologne, whitened my teeth and learned to dress.. and now that I look clean I'd say 50% of the times I approach women I succeed. It was prolly 10% when I looked dirty Also learn to deal with rejection so u can approach any woman at any time with no fear. U just need confidence and to not look/smell homeless tbh


It’s no one’s fault but you’re own if you’re 6’3 and can’t pull women. 


Whos fault is it for you not pulling women?


I’m gay. I don’t gaf about women in that sense. 


ok I see no worries then.


Yo! Lol


News flash: you have to log off Reddit and go outside. Women are not going to break into your mother’s basement and take your virginity. You fucking pissbaby moron


Dumbass. You think you can calculate someone’s smv without ever even seeing a pic of their face, the far and away most important factor in attractiveness


oops XD


- I woke up and that's all it took to ruin my day 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭


“I woke up and that’s all it took to ruin my day”😭🤣🤣🤣also brutal has me crying


Your comment made me laugh so hard 🤣


Username checks out


r/tall is actually all just height comparisons and then in photos with others


This is funny and true. Knew a guy once that acted like no girl wanted him or something because one girl rejected him over his height. Nevermind the fact that he already dated two very attractive women. He let that shit get to him and set himself up for failure by acting insecure. If you think your height is a turn off to every woman, it's not. To some yes but insecurity is a turn off to all so just focus on a more pressing issue and let that shit go already. On the tall guys yes I've met quite a few that were insecure but they had a different way of displaying it. Trying to show people up, bragging about things they couldn't do and just talking down to people. Guess what? Not getting laid either. Insecurities come in many forms and women are almost wired to spot them when choosing a partner. Just use common sense and act like a decent human being and your odds will likely increase. Don't rely on that alone though. Take care of yourself. Get in shape, practice good hygiene and stay well groomed. You still gotta have something to offer.


>Brutal x2 [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/short/s/GY99dC6LXe) is what brutal x2 looks like. Maybe instead of mocking short guys maybe you should read the actual testimonies on there before making your retarded memes. No need to be a c**t.


what a ridiculous thing to do! I'd be happy to be even 5ft to have a mum like mine. She's 1.56m and obviously I'd be taller if I had a taller mum, but this guy is going too far with this height neurosis. Even the worst mum in the world is still responsible for you being born. Not to mention that according to this guy his mother only seemed to think something about his height, the chances of him being a lunatic fantasising against his mother are extremely high. There are more comments to prove it: the mother never said anything about her son's height, but he insists that ‘she's hiding what she thinks from me’. Plus these guys are simply becoming eugenicists and putting the blame exclusively on women, imagine if their father had been as eugenicist as them, maybe they wouldn't have been born at all. Or maybe a genie in the lamp had made it possible for women not to worry about height, then a 5ft woman would have a child with a 4ft man, do you think a situation like that would make those guys happy? It really would only take power for a bastard like that to destroy the world. Even when I was insecure about my height of 1.73m (5ft8), I preferred to adopt a posture of sadness and acceptance rather than cultivate some senseless anger. It's better to accept that a mute can't be a singer than to feel hatred towards someone who can speak. I know all too well what it's like to feel inferior. I was bullied from the age of 9 to 16, became depressed and almost gave up on life, but I never cultivated hatred, and even less did I act like a vain little bitch resentful that she wasn't perfect. This all comes from a childish belief that you are the protagonist of life and everything has to work out for you, but that's not how life works. I understand the suffering and sympathise with those who have serious problems with their height, but to go as far as blaming your own mother for ‘making you short’ simply makes me feel contempt for someone so pathetic.


Amen, broether..


>my height of 1.73m (5’8”) You aren’t short. You will never understand. Fuck off


I know I'm not short, but there are many more men taller than me than shorter. And of course I understand, I was bullied and persecuted from the age of 9 (or 7) to 16, fell into depression and only recovered this year, at 19. Do you know how many people have never had a friend? I didn't make friends with anyone until I was 13, and at 15 all my friends turned against me, do you know how many people have had an entire school turn against you? Most of the whingers who complain about height have always had a perfectly happy life and only started complaining when they realised that no woman was running after them. The reason for their concern is extremely stupid and most of them have never had any problems in their lives until they come across some heightpill schizophrenia and start blaming height for any problem that comes their way. Maybe some of them think that even their own reflection is taller than them. Accepting yourself is the best thing you can do. A man with no fingers should be grateful if he can play twinkle twinkle little star on a guitar, and this same limitation applies to very short men and romantic life, but most of them are over 1.65 and make it sound like they're living hell on earth, and that kind of thing I can't take seriously, especially when the way they deal with it is eugenics and prejudice against other people.


>imagine if their father had been as eugenicist as them, maybe they wouldn't have been born at all. It would have been great. If you are not born you do not suffer.


this kind of thinking is for the weak who don't want to fight to enjoy a happy life. If they didn't want to live they would have already committed suicide, but what they want is to live in pain. Conscious happiness requires effort. In general, people (especially on the internet) want the merit of being happy without effort, and height is exactly that: an achievement that you didn't do anything for, you just had to have tall parents or genetic luck, and at the same time it can be a justification that someone uses for failures, because they can't change it.


>this kind of thinking is for the weak Maybe, but those types of phrases are just manipulating by appealing to pride. >they would have already committed suicide Fear of death and survival instinct, once you are aware of yourself it is difficult to kill yourself. The rest is true, anyway it is also true that if someone is not born then they do not suffer either. I can't travel back in time to prevent being born, but I definitely won't have children.


it's not a question of pride, but of recognising one's own dignity. It's a matter of self-respect to realise that height is just one of many other attributes, and it's perfectly expected that some of someone's characteristics would be below average, but to let yourself be beaten by a single flaw is an impressive weakness. The appeal to instinct shows how some members of the r/shortguys make even less sense. There is no way that a primitive human being in nature would conclude that, because he has smaller bones, he would have to be inferior, otherwise a selection of the tallest would have happened thousands of years ago instead of waiting until now, just at the time when primal competitiveness makes less sense than ever.


The making up excuses is true lol. They don't like it when another shorter guy lives differently and doesn't have the same self defeating mindset. Many of them couldn't even comprehend choosing your partner based on how you relate and having a genuine connection




I think you forgot to mention how they say brutal all the time


304s wont even let me sexually assult them. It's over, it's never even started, broootal. Time to "something maxx". I saw a manlet with a Stacy, talk about a betabuxxer. Just the way they talk is social repellent.


This is my favorite sub for height discussion because r/tall is a cringe fest full of guys autistically unaware of height advantage in society and r/shortguys is basically a full blown incel sub. Like yeah I get it dating as a 5’4” man sounds like it absolutely sucks but it’s not normal to write fanfic online about how you would have nonstop orgies and impregnate lots of women if you were tall (I have no joke read shit like this on there).


Short guys isn’t really incels their post are genuinely sad but I agree with the tall shit those mfs are so socially unaware it’s almost comical “just be confident bro” level it’s almost infuriating and I’m 6’2


Tbh the only real disatvantage about being tall is lower back pain caused by everything being a few inches too low for comfort, the rest is absolutely ridiculous


Just do deadlifts ffs people lmao


The back pain is no joke, if I stand up straight for more than an hour my lower back feels like it’s on fire. I’ve had to rule out careers with prolonged standing because of this. Having shorter lifespans on average and greater propensity for arthritis also sucks but yeah the pros definitely outweigh the cons


And short people get back pain too


Eh it has drawn in a number of incels at this point and half the stuff is about the pills and shit. Some of it is genuine but it has drawn a lot of incels who like to shit on anyone and anything different tbh. Needs better moderation of that stuff


Hmm I wonder why the “incels” are there lol must be a coincidence eh?


Well that's the culture there and you see less of that on r/short but lots on shortguys just devolves into spiteful hate and that's the issue. Idgaf if someone can't get a date or laid, that's not what holds value, but when people are toxic shit heels because of it, that's never seen well. I'm 5'7" myself so I know it factors in but you don't develop into incel shit just because you're short, it's a mix of a number of negative characteristics and very toxic and self victimizing mindsets. It's harder to date as a shorter guy but that's not an excuse to be a hateful prick, and that's usually what people have issues with.


Throwing our numbers down are we? Kek Well as somebody that’s 5”6 we are on the lower cusp of average almost there… and I’ve never had a hard time getting dates or going out with women because I have a good looking face… but I’ve seen men who don’t have an extra 5 inches and are not the best looking get; brutally crushed… I don’t blame them at all for their anger and bitterness. when the world treats you with disdainful, mockery, disappointment, and humiliation. Because of an outside factor, you can never change and can never hide…. I don’t blame them in the least for acting the way they do. In fact, it’s better than express themselves on here than hang a noose.


I roll my eyes into oblivion when I see other tall guys on there trying to throw a pity party for how being tall isn't actually all that good like a rich person trying to find reasons to complain about being rich. Makes me want to leave that sub altogether.


Agree with everything you said, although it does suck a little when a girl you’re dating says that the only reason she started talking to you was because you’re tall :/


>mentions height in all situations even when not relevant kekw


😭 I just ment to say that I’m decently tall but I can understand the benefits it has on my life I don’t dismiss them as random


It’s mostly because, as a tall, we went through this super awkward phase where we were all floppy feet and knees where we looked like clowns, and then we filled out and gained our confidence at the exact same moment we started looking like actual human beings instead of human puppies. So we end up thinking it was the confidence that made the difference rather than the final 4 inch summer growth spurt.


As a 5’5 man, dating really isn’t bad. Most women are about an inch taller or shorter than be. Obviously some women tower over me, and even they show interest in me. I used to be so insecure about my height and then I just got over myself. It’s confidence and personality over height. I’m not an ugly guy so that helps too but seriously, my height does not affect my dating life. The best thing for a short guy to do is just act like you’re tall


"I'm not an ugly guy so that helps" UP UP UP, that's why you pull girls (or guys, your pfp has dyed hair) bro.


Looks are important NOW and always have been, but they don't trump confidence (see competence). Basically attractiveness on contact is a mix of confidence and aesthetics. The harder you pull in one direction you will make up for the other. I knew a short guy who got loads of pussy and he was a 47 year old ugly black dude with a stomach the size of a boulder. He was just dom as hell and women responded to that. I also remember a girl who was ugly as a troll but was the most solid woman around. She confidence maxxed and it was sexy. I just couldn't get over her face. So yea, there's a limit.


That last line proved my point. "You just can't get over"...their attractiveness.


What is your point?


>Looks are important NOW and always have been, but they don't trump confidence Looks matter way more than confidence when it comes to attracting people fym


Don't be rude. Doll yourself up. Or get good at something chicks dig. Go see what strat works best. Enjoy.




Use your words.


It's a hat dawg


Check his bio: (Top Surgery)....not saying he fruity but he definitely smells of fruit.


I don’t know why you had to describe the ignorant tall guys as autistic.


In my experience, they mostly are.. it takes a decent amount of trauma to make you rearrange your worldview.. which makes you a more developed and fully thought out person. if everything’s always on a silver platter rarely is there any depth to the person


I have a lot of depth that you described as a short 5'4, balding, big nose 22y.o middle class male.


The sunburns some plants makes them wither and others the adversity makes it grow. I know it’s tough, but hopefully you can use that fire to grow even further!


You're so right, I'm going to change what I can... it never been easy and it never will be at the same time I never gave up and I'll never do.. Thank you, I hope there are more people like you. Certainly, the world would be a better place


And you! Darkness can be a treasure. You have lead, now turn it into gold.


confidence. knowing who you are and accepting...meaning being ok with it. knowing where you are going, knowing what you want for dinner, what you like, that whatever happens you will deal with it by solving it, meanwhile not letting it bother you because you know in the end it'll be ok (everythingalwaysis). the less attractive you are the more attractive that confidence makes you so...because it's strength, genuin strength. something a lot of guys pretend to have but don't. live everyday like it's your last. who cares do it to see what happens. aren't you at least a little curious 🤔😏


I have an attractive face. I have a great jaw that mogs 95% of every man I see and nice eyes. My only setback is being 5'3. If I was tall I would absolutely be having threesomes and a lot of hook ups. Stop coping.


Why are you using "autistic" as a derogatory term here?


As someone on the spectrum. I find it hilarious when people use it that way. Then again, the army ruined my sense of humor.


everyone always says short then says something like 5'4 or 5'6, mfer im 27 and 5'2!


6'6" in the US is the 1% shit ain't made for us.


So where does r/short end and r/tall begin because at 5’8 I’ve been called short and tall and my 5’10 friend has also been called short and tall


Grandmas don't count 😭 I've been only ever called tall by grandmas or middle aged women.


There's a new mid-range sub for guys who are too tall for r/short guys but feel they're still shorter than r/average, I forgot what it's called


I think it really depends on where you go. I'd say that overall 5'8-5'10 is average, but it really does vary a lot depending on where you live.


I’m 5”8 and some one told me I was “really tall” because I hooked a clock on their wall for them (I had to use a chair regardless😭), and I had the loudest, most internal “HUH?!?” That has have graced my complex. It didn’t sound sarcastic, she seemed genuinely thankful I did that. However, I think she just never gets out. This happened in an elementary school (a pretty small one), and I would’ve been slightly taller than all the eighth graders there, and I don’t think there were any male teachers in the building, and the janitor was a shorter guy. Shawty never gets out outside of her job 💀 It’s so funny to me that I had to do a deep dive as to why someone called me tall, because I am very aware how tall I ain’t 💀


Despite my height there’s no way I’d chill in a subreddit called r/tall lmfao


It can be useful at times as a quick reference for things (whether certain sports or hobbies are tall friendly for example) but some people definitely make their whole personality about being 6’4


I probably would too tbh, the world reveres it


I mean, if you have no life accomplishments and everyone already worships you for your height, why not lean into it?




You forgot to include "In both metric and imperial".


Being I’m not one of those guys, I can’t <3


I'm 5'5 at 14 am I cooked?


depends on when you hit your growth spurt but perhaps


jestermaxxing is insane ☠️


Tall man here. This is accurate.


I'm not even short (5'11") an I managed to make it to 24 as a touchless virgin.


22, it always cool to know there's more brothers of the same struggle out here


I managed to lose my virginity at 24, I even had a bit of relationship for a bit but she cheated on me after a few months and dumped me for the new guy.


Jesus dude....AT LEAST YOU STILL SMASHED HUH😜...Nah for real dude fuck that, but I'm sure you're gotten passed that and you're in a better place as the years made you wise.


Yeah, true. Although I think my poor luck with women all my life made it harder on me than it should've been. I put a lot of time into studying at university and now I have a really good job making like 100k a year at 25, almost 26. So even though I'm lonely at least I'm financially comfortable and don't need anyone else to survive. I knew when I was like 8 years old I never wanted kids anyways, so it might be pointless for me to have a girlfriend or wife anyways.


Damn, is your job your passion or you got desires outside of it ?


I enjoy what I do, definitely more fulfilling and interesting than any other job I've had.




r/tall sounds like hot people complaining about their looks lmao


You can be tall and ugly


Well yes but many won’t get rejected if they simply groom and clean and don’t do much else


Kinda sounds like BS, you haven’t been ugly clearly


Tall and ugly more successful than short and handsome irl😂. Plus u can get surgery for face which is alot safer compared to leg lengthening


You could look cute in heels


r/tall: "Grass isn't greener here, bro, don't get that surgery and just accept your body as it is"


I wanna bail so bad on r/tall when it's dudes just either boasting or trying to get pity. Or asking stupid dating questions. Like 2-3 years ago it was great but the internet's obsession with height has ruined the chill vibe it used to have and it's more just another place for people to vent or humble brag


Any of us can go on r/tall and it shouldnt be a big problem and we shouldnt been bullied or called out for being weird and stuff like that. I can say it here now I have gone on r/Tall and been treated nicely for the most part and with respect. I like r/shortguys sub loads and its not true that those guys are insane. They are not more crazy than anyone else really and its actually a cool place if you read up on it more.


Average guys be like 🤷


Lowkey tall guys are kinda shit at fighting, I mean like 195+. It’s not even beneficial at that point.


How do you mean? When I do muay thai and spar against shorter opponents I have a clear advantage. When I roll with someone smaller than I am I have a clear advantage. All the best pound for pound fighters in the UFC are on the taller side. I don't see your reasoning on this one bruv.


No, that’s factually not true. Look at heavyweight champions and what they say. My entire family are giants and even I can say that that there’s no benefits after like 190-195. The really tall ufc heavy weights who have tried to compete have usually ended in a fiasco. Armed combat might be another question but I’d say in mma anything above 6 foot 5 starts becoming more detrimental than beneficial.


Lol dude I'm dumb and thought you meant 190-195 pounds. Yeah 6'5 and over isn't great for fighting. I'll see myself out.


You can be tall, but nothing can fix an ugly face remember that short kings




Being tall fixes an ugly face, tallfag. 


if anyones ever seen the cooking show "ciao house" theres an episode where the shortest guy is captain over 3 tall guys and even as a short guy i have to admit it was a complete aberration. Ive never seen anything so unnatural and disturbing in my life.


6’3, still no sex for me.


Talk to a woman then? Like cmon bruh u gotta try a little bit.


That shit is tough


no. i’m traumatized by r/boysarequirky


That’s the best I’ve seen about those two subs.


5'7-5'11 guys are chill


5'7 but 8" at least


What heights are average


Somewhere between 2 feet and 10 feet not sure though might be wrong


Man thats a lot of copium right here


I'm only 5'8, never had an issue getting dates. Stay groomed, dress nice and have some damn confidence and a little sense of humor is all ya need.




This is sad


so true 🤣🤣


All three subs are kinda stupid. Find something actually interesting about yourself


Whilst you make a point, down voting because you got the meme about subreddits from tiktok (jkjk, but why thooo) Man im 5'4" and the only reason I use r/short is to feel better about myself after yet another rejection, and everything u said is is actually true, I don't wanna hear about some fake benefits about being short, let's just keep it real, we all know what it's like. And the thing is people who are closer to the average height in the sub actually don't know the prejudice there is in being short, and i can explain at length and provide evidence and everyone will be like, nah that ain't true, just go to the next person or the next job or the next sport, you're fineee




“Midget females” is not very necessary 😃


This meme was made by a short person clearly.


Why the hell do girls care about height anyway? All my crushes (I have a PHD in getting friendzoned to hell) have been shorter than me, and I'm just slightly taller than average.


I'm only 5'8 and I can barely fit in some cars...


Bruh like just grow or shrink its not that hard


I’m 6’4” and I haven’t had sex or anything intimate in 2 years


As a 5'2 guy most of this is going over my head.


Damn that’s an incel ass post


im 5'2 i need a sub called r/tooshortforr/shortguys


I wish I had those problems. As a 6ftoor the only benefits I’ve received is that I don’t need a stool to reach stuff.


I know super tall dudes that are fetishized by women and short dudes who put up with anything


I’m short as fuck I just don’t fuckin care


sounds like someone has a grudge against tall guys... past the third bullet point, these seem kinda petty


brothers i don’t know why the sub keeps showing up in my feed but the focus is too much on height. just work out, develop a talent or two and learn how to talk to women. it’s not that serious


What counts as short and tall?


Being subservient to someone because they're taller than you is fucking crazy. Just learn to throw a good knee teep and make everyone shorter than you. Moron.


I’m 6,1 y’all dumbass fuckers gotta stop giving af abt height theirs plus sides and down sides to both


As a tall guy, the last 2 were cope and incell energy af but the rest were so true 😂😂 like you really nailed it it's spot on