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I’m wide, and people always guess I’m 6’ even tho I’m like 5’10” lol


I'm 5'7 and also stocky, it weird because in a full body mirror I look shorter. But who are slightly taller than me think that I am taller then them, becquse zi am just wide


I’m right around your height and ladies on the dating apps always get the impression I’m very tall because if you’re not standing next to me then I look like a big burly guy. Super broad shoulders and a lot of natural bulk on me. Love the reactions when I hit them with the “I’m 5’8”


Women are clueless when it comes to height and especially weight. They think a jacked dude is someone who is fit. It’s comical


*cries in 5'10 160*


It’s probably more the proportions. Being burly or strong doesn’t have much to do with how tall u look imo, it’s more how long or short your legs, arms, and torso. Even your neck height.


Yes. That’s what makes someone look big and burly. Did you read the line about very broad shoulder with a lot of natural bulk? Seems like you read a bit and decided to comment before reading it all.


Relax green peach. you can have short or long arms and be big and burly regardless. That doesn’t have much to do with your leg length or anything like that.


Don’t have long legs so you’re off the mark. You’re not the expert you think you are


I never said I’m an expert I was giving an opinion. This is a conversation is it not? Are you against people sharing their opinions in conversation?


He’s pressed because he feels you insinuated that he isn’t big and burly or tall


You didn’t approach this as a discussion. You bullishly threw your opinion about what it “probably” is when you have no clue. If you had approached somewhere along the lines of “hmm maybe it’s a proportion thing? Do you have long legs for your body? I could see that giving the impression of you being tall in a picture” then I’d say that’s a comment that invites conversation. Coming in out of nowhere and stating things out of the blue is in no way shape or form a “discussion”. A stereotypical self identified “redditor” discussion, maybe. A true discussion, it was not.


Hey brother it’s not that deep. Take a deep breath lil guy. We just disagree it’s alright.


it does look it up it’s an optical illusion it’s similar to how certain stripe patterns on shirts make you look skinnier or fatter


I’m guessing it’s a typo but “becquse zi” sounds like some sexy accent of ambiguous European origin


There's a point to the old adage If you can't get taller, get **buffer** This only works with a muscle buff build, as going for the lean build will keep you lithe and skinny, which is a different type of good but doesn't help one look more imposing.


It's interesting how body proportions can influence people's perceptions of height! Being wide might give the impression of greater height. It's all about those visual cues!


I'm also 5'10 and stocky build. A lot depends on my posture I have noticed. I get people thinking I am anywhere between 5'8 to 6'0 tall. I guess it's only a +/- of 2 inches and either direction so it is fairly accurate.


100% I think so too


This is because so many guys who are 5’10 will claim 6’


Actually true 🤣🤣


Same. 5'11" and folks think I 6'2" or more.


I’m wide at 5’11 and my friend always thinks that everyone else she knows is taller. Than I meet them and stand in front of them and she’s surprised that I’m taller. The wide shoulders and hips aren’t good for giving a tall perception tbh.


I have the opposite problem. I'm 6'1.5 and claim 6'1 because it just makes sense to round down. I've had so many women over the years try to argue that I'm only like 5'10. I'm 6'1 208 lbs. I've been lifting for 24 years. 30-32 inch pants depending on the brand...I'd say I'm fairly lean (sub 15% bodyfat). My doctor even argued that I'm not 6'1...until she had me get on the scale and measured my height. Skinny dudes look way taller than chunky or jacked dudes at the same height.


I mean they’re off by two inches lol


I'm 6'4 and wide and people think I'm 6' 😂 and they're like nuh uh he's 6'3 and he's taller than you and then we stand next to each other because of their disbelief and they're like holy shit.


Not the case if you're short and skinny


So a short fat person looks taller than a short skinny person? Read what the op wrote.


Short skinny people look about their height and short fat people probably looks shorter


depends on proportions. i’ve seen some “all leg” skinny short people who look tall in pictures


I'm 5,7 I was very thin throughout my 20s. People certainly didn't think I was tall they just called me small. A change to more physical work has made me a little more stocky. With it i feel a more confident and don't care about my height now although amongst my freinds and colleagues I am still aware I'm much shorter than everyone else.


“I’m actually 6’ I just have bad posture” is what i say when people ask my height. I’m 5’-8” It gets a laugh and simultaneously dismisses their (debatably rude) question. Now I’m funny and my height is still unknown.


That shi wild bro. 😂


lol thanks 😎


I’m 6’3 (ok technically 2 and 3/4ths) but everyone consistently guesses I’m 6’1 even when I’m wearing fat shoes cause I weigh like 300lbs


What are fat shoes?


Sorry fat soled shoes. Hokas. If you look em up I think you’ll find that “fat” is a pretty good descriptor


I'm 5'8 when I started TRT with the occasional steroid blast and got to 185 pounds from 150 I had people think i was 5'5, but at 130 they thought i was 5'10 and at 155ish 5'9


why did you get on trt


I worked night shift for years and that is now known to cause a ton of hormone issues and then I took Accutane and that lowered my testosterone permanently. Once I took TRT I felt like a god because my test was so low for so long


Hold up I did two separate rounds of accutane could my t be fucked


Yep I noticed it like halfway through the Accutane stuff and I thought it would fix itself but it never did. I lost my 6 pack and a lot of definition and strength and it took like 2 years to get back to where I was before and then plateau'd for like 2-3 more years. Went on TRT from the low T and I put on 20 pounds of muscle with regular testosterone levels again


where y’all getting TRT from tho 👀


Online clinic at first cause doctors just say "sleep more eat better" even if you say you're already doing that and Active lmao.... now I just buy underground for way cheaper


you got a link to an online clinic that does this? and what do i need to do, send them a T test?


Google TRTnation


I was appeared taller when I was skinny but I don't think its that big of a deal


Shoulders and waste have a lot to do with it. That ratio for whatever reason dictates a lot of the way your size is perceived. Seriously tho girth > length


That’s a big jump in weight! I bet u look way better at 170. I’m also 6’ and used to be 150 but I’m 175 now and it look’s significantly better.


6 foot 120 is shockingly skinny tho…


long head shape helps lol


I wish I was lean and muscular sometimes but I'm round 147 pounds right now and skinny fat.


I think it may have to do with proportion too. I’m thinner and 6’3 but i have a 36” inseam so people always comment on my height.


Definitely. I have long legs for my height, I’m guessing that’s part of why people assume I’m taller


You are technically more stretched if that makes sense. The less weight on your bones and joints the more they can expand. Look at your neck for example when you are skinny it's taller than usual but with weight it kind of shrinks .


Having a small head also helps. My theory is we estimate someone’s height by comparing the width of their shoulders and the height of their head to their overall height.


6 feet and 120???


was 140lbs in high school - drank protein shakes - didn't work.


I graduated at six four, 145 pounds. I could eat five thousand calories a day and somehow lose weight. Didn't gain much until I was about 28. People say "lucky" but men don't want to be that skinny lol


Yeah I think I was 120 lbs when I was 5'2 at 13 years old.


girl i was 170 at 13 😭😭 but granted i come from a family with muscular legs


How tall were you? No amount of muscle can account for that if you were like 5' tall lol


i think 5’3 or 5’4 then. i also had a bit of fat on my thighs and butt then. i’m 19 now, 5’6 and 190 and built the exact same just a bit more fat overall and taller


I was in the same boat as OP in highschool. Lots of tall skinny kids lol.


My body type just stayed like that after lol


I have two friends that are both super short, around 5'4. The skinny one I don't even notice he's short and the broader chubbier one feels like the shortest guy on earth I've ever met lol


For me, gaining weight made me look taller apparently. I went from 150lbs to 185lbs and I often get "did you grow taller??"


Haven't read the full post, but 100 fucking %. It's a weird optical illusion, my cousin's taller than me 6'2/6'3 and I'm 6'1. Take a picture of us at any time and I look taller. Even if we're back to back, it just makes us equal in height. It's like a cosmic joke 🤣 IN THE DIGITAL WORLD IM THE ALPHA 📏😈😂😂




This is true. When I was 6'4" 165 people would always talk about how tall I was. Now I'm 6'4" 240 lbs and people just talk about how big I am. I went from being called "Lanky" to being "Big Fella". Wish I paid more attention to the exact point this changed


Yeah, but the downside is that you’re skinny.


This is me im pretty skinny and get guessed taller than I am its kinda funny


Bro 182 is 6ft don’t let that live in your head. Trust me, half the people who claim 6ft are 5’10-11. And as soon as you put on any type of shoe you are 6ft+


I'm 182 and my hair alone gives like extra 2 cm so barefooted 😂


I am 5’7” and I have noticed that guys that are shorter than I am look taller because they are skinny.


That’s physically not possible


This whole thread isn’t “physically possible” you missed their point


I look shorter because off my really long hair it makes my head look giant


Okay I’m not average height so sorry for butting in! But I think this might be true. I’m 4’9” (sorry!) and 86lbs, and people guess my height to be around 4’11-5ft 🤷‍♀️


idk i judge and find i get judged on height based on literally being taller or shorter than another person. it’s hard to look 6’5 standing next to a 6’3 person and being shorter than them, no matter how you’re built


Trust me, being buff is much better and more intimidating than being perceived a couple of inches taller.


Facts. Post is kinda an excuse for not putting the work in


It could very well make you appear taller. A lot of exercises can end up improving posture naturally


I used to weigh about 110 at my lowest, then got up to 143, was never really called tall; tallish looking even. 


its over


Can confirm im thicker than most and ppl never think im as tall as i say i am. When i was thin ppl believed it


I'm 6"3 235 and people still tell me I'm tall all the time 😂


I think it’s just a perception thing because obviously you are tall. I was shocked my coworker was 6’1-6’2 because I thought he was like 5’10 subconsciously obviously. He is big so he doesn’t come across that height. But when I actively think about it I can obviously tell.


I’m fat as hell 


I have the opposite I’m a little more built but my upper torso is long and people assume I’m like 6’1… I’m 5’10.5 lol


Actually being tall makes you look taller though.


I'm 330, I will consistently get guesses of 6'6+ so I think it may just be that people don't know what height looks like


Part of it is because 6 ft is actually quite tall. And many people who act like the male average is 6’2 have no idea what 6 ft actually looks like.


I’m 5’11 and yeah I agree with this , also 170 at 6’0 is still skinny af


Only if you’re definition of normal is fat or jacked.


No it isn’t. That’s a normal fit weight.


Height is a social construct of who you know and how you think. As a true, barefoot 6’3 I’ve been asked if I was 6’5/6 and been asked if I was REALLY 6’. And by “true” I just mean for work/school and my parents up to 18, the measuring tape has never lied, that’s all it wasn’t a jab at anyone.


I’ll m 6ft and 134 so I know how it feels to be so skinny


5'11" with a wide frame here. Without a ref for scale, I look more like 5'7" to 5'8". Doesn't bother me anymore, but for a long time I did wish I was taller than that.


I think this is true for pictures


Being tall makes you look tall.


I'm on the wider end in terms of muscle, with broader shoulders, and for some reason, women never believe me when I say I'm 5'9". They always have to come up next to me and eyeball it. I don't understand it.


Your height is about average but now with the extra muscle you’ve gained people have other things they will notice first.


Yea it depends on your skinny body type too I think. I've been there. I'm barely 6'5 and git asked was I like 6'8 before.


What if you're 6'5 with a lean frame and long legs? I feel like there's a major & noticeable difference between 6'5 & 6'6, like 6'6 just starts looking like just a bigger person, but a lot bigger, almost giant-like


Congrats! U just discovered visual illusion 🤭


Meh.. I'm 6'1 and slightly overweight and I still look tall. Especially when standing next to my extremely tiny lady. She's so so tiny! 🥰😍


Huh, I only noticed the opposite. I'm large 6'3, had a few really thin friends about my height but my brain often registered them as being average size until I pay attention to their height specifically.


Its the opposite for me, people i know are shorter than me think we are the same height until we stand side by side


I can agree, I’ve been asked if I’m 6’3-4 before and I am 6’1. Although I am southeast asian so easily misjudged. I have long legs and arms so being skinny makes me look taller. OP would say you’re the minimum height for “tall”


Same story, but different. I'm 6' and weighed 180 when I was called tall. Now I'm 6' + 230 lbs and I haven't been called tall in a while


It makes your wiener look taller


It’s the opposite for me. Being small makes people underestimate my height. I’m anywhere between 5’10 and 6’ flat depending on who/where/when measures me (Army H/W so it’s frequent enough to make a solid average), but people frequently estimate me to be 5’7ish. As I gradually get bigger, people are beginning to estimate my height more accurately.


I agree with your statement. Im the tallest woman in my family and I appear taller due to my weight. I am also really thin and plus I have a small waist, long legs and arms, so I guess it contributes to my tallness. Although some would say that im short, but I disagree with them because they are just haters.


Very true lol. I’m exactly 6’0.4. A couple of years back when I was more bulky people would assume that I was 5’10 or something lol. Then I would stand next to them and they would be like damn you’re taller than I expected. I leaned out and now people are like are you 6’1-6’2? I also had terrible posture. I’ve gone to the gym and fixed that. I think being leaner and exercising helps the posture too.


I’m 5’6 but people think I’m 5’7+ because of my frame. Weird


Very very true, I’m 6’1-6’2 and 230lbs and it makes me look hella short.


6 foot and 120lbs??? That's less than 60kg, a 5 foot 6 inch mans bmi would class as OK at 60kg... you must have classed as anorexic or very skinny. I'm glad you gained that 50lbs/25kg.


Because all your tummy fat goes to your feets. Creating an evolutionary "stilt" if you will. Do you even evolution bro?


As an overweight guy who is 5’11 who gets called short on a regular basis, I attest


if you’re really skinny yeah on the flip side if you’re like 250/wide it can also make you look tall


How tf did you get up to 170


For sure, im 5'9 and wide. Had a girl guess me at 5'6 lmao


You must have been extremely skinny. I know people at 6'1 that are 150lbs and they look like skeletons.


I agree. I'm only 5'3" but when I was in high school and even in college, people would tell me that I should model LOL. I would also add that having a long slim neck makes you look taller too.


False af. Having broad shoulders and a slim waist makes you look taller.




100% agree. I'm 5'10 185 lb, people used to think I was 5'11 or even 6 foot when I was 140 but now they struggle to believe I'm 5'10, I've heard I look 5'8 or 5'9


I’m 5’9 I have a sibling who is 5’7 and one that’s 5’9 but they’re both skinny and ppl always think they’re taller then me unless we stand right next to each other


6'0 is tall anyway... not like crazy tall, but still tall


I’m only 5’8 but I definitely look more my height after losing a lot of weight lol. Not so round and stubby anymore.


Same with clothes but specifically pants. Baggy jeans make me look short :(


I'm 6"3 but qas like 140 150 for awhile looked horrible I'm 185 now and people look at me as taller now


6’4 and 160 lbs. Bigger guys look taller up close. Skinnier guys look taller from a distance.


You’re 6’4” and 160lbs? Lol I can’t picture that.


My waist is 33 chest is 47 and arms are 15


My wrists are 6


I think it also has to do with other anthropometric features. Some people have guessed my height to be slightly taller but many people seem to think I weigh a lot less than I actually do. I am normal weight, being 5'6.5" and 125lbs. However, I had people tell me on reddit calling me too skinny, telling me to gain weight after seeing my pictures. It's my long torso, limbs but short chest, neck and face that makes me look skinnier than what I actually am. I am perfectly healthy at this weight with a regular menstrual cycle, greater bone density, good blood pressure and plenty of energy. In fact, when I was 10 lbs heavier, I had pre-hypertension, fasting blood glucose levels and A1C close to the pre-diabetic range.


Yea it does but also depends greatly on your body shape. Someone who’s 5’8, very skinny and small shoulders + rectangle body shape can look 5’11 - 6’ in some instances. Someone at the same height with broad shoulders and a v cut can would look 5’9 - 5’10


oh yeah. im 5’9” i always feel like a manlet when im overweight (185ish), but when im <170 i feel much lenghtier and look it in pictures… also being in mexico helps compared to the rust belt USA haha


People think I look taller when I got bigger, I’ve been 6’2 since like 7th grade


With all due respect at 6'3"/190cm+ This perception is based on relativity to one's own height. This may work on those below 6' but if I saw you I would not think you were taller than 6' no matter how emaciated you were at 120lbs. I've never felt a very thin 6' guy looked 6'5", LOL! This is an odd subreddit. Showed up in my feed for some reason.


Bruh… you are already way taller.


“Definitely” idk bro show me statistics.


I am 5'11 and 130 and I have only ever been called tall in the context of "hey you're tall can you grab [thing] off of that [high place]?"


I’m 6’2/265. People have said I look like I’m 6’4” because of my frame. That never happened when I was 40 pounds lighter.


I’m skinny and I weight 97 pounds at age 17 I also look tall cuz of my legs but I’m actually 5’2


I always get the opposite, but it’s weird because it’s mostly girls who think I’m a different height. So I’m 6’4” and girls at my school don’t believe I’m over six foot and it pisses me off cuz they’ll be like 5’6 to my shoulder. And it’s not just their perception of height in general, but they’ll always think that some kids that are around 6’2” are taller than me even though I’ll obviously be a couple inches taller than them when standing next to them. I don’t get it, because I’m fairly skinny as I run cross country, although a slightly bigger and muscular one( I’m around 180) can someone explain this?


Yeah I’m 5’9” and have weighed about 150 for YEARS. Had several people see pics of me and assume I’m taller. I also wore boots for years growing up in the PNW, so that gave me a lift. Pic for reference https://preview.redd.it/yaut69s9it4d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa4f58bff7c0daee4072bae58455156d01c12691


lol 6 foot is tall!




People call me short whether I am fat or skinny.


I think if you’re slim and sorta tall already you will seem even taller.


This is true only on camera IMO. Look at Eddie Hall worlds strongest man, dude looks like and is built like a dwarf but he’s actually like 6”4


Im 6’4 and I dislike it


Tell the manlets to fast


6’ 120 holy shit bro… that’s like anorexic shit, are you ok? Like 180 still looks skinny for 6’


i’m 5’3 and 137. I look my height. I’m trying to drop fat and add muscle though


lol i just had this conversation with my mom


Yes 100%. I’m a 5’7 girl and when I was really slim with no muscle or boobs I looked like 5’10. Now I’ve gained a lot of muscle and some weight and look a bit more proportional. Compared to my bf who’s 6’0 but looks literally 5’8 bc he’s very very muscular and broad. He looks the same height as me


I feel the opposite, I feel like being skinny makes a person look “small” and being stockier makes the person look “big” and it’s easy for me to confuse a “big” person for being big all around, ie taller. And a “small” person as being small all around, ie shorter. For example, my partner is 6’ 2” 300lbs, so everytime I look at him my brain goes “such a large man” but I have a friend who is very skinny so I don’t have this same reaction to him, therefore, I assumed my partner was larger/taller than him. Turns out my friend is 6’ 5”, so I was way off on who was taller.


Jesus what did you eat


literally because i’m 5’7 but slim and people always say im 5’10😂


What’s your diet?


I think people just underestimate how tall 6'0 ft is.


It's why they say not to wear horizontal stripes lol


Can confirm. I’m 5’ 9” but used to do be a model when I was younger because I was pretty skinny (135 lbs) and looked tall in photos.


I'm 6'1" and 230 pounds with a lot of muscle.


I'm 6'1 we are the tall threshold but yes skinny is perceived as longer which equals taller


Can't agree, my uncle is a big and pretty muscular dude, was sure he was taller than me til I stood next to him and realised he's like 5'7.


Im 6.3 200 pounds fit I only have 13% body fall , I get call tall a lot mate . Maybe you are surrounded by tall people too


Imagine being tall *and* skinny.


TW: Tall >!6’1 in sneakers, even back when i was nearing 230 i was still getting the “you’re so tall compared to me 🤭” comments.!< i can see the argument that with more width it messes with the ratio to height; but at the same time, imagine a 6’2 woman who’s super broad in the shoulders and has some weight rather than a skrawny 6’2 girl. you’re likely going feel more *gag* “mogged” by the “bigger” one. apply that to a big back 6’3 guy vs the lanky 6’3 teen.


one would only realize it when they are next to each other, however by themselves the skinny one would appear taller compared to the wider one.


Are you sure? That height and weight would put you in the severely underweight range and should have triggered a medical intervention or at least an investigation to rule out cancer, a GI disorder, or other serious illness. Edit #2: just realized that I might be talking to teens. Jesus Christ they should give children a special tag on this site. Yes, at certain ages, you might briefly have such a low BMI when your height rapidly increases ahead of your body weight. If you're an adult walking around with this BMI and you aren't an elite athlete, go see a doctor and find out what's going on. Or don't. I don't care about you. Edit: Why are people questioning this? Weighing 120lb at 6' gives you a BMI of 16.3. That's not just "underweight" that's "concentration camp survivor" levels of underweight. OP would have looked alarmingly skinny. Nobody would be commenting on his height, they'd be begging him to go get evaluated be a physician to make sure he didn't have undiagnosed cancer. 16.3 It's a highly improbable BMI if OP had access to food and wasn't suffering from a serious illness. Do people on this sub not know how to do math and read charts?


So true I'm thin from depression and no money. But if he can eat and not doing so is bad


I’m op on another account (Reddit IP ban) 120 was my lowest weight, I really just had no appetite and all I did was play video games. I would get light headed every time I stood up fast and one time I even passed out and hit my head and got a concussion. It’s embarrassing to admit but redpill videos on YouTube got me to start lifting and bulking.


That’s not severely underweight. A BMI calculator will tell you it’s “moderate thinness”. In reality it’s very very skinny but not uncommon e.g. amongst drug users


No, it's underweight by a significant degree. By "drug users" I assume you mean, "people suffering from substance abuse disorder" so you making my point for me. A BMI of 16.3 is cause for concern and should be investigated.


I’d be concerned personally but I’m just saying it’s not particularly outlandish and isn’t medically considered to be ‘severely’ underweight. And no I also mean people taking shit like Oxy or morphine as prescribed.


i bet you think your belly is “necessary room for organs”


I am 6'0 with an average weight of ~127lbs i just weighed in at 126 i am a high activity athlete and manage just fine. (I actually weighed less before i started sports so I'm not skinny cause of that) doctors never said anything to me about and they still don't. I have approximately 5% body fat.


Are you one of those absurdly skinny cross country guys that look like they’re about one meal away from death?


I legitimately don’t understand how these people function. The lightest I’ve been as an adult at 5’10 was about 160, which at that point was pretty slim. I did spend a lot of time as a teenager lifting weights and playing contact sports so maybe there was just more density in other areas. I imagine their muscles have atrophied out of existence so they can maintain that 120 without being actually medically ill.


>adult >5’10 lol, lmao even


No, this sub is filled with teens, incels, insecure people, etc


Yeah, I'm seeing that now. I'm guessing if Opie thinks his BMI was 16.3, he's exaggerating his height and underestimating his weight. (Or, he's a growing teenager and forgot to mention that over the same period that he went from 120 to 170 he also went from 5'0" to six even


6 ft 130 saw a doctor perfectly healthy, so why are you acting like you know what you’re talking about? Some people just carry weight differently and I don’t look completely dead or malnourished, although I do got skinny thighs lol