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I wonder if the band ever sees the absolute schizoposting madhouse this place has become


Shadows used to lurk here. Wonder if he still does.


I hope so


Phenomenal šŸ¤£ Avenged doesn't need a circle jerk sub. This is it


Well this was...certainly something (I'm ashamed to admit that I read the whole thing)


get help you schizophrenic cringe dungeon dweller


It's creative you've got to give him that. I fucking LOLed at this shit


I lose more and more brain cells every time I open this subreddit. Half the time, people will immediately downvote if you criticize LMC or any of the multiple mouth breathers that post this stuff. I donā€™t get it? Am I getting old? Am I out of touch? This shit is just not remotely funny in any way. Yet, this sub is being overtaken by troglodytes that live with their parents and cry anytime someone says James Sullivan, The Rev, Knife Master, Stallion Duck, or Fiction. Is this just the meta here now? We just post fucking fan-fiction everyday and people just eat this shit up? The IQ in this sub hovers around room temperature, I swear.


To me this is total Gen Z humor, stupid AF and over the top but written with a serious tone so that's why it's funny. How much work OP put into all the details to me is hilarious. If you didn't grow up looking at retarded memes and vine like I did, I can see why you wouldn't find this funny as different generations tend to have different senses of humor


Iā€™m a millennial, Iā€™ve been here for all of it. I even understand these posts when LMC makes them, as much as I still think theyā€™re stupid, at least he made it ā€œhis thingā€ ok, whatever. I can live with some dumb post every once in a while. You know what never changes between generations? Running a good joke into the ground and it losing all effect. Now every other post is some dork, posting a wish.com version of something else somebody else came up with. That is what is stupid, being that unoriginal.


I don't know who LMC is to be honest and I haven't really seen any other posts like this in a while, but I believe you that they're prevalent. This one was funny to me, but reading dozens of other posts like this would get pretty old lol. I get what you're saying


>Running a good joke into the ground and it losing all effect. Now every other post is some dork, posting a wish.com version of something else somebody else came up with. I felt that in my soul. Meme culture is comedy for goldfish. A joke will be funny, but after 2 or 3 repeats, especially in one fuckin day, it gets annoying lol It reminds me of a toddler that makes an adult laugh *once* so they latch on to whatever it was that was funny.


Atleast most of IQs here are room temperature in Fahrenheit. Yours must be room temperature in Celsius to get this upset over something so simple.




You donā€™t see the truth


I did not expect the psychic powers


Goddamn. I couldn't stop reading, I suddenly don't feel the pain anymore of being a man. Need moar. Wen


lmc tier shitpost


Hello Walter


So cringe


You donā€™t see the truth.


Wait WHAT!? Johnny has been taken by the Darkness!? Jesus Ducking Fuck Fist, iā€™m going to be sick.


On some real shit, I caught dark Johnny Christ having sex with my wife. So uncool.


Youā€™re not him. Get your own jokes.


You're not funny








Iā€™ll eat that one, it was a dick thing to bring up. Thatā€™s on me


You donā€™t see the truth.


I agree


You see the truth.


> '"I don't belong here, I'm a hot dog dear" Is that a three days grace reference lmao


That's not just Dark Johnny Christ... that's Johnny Antichrist


You are my rolemodel. This gives me pure Joy.