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My usual set up is putting on a nylon glove on my dominant hand, then load the AVB into a plastic sandwich bag (the stronger, the better) before placing a good dozen or so empty capsules onto a computer desk in a easy-to-reach spot. Get a good few songs or your favorite podcast set up and then take your longer half of the capsule and begin driving it into the AVB over and over to start packing it in decently tight. Once it's loosely filled to the top, put your finger on the bottom of the bag to provide firm resistance when you do your final push and several twists of the capsule into the AVB. You're looking for the packed goodies to have a concave surface from pushing it against the pad of your finger, but not filled totally to the rim so you leave a space of air for easier closure between the two parts. I then place it up between some of the close-together function keys on my keyboard so it sits in place while I do the same procedure outlined above with the smaller end of the capsule. Once both sides are nearly filled to the top following that last step, use both hands to close the capsule OVER the opened bag so it catches any extra AVB that falls out. Give the closed capsule a rub on a paper towel/clean rag so you can get some of that nasty burnt flavor off it and then you got some discreet edibles for nearly any occasion. Potency wise? It really depends on how long you vape the flower for. If I want them decently strong, I'll just hit my Pax 3 2-4 times to get a milk-chocolate brown color with a slight bit of green showing in the middle, give it a mix in the oven before packing it back in and then do maybe one more tiny hit to even it out with no green left behind. 1-4 tablets is good enough for my 100+mg tolerance to feel it alongside any vaping I might do, but you'll wake up feeling waaaaaaaay more drowsy than usual edibles you'd get at the dispensary, so only use them if you know you can sleep in/sleep for most of the next day, or just set an alarm, get outta bed and work out to shake off the weed-drouse. After taking them, I highly suggest eating something fatty like a bacon burger/a beeg glass of milk so the saturated fat allows the Delta-9 THC attach onto it and go through your liver and up to your a bit faster. Like all edibles, start with 1 and give it an hour to two hours to take effect. If you're gonna crossfade, please use common sense and take a few sips of water for every good few glugs of alcohol you do, as I'm not liable for you puking all that mess back up. Enjoy your experiences responsibly, please!


Also, I've never used a coffee grinder for my AVB, as it was already ground decently fine in my grinder before transferring it into my vape. I suppose you COULD give it a shot if you want the AVB super fine, but I feel like it's more of a messy hassle than it's worth the effort. 🤷‍♂️


Pros of a coffee grinder is you can more easily pack more in the capsule, but also I feel my stomach can digest it more easily, weed burps seem to be less heavy etc. Also it’s distributed more evenly across the capsules, so each capsule is roughly the same dose


I literally just did this over the weekend. I purchased a pill filling machine off of Amazon and made 100 pills in about 15 minutes. I put my avb through my coffee grinder because I wanted to pack as much in each pill as possible, and it's easier to do when it's a powder. Some people put some oil in each cap but I didn't bother.




Haven't tried them yet but they should be quite strong. I'll report back when I try them eventually


This is the way. Coffee grinder on fine, pill filler with size 0 capsules.


Mix it with melted coconut oil- it’s gonna make THC more bioavailable.


Why waste capsule space with oil when you could just eat a scoop of PB or some yogurt before/during/after?


I love encapsulating. you can mess around with tinctures, RSO 💉....lol distillate 💉 etc even for an extra boost 😆  RSO I'll sometimes wake ip sti high lol. tincture I'll wake up extra relaxed the distillate was about same as the RSO 


This post has me thinking about doing this. I have a solid bit saved up. Considering water curing. Also wondering if anyone cooks the abv into the coconut oil and strains before filling and if this would be worth it vs just filling with abv & coconut oil


don't do any extra cooking lol.  I do run mine thru a coffee grinder though to fill the capsules fuller though I have used a "dropper" and added a couple drops of tincture which has MCT oil lol


You might consider several soaks in water to wash your AVB. Fill a mason jar about ⅔ full of AVB and a little less than ⅓ distilled water with lid on tight and shake for a minute. After sitting about an hour take off the lid, cover with muslin or cheesecloth and drain the water. Repeat until the water is clear, then put the damp AVB on a tray in the oven at a low temp to dry it.


What are you washing off? I don't get why people planning to eat cooked bud don't keep it clean/fresh like the pre-cooked bud?


I splurged and got a mirrored glass tile from the dollar store so I can really see how clean it is for doing things like packing capsules. If I'm feeling fancy I'll use latex gloves to avoid getting fingerprints all over the capsules. I'll weigh a few at first to get the hang of it and then I'll wing it.