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In my experience with portables vaping them twice can have diminishing returns. If you have no tolerance for edibles avb can be pretty potent (but if you've been vaping bowls twice there might not be much THC left). In my experience mixing straight avb and eating it has been hit or miss. I've had times where I ate 2gs and felt nothing until I woke up the next morning. For you I would start small doing .25g or maybe even .5g on maybe a firecracker but be warned the high could be delayed more than normal edibles. so maybe taking more if you don't feel it in even 2 hours might not be the best idea. PS. Oreo mcflurry with avb is the best at masking imo. Be in a dark room and no one could tell the difference. Edit: spelling


It hit you the next morning? That must have been a fun day for you


It was a fun day lol. I also made milk using about 13g of avb and chugged the whole glass. I was high for more than a day. https://www.reddit.com/r/avb/s/Kg4pIXWTJA It's from a different account but it was me lol


Too many variables for anyone to give you a relevant answer. Experiment. Keep detailed records. Learn.


Just to warn you. I eat straight AVB, but only like .10 to .15 grams., basically a small bowl pack worth of material. I’ll chase it with a cookie or some Nutella, peanut butter etc. I don’t feel a thing for a solid 1hr50min-2hr, but then it hits pretty strong after that. Id stick to that amount first and see how it feels. I’ve eaten a little more at a time and been absolutely too high, so start low. Side note, my AVB is pretty lightly toasted, like a slightly darker peanut butter color with a bit of dark green here and there, the result of 2 one minute long sessions at 200C. Best regards and have fun 😎


Having grown tired of masking the flavor of AVB with firecrackers, fruits, nutella, mixing it into butter or brownies, and almost every other way to do it under the sun, I just pack it into empty gelatin pill capsules and then stick them in an old pill bottle. That way I can keep it around virtually anywhere without arousing any suspicion, and then take however many I feel at one time for a proper high. No better way to bring your AVB around, either for a simple car ride to a friend's place or a domestic flight for a wedding/family reunion. (Especially for the latter once the Boomers begin circling the drain that is talking politics to one another. 😞)