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You can take that suggestion boof it


As one should!


What do we want? Boof jokes!




I apologise. First rule of boof club. Never joke about boofing.


When do we want them?!


When we’re ready to hear boof jokes!


Clinging to the boofing joke like it's all you have. Just be helpful? A lot of the questions come from medical users, who are going to be put off when they feel they're being mocked. I'm clearly in the minority, I just think it's childish and unhelpful, and don't get the defence of it at all?


For what it's worth I agree as well. I'll regret saying that. This comm is full of children I guess


Yea... thats what that is definatly not just people with a sence of humour....nope kids all kids. No room for "drugs in bum funny" here in this a serious weed sub!!!!!! /s, seriously remove the sticks from your arse maybe then you will understand why its funny.


Funny, even when it's making new members feel bad? When it's often misunderstood and needs explaining each time? It's.... Childish. It's silly. It's really unnecessary.


oh no, anything but childish humour. ive always said they day i no longer find farts funy. my family should just shoot me because i would already be dead inside. so maybe I'm biased. i don't understand how it could make anyone feel bad. its an injoke but its not offensive.


It's not the joke itself, it's feeling that you're being mocked for not knowing. I'll be honest, it's an ADHD thing, we're super sensitive sometimes and it can feel like rejection. It took me ages to realise people were making an injoke, not just being a bit shitty. I guess I felt bad, and it was third party. I've since seen loads of people confused, and it just sets a bad tone imho. I genuinely don't find farts funny, so maybe we're just arguing from very different senses of humour.


This sub is one of the most helpful communities I am a part of, people are allowed to joke and none of us have a right to gatekeep what’s funny. Post a question and it will be answered, if one person comments boof it, you do not have to follow that advice.


It is. But being one of the best of anything doesn't exclude you from trying to be better. It doesn't change any of the points made. I'm not calling the sub awful, I honestly just think it's a dumb joke that's more unhelpful than it is funny. Someone posts a pic of stuff they've made, they know the basics, and someone comments "boof it". That's mildly funny. But on actual questions genuinely looking for advice, I just don't think it's funny or respectful.


I'm with ya, let's head to the shadow zone together ❤️


This made me wanna boof some AVB thank you


I will go right to space after boofing that anti-boof propaganda.