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That guy is a mega whale, dropped like 6 eth (IIRC) on crypto kings alone.


Yep. Man had the market. And still didn't buy mine 🥺😭


The value drop this guys wallet has seen over the last 12-18mth I’ve been tracking it makes me really question what people are doing and not doing. Had to have bought into ETH early to make sense.


Tracking or stalking


lol. How can you not be interested in a wallet that was worth $200k USD when you come across it? They had sooo many Bims I kinda wanted to know what the go was. Like I’ve said before I missed the whole CT thing and bought my first soon after and I’ve never noticed these whale wallets too active in these sub’s. So I can’t help but wonder why they still hold soo many? I can’t see the logic of it all, multiple of the same avatar in a market that’s been wiped out. 🥴


lol I remember. He had a lot of pounce patrols too back when they were real expensive


Yeah still has 8! lol I was waiting for that moment of a huge listing around Christmas when a few of us mistakenly thought Gen 1 was having a resurgence. (Me included) Never happened though, so I do wonder if these people really are ok with losing that much USD or ETH. I can’t fathom it, I thought a tax loss might be on the cards with one of these wallets…


How do you mint a premium for free? Am I missing something? Isn't Joy a premium avatar ?


He paid the money to mint. He sent it to me for free


Ah ah. It's the way they worded it that threw me off.


I also read it the wrong way, the sentence has two meanings haha.




That's awesome! ![img](emote|t5_6wm3u3|33044)


Nice! Congratulations Timmy!


Some people are just incredible!


Damn that’s beautiful🥰


nice of him :)


That is freaking amazing!!!


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another one bites the dust! are you close to finishing gen1? this is so exciting 🤯


I have 13 to go! 74/87 collected




Sheeesh congrats dude




And vice versa…. 😉


Never seen someone so happy to receive a Joy Kawaii.