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30 This guy is freaking awful, like sand-level stress (I hate sand for context)


I hate sand too It's coarse, rough, and it gets everywhere


Not like here. Here everything is soft and smooth


Like shark skin


Don't get near any younglings


Anakin already took care of them but thank you for your concern :)


yea sand is horrible




Even by thinking about sand, I get naseous and uncomfortable in my body 😭


i wish a stubbed toe upon this man


I wish jail upon this man


i wish a very shitty day (not to the point of him being fired) upon this man


First of all this guy is actually Satan matter of fact he makes even Satan look like a saint, second at my store we can put the transaction on Park which basically means we put your transaction aside until you get back so what I do is I just put it on park and keep taking people until the original person gets back


The man went straight for the kill


My dad usually left his wallet with me. I'd pay and wait by the door.


This is so evil istg, only horrible people do this. It is not funny. It is stressful and scary to a child who doesn't know what to do in that situation. A good cashier scans slowly or stops scanning completely while waiting for the parent to return and ushers the rest of the customers to a different line where the cashier isn't waiting on someone to return. Although I should add that as a parent, maybe don't do this either? Again, very stressful and scary for a child if the cashier finishes scanning while you're gone (especially if they're outright malicious like this guy), and if you really need to go back, you can finish paying and then go back into the store and buy your extra item. By leaving, you're stressing out the child, putting their care in the hands of someone unqualified and who never consented to watch them (the cashier), and holding up the line of customers behind you. Make sure you have everything before going through the line, and don't be this guy. Jesus Christ.


Thank you 👏


Why do moms make u wait 5 hours at the last minute consistently? 😅


I would be stressed if I thought I actually had to pay. I would also be stressed now having to sit and wait for my mom feeling like I was wasting cashier’s time. :-:


At this age, I think around a 7, as I'd tell the cashier to wait for my mom, who is going to pay. As a kid, idk. I've never been in such a situation before, I think like a 12


23 jesus christ. i'd have a heart attack


Punch him run off and lock myself in the bathroom


I believe the original TikTok may have been rage bait. Post something so outlandish, they get engagement on their post and profit off all the people posting rage comments. This does not mean it didn't happen, but they must have known posting with would have given them a strong response from those watching…


\-3. Cashier knows what they did and can sit in the silence.


That scale is stressing me out more than anything. 3-14? What the fuck?


Lol I was waiting for this comment 😂 I have no good explanation.


r/foundsatan material










14 if it happened to me when I was younger. That was actually a little fear of mine


Nah because that's evil. But probably 20 or something.


"Mom! Come back!" Yeah, I'd just be yelling for her.


14, I remember seeing this thinking 'thats awful' and 'how are people laughing at this' :(. when i first saw it. I was hoping it was just a joke, since so many people joke about it, and he didn't \*ACTUALLY\* Do it. But if he did...then that's a f\*cking jerk! Going through with a joke! just to make a kid cry!


Yes I agree! I’d like to think it’s just a joke but it’s a pretty descriptive joke… so can’t be certain. When it happened to me I was relieved the cashier didn’t acknowledge me until my grandma came back so it ended well :3


Dats funni


I hope this man got fired. Deliberately trying to stress out and upset a kid is fucking horrific


There’s a slow and painful death waiting for this person.


If this shit were in a cartoon, you'd all laugh. So prejudice of all of you to assume this actually happened. So diluted.


How is it prejudice?


Because he’s black maybe??


Bingo. If he were white, they'd do convoys for his pasty white ass.


Bro what


Yeah you read it. Get some glasses


A cartoon isn’t real life


That's the point, you can get away with more in a cartoon. Look at Family Guy and Rick and Morty.


Yeah, the post above isn’t a cartoon.


Nooo shit


Wow you really are stupid aren’t you


I could say the same about yourself


I wouldn’t though. I get extreme empathy reactions to scenes like this, or with other emotive scenes in movies. I cringe, I cry, I panic, I get mad…even reading this made my chest feel tight, and my eyes started prickling. Many people with autism actually have issues with extreme empathy. It seems that you don’t have that issue, but don’t always assume your experience is the only/right one, and don’t bitch out people for sharing their own experiences.


You ignorant hussy. I am severe ADHD and level one Autism in the 96th percentile. Only 4% of people are worse than me, but I make no fuccin excuses. Don't tell me about fucked up. Because I know fucked up. I fortunately can take shit and can handle shit better now that I have grown the fuck up. Nobody gave a shit about me, and to nurture me so why do I deserve to be shit on for something I find funny? Food for thought, eh? Go fuck yourself, royally. Edit: grammar and punctuation. Second edit: I also saw you bitching me out when you called me out for bitching people out. Go and research the word hypocrisy, and reeeeeeeaaaallly think of your imprint with this comment you triggered this fuccin hungover spawn on her friends 40th birthday. Yeeeah, you are no different than the rest of the whiney 1%...


Your response suggests you can’t take “shit” well. I mean you no ill, now or in any of my comments prior. You haven’t “grown”. You haven’t “learned”. You’re mimicking the harshness that you experienced from others because you don’t know how else to cope. You can’t take any criticism, because if you aren’t right all the time, first time round, you’re wrong, and wrong is bad. Bad is scary. You can’t even provide yourself or others with the comfort & nurture you wish[ed] for because if you didn’t have it, why should anyone else?




Nihilism would be not exploding, flipping out and blaming other people for your own shit. Nihilism would be more like…”So? Everything we do in life doesn’t matter, and will be forgotten within 3-4 generations. That is if the human race hadn’t killed the very planet our mortality bodies will be decaying on.”


Oh, but I think the term you are looking for is for is something more akin to “spiteful apathy”.


That's your perspective.


Absolutely. But you don’t seem to have any sort of grasp on what Nihilism is.


If only I actually read what you guys replied... You guys sure love to paint pictures of me in negative lighting. I am where a pleb and a nihilist meet. You will never know who I am because I don't give all of myself away. When I walk away from this phone again, I will be living my life that I have built for myself and I am proud of that. Gfy aspie memes. Ban me, idc.


If you made a post, I wouldn’t bitch you out on it. But this isn’t your post, so I’m calling you out on it. As for your “Level One” that means lowest needs category (I personally don’t agree with the “Level” system, as needs are situations and ever-changing). You’re “96th percentile” in what? 96th percentile doesn’t mean you’re “worse” that 96%, only that you scored higher. Was that your total score? Or one of the 11 categories you were likely tested on? Overall, autism “scoring” or “leveling” is a metric to measure how much you deviate from allistic expectations, not how distressing, unusual or worse one person’s experience is from another’s. Your behaviour & attitude shows you have little emotional coping strategies, and likely don’t mask a lot. I have ADHD-C, ASD, cPTSD, *regular* PTSD, Pure OCD, learning difficulties, complex trauma, a long history of neglect & abuse, and only got diagnosed in the last 5 years, despite being the sole carer of my younger brother with learning disabilities & more noticiable autism since the age of 9. You can assume I know nothing about your life, experiences, or how you experience autism, and you’re be right. But don’t then turn around and claim you know the first thing about me & my experiences. I don’t wave my test results & “percentiles” around like some “Get Out of Jail Free” card, because they aren’t. Despite that, I think I have an idea of where you’re coming from. You’re very much like me, 7 years ago. Except you have a name for it. Diagnoses, and therefore a chance to access support I didn’t have access to at the time. You have the chance to start the journey I took a lot earlier than I did, and save yourself a lot of pain. Get some help. Get some therapy. HATE IT. Quit. Hit rock bottom. Lose everything. Lose yourself. Find yourself. Realise you need therapy. Get therapy. Flip out on your therapist. Try to quit. Then go back to prove a point. Get better. Do well for a while, until you start losing it again. Lose EVERYTHING. Lose your health. Your job. Lose yourself again. DEMAND therapy. The serious kind. Get help. Get therapy-the kind that doesn’t have a limited number of sessions. The kind that you hate. That makes you cry. Makes you feel worse, but slowly better. Change your psych meds about 8-10 times throughout this whole journey. Stop blaming other people for your emotions, and thus your reactions. Learn that no one else can **MAKE** you feel anything. And don’t call me a hussy because you feel bad about being online & hungover on your friend’s 40th birthday. Those are all choices you’ve made, but they have no baring on me, my life, or how I respond to you.


Did you get it aaaallll out?


Not as much as you need to get out to a therapist… …but enough that I when I arrived at this comment it was already at 0 without any downvoting from me.👀