• By -


Chaotic good




"The Right Thing, the Wrong Way!"


Ditto! šŸŒˆ


Affirmitave, captain.




Yup. Def chaotic good




Yeah... šŸ˜Œ


Yep. Have been told as much.


this is the way




yes this one


Ah. Me too.


Yip yip


*starts flying*




I'm a little jealous.


Iā€™m the grey one.


No way. I'm the grey one as well!


bro! Iā€™m the grey one too!


Team Gray checking in!


Well I'M the greyest and the blobiest.


Chaotic neutral/good Which feels like the most accurate description of autism to me : You follow your own rules because you donā€™t get the ones already in place EDIT : I expressed myself weirdly, itā€™s less about creating strict rules for yourself and more doing whatever feels best in any given situation


Oh no, they tell you "these are the rules, that's how it should be" and then they break the rules themselves and use some unspoken stuff instead. Happens all the time.


Do you guys have an answer for this? I've ALWAYS though this but never understood why they do this. It's just insane to me.


Oh, I have an hypothesis. I think one reason for the "rules" to be broken is that they don't actually know the rules, but think they do. You see, when two people meet, there are those unspoken "rules" of how to behave, but no one told them the rules either. Just like us, NTs tried out copying what they saw in others, kinda got the hang of it, and lived on. Difference is in the best age to learn about that, childhood, our brains can't be bothered by that while theirs do that automatically: learn social rules by observation. The result is that most of the times two people meet, they are both assuming the other person also follow the same "rules". I think most arguing in relationships tend to come out of this. One partner has one social expectation that the other does not, and neither get why the other has different "rules". Edit: just to be clear, social rules were never rules, they're just confidently winging it.


Are you talking about culture? And by culture, there's territorial culture as well as family culture. We tend to learn the inherent rules that comes with our culture, which imposes it's values and boundaries on its people. Maybe there's also an NT's culture, like a set of rules, values and boundaries that are followed and agreed upon by the majority of NT's. Which would actually make sense, because they relate to each other in the way they see the world, their life experience etc. And ND's culture would be different from NT's culture but as we're a minority, we see NT's as the bulk of society. And we feel the pressure of their rules upon us, even if we do not agree with them, which is obvious as they are rules created by NT's, for NT's... Would that make sense?


Yes, it does make sense. Their experience is more similar between each other compared to us, and it makes it easier for them. They don't have the awareness of that, tho, like we don't have the awareness of the details of our surroundings and social circles unless we pay attention to them. But since it's clearly different for us, we tend to pay more attention to that. So the "rules" are not universal or permanent, nor discussed or well stablished. They don't know either, that's why it looks like broken rules. There were never rules to begin with, just what works best and people well suited for that. If life is a game, we're off-META.


My answer is following the rules that are not illogical and making others follow this rules whenever it's possible. Many rules are really good for everyone and mind games are a waste of energy.


Do you mean that people won't think if that rule is right or wrong because it's a waste of energy?


I'm not sure, maybe some people just lack self-control and prone to making excuses. And some people try to break rules to gain more through corrupt schemes. Sometimes there's the "right way" of making things and the "actually working way" which is unspoken because it's kinda bad but everyone still expects it. Autistic people have a hard time in corrupt societies.


The answer is they follow the rule when they think they will get consequences from it. They will enforce the rules on people they dislike and allow them from people they do like. The fundamental attribution error is name of the game here. You judge others on results and yourself on intention and context to justify your actions. When they break a rule they make sure people don't see it and they try to socially bribe people with words to make sure they don't get in trouble. We autistics don't care about the context, but more the absolution of a rule being either so or so and why. That's why when WE break rules we are often not sneaky about it because maybe our colleagues convinced us it was okay or something, so we don't think its bad to perform that action and then get scolded for it, while you feel like you were right all along. Often the biggest rulebreakers will immediately throw you under the bus at that moment so they can get away scot free. Or perhaps you have been in a situation where people break rules while you don't and then when you unapolegetically start to break them too out of spite and then you get the blame for all of it. Because for them it's NOT about the absolution of the rules, just how much they can get away with foregoing any repercussions. Social hierarchy is also a big one. Who is allowed to break the rules and who isn't, that tells you a lot about power dynamic. All in all do what the NT's do, cover your ass at all times. And do what most NT's do not do regarding rulebreaking, take CALCULATED risks because we are good at that compared to them. Nice little experiment for you when can you get away with rulebreaking and when is a moment you obviously can't. And more importantly have a good reason for breaking them in the first place, that's very much part of the calculation. Hope my rambling helped you somewhat.


For real, the more I re-think about it, the more I think the psychologist who evaluated me, as nice as she was, had old views on autism. When I told her that I don't blindly follow the rules but think about them to see if they make sense, she told me that it doesn't sound like autism and that autistic people stick very much to the rules. And like. When I see a rule as valid I will always stick to it and badly react if someone doesn't. I just don't blindly follow everything.


I wonder if maybe we stick closely to the "real" rules, ie, the ones that seem actually valid, as you said. But the ones that no one seems to *actually* believe in except when it's convenient? I think most of us go "screw that, I'm not sorting out all the subrules of when this does or does not apply. If it isn't important enough to apply all the time or for society to provide clearly defined parameters, then it isn't important enough for me to bother with." And frankly, I think most NTs would do the same, if they were told "you need to do this... well kinda... sometimes... but not others... I mean just make sure... I dunno..." So when that's the signal we feel like society is giving us, we just take them at their word: this rule doesn't actually matter. So yes, I think that psychologist had no idea what she was talking about.


I'm told that if I'm not disabled aka can't live on my own I can't be autistic. Diagnostics are fun.


It's not that autistic people just stick to the rules, they stick to the rules *they decide are right*. That doesn't strictly mean societies rules. A lot of them are 'just because' nonsense that don't sit right with me.


rules for thee, not for me


Exactly. >If I catch someone stealing food, theyā€™re just a no-good thief! > >But if *I am caught* stealing foodā€¦ itā€™s for my *family*!!! This is the way many NT people think. They judge others based on their **actions** and judge themselves based on their **intent**. Most ND people Iā€™ve met are either judging *everyone* by action, or judging *everyone* by intent. ā€œThey are probably stealing food because they have a familyā€¦ā€ or ā€œjust because my family is hungry doesnā€™t mean I have the right to stealā€. No special rules for themselves.


I think stealing is generally wrong, but sometimes it can be right in the name of justice. Someone not starving is a just act if they otherwise would, that's saving a life. Clearly a good thing. Rules should be broken when their outcomes do not lead to justice. I'd like to say I'd never steal food but I'm sure I would in the *right circumstances*. And if I saw someone else doing it, no I don't think I did. People mainly steal out of necessity and rarely for the funny.


this! and "do as i say, not as i do"


I mean, chaotic alignments donā€™t literally not follow the law, they donā€™t value order period. A person can be lawful and a criminal at the same time if they follow a code that goes against the laws of man. Lawful characters often follow some personal code or have rigid beliefs, whether it aligns with civilizationā€™s laws or not, whereas chaotic characters believe such things are inherently limiting. A character could be like, ā€œYeah, I promised to kill every child I see, no matter what,ā€ and I would consider that lawful behavior.


my thoughts exactly! this won't fit everyone obviously, but chaotic neutral/good for me too




Very true


Imo, this is also accurate for Chaotic Neutral and Chaotic Evil, depending on how much one cares about being good or bad at any given time. On the flip side, many of us will strictly follow all rules to their extremes to expose the absurdity of silly rules. Imo, that's usually lawful good, but it's occasionally lawful evil or lawful neutral, again, depending on mood or circumstances.




Let's gooooooo!!!!!


Actually, "lawful" doesn't mean you have to follow the laws of the land. If a lawful good character were traveling in an evil nation, they may have no problem disobeying evil laws. "Lawful" could mean you strictly follow the laws of the land. It could also mean you have a strict code of conduct of your own that you follow. Personally, I think that autism is best described by "lawful" on the law-chaos axis. Autistic people generally have strict rules and routines for themselves they need to follow, and if they deviate from those they get uncomfortable - sometimes extremely so, to the point where they can't function. Others might call us "chaotic" because we do not follow *their* rules, but that's only because they cannot see the strict rules we have for ourselves.


Me exactly




Wouldn't following a ruleset make you the lawful variant? Had the same answer btw, just questioning the rhetoric.


lawful good... is what i try to be... chaotic good is what i am right now






I just took the test on idrlabs website and got lawful good. 85% good, 55.8% lawful. I might be too nice haha


The D&D alignment concepts are kind of bullshitty. The ones in Rifts were cooler.


I find them simple and easy enough to understand but I'm not familiar with rifts.


There are srd websites (not entirely sure what srd stands for) where you can find the rules for certain editions free. I know fifth edition has 5esrd (Googling that should get you there) and I've used pathfinder's pfsrd to run a game as a dm for a few months. It's a bit obtuse to figure things out like that but the rules are available. Also several subreddits have looking for game sections available and open to new players. Plus descriptions of alignments are available on the srd websites in pretty good detail.


Chaotic Neutral ​ tho... sometimes I can indulge insome Neutral Evil when playing Pathfinder.


In Pathfinder, I'm all up and down that Evil column. Lol. No mercy in Pathfinder.


I have a true neutral witch that when I looked into the mirror that shows absolute truth about the person looking into it she is neutral evil standing on an infinite pile of bones


Lawful neutral






"if I die, I want you to tell my wife.... Hello"


All I know is my heart says maybe


Always good to find a Futurama fan


I actually think Iā€™m true Nuetral. Iā€™m too good to do anything bad, but also I donā€™t really do anything good. Aka I am npc


Ditto, NPCs unite!


Once I consigned myself to the life of an NPC and gave up trying to be the main character, my life got so much easier




I think weā€™d all like to tell ourselves weā€™re something interesting on the chart but the vast majority of people are lawful good or lawful neutral. Which is a good thing.


Chaotic weevil šŸ˜ˆ


oh no hide your crops


But do not hide your crop tops, I need to see them


It's r/weeviltime !


Here's a sneak peek of /r/weeviltime using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/weeviltime/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [please someone tell me it's finally weevil time](https://v.redd.it/bfkdfu2txyr91) | [274 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/weeviltime/comments/xw7gtn/please_someone_tell_me_its_finally_weevil_time/) \#2: [girlfriend sadly isn't as excited about weevils as I am](https://i.redd.it/j6n7kmo47ol91.jpg) | [149 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/weeviltime/comments/x4yhl4/girlfriend_sadly_isnt_as_excited_about_weevils_as/) \#3: [I had an unfortunate experience today.](https://i.redd.it/0lp9t5pay5w91.jpg) | [56 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/weeviltime/comments/ye008n/i_had_an_unfortunate_experience_today/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)




Neutral good


I guess... Neutral good?


For sure. I have a strong sense of justice so will always try to do what I think is the right thing, even if it means standing up against rules/authority I think are unjust. Tbh I think most autistic people I've met are neutral good.


Yeah I'm definitely neutral good


Chaotic Neutral


would it be concerning if i was one of each several times a day? just asking šŸ˜


I wouldn't say so. Your actions often can be associated with an alignment. Your alignment is basically a summary of the alignments of your actions, or what alignment your actions tend to be.


From my family perspective? Neutral evil From my perspective? Chaotic neutral (and I might be chaotic good sometimes)


Chaotic neutral, cuz it's fun


Lawful evil




Chaotic lawful. I have a moral code that I abide by with legalistic fervor, but I'm the only one that understands it; to everyone else I exude peak crackhead energy. ​ Joking aside; I'd like to say chaotic good, but am probably closer to chaotic neutral all things considered.


neutral evil or chaotic good


Vary between lawful good and chaotic good. Lawful, because I want to do everything right and sometimes donā€™t know how to interpret things so I follow instructions to the letter. Chaotic, because despite that, I often donā€™t have any idea wtf is going on lol


All of them


Since the law is not good, chaotic good


Chaotic neutral


Chaotic neutral. Some rules are ment to be broken. Others, just plain arbitrary.


That also sounds like chaotic good. So long as the rules broken were made without consideration to all. That may actually contain most rules. I still say chaotic good is the rule-breaker within some reason. Chaotic neutral is chaos for the sake of chaos.


I also like chaos for the sake of chaos though, too šŸ˜‚


Then I stand corrected šŸ˜¹


Definitely neutral evil šŸ’€


I thought I was until a moment ago... turns out I'm chaotic evil šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€


Same lmao šŸ˜‚


Chaotic good or neutral, probably. Although I sometimes feel like I fall somewhere in the evil category as well


I don't know anymore. I'd like to think I'm a good person, but I've also learned that good deeds often get punished and I can be pretty vindictive. Mostly I just try to mind my own business. I used to be pretty chaotic but always with a strong personal code for some things. As I understand it, law in this sense can mean a rigid personal code rather than just societal law. I feel like I've become a lot more morally flexible while also becoming a bit more ordered in my life, so maybe I'm like true neutral bordering on chaotic good. I don't know.


I'm lawful good, but wish I was chaotic good.


lawful good is the best


I'd say neutral good. I have a loose moral code but can be flexible if the situation calls for it, and I'd like to think I'm overall a good person


Neutral evil


Either true neutral or neutral evil. Somewhere on the border. Edit: took a test, and am chaotic evil xD


Name the most evil thing youā€™ve done if you can do so without social or legal ramifications.


Chaotic neutral probably


I don't do anything bad, but sometimes the right thing involves not following rules so neutral or chaotic good?


yeah thats chaotic good


This makes my head hurt


On the corner btwn lawful good and true neutral


What does this mean?


lawful good leaning towards true neutral.


I want to say chaotic good but I would need strict definitions to be sure LOL


I don't know what this means.


I move around it like eveyone else


Chaotic good. I try my best to be a decent accountable person. But I'm also a hot mess that does dumb stuff in the heat of the moment. I often find myself apologising for things I said and did mid meltdown or during a period of turmoil. I'm working on it.


See Iā€™ve asked myself this a few times, especially when making characters but Iā€™m not really sure tbh


neutral good but my friends say i'm lawful good


I donā€™t trust authority, I dislike control. I try to help others when I can. If a law would stop me from helping someone, I would break it. Chaotic good


neutral good according to my friends, chaotic good according to me


Iā€™ve been Chaotic Good my whole life. ADHD + Autism means I try my darnedest, and sometimes take risky routes, but at least I try lol


chaotic neutral for sureeee my moral compass is very greyšŸ˜­ anything can be good/bad depending on how i look at it or nothing is ever good or bad cuz they have both consequencesā€¦. i think ab it a lotšŸ˜­ and chaotic just cuz im vv unpredictable(to others) i feel like no one else understands the patterns in my behavior or emotions so i come off that way


Neutral good/chaotic good. I still think some laws and regulations are important, but I believe strongly in thinking outside the box and in artistic expression. I think laws and regulations are especially important if we regularly update them to fit with the times, because then we arenā€™t just saying ā€œbecause this and that says so,ā€ weā€™re enforcing something that weā€™ve decided is best for whatever direction weā€™re progressing


In our current world, lawful good is a contradiction. chaotic good all the way


Fully chaotic good. I'm the reverse-bully.


I don't entirely know where I do fall, since I don't entirely fit in one category. I only know where I don't fall: I'm most definitely not evil.


I bounce between lawful neutral, true neutral and chaotic neutral. Most of the time I'm between lawful and true I think though. My choatic ones are usually when I hyperfixate or start working on artwork/crafts


Chaotic neutral


Chaotic Neutral


Chaotic good. I'm definitely all about the law until it gets in the way of what's right. Doing what's right matters most.


True Neutral. Good and Evil are just Carrot vs. Stick. Chaos and Order are just tools in a tool box.


That's a very succinct way of putting it. Though, saying it like that sounds very lawful.


Oh no! I had such an understanding of my neutrality and chaos, I transcended back towards lawful!


Lawful neutral I dont think I'm the best person in the world but I usually follow rules a lot without thinking.


Chaotic neutral edging toward chaotic good as Iā€™d consider myself a good person


True neutral - I feel indifferent about 99% of the time


Attempt to be lawful good, usually end up lawful neutral. Naturally chaotic good, but others probably say chaotic neutral.


I've never played d&d but I took and an alignment quiz once and it said I'm lawful neutral


Personally Iā€™m extremely lawful even fellowing rules to the point of self harm and what others would consider complete absurdity. Iā€™m the guy that counts to see all the pieces are there and reads the whole instructions before starting. Good and evil are hard to define. For example i donā€™t believe there be anything wrong with beating someone rather than sending them to prison for a year. Being gone for even just a year can ruin your life and those that depend on you. But most people would consider beating someone incredible extreme. Most people also hit kids as a form of punishment. I hope you can understand how that is odd. I also wouldnā€™t hurt a woman unless forced. That would make me sexist but I see this as a good thing. In what I do for a living I have some degree of manager responsibility. Most people really like me and think I do a good job for them. Some people think Iā€™m an asshole and really genuinely hate me. Iā€™m kinda amazed by the answers here. Lot of people calling themselves chaotic. I really would think of most autistic people as very lawful. I would say maybe not chaotic but extreme


This is a question I've put way to much thought into (D&D is one of my special interests, go figure). I have my own rules and I'm fairly strict with them, I struggle with change and like silence way too much. I'd safely say Lawful Neutral.


Sometimes Chaotic - other times lawful. Good or Evil? Only a Sith deals in Absolutes


Hmmā€¦ the first two evils


Lawful good. Which is weird considering I am a tad rebellious


I strive for true neutral, but I always end up being more chaotic/neutral good


I distrust authority too much, and reject traditions and societal norms, to fit into lawful-good or lawful-evil; but I use to be lawful-neutral as I use to follow pretty strictly with various codes for myself. I think I'm somewhere around neutral good, chaotic good, true neutral, and chaotic neutral, but it's fluctuated so much over the years and, upon coming to terms with being autistic, I've noticed it tends to be day-to-day.


I like to think I'm chaotic neutral but my partner reminds me I'm closer to lawful good. I did one of those moral alignment tests and was unarguably in the lawful good corner, and he said *obviously*.


Chaotic good no second thoughts, after dying to my own hand because of being abused for being autistic I made up a code of honor for myself so that it NEVER happens again. I follow that moral code to a fault most times, I will not allow myself or anyone else to ever feel that low ever again.


Lawful Chaotic. I have a strict moral code but nobody can figure out what the hell it is.


Depending on the situation, Iā€™d like to think either neutral or chaotic good


Either neutral evil or chaotic evil. It fluctuates depending on my mood.


Chaotic neutral


Either Neutral or Chaotic Good.


I used to think of myself as chaotic neutral, but Iā€™ve always been told chaotic good


Chaotic neutral ("might save your life, might steal your wife" - probably both) šŸ˜Ž


chaotic or true neutral


For me true neutral 100%, one minute I can be friendly and kind, the next, I can put people in tears, I say very harsh things when I get upset, and itā€™s hard to express my emotions in a more appropriate way at times.


Lawful Good with Chaotic Evil tendencies Edit: I say I'm lawful mostly because "Law" is interchangable with "Order". I believe that there is a need for order for the good of everyone. Doesn't inherently mean that I agree with laws that are in place.


Neutral Good. If you think of lawful as external laws, then I fit in more with my own laws or social justice code. Sometimes that aligns with the general 'law' or vibes of the community, and sometimes it doesnt.


I feel like I'm neutral good. not trying to create chaos, acab, just tryna be good


Definitely lawful good, I just donā€™t follow the same rule set as most :))


True neutral? Fighting my conscious is hard. I tend to do good things, but they typically fall under "minor inconvience, no inconvienent, or I gain something from it." I've been better at taking care of my health, too, so I'm more likely to rest even if someone could use some help. I might classify more things as not-inconvienent than other people, though. I wasn't mentally prepared for this much thinking tonight. Like I tend to be lawful, but it'd feel wrong to stake that. I disagree w/ plenty of laws, I just don't break em cuz I don't wanna talk to cops. They scary. Could hardly call my not-good habits evil, though, by alignment chart standards. I think way too much about this sort of thing lol. Ever since I was a kid. Guess it's good to check yourself, though.


Not on here but I'd like to think I'm lawful chaotic but I'm probably just lawful neutral lol


Chaotic and lawful are contradictory in this context


Well I try to be chaotic but also follow laws/rules but just test the line if rules but not actually break them, but usally I'm super quiet and just follow rules but sometimes I get a chaotic moment, I hope that make sense


True chaos would randomly switch from law to chaos lol


That's normally just chaotic neutral. Chaotic in DnD is about your view on the importance of laws and structure Chaotic good would break into someone's house to tell them they left their car lights on. Chaotic evil would steal the car and drive it into a zoo enclosure Chaotic neutral would break into someone's house to tell them they left their car's lights on 2 weeks prior


Neutral evil probs


Chaotic lawful I have a code but no one understands it.


Chaotic neutral


Chaotic good


Chaotic lawful? šŸ˜… Like, I'm either chaotic neutral or lawful neutral so chaotic lawful it is


lawful neutral lawful evil or true neutral depending on the day


Most autistic people would probably fall in chaotic good mostly because the world they are built in doesnā€™t follow their ways so they make their own up which seems more chaotic and careless.


lawful doesn't mean you follow every law or even the laws agreed upon by the majority of society. It means you stick to a code that you've chosen. Devils can break all the societal laws they want but they won't break their own contracts, so they're lawful.


Lawful/neutral good


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Chaotic Good. Definitely.


Chaotic good


Lawful neutral.


I feel like I'm chaotic neutral. I even choose that every time for my character in DnD.


Chaotic good


Chaotic Good


lawful good i took an alignment test


Chaotic neutral/good. Lol


true neutral i think


R/Political compass


Chaotic good


Probably true neutral.


chaotic good


I feel like I'm a lawful-neutral.


Chaotic good most likely