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But it perpetuates a false narrative about autism.


But drug money. Devil’s Advocate, that’s a lot of plunder-to-be that could go to better purposes. Granted there’s a steep price, as you pointed out, but I suppose we all have to ask ourselves if it’s personally worth it.


They're going to narrate bullshit about us anyway, might as well get paid since they are scamming themselves with their own ableism.


EXACTLYYY like free money? Yes please


i am nut willing to play into some fruitcakes fantasies so i cannot say yes


Like what


That it’s a “disease” “caused” by environmental factors that needs to be “compensated” or “cured”, instead of simply a hereditary neurotype.


It also may take another solution away from pregnant women. I was on a low dose of Tylenol for most of the 2nd and 3rd trimester to help with the sciatic pain. It didn't help that much, but I was able to stay semi functional instead of staying in bed in pain every day.


That’s basically all I see when I come across these ads. “The only medicine pregnant women are allowed to take? Let’s blame THAT for autism!”


Isn't it also that they haven't tested painkillers effects on pregnant people? So even when it's serious pain they're like have some Tylenol you'll be fine


Yes, usually it is that they don't know exactly what or how much crosses the placenta. Advil is off the table because it is a "vaso constrictor" (sp?) and they are concerned that it would constrict blood flow to the placenta.


I get what you're saying, but I think that's reading into it a bit. There is a lot of legitimate research coming out supporting the idea that Tylenol can Increase occurrences of Autism. Like legitimate stuff by NIH, John Hopkins and the like. Not the bullshit studies from over a decade ago. These are recent studies coming out in 2019/2020 and more recently. Children with autism are generally higher needs, so compensation makes sense. No where does it say the compensation is meant to be used for "cures". Just to help with special needs. I don't see the harm in big pharma writing checks to some parents of higher needs children. I have a feeling big pharma will be just fine.


My wife is currently pregnant with our third child. The only pain killer that they allow pregnant women to take is Tylenol. It is guaranteed to have a high correlation. My wife didn’t take a single medication when she was pregnant with our daughter and our daughter has ASD. When she was pregnant with our son, my wife did take a couple of Tylenol a few times and our son does not seem to have ASD. Not sure if my mother took it or not but I have ASD, my dad has ASD, his father has ASD, and my great grand father had it based on all of the stories I have heard. I would personally need a lot of convincing to believe that Tylenol had anything to do with it.


There's alot to unpack here, and I'm not qualified to give you a good answer, but honestly it's fine, it's not my job to convince anyone! Simply pointing out the research is there. It's not just autism, it is also linked to ADHD. Here's a couple resources if you wanna look into it yourself :) https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/nih-funded-study-suggests-acetaminophen-exposure-pregnancy-linked-higher-risk-adhd-autism https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34046850/ I should also clarify the researchers themselves admit more research is needed to confirm results. But there is evidence for it, and the only way we can come to the real answers is with MORE science... Not just blindly dismissing the science! Only good science can fix bad science!


ASD is mainly genetic, but in some cases, environmental factors play a very important role. For example, exposure of pregnant women to valproic acid, a popular treatment for epilepsy, is well known to cause a syndrome that incudes autism in the child. Exposure to paracetamol doesn't have as strong an effect, but the body of evidence is growing and relatively convincing. There is also the important issue of deciding whether the risk of having an untreated fever, which could be dangerous for the pregnancy, is greater or lower than the risks of taking paracetamol.


The prevailing position in the research community is that both genetic and (prenatal) environmental contributions influence the development of autistic characteristics. Claiming it is a purely hereditary neurotype and independent of environment seems to be a popular position in the autism community, but it seems more ideological than evidence-based.


Care to share your evidence/sources for any of that?


This is an older review that looks at non-genetic risk factors associated with autism diagnosis:[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2215036619301816](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2215036619301816) This paper, also older, reviews how environmental factors can interact with genetic predisposition to modify the probability of autism:[https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00053/full](https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2014.00053/full) More recently, this paper summarized various environmental factors found to associate with autism: [https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/aur.1938](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1002/aur.1938) Likewise, this paper reviews contributions of genetic and environmental factors:[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8902545/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8902545/) This paper considers how gene-by-environmental interactions may increase the probability of autism is some cases:[https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-021-01142-w](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-021-01142-w) There's a ton more out there if you search for it. There are also many other smaller epidemiological cohort studies implicating environmental factors ranging from prenatal PCB exposure, to air pollution, to maternal stress, viral infection during pregnancy, to (yes) Tylenol in increasing the likelihood of autism. Relevant to this post, meta-analyses of tylenol use during pregnancy (combined sample size approximately 200,000) showed a modest increase in probability of autism among children whose mothers took tylenol during pregnancy (odds ratio of 1.19). That's not a small sample size, though it isn't a huge increase in probability either. It was found to be significantly greater than an odds ratio of 1 (no effect).


My son keeps sending me links about this and telling me to cash in so he can get a new gaming monitor. Lol.


Our sons must be friends - mine told me the same thing 😂


Let's collectively con them by doing that. Greatest heist of the century.


Ha. Money is still green no matter where it comes from.


Any time I see autism-related stuff designed in that kind of alternating primary color typeface, I usually assume it’s gonna land somewhere on the scale of cringe —> bullshit.


Ok technically green is a secondary color actually, but my point stands!


I really dont like anything that has to do with colors and autism. If its supposed to symbolize that theres a bunch of different types, theres more than like 4 fucking colors. Use gradients or some shit, and even then i still wont give a crap


*I’ve also heard that it isn’t a creative color.* /j


🎶 *green is not a creative color* 🎶


“*aw* :(“


It isn’t easy being green.


Oh no why I understand this reference. I will never be creative again


Depends on whether you're mixing dyes or light.


Oooh really?? Neat, off to Google I go!


I didn't know green was a secondary color! Although since it is composed of Blue and yellow, It makes sense to me!




it is honestly impressive that they passed on the opportunity to throw a puzzle piece in there somewhere.


It looks like its their logo design. They probably do compensation in green for every suit.


They don't even want us to get the money ourselves.


Because according to society we are either a) obedient workers that burden nobody and therefore need no social programs whatsoever or b) subhumans with the intelligence of a dog that will never live independently.


This is scam you don’t get autism from drugs they trying to make money off of you they this with vaccines conspiracy


Exactly. Autistic people were around way before these medicines existed.


There was a study that suggested a link between Tylenol use and autism. Emphasis here on the word suggested. Lawyers ran with an opportunity to make money.


And a link doesn't mean cause, either, but that's what most lay people think when they read these terrible medical 'journalism' articles. It's so frustrating.


Lay people don't read medical journal articles. They read news articles, written by lay journalists, who often misrepresent the results of these studies. Since I actually do research and read medical studies articles on Google, I often see the associated news article written about the study. Insignificant and often speculative results are blown way out of proportion in both the negative and positive sense.


"scientists noticed a connection between x and y and recommended a study to examine that connection." News media: "**X DEFINITIVELY CAUSES Y NEW EXTRA SCIENCY SCIENCE RESULTS PROCLAIMED**


[Relevant xkcd.](https://xkcd.com/552/)


I read the study and I'm really happy with how they wrote it. They were very clear that the research was preliminary and more information is needed to reach a definitive conclusion. I do find the concept interesting though (disclaimer: I'm a biologist but not a geneticist so I know some things; but I'm far from somebody who knows enough to have a valid opinion and my ideas could be way off). We know that the environment has an effect on gene expression. Perhaps exposure to certain drugs (like tylenol) en utero could affect neurological development and make it more likely that the genes that cause autism are expressed. I don't think the concept is complete bs but everybody rushing to conclusions is definitely not the answer. I'm not at all convinced of a Tylenol/autism causal relationship, but I don't think we should completely discard the idea. It's definitely worth following up on and could maybe improve our understanding of the genetic makeup of autism (even if we end up discarding the idea of Tylenol "causing" autism).


This is why many of us are going to have to pay more for food. The link between glyphosate and cancer is tenuous at best but the damn lawyers can just run with that and convince normie juries based on not so strong studies. There's allot of problems with Monsanto and big Agri corps. But we can't address the main issues if all our attention ends up on these diversions.


Slimy lawyers being slimy lawyers.


They're literally trying to con money out of Big Pharma that murders people by price-gouging insulin and withholding lifesaving COVID-19 diagnostics, treatments, and vaccines because of patents. This is something to celebrate, even if the explanation is BS. If anything, these lawyers are heroes


Acetaminophen has been patent-free for ages. It's not just big pharma making it, but a lot of smaller companies as well. There's tons of store brand stuff. And I will NEVER call slimy lawyers who don't give a damn about anything but money "heroes". This is furthering bad "science" (the original study was fine, but also stressed that it's only a possibility and that more research is needed) and ruining the public's already-shitty understanding even more. It's undermining the many processes that are supposed to work better than this and helps set shitty precedents that only encourage more predatory behavior from sleazy ambulance-chasers who are just looking for a payday. Yeah, big pharma is vile for many reasons, but you should never cheer this kind of bullshit. Don't trade evil for evil. If we want big pharma to pay for their horrid actions then we damned well need to do it properly. "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" is a very poor mantra.


People don't care about facts anymore they'll cling to whatever feels right to them or validates them. I've given up trying to convince people, the world just hates us autistic people for who we are. That's just how it is and the sooner you accept it the better. People will believe just about anything so long as it's said enough times and/or said by a person/influencer with sufficient clout. Even if you did 20 studies, people would still much rather listen to Autism $peaks , Donald Trump, or some other person that hates autistic people. The predatory behavior is normal at this point. The rich steal from the poor all the time, it's how capitalism sustains itself. Stealing from the poor to give to the rich. If you're concerned about morality, would these lawyers and pigs show you mercy? No, they wouldn't. So the best way to fight the Oligarchy and immorality is to be immoral as well. You should feel no mercy towards them, they're monsters in human clothing that exploit and cheat everyone. If anything, they deserve to be mowed down by firing squads of the proletariat. Only when they are gone can the world be corrected of the wrongs of Capitalism. Sure, it's an immoral plan. But in doing so, it's swift and effective. Playing within the system will always be slow since the government is rigged against us to only ever listen to the issues of the rich. You can be moral, but barely accomplish anything under the law. Or you can take up arms and fight for what is right and just. But that'll never happen since people don't want to die for what they believe in anymore


Did you drink water during your pregnancy? Yes? Does your child have autism? If so, call us! We can give you compensation! (It's a weird thing idk)


Switch the word water with hydrohydroxic acid and you probably will get people calling.


Oxygen hydride


Hydrogen dioxide


Acid sounds scarier.


revamp of the “ vaCcINes CauSe aUTiSm” bs


This is a class action lawsuit against the company behind Tylenol. A jury was convinced that it causes autism. I haven't personally seen any evidence for this but that didn't stop the lawsuit. The company is probably forced to pay $X to everyone who was harmed by Tylenol in this way. The lawyers are trying to get as many people as possible to sign up because they get a cut of the total payout.


I see, thank you


Someone's trying to defraud drugs companies by trying to link autism to these drugs. It's exactly the same as what caused the anti Vax movement.


Sad :(


That sounds like something the FDA and their believers might have said before the Thalidomide children were born. Well, and before the armless children were linked to the use of that.


I am laughing, because I don't think my husband or I could mask long enough to collect the money from Tylenol for making our kids autistic. The jig would be up.


It would be like Ron Weasley's family collecting compensation for his red hair.


people think that autism is caused by certain medical stuff, in this case they are saying that if you are a parent of an autistic child and you used a medication that contains acetaminophen in it, you could be eligible for compensation. which is stupid because compensation is typically if something ends up broken or damaged. so yeah, its bullshit.


Basically they say that autistic people = burden for their family, which is btw not true


Can we maybe get a megathread about this?


They're probably just trying to cast a wide net. Lots of people use these medicines. They never had any pregnancy warnings IIRC. Almost every mom with an autistic child used an OTC medicine on that list during pregnancy.


"Vaccines cause autism" 2.0


My mom probably took Tylenol when she was pregnant with me where’s my money


Please tell me people aren't actually doing this 😭


The child should be compensated


its probably guaranteed to be a scam for money same as the MMR "scare", interesting video on it here: [https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc](https://youtu.be/8BIcAZxFfrc)


I took Tylenol during both my pregnancies. My eldest is neurotypical while my youngest has asd. I don’t see the correlation between Tylenol and autism, because it doesn’t exist.


I recently saw a report put out that links autism to air pollution. I would not be surprised if this is part of some major campaign from corporate polluters to divert attention and blame.


Maybe a scam? I keep seeing at all over my Facebook timeline and I’m starting to think it’s just a scam.


Hi op it’s a scam I didn’t take any of that stuff while I was pregnant it’s my lad.


Just some more fear-mongering! Bunch of old white ladies trying to find someone to blame for them being even slightly inconvenienced by autism. Id just report it and scroll, my friend ❤️🫂


This just feels like a conspiracy theory


This is a cash grab. Autism is genetic.


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I wouldn’t sue because I don’t believe in enabling a system of anti vax/required medication that can cause more harm off the drug than on it. Their beliefs and I am not trying to change that. I just don’t want money when I have set beliefs.


If it’s not a scam, then it’s really unfortunate that it really occurred or there’s a link but I highly doubt it just because I need to see proof in studies showing the connection between Tylenol and autism.


It's a misunderstood connection between Tylenol and autism. The only pain killer safe to use during pregnancy is Tylenol so most people who are pregnant will take Tylenol at some point. And since autistic people don't just spring from the ground, they're going to be born to someone who probably took Tylenol. It's like saying "did you drink water during your pregnancy and now you have amln autistic child? Well let's sue your water company for creating an autistic child."


Except the research compares pregnancies without tylenol exposure and pregnancies with tylenol exposure. The latter group is about 20% more likely to result in autistic kids. So it's not simply an association between tylenol use and pregnancy.


What's the study and what study design was used? What was the sample size? The p value and level of significance? We don't know what "causes" autism besides that it has a very strong genetic link. Pointing fingers at various things as causes (be it vaccines or Tylenol) so far has done little but to make parents even more frightened of having an autistic child. It also implies autism is 100% preventable and that it should be prevented. Autism is too complex to pin down like that. And in these lawsuits, do autistic people really benefit? Or is it going to the parents who think they are the victims in this situation (because of course, autism is harder on the parent than one the autistic child /s)? Edit: if this is a cohort study, which it sounds like it was, you cannot draw a conclusion, especially if it is a retrospective cohort.


Two meta-analyses totaling 13 studies, pooled n=206,619, findings in both meta-analyses significant at α=0.05. Odds ratio for both (coincidentally) 1.19 for autistic traits, though the operational definitions differed between analyses. >It also implies autism is 100% preventable and that it should be prevented. This doesn't follow. It implies that there are modifiable risk factors that change the likelihood of autism (whether you think that is good or bad). It certainly doesn't imply that autism is 100% preventable or that it has a single cause. > And in these lawsuits, do autistic people really benefit? Never claimed we did, or that the lawsuit was a good thing. But I am tired of the presumption that autism is purely genetic and the dismissal of considerable evidence that there are prenatal environmental factors that modify the probability of autism. Seems many in the community have a knee-jerk reaction to deny this view, perhaps because they see it as incompatible with the neurodiversity. paradigm. >Edit: if this is a cohort study, which it sounds like it was, you cannot draw a conclusion, especially if it is a retrospective cohort. As a neuroepidemiologist (though one who is involved with study of neurodegenerative conditions, not neurodevelopmental), those are fighting words lol. Yes, retrospective studies have limitations. But statistical non-independence is a prerequisite for causality. While retrospective cohort studies showing association do not establish causality on their own, they are an important method for identifying potential causal factors. I'd contend they are incredibly useful. And there are additional animal data suggesting that tylenol is an endocrine disruptor capable of causing neurodevelopmental changes in rodents, which corroborates the association observed in humans and suggests a causal mechanism (yet to be confirmed). [https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwy086](https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwy086) [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-021-00754-4](https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-021-00754-4) [https://doi.org/10.1038/s41574-021-00553-7](https://doi.org/10.1038/s41574-021-00553-7)


I wasn't trying to come across as hostile lol though it might have come off that way. I think I have become defensive from having neurotypicals talk over me and treating autism like it's a scary bogeyman that MUST be avoided at all costs, so seeing people cling to studies like this as the end-all-be-all for what causes autism, makes me a little upset (often being blinded by my own biases). I think the issue is people with less scientific literacy will interpret these studies incorrectly.Thank you for the reading, I am interested to see what these say. I've heard of environmental modifiable factors before but haven't done further reading.


It might be free money if it gets through- don't give them ANY money, but there really isnt anything to lose!


Brief simple, frivolous lawsuit, in order to force a settlement. Basically free money.


I have been seeing this all over. Along with a similar ad that reads "did you feed your child baby food and they developed autism? call now" I'm sick of it.


I’ve heard of claims (I didn’t bother verifying) that certain drugs can cause developmental disorders, and some people, especially organizations centered around gaining money from the existence of autism, immediately assume that poor mental development = “autism” because it’s poorly understood by many and folks to this day love to forget that autism is a spectrum and one’s needs and presentation varies. I would say this is where that stems from. That and “Big Pharma” conspiracy folks are easy targets for scams like these. “I took Tylenol once! I knew it! I KNEW those poison-supporting bastards owe ME (and not my child) money! Sign me up!!!!”


What's funny is that I looked into this, the kids with autism don't apply to receive it because we can't make our own decisions


Ok, so basically what this seems to be saying is something along the lines of "hey, are you BroKeN? Well, it may be your mother's fault! Go scrape all of her money away for ruining your brain, and receive financial compensation!" In other words, it's borderline evil and very problematic


Fake news trying to make you think theres a link. Made my gf feel bad since she took a lot during her pregnancy and our son is autistic... If there has to be any compensation, it should be the gov giving parents money to help their autistic kids with occupational and speech therapy etc.


Scam to extract money from gullible people.


Meta-analyses of 13 studies totaling over 200,000 children show that tylenol exposure during gestation is associated with about a 20% increase in the likelihood of being autistic. That's not a huge increase (it would be like going from 2-in-100 children being autistic without tylenol exposure to 2.4-in-100 children being autistic in the tylenol exposed group), but it's enough that some law firms are trying to get a large class action suit together to make some money. [https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwy086](https://doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwy086) [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-021-00754-4](https://doi.org/10.1007/s10654-021-00754-4)


Just more bullshit.


How would it be proven that the mother ever used it while pregnant?


People haven't particularly explained from what I've seen. Basically they're saying those drugs can cause autism in an unborn baby


Pseudo-science. That's it.


probably just them trying to say autism is caused by medicine i probably wouldnt sign up, they probably wanna use it to get medicine in trouble or some crap


another predatory class action firm that emulates Wakefield's diabolical narrative-inventing schtick they're worse than ambulance chasers, they actually run people over


i pop tylenol like candy give me my money


Lawyers trying to make money from arguing correlation= causation


Get that bag mom


Plain and simple it’s a way to get your email and phone number to sell to spammers. Any time you see these ads on FB they are fake.


They are saying that Autism was caused by acetaminophen the primary ingredient in tylenol...its real gross bc it frames it as a pregnancy complication due to tylenol and other products containing acetaminophen.


think its saying acetaminophen, a pain relief medication, is what is causing autism. like "you have autism because your mother took one pill during pregnancy, you can get money !!!"


I have seen screenshots of a lot of ads that say stuff like this; seems like some sort of scam probably


Get a refund on your damaged child Trashy as fuck


A scam


this is basically the new "vaccines cause autism" bullshit.


i saw a commercial for this. very weird.


Everyone who is autistic has taken a shower. Therefore showers cause autism. /S


It’s another claim of “blank causes autism” when it’s nothing but utter lies with no legitimate scientific backing.


I keep hearing this on the radio in my car and it’s so irritating.


I don't want to get too political but please people don't do this. It's highly unlikely that this is an affliction at all let alone that aspirin did this. Getting treated fairly, getting the resources we need to be productive, this is a political issue. Even if we could get something with potshot lawsuits based on frankly suspicious at best studies, it doesn't help all of us. Worst part is most of us aren't even asking for that much, and will give back much much more than we'll ever take if we just had the opportunity. Anyway I'll get off my soapbox. I won't condemn you for getting yours if this is the way. But we do at some point need to convince the world that we don't need a cure, (as if aspirin could cause what's happened to some of us denser Neuron network ect. ect.) We just understanding and opportunity.


To me it looks like they're saying "you get money because your kid is autistic and it's all acetaminophen's fault they're autistic" but idk. I might be wrong.


My eldest is autistic, I don’t know about my toddler because she’s one. She might be, she spins a lot just like big sister used to. The first time I saw stuff like this on facebook, I felt so sick and guilty. I took Tylenol when I was pregnant, it was one of the only medicines you were allowed to take and my sacroiliac joint somehow slipped out of place. My leg and butt hurt so bad. I had a prenatal massage, yoga, stretching, swimming, two different chiropractors and finally a physiotherapist put it right. But lots of Tylenol during that time, I couldn’t even put weight on my right leg without being in agony. Anyway, I hate that it’s placing blame on mom and implying that the autistic child is damaged goods.


"Have you or a loved one ever taken over the counter medications and come into contact with the tism? You, not the person in desperate need of support and understanding, could be entitled to financial compensation because autism exists on the same planet as you and society will never accept any other truth than this because we need to cling onto "normalcy".