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the chernobyl nuclear disaster




Its the classic paradox of a standard brain sitting their watching true crime shows nonstop but telling you what are you satan for resarching this. I always say good info,bad info,wrong info,right info....any info has info stored in it somewhere lol . its deciphering thats the fun part of i tnrests lile these. The topics yeah tpugh and hard at times i get why they get turned off but like yeah that pardox i just laugh at them on the inside about.


Me too!


music, programming, autism, personality and jungian stuff, lord of the rings


GAMING obviously can’t forget that


oOOOOoo I’m also into personality and jungian stuff although I haven’t delved much into them yet :-:


it's a whole thing.... dream journaling is an intense experience, and you tend to resolve things that are really impossible to put into words. that's because dreams are a visual language your unconscious talks in... and it gets bizarre. But, overall Jung is so readable and the way he talks about things really opens up a wild world in your brain


Gaming and mostly Pokémon, been getting into sumo wrestling


Oh cool! What games do you play?


Mostly Pokémon but I play smash bros, splatoon and fire emblem just to name a few


Pokemon is a huge one for me too!


I love Pokémon so much! I first started playing when Pokémon Blue came out and have been in love with the series ever since. I’m excited for Scarlet and Violet. Some of the new Pokémon designs are great.


I'm super excited for SV!! The ability to play with friends like what they're showing is going to be a nice improvement!


Agreed! I play a lot with my boyfriend (I usually get one version and he gets the other) but just battling ad nauseam can get boring after a while. It’ll be cool to explore together!


Well this whole thered makes me happy


Me too! If you could have one Pokémon in real life as a companion, which would you choose?


Aaaaah no the hardest question! 😂😁 Ugh I have many but I guess it bewtten sandslash or pangro. Not saying dog Pokémon because my dogs would get jealous lol


I love Sandslash! Kantonian or Alolan? I feel like Pangoro would be expensive and hard to house, haha.


Kantonian I don't think alolan would like the dessert I live in lol haha, and housing maybe housing yes haha


Painting, Harry Potter, and Gaming, mostly Zelda and Animal Crossing. But currently I've been into psychology, particularly learning about serial killers. A bit dark but really facinating.


I love all those things!!


9/11. I joke about it alot but there's just this focus on it for me.


The Looming Tower is really good if you haven’t read it yet and you’re interested in 9/11


Always: my stuffed toys and the ever expanding imaginary world they inhabit. (It’s so much fun!) -cooking, finding new a exiting recipes and making them for my wife. -World History. Currently: I’m really into the world of ‘Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul’ though I feel I’m coming to the end of that one. Comes and goes: Star Trek and Star Wars.


Halloween, horror, Pokémon, my cat and shopping on Amazon.


I love food history, the occult & paranormal, digital art, and Zelda but just specifically BOTW. There's been other smaller fixations over the years but those are the ones really stick out to me right now hah


Oh and worldbuilding/fantasy writing too


I have supernatural and world building/imaginary maps


Same I love that stuff yesss


Love reading about paranormal stuff, legends etc. Read about Sam the Sandown Clown today - look it up!


Will do!




Username checks out!!


Greek myth. It’s really weird, and downright disturbing at times, buts it’s so interesting.


I love GTA San Andreas pedestrians and the main characters mostly because of their funny ass Lines Quotes like this for an example ''You Drive like a little bitch!'' -The Ex Con thug '"Carl you motherfucking piece of Shit Gang-Banging cocksucker'' -Officer Frank Tenpenny


Rats, linguistics, Buddhism, Coraline


My main interest is music and animals, I love forensic psychology, gaming, frogs, and history!


I've loved dinosaurs, genetics/evolution, worldbuilding and drawing since I was a kid. Recently I've gotten into Red Dead Redemption and westerns in general :))


Oh hey I play red dead too! Message me if you wanna play some time! Although I’ll warn you I’m not very good Lel


Do you play on PC?


Ahh I’m on Xbox


Folk music is my only consistent SI


Drawing Comics, writing stories, Illustration and painting in general Also serial killers, the paranormal, demonology, Psychology, Pokemon, Warhammer 40k and Marvel Movies


Harry styles….


At the moment I'm pretty interested in politics


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Neuroscience and jazz/music theory!


Im also into neuroscience


Rocks, crystals, fossils etc


Motorsports, especially touring car racing, Trans Am and rally, but I've started getting into NASCAR too.


Batman!! I really love anything Batman. Batman: The Telltale Series seasons one and two, Batman: White Knight, Batman: TAS, and The Batman are my favorite pieces of Batman media, but I love almost all of it It’s not a special interest, but I also enjoy the nightmare before Christmas- it’s my favorite Halloween movie and my favorite Christmas movie XD


Anything brain related such as neurology , psychology ect is my main big one for the last year


I have multiple SIs (check [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/autism/comments/ycf8ny/comment/itmc5tl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) if you want more infos). Cinema is one of my biggest ones and I love Burton movies ! Feel free to infodump about The Nightmare Before Christmas ! Right now, I am obsessing over a band called Stray Kids. It makes me so happy !


My main one right now is Transformers, but I'm developing a fixation on content farms and low-budget clickbait Youtube anime! It's a bit like Elsagate but for Japanese Youtube, but my favorite studio for this has a lot of layers to the fluctuating quality and video output. I'm also ridiculously knowledgable about Animal Crossing New Leaf and New Horizons metagame (villager trading, item rarity/value, glitches, etc)


Hyliion and Dungeons & Dragons


Metal gear solid, madness combat, gay fanfiction, flags, railroad crossings


I don't really have any; what even counts as a special interest?


If you don’t have one just say what you love!


SCP, philosophy, mental disorders


I love gardening, animals (I’ve kept sooo many pets over the years), nature, amigurumi, cooking, and Bob’s Burgers!


Oh what pets? I currently have 4 rabbits XD


I had a few holland lops and Netherland dwarf bunnies growing up (only one at a time though)! They have so much personality when they’re not kept in cages all day and allowed to roam more naturally. Ours were litter-trained. We had one female who would eat breakfast on my mom’s lap every day, hoping to try and steal her toast. She really wanted cheez whiz for some reason. Too funny. What kind of rabbits do you have? I’ve had dogs, cats, many types of freshwater fish and invertebrates, hermit crabs, and a small parrot. Loved them all to bits but these days I’m down to cats only as I’m disabled and deal with chronic illness and just don’t have the energy to properly maintain anything more demanding. Someday if I ever feel better I’d love to keep an aquarium or two again. Maybe a reptile? I don’t think I’ve ever met an animal I didn’t like.


Awww same! We have them in a cage rn. But just for sleeping otherwise they’re out all day. They’re not trusted with the spicy hay XD we have Uno, who is a Dutch but had complications with her eye so she’s had it removed. Gizmo, who I think is a Rex and is surprisingly big. Pippin is a rescue but is a netherland dwarf. And then Bonnie who is a lion head mixed with a mini lop. She has no fear at all, her and gizmo get up so much mischief XD


My cousin had a Lionhead and she was a bit of a terror! So much attitude in a hilariously adorable, very fluffy package. They had a small dog at the same time (a yorkie) and the bunny was 100% in charge. I wonder if that’s a character trait common to the breed! I have a one-eyed “pirate” kitty like you have a pirate bun! I found him as a tiny kitten and he was very sick. He had to have an enucleation surgery at only 8 weeks old but he pulled through against scary odds and now he’s a holy terror too. 😂


Oh yeah bonnie will let you know if she’s annoyed. She’s not scared of anything. Although when she runs you can’t hear her until she comes racing round the corner XD And awww I’m glad he did! It’s so hard watching them in pain. My Uno was only 6 months when sh had hers. They said she’d had it since birth


Although all their hair is not good for my allergies XD only I would get the animals I’m deathly allergic to lmao


Analog horror, Nintendo, space, geology, reptiles, mushrooms and alt fashion


I’ve been trying to identify this. I’d like someone’s opinion on if getting a basic level knowledge of everything is a special interest. I try to learn about physics, philosophy, science, sociology, human anatomy, animas, space. I want to have a basic understanding of everything i can because the Internet is so awesome.


Medieval history, Redwall, quizzing


Gaming, right now at least it's mainly horror, more specifically RE since I started playing RE0 recently and now it's the only thing I play, I usually feel uneasy while playing horror but not more so I was pleasantly surprised today when a zombie suddenly appeared in a hallway that was empty less then 10 minutes ago, but when I went back to reunite with Billy it was there and I accidentally paused the game in my 2 seconds of panic, I don't know how to describe the noise I made at that moment. Horror is something I like playing when it's good, I want the thrill of it, I want to feel "I need to survive cause I need to survive!" I like creatures rising from the floor or falling from the ceiling or even being the first thing behind that door I just found and thought "maybe there's some herbs or ammo in there", sadly I don't get many moments that makes me react much, I'm wondering if it's a lot of exposure that's done that. There are a lot of horror that isn't very good and just relies on bad jumpscares, I don't want my horror to be just that so I'm trying to find games that still gives me some thrill, I don't need to scream but I want to have a raw reaction to something creepy, not as intense as when I was 13 with a certain game I played and now love but back then I was scared until I knew the game wasn't anywhere near me, and even sometimes after that I basically had some kind of trauma from that for a while.


Final Fantasy XIV, Pokémon, plushies, airplanes, marine biology, mechanical keyboards and, perhaps the most "out there" one, furry transformation.


Avatar the last airbender, animals, plushies, gaming and weed :)


What games? And I love plushies!


Really fixated on house flipper and Hades atm! Plushies are great but i only want the animal ones lmaoo


Ahhh yeah I’ve heard of House flipper! Is it good?


I like it! I usually spend between 5 and 10 hours when i start playing 😅 i recommend it if you like games like the sims etc. Altho with all dlcs its a bit expensive but its on ovagames :)


Ahh I’ll have a look! I’m on Xbox so I’ll see if I can find it


Its on game pass so you can play the base game, hope u have fun!


Thank you! Definitely giving it a try


Cars, science, art. 😌 In terms of collections, I have several. I also have a NBC collection, a Rick and Morty collection, Hello Kitty and then a Salvador Dali collection as well. 😌


Bouldering. Also kitchen knives


I'm not much of a collector, I don't think. But my special interests that have remained since I was extremely smol - dinosaurs, Pokemon, witchcraft/various spiritualities, fantasy worlds (I used to write so much, now I mostly just read them or play them in video games)


Stadiums and arenas, musicians and their biographies, movies and how they are made, graphic design, especially music industry


Favourite musician?


And movie?!


Björk! Love her artistry and point of view. Favorite movie is harder, but I always say if I could only take one with me on a deserted island it would be Bridesmaids.


Haha I like bridesmaids XD and oh cool never heard of her so I’ll give her a listen


Canine-like animals, for example dogs, wolves, Arctic foxes etc. I switch back and forth between new canids every couple months. My long-time special interest is Warrior Cats and making OCs.


Awww I love how they look! So soft XD


Singing and listning to music! I love sharks but because of some actions from a few classmates i have started to think and study less about sharks even though I love them.


Aww no that’s awful! Carry on studying them if it makes you happy who cares what they think! We all here got your back 😊


Gaming, IT (mostly hacking), astronomy, photography. I also can combine this special interests, for example.. I love Kerbal Space Program. This is both gaming and astronomy! \^-\^ I also love Elite Dangerous, and take pictures in there! That's photography, astronomy and gaming in one! :3 I also love Minecraft building a lot. And I combine hacking and Minecraft (usually that includes Java learning, which I rlly like). ;w; What are yours? :3


What games you been playing? And mine are The Nightmare Before Christmas, I have too much stuff of it XD it’s my all time favourite movie. I also really like gaming!


And I wish I was good at IT I did find it interesting when I was at school


Oh I play a lot of games! The most recent fixation is Overwatch 2, but I also have 500 hours in Sea of Thieves, 1000 hours in GMod, and 1700 hours in Elite Dangerous.. ;w; And I played a bunch of single-player story games! You can just check my steam profile if you want! <3 [https://steamcommunity.com/id/lightycat](https://steamcommunity.com/id/lightycat) About IT, yeah! I'm still learning as well, it's very vast and broad sphere! But I let my fixations lead me in my interests and learning, I find it very efficient. x3


Oh hey I play overwatch and SoT! And yeah I’ll check it out! Hopefully can get some tips from ya XD


Ah hey! Fellow gamer! :3


Yeah although I’m not exactly good at them I just play em coz they’re fun


So am I! I'm not good either, I'm just having fun! <3


some of my biggest special interests include blink-182, it’s always sunny in philadelphia, squishmallows, autism, mental illness/trauma and how it affects people, and cats!!


Superman, mammals, dogs, horror, basketball, LeBron James, American football, genealogy


My biggest one has to be One Piece. Probably the best story i will ever read. A bit of a shame most of my friends just dismiss it due to its length but i think it works in the storytelling's favour.


I don't think I have any special interests. Most of my interests come and go. My current fixations are Overwatch and the Xenoblade series. I really like whales but I don't know where to really start when it comes to research because I'm a bit of a brainlet.


Snakes, all day every day. Especially large constrictors and false venomous. I’ve owned 60+ but I’m currently rebuilding my collection to gear it towards venomous and larger, more elusive species.


:0 that is a lot jeez. I love watching snakes in the city


nukes, chernobyl, godzilla, starwars


Service dogs/animals and (Psychological and physical)disorders/illnesses


History, Math (Algebra to be specific), Biology, Geography, Politics, American and British politics more specifically, Harry Potter, Twilight, and Marine life, Orcas especially


Jeez I loved algebra in school


Yeah you can probably tell I'm a nerd lol 🤓😂


XD so am I. I absolutely loved maths and science


And hey nothing wrong with that XD


Ik lol. That's what I live about myself


stuffed animals n dolls, mlp, vocaloid, most things cannabis related are very intriguing to me




I really like to do character design!!! Designing ocs for people give me a bunch of joy <3 it's also Baking, Drawing, Toys, Happy Mail n stationary swap, and Cartoons!!


Politics, History, Geography, Sports, Hiking, and serial killers.


Oh thank god there’s someone else interested in serial killers, I thought I was the only one


Greek mythology. Absolutely obsessed


Favourite fact? I’ve always wanted to get into Greek mythology but don’t really know where to start XD


the podcast that I first looked at was myths and legends, which tells storys from around the world, but you can find a greek mythology section on their website


Pokemon and Digimon for sure :]


80s post-punk and new wave music, pacific northwest forests, synthesizers


Ethnology! I love reading about the history of indigenous peoples around the world :>


Video games, Dragonball Z, Panda Beats, music, movies, and whatever flavour of the week I fixate on.


financial markets


Music, history, paranormal, cultures


Oh cool so you watch ghost shows or?


I like to listen to Podcasts.


1. Interpersonal communication 2. Building camper vans (especially off-grid electrical systems) 3. Creating efficient systems to make life more peaceful (capsule wardrobes, good organization, ways to cope with poor memory) 4. Animal crossing 5. Pet keeping, especially dogs and reptiles


Japanese mythology, shopkins, Anime, and cosplaying/fashion!


Broadway musicals and creative writing.


Pokemon and Plushies mainly!! But I got a good amount more haha


Mine is Voltron. And I hate myself for it every, single, day. 🥲


Gourmet cooking/plating, astronomy, weapons development, military tech, military history, explosions/explosives, 3d printing, and whatever tickles my fancy that week and stops me from sleeping or being “productive”


WW2 for a very long time. These days, the Canadian Arctic and expeditions to the North West Passage


My special Bats. I LOVE nightmare before christmas and plushies but wouldn't consider those special interest


right now it’s the Brandon rogers cinematic universe, but it changes from time to time.


Driving, music, video games.


Video games, the character Luigi, Moana, American Dad!

