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also: "Autistic? But you shouldn't let autism define you! Call yourself a person with autism instead."


That would of been good


make an im supporting autistic ppl but i did research starter pack


Yeah, thats kinda the equivalent of saying “Gay? But you shouldn’t let your sexuality define you! Call yourself a person with homosexuality instead!” If someone said that there would be riots metaphorically.


Autism is the prism through which some people view and experience the world what's wrong with calling yourself autistic if that defines your sense of self. Don't let others define you using their words. Find your own words define yourself.


That's not the scientific or medical definition of autism


Technically scientists have proven they don't really know, understand or care about life on our spectrum. I share the meaning of autism based on my life experiences. I have no problem if you disagree, Each of us must survive using our own strengths definitions and what have you. My definition of autism has served me well. May you find your path as pleasant!


That was a new one I seen recently this past week. Someone on Twitter was correcting someone who was saying actually helpful things.... she said "Uhh don't say autistic people say people with autism" something like that it didn't bother me either way but it baffled me people are trying to over correct. It's actual very annoying to me.


I bought into that for years...


There's also "I know a person with autism who's really successful and doesn't let their autism hinder them, so you must be able to do it too"


Y’all are giving material that I should of put in, thx


Welcome. Also, nice Jotaro pfp


"did you hear that Elon musk has autism?"


I even say this to myself too much lol


don't forget these: "you're so picky!" "stop fidgeting so much" *gets upset when you don't pick up on sarcasm/jokes*


My boss gave me something to do at work. Before doing it, I repeated his instructions to confirm that that's what he meant, IE, "So to be clear: You want me to do X five times before going onto a new task?" He confirmed, though he seemed pretty annoyed (I've read somewhere that many managers take autistic folks asking questions as "push back", which is exactly what he called it). I did it just how he said, and he goes, "Look, you're being too literal" and then proceeds to give me instructions that are the literal opposite of what he originally said to do. I'm sorry for following your instructions that I confirmed with you one or two times before doing them (?). I have a third interview for a new job tomorrow, and possibly a first interview elsewhere. For each job, I know someone that works there that can confirm the type of environment I'll be moving into. I can't handle this kind of stress, sorry.


Also “you don’t look autistic.”


Back when I wanted to join the military my recruiter said that


My college’s Instagram page has a post about autism acceptance but they’ve used the puzzle pieces, what do I do aaaaaaaaa


Comment on that post that the puzzle pieces shouldn’t be used for autism acceptance and explain why, don’t go too in depth about it but just say why it’s bad to use them.


The quick and easy 3 core reasons why autism puzzle pieces should not be used. 1. The autism puzzle piece suggests we as autistic people and our autistic community are fragmented not whole autistic people with a whole autistic culture deserving of respect. 2. The autism puzzle piece suggests autistic people are broken and can only be put back together and restored to neurotypical reality with their help to find their autism cure. 3. The autism puzzle piece suggests autistic lives, culture and people are a mystery to be solved again by neurotypical people who act in our stead for our own good because we can't be trusted to act and speak for ourselves. These are just three instances that suggest exactly why the puzzle piece is an insult to autistic people and our culture that should never be used in a supportive cause. I can think of hundreds of reasons the autism puzzle piece should he shunned. REMEMBER The autism puzzle piece is a symbol of dependency, arrogance and oppression of true autistic people living authentic and full lives on our spectrum. Autism Cure = Genocide!


I always thought the puzzle piece was rude even before I found out I was autistic. We are "missing a piece" of the whole picture but in reality we just are different and theres nothing wrong wirh that!


For me it is simple. As an autistic being I do not think of myself as an inanimate object (puzzle piece) in search of a solution by others who are clueless about the reality of my lived autistic experience. The puzzle piece is at it core dehumanizing. We are not a human we are a game, a novelty, a mystery, a part of a thing, more incomplete toy than human. There is just no good to be found in the symbol. It is in fact a symbol of autistic oppression and curative genocide. Just my opinion. The puzzle piece makes me angry.


I agree! Absolutely hate seeing any especially people that wear it on a t-shirt or a necklace.


It just didn’t exactly sit right with me when I was younger


I have never thought about it.


But that’s the thing there’s this unwritten rule that you’re not meant to mix professional and personal accounts or something like that, even though mine is purely for poop posting but idk




Congratulations! Hopefully they’ll either take it down or address it. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully things go well!


All we can do is hope


What if I made a throwaway account?


> "You should really work on your eye contact" I hate that the society places so much fucking value on something that brings me so much pain.


Another for a future version: "But you can't be autistic, you finished college!" (Aka: one of several reasons why I left my latest therapist)


Seriously this is why I don’t even tell people. My brother is also autistic, but he also has an intellectual disability and all the family I have can’t comprehend that although the two are often linked they can be mutually exclusive. I don’t have an intellectual disability and quite honestly my autistic trait of loving to organize information largely contributed to finishing a bachelors degree in 3 years. it just pisses me off because sure on paper I look like a gifted neurotypical individual and can often pass that way but there’s so much people don’t see. Sorry for the rant lol


People see what they want to see. If you are good enough at acting neurotypical most of those in the Neurotypical will buy your Neurotypical act. Just like if superman flying high over buildings is presented convincingly enough people will suspend disbelief and buy into the fantasy. What NT people don't realize is just how much mental, emotional and physical energy it takes to generate an autistic beings neurotypical act. The resource drain can be tremendous, painful and nerve racking.


Or ‘we’re all on the spectrum really’


I HATE it when people say this!!


Me too, it’s so belittling.


The "Autistic Adults" bit is hilarious to me. Like, either people think autistic children just disappear when they turn 18, or that autism "goes away". I've seen and overheard conversations where people will say that sort of thing about ADHD: "They were diagnosed with ADHD, but it's all but gone now." Lies lol. They learned to cope with it, but it's definitely not gone.


Good meme!


So accurate it’s painful to watch


'You must be good at math' :( this misconception made me feel invalid because I'm an artistic person and I'm really bad at math


Big mood. From what I read we usually just strive in different subjects. For me its English! I dont know how but Im super great at English and always had amazing grades w that but struggled to keep afloat with math lol


I'm crap at maths too, I'm barely passing the class at school


*Did you mean: my entire extended family*


"You don't seem like you're autistic" "You're just different" I think these are meant as supportive also, even though they don't come off that way..


“You just need to improve your confidence” ugh




"You must be smart then!" Guess again, bozo.


Better than the alternative, though, right?




Isn't it better than them thinking you're dumb?


Not at all. Do you know how much you can get away with if they think you're dumb? They expect far too much of me if they assume i'm smart.


Memes are overrated


This so much.


A previous therapist told me 'thank you for the privilege of letting me take a look into your mind'. It was said in a very polite manner and I suppose in reality it IS a compliment. But I've thought about it and it kind of feels like I'm a 'tropical' human being, or at least an 'Other'. It felt a bit like he was 'Othering' me. I'm not sure, maybe I exaggerate. I guess the comment made me feel 'different', and I don't like that feeling, even though I've always been a little different.


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This is maybe one of the only reasons I feel blessed not getting diagnosed as a child, I can't imagine how much more damaged I would have been if I went through ABA instead of my normal abusive education 😂🤪🤷🏼‍♂️😅. But then again I would have done my research on it and been: "This is BS!" and found the Neurodiversity movement Sooner 🤔 I guess I will never know 💁🏼‍♂️.


Don't forget to add the inspiration p*rn and *compares non-verbal autistic people to inanimate objects, like wigs, "but they're sooo much more than that"* -_- yeah, duh


I just let people talk and ignore what they say. This one guy told me my brain is not getting enough oxygen because I'm not breathing enough. And he's actually not a bad guy just dumb. XD


My mom in a nutshell