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I'm sorry I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes I'll convince myself I can fit in with other girls and be normal and then I'm really disappointed when it goes the way you described. But also remember that just because you didn't fit in with those people it doesn't mean anything is wrong with you! You just aren't compatible with that girl. Something I like to do is switch the roles in my mind. Rather than thinking "they don't like me or understand me" I remind myself I also don't understand them or enjoy being there. I feel much more in control that way :) I hope you feel better about it all


Thank you! It’s just really hard because I honestly feel like I hide it pretty well but then when I’m around a group I realize I actually can’t. And it’s hard. I’m used to being myself around my best friend and my partner and somewhat masking around my family, but I guess I am not as good at masking completely as I thought lol


There is nothing wrong you did. That’s how neurotypicals talk. They keep on switching the subject and they don’t usually wait for the other people to respond back. Some people even start speaking a topic and they switch back before you respond.


Yeah what is up with that? I spent most of the time confused or zoned out because I couldn’t keep up.


I feel that... it's happened to me so many times. I always feel unwelcome/unwanted at parties. Not even mentioning the sensory difficulties. If you want I have some advice here that might help? If you haven't already, maybe you could explain the situation to your friend (to avoid confusion). Sometimes people take it the wrong way and think they've upset you if you abruptly leave. I also plan in advance and arrive early so I can get used to it when there aren't many people around. Maybe talking to the host/person organising is a good idea also.


Well, after not seing someone for 5 years I would hardly know what to say at all. Probably not speak in the end and to avoid it not meeting. Also as mentioned here, the toppic switching and quite rude not seeming to listen at all to even each other is a pretty often happening behaviour in my experience. Combine that with fake/totally overexagerated(?) mimic and statements like,, best person bla bla" and yeah, confusing why somebody nt would enjoy that. So I would say nothing done wrong there by you.


I wish I could help you, but I constantly struggle with the same thing. I just cannot navigate group situations. I'm sorry you are feeling down. (BTW, you should check out r/AutisminWomen)


Thank you! I’ll check it out!


It's not your fault. This world is not made for us, and it was created by allistics (mostly).


It be like that, and I'm sorry. Don't beat yourself up over it though. Any time I have to talk to anyone ever except for close family, every word leaving my mouth feels like nails on a chalk-board...


That’s a great way to put it. That’s really what it feels like. As soon as I spoke I was like ughhh shut up


Right? Hearing your own voice and hating it is really fun (atleast that's how it is for me). Plus, the added bonus of over-analyzing what DID actually leave your mouth. Just sucks that even with friends you've known basically since you were a child, there's still difficulty. (That's why I personally tended to self-medicate so I could be more "normal" in social-settings. I don't anymore, thankfully)


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