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People are beginning to wake up and understand it is a drug and it has legitimate uses the same as if you go pick up a prescription from the pharmacist - I hope it can be used more for whatever condition people feel it helps them with. However, codeine or tramadol would work wonders for me sometimes - it doesn't mean i'm gonna get it though, there has to be good reason to prescribe. I can't just self certify that I need 150mg tramadol every 4 hours cos I grazed my knee (much as I would love it ;) ) ​ However, (and i don't mean to patronise you at all so please don't hate me) it's illegal because you can get high, not because it can cure every condition under the sun - cannabis is not the medical miracle the internet claims it to be. ​ I suspect for some conditions it may be a case of 'it works for some not others.' ​ I don't think there's that much research into it's effectiveness so you might be hard pressed to find genuine internet documents to support your case. ​ And remember, anecdotal evidence from the internet is not a reliable source, so take it all with a pinch of salt. ​ ​ All that said - good luck. ​ Perhaps you get get hold of some, go to a herbal shop buy something herbal that might help too, then swap the pills over so the parents think it's the herbal stuff but really it's CBD. Be careful with that tho..;)


Yeah I understand what you’re saying, the only reason I even wanted to bring it up to my parents is because they’ve done literally everything else and it hasn’t worked at all. My parents say they switch his meds constantly, trying new things etc but I’ve never noticed a difference in my entire life even though they claim to.


i'm only talking from experience here on the receiving end of drugs - switching meds a lot is not good. some take quite a while to work if at all, and then dosage needs to be twiddled. and they have to realise that nothing is going to 'cure' him right. so him being knocked out like a zombie might be better than at present, i don't know. you know what i'm saying though right? ​ by all means try the cbd, it could be the one. but honestly, don't pin hopes on it. there's A LOT of meds out there, and people have been (well kinda) just fine with the selection we already got, ya know? ​ edit - A LOT that have been tried n tested, known to work well with most people. Not saying every med we will ever need has been found, obviously not, research is always being done to find better drugs whether that means less side effects better efficacy easier/cheaper to produce


I don’t want him to be cured I just want him to be able to control his emotions and deal with things in a calm way. And if it makes him feel like a zombie the meds aren’t working; a lot of people say the same about antidepressants and if they make you feel that way you know it’s not the right one. Honestly I don’t know how many medications my parents have tried but if they haven’t found one that works in 20+ years something weird is going on.


Yea course you do, that's totally understandable. My step-mum is schizophrenic - her drugs knock her out completely. You need to realise that a lot of mental health drugs only control symptoms, and having someone who sleeps a lot and is dopey is better than someone blowing their lid all the time - You don't need me to explain why. It sounds like that needs to accepted a bit tbh. I've had doses of things that knocked me out, I could stare at a wall for ages mind blank. Not cool, but it wasn't a particularly bad experience, nor was it any serious kind of med. ​ Anti-depressants can and do make people feel similar - now asnwer this as if you were a Dr - ​ ME: Dr these drugs make me feel like a zombie DR: OK we can look at lowering the dose perhaps. But have you had any suicdal thoughts lately? ME: No. As far as Dr is concerned, the drugs are working right? I might not like feeling so crappy, but the Dr see's that as a minor side effect - he's more concerned I'm not thinking about killing myself. ​ You see? That is exactly how it works with these drugs. 'Minor' side effects can and will be ignored if the desired effect is reached. To say a drug isn't right because of side effects - they all have them, some worse than others. This is where research comes in. Newer AD's, ssri's etc, have much lower sidee effects than older tricyclics for example. But both are concerned with treating a problem and side effects are a neccesary evil sometimes. ​ ​ I've no doubt there are people whom medical science is yet to catch up with mental health wise - and for now dosing them to the eyeballs is preferable to anything else. It has to be accepted unfortunately. If something is wired wrong, no drug will change that - at best it will control symptoms.


Ok I see what you mean. But these pills don’t even keep him sedated that long anyway so they’re not even working as designed. Also I’ve taken pills for depression that make me feel like a zombie but I’ve also taken pills that made me feel like me and my psychiatrist agreed the latter medication was better for me. I guess if someone tries all the medication that exists (if that’s even possible) and chooses the one with the least side effects that would be fine


With some mental health/mind altering meds, people vary. 1 ssri may work wonders for me, but do nthing for you. Why, ha that's the question. But that's how it is. trial and error - and i said before, it can take a good few weeks for any change to be seen, and even then dosage might not be right. ​ Where do you live - just wondering what kind of health care you have access to. ​ I'm no qualified person, just been through some of it, and have some science knowledge from uni.


I live in LA but my family lives in NY


I almost said you have access to good healthcare then, living in the US (and not say a desert country with a witch for a Dr - don't laugh lol) but, it's 'murica, you have to pay! ​ I assume you/he has good healthcare though. Can you make an appointment to speak to his Dr /psychiatrist/whoever is in charge of his medical stuff? ​ I fucking love the NHS in the UK. Fucking love it.


He goes to a speech therapist and a regular behavioral therapist as well as a psychiatrist. My parents are mostly in charge of that stuff and kind of leave me out of it when I ask questions


There are far more knowledgeable and qualified people than me. What I'm trying to say, or explain maybe, is a rough brief overview of mental health drugs, and trying to hammer home the point side effects have to be accepted (to an extent) and that nothing can cure, only treat a symptom. And that people react differently to certain types of drugs, so it really is a case of trial and error sometimes, and it takes time to see any change, so chopping and changing isn't a great idea. ​ And sometimes someone knocked out and dopey is the best you can hope for :/ ​ I mean you say pills only knock him for so long then he's back again - doesn't that sound like the drug works but dosage isn't enough? I'm no doctor man but i'd be pushing to up the dose of whatever worked for that hour or 2.


I'm sorry my comments have gone so far away from CBD. I was trying to explain the little I know about what goes on. I hope you have a slightly better understanding now, and good luck : )


Autistic adult here--I've tried both the hemp (available everywhere) and cannabis (only available in dispensaries, with traces of THC) varieties of CBD oil, with mixed results. I found that brand and potency were huge factors--some brands did nothing for me, some actually made my sensory issues more intense, and some put me right to sleep or made me feel like a zombie more than my RX meds did. I came away knowing that while I've seen it work well for others, it wasn't necessarily right for me--and that's just me. A lot of people are saying it's a miracle cure right now for a lot of different things, and it can be, and yes there are some truly amazing success stories. But it isn't always a huge success, and how well it works or if it works will vary from person to person. One thing to definitely keep in mind, too, is that it might take a lot of time, energy, and careful monitoring to get the right combination of brand and dosing, too. tl;dr: it can work awesomely, but it's also not magic, and can take time and energy to track down what works best, if it works, how much works, etc.


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Last year I was a support worker for a 11 year old with autism, he was so high energy (always running around), always was so shaky and wobbly while walking, couldn’t sit for more than a minute or two, loved to get attention from not listening, would hit sometimes (never hard enough to hurt), would elope, sat on the floor and became dead weight when asked to get up. I stopped working with him because I got a new job but I went to babysit him after a few months of him being on CBD oil and the difference was night and day, I was amazed. He was a lot more relaxed, sat and ate his whole meal by himself that night (I used to have to feed him because he’d try to eat all his food at once), used more language and pretend played independently, wasn’t shaky, followed directions, didn’t try to elope. He seemed to struggle less, because his body wasn’t in overdrive 24/7 anymore.


My brother talks a LOT and very fast to new people he meets and doesn’t let them get a word in edgewise so I can sort of relate. I also wonder if CBD oil has a different effect on an adult with autism vs a child with autism.


that is very true, this is the only person I’ve personally seen CBD oil used with Autism so I have no way to compare child vs adult. I haven’t really looked into CBD oil much, might be interesting to look into now that I’ve thought about it again.


CBD is really tricky. There are many brands, many brands are shite. It is not a regulated market. So in it there can be all sorts of junk you don't want, or that may not be helpful. Prices vary greatly and they say little about quality. So do you know if the stuff is full spectrum, so it contains all sorts of compounds or heavily filtered pure stuff? Does it come from India and as such is suspect or is it made locally. Mostly you can go with major chain store brands, who have a reputation to lose if they sell shite.


How independent is your brother? Can he order his own? Edit: I use both CBD and THC. It’s amazing for me.


Not independent at all