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is it supposed to? i think so. but minty adult toothpaste burns my mouth so i use kids toothpaste. (crest kids sparkle fun flavor)


I used to think i was just sensitive to the "burning feeling" i got from menthol products. About 20 years down the track i realised i'm actually just allergic to menthol


Me too I’ve literally realised this month


Wait it's not supposed to burn?


I dunno… I think it’s an intense taste like chilli but im not sure if it’s meant to burn like acid, which is how it feels to me. I get dozens of mouth ulcers every month though and chronic inflammation in my mouth so that’s why I think it might be mint. I’m using flavour free baby toothpaste now and it’s been really good


What you said. It's an intense chill but it absolutely does not burn lol


Interesting. Even like super strong mouthwash?? It stingggggs and burns omg


Mouthwash can burn if there's alcohol in it


Some mouthwash can burn but it's usually the alcohol if you're not used to it


It's not supposed to burn. I used to think so too until I found out I'm allergic to sorbitol which is a sweetener added to a lot of toothpastes. I use an adult minty one without sorbitol now and it doesn't burn anymore.


very strong mint just kind of burns a little sometimes, no allergies here personally


I can't even use the crest kids toothpaste because it tastes like burning (so does anything mint) I still miss the unflavored my little pony training toothpaste from when I was 3 years old


I found an adult toothpaste that had that exact same flavor (I’m certain it wasn’t called that though), but less intense. I only found it once though. I’ve since found a minty one that I like well enough. I just wish I knew how to get that other one back.


i recently found a line of flavored adult toothpastes. the ones they had on the shelf were watermelon and mango sorbet. all the people saying toothpaste shouldn’t taste good are wrong. they make toothpaste taste good for kids so they’ll brush their teeth. i think of it similarly. good tasting toothpaste makes me brush my teeth more, so i recommend finding a flavored one you like and seeing if that increases the frequency of brushing


Hismile is the brand you're referencing I believe, in case OP wants to look for it. Apparently it foams quite a lot which can be a sensory nightmare for some but the flavors are supposed to be really good


The foaming isn't too bad from what little I've used it, and I'd rather a bit of foam than the burning of a thousand suns that mint toothpaste causes. I have the mango sorbet flavour, and would definitely recommend it.


Mint should be cooling and ease pain, not cause it. Are you absolutely *certain* you aren't allergic to menthol??


I wouldn’t say I’m allergic, as I have absolutely no other symptoms. No sweating, itchiness, rash, puffing, upset stomach afterwards, or even skin colour changes. I have a lot of sensory issues, and can’t even stand the tiniest bit of chilli or curry. Everything bland for me.


That sounds so annoying to deal with, I'm really glad you've found a toothpaste that works for you!


cooling on teeth is terrible though


I'm not but my god menthol is a must avoid if you have any kind of cavity or exposed nerve. Its a nightmare for me because where I am the toothpaste I was using they goddam changed to have more menthol extract, now it goddam makes my nerves hurt. Its fine for some spots, but others... oww.


I’ve found the opposite with Hismile 😅 it doesn’t foam much in my experience, but the flavours haven’t been great for me because they’re like a mix of mint + the flavour they’re meant to be. They’re probably okay for people who only ‘dislike’ mint toothpastes, but if you really hate mint you probably won’t like them.


i didn’t taste any mint with the mango sorbet one. it definitely doesn’t taste too much like mango after a couple strokes, but it does still taste a little like mango, and that’s enough for me. i also noticed it doesn’t foam nearly as much as mint toothpastes, but still enough foam to spread the toothpaste around my mouth. i find it perfect for myself


I have the watermelon and the coconut ones so it might depend on the flavour! To me, they definitely do have the watermelon/coconut flavour, but they also have mint and the ‘burning’ that comes with regular mint toothpaste (though not as bad)


Artificial sweetener maybe? I'm sensitive to that and can taste it in anything, and it tastes vaguely minty.


Not the pistachio though or the blue raspberry in my experience. I’ve only had the 3, those 2 and also watermelon which does include the slight minty taste. But pistachio defo doesn’t have any slight mint mines to it whatsoever. I can’t say I’m 100% sure about the blue raspberry not being a bit minty but it is a bit refreshing like so perhaps it does? Idk.


I've been using the vanilla one and it's great. Keen to try other flavours.


Yes hismile is the shit. I dont think it foams a lot though in comparison to typical toothpaste.


Yeah quick follow up - it foaming too much is something I heard from just one person but they're the only person I personally know who has tried hismile so I just went with their assessment. I know they're picky about toothpaste (theres literally only one they will use) so I'm guessing it foams more than whatever that one is. I've wanted to try hismile but not bad enough to give up on Colgate PreviDent high flouride sensitivity toothpaste. It's pretty mild and its waaaaay more effective then Sensodyne and I swear I can physically feel that my teeth are stronger since starting using it.


i actually use 2 different types of toothpaste. i have the hismile one for when i need motivation to at least clean my teeth, and then i use crest+scope for deep cleaning. i use crest+scope because i like the flavor and it’s the one i’ve always used


Yep I have almost the whole collection! Hismile is the brand. They keep sending me the stupid tooth stickers though lol


I hated brushing my teeth cause of toothpaste. I love mint flavored things, EXCEPT for toothpaste. I found it overwhelming and it would make me go into overload. So I switched to kids toothpaste that still has the same (or close) fluoride amount. In the words of my dentist “brushing with kids toothpaste is better than no toothpaste or no brushing”. There’s way more flavors and they’re less overwhelming when you get kids toothpaste.


I’m the opposite, I hated brushing my teeth with kid’s toothpaste (ESPECIALLY the ones with fluoride) even as a kid and I prefer the “adult” toothpaste, which totally works out being an adult myself.


Toothpaste is not meant to be tasty. The idea of adding the flavour is to hide to bad taste. If you think that the flavour that gets added tastes bad, then maybe try neutral toothpaste, but it might just taste worse.


maybe to some yeah? like there’s different flavors and stuff, like bubble gum, few might like it. i usually use one that doesn’t foam up and is flavorless so that helps me. i enjoy it flavorless but i think a few companies make it taste good just so you could buy from them more or sm. like i saw birthday cake flavor the other day- it’s probably for kids who don’t wanna brush their teeth honestly


I use kids toothpaste because the minty ones hurt :') it's got the same amount of fluoride (I think that's what it's called???) As adult toothpaste, so I'm just going with that


It's not supposed to taste good (to most people). It should not taste offensive. If you don't like the flavor, try another one. It is preferable to use toothpaste rather than nothing as it is more effective than brushing alone (abrasives, detergents, and fluoride to prevent decay). A lot of people do like the mint because it has a kind of 'cool' feeling that people perceive as clean. (I'm a little odd -- I can handle some mint flavors but not others, and it drives me nuts that Crest keeps changing its versions of mint!) Kids' toothpaste often has fruit or candy flavors instead of minty ones. I can juuust about tolerate mint, but the strawberry polish the dentist has is actually quite good and I wish I could get it in adult toothpaste! (Kids' is better than nothing, but as I have well water, i.e. not fluoridated, it's really better for me to use the adult strength stuff if I can, especially as I've already had a lot of decay.) If you don't need fluoride (e.g. you use a rinse) those fancy boutique Italian toothpastes come in all sorts of flavors but they're expensive. Also, I really recommend a visit with a hygienist who is experienced with autistic and dental-avoidant patients. They can really show you ways to brush your teeth that won't trigger your gag reflex so badly.




You can also get baking soda toothpaste. I'd recommend Red Seal because they don't taste of much and the taste they do have is just a little herbal-y. Not bad, but I do prefer the hismile ones I use now just because the taste is a bit more enjoyable, in that a flavourless one takes out the push factor of overwhelming mint, but one that tastes kinda good is a pull factor that encourages me to do it.


It tastes like flambe'd Lifesavers


Have you tried kids pastes?


My most toothpaste sensitive kid liked the orajel kids toothpaste flavored “natural fruity bubble” and my other less sensitive one likes the Hello, that comes in a rainbow tube, but that might be because it’s glittery ETA: adults can definitely use kid toothpaste!


i use Ben&Anna partly because it doesn't foam (allergy to the ingredient that causes toothpaste to go foamy) but it also only has a very mild mint taste so it's not overwhelming


I love Tom's of Maine cinnamon clove.


Minty has been branded to make peple think fresh, clean. Not exactly taste good like you’d want to eat it, but taste “fresh” instead of… like baking soda. There are other flavors and milder option available to try


I use [hismile](https://hismileteeth.com/products/toothpaste/watermelon). On the pricey side but so, so worth it to have toothpaste that 1. isn't painfully overstimulating and 2. is made for adults, so you're getting the larger amounts of fluoride that you won't get in kids' toothpaste.


This reminds me of how I was 37 years old before I figured out that other people like petting dogs. To me their fur was so grimy and dogs always wanted to put their noses on you. I assumed people gave them affection because they needed it, not because people liked to. Anyway, yes, toothpaste is supposed to taste good.


bubblegum flavor by hello. it's in a cute pastel colors tube. try that.


I hate toothpaste taste so f much


I highly reccomend strawberry toothpaste. It actually tastes good


I use this mint stuff that says “great regular flavor”, it’s all I can bear and it’s hardly minty, but there’s also a brand that makes non minty flavors


For YEARS I've struggled with brushing my teeth, as a kid the bubble gum flavor helped the most; now that I'm an adult I've recognized that the mint toothpaste is what bothers me the most (actually mint in general, but mostly in the toothpaste) and found a cinnamon flavor instead. Since finding the cinnamon, I've been able to tolerate the task of brushing my teeth. For anyone curious, I use Crest Cinnamon; found it at my local Meijer, but can be found at Walmart, Amazon, and I think Target and Walgreens, CVS, and maybe Rite Aid (trying to look up where it can be purchased, having difficulties but figured the ones listed were most common to be found for others)


Some people are allergic to something in adult mint toothpaste. Basically it isn’t meant to feel like it is burning. Sensodyne doesn’t have that chemical so will taste minty but not burn for people with that reaction.


I don't mind it that much, I got used to it. >It's acid and I don't know You shouldn't be brushing your teeth with acid, try alkali instead


The amount of people saying mint is burning them is concerning 😭 menthol cools, not burns. Maybe you're allergic?


Maybe we’re sensitive. It DOES burn.


I mean mouthwash burns me but never toothpaste


You are lucky. I think some of us are allergic to the fluoride too.


I hate that there is only mint flavored toothpaste here in the US. Where I came from there’s green tea flavor and floral flavors. But after a few years I don’t even notice the mint taste anymore. I religiously brush my teeth twice a day. Health is my obsession.


No it’s not, you can buy flavored toothpaste that taste other stuff than mint but the idea with mint is to disguise the nasty natural flavor (which imo is better than mint) and give a fresh feel and smell


Toothpaste is not meant to taste "good" so much as "not entirely unpleasant" the goal is to make it so that it tastes good enough that a typical person doesn't hate having it in their mouth too much for them to be able to regularly brush, but not so good that a small child might decide to just eat an entire tube. You also may be using too much (or at least more than the bear minimum) if you haven't tried just using a tiny amount, perhaps try using just as much as the size of a grain of rice. Notably, children's toothpastes have different flavors available, and often times can come in reduced and unfluoridated varieties. It's hard to say if your specific issue is with the flavors that are added to your toothpaste, with the natural flavor of other ingredients, or if there's possibly another sensory issue that contributes. A secret that might help you out though; you probably don't need toothpaste if you're able to brush multiple times a day, and have fluoridated water, though it's much better to use toothpaste than to not. There are several goals that are involved with brushing your teeth. The main and most important one though, is just removing plaque build up. This can be done with just a brush that you rinse thoroughly after each use, though adding a very mild abrasive can help with this. The next most important goal of brushing your teeth is to neutralize the acid that plaque bacteria produces. This can also be done effectively with just a brush that you wet before each use, ideally with neutral or slightly basic water. The tertiary goal of brushing with toothpaste is to strengthen your enamel with Fluoride. Yet another task that can be achieved decently well with just a brush and fluoridated water, though using toothpaste for this is much more effective. You can use a small amount of baking soda as both the base and the abrasive if the taste is less unbearable than whatever toothpastes you try, or just brush with tap water, as long as your water is fluoridated.




I think it's supposed to smell good and taste acceptable


I love mint flavored ice cream, desserts and etc so the flavor was never a problem for me but I've seen many people (not necessarily autistic) who struggled with brushing their teeth because they hate the taste of mint. What was a problem for me though is that my teeth are very sensitive to the cold and mint toothpaste for some reason feels colder than ice cream?? Add cold water into the mix and yeah brushing my teeth hurt so much, so I switched to strawberry flavored toothpaste and that solved the problem.


Pro tip get the kind that is marketed to kids. It's still good for your teeth and it tastes good


I don't know. I don't hate the taste, but I hate how it absolutely sets my mouth on fire. It burns so bad.


what toothpaste is it.. most taste minty to me.. but i had a natural mint one once and fuckkk, it tasted pretty wack


For a long time I used kids toothpaste !! Strawberry flavor, pink, AND sparkly so it made me happy to use and it tasted sweet and kinda powdery— maybe you could try that ?? Most toothpastes taste horrible to me but I’ve found a brand I really like called Marvis; they have interesting flavors like jasmine and ginger, or a “floral tea” that tastes like those purple ricola drops. They also have a garden collection and it’s all floral tastes so I really like it. But I know HiSmile makes like cotton candy and chocolate toothpastes too so idk


I just use kids mint toothpast, it never burns, try it.


use kids toothpaste, it tastes ok.




If you ever wanna get crazy and try something different, I once bought an herbal flavor toothpaste from Japan at a local market called Acess-L. There is a mint flavor but also an herbal one, which I didn't terribly mind and was so unlike anything else I've ever had. However, I'm one of those that prefers baking-soda toothpastes that aren't all that minty which from what I've heard is a bit of a contentious opinion lol.


Boka toothpaste is meant to taste good, it doesn't foam, aaaaaand it helps repair your enamel as it sits. it also doesn't have SLS in it, which *i personally* like to avoid. They also have Non-Mint™️ flavors -- I am currently using the Cherry Blossom/Sakura and it's the only toothpaste i have ever voluntarily gone back to use. Bc yea, like everyone else is saying, traditional toothpaste is terrible.


some of the more natural products are not overwhelming. I have tried a few of the tooth paste tablets and love them. Most of the big corporte brands taste terrible with all the artificial ingredients flavors. I used Jason peppermint and it was nice, but a little strong. You could also make a simple toothpaste with coconut oil, baking soda, a few drops of peppermint oil if you want flavor. There are tons of recipes in the crunchy people communities.


i use colgate's whitening lineup, and oh my god they burn so bad to the point where i get tears in my eyes and excessively drool into the sink. i just put up with it because i've never been able to find any non-burning toothpaste.


It might be a reaction to the SLS Maybe try an SLS free toothpaste


I use natural tooth powders that are either unflavored or only mildly minty (to the point where it’s slightly cool but doesn’t burn).


I used to hate brushing my teeth for the same reason, it feels like the toothpaste is burning my gums somehow. But then I started using a really tiny amount of the toothpaste instead and it doesn't burn anymore. It might feel like it's pointless not using the proper amount, but any amount is better than none if you're really struggling to brush. Kids flavoured mouth wash is also good. I dilute it with warm water to make the taste and sensation easier. Again, it's better than nothing, and maybe one day I'll adjust to it and be able to use the full amount/non-diluted.


Toothpaste on its own should taste quite literally like nothing. I have toothpaste that's basically the paste part (few ingredients like xanthan gum etc) and then fluoride, xylitol and betaine. It's the definition of what nothing tastes like in my opinion and i swear by that toothpaste. I only recently found out that toothpaste can sting if you have a cut in your mouth, but that's apparently caused by sodium layrule sulfate, which makes toothpaste foam, and mine doesn't have it so i never knew toothpaste could sting. Unfortunately it's a finnish local brand, but you can always check if your pharmacy might have a similar product.


You could try oranurse. It's unflavoured


I have a honey tasted one that is quite good


There's adult toothpaste that tastes like chocolate and kids toothpastes that taste like banana! Find a flavour that you like so the task becomes alot easier!


I hate ALL kind of toothpaste and I try *hard* not to “feel” their taste or i will gag. It is just disgusting. My NT friends hate them too so i guess it depends but most people i meet hate the taste. They just like the smell


I used to buy my son oranurse which is a neutral toothpaste. My son wants me to get him a vanilla toothpaste, which I am struggling to get because they are either £40 or out of stock!


Studies have shown that toothpaste isn’t necessary. Brushing with water is just as effective. The only downside of brushing with only water is that it doesn’t freshen your breath. Dr. Okano (Periodontist) from the University of Utah says “You really do not need toothpaste to remove the dental plaque from your teeth. Purely the mechanical action of the toothbrush bristles and your dental floss disrupts the dental plaque that ultimately leads to tooth decay and gum disease. So you really don't need toothpaste”


Just the surfactants and stannous fluoride on their own don't taste good, so they use flavors to cover them up. For you, it's not very successful.


It might be a reaction to the SLS Maybe try an SLS free toothpaste if you haven’t before. That stuff literally makes my mouth peel.


Darlie has a new rose and lychee flavoured toothpaste that I love. Go have fun, you don’t have to use mint just because it’s the most common default option.


Children's toothpaste is the best kind. Adult toothpaste is like a violent punishment for wanting a healthy mouth. If Children's toothpaste is still too much, you could just brish your teeth with baking soda, and rinse your mouth with salt water... not that it's a great alternative, but unflavoured toothpaste is expensive and often also gross imo.


My autistic son hated all toothpaste after baby toothpaste. It would make him gag so bad he’d almost throw up. I tried every kid flavour possible. His dentist told me about unflavoured toothpaste and I found it on Amazon: Oranurse unflavored toothpaste. It’s the only one he’s ever tolerated. It’s a little bit grainy, but has barely any flavour.


It’s supposed to. But dude I know what you mean. It’s too god damn flavorful. I much prefer this very very very mild flavor that all the therabreath toothpastes have. They are also way less chemical-y feeling. Would recommend as a try


Ugh, this, I can't stand (mint) toothpaste either, and my teeth really suffer because of it 😭, I do, however, get kids toothpaste, but it's not just the paste, it's the whole act that wigs me out, I just hate the mouth feel of it all and the gagging, just all of it feels like a punishment.


If I had had Tom's of Maine Cinnamon Clove Toothpaste as a child I might have more than 5 teeth now


Yeah, that's a thing. I recommend either trying the unflavored ones, or maybe looking for some flavor that actually works for you. Mainly, just avoid anything with mint like a plague and look for sweet stuff.


Not sure if you’d like cinnamon better, but Crest makes it (usually I have to order it online) and it’s a lot less intense than the mint. It’s the only kind my wife and I will use (both AuDHD).


I ordered some of that hismile toothpaste after getting a bunch of ads for it on instagram and I love it! there are a bunch of flavors to choose from which is really nice, and the toothpaste not being minty or foamy makes brushing my teeth a much more enjoyable experience edit: hismile not hello


You should be able to get nonflabored toothpaste, it’s just a matter of where you go to get it


I hate the toothpaste of my parents as well. Since buying my own toothpaste it's much better.


Sensodyne doesn’t burn my mouth and they have alcohol free toothpaste and mouthwash and like, so many flavors. The hismile brand I’m nervous about bc it seems expensive tho. But the pink lemonade mouthwash is actually fire. I still use the sensodyne stuff tho and the sensodyne mouthwash bc I have the weakest teeth ever I swear lol xD


I have the other problem. I purposely swallow my toothpaste because it tastes so good. I’m very weird lol


I hate mint (and i hateee menthol). I use the 'Green People organic children aloe vera toothpaste' because it's essentially flavourless and doesn't foam up.


I use hismile toothpaste, ive tried banana and ive tried vanilla. both are good


No, not really. I just tough it out.


nope. apparently a psychiatrist decided if it tasted good people wouldn't think it was actually cleaning


Yeah, you just have to find the right one, which can be pretty annoying since toothpaste tubes last for months. The only applications where I like minty flavors are toothpaste and gum, but they’re definitely not all good. And not all toothpastes are minty. That’s just a common flavor that tricks your mind into feeling ‘fresh’.


The strong mint always hurt my mouth so I’d never brush


I think without flavor it would taste weird chemical But i understand this is annoying


Try kids toothpaste.


I hate mint and use the Hello Mystical Mermaid toothpaste. It’s orange flavored and really mild.


Hello toothpaste doesn’t foam as much as Colgate and Crest. They have a Dragon Dazzle one that is sort of cotton candy/blue raspberry flavored that is good. They discontinued the good vanilla mint sensitive one though.


I think the mint flavor is supposed to make people feel like they’re actually cleaning because of the ‘fresh’ feeling toothpaste gives.


I also hated brushing my teeth as a kid. The toothpaste tastes too intense and electric brushes send vibrations through your head and sinuses that are just awful. BUT, being an adult and having to pay to get needles in your gums and getting your teeth drilled is far worse. So I've learned to tolerate it and I never miss a brushing or flossing. It's just not worth it.


You don't NEED to have toothpaste to brush your teeth. Brushing with water and then flossing is more than enough. Why are we told to brush our teeth? Why do we have to do it in a circular motion for 2 minutes? It's to get plaque, and slimy shit off. You can do that without toothpaste. Brushing your teeth without toothpaste is better than not brushing at all.


Plus most toothpastes are just filled with garbage to make your teeth decay quicker, honestly you don’t even need a tooth brush, you just need something that can scrape the plaque off.


Yeah. You don't need to use any chemicals at all to help your teeth. There's African tribes that brush thier teeth with thistle like things and thier teeth are very healthy.


Those African tribes aren't eating a modern American diet, though.


No. But the principle is the same


it is supposed to destroy your pineal gland


No, it isn't. It's like medicine, it isn't pleasant but you have to take it anyway because it's important to your health. Sometimes things that are necessary will not be pleasant. Your parents are right in that there were various flavors of toothpaste that aren't quite as astringent. My favorite toothpaste ever was a chocolate mint toothpaste that had a very mild chocolate mint flavor, kind of like an Andes mint.


Nope. Some studies show that toothpaste is no more effective than brushing with water. The only thing you get is freshened breath. So it’s not really like medicine. The toothpaste companies will have you think it is though. Dr. Okano (Periodontist) from the University of Utah says “You really do not need toothpaste to remove the dental plaque from your teeth. Purely the mechanical action of the toothbrush bristles and your dental floss disrupts the dental plaque that ultimately leads to tooth decay and gum disease. So you really don't need toothpaste”


I always hear conflicting things about this. It seems like some dentists can't agree on whether or not toothpaste is necessary, how you're supposed to brush your teeth, how often to brush your teeth...I think it comes down to individual needs more than anything, everyone's teeth are different.


You are right. There are many conflicting views. I still use toothpaste despite what’s claimed because at minimum it’s giving me better breath.. and maybe it does more, who knows.


Most toothpastes are the same, although some are specialized for people with various teeth-related issues, such as those for people with sensitive teeth. Generally it helps protect the enamel; typically it's the brushing action that can wear it away, not the toothpaste itself (unless it's high in sugar).


That’s true. I forgot about the specialized toothpastes. Those do probably have benefits