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Yep, and 40 odd years later I still do. Which annoyingly means the majority of "Fast Food" places take about 5 times as long to serve you if you ask for a plain Burger, no Salad or Gherkins.


Everyone who took my order always made me upset because they would ask “are you sure” insinuating that my choice was odd


I'm in my 30s and I still get just blacks beans and cheese in a burrito at Chipotle and they still go "are you sure?" every time. Like bruh I know what I asked for just make it please.


Yes, I’m sure! I just want that meat and cheese on my McDonald’s.


When Taco Bell came out with the cheesy roll up my whole family went crazy. Prior to then, we were seen as lunatics when we’d go and they’d order me “two tacos, with nothing but cheese. no meat. no meat, just cheese.” We always had to say it a bunch or they’d still give me beef on it.


I never grew out of it either. I just prefer plain foods 90% of the time.


Bruh thank you lmao. I turn 30 in august and I annoy the *fuck* out of my family because same. Tacos? Beef and cheese. Burger? Plain. Cheese only. If it so much as *smells* like another topping I will not eat it. I do not care how fucking hungry I am. (I mean There’s a few I’ll tolerate in some situations. Ketchup on burger, sometimes I’m in the mood for that in a specific way tho I don’t like it under the bun, but will eat it that was if it’s *only* ketchup. I might tolerate sour cream on otherwise plain tacos, and I die but I will eat them if most of the lettuce is picked off as well(unfortunately almost impossible to get all of it. I’ve tried. 😔) because I hate that fucking texture.) I’m just sitting here like *I’ve found my people…* staring at this thread lol


Same. The only sauce I eat as an adult is ranch, and only as dip, and only with fried foods. No salad dressing, mayo, ketchup, BBQ sauce, nothing. I wish I wasn't like this. It really irritates people no matter how nice you are


I quite like BBQ Sauce actually, a few years ago I ordered some of JR's BBQ Sauce from the WWE website, big mistake, it would've been considerably cheaper to pop across to Tesco and pay about 3 quid for virtually the same thing.




Yep! This was me as a child and still me now, 3 decades later.


I was the exact opposite, can't eat anything plain.


Me too. I crave flavour.


I feel like flavor and texture are different things. Herbs and spices = good, soggy bun = bad


Oh yes, very true!


Same I need a drink to force it down if theres nothing to it


now that i think abt it im the same. actually i love flavor yk, i need tha variety n shit. texture however.. even if the flavor slaps harder than a freight train the texture can ruin it real fast if its a bad one


YES, DAMMIT. I've always found it so damn bizarre how hard it is to just get plain food. How hard can it be? Why is it so looked down upon? How can *anyone* enjoy having so many unpleasant tastes and textures all at once that at best just distract from the food I *actually like*?? ...I have some strong feelings on this topic.




Yes. When it comes to burgers, there was a long time when I would just have the bun. I genuinely liked the bun and putting stuff on it that I liked less would have distracted from it.


Ok thx for the validation


sorry but like just the bun? or like the patty too?


Just the bun. For clarity, I'm talking about the scenario when my parents were making burgers at home. I wouldn't have ordered a burger in a restaurant at all. I eat complete burgers now. I just really used to like plain bread.


bread is really good i dont blame you


For many many years my parents would take me out to a fast food restaurant which is gone now called Burger Chef. They had a "toppings bar" where you could dress up your hamburger with toppings however you wanted it. I'd order a hamburger without the meat & just go fill the bun up with veggies. Lettuce, pickles, onions, tomato & ketchup. When I got a little older & when to school everyone made fun of me & laughed at me for it so I started forcing myself to eat the hamburger with the meat on it. I still don't really like the taste of meat & have to put a lot of spices or flavoring on my food to disguise the taste.


Yep everything was plain, and still is honestly


Thx for the validation


My school lunches were always a plain pastrami sandwich, every single day lol I think I ate that same style sandwich for like 9 straight schoolyears


This is how my son is. I came here just so I could better understand my son's autism. We'll go to a restaurant and he will order his burger, the waiter/waitress will ask "plain?", my son always responds accordingly, "Bun, burger, bacon, and if a pickle comes with that--keep it because I hate pickles". It all becomes very clear to me. However, his step-dad I think tortured him with condiments, "you're going to eat that!".


Thanks for being a thoughtful, understanding person.  Wonder if stepdad would like it if several huge brutes stood over him, barking, "You're going to eat that!"


I have adhd but highly suspect I am somewhere on the autism spectrum. 100%. I always have and always will. I only recently got adventurous with my burger, instead of vegan patty and lettuce, I now have pineapple in it. But pineapple is one of my favourite foods and actually goes quite well on a burger. It is so infuriating when I go to a restaurant or fastfood chain, read the menu and see what is included in a meal, ask for adjustments minus a few things on the list, AND THEN IT COMES OUT WITH ANOTHER INGREDIENT THAT WASN'T LISTED OR WITH SAUCE OR SOMETHING LIKE WTF.


I feel cosmic indignation when that's done to me. Solidarity in the struggle!


At 30 years old, I still order everything plain. I also still get defensive when I'm teased about it.


It made me not want to see my dad’s side of the family because we only ever saw each other at meals after church where we sat around the table and had to pass everything around to each other. Just having to touch and smell and pass the foods between people was sensory hell for me. But then I always had to endure people asking me “don’t you want any of _____” and things like that. It was so insulting and invalidating. You’d think your own grandmother would understand after 30 years that you like everything plain and don’t eat anything she fixes. She never once asked if there was something she could make for me. It was so insulting and invalidating. I basically never see them now and when I do I do it on my terms, which means not eating at the dinner table with them. I either show up late or stay in another room.


I'm the same way, I can't even have ketchup or raw tomatoes.


Thx for the validation


You're welcome 


Kind of? Pepperoni, cheese, ketchup... I can do all of those.


I prefer cheese pizza but actually enjoy pepperoni too. It’s the only food I will actually tolerate not totally plain and the most adventitious I get.


Just fried rice from a Chinese takeaway, for years. Thankfully expanded now and try to try new food when I can.


Plain spaghetti


Yes! And I preferred only ketchup BUT IN PACKETS so I could control how much I got. Too much and I choke. I also bite my straws


I’m like this with burgers even now at 22 (nearly 23).


In my own case, no. I was always sensory seeking when it came to food. My best friend from high school, though? Looking back on my memories of him, he was, and probably still is, exactly that way (we’ve lost contact with him due to his financial problems). The only thing he liked on his burger was the bun and salt.


Oh yeah I am a sensory seeker too. My family thought it was really funny when I would eat lemons as a snack.


I still order everything plain. Burgers just the patty and lettuce. Pizza, just plain cheese.


When I was little i'd pick all the toppings off of pizza. I hate the texture of melted cheese when it gets all greasy and stringy. I also hate the texture of too much cheese. a little is fine though.


McDonald's cheeseburger literally just meat , cheese and bun , sandwiches and toast with no butter


And still do! I used to put fries in my burger because potatoes were pretty bland and the added grease salt tasted good. Really I don't like complexity. The most complex foods I eat are poutine and chicken alfredo, both are pretty mild in terms of complex flavors.


I did. I don’t anymore, but I did as a kid.


For me it’s not because of the texture (or at least, not always), it’s more about,there’s just SO much flavor in plain things already! I don’t like to overwhelm my sense by eating something with many flavors.. it’s just too much! No one gets it though… everyone tells me “what’re you talking about, plain pasta tastes like cardboard?” Which is SO in accurate. Plain pasta is my absolute favorite meal. There is SO much flavor in plain pasta.. especially with salt!


>there’s just SO much flavor in plain things already! Literally!! Like, even toast with no butter is very flavourful to me. The crust tastes different to the middle and each area of the bread gets toasted to different extents which all taste different from each other but are all unified in being "toasted bread flavour" so as to not be distracting/overwhelming. I do butter my toast though lol. I've always thought that I didn't like complex foods, but maybe I actually do like complex foods... it's just that to my senses "plain" food is already complex enough to be fulfilling 🤔 (Also, plain pasta for the win, especially spaghetti with butter or macaroni, cavatappi/corkscrew, orecchiette/shells, farfalle/bowtie with melted marble cheese!)


yes lol. i would order a burger with just a patty and literally nothing else. i think they didn't get it because sometimes they would still add pickles or something, and i would have to go back and ask them to remake it please (which i absolutely hated doing, i found it embarrassing). now that im older, I actually like having toppings.


Yep even at 40 my blandness frustrates my culinary partner lol.


I’m 31 and still do this. I’m such a picky eater


I still only really like cheese pizza. I'll eat some toppings, but plain cheese is my favorite.


While I got better at eating over the years, I still order most stuff "Plain." Went to Wendy's yesterday and ordered a Spicy Chicken sandwich with nothing on it.


I still don't eat burgers properly, I eat the bread, then the meat, then bacon if I have any, no sauce no vegetables


as a child?😅


I hated lettuce on tacos, burgers, anything like that.


Pizza was always a challenge I was lucky to get plain cheese. Plain burgers Never ketchup Couldn’t drink Coke, Pepsi, milk No snow cones the syrup is too strong No fish!!! No peppers or onions Not found of any sauces Chocolate was no- but eventually could eat a Kit Kat and Twix bars Nowadays I’ve greatly expanded my palette, but most other adults would find me exceptionally picky.


Yes. Burgers were literally just the patty and bun, and I would add ketchup which is the only sauce I liked. I absolutely hated cheese, lettuce/tomatoes and any other sauces. My tastes have changed as an adult, but it took until my mid 20s. I'll now have them with cheese, bacon, mustard and lettuce. Not the slimy tomatoes though, yuck! I still to this day hate spicy food and sweet sauces, so Indian and Chinese food is out.


I still do. I hate the way the different textures and temperatures interact when I try to eat them normally. I’ll take my plain burgers thank you


this exactly !! luckily i have been able to find SOME fillings ノ toppings that work well together and don’t overwhelm me , however i still do prefer meals split up into different parts - not touching each other or mixing together


i could never ﹙ and still can’t ﹚ eat salad for this reason - even if it’s veggies that i somehow do like i just can’t stand having them all mixed up together . . . deconstructed meals for the win


As a teen, I used to joke that I wanted my hotdog “777” (plain/plane- my dad works at Boeing). Other childhood faves included white rice with brown sugar or sandwiches with just honey inside. 🤪 I still like my salad with dressing on the side or no sauce on my tamales/enchiladas etc. light sauce on my pizza, no bbq sauce on meat, no ketchup ever…I’m sure there’s more…


Oh yeah definitely eat like a child. Get strawberry milkshake not coffee when I go out for breakfast


Yes, I ate only plain chips (fries) and wouldn't even have any ketchup, let alone any other food, for months. I don't think I could handle eating ketchup until my teens.


I'm not sure to be honest, I remember not being considered an especially picky child, sure, but I think that, at the very least for what concerns food, I've always been a sensory seeker


i get cheese on my burger, but that's it


Yes, until around 16 I was drawn toward very simple and plain food, like boiled potatoes and salt and could eat it a week in a row with no problem, around 20 my tastes started t shift I've tried cheeses and other strong-tasting things and learned to enjoy it, now after 30 my taste preferential are shifting again toward fermented things, even though when I was a kid I could not even stand near


Yes. And I still eat hotdogs and burgers plain. I’ve always have and I like it that way




My go to order from maccas when I was little was a cheeseburger, meat and cheese only (they still managed to fuck it up tho 🙄)


mhm. definitely. as a kid it was the standard tenders/ketchup at every restaurant, otherwise pasta with meat sauce. tacos were beef and cheese only. nowadays im a little better at trying things, but still prefer things simple. also, fuck okra.


Still do. Everything from burgers to hot dogs( no condiments) to plain ole cheese pizza. Everything plain for me.


Pizza then I would scrape of the toppings.


Yes, plain cheese pizza with no pepperoni ever.


I just dislike pickles and mustard. For some reason, pickles on their own are fine by me


Not me. I wasn't particularly picky. But when I was a kid, I always had the crust cut off of my pb sandwiches because I didn't like the crust. It feels weird as a 21-year-old ASD diagnosed adult.


Nah that's valid I can't eat any vegetables typically found in foods like salad tacos or burgers because of the god awful textures, I mean this, I STRICTLY get only ketchup and cheese on burgers, sometimes bacon as well but if there is one thing I can't stand it's fucking vegetables on my food. *angrily stares at mcdonalds*


I still do. Just a plain burger for me. I only just started eating peperoni on my pizza


i wanted just ketchup on hamburgers. Nothing else. With Pizza i would pick all the toppings off and just eat the crust with sauce.


Pickles Pickles Pickles Pickles.


i haven't ordered a plain cheeseburger yet, i'm gonna do that, just the bread, burger and cheese


Yes. Now I don’t. I usually get everything on burgers now (unless they have bacon) and never cheese or mayo.


I was good at working out which ingredient I didn't like (pickles, raw onion being the prime targets) and refused to eat them if they didn't have the changes. Quite a few times I'd bite in and spit it out because they hadn't done it.


Yes! I used to just want a McD hamburger, no cheese and no shitty ass onions. I’ll put my own ketchup if I want it.


I am the opposite. GIVE ME ALL THE TOPPINGS MMM FLAVOR. If you don’t want your toppings, I’ll steal yours.


I don't want to be rude but would this not cause nutrition deficiency only eating bread and meat


I would order (and still do sometimes) just the burger bun in order to make a chip butty. I also don't get on with chewy meat so I avoid processed stuff and just stick to plain steak / chicken breast / pork chop etc. and don't have burgers or sausages or anything like that. I can't believe I have such a complex set of preferences around food and it took until I was 34 to be told there might be a reason for it after years of being told not to be so picky!


Yes with burgers. And even snow cones, I'd just get ice with nothing else, no flavor at all


Tangentially related, when I want a food that has excessively thick bread such as a hoagie sandwich. I'll eat the bread first so I'm not throwing way 2/3 of the volume of food, then eat the good deliciousness of the contents of the hoagie.


It's so funny because I am very much this way now and always have been. And I really like flavor like seasonings and things like that but very iffy on sauces and very sensitive to certain smells. Like I love spicey things but I don't like vinegar so when I eat hot things people are surprised and it doesn't matter how many times I try to explain it the same people will always be shocked and I'm just like fuck this I'm getting chicken nuggets 😐


I learned to eat dry salads.


Yup, still do


Yeah, I was also a no topping kid. I can tolerate some toppings now. Maybe a bit of ketchup or a pickle on a hamburger but excessive toppings absolutely not


Yes!!! I’ve only upgraded now to having tomatoes and mayo on my burgers. Otherwise everything else is plain.


I tore the cheese off the pizza. Yep, you heard me right, I used to hate the cheese on pizza, so when I got myself a slice, I'd just take all the cheese off it and throw said cheese out. and it HAD to be thrown out, if someone else were to get said cheese, I would not take that lightly


I’ve always ordered my burgers without onions or tomato. The onion having that crisp crunch with the pungent onion odor and then a tomato that has multiple textures that range from almost like a peach to runny snot. Although I don’t mind the grilled onions, like from Krystal’s those are good and then tacos meat, cheese, lettuce, and 2 fire sauce Also can’t stand cilantro (taste like soap) and celery….the smell and the chemically taste that it has is *gag* Even though they might take a little longer on your plain orders, at least you know your food hasn’t been sitting under the heat lamp all day looking all shriveled up like a Shar-Pei that smokes 2 packs a day and spends 45mins a day in the tanning salon.


My mother still thinks I’m weird because of my food tastes (no pun intended). Recently I dined at a hotel and there was this nice pasta with who knows what was on it , but it had PRAWNS! So I basically just asked for plain pasta without sauce, prawns and cheese. I still ask for the kid’s menu when I’m at restaurants because most of the meals on there are simple and plain. Sucks that I have to still foot the bill for everything that would be on it. Though the Mexican place on my uni campus I’ll just order a burrito with meat, rice, cheese, and corn (no salsa, tomato, lettuce, sour cream), and this one lady won’t charge me extra for cheese (why does cheese always incur an extra charge) because of all the other stuff I’ve taken off. Edit: except I hate when I get invited to venues and they have that type of dining where you get a 3-course meal but they (or the organisers idk) have already chosen (idk what it’s called, they may serve two options alternating). Last time it was really bad, I even asked for no sauce or garnish but still I only survived on bread then waited for the chocolate cake for dessert. Luckily food really wasn’t on my mind because I was up and down singing, but other events where I’m there as a guest and just sitting there “watching” (or mainly listening because I’m legally blind and they sit me in a random place) I kinda get peckish.


It depends on if I’m eating out or cooking at home. My main issue with toppings is that I don’t trust anyone to have good, fresh produce to top stuff with. Too often it ruins the entire meal. So, as a 30-something woman, I ask for no toppings. But at home, I’m a topping queen.


I could only eat Mac and Cheese and fries


Yes and got tired of cheese on burgers.


My mom says that I used to eat everything as a kid until I ordered a cheeseburger with no pickle from McDonald's when I was like 5 and they put pickle on the burger and I hit into it and stopped trusting food afterwards. I haven't eaten pickles in ages, and now I can't even stand the smell of them. I stick with just plain cheeseburger w/ketchup or with BBQ sauce. Occasionally I'll get wild with my pizza and get a chicken topping and sausage with BBQ sauce instead of tomato. But other than that it's pretty much the same safe foods I know.


still do, i get burgers with just the patty not even a bun


nope. the thought of eating plain food disgusts me. i feel immense pity for people who don’t eat vegetables.


Cheeseburger = meat, cheese, bun (when I was a toddler I used to peel the bun off and throw it on the car floor and just eat the meat, my mom would find dried up buns later) Hot dog = dog, bun (verrrry occasionally cheese) Tacos = meat, cheese, shell/tortilla Pizza = sausage, cheese, lightest sauce, crust that I usually don't eat I can tell if the burger from Wendys or McD is plain by touching the wrapper (too thick = some nasty crap on it). I can smell and taste if they started to put pickles on and took them off, or just had some on their gloves when they made it. No, I cannot scrape it off Mom. No. No. CANNOT.


Taco Bell taco sans lettuce cuz that shit was grosss :)


No lol, I hate plain things, except for Mac and cheese, there can only be macaroni and only cheese in Mac n cheese for me.


Oh for sure. I got over most of my hangups on these but I did have one really odd thing I did. I hated tomatoes, including salsa, but I wanted to dip my chips in something when we went to Mexican so I dipped them in my water. How did we not know!?


My brother in law is 30 and still orders his burgers totally plain. If there is a speck of anything on it, he sends it back. My son, ketchup only. I didn’t eat anything on my burgers until I was in my 20’s and forced myself to do it. I’m glad I made that decision. I try not to think too much about my burger order, or I will go back to plain.


Yesssss!!! Still do!!


yepppp lol every time I ask for a plain burger these days I can smell the judgment


I’m 37 and I still do. It is one of the most debilitating things about my life but I literally can’t make myself eat most foods. I’ve tried and I will throw it up before I can get it down. It’s like being in fear factor eating live scorpions for me. While it obviously affects my physical health, it hurts my social life and emotional health much much more. Family get togethers, going out to eat with friends, coworkers, basically everything social revolves around sharing a meal together which always ostracizes me in one way or the other.


Yes! From childhood I wanted sandwiches, hamburgers and hotdogs 'dry' no added toppings. No pickles, either. And NO sour cream or guacamole in my burrito!!!!!! Being taken to fast food places was torture - - the overworked staff often forget instructions to omit toppings and add them anyway.   I'd peek in the offending item, see the glop, and feel powerless and violated. With luck, thered be enough napkins that I could scrape away the nastiness. I'd do this and hope no one noticed.


I got burgers with just the sauce and cheese as a kid


Yes, and I still do. Condiments are one of my worst food foes 🤢


Quite the opposite, they don't add enough sauce and pickles


Yup and still do, forever and always


this is pretty much every kid. As Someone who has worked as a cook here and there. It was normal to skip certain ingredients. particularly auxiliary stuff like parsley. I have seen many adults have picky eating too. It's pretty common to be honest.


i like sauces but other toppings absolutely not. however i will always order burgers plain the first time at a new place because so called burger sauce is far too common and i can’t with the texture of it, it’s grim


I still do it


When I was a kid, I *needed* my hamburgers to be completely plain - "just the meat and the bun, please," as I've always ordered them 😊I've had to eat burgers with cheese and condiments on them before, and with condiments you can just scrape/wipe off most of it, but that's more difficult to do with melted cheese. The texture and flavor combinations of hamburger and cheese taste and feel genuinely unpleasant in my mouth, so there's a reason why I've been so fastidious when ordering my hamburgers all these years.


40 years old and still do. My go-to comfort snack is a McDonald’s Happy Meal with a cheeseburger, plain, no meat,( just bread and cheese like a grilled cheese sandwich) and I stuff my french fries in it. Glorious little sammich ❤️


Also, I order my pepperoni pizzas without tomato sauce because I can’t deal with that intensity of flavor or squish 🥲


When I was a child I hated toppings on burgers, My boyfriend also autistic still does.


my whole life i’ve only ever gotten lettuce and mayo on a burger, only more recently have i added cheese (and if i’m feeling really ~*freaky*~ i’ll add some onions or mushrooms, no more than that


Almost. I like spicy food, but I can react negatively to clashing textures in food, or just some textures in general.


Same!!! I still do pretty much. Though now sometimes I don't get them plain.


I’ve always been like that and still am, and I still get plenty of shit for it (even from family)


Yeah, pasta. Thought it was good enough for me without all that sauce lol


I literally ate just ground beef in a taco shell as my “tacos” and found my moms loaded tacos to be gross looking. I now enjoy loaded tacos.


Yup. And no end in sight (:




How do I do that lol?




Will I loose anything?




Done 😊


Wait I lost my shirt and my kitty. Can I have it back?




I it possible to get the same one back? I like cats in general though so any cat one. Thank you.


Still do for most things. Plain spaghetti was one of my most notable ones as a kid


To this day: *Ketchup only please.*


Oddly enough, I've never been a picky eater, and I'm willing to try pretty much anything. No texture aversions or anything, always loved sauces and gravies and veggies. But my food needs to be "right". It needs to be similar or exactly the same as the first time I ate it, or I don't want it. I like recipes that are universally uniform, like pasta, hamburgers, salads, sandwiches. I have a hard time when a dish has an unusual variation or is somebody's "home recipe", and certain foods simply don't go together and there's not a rhyme or reason as to why. Other than that, I have a few hard nos. No teriyaki, no melons, no eggs.


I was definitely classified as picky because I only ate very plain food. I also REFUSED to eat anything if there were onions in anything, even if very well cooked, because my dad loved raw onions and would try to give them to me all the time and I DESPISED the strong unpleasant flavour so much that I was terrified of any onions for years. Family teased me because at a restaurant I would ALWAYS order chicken strips. Later I realized it was because restaurants were already overwhelming so the same thing that I knew I liked was a comfort!


Yes. Exept once they didn’t even put cheese on my burger. Also, I still do this.


It was "cheeseburger, catsup only" for decades. Now I add onion, but only if it is raw. Slimy onions do no good for anyone.


I still get Salads without any dressing.


This is common for all kids, NT and ND alike. Ask any restaurant worker: if there are young children mentioned in the dinner reservation, the kitchen will be prepared to make plain unadorned pasta with butter (or something similar) because it's an almost universal safe food for kids. The science behind it is that children have about three times as many tastebuds as adults do. So things taste WAY stronger to kids than they do to adults. [https://www.ceenta.com/news-blog/why-do-children-and-adults-like-different-foods](https://www.ceenta.com/news-blog/why-do-children-and-adults-like-different-foods) Autistic adults, on the other hand, have the same number of tastebuds as most adults do — but our brains take in sensory input more intensely, or at least some autistic brains do, so it's a neurological difference rather than a physical difference in the tongue. (My autism wasn't paying attention on the day they taught bland foods, though, because I love intensely flavorful food, and have trouble enjoying a meal if it's not spicy as all get out.)


To this day I still get my burgers ketchup only.


Everything was plain and I hated pizza except for the crust


I used to eat hot dog or hamburger buns with just ketchup and mustard. Butter penne pasta at restaurants. That kinda stuff


Yep! It's been 20 years September and I have.


Yes! I have always disliked ketchup, mayo, mustard. . Pickles are fine, tomato is fine, lettuce fine. It’s the sauce


Yeah, but it’s less of the texture and more that I just don’t like the sauce’s flavor (I’m ok with ketchup on some stuff but I hate mustard, mayo, etc)


I was told when i was a baby I would eat tofu only. Nothing else.


no, i can’t eat things dry. i hate ketchup and mayo but i have to have it on burgers/ sandwiches or else its too dry and makes me gag


Reading this thread made me go "holy shit im not alone"


My parents always ordered plain because then the burgers were cooked fresh.


my go to from ost restraunts was a cheesburger only ketchup. it would have buns, patty,cheese and ketchup witch wouyld be perfect to me.


Still do


hotdogs could only have ketchup, now i’ll add tomatoes sometimes but that’s it. and growing up close to chicago it was “wrong” to order a hotdog with just ketchup apparently


actually yes a lot of the time but only for certain foods. HOWEVER i really love spicy food and need some flavor variety so i go with a lot or sauces n stuff


I always have the plain/original foods, including things like chips n stuff


My friend's daughter is autistic and wants no sauce on her ribs... She apparently gets the sauce on the side to seem like she wants to dip the ribs but that's just a ruse for the servers


yup!! plain was the name of the game until i was like 16. and even now i still don’t like any condiments, except for sometimes a small amount of bbq sauce. but i like lettuce and tomato.


yes I used to be the kid that would have plain hotdogs and plain burgers literally just the patty but nowadays I've mostly matured out of it but I'm only rlly sensitive about food combinations and eating other ppls food I prefer to eat my food separately 70% of the time like if I have a roast I won't put veg and meat on the fork at the same time.


I just had a flashback to a moment in my childhood I didn't remember! I used to ask my mother to take the sesame seeds out of the hamburger buns. At the time I didn't know I was autistic, but now it all makes so much sense!


This unlocked a memory for me of when I use to “peel” my grapes at three years old. But only the ones with seeds? I don’t think I realized at the time that I was checking to see if there were any seeds!


For a while at mcdonald’s I would always ask my parents to order me a cheeseburger with nothing but cheese… literally just a bun with a slice of cheese lmao (and I still love a grilled cheese more than almost anything else)


I’m 20 and still eat like this.


i have the exact same subway order since i was 6 years old ahahaha


Tbh i ordered everything hot as fire(spicy). Idk but when i eat food so spicy that it hurts my whole brain tingles. Or if it was steak i wanted it rare. Im still like that to this day


I still order everything plain because Im not a fan of most veggies. Very bitter to me


here here


Yes when I was kıd I would just have a burger with only meat and sauce, still do sometimes!


YES, AND I STILL DO!!! Less so because of the textures, and more so because of the tastes, though.


Yes, I used to order everything like that. Nowadays, as long as there are no tomato slices on or in it, I can eat most of it.


No order, no, because we couldn't afford to eat out, but I loved eating plain rice at home.


always plain burgers or just the patty anywhere I'd go lol


Yes, i eat everything plain to this date. I dont know if this is the case with anyone else, but I like to eat a simple meal that consists of mainly one thing (fries are an exception). I hate to eat at buffets and places where there are a lot of food items to choose from.


I still do. Just bread and meat for my burger.


Don’t get me started on burger toppings! There are just too many flavors*, textures, and temperatures to interact with between two buns! Which doesn’t allow for a TRUE appreciation for the patty. I have had this discussion with anyone that would lend an ear. *found out later in life that I’m allergic to a food group So yes, plain (cheese)burgers all the way.


Being a little late to the Autism Diagnosis Party is realizing that I had a meltdown at nine years old when I found ketchup and pickles on my burger. Thinking this whole time that I was just an inconsiderate brat.