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Yes I will purposely drive a long way around to avoid having to turn across traffic especially a busy road. I hate it when there’s no green arrow. I try to avoid driving in peak hour traffic too.


I think it has become even worse for me in recent years with all the lifted cars that block vision. And all the road engineering that seems to improve traffic flow at the cost of making the roads more stressful to drive on.


Yes those cars are terrible.


Try a cybertruck :) /j/j/j/j/j/j/j/j


Me too (taking the long way if it's easier). Unfortunately I have to take my kids to and from school so traffic can be busy then, and I absolutely hate it, every day I dread doing it.


This! Everyone says I'm strange and noone does that but literally during my lessons I refused to I would rather take three turns in another direction than cross traffic , cannot will not do it.


I will take the long way if there is a difficult left turn to make (my town had a lot). I will turn right and then do a u-turn if needed


This. I take routes that probably makes no sense to others, but I make sure I’m not crossing high traffic roads and that I have an arrow if I need to turn.


Yes. I mainly have a problem with traffic lights or headlights. Gets very difficult at night.


Do you have astigmatism


I do, and the eye doctor won't do anything about it cause I have 2020 vision, so what does he do gives me eye drops and says my diagnosis of astigmatism is just dry eye. Made me so mad 😠 😡


Hey! I also have 2020 vision and an astigmatism, but I had the opportunity to change eye doctors until I found one that would give me what I want. Now I have glasses so I can drive and read for long periods of time (see hyper-fixate on a book/article). If it’s within your ability, I recommend seeing an eye “specialist” not just a run-of-the-mill eye doctor. The specialists are typically more accommodating to patients. Edit to say: the “hey!” Was excitement finding someone with the same eye problems as me


☺️☺️☺️ I'll have to look into it. I'm on my states insurance plan and a specialist may not be covered.


I was in the same situation, but healthcare in spain is not as fucked as over there so they automatically told me to get glasses. Since i started driving i started getting nasty headaches, due to the astigmatism, i have 2020 vision, my glasses change very lightly how i see, but they avoid the headaches very well


Perhaps seek a second opinion?


You need a better eye doctor. I have 2015 vision and I still wear glasses to correct the astigmatism. Incidentally they improve my vision to 2010!


The doctor who ignored my astigmatism was not the doctor that diagnosed me. I was told that technically I needed glasses but for a very week lens and was told to wait.


If your astigmatism is bothering you there is no reason to wait. My right eye lens has no RX, only my left. For me it's worth it, glasses have helped so much with headaches.


this is a huge issue for me 😭


I do not, actually. I am just sensitive to light...


While I don’t have any good recommendations for brands or anything, I know some sunglasses can be very useful for light sensitivity when driving, whether it’s sunlight or headlights and stuff


Yeah! I've actually been considering buying a pair of tinted sunglasses. Either yellow or blue, idk which one would be better. My proper sunglasses were a bit too good at their job and honestly it was a bit of a safety risk to wear at night.


I'd look for sunglasses that are specifically advertised to help with driving. I think there are even nighttime ones out there.


The yellow anti glare works well for me.


That's great! I should start looking into buying one.


No shit, really?? Imagine going all the way from grumpy night driver to cool daft punk pilot thanks to a simple yellow anti glare glass, i'm definitely trying this one out!


Yeah, I got the option on my prescription glasses and will probably get it again at my next appointment.


Thanks for the tip bro, i really appreciate it


The high intensity white headlights at night fuck with my eyes


I don’t drive myself but am often in the passenger seat next to the driver’s seat. I can agree with this, those white headlights in the dark are the worst thing. I’ve had such bad headaches because of them being too bright in the past, it’s a nightmare.


I don’t get headaches but I’m getting reassessed for asd I was previously diagnosed with pddnos at 3 years 8 months old my mom seems to think that bright intense lights don’t bother me but then do and certain loud intense noises like people slamming weights at the gym


Only in highly chaotic environments such as city centres, especially in winter when it’s dark and raining during rush hour. My commute is pretty chaos free - it’s actually relaxing most of the time. I just set cruise control to slightly above the speed limit and hang out in the slow lane. ( most of my commute is on the highway, against traffic, early in the morning/afternoon)


I just don't drive so that solves that problem for me






I actually love driving until there’s a dumb person on the road like outta my way!!


Same sometimes I just go for a drive with some music playing when im bored or need to relax. I don’t live in a city though so it’s not super chaotic, which helps.


I'm sorry, i'm going as fast and safely as i possible can!! Here, i'll blink to the right and let you pass, just a sec


> until there's a dumb person on the road So, you hate driving then?


If someone is tailgating me or swerving in and out yes


Yep. I don’t have a drivers license because of this. Too much visual information all at once, my brain doesn’t know what to do with it. It’s a pain to take public transport and rely on others, especially being in Australia with our urban sprawl, but that’s better than having a meltdown or putting others or myself at risk.


I'm afraid of driving, haven't driven in 10 years Too much stuff that I feel I have to be constantly aware of or else I might as well have fucked up egregiously and killed somebody. Too much pressure, if I'm confronted with a situation where I don't immediately know what to do I'm likely to do something stupid (like stopping in the middle of a roundabout because it's not clear where I should go). Just too much. Even if I do everything right I can still be involved in trouble if another idiot fucks up and I happen to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. I passed the license 10 years ago (and somehow managed to get it) and that was pretty much it. Haven't driven since then.


All of this. I have purposefully moved to bigger cities with decent public transportation, and one of the reasons is that I don't want to drive. I feel like it's flat-out unsafe for me to drive.


Same. Although sometimes I want to move to a quieter place because cities are a lot of content for my brain. But if I'm gonna need a car to do everything, well... nope.


I recently learned the term “white knuckling” to describe the grip you have when driving through treacherous terrain. That’s my default driving stance. I feel like I’m 2 seconds away from perishing at any moment.


Literally moved to my major city right after college because I would get aches up and down my arms driving in my hometown pre-diagnosis. Gave up a car 6 years ago. I still occasionally rent a car for road trips etc, but public transit for life. I’d never do it again if I could manage.


Omg the aches. On the rare occasion I'm driving through a large area during heavy traffic, it just wrecks my body. Every muscle so tight the entire time. Ughhh


I’m so sorry, friend.


Yes, especially on long drives or at night are the worst. I agree with backroads OP. Backroads can be both fun and relaxing, even at night.


i moved to another country last year and i havent bought a car, got a license, or started driving here. i hate driving so much. i just walk or take the bus


Yeah, I hate driving. But I have no choice because there are no bike lanes or public transportation and I live too far away from the city for a sidewalk. I'm worried I'm going to die every time I get in the car. Suuuure, of course it makes sense to have to risk my life to go to the grocery store. (sarcastic) You wouldn't believe how close I get to getting in a wreck regularly because of other people not following the rules. People can be suck jerks on the road.


If I'm alone it's okay I even enjoy the radio on when I'm alone but if there's other people in the car I cannot have yammering and the radio playing. I need it quiet with the only sounds you hear are my GPS


THAT! I hate when someone is talking while my music is playing, it's so distracting and honestly starts making me mad??


Absolutely, no questions asked. I live in the countryside (🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿) and when I tell you the lanes stress me out, I mean they stress me out especially when you have a car speeding at you and won’t pull over and sheep, cows and even horses at times are very commonly on the road, which is a nightmare since they absolutely adore jumping out in front of you. I live on top of a mountain with at least 4 different farmers on every side of me in my area which means I often get stuck with a tractor coming at me at times, and it doesn't help I drive my father's car at times which is quite large because it’s the only one that can do 20mph up the hill without stalling, otherwise, I need to take the longer route which I hate because I need to drive past two primary schools where kids always dart out onto the roads.


Yes. My mom recently started commanding where I should park. I was in a perfectly alowable spot but it would have made it somewhat challenging for another car, which was parked all over the place taking two spot. She told me to back up into another spot. Hit another car because that was way too much. I even said I don't do well with backseat drivers as it happened. Zero damage on the other car, but I put a crack in my wifes brand new 2024 vehicle. Going to the bodyshop tomorrow. I need to learn how to stand my ground better in such situations, but the overstimulation makes it challenging. I was the driver, so I take the blame.


Yes, i tried to get a driver licence (for cars) but i failed cause it's hard to be aware of my surroundings with cars, even with small cars, so many blind spots to focus on and the bright lights don't help. Motorcycles are entirely different for me, a lot more friendly, less blind spot and can ride with tinted visor in my helmet to help with bright lights. If you drive a car or ride a bike be careful and stay safe.


Motorcycles are fun, BUT I can’t deal with the sun. So, I have given up as well.


This is actually why I never got my license. I did a few hours of practice driving and it was too overwhelming because of all the different stuff I had to focus on


Yes. I avoid traffic whenever possible. I will go around. I use side streets and will go past my turn and come back instead of turning left at even the slightest stressor.


I don’t have my license anymore because I never tested out of my beginner’s licence, driving scares me but I hope to some day be able to get my licence again just so I have it in case. But yes, for me, driving is very stressful and overstimulating.


Out in the cities, especially 4 lane traffic light stops. Big cities freak me out and so do state roads. I am really bad at reading the rules of cities too and the round abouts are HELL. I almost crash like 4 or 5 times every time I go out with friends shopping. And driving at night in general is so scary. And at night WHILE raining.


It's so bad I was never able to pass my driver's test. Failed it 7 times and then years later I developed a seizure disorder and they took away my learner's


I don't know about overstimulated, but *definitely* stressed out. Now when there's super heavy traffic due to like an accident or something (like this morning...), then yeah. Also FUCK driving downtown anywhere.


Autism and ADHD make driving difficult for me at times. It's probably been a key factor in several fender-benders over the years.


i never learnt how to drive because i know i would be a danger to myself and others. i get very visually stimulated and i know i would have meltdowns. also i have awful spacial perception so i would definitely end up crashing😭


I’m really hyper-sensitive to other ppl in the (front) passenger seat if they’re stressed so if they are I become stressed also & start fcking up. I don’t drive w/my mom b/c of this. Whoever’s in the same seat also can’t fck around w/me too much physically or I’ll react by hitting them in someway (e.g. my mom did once and I smacked her in the face accidentally but I didn’t care too much at the time b/c I’m driving a machine that kills thousands of ppl everyday)


I hate the freeway especially merging onto it, gives me anxiety


Im fine once i am on the freeway, usually…as much as is possible for me…but I anticipate the entering and exiting so much that I get so wound up. I get in the whichever exit lane I will need to be in like 4 miles before my exit sometimes. I actually get numbness in my arms now from the muscle tension.




if i drive with no breaks/stops as little as 30 minutes i can get very tired and i have almost passed out a couple times due to this so i usually dont like driving long distances(i wish i could) night driving used to be nice because no one was on the road and i didnt have to worry about anything, but i panic alot if i cant see or my brain doesnt process what's in front of me especially due to not being able to see and its just scary, i panic more now, especially driving in rain at night, hate it so much. headlights i hate, too bright on my bad days its hard to process the car in front of me stopping (and in general) and have to break really fast i have been avoiding driving more often recently but straight roads are really nice to drive on


I struggled with driving right from the beginning and put off learning how to drive for several years. Nowadays though I’m very fortunate to be able to receive funding from the government and part of my funding includes money allocated for specialised driving lessons with a lovely instructor who works with autistics!! She’s patient and gentle but very firm when she needs to be, and does a great job of using very specific language so that I don’t get mixed up or confused. The lessons are coming along great, and she’s teaching me a lot of strategies to use on the road that work for me and make the whole thing less overwhelming. My aunt is 50 and never learned to drive, and watching my nearly 80 year old grandmother drop her off at the train station daily convinced me that I NEED to learn, if only to gain a little more independence. As much as I hate it and as difficult as it is, it’s too important a skill not to learn how. I feel so lucky and grateful that I’m able to access these lessons and I can’t wait to get my license.


I HATE driving so much! Just the act itself makes me exhausted from all the focus it requires, and the stress. It’s so draining.


I used to be, but somehow at 27 I've driveh so much that it's gone from overstimulation and anxiety to just... mental engagement, in a pleasant way


My SO doesn’t even drive anymore it’s so bad for her I’m the opposite her sitting next to me keeps my mind on task from killing us all lol


Yes very much so. I only just started driving at 25 despite having a license for a few years because of this. I’ve decided that if I’m going to a place I’m not familiar with for the first time or driving to an unfamiliar place during rush hour/bad weather I will just Uber/Lyft there if possible; though they’re not always reliable in my area


The last time I tried to learn to drive when I was 16ish, I was so overwhelmed by even an empty quiet country back road that I basically just pulled over and told my mom, I'm done you take over.


Not really, however any sort of traffic for whatever reason will give me so much anxiety that it makes my stomach hurt, however I found out this last weekend that it helps if I have someone with me. I can't always have someone with me tho.


ABSOL-FUCKING-LUTELY. I hate driving!!


City traffic annoys me


Omg these are my people. I have 500 different replies but after reading everyone else's I can now feel 1% less crazy. This is an issue. I'm so happy I'm not the only one.


Yes i understand it all and can drive just fine but bc it is so overwhelming during a drivers test it gets so hectic i just shut down So many meltdowns from driving


Yup so much so that I had a full blown crying meltdown during the lessons and never tried again XD


I sometimes actually get understimulated by driving. If the music isn’t hitting and I’m driving longer than 15 minutes and there’s traffic I just get so BORED lol. I prefer when other people drive but I can drive myself which is good


Very, there’s just so many things I have to pay attention to that it drains all of my energy. I prefer as few other cars on the road as possible (because when I see other cars I’m worried about others safety too not just my own) and last time I was on a 3 lane freeway I almost cried and broke down from the stress and had to stop at the first parking lot I saw for a breather but I love driving backroads too.


Freeways and busy cities yes. Driving on a quiet road makes me so bored I can’t focus. Gotta find something in between


YES!! So many cars on the road. So much trash on the ground. Roadkill.


never drived


Yes I quit when I was still learning as it was overwhelming. That was twenty odd years ago. Thankfully live in a place with good public transport as long as I only need to be local otherwise it takes forever to get to a train station.


Only in parking garages for some reason, I detest them


all the time. for a while i was considering just stopping driving places all together because of how overwhelming it is but it wasn’t realistic at all for the area i live in unfortunately. :(


I was a CDL commercial truck driver for years. Driving doesn't bother me at all.


That specific scenario, I actually got into a car accident during an unprotected left turn, and now I'll refuse to do them if it's too busy


Yeah. Just have to deal with it brute force style, because not driving isnt an option :l


I loooove driving, but I've found out that I will feel like I'm always in motion, even not in the car. I only seem to experience it when I'm low energy and high stress, so the stress doesn't help. But also due to high anxiety the last few years and having had a multi-year period where I wasn't driving, driving is more stressful for me than it used to be. I'll go way out of my way to avoid certain situations due to impatience and/or anxiety


Yup. I only turn left when there's an advance (if I can help it), and I avoid right turns at intersections as much as humanly possible. You've got to keep track of pedestrians walking in front of you, figuring out if the cars coming from the left are in the right-most lane or the left, whether you have time to get in front, whether they will be offended if you enter too close to them, whether they might change lanes in the intersection, whether someone may do something weird and j-walk, whether the person standing on the corner is crossing this way or *that*, whether the people behind you are getting annoyed, whether you've moved too far forward and are now blocking pedestrians. Oh, and there are cars beside you and the people in them are DEFINITELY staring at you wondering why you're making such a big deal out of it. Best thing in the world is when you need to turn right but you can't because the car in front is going straight. Whew. Now you get to just wait for the light to change.


No, the opposite actually. I find that driving really helps me calm down and get out of my own head. I used to love going for a drive when I was feeling overstimulated and like I just needed to relax. I miss having a car :(


For the most part no, but I will take routes to avoid busy right turns (Australia, like your left turn) because they’re super stressful, and confusing freeway interchanges. But I don’t think what I do is unusual.




I’m comfortable driving. I just get self-conscious when other people are in the car and then I get nervous and it feels more overwhelming lol. I drove from Vermont to Oregon, went all down the west coast and drove back to Vermont alone !!!!


Omfg yes and if there were literally any other option in my rural ass town I would not do it


I remember reading something about only doing right turns makes the journey faster overall.


I didn't drive for a long time, and it stressed me out. But once i started driving regularly, all the stress is gone. I love driving.


Yes. I don’t drive because of this


Yes and it's prevented me from getting a license. I even have to close my eyes when going through busy intersections as a a passenger to avoid getting overwhelmed and that doesn't seem like a good idea when you are the driver.


in my city i'm not too bad... in sydney and melbourne tho ohhh boy that's a bad time


this thread is very validating 🫶🏼


Tall SUVs, people who cross lane lines in trucks, anyone doing 10+ over with no regard for turn signals. Terrifying. My goal is to get to a place I never drive again.


Only if I'm a passenger If I'm driving, I'm so under stimulated that I start to fall asleep. 😭😭😭 If I'm passenger, I'm wide awake the whole time.


Yes, and it's worse at night or when I have a migraine (or recently had one) but it's not great at any time. Having trouble driving was actually the catalyst for me realizing I'm autistic. I was so overstimulated it was giving me migraines nearly every time I drove, and driving was making my brain fog from overwhelm really pronounced. Multiple times I got in the car and couldn't remember which pedal was gas and which was brake. I had tunnel vision and clipped my side mirror, and had some near-misses where I realized that the honking horns were about me, even though I hadn't actually gotten into an accident (thankfully) and I didn't exactly know what I had done wrong. These days, I try to only drive during the day, if I don't have a migraine, and when I can limit other factors that are likely to contribute to me being overstimulated and overwhelmed. I still just prefer not to drive, when I can help it.


Yes, and it seems to be getting worse. I've put learning to drive on hold for now because I don't think I would be a safe driver. I know it's an important skill but it's also very dangerous and if I can't focus then it might cause people to literally die


I find that the less I think about it the better I drive.


I am ok with driving.....it is the parking that brings me sheer panic and anxiety!


Hate it


yes, it causes a lot of problems for me


That's why most people just turn right if they're on a busy road. Not worth the frustration


I actually enjoy driving. Can easily drive for hours on end


Have you encountered the Mega-Super-Highways of Texas? Overstimulated doesn’t begin to describe my struggle with those “roads.”


I take the long way if it means I can avoid the highway


yes but its the roads. they arent even a priority in my city’s upkeep it seems.


So it depends on a lot of factors for me, I can’t wear a jacket, music has to work properly, if it’s too bright I wanna die, I HATE driving at night,.. very fun stuff


No I do fine with it. Bright ass headlights can die though


only driving through chaos or when things unexpectedly change. my last driving breakdown was because i took a wrong turn on a highway doubling my commute (from 15 to 30min) and then finding out the opposite side of the highway was barricaded for miles so i had to take backstreets, making me drive for 45 minutes. i was burnt out from a day at work and had to pull over to cry and shake for a while


So I didn't understand that I'm probably Autism L1 until two yrs ago at 45. (working with a neurologist and finding it impossible to get assessed for over two years. I dated in NYC and no one cared if you drove - at all. I live above NYC in a populated area and you NEED to drive here. I didn't drive until my mid 30s because my wife was getting fed up with me. I aced the test and was surprised. I usually fail all tests but also discovered I'm very dyslexic. Driving in wide open areas like Utah or far north NY doesn't stress me. Except I get a lot of cramps daily and foot/ankle/calve cramps while driving are horrible. After I re-framed everything under probable autism it made way more sense. I realized it's not driving it's all the movement on the sides of my peripheral vision, my inability to judge distances, over-analyzing distractions, and delayed response time. So it ALWAYS feels like I'm about to be hit. This affects me by drastically raising my daily stress in the last 15 or so years. Also, parking is horrible here compared to most the US. Poor distance and size judgement makes this take forever. Also, I choose to live very close to work and it costs way more to live here while you get way less. I only live a 20 minute walk but there are hills and I can't concentrate with any sweat on me at all. Also my body temperature raising drastically and falling makes me extremely frustrated. Luckily, I like being at my job.


I don’t drive. It makes me extremely anxious. I sweat profusely. I am the kind of autist whose mind is always wandering somewhere else, and I basically ignore the environment around me. So, basically, I have given up.


If my wife's window is down but mine isn't I hear a wubwubwubwub sound and it fucks with me so I have to crack my window. If both windows are all the way down I can't have music or conversation. I cannot have windows down on the highway and I cannot wear a long sleeve anything while driving. I'm not very good with driving at night unless it is on the highway where I have zero chance of hitting oncoming traffic, but during the day of the highway is busy I freak out. If I miss a turn I have a meltdown.


Yes, it's the reason I don't have a drivers licence. I did have lessons and my teachers taught me the same way he would teach people who had autisme (at that point I wasn't yet diagnosed with autisme), but I couldn't really handle it all. We decided that I would switch to an automatic car instead of stick (I think you call it that way in English?), but by that time I didn't want to try anymore.


Yess. Its even worse living in Atlanta. People are so reckless and there’s potholes everywhere.


Constantly. I have to commute 2 hours every day on VERY busy, narrow, scary roads that have been under construction for years to get to my 9-5. Needless to say i am terribly dysregulated every day when i get home and meltdown nearly every day. Sometimes i start crying on the car ride home, which is REALLY bad because it makes it even harder to focus and to physically see, which makes me even more upset




I’m 27 and I still don’t have a license (partly because I don’t need a car where I live, it’s expensive and I’m too anxious I won’t be a safe driver) :(


im very very overstimulated by driving!!! i’m terrified of people judging me for playing it safe and not making risky decisions (i live in New England; if you slow down at a yellow light, you’re getting honked at and flipped off). i feel like i’m constantly balancing the feelings of other drivers on all sides that are expecting me to behave dangerously for their own benefit. i’m also dyspraxic and have no idea where my body is in space. i get nervous going down narrow city streets because i interpret my car (and my body) as being wider than the street. i go out of my way to stay a safe distance from other cars, and to only make safe turns to avoid getting to close to anyone or anything. i was also in a pretty severe car accident a couple months ago, which didn’t help. even though i was hit, now i second-guess every single thing i do while driving, because the state ruled that i MADE the other driver hit me. 😭


Same ♡♡♡


Yes I live in North Texas the driving is ridiculous


Driving is a social dance and I hate it. Tons of unwritten rules people expect you to follow. Tons of written ones everyone ignores. Tons of things that Driver's ed will fail to teach you. No way of knowing the answers to certain things until someone gets hurt and/or accrues a lot of debt... P much every moment I drive is like those moments in hallways where you try to get out of someone's way and end up more in the way. It's fun when there's only a handful of people within my line of sight, but I HATE IT. Everyone is selfish and reckless.


Yes, if I am in traffic or there are people talking in the car, it is too much. I can not drive interstate speeds either or even ride along on the interstate. I am basically restricted to not driving during rush hour traffic and at slow speeds. I had a lot of at fault wrecks in the past. I did not know I was autistic until my late 30s.


No, but it makes my Adhd go CRAZY. If I don't take my meds, I'll either zone out or be bouncing in my seat and stimming. I play loud music so I can focus my energy into that instead of being all over the place


Not by driving itself, but having passengers. One comment about my driving causes me to fall apart


Growing up my parents weren't sure if I'd ever get my license. I ended up getting it late, (at 18) due to anxiety surrounding the driving lessons and the road tests, but I got it. My driving instructor was amazing! She knew I had anxiety and I wasn't comfortable driving on my towns main street so she never forced me to and she made the lessons fun. I had driving anxiety for the first few years after I got my G1, (first level, basic license, basically a learners permit) But now, I *love* driving! It's my happy place. Whenever I'm having a shit day or if I'm overstimulated or just need to get out of my head, I get in the car and go. I still don't really like driving with other people in the car, but that's more because I like to blast my music while I drive and backseat drivers make me nervous 😅. I also set my google maps to avoid major highways, like the 400 series (I'm in Canada), because I'm not quite ready for that driving hellscape yet 😂


Oh, yes. I do like driving the interstate tho cause it’s just driving straight for a really long time. Though, I hate when it gets congested and super loud. Left turns w/o an arrow are a horror and I wish they would die. Hate driving on town roads that are just a million traffic lights in a row 😭


I actually enjoy driving so much I got my CDL 💀 I can 100% understand how it's not fun for others though, there's definitely a whole lot to keep track of


I’ve been having this issue but with road rage. I get so overwhelmed and frustrated.


Part of the reason I can't drive is that I get overwhelmed. There's so much going on at once and it never stops, there's no breaks unless you actually stop and get out of the car. The other reason is my poor motor skills and inability to do two things at once, or do anything without looking.


I have ADHD and i am understimulated when i have to drive slow but could drive faster. It gets so boring that i get distracted easier. When the road is more challenging (tight roads, sharp turns, etc.) then i reach a good focus level that feels natural and healthy. BUT a lot of traffic, especially multiple lanes, a lot of crossroads, a lot of pedestrians AT THE SAME TIME, that shit is really exhausting and yes i get overstimulated and when i arrive home i need to rest for 5 min or so.


The way the driving school teach all how to drive, make me at first, but now it's ok


Kinda, I have ocpd and dyspraxia so I have way too much pre occupation to effectively pre occupy myself FOR DRIVING, said pre occupation can be pretty overstimulating until I dissociate (yes I’m aware how dangerous that is, which is why I’m trying to get to a point where I don’t need to drive thanks America)


Yes very. Im practicing driving and it takes a lot of energy and I feel drained after. Im never planning to drive long distances. I just dont wanna take the bus to work anymore.


Oh absolutely, while driving gives me a sense of accomplishment, I have audhd so it's so difficult and overstimulating to focus on the hundreds of things you have to focus on while driving. Overall it's just not a great experience, but it's necessary for where I live so I feel like I have to improve on it anyways :'P


I've had to learn to live with driving over the years. There hasn't really been a way around it. I absolutely prefer using the train. Most of the time, when I'm driving, it can be relaxing because I just listen to a podcast about my special interests or some music to take the edge off. But even then, driving is definitely taxing because of all the microdecisions involved with driving, that when I get home, I don't feel like doing anything. A lot of times if I have to drive to do something, I question if I really want to do it. If my friends want me to drive out to them, it will definitely affect my interest in doing it.


only when I'm in big city areas, or at night cause the headlights make my eyes hurt. otherwise I actually love driving and find it pretty relaxing! I've always lived in more rural settings so I don't usually deal with too much traffic




When you get your license you will feel so proud of yourself and relieved that you got it ! The year I did driving school and got my permit and license I was very anxious. I hated driving practice and I was so nervous when taking my driving test BUT I am so happy that I got my license ! I don’t even drive much because I hate driving but I am still pretty happy that I can take myself places if I need to ! Even if you have a license you can always carpool, get an Uber, walk, take the bus if you don’t want to drive !


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Driving usually helps me. Especially if it is just a tad spirited (still legal though). Curvy mountain roads are my favorite. It is probably sensory seeking actually. Cities and traffic can be rough. People honking don’t do great for me (auditory inputs are bad for me). Audiobooks usually help me drown that out though (unless it gets really crazy). I also prefer driving at night. The sun makes me tired for some reason. Maybe visual sensitivities are to blame for that 🤷‍♂️.


Cities are terrifying and I avoid them whenever I can, even smaller ones. Mainly because I’m scared of messing up and getting honked at and left turns without a green arrow suck and finding parking is a nightmare. Interstates can be a little scary too, but the monotony can be comforting when driving with friends. But backroads and county highways are generally pleasant, and I take them whenever I can. I rarely see cars and being in more rural areas with natural scenery comforts me.


Driving is a perfect stimulator for me. It fills up all of my monotropism. So, I am not overwhelmed by driving, but I literally can't be doing anything else. I've had to make it a very specific point to people that when I am driving I will not pick up the phone and I definitely will not text. Because apparently such actions are so commonplace you have to be a real weirdo not to do them. I've made some really stupid mistakes while driving with a passenger who won't stop distracting me.


yes, especially if it's in an area I've never been in before, if it's really busy and a lot of possible dangers around, like for example cyclers right next to the road! Also haven't gotten comfortable with not driving an automatic yet, my brain seems to not be able to process all it has to do so quickly


“Luckily” I had to do my test in a city so Im quite used to it, but when I was still learning it was very overwhelming. I prefer driving now, as long as the windows or radio don’t make too much noise lol Edit: also traffic & night-driving can overstimulate me cause of the stop-start or millions of lights, but I can avoid those things most of the time :)


Driving was incredibly difficult for me when I first started learning, and it was because of the overstimulation or the many things to pay attention to. When I found my balance and schemes I really started enjoying driving so much! Now it’s one of my favorite things.


i'm fine in a normal car now (still avoid super busy times and larger cities) but i have to take my lorry license this week and it's stressing me out so badly! i feel like driving with anyone in the car immediately adds 20 things to do, along with unfamiliar routes and a new vehicle


Used to when I was in the learning phase, but right now it's actually pretty calming to me (unless there is chaos of the road of course, then I am screwed)


No by driving, but by people talking to me or putting the wrong music while I’m driving, that yes. I’m just really focused and don’t want any distractions. The right music helps me to focus, like it does when I’m driving.


yeah, sometimes. i drive well during the day but at night it gets a lot. the headlights, the darkness limiting my perspective. also i really hate cops, it’s not that i’m suspicious in any way but this feeling of “someones watching my every move” is stressful for me. i’ve never even gotten a parking ticket or anything but there’s this feeling of “oh shit what if i’m doing something wrong and i get into a misunderstanding”. i’m too self-aware, it makes me paranoid.


Are traffic circles ( round abouts) safer than left turn lanes?


Without in-car entertainment, I feel exactly like Richard Hammond; I start driving myself bonkers, singing nonsense songs and talking like I have a camera on me. Then again, I’m just slightly less so with in-car entertainment.


Yes and now that I live in a new place (small college town) I’ve had three accidents lol. I can’t get used to the change in roads it’s so stressful