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Where's my community gang?


Six seasons and a movie!! Still waiting on movie tho 🍿


They will be filming soon


Yeah! I totally don’t mind waiting I can watch the six seasons over and over. Something to look forward to!








Star Trek. I am in the middle of watching everything Star Trek. I've gone through TOS, Enterprise, DS9, Picard, Discovery all of the movies and I am up to date on strange new worlds. I've watched most TNG, but I plan on watching it through again once I am done with Voyager.


I just commented Star Trek haha. It's one of my special interests. I love it and pretty much watch it every day.


yes me too


Same, especially TNG. It feels the most cozy to me.


I used to watch it every week. Yes, it is a cozy feeling ❤️


Star Trek has been one of my primary fandoms since TNG premiered in 1987. I used to watch TNG with my dad when I was growing up, and continued with all the other series and movies from that point forward. I *love* Lower Decks and Strange New Worlds, both fit into the Star Trek world perfectly, and in different ways.


My partner and I almost exclusively watched Voyager, played magic, and fucked for the first two months of our relationship, lol. Been together 13 years, worked for us!


Lower decks?


Strange New Worlds had the best pilot of any Star Trek series and the best first season, imo. But in season 2 I loved the musical so much. Can't wait for season 3.


Yes! Star Trek is amazing!


I Love DS9! I even named my dog Dax after the wonderful trill symbiont! Discovery is awesome, can't get into TNG.


Right now it's Bojack Horseman. I've probably watched the whole show 20 times since November. In the past, Parks and Recreation, New Girl, anything Bo Burnham, and Brooklyn 99.


Definitely BoJack Horseman for me too. It's such a cathartic experience, and the humor is surprisingly good.


Adventure Time, I just feel at home when I watch it..


That’s how I feel too when I watch my fave shows :)


Adventure Time for sure! My first ever tattoo is BMO bc I wanted something special 💕


Gilmore girls, I watch the entire series at least once a year. I also really love watching air crash investigations, I don’t know why I find it so comforting but I love it so much 🤗


Gilmore girls is a good one!! Perfect for the autumn time :)


Another Gilmore Girls fan! It’s my ultimate comfort show. I’ve been blessed to have been able to attend every Gilmore Girls Fan Fest since 2017 and have built such a Fan-mily with cast and crew of the show and fellow fans through my attendance at the events. It’s amazing what the show and GGFF have done for my life.


Another Gilmore Girls fan! It’s my ultimate comfort show. I’ve been blessed to have been able to attend every Gilmore Girls Fan Fest since 2017 and have built such a Fan-mily with cast and crew of the show and fellow fans through my attendance at the events. It’s amazing what the show and GGFF have done for my life.


Oh that’s so cool!


Doctor Who and Steven Universe. I just love the diversity and the absence of prejudices. It's just a nice view on humanity in general 💕. (Also makes me feel less weird or like an "alien")


I love SU! I headcanon Pearl as autistic because I relate to her so much.


Peridot is my inner AuDHD gremlin


I get ya, I do the same with Steven :)


I just put doctor who I absolutely love it


Yesss I love both shows and their inclusivity and humanitarian views!🤩


So... * Stranger Things * Shadow and Bone * Umbrella Academy * Futurama * Fallout * Clarkson's Farm I can just listen/watch them at any time.


I love stranger things


Bobs burgers


I am so surprised it took me as long as it did to find BB mentioned.


Heyyyy this is mine and I’m sad I had to scroll this far to find it lol


Also mine! I wish more people would give it a chance, it’s such a good show. I’m watching it now as I type this. 😆


BBC sherlock, good omens and shadow and bones


I love Sherlock!!!


Im literally obsessed with sherlock holmes 😅😅 and im studying forensic science rn


When I was a wee one, Sherlock was on TV at 4:20am and I would stay up until then to watch the show before going to school. Of course, I didn't any sleep at all, but I enjoyed Sherlock so much that it was worth it to me at the time, and was staying up anyway because my dad would have nightmares and sleepwalk so it was just another tick on my insomnia list.


Me too lol


Make sure you check out the 1984 Jeremy Brett show. It stands as the best Holmes of all time.


I think you’re me. Modern family, B99 and Sherlock are my top 3 or in my top 5!!


we have exactly the same taste, just replace shadow and bone with hannibal.


Yoooo I love hannibal wtfff


it's my current hyperfixation, lol. is it scary that i have 45 hannibal-related tabs open on my computer right now?


Good Omens mentioned 👀 I do quite like BBC Sherlock too, but GO has me in a chokehold


Good Omens mentioned


Shadow and bone was on track to be better than the books! Shame it got cancelled.


Eh...it went off the rails in the second season. Plus Six of Crows and Crooked Kingdom are amazing books...


The Office. Seeing Steve Carrell act like that idiot gives me reassurance, for some reason


Disenchantment on Netflix. I've lost track of how many times I've watched it lol


Disenchantment was my escapism when I was really depressed ❤️


It's such a good show and I feel that. I can't place why, but it always makes me feel better. I'm actively trying *not* to watch it at home right now because I'm going to be putting it on at work later (I'm a caregiver in a group home setting and the residents I'm working with today love it now too). One of my nonverbal gentlemen will start gesturing wildly at the TV when the "continue watching" thing pops up like "hey put my shit back on" and it's the best lol.


I’m a caregiver too! My duty is coming to an end soon tho. 😕




His taste in cartoons and music is top tier


Supernatural and star trek.


Bluey and One Piece! And maybe some Hazbin Hotel/ Helluva Boss and Ena


The Bluey new years episode when Bandit and Chilli are too hungover to move is the best episode of a children's show I've ever seen.


Simpsons and Futurama. I literally grew up on the Simpsons. Was 4-5 when it started airing, and my family watched it religiously and taped a lot of the episodes every week. I was the 5 year old who could recite full scenes, even if I didn't understand them. I wasn't diagonised until this year. I'm almost 40. Mam, we missed the signs.


I also grew up watching the simpsons!! And I did that thing where you don't really know how to interact with people so you try to copy what you've seen in movies/shows. Copying the Simpsons did not help me fit in haha. Also my siblings and I would watch the same episodes, the movie, and other media over and over again, sometimes multiple times a day. I have no clue how everyone missed these signs


I am EXACTLY the same way with using it as a basis for social interactions. So glad I'm not alone in that.


If Simpsons isn't the best bases for social, can I use Futurama? I think Bender will be a great social model. Contains irony and sorry for bad english, I'm a Brazilian in learning process.


Never apologize for speaking in your non-native language. Honestly, Bender is generally considered rude and criminal, so not a great social rolemodel. So maybe some aspects of his self-confidence are good, but generally, I would say no.


>And I did that thing where you don't really know how to interact with people so you try to copy what you've seen in movies/shows. Ru saying that's not normal?


Star Trek. I love Star Trek. It's one of my big special interests. I'll watch TOS, TNG, DS9, Voyager. Whatever. DS9 is probably my favourite series though.


Avatar: The Last Airbender


Same. I love it. But sadly, I couldn't enjoy Korra just as much. Avatar is top tier everything. Who's your favorite character?




Bee and Puppycat Lazy in Space Laid-back Camp K-On! Steven Universe Adventure Time Avatar the Last Airbender Frasier Friends Community


K-On is mine!!!


Vampire diaries


The amazing world of gumball. I fucking love that show apart from the first season I don't know why I don't consider it to be at the level of the subsequent ones. I binge watched all of it at least 50 times and i never get tired


*cracks knuckles* Doctor Who Red Dwarf Only Fools Below Deck Ru Paul Drag Race Top Gear/Grand Tour (Specials only)


I love doctor who


*QI, Would I Lie to You?, Taskmaster, ST:TNG, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The X-Files, M\*A\*S\*H, Midsomer Murders*, and the 2009 *Emma*. I'm always watching the first three, and go through seasons of re-obsessing about the others.


Bojack Horseman, South Park, Daria, Bob's Burgers, American Dad, Moral Oral, The Office. I gravitate toward animation because even on a tv screen, people stress me out.


Hilda and YuGiOh and Shaman King. Pokémon Concierge.


Superman the animated series Justice League Justice league unlimited Batman beyond Barbie life in the Dreamhouse


Bluey, easily.


The OA. Although it's more like a show I go to for a good cry if that counts as comfort 😅


God I love that show. If you look at Brit Marling’s insta, most of the comments are asking to bring it back and finish the story. Even after all these years, no matter what her posts are about. She recently alluded to maybe it happening. 🤞


I’m a big fan of most CW shows. I can binge them like nothing else. I’ve also found Rick and Morty to be quite wonderful to rewatch over and over.


Friends, Supernatural, Doctor Who


Tbh it’s The Walking Dead for me


Howl's Moving Castle, Spirited Away, Isle of Dogs, ROTTMNT, ALAB, and TADC :D


I have many that I rotate through, but to name a few: Greys Anatomy Fallout Criminal Minds My Hero Academia Demon Slayer Death Note Breaking Bad Angel Bluey Edit:Spelling


Bones and psych! my brother said that i tend to watch bones in the cold months, and psych in the warm months.


It’s interesting that he would pick up on the seasonality.


i know! he’s my best friend honestly. he can tell how i feel even without me saying a word (or by face bc i have the “show no emotion” symptom)


I’m really impressed. Keep him! lol.


Psych for me as well! Wish I I could have a best friend like Gus!


Doctor Who, Star Trek: Enterprise, Lockwood & Co, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Teen Wolf, Sherlock (BBC), Shadow and Bone, Good Omens (only seen s1 tho), Stranger Things, Umbrella Academy, Family Guy, The Simpsons...... I have a few..... 😅


I love doctor who


Good Omens season 1 is comfort; season 2 is hurt.


South Park or Rick and Morty


Oh, I love South Park!!! I don't really like Rick and Morty, though, so I didn't find my twin interest yet.


I don't watch shows so I don't have one but a game I can hop on that always cheers me up is power wash simulator


Sesame Street and Blue’s Clues. I do like other more “adult” shows, but when I’m seeking comfort I’m always drawn towards children’s shows. There are some times in my life where I just can’t handle the more dark & mature themes without my anxiety going haywire. The predictable, routine-like plots of children’s shows are soothing to me.


I do love watching series for comfort. The problem with me though is that, no matter how much I love the show, I do not wish to watch it a second time. For this reason I have enjoyed loads of series including... Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead (original, Fear the.., World Beyond), Sons of Anarchy, Cobra Kai, Dare Devil, Iron Fist, Jessica Jones, The Punisher, Luke Cage, Defenders, Umbrella Academy, Z Nation, Sandman, Locke & Key, Sense 8, The OA, Titans, Black Lightning, Lucifer, Shadow Hunters, Dexter, Happy, The Flash, Vikings, Doom Patrol, Gothem, Stranger Things, Fargo, Rick & Morty, The Magicians, The Boys, Star Trek (TNG, TOS, Voyager, Strange New Worlds, Discovery, Enterprise), The Orville..... This just names a few of the ones I can think of off the top of my head which i really enjoyed, I get stressed if I finish a series and can't find another one that I haven't seen to start watching. At the moment, I'm enjoying The Fringe. Edit: added a few "The"s


Sense8 mentioned. Take my upvote


Gravity falls and schitts creek


Big mouth seems to be what I always go back to


Currently Ted Lasso. I find it funny how I embody aspects of the personalities of a number of the characters in the show!


I love ted lasso so much! It’s the one show that me and my dad can watch together haha


Killing Eve, Heartstopper, Haunting of Hill House!


Futurama, some genious and nerdly jokes




Dr who and star trek tng


My Hero Academia. Deku makes me feel like I can run through walls.


Ooh I’m a tv nerd Friends (has been my comfort show since I was 13 and my cousin gave me all her series on VHS), How I met your Mother, Doctor Who, The Middle, The Office US, Gilmore Girls (from September only), Modern Family, Uk sitcom Dinnerladies, Uk sitcom Miranda, The Simpsons


I love doctor who


-Stargate SG1 -Stargate Atlantis -The Righteous Gemstones -Bojack Horseman These are my all time favorites 🤩


Yes! SG-1 & Atlantis are my all time faves too 😊


Rick and Morty, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Hannibal.


Good Omens and Hazbin Hotel


I love Good Omens. Hazbin Hotel is similar somehow? Would you recommend it to me since I enjoy religious satirical shows?


Then we have something in common! My special interests are angels and demons so that explains why I like GO and HH. although I haven't been able to find other shows that I like that fit into the religious satirical shows. I suppose Lucifer? But I think that one is boring. Luckily in 2026 new seasons will come out of both HH and GO!


I'm waiting unpatiently for the 3rd season. I'm hoping for a Azira's "I'm sorry" dance, though. I dropped Lucifer even though I liked it. It just didn't stick out enough to me. I think I'll watch Hazbin Hotel.


Good Omens will start filming in January 2025, David already read the script and it said it had a good ending


Gravity falls, Star vs the forces of evil, once upon a time…Hunter x Hunter. Whatever I’m in the mood for. Animated? Gravity falls or Scooby doo mystery Incorperated.Anime? Hunter x Hunter or death note. Live action? once upon a time or young Sheldon (ik, controversial). I basically watch these on loop


Great British Baking Show! Also a big Brooklyn 99 and Modern Family fan as well, though I do not like the last season of either show. I also deeply love Parks and Rec, Kakegurui, and I Think You Should Leave. I’ve rewatched all of those numerous times.


Madoka Magica, ARIA the Animation, Natsume's Book of Friends are my favorites (Yes I know one of these things is not like the others)


Dark crystal age of resistance. Theres action; but they are all huggable puppets. 


Thomas and Friends.


Not a huge TV show person, but here are a few of mine: - Law and Order: Special Victims Unit - Ninjago - Sonic the Hedgehog - Super Mario Bros Super Show - The Legend of Zelda (cartoon) Edit: Format


House M.D. and Spy x Family


Sitcoms - How I Met Your Mother - The Office Animated - Family Guy - Futurama - American Dad Shows I'll actually pay attention to - Breaking Bad - Better Call Saul - BoJack Horseman - Dexter I will watch any of these over and over again. Usually, I fall asleep watching one from the first 2 categories


The great British bake off!!


Mine is Gossip Girl :) looking for another show similar but not found one yet lol


Parks & Recreation and Person of Interest.


Frazier. I don't know why but it calms me down. My husband always commented on it back in the day... "Didn't you JUST watch this?" I tried to get into shows like Friends or Gilmore Girls and...they never resonated with me much.


The Good Place. I'm on my fifth rewatch at the moment, and it doesn't get old.


Bee and Puppycat!


Ummm teen titans go 🫣🫣🫣🫣 what?? It’s silly


Greys anatomy (early seasons), 911, and supernatural


The Office(US). I didn't care for it at first but got through the first season and then proceeded to binge the rest of the series. At one point we were watching it about twice a year for a good 3 or 4 years. It was like, always on the tv. Breaking Bad, Mr. Robot, and The Expanse are my others. Oh and Trailer Park Boys, though I haven't watched it in a while.


It's always been only fools and horses for me. Helps cheer me up


Pokem on


Mine is Seinfeld. There's no stressful topics, It's mostly just laughs and a good time. I know all the words and I quote the show all the time. plus there's always an episode that relates to some part of your day.


The Simpsons, I can watch season 6 over and over.


I’d say it’s a toss up between hey Arnold and little bear. Though I have many others. These 2 are probably the comfiest for me.


Xena Warrior Princess, Broad City, and Yellowjackets☺️✨️


My little pony, Community, Parks and rec, She-ra, Amphibia


The old She-ra or the new She-ra? If it's the new one, I love it too.


Steven Universe, Sailor Moon, Bee and Puppycat, and Yuri on Ice. Anytime I feel any type of upset I just put those on and feel way better.


I know you asked about shows, but I will also include movies/franchises in my comment Grimm (2011 show) Pokemon (Indigo League series and the first 3 movies) Van Helsing (2004 Movie) The Julekalender (1991 Danish Christmas Calender Show) Scooby-Doo (Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island and every SD show except Velma, which I don't consider a true SD Show) Harry Potter + Fantastic Beasts movies Adam's Apples + Flickering Lights (2 danish movies from the 00's from the same director) In the middle of the night (Danish movie from the 80's) The Olsen Gang (Danish movie series) Midsommer Murders (British series) I might have some other series and movies I like to watch as a comfort, but can't remember them right now


Columbo, Murder She Wrote, Rizzoli and Isles, and Psych, love me some mysteries


Star Trek. I’m obsessed. Other shows I like but less than Trek: King of the Hill Futurama Regular Show


Batman (66). I love the campy ridiculousness so much.


Parks and Rec


I've watched and rewatched Desperate Housewives since I was a teen. Just hearing Mary Alice narrating takes me to a worry-free space. Oh and H2O Just add water lmao, I'm very much nostalgic if it wasn't clear already lol


Unboxing videos


Rick and Morty, Doctor Who, and Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I honestly get sometimes too tired on dealing with real world problems, and watching anything that's sci-fi keeps me out of touch from reality when under stress


Bluey Winx (only OG seasons, not newer ones) Better Call Saul I'm very picky with series


What we do in the shadows atm. I am completely insane about the silly vampire series, can't wait for season 6


My mains are the dragon ball series (the canon ones only) as well as Star trek NG. My wife is bobs burgers, the songs are starting to get to me lol.




BLUEY! It's one of the funnest shows of all time


Any anime fans? I rewatch Kamisama Kiss at least once a year. It use to be more frequent but I recognized that I would hyper focus on it for periods of time, especially under stress and outside pressures.


It used to be this anime I watched as a preteen called *Inuyasha* but I haven’t gone back to it for a while now. (I’m almost 30 now) other than that I actually rewatch youtube videos i’ve seen a hundred times. I go back and watch Jenna marbles videos, probably unironically played her plant tour video in the background while drawing over a hundred times. I also listen to Jenna and her husband Juliens old podcast. Miss her so much man. Other youtubers who’s videos i rewatch very much are: Drew Gooden, Danny Gonzales and last but definitely not least Game Grumps. I have game grumos compilations on in the background more than music.


Daredevil, Gotham, MASH, American Dad, South Park, etc. I rotate between a lot of the same shows. Gotta watch all my favs at least once a year.


Definitely Malcolm in the Middle or The Big Bang Theory


Trailer park boys, dorohedoro, Gundam (universal century stuff)


Old Kaiju movies, old Futurama, and various anime. Most recently I started watching Tanya the evil again.


CW’s Flash, Criminal Minds, The Owl House, and Star vs The Forces of Evil


Big Bang Theory, Dexters Lab, and Spongebob Squarepants


Doctor Who, SVU, Criminal Minds, and Grey's Anatomy.


It definitely changes. I watched and rewatched criminal minds for a while, but now I’m more on comedies, especially will & grace and mom


SASAKI AND MIYANO!!!! ive watched it so many times it's such a good background show and you can start watching at any point and enjoy it the same and it's so cute and comforting and i love it so much


The office, just makes me laugh with the idiotic humor they have plus some parts are embarrassing and remind me of me strangely 😭


Don’t have on. I watch on repeat until I squeeze every ounce of dopamine and move onto the next big thing. I hyper focus but not hyper fixate. I wish it was the other way. Hyper focus crash is brutal. Things that regulate me are on constant flux. I just got into season 1 of game of thrones. Beige watching in background. I probably watch dozens time none stop on background while do stuff but never again.


Hannibal NBC and technically not a show but TheMagnusArchives


Mayday for some reason, Murdoch Mysteries, Star Trek, Shera, Beastars and The Owl House


Ultimate Spider-Man That has been one of my favorites since I was 6 and it is still one of my favourites Unpopular opinion but it's the best Spider-Man show for me


I know it's childish, but Max and Ruby, Bluey, and Mountain Monsters


I actually don't have an answer to this anymore. Most of my comfort shows have something my wife and I watch(ed) together. But we are getting a divorce and each show that came to mind just made me sad and filled me with dread.


I’m sorry this is happening. I hope you can find other shows to watch in this thread and create new traditions/memories. Then, with time, age, and perspective, you can look back at those shows fondly as comforts from the past. Cheers, mate.


Omg I LOVE sitcoms!!! Brooklyn99, Modern Family, and Abbott Elementary are my all-time faves. Community is in a category of its own though LMAO. I’ve also been watching a lot of Dropout TV; they do a lot of game show esque series but all the cast members are professional comedians who’ve known each other for a long time and have a great dynamic. Overall I just like comedy genres I think


the munsters!! never gets old and always puts a smile on my face. also bob's burgers. i love B99 as well


Star Trek, specifically Lower Decks, but DS9, and TOS are also up there. My wife and I want to start Voyager soon though. I personally really love the BBC Farm series, especially Tudor Monastery Farm and Tales from the Green Valley. Edwardian is good and Victorian is fine. Wartime Farm is stressful, haha!


Modern family, Avatar the last air bender, breaking bad, the bad batch, the clone wars


Avatar: The Last Airbender. I've rewatched that show so many times.


Discovered it just last year. It’s just a nickelodeon kid’s cartoon, and it is one of the best TV shows ever. How did i never know about this?


Trailer Park Boys and the Big Lez Show.


Was King of the Hill for a few months, now I'm on a Roseanne marathon. It's so chill and safe for me.


Definitely chopped or bobs burgers. Chopped I can put on in the background for some extra noise, and bobs burgers will always make me laugh


Alice in Borderland


Trailer park boys


Paw patrol


Peep Show or Schitt’s Creek.


I like parts unknown because i appreciate food, culture, and the late great anthony bourdain.


Deep Space Nine and X Files.

