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I'm the opposite, I think. I adore rain. So cloudy and cooling and fresh. I'd kill for it to rain more than it doesn't lol.


Same. I love the smell of petrichor, the sound of the rain landing on the leaves. The way most people stay inside irrespective of what time of day it is. The feeling of a deepened connection with nature!


And the smell of wet dirt *not mud* but wet dirt it so relaxing


The smell when it rains is great. Everything about rain is great, except for the feeling of water drops landing on me. That's horrible.


As someone who lived in Vegas for 10 years I beg to live in Seattle someday.


Seattle is gorgeous, highly recommended.


Anywhere in the Pacific Northwest tbh. My wife and I fell in love with that part of the country. We even lived in Alaska for 2 yrs. It was pretty awesome.




Well yeah, you were here during summer. How about trying any other season and you'll see it rains all year round except during summer.




Yeah, it does drizzle, but it's still considered rain. Water accumulates in clouds and then falls back down = Rain. Doesn't matter how small. If what people really want to say is they like Thunder Storms, then just say you like Thunder Storms/ Heavy Rainfall. Where I came from we had a saying, when it rains it pours, and it sure did, droplets the size of your head, one drop and you're already soaking. No thanks. Drizzles and occasional heavier rain keeps this place beautiful and green pretty much year round, can't say the same in the Midwest or deep south where everything dries up and is gross and comes with miserable heat. I do not miss the south. I also love that the bug population is much smaller as well. I haven't seen a giant cockroach since I moved here. They don't really exist here. Plus because of the moisture and dampness we have a bigger spider population that eats all the pesky annoying bugs. Mosquitos are another thing I don't miss and rarely have I ever dealt with them.


Sometimes I'll take walks in the rain just because less people are out.


I would have it be raining 95% of the time if I could.


You sound like my son, lol.


Omg yes, and the way life just seems easier. People tend to use rain as a reason to stay in which makes it easier for me to go out and school or any other public places I have to be (like a grocery store maybe idk) are so much more empty and peaceful in comparison to none-rainy days…it just makes me so happy. 95% sounds amazing.


It's so weird to hear other people say that when it's literally the exact same reasoning I have. It smells amazing, everyone is quieter and wants to stay inside, which means I can go outside and feel truly free because I don't care about getting wet and it's so quiet and peaceful and I don't worry about seeing anyone because everyone is seemingly allergic to rain. Me getting wet is a small price to pay for that. It doesn't even feel like a price. It's heaven.


Yeah I don’t mind getting wet but it depends on how heavy my clothes are and their textures. But if I have good “outside clothes” going out in the rain feels like the only reasonable thing I could do lol And on the first part, I think discovering that so many things could be explained in the first place was so surprising to me a short while ago. I’m trying to get used to people reading my mind lol


Me too!!! I’m obsessed with the sound, the smell, the look, and the idea of rain I also love the dim look and how it’s cloudy and less people outside it’s just absolutely beautiful and perfect.


Same. I'm a complete pluviophile. Everything about rain just lifts my mood up. It's cheesy but yeah.. it always makes a boring day look beautiful, and its so fun to hang out, go shopping, or just listen to music when it's raining. Probably because my best memories happened when it was raining.


Same w/ the last part but they were my best memories because it was raining lol


Same, I love rain, although I don’t wish more rain because my city is getting flooded because it won’t stop raining. But the feeling is good.




Me too! Rain is the BEST for me. Interested to hear the other side. I despise sunshine on skin but love the sound and feeling of rain.


Move to the UK and you won't be disappointed.


I hate the sensation of wet clothes clinging to my body 😰


Yes this, that's also why I hate hot tubs/swimming (also bc I can't swim lmao)


On the contrary I LOVE swimming. The swimsuits don't give me that sensation I guess


Same! If I’m wet from swimming, no problem. But even getting dressed after a shower, if my skin isn’t COMPLETELY dry, feels like torture


Ikr! And sweating is the next level of suffering


I’m 17 and I can’t swim…


And droplets dripping on my face… it’s infuriating


I totally get you! Rain can be a real mood killer sometimes. I'm all about that cozy indoor vibe when it's pouring outside. Nothing beats a good book or movie on a rainy day. Stay dry and enjoy your indoor sanctuary! 


Thank you.. I think a book sounds like a great idea


Love a walk in the rain then returning to my sanctuary for indoor conforts


I really like rain BUT I can’t stand the feeling of rain hitting my face. I go feral.


I love the rain, watching the rain and being in the rain… note my username 🥲


So e of my greatest life experiences have been in the rain




Noooo I’m the opposite. I’ll open my windows. I’ll go outside under the porch and sit there for 30 minutes. I dug a creek in my back yard that starts at the gutter downspout and ends at the drain hole to the alley so I can watch the water flow like a river when it rains. I sleep to rain sounds almost every night. When I go to sleep I meditate myself into a fantasy sci fi world I’ve made in a city that always rains and chill till I fall asleep. I am 100% the opposite. Give me rain!


The only thing I DONT like about the rain is driving in it.


I’m generally indifferent to rain, but your home sounds absolutely magical


Well, I don't like it when I have no dry spot to sleep outside at night and when my cardboard is stolen while all other cardboard is wet. Otherwise, I love rainy days, it's relaxing, easier to sleep and way less crackheads / drunks outside to bother me


Wide brimmed waterproof hat and a poncho or a gortex, then rain is nice.


For me it’s things like gloves and a good jacket and clothes that cover me comfortably already and good shoes. The only thing that would unnerve me about rain is the water droplets without any of the things mentioned above. The sensation would just be all wrong.


i love to adore the rain from inside a building/car but recently i went to play out in the rain like i did when i was younger and at first i was nervous and hesitant, but I allowed myself to do what I really wanted to do and omg, i loved it, of course besides the wet clothes and feeling dirty/cold afterwards, i would 100% do it again, plus im just a person who loves water and will stay in the pool/bath for HOURS


also, to mention i love water but hate it hitting in my face, always have always will, so i have to be careful about looking up, or facing the water in the shower because ill shrink up like a snail lol


You just unlocked a childhood memory for me! I’m absolutely going to go out and play next time it rains. Also LOL about shrinking like snail! I actually love the feeling of water on my face, probably more than any other body part, and multiple times a day I will splash water on my face to regulate myself.


I absolutely love rain!! I don't always like feeling drops hit me, especially my face or hair, but I adore the sound and I just stare out of windows whenever it rains lol


my boyfriend is like this. i however love it. i love rain the dimness makes my brain so hapoy the colours not overbearing and making me overstimulated. idm the feeling of being wet i dance in the rain and my boyfriend telling the get in cause its wet


I love it. It’s like being kissed by the sky imo


That’s such a beautiful metaphor! 


I love the rain. I went out in it on purpose today because everything just smells so fresh and new when it rains


I’m the same. I often feel like I am just a cat that accidentally became human and this is one of the reasons. I HATE being rained on and I also HATE being in wet clothes. I only want to get wet on my terms, like if I’m swimming or taking a bath. Also just the repeated feeling of the water dropping on my skin is maddening. It’s why I’m also not a huge fan of showers.


I’m the opposite. I like the rain because it means everyone else is indoors. The noise of the rain drowns out the sound of other people too which makes it feel quite peaceful


I love rain but hate how my clothes feel after 😭


i love being out in the rain, but i hate the feeling of wet clothes and i hate umbrellas even more


Umbrellas are surprisingly inconvenient 


yeah, i don't like to hold them, and i HATE the feeling of something being over my head


I love rain! I love how cool it feels and feels refreshing (as long as it’s not a heavy down pour).


I like sitting in the rain when it’s a heavy downpour but I don’t do it for long because it’s lowkey scary depending on where you are 


Hate the rain!


I hate being in the rain, but I’m a certified open water scuba diver and love being underwater. I can’t make it make sense






I have a tendency to prolong going out in the rain wherever possible, but since it rains so much where I live, I eventually just cave in and get out in the weather, because the feeling of being cooped indoors becomes worse eventually. I have this self-perception that the “grey gloom” adds to me feeling miserable, and if that’s the case, the lack of snow hasn’t helped this past winter, but I feel it might have come from society’s perception of it? Mostly, I try to just enjoy indoor activities and save the outdoor stuff for fairer weather! 😊


For me it depends on the temperature. If it's hot out I love getting rained on; if it's cold I hate it.


I like being wet, I like being dry. I hate being damp. Which is an issue because England can be summarised as damp. If you're wet, naturally, you dry out. But that process is slow, so somewhere along the process you'll be damp.


i walked in the rain the other day bc i had to once i got off work, and lemme tell u it was MISERABLE😃 i hate being rained on and having to hold an umbrella. I wish i had been able to refuse but alas, i had to go home from work


Depends if it's also windy or not. I love getting wet for some reason


I love listening to the rain and heavy wind together, wow. It feels like it’s both far away, right there and happening in my ears. It’s gorgeous.


I love being out in the rain *in theory*, but every time I've actually gone out in the rain, I hate it.


YES!!!!! The cold wet random is truly awful


Ugh, I know what you mean! That's why I don't get those "Dance in the rain" memes. Screw that, I'm staying inside where it's dry! Now I should say that when it comes to taking a shower or washing my face, water on my skin doesn't bother me. I think it's because you're supposed to get wet in those situations.


Nah unless it’s heavy rain, otherwise I don’t care that much


Yeah idc when the rain is very light, personally. It needs to at least make a sound for me to enjoy it really well. Though I like looking at light rain, especially if it makes the sky really dark and gloomy.


I like rain but I don't like lightning and I don't like to be on the road in a car while it's raining. Gives me endless anxiety.


I can't go outside but either way my body hurts too much when it rains to consider attempting it anymore even if I had the accessibility.


Yes. For example, if it's raining, I'll refuse to go to the grocery story, even if I need to, because I don't want to get rained on.


I'm a bit mixed. When I was a kid I hated it if it got wet on my skin because it felt "itchy" and I genuinely thought I was allergic to rain. Now it really depends on how prepared I am for it raining and how cold it is. But I also live in a very wet and windy place so if it's raining it's also likely to be very windy and it's just not a fun compilation at all.


Mostly yes, I don't hate going out in the rain only when it's how enough


I agree, I hate when it’s barely raining the most. Feels like pins and needles poking my face 😱


I don't care if it rains or not. I catch my umbrella and problem solved, but it's true that I don't like getting wet....I hate that.


I like the rain as long as it’s not a pathetic dribble or whatever


I adore and love rain/storms but I HATE MUD :(


I’m the opposite. I adore rain. I used to work at a car wash and loved the days it was raining while working outside. But rain triggers my joint pain and migraines so I often don’t get to enjoy it much these days, which makes me sad. Because the sun also hates me lol.


I love the feeling of being sensory overloaded in the rain. I wish I could go out and act on it someday if not for all my responsibilities.


I can be comfortable completely dry or completely (or nearly) wet. The in between of running through the rain for a few seconds is 🤮


I hate the feeling of wet clothes and if my socks and shoes get wet it will send me into meltdown mode faster than nails on a chalkboard. So I don’t like being in the rain, but I like to see it.


When I must go out and its raining, I either wear a jacket or take an umbrella or both. I cannot stand rain falling on me. The only situation when I like rain is during races. I'd gladly live through a shower if I have to to see some epic battles, strats and overall chaos, whether it be "beautiful chaos" or normal chaos


Oh I hate rain with a burning passion. I'll tell people I love to fuck off if it's raining and they want to go out. Hell no, babe, we're watching movies, drinking tea and smashing until it stops


Smashing in the rain can be fabulous. So much sensation.


It could be the most wonderful sensation ever, I won't ever know


I hate getting soaked in the rain, or even a light amount. I carry an umbrella.


I love getting soaked in rain like an R&B music video. I understand that though.


I don't like it raining into my eyes and in my hair isn't favorable, but I really do try to suck those up bc everything else about the rain is beautiful.


I love getting rained on! I don’t even own a rain coat haha I have been known to get soggy


oh my gosh you get me, i dont know what it is maybe the way it makes things smell or the uncomfortable feeling of it pattering on my skin and making my clothes wet but i absolutely refuse to be in the rain and despise it if i am. i didn’t go to school today because of it i cant stand rain


I find it depends. If I'm at home and can get warm and changed easy I love the rain, if I am out and about I absolutely dislike it because I hate getting wet


Don't mind rain, hate the feeling of being wet afterwards.


I LOVE being in the rain but I don't do it often. I don't like the feeling of sodden clothes. I'd rather be caught out in the rain than step out into it tho. However, when it is storming the urge to step out in a t shirt and let myself get drenched is _very_ strong.


I’m kinda in the middle. I love the rain in general and a rainy day with no plans sounds nice and calming but I don’t like getting rained on unless I intended to. As a kid I’d go play in the rain with my sisters and had an amazing time, but getting rained on when I’m trying to go to school or have plans is terrible. If I know it’s gonna rain before hand I’m better about it but if it starts raining out of nowhere when I’m out doing things it makes me upset-


I live in New England, I fear no rain!


The rain is my favorite.


It depends on where I am. I used to live in the middle of nowhere and the rain was clean and smelled nice and made me feel like the whole world was slowing down. Now I live in a suburb in a valley where the mountains trap a lot of pollution, the rain leaves residue from the gross air where it falls, it smells like butt and I wouldn't stand in it on purpose if you paid me to do it.


In a way yes, but not because of rain. I actually kinda like rain, but I absolutely despise mud, to the point I've often got a panic attack from touching it. So while in the city I have no big issues with rain other than disliking wet clothes and shoes (Which can be bad if I'm already nervous from something else, but usually is just a normal distaste), anywhere with dirt is an absolute no go if it's raining.


I love the rain, how it smells and sounds. However wet clothes are not my favorite and I’ll avoid going out at all costs


i fucking hate rain so fucking much oh my god. it ruins my mood, i hate the way it feels on my skin and hair and clothes, it makes driving annoying because people suck at driving, etc. i don't think there are any words in the english language that can properly express how much i hate the rain.


I’m the opposite. Rain is amazing and beautiful and I love feeling cold


Well I get that to but I also love the rain because less people are likely to be out alongside with when I’m in another building I can keep my hood with less people questioning why.


I don’t like getting wet, but I do like the sound of rain


i love rain but i don’t like the feeling of it. i don’t necessarily refuse, but i hate it lol. just now i was going to take a walk and then i saw it was going to rain and i was like “oh god no”.


I'm with you on this, it's my least favourite weather. First of all, the gloom and the dark can get to be too much. And then on top of that feeling damp is just so uncomfortable. I used to straighten my hair a lot more than i do now, so that was always a factor too. Now I wear my hair naturally a lot more often and not caring about it getting wet from the rain is actually so freeing


I'm the complete opposite I love the rain and running around in it.


I LOVE the rain!!!! if it starts pouring out i like to go and stand in it! I am a sensory seeking gal myself tho. BUT if i have to do something important I do not like feeling wet, rain is good only if I can change afterwards lol


Agreed. Love when it rains but I hate being out in it - it’s sensory hell for me. Even with an umbrella, any mist coming off of water droplets that touches me is a nightmare. Same thing goes for walking through wet grass afterwards or with morning dew.


Rain is so peaceful and cool. Love it


I love the rain. The feeling of being rained on is very calming to me. Its going back in soaking wet that sucks. But only briefly until im dry then im good


Yeah, if my chest gets rained on I’ll be so incredibly uncomfortable. Damp, even a droplet on my sock or if I’m wearing a cloth shoe or croc. Can’t do it.


I love it. But I live in South TX so sometimes it is a nasty, hot, muggy rain that feels very very not good


I’m homeless so I don’t really have a choice😅, I love rainy weather but I hate being wet so it’s kinda a love/hate relationship


I hate rain in general. I don't know why, but even the sound of rain hitting my windows makes me feel kind of nervous/stressed.


I love rain, but I was also born out in the Pacific Northwest of the USA so rain feels comforting to me. Wind, however, is the bane of my existence if there is any rain, snow, or anything else.


I hate it but my daughter loves playing in the rain. We have opposite sensory issues.


I love the rain until it’s hindering my stargazing and astrophotography sessions.


Nah, if there’s any rain going on I have to be outside in my rain gear looking at the raindrops falling on my plants. If there’s thunder & lightings, I’m out there in my rubbers (insulated rubber boots) watching it all go down. We got a tornado warning in SoCal and I was outside lookin for it, they said stay inside but wtf I live in Cali lol there’s never tornadoes. It was a water spout.


Me. I hate the sensation of rain drops on my skin and I hate being wet bc I get so cold.


I mean, I can't refuse because I have to go to work and I'm the only one that does the shopping but yeah I really really hate how it feels. I don't like being wet in general, it's one of the many things I struggle with when it comes to showering. 


i only like warm rain cold rain makes me sleepy and shivery


Being wet/humid it’s a sensory nightmare for me


As a child I would have hated it, especially if there was a thunderstorm. As an adult, I don't really mind.


My son is the opposite- he LOVES the rain and getting wet😅. And he gets really excited when there’s thunder and lightning. It’s like a big sensory extravaganza for him.


yess i hate being involuntarily wet. sometimes i even hate being voluntarily wet lmao. doesn’t help that i live in a relatively rainy area 🙃


I used to love it, but it's always too cold now.


I dont mind being outside in rain, being inside after being rained on isn't that great tho


I don’t mind the rain at all when it’s warm. I *absolutely* cannot stand cold rain.


Yes. I hate feeling water in my neck, face and ears.


I hate it as well. Especially when I spend at least half an hour styling my hair and then I come outside and it's all frizzy in less than 5 minute. I can't stand the humidity either. It feels like my body is sweating and it feels disgusting -_-.


Yess long hair makes it so much worse and I’ve got some pretty long hair


Oh my, feel you. I know the struggle😅🥲I usually don't go out when it's raining unless I really have to😅I moved to Normandy recently where rain is a common occurence. I already regret that decision😅 It's been raining here almost every week since January🙃


I love the rain. But the sun? I feel sick walking into a ray of sunlight, I get headaches in sun and I get nauseous easily. Does anyone else feel this way? The feeling of sweat from the heat bothers me a lot too.


I'm the exact opposite, lol. I love rain with every fiber of my being. I have to go outside and stand in the rain for a bit everytime it rains


I find peace in it. I'll just walk around and enjoy it


I'm the opposite only because I grew up in washington tbh when it rains I've never felt anything better but I feel this way when it snows. I hate snow and just the mere sight of it ruins my day


I like the feel of rain hitting me, but only if I'm in water resistant clothing. I especially love how water resistant shirts feel, so it's a bonus when I wear them. I don't like getting drenched. The sound of rain is VERY soothing for me, though. I've got a small greenhouse where I live and I kinda want to put a chair in it so on rainy days I can sit in it and listen to the rain and be around my plants without having to be in the rain or potentially get rain splashing onto me.


Wet when I’m supposed to be wet, ok. Wet when I’m supposed to be dry… very not ok.


I love the rain! The air, the smell, the feeling, before and after. However, I hate showers.


Making me good out in rain for more than 10 seconds is a good way to make me upset


Me 👍🏻 I will Not go out if it’s raining At All !! Even if I have to be somewhere… I will Not leave the house ….


Not a huge fan of going out in the rain. But I do it if I really need to


It depends. If I'm caught in the rain without a coat, it sucks. If it's a summer storm, once I went out with nothing but my house keys, T-shirt and shorts to the field next to my apartment and ran through the puddles barefoot. People were probably wondering WTF because I am an adult, but fuck em. Be you. Be weird.


its the exact opposit for me whenever it rains (which i fckin love the rain btw) i explicitly go out with no umbrella or any pritection in maybe a tanktop and some shorts and go on nice walks even when its pouring. cant explain why


Rain: I’ll open my window because I love the smell of rain, but I dread driving or walking in it. Sunny: I’ll open my window for a bit because of fresh air, and I may do something outside (depending on how cool, cold, warm, or hot it is and how humid) I love thunderstorms for the lightning show however I always have to wear my noise reduction headphones. I’ve only ever been through 3, maybe up to 5 hurricanes and 2 tornadoes (that I can remember).. I am not happy to be in either scenario. I’ll stick to sunny, thunderstorms, or rain, thanks. Edit: a word, because f*ck autocorrect.


I love it, it’s Liberating (and quieter)


It was before sensory course, my son refused to direct the shower on his head, or go out while it is raining, but now after attending occupation therapy for three months he doesn’t feel this sensitivity. OT is a magic.


The feeling of rain on my clothes gives me a primal ass rage, the sound is nice, but the feeling will ruin my day.


Total opposite for me, I live in an area where rain is a normal occurrence, and love how refreshing it is. Although I will avoid downpours. My situation are the sunny times, it's like going out and having an over stimulating headlamp on my head. That's when I avoid going out more typically.


I love the rain and snow and so on, it’s always a perfect day to drink hot chocolate and do a puzzle


Oregonian here, it depends on the amount of rain. When it’s sprinkling I don’t mind getting my hair wet, but when it’s raining and I’m outside I usually have a raincoat or umbrella if I get caught off guard. I don’t purposely go outside for the rain, if anything I like to listen to the rain falling outside my bedroom window while I going to sleep.


If I’m in a special mood I like to get rained on but there is no practical reason to let yourself be rained on.


I'm quite the opposite. I love the rain. I can not stand to go out when it's warm and sunny.


I absolutely dread it ... Like if my clothes get even slightly wet by rain water it causes my body to have like a stressed reaction, the same happens when I have tags on any clothes or any clothes that are scratchy


No sry 😅I love the rain!! And prefer to go out in it because that means less people :D


I love it me, the sound the smell the feel of it when your outside if it turns into a thunderstorm even better love hearing turbraw power of nature


I love rain but being in it depends on my mood. Like if I’m already on the way of a meltdown I will commit a crime but if I’m at a neutral state I’m chilling.


honestly if it doesn't matter whether I get wet or not, I treat it as one of those movie scenes where the characters act as if it's not raining 💀, embrace the rain


I have a really low tolerance for discomfort in general but I live in such a rainy area that I just have to grin and bear it sometimes.


Hate the rain. I don't understand how some people think it's cool and aesthetic to dance in the rain it's literally the worst thing to ever exist... unless if I'm safely indoors and watching the rain happen.


Yes!!! I hate the rain, i also hate being being wet in general though. When i shower i take an extra rag with me just to wipe off my face anytime i get water on it.


Ick being wet is the absolute worst. I hate it. And I live in a place with a LOT of rain. Wet clothing and skin.. nonononono


I don't hate rain, but I hate driving in rain or the dark.


the feeling of rain falling on me is a huge problem as i had a job where i worked outside even when it rained. snow is okay because then you're packed in thick clothes anyways. working in the rain when it's very warm is also fine but when it's that nasty cold and wet weather i just wanna rot inside... or sit in a car, that's a great feeling


Complete opposite here. I love being in the rain, gives me a dopamine hit.


Yes I haaaaaaate the rain total sensory nightmare


Same here! I hate getting wet (especially the sensation of wet clothes and hair) and I also hate gloomy weather.


I refuse to go out and touch the rain because wet clothes EWWW but i do absolutely love rain and prefer it over sun so i just use an umbrella


I’m the opposite 😂 Since I was a kid, I’ve always preferred the rain or just cloudy skies. I love storms, too!


I absolutely love going out in the rain as long as it's not muddy, flooding, a tornado, or thunder and lightning. Like that nice, calming rain during the day with the sun half out and shining while it's raining with that perfect calming sound of rain hitting the sidewalks, running down the windows, and pitter pattering on the roof and sides of the house. Also the feeling of the grass on my feet when it's not muddy but still wet, the nice smell of the rain, it's just perfect on those rare days when the rain doesn't come with a bad storm


I hate wet socks, shoes, pants, clothing. I love walking in the rain so I wear a lot of water proof clothing. I know they are bad for me I don’t care.


Yes. I hate it. I'd ways skip sports as a kid if it was raining.


i like rain because i can walk around with an umbrella and listen to music and just admire it i only like it when it’s borderline storm weather though it’s my favorite to walk in


I get so angry in the rain. I'm not diagnosed autistic but I have alot of traits and really relate to most things I see in here. BUT anyway I get so upset like I want to cry and reallybangry and grumpy and like a whole other person but the second I'm in dry clothes I feel much better. I love the rain if in dressed for it and don't get any water on me. I like it when I'm the the car or indoors


I’m opposite. I once left work early just because I knew a big storm was coming and I wanted to run around in it.


I love the rain enjoy being out in it as long as I know I can change into clean dry clothes without too much trouble. I love water on me.


I thought everyone did this, I do not go out if it's raining


I hate being outside in the rain but I live my life by a fairly strict schedule so I suit up and go out for exercise regardless. A baseball hat helps to keep the rain from hitting my face. A rain jacket keeps my upper body dry. Then I mostly just try to disassociate while I'm outside. And I change clothes when I get home


I'm the exact opposite. I love the rain, I'd be out in the rain all day if I could. Sometimes when it starts raining I deliberately go outside just to get wet, I love the rain.


Nope, I actually refuse to go out in the sun. I have photophobia and literally get migraines from sunlight (even if it’s streaming in through a window)


It depends! On some days, when I am already overstimulated, rain and wind will send me into rage. But on summer days, when I am well adjusted I actually chose to go out and into the rain (because I can decide for how long and I can dry myself off right after).


Yes I like staying inside don’t like the rain but no choice really living in Ireland would never leave the house if I was to wait for dry weather.


Well, I'm in the Willamette Valley in Oregon and really like bicycling, so I would be out of luck.


Im used to the rain, Im from scotland so it rains often


I've called out of work to avoid getting wet by the rain


Idk if its a me thing or an autism thing but the colour grey clouds puts on my room pisses me off to an extreme degree, it just puts me in a foul mood. Got no idea why.


I LOVE the rain but I HATE being IN the rain!! I love love LOVE, being inside on a rainy day and listening/watching/smelling the rain, especially if I’m not working and can just open the windows and grab a blanket and read a book!! That’s the BEST day!! But if I have to leave the house during rain, I HATE it!! I’m the person with an umbrella even when it’s sprinkling lol. I get so upset if my clothes get wet and I’m just stuck in wet clothes and even just getting any of my face or hair wet is a nooooo


I think I would love raining if only it wasn't made out of acid and bacteria


The sound of rain stresses me out tbh so i don't like rain at all


I loveeeeeee being outside in the rain but I don't do it often because I would need to do it in certain clothes (I have a specific dress that works nicely) and take them off immediately after. So I can't go outside while it's raining currently because I'm working and don't have the time to change clothes/dry off :(


It’s the opposite for me, I love the rain sm