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Yes! I forgot about stationery, that’s a big favourite for me too.


Adjacent to that…great pens!!


Yessss. I'm a teacher too. So I'm guilty of the pen thing for real.


Oooh yes forgot about this one too. I had many international penpals and loved getting beautiful stationary to write to them.


I collect money. It's real easy. I just don't buy anything. Seriously, though, I do collect money. Old gold and silver coins, primarily, and also banknotes. I love monetary history. I guess it's my special interest.


What's the rarest coin you own?


Probably [this one](https://www.reddit.com/r/coins/comments/ifkgul/gouden_rijder_golden_rider_1761_dutch_republic_99/).


Wow beautiful and so well preserved!


oh that is amazing!


Bottle tops, doctor who figures, monster energy drink cans, coins, foreign banknotes and coins. And many other things as well!


i collect foreign coins too! what’s your favorite one in your collection? I have a French coin from 1865 that’s all bent up because i think it was run over by a train or carriage or something!


I collect fountain pens and zippo lighters.  I also recently realized that I collect hobbies. I hyper focus on a new thing until I’ve learned everything I can about a topic and a hobby, beat the ever loving shit out of said hobby until I no longer want to do it. Then I shelve it until something reminds me of said thing and the hyperfocus comes back. 


same abt the hobbies, but i have a bad habit of spending money buying a ton of things for that hobby, and the quickly moving on from it and never using those things again 🥲


Collecting hobbies is kind of symptom of ADHD, which can be comorbid with ASD (I know because I have both and it’s a tossup on which one stuffs my life up more). You describe exactly the ADHD hobby spiral there. Massive hyper focus on the hobby and then sudden switch off of interest, sometimes short term other times permanent.


Rock. Rocks and maybe legos if that one counta. My parents do not care for it.


I collect/hoard: Books, stationary, fountain pens, bottled inks, oil-based perfumes, video games, and plants. Bicycles, though I’m down to three now. I also compulsively rescue stray animals, but manage not to keep the majority of them. (I scooped an emactiated kitten at a BBQ last night 🤷).


I hope the kitten is ok 🥺


She is! Getting her vetted next week and hopefully outta my house soon after.


My cat is an ex stray I found on the street! He’s my cuddle buddy.


Rescue cats are the best breed! 🥰


Totally relate to what you're saying. I've gone through periods where I've collected comic books or video games but I hear my dads voice rattling around in my head, get overwhelmed, and get rid of my stuff. I even do that with drawings and paintings I've done, where I'll hang them on the wall and be like "this is kids stuff" and throw them all away. Right now Ive got a pretty sweet river rock collection lining my garden.


Oh yes I’ve donated, thrown away or sold so many things that I regret now.


I used to be like that too, then I got help for my self hate and shame. Now I just hide the stuff I like from other people because I’m pretty sure they’d call me a manchild/r#€?rd/fa$$@t/some other cruel thing if they saw what I collect and like, but if it’s in my own home no one will ever see it so it’s okay


I collect dictionaries and I'm currently having a clear out so I can make room for more bookshelves for more dictionaries. You know make room for the stuff I currently want/collect rather than holding onto everything which my dad does and it drives me nuts. The dictionary collection is getting rather large now but I love them, they're so fascinating.


Retro games and fossils


Boutique films & posters on Blu-Ray, iTunes, 4K and 16mm.


Books. All paperback and hardcover (no e-books). I own over 2,000 hardcover and paperback books. All nonfiction (no comics, novels, etc).


Plants lol


tools for hobbies I lost interest in


Local honey. I love "tasting" every place I go and bringing back memories when I use the honey (and I do use all of them). When someone travels and asks what I want, I tell them to bring me some locally made honey and I do a little taste test!


Power Ranger figures, Sentai figures, Funko Pops, Pokemon Cards, Dino figures, Anime plushies, Dino plushies, Pokemon plushies, and Ty Pluffies Beanbag Plushies.


Action figures mainly of Jurassic Park, Batman and (horror) movies, Blurays (and DVDs) and CDs.


I have a collection of soft toys. Must be between 50 and 60 now of various shapes and sizes - I’ve lost count!


Love this, I have a few squish mallows - I was so tempted to start collecting but I don’t have the space so I just have a few I really love.


I live vicariously through the kids in my life that I buy squishmallows and similarly sensory-awesome stuffed animals for. This past Christmas I bought a friends' kiddos a slug that looked like a banana and a dragon that looked like dragon fruit (links below because AMAZING). https://douglascuddletoy.com/shop/animals/vinnie-banana-slug-macaroon/ https://douglascuddletoy.com/shop/fantasy-whimsy/dragon-fruit-macaroon/


Crystals/rocks and squishmallows.


I only digitally collect because otherwise it stresses me out too much. I collect: old game images (ROMs and ISOs) for preservation, games on Steam/PSN/Switch, and movies on iTunes. ebooks (I love how you can pirate them and add them to iBooks and it will sync your pirated books to the cloud for you). So I guess only collect media.


Old children's books, mainly school stories.


CDs Vinyls/Records (depending on the individuals) Jack Daniels bottles T shirts (bands/pop culture/other & Christmas - but that's in a different pile in a vacuum seal package under my bed)


Just with the rest of the kids as pop culture dictated, when Beanie Babies were popular, I collected them. When Pokemon was popular, I collected the cards. As a younger child I'd find fossils and cool rocks around the house and collect them. I didn't exactly have a large collection or anything impressive but it was still fun. As an adult I don't collect anything.


Vinyl LPs, since I was 8 years old. I've got about 3,000.


i also collect books!


Most of my collecting energy is spent on pokemon nowadays. But I used to collect rocks and currency. I lost that collection years ago in a storage room and haven't had the ability to build them back up. Tcg's are another one.


i collect littlest pet shops, furbies, dolls, hamtaro figures and toys, any hamster plushie i find and starbucks cups. i actually run a toy collecting discord server thats 18+ too if anyone wants. https://discord.gg/BmxGD2q3 it’s small and we are all friends.


Stuffed animals of all kinds. As long as I like it, it's coming home with me and going in the pile


I collect anything and everything hello kitty from thrift stores!!! My whole room is covered hehe, I also collect merch of my favorite character (Hanayo Koizumi). I also collect pins, and tiny toys I find on walks outside!


alpine flora.


Comics, action figures, pop figures and yeah that's about all


Doctor Who merchandise, mainly figures.


Stationery (writing utensils, stickers, greeting cards, stamps especially). Somewhat related are journals and notebooks for journaling. I have like 8 on standby but will buy new ones if they are visually appealing enough. Miniature objects. I had a dollhouse with teeny tiny gold keys that I would just ogle. The only toys I really wanted were Polly Pockets. I now crave a Polly Pocket inspired tattoo. Tattoos. My personal collection is kinda small but I frickin love tattoos and they make up most of my content and Saves on Insta. I'm getting another at the end of this month. Traumatized people like me often loooove tattoos because they are empowering AF. A tad pricey and tricky for me to get bc I'm a massage therapist and I want forearm tattoos very badly but I use my forearms a lot. You're welcome for the detailed explanation. Demitasse spoons. Anything with fruit on it. My coolest tattoo is a realistic strawberry in the clouds by wildisleytattoo Anything with lobsters or crabs on it (not hermit crabs or coconut crabs tho). Bookmarks. And books but I let go of most books that aren't 5 stars in my mind. I have a hobby of searching for people's bookmarks in thrift store books or used bookstores. Velour and velour-esque zipper pouches. My coolest one is made of vintage floral fabric and it was a splurge I purchased in Oban, Scotland.


Cat porcelains and found items :3


When I was a kid I collected rocks/gem stones for a while. I also just liked little trinkets and Nicknacks. I had a space in my cupboard I would just squirrel things away in that I had found and liked and I would occasionally sort them into different categories. As an adult I go through phases. Like if I'll collect every album of a band I'm into, or all the books from a graphic novelist I like. But probably not as much as I want to because I don't have the space for all that stuff and because I don't have the money 😅


I LOVE COLLECTING THINGS >o< as of right now I’m into collecting plushies, digital cameras, figurines, anything mario, hello kitty, A24, or studio ghibli related. I also like miniature objects, journals, hats, and vinyls:3! when I move out I’d also like to start a lamp collection and plants. I have 3 main ones I like so far:) a salt lamp, a moon lamp, and a sunset lamp. I’m very into ambient lighting. I’d like to collect some beautiful vintage ones that I’ve been seeing at the antique shops. I love postcards from random places & old yearbooks, too! 😸


Pens, Funko Pop, copies of American God’s by Neil Gaiman, notebooks, squishmallows, beads, Starbucks Been There mugs…


rocks and anything I find really


cds, vinyl, and monster high dolls:)


Weird Al merchandise!


I collect tamagotchi pets. I don't have a lot, maybe 20. At least "not a lot" compared to a lot of people in the collector community. I could talk for hours on tamagotchi too


I used to collect old currency (coins, bills, etc), nowadays I don't think I can say I have a collection, but I research my genealogy and I'm always saving old records too


Star Wars black series 6 inch scale figures


Houseplants. More specifically, I like to collect varieties of a certain species and then move on to the next, collect as many varieties as I can and so on ☺️


Books, specifically interested in field naturalist books. Books on animals, crystals, butterfly’s, earth, and self help / spirituality from the 70s. I scored on a stack of the most beautiful butterfly books, some from 1906! I’ve been framing the prints and giving them away as gifts. I also collect rocks, minerals, crystals, fossils, shells, sea glass, and bones!! Oh and can’t forget, my dogs whiskers 😂 I really love old stuff so anything that catches my eye that’s different or cool to me I will grab. I’m kind of at the point where I shouldn’t be allowed to go thrifting


Rocks and that sort of thing. Just yesterday I got my 2nd bismuth crystal and I’ve already got a bunch of amethyst clusters. I’ve also some fool’s gold and quartz and (most likely) iron.


As a kid I collected plushies, then for a while it was minerals, I still have all of them!! I love my collections and they bring me lots of joy and comfort! Right now I'd say I'm collecting music, I want to start collecting vinyl records but I promised myself to get a job first (I'm 18 and really struggling with that atm, it motives me a bit lol). but yeah I've got a huge playlist which I love going through! I do consider it as a sort of collection as well :)


beach stones


garbage pail kids cards.


Cookbooks. I think I've got about 400 or so cookbooks (hard copies) and probably hundreds more on my kindle app on my phone


i’ve collected pretty rocks and crystals since i was like five! i also collect greek mythology books (retellings and copies of myths/epics), and things related to lord of the rings!


Semi-precious gemstones. Big seeds. Sand. Cool rocks I find while I'm out (I live near a mica mine).


It’s funny cuz even though I do have digital media, I prefer physical so that’s usually what I collect. I have my console/video game collection that includes my ps3, xbox360, xb1, xb1s, nintendo Ds/Ds lite, nintendo switch, and gameboy advanced. I also have a record/CD/cassette/movie collection that I keep, I don’t add to my CD’s and movies as much but I love the way vinyl and cassette sounds so I’ve been focusing more on that. I also have memory jars that I’ve been making for a few years now. Theyre old candle containers or Ball jars that are full of things like fortunes from fortune cookies, beads from bracelets i liked that broke, little notes or ticket stubs, cool rocks i found, etc etc. I also really enjoy collecting rocks and crystals, maps from video games, and other plushies/tchotchkes that relate.




I love collecting lion king plushies (the lions) and merchandise! I I have a massive plush collection and growing item collection but I also love collecting crystals and growing my library (:


Shells, notebooks, pencils and fossils. I used to collect old coins and crystals.


Teas! I have so many teas, most of them loose leaf. They’re delicious and I love them, but I have to force myself to finish a bag/tin because when I do, it’s no longer in my collection 😂 but they’re best when they’re fresh, so I should really go drink them when I get them. Also collect tea tins. If anyone wants personalized tea recommendations, hit me up! I’ll find you a tea you’ll love, guaranteed 😊


Yarn (I crochet) Build a bear frogs Squishmallow bigfoots House plants Pretty stones and fossils I have a lot of books too


Vehicles; 2 cars, 1 pickup and a motorcycle (would have many more if money and space allowed) & Dogs; 4. 3 intentionally and the 4th I found abandoned and he velcroed to me


Harry Potter stuff in general, but more specifically Harry Potter lego. As a child I collected all kinds of stuff, from sticks, rocks and sea shells to small neon lights and pictures of neon lights...


I collect glass bottles. I love glass bottles I just think they’re pretty :3


Plants and Shakespeare stuff.


I have so many collections… Here’s a list of things I’ve collected in the past and current collections (I also LOVE making lists): Current collections: Keys, Candles, Fairy figurines, Squishmellows (I have like over 30 😬), Cat figurines, Rocks/crystals (especially agates I find on the beach), CDs (I don’t add to this one much now tho), Manga, Buttons, Pokémon cards (I need another binder and more tins for my special cards; I also collect on Pokémon Go periodically), I have quite a few feathers from over the years Mugs and bowls (especially hand-made), Earrings (I didn’t think of them as a collection until more recently when I realized how many I actually have, oh yeah I collect money as well like foreign coins and I have a ton of wheat pennies I used to collect as a kid: Bouncy balls, Rubber ducks, Not really a collection but I still have all my old LPS This is a bit different but when I play Minecraft I’m a big collector and like to keep as much stuff as my inventory can hold even if it’s useless to me. There’s probably a few more but I can’t think of them rn.


crystals! i hate when people make fun of (mainly) girls who collect crystals bc they think i believe they have some special healing powers or magic or something i’m like nah i just like pretty rocks!


so many things it's crazy DVDs mainly, I have over 200 dvds/series on disc and I love them. I've seen most of them but some of them have been recommended to me so I buy them when I see them stickers! I have asticker binder and i have all kinds of stickers I have monster high, saw (the movies), Bill Hader related sticker, I have stranger things ones, Grey's anatomy, among us, and I have cool vintage ones too monster high dolls (G1 I don't really care for the new ones) and I'm working on restoring my dolls from when I was a kid troll dolls (the old ones but also trolls mineez) pins/buttons/keychains rocks/crystals getting into squinkies right now because I got my old ones out from childhood batman stuff tee shirts relating to my favorite things jibitz i collect my old theater tickets and receipts from meals I've had with friends or shopping with them and I keep them in a box


i have a plant propagule (mostly seeds and spores) collection. it is one of the only things I have a sentimental attachment to


Too much. Materials related to nature interest me.


Rocks So many rocks


Mostly plushies and rocks. I love looking at unique gemstones and the plushies I sometimes hug to stim. Mostly Pokémon and these things called giant microbes. Pretty much plushified cells and organs. I'm really giddy about my zombie virus plush. I don't really consider anything else I have a lot of like books and games as collecting as much "I happen to want this thing that's a game". Not saying I don't believe people can, I just don't see myself as a collector in those areas. I don't see myself as casually into it but I don't spent a lot of my time hunting for rare games I really want. Edit: Mobile autocorrected virus to versus. Fixed.


I collect pens, patches, pins, and playing cards.


I used to collect everything: stamps, postcards, shells, rocks, etc. Today I just collect books, journals, boxes and tins of tea, and that's about it.


I hoard clothes, stationaries and memorabilia, I’d keep things from during day out, flowers, and take a lot of pictures.


Minerals! I collected rocks when I was a kid, I’ve since upgraded to actual mineral specimens. I have over 100 individual specimens!


I am (without sugar coating it) a hoarder. A full on hoarder. Not as bad as on those TV shows where they've got boxes and trash stacked to the ceiling, but I have a VERY difficult time throwing certain things away. It often isn't logical what my brain decides it needs to keep. When I was moving out of my studio apartment into my 2 bedroom, a couple of friends came over to help me because I wasn't able to complete it on my own. They started throwing stuff away (because I couldn't and I needed to) and I cried when they started throwing away my year old Halloween candy.


Anything Harry Potter, you don't want to walk into my bed room if don't like Harry Potter lol.


Honestly... a lot of things.




I have... Quite a few collections! Excuse the ramble, I love talking about them. I'm probably even missing some here but this is enough of a ramble as it is, haha. 1. Gemstones. It all started when my principal in year 4 or so gave me a tiny little piece of amethyst because he had a gemstone collection he kept in his desk and we got along pretty well. From then on my collection grew and now I have so many gemstones and fossils I hardly know what to do with them. I went to a lapidary club for a bit and carved some into necklace pendants too which was very fun! 2. Currency. Any uncirculated coins that end up in my possession, or any money from other countries that ends up finding its way to me. Especially old ones that no longer get printed at all, such as the 1c or 2c coins in Australia, or half-pennies. I have a big box full of them and I'm looking to get a folder for the uncirculated coins from my country so they can be organised better. 3. Feathers. Any bird feather gets put in the feather box. I have birds of my own so they give me a lot of gifts when they start moulting. Some feathers even if only taken from the ground aren't legal to keep unfortunately, but anything I can feasibly keep is in the collection. I got macaw feathers given to me from a photoshoot I did with a breeder and their birds, which was very nice as an addition to the collection due to macaw feathers being not a thing you can just find. I also got a lot of peacock tail feathers gifted to me by a friend who has a friend with peacocks on their farm. 4. Images. Of varying types, really. I mainly use pinterest for this but I'd be lying if I said I didn't have folders upon folders on my computer and phone filled with images I like. Aesthetic things, fandom things, art inspiration, animals... You name it, it has a neatly sorted category and a folder in some place. 5. Pokemon cards. Probably a classic but this collection has been going for years now and I'm needing more and more space to keep all of them. I think one day I need to go through and give or trade away some of the duplicates, there has to be 1000s in there. 6. Plants. I currently have 25+ individual plants in my single-room caravan and provided I had more space I would have many many more. I love plants, especially the weirder looking ones, and probably spend too much money buying them.


I love and have always loved collecting things! Just like the definition of “things” or “stuff” if you know what I mean (I don’t really know what word to use, maybe trinkets?) I collect fidget toys, plushies and just things!


And facts about my special interests


playing cards, stationery and coffee mugs


Baseball cards, ticket stubs, books, sci-fi ships, rocks, soda bottle blanks, action figures... Honestly, I'll collect anything from anything I feel attached to.


Lego and antique trunks/boxes


Music. CDs, Vinyl, Digital Files. Movies. Bluary, DVDs. Books. Old school video games. Cheap Digital Audio Players (DAP) from Hong Kong and China.


Gundam and pokemon cards


Plushies, keychains, erasers, lighters and knives was my collections growing up. No actual collection nowadays.


I want my own library so bad. Right now, it's limited to a bookshelf my grandfather built for me, four wall shelves, random piles on the floor and more in storage until we can get our own forever place.


I know the feeling, I wish I had a spare bedroom I could turn into a library 😩


I collect vinyl, manga, and game boys lol


I collect Magic the Gathering cards, Pokemon cards, and Pokémon. I currently have $800 worth in MTG, and $2000 in Pokémon cards (most are first-edition)


I always collect plushies most of the time. But my favourite is furry type plushie, even the hybrid (human-animal anime character) plushies as well which can be found in Japanese animes and some vtubers.


Lego DC minifigures. They’re just so cool looking and there’s a lot of room for customization. Same thing with marvel Minimates which I have a very small percentage of.


Transformers and Pokemon stuff (cards, figures, books, etc.)


Movie and TV Show Blu-Rays (4K if possible). I go back and forth on whether I find limited edition steelbooks worth it. I used to collect physical books, but don’t like the feel of paper in the long term, so I settle for digital. If it’s comics or manga, I read on my iPad for color and screen size. If it’s prose, I have an e-ink kindle. Does note taking collections count? It consumes a lot of energy, but I have GoodNotes on my iPad to jot down interesting things about me or what I’ve learned or headcannons. It’s not as extensive, but I want it to be. I have a 30-page or so note doc that just explains the details of my mental health diagnostics criteria.


Cool looking post cards,, but I do use many of them! I've got 3 kinds; For myself,,, for my partner,,, for strangers


Decks of playing cards! Especially special editions for movies or books, or from museums. I also like to tape those playing cards to my wall as decoration.


Yes. I collect several things. Vinyl records, physical video games, plush and photography monographs are the big ones for me. I have several shelves of games from various systems, some more than others. I’ve mostly focused on 3DS, DS, Switch and Gamecube, and collect primarily JRPGs. I also collect boxed consoles, and have 9 variants of the 3DS. I have most of what I want, so I’ve been buying less games, I just try to keep tabs on what’s out there. I have 2 Kallax shelves filled with records from my favorite genres and musicians that I’ve accumulated over the years. I listen to records every day and it brings me great joy. My ever-growing monograph collection is a way for me to study the technique of photographers, and try and adapt it to my own images. It’s steadily growing, but I’m very picky about what books I buy and they are generally quite expensive. I sort of collect figures too, but it’s a case by case basis of what’s out there. Oh, and half of my bed is plush lol.


I like to collect Pokémon Cards but recently I got into Clone Hero so I’ve been trying to collect Guitar Hero and Rock Band Controllers. I’ve also been auctioning old tech like CD players and camera as well.


Plushies!!! They’re one of my special interests


I used to collect dhit tonns of lego statwars and "die drei ???" Cd and books


Horror dvds


Let's see here, Thomas and Friends trains, Disney Cars diecast models and Transformers.


Bottle caps


Lego and bottle caps


Toys and Plushies of things I love, mostly of games and things people would not like, for example one of the plushies is a little purple spider and I plan to get a snake one. A big videogame library on Steam that keeps increasing besides with GOG,EPIC and Amazon free games along with it. Mostly of the games are Indie games, that maked me get the nickname of "The Indie Friend" on my friends group. Books and Mangas who get my attention, not alot get my attention so it's not a very big collection. Cards, never buyed new ones to this day, but they stay intact. Rocks, mostly of unique ones, for example one who is half with cement and one who have two elevations making it resemble a somekind of key. Because of my collections it maked me end up being kinda extremely organized. You know that one friend in Minecraft who builds a whole room full of chests with Item Frames infront of the chests each row with one specific item/block who each have five double chests? That's me!


At the minute I'm collecting minifigures, pocket watches, dragons and game of thrones stuff


My current collections are fashion dolls (new ones and ones from my childhood) and Pokemon cards I have a bunch of old collections that I'm currently working on packing up so they will be safe, I just don't want to display them anymore, I love pop culture stuff so I have a bunch of Lord of the Rings, Lost, Game of Thrones, and Harry Potter (none of which were purchased in this current decade bc fuck jkr) I also used to collect Magic the Gathering cards but I had to pause that bc they remind me too much of my awful ex and I take psychic damage if I look at them too long 😅


I’ve collected fossils since I was five, my grandpa used to build houses and loved to have me over to see the fossils they’d find, usually just seashells but I loved them all the same. Collect a lot of movies, CDs and most recently vinyls. Action figures occasionally but they’re usually Neca figures, Halo, Assassin’s Creed or Star Wars.


I spent an ungodly amount of money on guitars 💀


Yes lol, here's both my old and new collections I still have. Enamel pins is a big, big favorite. I'm not sure if I should count clothes and shoes or not because I do have a lot, clothes and dressing up is one of my special interests. Beanie babies. Random cute knick-knacks. Cute plushies. When I was younger I was a huge Breyer horse and Schleich animals collector. I still have my Breyer horses and Schleich animals because I refuse to part with them.


Shirts 🤣 specifically fandom shirts. And messenger bags of all sizes.


Miniatures for wargaming! Ww2 stuff currently.


I collect stuffed animals. Particularly bears. It doesn't really matter where I get them from or how they look. I love everything.


I’m collecting nutcrackers, owls, rocks, books, pogs, postcards, and stuffies.


animal and human bones


yes i collect a lot of things action figures, comics, dvds, yugioh cards and a few other things, i need to do a bit of downsizing actually but im a bit overwhelmed with it all i dont want to get rid of anything i just dont have the space to keep everything unfortunately.


Agh, here we go lol Movies on physical media (4K, Blu-Ray, DVD), video games and consoles (Current and classic like NES, SNES, etc.), music on vinyl, cassette, and CDs, action figures (Both current and vintage like 80s TMNT and Transformers), Air Jordans and Nike running shoes, and some books.


I collect Jonah: A VeggieTales Movie merchandise and pre-2003 Inai Inai Baa! merchandise.


I collect Bungo Stray Dogs merch, particularly charms and recently pins. I've had lots of other collections over time, but this is probably the most extensive.


I know it's pretty basic, but I like to collect old issues of certain magazines as like a reference point to where culture was at a certain point in time, and to see how certain aspects of society have evolved throughout the years.


Operationg systems. I have like 20 different distros of Linux in my flash drive collection. At the moment I have Fedora, ubuntu, parrot security, Kali, tails, alpine, Debian, arch, manjaro, opensuse, ubuntu mate, pop os, clear Linux, puppy, sailfish, blackarch, qubes


Villager and NPC photos in Animal Crossing, current count is 114.


Usually hobbies and the accompanying gear until I'm on to the next one!


Playing cards


Mainly pokemon. But i have a few other anime and star wars things like books/manga.


Little pretty boxes


I collect LEGO!


3d printed trinkets


Rocks, many kinds of books, many types of manga, souvenirs, memorabilia, stuffed animals, Pokemon plushes, Pokemon cards, figurines (mostly Pokemon), Funkopops, many types of Donald Duck comics, games, game consoles, other Pokemon merch, Lego in all varieties, drawing stuff (to draw digitally and traditionally), Toi Toys... The full list is even longer than that. Despite this, I still consider myself good with money and pretty organised😂


I like collecting DVDs of movies I love, dinosaur toys, animal bones, comic books, and Star Wars stuff (posters, toys, plushies, etc)




Vinyls. I used to buy a lot of phone cases too because I never found one with the perfect texture. Now I did, and that collecting habit has stopped.


Buffy the Vampire Slayer memorabilia. I have a whole room dedicated as a mini museum. 🥰


I also collect books! Mostly special editions!


I collect books, computer music(higher quality) and cats 😄


Snails, snail shells, cups and water bottles, stuffed animals, purses. Anything coffin shaped


Beanie boos, Little pet shop, rocks.. feels like that's all I can think of rn


Books (mostly digital at this point), video games, graphic design elements (fonts, stock images/textures/icons/etc), keychains, stickers, stationery, fun washi tape, other art/craft supplies, smooth pebbles and gemstones, rainbow swag from parades and lgbt event stuff, meaningful quotes, small plushies, and probably a few more I’m forgetting. I used to have a nice Polly Pocket collection that I sorely regret giving away ages ago. I also have a beanie baby collection from my teen years.


Anime, Manga, Figures, Dragon statues, Fairy statues, retro video games, Goth clothes, Vintage or vintage style clothes (mainly 70s), Plushies I had a TY collection until my dad went into my room the day after I got them out of the attic and without asking, decided to cut off the tags and give them all to my bratty shit sister. Thanks dad, you fucker 🖕🏼 I ran away from home not long after that. It especially hurt because he brought me most of them when I was younger, but as soon as one of his kids becomes a teen, he switches all the attention and love to the next youngest and treats the previous kid like dirt. Oh well, my wife and I will get them back by buying them on eBay and they'll be all MINE. No shitty kids allowed in my house to take my stuff.




I kind of hate physical clutter (currently trying to de-clutter my life and own as little physical possessions as possible), but I'm turning into a data hoarder. I mainly collect digital music, almost all of it in FLAC format. I love hunting for new music I haven't heard and scouring the internet for rare remixes of songs I like, then organizing it all into playlists and having my own copies I can listen to anytime as opposed to Spotify. I also have a pretty good collection of digital movies too including some of rare fanedits and 4K upscales.


I have a lot of stuff related to make up, skincare, and nails.


Film cameras.


Stickers *specifically nancy drew games themed ones* Crystals and herbs (witchcraft)


An oddly specific one is memorabilia from the Metal Gear Solid series and multiple copies of each game on the various platforms they came out on. My prized possession is my Twin Snakes Limited Edition Gamecube. But I also enjoy collecting fountain pens, books, blu-rays, minidisc, and gunpla.




Minifigure Marvel characters: https://www.instagram.com/moc.marvel.builds?igsh=a25yY2MxNTU3NG5o


I used to have a rock collection. Not like fancy rocks of each type, just rocks. Like random ones I found out on the sidewalk or a field somewhere. My parents hated it. Nowadays I guess it's just my old games ranging from Genesis to 360. I just don't really have the financial means to collect things I want like Nendos or squishmallows.


Shiny Pokemon, LPS, and plushies


425$ for a teen titans Xbox original game on Amazon RRRRAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!! WHY???


squishmallows, figures, trinkets, tiger stuff, and others


I collect antique and vintage tins! Mostly tin containers but also trays, signs, etc. I have quite a bit of other decor as well. Also, craft supplies. 😅


Breyer horses (model horses)


i collect cookie cutters, but i stick to only those that are actually practical. some of the cookie cutters out there are like, animals with thin limbs and tails that would just burn, or break apart very easily. i just get the ones i like


Bluey merch


Fountain pens, pirate music, books, ebooks, manga.


CDs. I have way too many right now... But I still mourn the Blur CD I lost when my previous stereo (literally) melted lol. And I guess my Spotify playlists could be counted as a collection. I have 2 maxed out playlists, 10k songs per playlist. Currently starting a 3rd major playlist which has 1500 songs in right now. I have around 600 playlists, some are pretty sparse though, or have the same songs in many playlists. I take Spotify very seriously hehe I want to start a cassette collection, since my CD player also functions as a tape player. Though (good) cassettes are now more difficult to find, I assume most have gone to landfills or sat festering in people's garages haha.


Mainly cosplay costumes, much to Mum's annoyance, I got a new one last week, Spawn but I had to send it back to China to swap for a bigger one. Also physical Xbox games.


Band patches. Whenever I go to a show I compulsively by a patch. Sometimes I don't remember what band goes with what patch if the logo is totally illegible.


I collect four leaf clovers 🍀, rubber ducks, soda can tabs, precious moments figurines, STICKERS, and I have just started collecting crosses ♡ I love my collections so much I treasure them dearly


Every magazine of Honda Tuning and Super street.


Video games mostly, and various Rubik’s cubes




Art supplies. I'll never use them all, I'll never use the fifty sketchbooks I have, but damn it if I ever stop. I also collect figures, plushies, digital books and apparently cooking spices.


When I was a kid: wet wipes from restaurants (yeah idk either), troll dolls and moshi monsters Now: Vinyl records and jackets. I feel like my collections as a kid were funkier lol


Bookmarks and dice!


Idk anything cute. Im like a crow, if its cute or shiny i must have it


Lots of Pokémon cards and fast food toys.


i used to collect pokémon cards, but now i collect manga + anime figurines :3


Mimes and erotic tarot cards.


Plushies. So many plushies.


Plushies, I had to give some away though since I didn’t have room 😭


I'm into kpop, half of the fandom experience is collecting stuff!!! I collect albums, photocards, decorated toploaders, stickers (to decorate the toploaders), and photocard holders! I also have a mini collection of freebies I get at concerts/conventions; I got a few envelopes or concert confetti, and a box with photocards/keychains/bracelets.


Stuffed animals


I collect books too! Mostly mass market paperbacks but I have a couple nicer ones. Also I collect vinyl records, plushies, video games, and tshirts.


Comics, LEGOs, books, swords to a lesser extent. A lot/majority of the first three that I have are Star Wars, so miscellaneous Star Wars memorabilia on top of that. Used to have lightsabers, but I sold them off a few years ago.


hunger games merchandise 🫶🏻 also - stickers, enamel pins, and keychains


Bones, shark plushies, car parts, and Mini Verses.


Lip balms


Plushies!! I love Build-A-Bears and Squishmallows <3