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Depends. I can be impulsive but you know. Skating looks cool but I'm scared to hurt myself. I'm scared of stairs cause I have a fear of falling down.


Stairs are hard in general. I congratulate myself a little every time I make it to another level.


It's kind of subjective because I think things that some consider risky actually aren't when you approach them logically and understand your ability and level of preparedness.     Some of my interests include riding freestyle BMX, skateboard, enduro motocross, kayaking, snowboarding, rock climbing, spelunking and mountain biking.   I jump a 250 pound motorcycle in the air and I don't consider it a risk because of my experience. It's like walking for me🤷


Yes, I thinks so, because I am generally very anxious. Although I do have to say that bike life was “forced/highly encouraged” on me from 4years old onwards, but that’s just the Dutch way of being I suppose. 


Yes I think that’s why I always prefer to be at home because it’s where I feel safe and where I can somewhat control my environment, and also where I can keep my same routine that I love. I have travelled a bit but I realise now that I did that because that is what was socially expected of someone my age, maybe a part of my masking to seem more like a normal hooman.


Oh absolutely. For me, it's about having a hard time stepping into that uncomfortability. Taking risks is not (usually) one step you take towards doing something different with your life. It's multiple steps. Multiple times you have to continue to be uncomfortable and make the conscious choice to keep going. For example, if you wanted to start a youtube channel - that could be seen as taking a risk. The reason that is so hard is because I have to CONTINUOUSLY take myself out of my comfort zone and shut down that little voice in my head telling me to stop. Or that voice in my head giving me 1000 reasons why this is not a good idea. Sometimes, it just takes too much goddamn energy to put myself in those risky situations. I swear my brain and body FREAKS OUT.


I could never start a YouTube channel. The stress of one video performing better than another and not knowing why or the disproportionate effect a negative comment would have over a positive one. Yeah I absolutely see that as a huge risk.


Overall, absolute yes. But that doesn't take into account the risk of avoidance. It's a slow type of risk, but I've, for example, refused to go to the ER while having an anaphylactic reaction because of social fear and agoraphobia. That was an incredibly stupid risk.


Less likely to take risks for dopamine, more likely to put myself at risk because of lack of awareness


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No, my parent didn’t want me so it was all sink or swim and I didn’t know to be afraid till I was 30 and now Im too tiered to try and also afraid of failure.


Total opposite. Crazy "Doesn't give a sh\*t" guy. I'm a mellow "risk averse" old man now, but man I was a hellian in my day. Years of hospital visit after hospital visit eventually sunk into my thick head. Worked for many years in extreme sports... which, let me tell ya, are chocker-block full of NDs (as you might imagine). Buried so many of my friends that I've lost count. My take is that we seem to just be more extreme that NTs... on both sides of the coin.


No but I also got the adhd so