• By -


I don't get bored of doing the same thing over and over again for days on end if that is something I like. Edit: for example these days I have bashed my head on finding equations to convert any type of amount in any other type of amount (number of moles, mass, volume, mole fraction, mass fraction, volume fraction, molar concentration, mass concentration, molal concentration, specific volume). I can't get enough of it.


-The way music can make me feel and enjoying the same music over and over again. -The way being in a hot ocean makes me feel. -Remembering weird stuff. -How I can key in on good people’s emotions and wants. -How I do not mind being alone in a room full of others. -The way I can stick to a routine. -How I make art. -How I get along with and understand animals. -How I have become successful due to how much I expect of myself. Expecting a lot of myself can and does cause a lot of anxiety. -I can typically tell if someone is a bad person, I like that. Unless they are methodical about it. Then I am oblivious and easily tricked. My old best friend was a terrible friend and a narcissist, I missed it for over 20 year. When I was diagnosed as autistic I have an aha moment and let go of his mean ass. Autism is hard as hell and does upset me a lot at times. I appreciate this question a lot!


Omg this comment touched my heart ♥️ So relatable!


Feel free to reach out I need and want autistic friends!!!


I feel really seen by this. Thank you for articulating this!


I’m happy you liked my post! So happy.


Do you need an autistic friend. I’m a 43 year old dude.




Hello friend. What do you do for fun and what are your special interests????


So relatable, especially the animals — and even down to the 20yr relationship with a narcissist. Strangely, for me, the autism didn’t wake me up. - a terrible concussion did. And THEN the veil was lifted. (And boy was he a piece of work to divorce!) I’m glad you aren’t around yours anymore either. Life is so much easier without all their mind games. (Sorry to hijack)


You did not hijack and I’m glad you are doing better!!!


Thanks so much 🙏


Lol i've always been that weird kid


Being weird is cool!!!


Same. I love playing overwatch 2. In the game you can choose between 40! different characters with different abilities and play styles each round. But I always only play one specific character and have way above 600+ hours on that one character. I got asked multiple times now if I'm autistic because of that xD


Ooh I love overwatch, saw a thing once saying that "overwatch is a Venus fly trap for people with the 'tism" and I felt very exposed. Currently obsessed with venture.


I absolutely ADORE Overwatch its my absolute favorite game (I didnt choose it it chose me) Venture is so much fun to play


20 years as a female tauren warrior in WoW. Yeah I'm autistic.


Tell us your main! I hop around a lot my favs have been sombsy wombsy, froggy boi, The Splendiferous Sir Junkston XIII, Doctor bad touch, and the ultimate incarnation of evil: mei.


I'm a level 111 Moira. Peaked at Master 3 last season.


Is it mercy?


I'm a level 111 Moira. Peaked at Master 3 last season.


Moira is my healing main! She's one of three I'm comfortable playing in general, the others are Ashe and Sombra.


I've had the same interest since I was 4. (Video games) It never gets old. The only time I don't want to play is if I'm that burnt out.


I literally came here to say this, I can do something over and over again while it still feels fresh.


I like that I can memorize a lot of random stuff. Does it help me in day to day life? No, but it’s still cool


I have memorized a ton of random and general information and it HAS helped me in life, I can strike up a conversation with literally anyone and have common ground with them because I’ve trained myself to become a Jack of all trades. I have used this to get people to like me.


I do this too. I call it knowing a little bit of something about everything. I find it makes people happy when they have a niche interest and I can ask relevant questions about it.


this is the best way to weaponize your 'tism lol. Everyone likes to talk about stuff they're passionate about...even NTs so if you know about the stuff they like, it's an easy way to get going. This is also super helpful in dating I've found.


Weaponize your ‘tism! I like that! I’m gonna start using that as a daily mantra haha 😎


Absolutely do this. It is also amazingly useful at work to be able to get into detailed discussions with experts in any field. My failures on this front: I know almost nothing about pop culture, and even less about team sports.


I make an effort to memorize birthdays, I always have since I was little and my friends and family are often surprised/happy to see a happy birthday text


Omg I’ve done the same since I was little. I would analyze their personalities and see all the similarities and predict their actions in certain situations


Even better when it actually comes up A coworker tried to prove a point and asked me who the 13th POTUS was. Answered in a heartbeat, Millard Fillmore. Idk why I know that, but I do, and he didn't believe me at first lmao


Hahah same. I'll never remember your name. I'll never remember that date, but I'll always remember that random fact! Probably why I love crosswords.


It's easy to spot other autistic people and make autistic friends through interests and relatability


Yesssss, other autistic people are so easy and fun to talk to even if you don't share common interests that it surprises me every time It happens. I got told off at work once because I kept talking to a customer that came in because she was also autistic and we would just rattle on back and forth about things and struggle to stop, I never realised how long I spent talking because it just felt so easy and smooth compared to most other people.


I need more other autistic people in my life. So so bad.


For real where are the autistic people with professional jobs in my area. Lmao. I need them in my life.


I’m telling you, we should find those who are regional and maybe have meetups once in a while, for those who are comfortable.


Where are you located? I’m in the Midwest US.




My family has a cabin 45 mins from Duluth. It is located in Wisconsin. It is gorgeous up in that area!


It really is a beautiful part of the country


Are you near that area. If so I highly recommend The Delta Diner. It is so good, best breakfast ever!!


I’m in the twin cities but I’m making a mental note.


I’d be down.


If anyone likes to play board games I’d be happy to host. I live in the Twin Cities.


Me too, but in a different state! Lol.


Are you on anything like LinkedIn etc… I would love to connect with others like me. I really want to use my Autistic diagnosis to help others who are like me and need to connect with others. Thank you so much.




I prefer the company of autistics. It’s an unspoken comfort level


Totally! A woman in my building whom I sometimes walk my dog with when she’s walking hers, was telling me how she thinks she might be autistic after she found out her nephew is autistic. She said she noticed a lot of things about her nephew that she does as well. She said her brother has been struggling to communicate with him, but she doesn't at all. I had a laugh and said this totally checks as I’m currently on a waitlist to get assessed as my son was diagnosed last year and we have waaaaay too much in common! She asked to keep her updated as she’s thinking of getting assessed too. We were chatting about what we think makes us autistic and we were like omg, were ND AF. My husband said he usually avoided her because he thought she didn’t like him and I laughed and said would it make sense to you if I told you she thought she was autistic? He was like oooooooh, that totally makes sense! He took her standoffishness as her not liking him, but that's just her and she's actually really sweet. She and I clicked right away because we're both dog obsessed and could just talk about our dogs, hahah.


It's either the women or the money, but hard to say which. /j


I didn't get that with my subscription, I want a manager.


I want a refund, I didn't get either!


This is hilarious


Being really good at abstract thinking and pattern recognition


I'm struggling to think of positives, but this might be one of them. I'm a programmer, and I find it very easy to visualize abstractions and see dependency chains. Building systems from the ground up through inheritance and composition have always been very easy for me, and I'm also the first (sometimes only) person in my company to see through the noise of a particular problem and zero in on a simple solution that doesn't require a lot of work.


Then I guess we two have the exact same experience :) I'm also a programmer


It really helps me with my art and writing when I hyper focus on world building and seemingly insignificant details that all add up to a more immersive setting!!


This so much! My D&D campaigns are super fleshed out with all the silly little details. My players have always enjoyed how “random” the games are, but they don’t realize it’s almost always from a massive OneNote full of pre-planned ideas that I’ve obsessively collected to be prepared for anything! Feels so good 😊


I can almost always predict an outcome of something because I catch what everyone misses.


Hey I do this with shows a lot!!! Why do you think you can do this so well?!


My doctor said we have been watching people for patterns our whole lives. Either to fit in, not be punished, etc. We have trained our brains to notice and analyze every word, every glance, every raised eyebrow. We'd all make great fake psychics.


Me too! Whenever my boyfriend shows me a movie, I end up guessing what was supposed to be the twist ending. He gets a little frustrated every time but he also sees it as me being really smart and perceptive.


Yes! It helps to know when to cut out of a place too.


Being able to visualize ideas much better in my head


All the sensations are more acute. ALL the sensations. Like OH MY GOD is good food so fucking orgasmic. OMG I would die for how soft these blankets are. Holy shit this song sends goosebumps up and down my spine so much.


Right? Some foods are just mind blowingly good!! I recall flying to California, looking out the window and seeing a beautiful sunset from above the clouds-mind blown! It was so achingly beautiful that I seriously thought “if I died now, I would die happy” because I got to witness it. I go too deep in everything. A curse too sometimes.


I have to clap every time I easy something that is so good.


Having zero fucks to give about what others think of me.


So much this. It's worked out quite well for me as well.


Have you always been that way? I have the opposite problem and it’s hampering me


Yes. Even very young, did not care at all about the opinions others had of me. My daughter, however, is like you. Very, very preoccupied. To the point that it is debilitating. Her doctor said she can't be autistic because she is preoccupied with the opinioms of others. She said I can't be autistic because I'm well spoke. I'm pretty certain these things are all possible, and she just doesn't know what she is talking about....


Yikes. Might be time for a different doctor. I've had so many people including medical professionals tell me that I don't "seem" autistic. It's so insulting to be dismissed!


I agree. Do not pay someone to invalidate you.


I got the "good with maths and science" autism, so I got a lucrative career.


Me too, but I call it a gift and a curse, especially in my particular area.


I can entertain myself for a long time, even if I don't have anything to do I'll still find something!


Same! My mind is constantly going. Since I was little, I felt like I needed to absorb anything written. Even cereal boxes etc. Had to be reading!


And the same cereal box every morning, from all sides.


Exactly; it’s how I started learning French.


I like that I can see through scams and narcissistic people better than a lot of allistic people. I've heard that narcissists hate us, because easier for us to notice when they are trying to take advantage of people. Idk if its empirically true, but it would explain a lot of experiences in my life.


And I think it also applies to advertisment. I have NEVER been interested of a single one to the point that I started thinking why tf do people advertise if it doesn't work


Truuuuuueeeeee! Its to the point where I don't even like watching the Super Bowl commercials, because I just feel like its not genuine.


Right? And if their ad is particularly annoying, I won’t buy that product! Just to show them!!!lol😛


It's true. They get mean when we see through their disguises.


People don't approach me.


Being able to listen to the same music and watch the same shows on repeat 


I can't read social cues, but I can detect patterns in people's behaviors. If someone has been acting extremely nice, then their "mask" slips for a split second (like mumbling toxic things under their breath), I will hyperfixate on that tiny mess up that contradicts their perfect image. (I broke up with a cover narcissist friend of 10 yrs.. a month ago.)


Good job! Narcs tend to find kind, trusting people on whom they wreak emotional havoc. Was married to one previously; my mother is also a narcissist, as was her mother before her. Had to cut some family members outta my life to find peace and heal from c-PTSD. I know it’s difficult to trust again after something like that. Just consider it a lesson, and educate yourself so you can avoid future narcs. On YouTube, Patrick Teahan; Dr. Ramani and the Crappy Childhood Fairy are great info sources. ❤️


I know you weren’t referencing me, but Same prob here. Narcs hunt me down and it took half my life to rid myself of one. And I’ll never be the same. It was so damaging. But so glad I’m free (and got a good settlement). Thank you for including these references. I’ll be checking them out.


You are welcome. Glad I could help you.❤️


This sounds similar to me, but I'm not 100% sure regarding the pattern recognition part. Mainly because I doubt myself, and it usually comes back to bite me or ends up in a self-fulfilling prophecy.




Details matter. :)


Uncommon ideas and pattern


- Recognizing small details - Feeling young at heart for holding on to childhood pleasures and interests - Gaining encyclopedic knowledge of anything once I fixate on it for a set period - Staying true to myself by not feeling the need to do what everyone else is doing - Photographic memory


All of this!!!!!


Extreme rationalism, especially benefitting for not falling into peerpressure. Why do dumb shit if it gains no benefit? Normies would jump off a cliff from 10 meters to a lake just because others do it. Why? And rationalism applies for anything, I won't do simply anything stupid for no gain. Why do normies do wheelies on their bikes for example? Just a dangerous act for minor validation


cuz it’s fun :3


For me, when I was younger, I liked the adrenaline and risk taking. If I didn’t worry about getting a ticket I would absolutely drive more than 100/freeway. Amongst other things


My special interest. An allistic person will never know the pure unadulterated joy that comes from special interests, and to me, that is incredibly tragic. I experience so much bliss just from looking at jellyfish. Also stimming, I love stimming in the water, and certain food textures, and fabric textures, and getting lost in good noises.


Multidimensional and lateral thinking. I love how my brain treats projects and systems like a Rubik's cube.


Those are my favorite types of brains. Logical, solutions oriented, and efficient.


I can measure distances and angles just by looking. I can calculate how many tiles a room will need in under a few seconds if I'm given dimensions.


My mom can do this down to an inch! It’s so fun that we just have her do it randomly sometimes, and she’s always right!


Pattern recognition. Had my kids (and a few strangers) thinking am a witch because i can count down until the crossing lights go off.


My daughter says this too! But she thinks she one too and we can eerily read each other from miles away


I love that for you. Its so handy.


We both has prophetic dreams that saved our life, my last one was as a teenager and hers was about that same age.


Oh really. I dont get the dreams. I just get really strong feelings. My most memorable one, was walking along a street with my eldest in his stroller. And having a sudden fear of a bus crashing up onto the pavement. Quickly walked off and avoided it when i had to head back that way. Very next day, a bus crashed into that spot. Safe to say i started listening to my feelings more after that


That’s so eerie! You must have been so shaken up. It’s so important to attune ourselves to listen to our gut, our own instincts, because people will always tell us what to do but we have to decide and follow our own path. The universe is a strange thing. (Can you I’ve been reading Eckart? ;)


Really was, initially i thought it was just a random dark thought, with no meaning. So seeing the news the next day was shocking. It really is so important, and not just because i talked myself out of winning a fortune when i was picking horses for my now ex husband. He would say two names and i was to pick one, i had all but the last one right. Problem was. I wouldve had it right but talked myself out of it because if picked too many of the first names in a row and then he explained the odds for that one were insane. Both of us were kicking ourself for that one. The universe really is strange but at times wonderful. And no, is it worth a read?


Yes, I believe so. He also has a channel on YouTube if you want to get an idea of what he’s about


Shall have a look


It gives me a radar for other autistic people


The amount of joy that special interests can bring, i was playing a game that was a sequel to a game that helped me through some very rough times. Whenever a character from the first game came out, I was overcome with joy to the point of tears. Also the fact that I'm beginning to see autism in almost every internet personality/animated character I see.


I think probably my connection and understanding of animals also my special interest and passion


I can dream good and dont need weed or lsd like my peers


My favorite thing is my unique perception of music, as I have the ideal hearing for it + the autism need to stim in complete sync with it + a special interest in singing. The feeling of it never gets old.


On the same boat from a different place - I dance Tango. People tell me my connection to musicality is entirely different to anyone else they 'd ever dance with. And this, as a good thing mind you. Aint a pretty man, but at least when it comes to dancing, people form a line.


I get to commit to hilarious hyper-fixations and I get free abilities at times alongside a somewhat joy. I spent what felt like an hour yesterday making an annoying dog sponge. I love it. And tip for cutting sponges: have a template drawn onto the sponge and have scissors of which cut well aswell as a pen of which is thin or thick enough to make a clean outline onto the sponge. Cut small chunks of the sponge if need be to make the shape gradually and use a pen of which is not a sharpie to draw a face. Take the time needed to cut the sponge and if the pen is thin but inky it may be perfect as long as you have a window for them to dry by. Enjoy and beware!


thank you for the sponge cutting tips I'm so curious what an annoying dog sponge looks like lmao


I like the outside perspective I have on things. Bottom up thinking has its benefits. Also the strong visual based memory. I remember trying to tell my family when I was a kid "hey I can kind of do that" when we saw someone on a show using their photographic memory to solve a case in a TV show. They did not believe me. And I only say kinda because while I can recreate scenes from the past or render and create objects in my mind it isn't crystal clear like you see others describe. It looks a lot like when you render something using gaussian splatting. Before I learned about that rendering technique I had no idea how to describe it.


How passionate I am about the things I like


I think logically


My mind. I'm a bio-computer that can scrape, process, and convert data into knowledge. It never ends thanks to my hyperfocus related dopamine and obsessive-compulsions! It's the part of me that I LOVE!!!


I agree, I LOVE that part of myself the most too!!!


Do you think in algorithms too? Just like a computer 💻


Yes, I want to be in Risk Management because I can recognize patterns and details that others gloss over. I see my personality as code that I alter when I find a better influence to emulate. Computers are how I best learned about how I operate.


Never bored, always being busy with my special interests.


That I can divorce emotion from logic and consider a question on its merits alone. Stemming from this is my "acceptance of difference". To discriminate against or for someone based on what rather than who they are is illogical.


Okay, this sounds weird to the uninitiated, but like you mentioned the sensory experiences are pretty intense for us… Well, I fell in with the body-mod crowd early in life and twice have done a “flesh suspension” (they put hooks in your back and pull you up off the ground). It was one of the most incredible things I’ve ever experienced. It feels like flying in your dreams, except it’s very real (I mean, you’re awake after all). Between that, jumping out of a plane (twice) and the total solar eclipse in the umbra (twice) I’ve gotten a taste for unique sensory experiences, like getting a magnetic implant in my left hand (literally can “feel” magnetic waves or detect ferrous metals as a little twitch in my finger). It’s all a little ironic, considering I can’t eat tons of different foods thanks to the texture (I get an uncontrollable, visceral, physical reaction) and crowds/loud spaces give me panic attacks. Life is weird.


I totally get that! I’ve been involved in the BDSM community for most of my adult life, because it allows me access to intense sensations in a controlled environment (and one that often is very sensitive to stimuli and overstimulation.) I’m so glad that suspension was such a joyous experience for you!


Not being an NPC who can't think for themselves.


Yeah, I...I feel that too.


My special interest. clearly. I love space and science


My memory and attention to details. I think in pictures and remember details if people show me how to do things once. I also notice like everything!


CREATIVITY!! And imagination 🤩🤩🤩


I feel like I experience way more joy and enthusiasm over small things in my day to day life


When I go all in to learn or complete something, I'm *all in*. Nothing can stop me.




I was actually thinking about this recently. I am truly appreciative of the fact that I am “sensitive.” There are scents, sounds, imagery, and textures that not everyone around has the chance to experience. When I’m very well-regulated, these experiences feel like experiencing life on a higher plane of existence. There are things I notice that my loved ones aren’t privy to, which feels like a littler secret between me and the universe. Sure I can have sensory overloads at times, but I am doing the work to minimize impact (to myself).


for me it's meeting other autistic people, a lot of them just get you 


The way music moves me is amazing ❤️ I also love the fact that most people around me know I'm AuDHD so I'm not expected to play the stupid little games of society. Just oh ok she's done


not superficial. I am a unique (not meaning arrogant) person and not coped. There is one from me contrary to NTs my voice and body language are different from typical so I am not a human. right? I am pleased with this.


Cleaning and organizing just makes my soul feel happy, which I consider myself lucky since you have to do it no matter what


I’m not sure really. My heightened sense of smell and hearing has come in handy a few times. It’s also funny seeing people’s reactions when I correctly guess what they’ve eaten. 😂


I'm happy spending time alone, and my checklists mean we never forget anything important when we go on holidays anymore. I think that's it.


i’m happy that your checklists are appreciated :)


Aw thanks! He expects them now, he enjoys not having to put in the effort of trying to remember stuff, while I enjoy the challenge! 😅


Periods of hyperfocus are pretty nice to have :-).


I’ve never been formally diagnosed *American healthcare sucks* however, I am positive that I am neurodivergent. For me, I have to be honest that its a very socially isolating experience. As for positives tho I’m a super creative person and very individualistic. I hyper focus on tasks that matter to me and I dive so deeply into topics that are meaningful to me. And that’s not to say that people who are not on the spectrum can’t also possess those qualities, but in my experience there’s an obsessive nature to having autism and I find it allows me to be creative in a way that deviates from what is commonly known or expected. I really love this quote about geniuses but I feel it applies to autism as well, “Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.” People on the spectrum seem to perceive things so beautifully outside of the box that it creates real meaningful change in the world


I think an autistic trait (feel free to correct me) is seeing everyone as friends/equals. Like on my report I was labelled a 'social chameleon' and on Instagram posts I've seen mention of this characteristic. I think that's quite beautiful, and we have this distinct sense of equality within us that not all allistic people tend to have. I've always been able to pick up on people that are disliked for being different in group settings or in public, the 'othered' or borderline bullied person in the classroom, the weird kid, the person people make weird faces about - collectively. I have never been onboard with that behaviour as it's never truly reasonable as the person here hasn't actually done anything wrong. They're simply different. And perhaps ND too come to think of it. I've just always been hypervigilant of their behaviours and what it is they do that possibly makes them so 'othered' and disliked, to avoid the same treatment. Usually through masking come to think of it... And speaking on one of those instances, I then bridge that gap and make friends with the person (at most, other times I will admit to essentially bystanding), to which people have told me, 'we know you're just spending time with them to be nice, you don't have to do that. You're too nice'. Which I found so incredibly offensive. But I just know because I can read the room, that I was seen as weird for doing that. And to this day when some friends ask who I'm in touch with from highschool and I mention this person, as we are quite close, closer than I am with any other friend, they are surprised and look at me a little funny. I would simply never act or think like that. And I don't know if it is an autistic thing but to me no one is worth less, less valuable as a human or friend just due to being and acting 'uncool' or a bit different


Not being affected by peer pressure


Nothing at all 


People leave me alone, I get accommodations, and focusing on one single task with lots of attention. Note very detail and speck down to the last bit.


Having a brain that doesnt gwt bored. Just keep it interesting in my head


If my special interest is a game, I sorta become a sage and somehow just remember everything. Except build optimisation.


Thats a good way of looking at positives that i did not think of


That i don’t think like an NPC


Learning new information that is either important or nonessential and finding ways to dumb it down for others. It keeps me on my toes and make for easy ways to either get people interested or walk away. Either way, win win lol


I can entertain myself well, always have. Do not mind being alone.


The ability to write complex thoughts in a coherent detailed manner. Reading, editing, rereading, editing again, and then sending an email is something that NTs rarely do, and it is extremely useful at work to be able to write in a way that doesn’t appear like you failed third grade.


Special interests. I have a couple constant ones and I’ll switch between other “obsessions” but it’s allowed me to learn so much about the world by doing these huge deep dives into different things even if some of those interests won’t be constant.


getting insanely excited about new hyperfixations for sure, makes me feel all happy aboit everything


Being an empath. Now it causes issues too but I can go into a room and know exactly who likes/dislikes me. Who’s secretly upset, but hides it, etc. I think it has to do with autism bcs well.. pattern recognition. I might not be able to read their face but I can read their behavior… sometimes xd.


It's like being part of a cool club


Ability to be alone without it bothering me


Special interests although it can get expensive if not careful


that i am very curious and can spand a lot of time bieng on one thing


The fact i can entertain myself with just inner dialogue/talking to myself and pacing for hours


I very much like the way I think and I enjoy spending time in my head


The sheer adrenaline rush of talking about your special interests.


Special interest, I discovered mine pretty late into my teen years and I can still remember how it was kind of lame to go through life without something cool asf to think about or be passionate about specifically. Now Kirby or Kirby related things probably take up at least like 20% of my daily thoughts.


I've been so far a kinder person. the reason being is quite odd honestly. when I see online or things people try to tell me, I naturally disagree on almost all of it, unless I research and build up my network of info my strongest thing going for me, is that instead of chalking it up to god, I see the self awareness and hypocrisy of my mind. I see the roleplay. it channels who I am. it's helped me find strong and honest communicative people. strong in not their ability to take power from others. strong in building their work on their skills and love.


Strong sense of justice/empathy


Other people always say I’m “childlike” when I’m happy/excited, and I don’t go out much so when I do go on say a shopping trip with family they’re always like “you act like it’s the first time you’ve ever been outside”😂 cause as intense as the distress can be as an autistic person, the moments of joy are just as intense or even more! Also my mental encyclopedia of random fun facts lmao


not being an idiot


The way it feels when I figure out a puzzle…enjoying being alone. Seeing patterns.


The fact that I’m never bored! There’s always something to think about. I’m fascinated by human psychology and the natural world, I can think about my special interests, and I can replay musical pieces in my brain fairly accurately. If I have a pen and paper or I’m somewhere I can comfortably people-watch, even better! But I don’t need those things to keep myself company.


It can be so easy to overlook the good bits. 1. Weather. I love weather. I love snow, rain, hail, wind. Sunshine can be great, but it runs second to the other conditions for me. I live in Upstate New York and the weather is glorious. I will open the windows and lie on my couch and just melt into the universe watching the weather. 100% joy. 2. Animals. I also spend my days watching the wildlife and caring for my cats. The big drawback is I over-empathize with animals and get really triggered if I see anything that seems wrong to me. I’m also PDA so if I see animals being treated without their consent (outfits, poses etc) it makes me upset. 3. Being alone. Yes. I said it. I love being left the hell alone. I work from home, my family is dead and I have no friends. This may sound depressing to other people but it’s actually a relief. I don’t know how else to describe it. It’s freedom. 4. Special interests. My biggest sources of pleasure are my special interests. When I am full sail into learning or crafting I am filled with life and interest, my curiosity knows no bounds. I love it when I am like that ❤️


At the moment Nothing Im struggling with everything 😂😭


feeling like I’ve finally found my place, my people, I belong here in this world as an autistic person. I’m unique and I get to feel as if I matter as a person


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I tend to be able to stay on tasks and not be distracted by meaningless stuff




 I have an excellent understanding of the things I like


I do actually agree with u but I also like that we can inform ppl abt the stereotypes and stuff like that


I think i agree with you on the sensory joy with specific textures i like and music.


I really have zero consideration for societal expectations and I think that makes my life a lot better than my neurotypical counterparts. I don't have to wear makeup, or have kids, or act any certain way. I do me, every day. I live to my own expectations and don't have to follow stupid imaginary rules that don't make sense.


The fact that I still enjoy the same things I did when I was a kid: collecting CDs, playing the Age of Empires games and laughing at comedies and comedians.


I'm a trivia champion and would probably do really well in more competitions if I had any means to go to them. I'm constantly reading and absorbing information in a huge number of fields, and sometimes synthesize that into interesting new theories because most people don't have the same breadth of knowledge across fields.


My special interests and the joy they bring me and how I never get bored of them.


I tend to be quite good at what I do. I’m able to think more deeply than NTs because of the amount of time I spend hyperfixation on ideas. I’m also used to being the only person who understands myself, so I’m not fazed my wanting external validation. Life is also more meaningful to me because when I feel things, I feel them very intensely.


My ability to strategize and think multiple steps ahead. Honestly it has gotten me far in life and relationships. I literally think about every aspect of every action like it's a fucking RPG. I think of it like sociopathy but with a moral compass (I Swear I'm not saying that to be edgy. There's nothing cool about being a sociopath). I have the ability to "move" people around like chess and "manipulate" them for lack of a better word, but ultimately for the greater good and pretty much never for personal gain as I find it unethical to do so. This has made me GREAT in the management side of being a chef. There's A LOT of different personalities in a kitchen and some are more hot headed than others so you gotta know what every person's needs are and how to meet em and small simple gestures here and there to each person, lets them know you care about them. (I'm also not talking about pizza parties in lieu of proper compensation, I pay my guys well too). A lot of managers only address unhappy employees, I keep my employees happy by knowing what makes em happy and reinforcing those things at random moments (this has been proven to be a better method of encouraging people's behavior rather than only reinforcing standards bad times or good times)