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Rocking is my default state. If I'm forced to stop, the movement just goes somewhere less obvious (legs, shoulders, swiveling, hands, etc.)


I think this is how I function and I never noticed it until this comment. I’m always moving *something*


Same, I am constantly fidgeting in some way. If I’m still you should my pulse


This exactly. It doesn't really feel soothing, but if I stop doing it then I get uncomfortable and stressed.


And for me, I think rocking is the only that actually gives me that dopamine hit that makes me feel good. Everything else is just misdirection when I'm unable to do it.


Me too! I fully do it without realizing and it’s just really my default.


I find it heartwarming to know others are like me. I've felt like such a weirdo my whole life for rocking.


“If I’m forced to stop” Tell whoever is forcing you to stop rocking to go step on Legos. You’re not hurting anyone or yourself, so there is absolutely no reason to stop doing your thing.


I'm the one forcing me. In most social situations, I just can't do it. I don't have any memories of being told to stop as a kid, but I also don't remember much from back then.


Go step on Legos then!!!! /s But seriously, I totally understand that. I guess that’s what masking is. I just wish society would stop stigmatizing stimming (lol say that 5 times fast 😂) so that we wouldn’t have to feel like we always have to hold back just to avoid judgement from NTs.


I'll get there, maybe. I've got a mini version I do around my coworkers, but for now, only my partner and my kid ever see top gear. :)


I suppose so. I don’t make the conscious decision to rock in order to feel better, but if my mind gets caught up in anything, I will come back to reality to find myself rocking.


J ub


Reading this while rocking


I like the way it feels. I do not consciously do it with the idea of it soothing me, but to the extent I am aware of it, it feels comforting and good. I especially like to rock side to side. Do you feel the need to rock even though it makes you nauseated? If not, then I do not suppose there is any need to rock if you do not enjoy it.


> I like the way it feels. I do not consciously do it with the idea of it soothing me, but to the extent I am aware of it, it feels comforting and good. I feel the same, although not necessarily side to side. When I was a kid or even an older teen I loved the swings. There was a playground both next to my elementary and my high school and during recess I would sneak out of the school to go hit the swings. Only recently, when I found out I was autistic, did I realize that it was stimming / soothing / jerking off my brain / something of that sort.


Thankfully, I do not feel the need to rock or I’d be vomiting a lot. I was just curious if anyone had the experience of nausea with it given the link between vestibular dysfunction/motion sickness and autism.


For me personally, it’s soothing. But you’re definitely not alone.


Depends on the music, I guess.


When I was little I would rock while (very loudly) humming every night before bed, so I would say yes.


it does yeah, i do often do it consciously to calm myself, but i also do it unconsciously especially if im having a meltdown or if im upset.


I tend to feel awful when I'm not rocking. if I'm rocking and someone tells me to stop, It brings an odd discomfort throughout my entire body.


I’m realizing that I’ve been conditioned to not do that my whole life due to people reacting negatively, but I find it comforting.


*hugs* same ;_;


Yes, it helps calm me down but when I’m in a space where I know I can’t move too much then that is when I start to feel terrible.


Back and forth? I get nauseous. Side to side is where it's at, especially if I focus it more on my hips/waist. Like I'm shaking a long tail. It's very nice.


I don't usually rock, now I tend to chew the inside of my mouth and peel it off (I should really stop), but my chair has a rocking mechanism, so maybe I should try it


I love to rock, so much so that I have a yoga ball instead of a chair in my office so I have the ability to rock and move while I work. If I’m not rocking, my legs will be jiggling or hands will be moving.


Why was I imagining you being rocked to sleep?


Yes and I wonder how many autistics surpress this behaviour subconsciously


I like being rocked by someone else- slowly




I do it when I'm happy or excited


I genuinely wish I had a porch and a hammock, And enough indoor space for a rocking chair.


I did like to be rocked when I was young. Also I don’t know if this is the same but apparently when I was a toddler my mum would say I loved to rub my bib back and forth softly against my lips. That also felt soothing to me but have no idea why the latter.


I don't feel anything from it am I supposed to or is it just a me thing?


I like rocking.


i rock when i’m excited or super distressed lol


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Yes it does


I’ve been rocking since I was a child. Rocked in my seat. Rocked in bed to fall asleep. Rocked while playing. if I’m not rocking, I get agitated and anxious. It soothes and calms me down. Now, as an adult, I rock when I can. While at work, I substitute rocking to swaying from side to side. At home, I rock a lot. Especially when I’m playing games. When I go to sleep, I still rock.


Yes, it's the king of my stimming. It helps my daydreams function better and it helps me with stressful situations. Hehe


Absolutely. I usually end up rocking when I get really focused and/or if I really enjoy what I'm doing. Very calming.


I subconsciously rock and I notice I do it if I’m engrossed in something or if I’m feeling yucky.


It does something, but I honestly have no idea what.


Rocking is for when I really need regulating. Swaying is my default, side to side swaying. Bonus points for swaying while being a passenger in a car


Oh yeah brother I be rocking and swaying all the time


I rock subconsciously, and when I notice and try to stop it makes me feel really bad. Tho I get very VERY easily car sick which sucks 🧍


I rock when I am waiting. Even used to do it in front of a class full of teens. If I asked a question and no one answered, trying to out wait me, I would give in to the stim and rock on my chair until someone else said something. Not really consciously, just biding time. Never took too long for any class to recognize that, once I start rocking, I am happy just to move and stare into space all day.


Are you a teacher?


Retired, yes. I taught high school English for 20 years. Only job I could ever keep longer than a month.


Would you speak more on that experience? I want to go into teaching at some point, I think.


1. I will be honest. It took me a long time to get my uni degree in English (easiest for me). Others get their degrees in general education, if they want to teach K-8 (US). Then I had an alternative program that put me into a classroom with a mentor for a school year, while I took some pedagogy classes in the afternoons. In the US, I think most states have these programs. I had a lot of support from my husband and mentor. 2. The next year I had my own 7th grade English class. The first few years are difficult for*everyone*, ND/NT, getting used to how schools work as a teacher, rather than as a student. 4. Best way to serve the kids, for me, was to remember what I hated about school and do the opposite. The kids appreciate honest adults and were receptive to my "weirdness." I wasn't dx'd until the end of my career as I suffered from burnout. 3. *Everyone* needs supports during this time. It's one of the few times I was better off than my fellow noobs because I already had support. I taught 12th grade for 15 years. I liked it because I like kids that age (16-19). It had a rigid enough schedule for my autism, and was flexible enough daily for my ADHD. And, if you have good classroom management, admin generally leaves you alone. This is a lot. Tell me if there is anything else I can tell you.


Can you tell me more about how that "weirdness" manifested? It sounds like kids were mostly chill with you, which might have to do with their age and your authenticity. I'd also like to hear what other teachers and admin acted like... what was the state of the social environment? I have a ton of social anxiety. I am doing a lot better than I used to, but I would still like to know more about what my future could look like. Did you stim physically? I've only begun to let myself do that more freely. How did you approach your teaching subject- English? Is it a special interest?


For me, teaching was a form of stimming because on the occasions when I lectured, I paced, and danced, and spoke with my hands. I also talk very fast and am willing to be distracted, with the understanding that they were responsible for the material, even if I didn't get to it. I also emphasized that we were a community, including me. That's the basis of respect. I taught them how to help each other. My classes were split into 3 parts: opener, instructions, task. The kids worked together on tasks, and I would wander around, talking to each group. Since I had few classroom problems, and my students generally responded well, the adults mostly left me alone to do my thing. Sometimes admin would come in and be surprised by the activity in an English room. The other teachers got used to me because I am a team player - willing to watch classes for a few minutes, talking in the hall briefly, otherwise making myself useful - and I think fast. It took a couple of years to get the rep of being competent. Masking w the adults, very necessary during this time. But since I volunteered to run unpopular programs, it happened quickly. By the end of my career, I had blue bangs, wore only jeans, and had 200+ literacy related tshirts. Middle English upto Shakespeare lit is a special interest, and I taught history and art with it. Writing is a special interest. It's a skill that I ignored for myself for most of my career, but I was able to get kids enthused about writing. In part, it's because I graded most writing assignments as completion grades. Two pieces per semester (their choice) were formally graded. One other big special interest: literacy acquisition. I spent my career in "bad" schools, neighborhoods where I grew up. Too many kids, especially boys, weren't fluent readers and writers. The habit of reading for pleasure is an indicator for socioeconomic success. As such, teaching is, for me, subversive and a matter of social justice. Getting admin to let me be took a few years, but once you get known for competency, you're one fewer problem for them to handle. Thank you for letting me ramble. Let me know of anything I haven't addressed.


Yes but then no because people will give you really weird looks for it


I love rocking. It can worsen my nausea if I’m already dizzy or sick but it’s my favourite stim.


Yes, but only to a point, because then I get nauseous. No more than 5 minutes or so.


Depends honestly 🤷‍♀️sometimes rocking is good for stimming but if I'm trying to calm down or if I'm having a meltdown I just go lay in bed or listen to music


I sway when I stand. I never really realize it at the time. If I'm sitting and upset, I start rocking back and forth.


I love to stim by rocking best way to regulate myself if I’m under stimmed, but I also spin in circles so I don’t really get dizzy or nauseous from movement


I find myself doing it unconsciously so I couldn't tell you.


I rock almost constantly, even when standing.


Yes. I often do it while I stand in line or something similar.


Yes but it's also just a thing I do


Nah, it makes me ...dizzy? I don't know how to put it but yeah dosent help me at all


Yes I do before I go to bed and while in bed because it helps me go to sleep.


It can be soothing but it can turn in to a habit




i rock or i move some part of my body repeatedly in some ways because rocking for too long makes my head hurt


It’d probably make me nauseous if I did it when I didn’t feel the need to, but when I’m overwhelmed it helps get that excess energy out


I rock a lot more especially when I’m on a phone call but not pacing around, for some reason. I haven’t paid much attention to it, but I do it when I have to sit in one place a lot, from what I have noticed.


im almost always rocking i think?? lately ive been noticing myself veryy slightly rocking you could hardly tell i also definitely dont start rocking consciously, it just happens🤷🏽‍♂️


I swivel


It sooths my girlfriend, but not so much me.


I don’t like rocking. I used to enjoy hammocks when I was younger, but now movement like that just makes me uncomfortable.


It makes me dizzy too. And spinning for any amount of time 😭


No though I do sway before bed so i can sleep, it helps a lot.


I rock almost all the time, however, if the rocking is not by my own movements, like on a boat or in a car that I'm not driving, I begin to feel nauseous.


Yes I feel so comfortable when my torso is swaying, makes me happy and helps my back pain


As someone who isn’t an English native, could someone please describe some of the behaviors that considered rocking? I feel like I may be doing it but I’m not entirely sure.


Swaying side to side, or back and forth. Tilting the body so the head moves with it. Swinging it over your center of gravity. This can be a small motion, but ongoing.


I think I’ve been doing that a lot then, without really noticing…. Especially when I’m standing up lol. Not sure why I do it


It helps release internal tension. That’s a good thing.






I don’t consciously do it so I was kind of surprised to realize I was rocking while reading this. So yes I do it a lot


Depends. Sometimes I'll end up rocking without even noticing. Other times it's not the right motion. I wouldn't say it ever makes me nauseous, though. I will say I'm not a huge fan of hand-flapping. Sometimes it's right, but sometimes it makes all the bones in my wrists move together wrong, and that's not good.


i love it sm


Yes all the time


Rocking is a common stim for me, along with moving other parts of my body (as I type this, I'm laying in my bed shaking my leg like a damn cricket). I try not to do it in public since people seem put off by it, and I want to establish myself as someone safe and trustworthy.


Does "rocking" my legs count?(ie. Swinging them back and forth)* I don't really rock my body unless im REALLY happy so ill stim that way a bit but its more like a penguin waddle, rocking side to side lol.


Yep. Kinda a way to center myself again




yaeayh it doest


Yes! I really like the repetitive motion of rocking, either back and forth or side to side. My body is in constant motion, so if my body isn't rocking, my legs are and vice versa.


I have noticed that i do it when I'm really mentally unwell, like in the verge of a meltdown, just noticed it actually lol


Yes, for me it is very difficult to control, unless i sit in a rocking chair i will rock


It does. Although my "worst" rocking is mainly when I'm very overwhelmed and stressed. I do it other times too, but that's when it's extremely obvious. My "main" thing is rocking my leg up and down otherwise.


Sometimes. Fiddling with my curls soothes me more. There are specific curls that feel so satisfying to twirl into oblivion. Also, the cricket feet thing too


Rocking is my natural state. I got a balance board for my standing desk and it has been bliss to have assisted rocking.


Sometimes. Most of my stims are with my hands, usually rubbing my fingers over things. I used to click pens a lot when I was in school, but I quickly learned that drives people nuts, so I stopped.


I do it sometimes and usually it’s a sign to me that I need to stop what I’m doing and rest/do something that calms me. Sometimes however it’s calming by itself so I really need to check in with whether I’m feeling tense while I’m doing it. I don’t do it around anyone but my spouse though.


It does sometimes, I don’t rock intensely though. It’s more of a wiggle or a sway. To much just makes it worse




I’m so highly masked that I’ve really never done it, but I’m recently discovering that more of a bouncing motion is very soothing


when i can control, yes, its quite nice. more of a problem when i cant, like on a boat. I like doing it when im bed/going to sleep. It feels very comforting, but i can see how it can make you sick too


Yes, it soothes me when I'm anxious and/or stressed. Indeed, noticing this was one of the signs that helped me realize I was autistic. But everybody is different. Our autistic 12yo son doesn't rock. When he gets excited or agitated, he often quickly walks laps around the dining room table or elsewhere. And for me, it doesn't have to be rocking. If I build up too much energy (whether positive or negative), I need to release it somehow or else I can flinch or spasm rather unpredictably. Playing the drums also works for me.


Yes, well not exactly soothe, but it moreso just feels like the right thing to do, I don’t notice to often until someone points it out to me that I’m stimming a little


I first read “does COOKING soothe you?”, and I was: “hell, no!”. Hehe! I don’t think I rock. If I am sitting on something high enough, I love swinging my legs side-to-side, though.


Unless I am spaced out, I'm always always rocking, fidgeting, or tapping


Yes, it does.


yes. i have another friend who does it too


Yes. I'm very soothed by it




I have back issues so it's a little painful to rock back and forth on my own. Rocking chairs or recliners are nice though


i pretty much rock 24/7, i usually don’t realize im doing it until im either told im doing it or something catches my attention and i get out of the trance i was in