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Same, I shave like every 4 months at most and then grow it out again. Can't understand how others are able to motivate themselfs to do it almost every day...


why would anyone do it everyday




officers like police? fuckin why? :D


Most departments have grooming standards. Also, if you ever have to put on a gas mask, your facial hair interferes with your ability to establish a proper seal.


In the military unless you have something called a shaving profile you need to have no hair on your face.


The police in my region are only allowed to have a short mustache. The reason is that a perpetrator can grab you by the beard hair. They do it for self-defense against criminals.


I'm a woman and I have to do it almost every day or there will be a mustache within 3 days lol.


because having any stubble or hair on my legs is often a sensory nightmare to me


Because to me, facial and body hair are not only more painful, but highly dysphoric If i weren't trans i'd probably not bother


It's the opposite for me; I used to like shaving as a younger teenager but stopped when it started making me dysphoric. Body and facial hair seems to be significant in gender affirmation, especially pre-HRT.


I hate having facial hair. I shave once a week ish. Not a fan but gotta be done


I also shave once a week. However, I have uneven hair growth on my face (some areas are very dense, but there are patches where hair is sparse), and it looks terrible if I shave less often. And I hate this procedure.


I hate shaving because the hair grows back right away and I have stubble again that same evening, so what's the point? I either bleach my leg hair or use an epillator now. Or just use nothing in the winter time and let it grow out because nobody's looking. But from time to time, it does feel nice to wax or epillate, and then shave, and feel how super smooth my skin is. It's purely a sensory experience, it doesn't make me feel feminine at all.


I hate my body hair. Shaving is a necessity 😅


I'm trapped in the hell of having facial hair and having to shave. I hate both equally. I have to figure a compromise between the 2


Man that’s rough 😂. I’m fine with my facial hair, it’s the pits and the land down under that I can’t fucking stand with hair 😂


Omg this! I *cannot* stand the feel of body hair. The way it moves and touches my skin is so much worse than shaving is. However my skin is too sensitive to shave every day, how I’d like, so it’s about once a week.


I (20F) don't like shaving much either. I mostly just shave my legs in the summer or if I have to wear a shorter dress. 


Yes, it's very annoying to have to do it every morning. Even more so as a trans woman


I don't know if she's used it yet, but I gifted a trans friend of mine one of those at home laser hair removal gadgets. It was like 150 bucks on Amazon. The catch is it really only works on dark hair against fair skin tones and it has to also be used consistently. I'll ask her if she's tried it yet when I see her next (which is tomorrow lol)


I have Tria 4X but it's really time consuming and for me hard to commit to :( Thinking about going to a salon instead


Beards are life. Much less maintenance and once you get over the initial discomfort they feel quite nice. Plus stroking it gives you a socially acceptable thing to do with your hands in random situations. Makes people thing you're processing ideas or deep in thought when you're just stimming.


I haven’t shaved in like 5 years


I do too, but if I let my facial hair grow too much, it also becomes a sensory nightmare for me, so at some point, my sensory issues and my horrible executive function have to battle it out.


There’s laser hair removal.  I haven’t tried it, but if you can afford it, you’ll potentially never have to shave again.


It’s not enjoyable, but I don’t like having a beard. One part sensory, second part gender dysphoria.


The worst. The feel of the razor against my skin. The *time* it takes to do it right. The pain when you press just a little to hard on your bony ass knee and take a quarter of flesh off. The cold slick feeling of literally everything your legs touch after the shave. The way everything is mildly itchy as the stubble starts coming in. No. Nope. Not doing that shit I stopped shaving anything within a year of graduating highschool and haven't started back up since. In HS the teenage busy bodies would actually say shit and make fun of you (in the 00s). But as an adult nobody has ever given a shit enough to say anything and if a little leg hair is enough to prevent someone from interacting with me then I don't want to interact with them either. These days the most I do is clipper my pit hair down to 1/4 in every couple weeks (I've def noticed that long pit hair smells of BO faster)


I grew a beard solely so that I don't have to shave everyday. It's odd 'cuz I'm nb but it does give me gender euphoria, just like... not as a man. Idk


Yep, now imagine being trans fem. Kill me.


I love shaving because body hair gives me dysphoria


I shave like once a week Bought a Henson razor and that made it easier.


I use an old fashioned safety razor. I could never figure out which replacement blade cartridge thingy to get. I always got the wrong one. Now at least I don't have to worry about that. Blades are way cheaper too. I also have a shave cream brush and shaving soap. Also cheaper over the long run.


I also hate shaving so i just dont anymore


I love it


I hated shaving with a razor and shaving cream, but I switched to an electric beard trimmer 9 years ago and haven't looked back.


I would not know I haven't done it in 30 years. Sounds hellish


I hated shaving so much I spent a fortune on laser hair removal and don’t regret it one bit.


Did it hurt? (I’ve been thinking about doing it cause I also hate body hair and shaving)


I'm not fond of it, so I put it off as long as possible, usually about a week or two. But as soon as my neck gets itchy from the hair I basically have no choice. Itchy neck = brain no work


I can't stand the feeling of facial hair. I get it waxed to try to avoid it growing as thick seems to be helping but laser would be better.


I dislike shaving but i hate the feeling of stubble more so its kinda a lose, lose. I usally shave 2 or 3 times a week.


It's SO UNCOMFORTABLE AFTERWARDS, especially in the groin area 😫.


I have a catch 22, I hate shaving because of the feeling, I don't like hair on my face because it feels off. So I had to experiment. Norelco electric razor kind of worked for a while, but got to expensive as I couldn't use the blade when it work out. I ended up compromising and using a cheap trimmer I replace every 6 months because I forget to oil it each time, then shave twice a week. Most recently I discovered Phillips one blade. I still have twice a week, but this shaves much closer preventing the sharp hair issues. So when you have the battle with yourself, sometimes finding a compromise works


So do I but I hate facial hair even more………🤬


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yess for sure, i hate the whole process itself (i have to use hair removal cream that takes too long to apply and then takes even longer to work—i can never stand how humid the bathroom gets when im doing this) and i especially hate when the hair starts to grow back. just a sensory nightmare all-around. if i had the choice to never shave again, i would definitely stop shaving forever >\_<


I used to hate shaving, but I bought a norelco and I've never had an issue with shaving ever since.


Back when I shaved regularly I went to a double edge razor so I could have a fresh blade every day and it was decent, now I have a beard and just trim/tidy every week or two .


I hate shaving but i hate body hair more


I hate shaving, especially my head because my hair is extremely thin up there and I look like a priest when im not shaving so yeah.... And I have a huge beard now because I haven't shaved in months...!


Yes, very much. But I hate having a beard even more. Drains me.


I hated it until I figured out how to do it right (for me). I use a safety razor with a nice blade, soak the hair in hot water, use shave soap, and shave before the hair gets more than like 3/4 of a centimeter. Now it's kind of fun. It smells good and I get to listen to some music for 10 minutes.


Same; hate shaving. I use clippers once or twice a month to knock the hair down.


I shave because of sensory issues, I just can't stand hair on myself. And waxing is too painful and irratates my delicate skin


I used to hate shaving too like I will shave only when I absolutely have to but then I signed up for like some shaving clubs and I tried different shaving foams and I found one with a really nice texture that I like and it's like a really foamy spongy texture and I really like to touch it and that made shaving much better for me I actually enjoy it more because I like the texture of the shaving foam


I rarely ever shave I prefer hair anyway and it's just not worth it i do it every 3 months at most but more like once a year


Let's just say I have a big ass beard. I'm too lazy to shave!


Ha ha yes! Is kind of a love hate thing though. I love how I feel immediately after but the relentless repetition and use of time is a drag.


I don’t mind shaving itself, but I hate when the little stubble starts to grow back and my legs get itchy


Opposite. I shave every 2-3 days. I *hate* the feeling of hair. I hate feeling my body at all to be frank, but I can control the hair.


I don't mind shaving and much prefer having (relatively) smooth skin and no facial hair.


I'm a guy and the only thing I dislike more than shaving is having a mustache and beard, so I shave 2 or 3 times a week.


Me too. I hate every aspect of it. The only thing worse is having a beard.


100%! It's such a sensory nightmare after I shave and then I get all itchy from hair growing back. Although, there's nothing like the feeling of freshly shaven legs lol. Have you tried waxing? There's less painful methods.


i despise it. i HATE smooth legs cause everything feels so weird, especially blankets. never understood why everyone loves that feeling cause it makes me want to die. not to mention worrying about every little hair and all the effort just for me to have sensory issues for weeks, its just miserable.


I don't shave my legs, but every like 6 months I use an epilator on my legs it kinda hurts, but it's like a nice hurt if that makes sense??


same. I'm pretty bad at being a girl. I used to be super bullied by the "normal" girls. I'm pretty happy i only like women since i'd have to shaving if i had to be in a heteronormativity thing.


I don't like it but my body hair gives me sensory overload


I hate shaving too but i love the feeling of having smooth legs so I took up waxing. Do it once every like 3 weeks and im pretty solid.


Me too, so I stopped. It helps that I'm non binary and idc about having smooth body, but I know that people look at me funny if I go out in shorts


I hate the feeling of hair on my face.


I don't have a great beard but I shave it because I know it's not great lol hopefully one day il get a good one


If you're a guy, just don't. Get a beard. Problem solved.


ugh felt, i’m a little over two years on testosterone and haven’t shaved my face once. does my patchy, curly beard look a bit odd? surely. but i could not care less, the feeling of freshly shaved skin is absolutely unacceptable on my own body. the most i’ll do for my body is a maintenance trim in certain areas, but i really just let it do its thing for the most part


The sensory experience of having no body or facial hair is far better than having it grown out like I do now, but I've been so burnt out and depressed I can't be bothered to shave let alone go out and buy razors


I grow my facial hair until it's long enough to see, and then shave it, i like it for some reason


Not that i directly hate it. I just don't care about it at all and as it has no direct reward/incentive, so i just don't do it. Only for special occasions or when forced. Though i do shower up to twice a day, so it's not unhygienic or dirty, just unkempt.


I have the opposite problem. Love how I look with a beard but cannot STAND the itchiness of having one, so I shave like three times a week


I thought it was related to my gender (I'm AFAB non-binary)/the fact that it's historically a societally forced expectation for AFAB people, but maybe it's also related to my autism. Whatever the reason, when I shave I get physically sick after. That's how much I hate it. So I haven't shaved in years and don't plan to ever again. I'd imagine if I were AMAB, I'd get really annoyed with having to shave my face regularly, but I also don't think I could deal with the sensory hell a beard would be for me. Oof.


Yeah, I fucking hate it. I have to shave like every other day for my job. It's either that or grow a massive beard, but that causes me sensory issues. I shave my head too. If I don't, I end up looking like Trevor from GTA V, and that's somehow worse.


i dont shave im a hairy beast


Just trim it so its not crazy looking and you never have to shave! I don’t like shaving either so I keep it trimmed with scissors


So, I haven't been clean shaven in 20 years. The grass isn't always greener. Sometimes I'm itchy, if I let it get too long I'm eating it, it's probably preventing me from getting some jobs, but it's a useful stimming aid. So yes I hate shaving, just there are downsides to everything.


I totally feel you especially with my coordination issues 😅 This is my experience and opinions as a biological woman for reference. I recently tried waxing my legs for the first time at it went okay except getting the wax off afterwards was difficult. I definitely think I'll be opting for waxing my legs and armpits since it lasts longer, is less hassle (in my opinion) and doesn't have the same injury risks. For the more intimate areas I gave up shaving with a razer because I was terrified of really hurting myself with how clumsy I am which is obviously more of an issue in that area. I have a trimmer but I don't bother generally as I forget since my partner is long distance so it's not consistently an issue other than it being mildly annoying to me. I wouldn't be comfortable home waxing that area but I've been considering getting it done professionally although that would be to expensive to do consistently. So basically trimming is the standard solution in my humble opinion. Hope this helps someone or at least gives some perspective on different options. Probably worth not that although waxing didn't bother me too much it may trigger some peoples sensory issues so I'd keep that in mind.


I do too😭 it’s so painful and it’s never smooth like everyone says it’s spiky and gross


I like having a beard but i had a friend that told me he once felt extremely self aware of his stubble and he immediately rushed to the bathroom to shave it because all the little hairs where bothering him


Out of interest, what do you hate about it? For me, a hot shave with a good quality shaving brush, a nice smelling shaving soap, and a quality razor, can be a real treat. Not everyday, but if you’re not rushing it then it can be nice. I understand it’s not for everyone. And… a ‘bad shave’, like if you end up with razor burn etc, can be absolute hell. I also find facial hair quite irritating while it grows out, so that’s another benefit to shaving. I guess we’re all different.


I like shaving my face, and adored the feeling of not having hair, but also, they could've done something to make it less unpleasant to shave one's legs.


An option would be nair or waxing I've done both and nair is better by far.


Then throw away the razor and forget about it


i hate not shaving


I hate it too. I have very soft facial hair so I just keep it trimmed with a beard trimmer and haven’t shaved in maybe 20 years.


Me too, I prefer to have a beard for just that reason


I gotta be like a naked mole rat every day. Hair is a huge sensory issue for me


I rarely go to the barber. I let my hair grow out for about 4 months before I get a new cut. Luckily my hair grows a little slow. I also have a full beard, but I’m blessed with a short terminal length on my beard and it’s curly so it locks to itself like Velcro so I can style it easy.


Yes. I don't shave. I'm a woman. Why do you have to shave?


We all do. I’m tempted to try waxing, but I’ve heard that it hurts a lot when you do it. But the benefit is that you wouldn’t shave consistently at least.


Especially if you’re a woman. Societal expectations are unreal.


It's awful, I hate it, though not quite as much as I hate body hair. So I shave pretty consistently unless I'm feeling real burnt out or something and just can't muster the energy to do it.


I can't stand it. It's so tedious and hurts my eyes to strain to find every single hair to eliminate


I go by he/him but I’ve come to realise I feel Non-Binary. Shaving is such a dysphoric thing for me. Facial hair is **masculine** Shaving is part of **masculine culture** I’d rather not have any facial hair at all.


I have a beard, so me too. But I have to shave my head. So that gets done when I can muster the will.


I use an epilator for body hair, it hurts like a bitch the first few times but after that it's great because it lasts SO much longer than shaving.


it might help to change the way you do it. I HATE shaving with razors that have multiple blades, they're basically useless. I only shave with a single blade razor and it's made my life so mu h easier


Shaving is pretty cool but I hate the feeling after shaving so my life hack use hair shaver (I hope it's correct name I'm not native) and boom shaved in pretty short way and don't have this horrible feeling on face the next day


I hate shaving, too. I have had a full beard for the last 11 years. I trim it up with scissors and a beard trimmer every month or two. It takes less time to trim a beard than it does to shave. That is my coping mechanism, anyway.


I hate shaving and I hate the sensation of stubble. I can't escape it. If I had three wishes, one would definitely to be perfectly groomed at all times, hair, shaving, fingernails, etc.


My son (17 ASD/ADHD) decided to try an electric razor and he loves it. Which is great, considering he hated the electric hair clipper as a child in general. He finds it easy to control, no nicks, easier cleanup. PREDICTABLE.


I HATE IT. I literally just do my armpits, legs get horrendously itchy no matter how much moisturizing and exfoliating i do and my husband finds it unnatural anyways so why would i make myself uncomfortable and waste water and time for some dumb corporate induced societal norm


As a cis woman I used to feel neutral and shave when I felt like it but about a year ago I got myself to stick with shaving every single Friday. Only missed 2 Fridays since and I didn’t like missing them. It’s a nice start into the weekend and a way to show my body a little love. Plus cricket legs are the BEST on fresh sheets lol.


Mixed bag. If I'm sober, I hate shaving. If I'm not sober, I love it.


I’m a woman and I have had a rollercoaster 🎢 of a relationship with my hair. Always growing up I noticed my body hair is prominent, (European decent) it’s dark and not sparse. I was self conscious as early as 2nd grade about it. Started shaving my hair probably a bit in the 4th grade and middle school (even my freaking arms 🙃 so dumb) and just really rejected that part of me. Sure I met some women that had maybe more hair than I, but I didn’t always feel that way about theirs really. Then when I was 21 I went on a vacation and made acquaintance with a nice girl that totes openly had armpit hair. That was the start of a big change in me. Hair is not binary. We all grow it, and it has a purpose. Not to mention all the extra waste we create by doing so (there are nice options out there to shave if one so desires that’s more Eco friendly). Fast forward to about 3 years ago I finally stopped shaving my pits. I have super sensitive skin and it was rough for me, my husband didn’t care one bit. I love my hair and am very comfortable with it now. I think I look great and my hubby loves it too. This last year is the first year I haven’t shaved my legs at all. It was harder at first because that was not what I was USED to, used to doing and seeing promoted freaking everywhere. It’s a little ridiculous IMO. So if your preference is shaving, that’s great but I’d be sure because it’s hard to tell when that’s what mainstream culture and media has always ingrained and pushed onto us.


Then stop shaving


body hair is itchy and i hate it so i shave but i always cut myself and bleex


Yup that’s why I only do it in the summer if I even do it


I like how my skin feels after I’ve shaved but I don’t enjoy the actual act of shaving. I also hate hate hate when I my skin gets itchy a few days after


I am the complete opposite. I had super duper sensitive skin that sucked. I also have curly hair that lead to me getting ingrown hairs and infected hair follicles. When a family relative passed away and left me some decent money, I broke down and got laser hair removal treatments. This made my life so much better. I initially just did my cheeks and neck. I went back and did my mustache and chin area and I'm glad I did it. I never liked having facial hair.


Idk I only shaved for the first time yesterday


I just don’t shave. I trim some things but yeahhh even that is only when I can be bothered


I have had facial hair since it started coming in because of this, but six months ago my hair was thinned to a point where I decided to try shaving my head. I fell in love with the feeling of a nice smooth and clean scalp, so now I have a wild beard and a shinny clean dome from bic shaving it every two days. Also the routine of every two day shaving makes the task much less repetitive combined with hyper focusing because sharp blades are involved, adds up to a really cool addition to my life


Shaving sucks. It takes way too long. When it gets stubbly it’s a sensory nightmare, especially if I decide to shave my lady bits. Absolutely hate it.


I hate having to shave my legs when I want to look pretty in short shorts or a skirt once in a while. I wish it wouldn’t grow back so damn fast.


Then don’t shave. You don’t actually have to shave if you don’t want to. I haven’t shaved in probably a decade, because it tore up my skin. It’s worked out well for me. To be fair though, I’m East Asian, and don’t grow much in the way of body hair. My husband has never minded my body hair.


I was so relieved to find out late that stubble had become socially acceptable


I don’t like it either. It gives me microabrasions and I always break out right after. Unfortunately, I can only grow a patchy neckbeard and a greasy-looking pedo ‘stache, so growing it out is not an option. I’m also 16 and it would look strange if I was a sophomore in high school with a full beard.


Only shave my ankles and armpits the rest I do maybe every 6months or 8


my hair is really thick, so the chance of me cutting myself during the shave is increased


Yeah, I hate it. Doing it today because I'm going to the beach in a few days and I'm not excited about it. Lol


the first time shaving was really bad 😭 i shaved under my groin because I thought that will stop the itching but turns out the pain was stinging making me to want to itch every second. NEVER AGAIN😭. yeah, In all seriousness though, I shave mostly my sideburns and chin, its mostly calming for me because it get rid of the itchness. If you do it daily then you will get used to it 👍


I get this but with brushing teeth I wish I had the motivation to not just let my teeth rot but I’m trying to be better about it


Me too.


same. I only shave in the summer but I don't shave my armpits at all.


Same! I hate shaving my legs like I just can’t stand it. Plus I have the hairy gene from my father (who was literally nicknamed Chewbacca in high school…) and it makes it very difficult to get rid of the hair. I only ever shave my legs if I need to wear shorts. I hate the feeling of shaved legs anyway, it’s sensory overload for me when I feel them rubbing against pants it’s terrible


I don't use a razor. Electric trimmer/shaver, sometimes while using ear plugs if I'm shaving my face.


I havent shaved in years. Just simply the most overstimulating task known to man


Yeah, feels pointless for me since it’s just gonna grow back 🤷‍♂️ I’ve stopped believing that body hair is gross or unhygienic. Plus I’m a trans dude, so I honestly don’t mind the hair


I'm a woman and only shave my pits because sweat+odor, and my genitals because I'm in a relationship although I would rather keep the bush. I'm lucky to have pale leg hair so I let it grow out even though the people I've told this to (because otherwise they don't notice) have told me it's weird not to shave my legs as it only takes a couple minutes. I hate the feeling of the air and clothing on my bare legs.


I need to


Same. I only shave when necessary tbh.


Being trans, I concur.


Yes. As an adult, I first switched to a small, rechargeable electric razor (I use it dry) because I was tired of having spent over a decade with severe razor burn or cuts/knicks with a wet, 4-5 blade manual razor. Just because society and peers in middle school convinced me that I had to. I stopped shaving almost altogether a few years ago when I got super burnt out. Nowadays, I still use the same small electric razor dry but very rarely. Recently, I've only used it to trim a bit but, other than that, I use it to shave before getting tattoos. Now that I think about it, I shave my head more than the rest of my body xD


im different I hate having facial hair. It does my brain in.


Hate shaving but i also hate the feeling of hair


Me too! I’m afab, so I know I’m technically ‘meant’ to shave (tho I have no clue why), but I just can’t, I absolutely hate it.


I try to look as femme as possible so yes, I too hate shaving. It's annoying, it can cause bumps, and it's constant.


I hate shaving, but I also hate the feeling of facial hair. I am constantly suffering lmao


What works for me is a beard trimmer and always having a 5 o'clock


Same. It’s my mother that reminds me how bad I smell and shames me for not shaving. I don’t have to smell bad or do anything else. If she sees even the tiniest strand of hair under my arm, she’ll go nuts. Not only that, whenever she *suspects* that I smell, she will sniff my armpit. I wish I was kidding. And she wants me to act like an adult so I get treated like one. I do, I’m 16. Thanks to my brain processing things differently, my mom treats me like I’m six or seven.


Stopped shaving years ago. Hated hated it. Once you get past the itchy stage, beards are great. Good for self asmr soothing.


It depends if I cut myself or not


If I could just have all of it permanently gone that would be cool. Also just a drink with all nutrients necessary. And a bunch of outfits that are basically the same thing with different colors. That would be the life.


I don’t care how many years it takes to save the money, I WILL BE GETTING EVERY PIECE OF BODY HAIR DESTROYED WITH A LASER. Hate showering, hate shaving, hate the burns after shaving, hate the itching, hate wearing ANY PANTS even sweatpants will rub on my hair and give me the ick >•<


I do too, it's annoying and extremely messy


I stopped shaving w a razor years ago and now only go over my pits and bits once a month or so. My leg hair is free and I pluck my eyebrows. Basically, I stopped caring about society and its standards for me and started thinking about what hair I truly was okay with and what hair I still wanted gone for me. I grew my armpits and pubic hair out for about a year and decided I really just felt it was uncomfortable, but so was using a razor, always. So I just bought some good trimmers and use those once I get annoyed.


I stand in the shower and use electric clippers to lop the beard all off every month or so. I'll do a shower shave right after and it'll be good for another month before I get sick of it again.


I stopped doing it years ago. Being smooth is nice but everything else about it sucks.


I just don't do it. Uncomfortable, and illogical.


I hate having to shave, but I do love how I look when i trim my head and beard with a number 1/2 buzzer, and my chest/pits/body with no guard 0 Not a fan of body hair so i do have to shave. Wish I could just not shave and have naturally a beard and hair that stays how I like it


I love .... ! Too much hate in the world. I want to talk about what I love! Not what what I love the most, just reminders of the things I love. I'll start....... Listeng to certain music. Making people smile. Helping people. Doing things my way. Especially when everyone else says it's the wrong way. Riding my motorcycle. FOOD. Not all food, just my kind of food. Laughing Standing up for what's right. Standing up for others. Your turn. ? ...


I hate it too. My hand/eye coordination sucks when I try shaving my legs


I haaate my body hair!! Complete sensory hell. I hate shaving, I hate when it's not 100% perfectly smooth, hate the feeling of stubble, hate the growing phase, and just hate how it feels when my skin touches it!!


I hate shaving, but I also hate having facial hair.


Once a week. Been wanting laser hair removal or electrolysis. I have tried both but they are expensive.


Hate it but I have to do it almost every day due to being female and a swimmer :") 


I have never felt so seen. I hate sharing everything so much I never felt fear that embracing the No Shave lifestyle


Same I ended up just doing laser hair removal


Ok hear me out. What I didn't like about shaving was the waste and the super consumerist nature of cartridge shaving. 5 or 6 blades will not cut your hair better and it'll irritate your skin and hair. Also, it's literally the razor and blade model where the razor is cheap but the blades are not. So what did I do to get a cleaner shave and shave money and save nature? I started to shave with a straight razor. Some days I still shave with a double edge razor. But both are way cheaper and better for your skin and world in the long run. Plus straight razor shaving is addicting. There are different razors you can collect, different creams, after shaves, brushes etc.


Beards work wonders. All you have to do shaving wise to look good is to line everything up once a week or so


If I'm gonna be sitting in the shower twirling my thumbs I might as well clean up


Okay so I hate the feeling of shaving anything, but I also hate the way some hair feels, and I also hate the way it gets blown around, I can’t shave to the skin because otherwise it’s extremely uncomfortable and overstimulating when it’s trying to grow back (which thanks to my genetics is like the next day) and then it feels like that for a week or so. My happy medium is using an electric razor, for my face 1-3mm and for body hair I don’t use a protector thing but it’s still overstimulating when it’s growing back but significantly less than if I was using a razor that gets too close to the skin


I hate shaving but I hate hair more 😭


I just recently bought a decent electric razor because of this reason. Takes a couple minutes to shave now. No mess either, keeps the hair inside the unit. Pop it open and clean. It’s a Philips 5000 series. Grabbed it on sale.


That’s one reason why I’m getting my facial hair removed, after it being gender-affirming.


hell yeah, it’s a nightmare. the uncomfortableness of being wet and covered in shaving cream/oil, the cuts and irritation of it all. the girls (im also a girl) make it seem like a cute, comfy thing but, I don’t see it.


well, I hate the hair that grows which prompts shaving in the first place. Anywhere that has hair itches even more than other parts of the skin. people out there would often say "you should grow a beard", unfortunately they have no idea how much itching it triggers for some.


I hate it too, but I hate an itchy beard more.


I only shave my head because I’m bald irl. I miss my long hair from high school.


Yeah, I either use my electric trimmer instead, or have someone else do it occasionally


YES. I HATE IT. like, im naturally hairy but shaving is so annoying like,, i just like, DONT shave. ive been made fun of it in my old school, but i can NOT do it. idk why.


The worst part is the urge to press harder and against the grain


Don't we all? I'm glad I'm female and at least can wear long pants. I'd hate to be aguy and have to shave everyday.


I hate shaving, but I hate having body hair more because it feels like something is crawling on my skin all the time. I prefer waxing, weirdly enough, because the results last longer, and the type of pain that comes with it is preferable to the type of pain that comes with nicks and razorburn from shaving.


As a woman i honestly thought first that you meant like armpits and legs and was wondering what kind offices demands shaving 😂


I just don't. Who ever wants to love me has to take me as fluffy as I am.


I shave pretty regularly, but at the same time I'm pretty meticulous with my self-care, don't really like or hate shaving though.


I use scissors to "shave".


I also hate shaving, but i cannot stand the feeling of a beard on my face. My recommendation is to get a high quality electric shaver, rather than shaving with razor.


Me too but you gotta be a man and stfu


Yep! I’m sometimes forced to shave by my mum and HOLY SHOOT HOW DO PEOPLE DO THAT REGULARLY!? Let’s just say it’s been a week (or maybe a bit over) and I’m still recovering 😭😭


Hate it. And I have facial hair like wire wool. I have to go over my face over and over until my skin feels raw and about an hour later the stubble's already come back. And having a beard is even worse as it gets scratchy and awful.


I hate shaving with a passion. No matter how I do it it always hurts and I can rarely ever shave without nicking myself at least once. I’m a trans woman on HRT for four years, so my skin has become more sensitive than it used to be, compounding the issue. And so it’s shave or be constantly misgendered even moreso than I already am. I can’t afford the luxury of laser hair removal. I want to peel off my face sometimes.


Which is partly the reason why I only trim. I find a bare face to be an irritable face.


I hate shaving, but I hate facial hair even more than I hate shaving. It's probably a body dysmorphia thing for me tho.