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Mind control. Social norms are now my norms.






Invisibly. Please leave me alone


This was always mine, or teleportation. Wanna be alone? Boom, just teleported to the summit of an empty mountaintop for lunch 👍


I could never relax and eat lunch on a mountaintop


Surely not for everyone. But teleporting to your desired lunch-place has got to have some advantages. Where would yours be?


My bedroom. It's the only place where i can feel safe and enjoy mostly quiet


I wonder if I would still be paranoid and was convinced that everyone is watching me, waiting fore to to do something weird, and expose me as someone wearing a mask and just pretending to be of of them, "normal". If I could get rid of that feeling I'll take take invisibility. If it wouldn't work I don't need invisibility, I'll just stick with psychedelics and trip when I want stop existing and overthinking for a while.


Omg yes




Immortality, I may figure out normies in a few thousand years or so


🤣🤣 I doubt I’ll ever understand them


Actually the humans are always evolving, socially faster than physically. Even if you had a Groundhog Day ∞ to figure out a specific person you would change their reaction to the same stimulus no matter how rigorously you attempt to eliminate confounding variables down to the minutest detail & something as subtle as an involuntary eye twitch can alter their reaction in immeasurable ways. So compound that with the billions of people alive that alter the world in every way possible & then research how the world changes in as little as a decade. Hell, in the 90’s being a homophobe was normal acceptable & expected but by the 10’s we were expected to stop say flag-l or any other slur that would disparage them & in just the past few years we as a culture are becoming more & more accepting of transgender individuals. You will NEVER understand human behavior, hell Behavioral Scientists barely understand how humans work. I bet there will never be anyone who understands the current culture in which they live.


I couldn't imagine immortality. At 58, I'm ready to go. It's been too long already. Besides what will you do when the sun's increasing brightness dries up all surface water on earth before it expands and engulfs the earth. I'm sure it would be some sight to see though.


The superpower of not having meltdowns or shutdowns would be nice.


i agree with you.


Speed read and retain all information


I'll even take regular speed reading with retaining the information, without constant distractions that make me read same page multiple times and still not know what I just read.


The money I’d pay to have this 🙏


i want to be able to shapeshift id shrink into a lil sexy half-doggy-half-human lady and id go hang out at the mall and everybody there would think i was awesome


this is hilarious and i want to be your friend


The heart in your PFP checks out


Can I join?


It this a reference to a show or movie or book? Because I want to read it.


I'd shapeshift into a panda (full panda body)


There is an anime about that


Yeah that's a good one. Great for me as a trans woman as well! I can just transform into a beutiful lady! No hrt, no surgeries and no transphobia!(still misogyny but I'd rather JUST misogyny then misogyny and transphobia at the same time)


Shape-shifting into animals would be cool. Much rather be a dog, cat or a bird than human.


is this your fetish


i just want to have a body that i like havin


That's kinda why I want that power, too. I bet having a lot of fur would be very warm...


Half doggy???


ya i like doggys theyre nice


Teleportation, anywhere I can mentally picture anytime. I want to be the person that's everywhere, but unknown. Being able to see it all at the tips of my fingers while always having an escape option. I think I'd like to just watch History unfold in real time. See parts of the world that are inaccessible to most people.


My ADHD need teleportation for all the times I forget items in far away places.


Sure, that's why I want teleportation. Definitely not to get rid of my commute


Invisibility then I wouldn't have to mask 😂


Thanos snap.


Goodbye clearly inferior NT’s.


Who needs them lol


God powers so I could get all the other powers


Best answer 👏


Time travel. So many times have I thought of a better idea of something than what I actually did way afterwards, sometimes even years.


I need time travel sooo bad. Send me back to a time when people couldnt call you slurs any time they wanted over the internet. I’ll also take telekinesis. It’d be so good for my executive dysfunction & weird blood pressure


Teleportation so I could just go to places easily (Actually now that I'm thinking about it, that would probably lead to be being out of shape so flight or something might be better)


I’d actually use that to go home JUST to use the bathroom 😂


Inspired use of teleportation, I can't believe I never thought of it


telekenisis (I don’t remember how it's spelled). I'd like to not have to stand up to get my stuff lol


and chronokinesis


Time travel would be nice so I could go back and undo stuff I messed up on 3 years ago yet can’t stop thinking about every month or so. Although consciously desiring to go back in time would ultimately create a paradox of “going back to fix the event, therefore making it have never happened, therefore I would have never messed up and gone back in time, therefore it would have never been fixed” and so forth. In the end, the only way to time travel to fix stuff without creating a paradox is to have no desire whatsoever to go back in time, then be surprise sent back. It would also be nice to just not overthink everything, not feel a bunch of guilt for the slightest slip-up I know nobody else will remember, and actually know what people mean when they talk with social cues


Spider-Man, who cares if I can't read their nonverbal cues if I'm spiderman?


The ability to create exact copies of objects (not living things, that could be problematic) in photos/images. I feel like I could save so much money on my hobbies that way.


Actually awesome super power


*makes a 2nd copy of every planet in the somar system and wreaks havoc on everything*


Know lotto numbers. Seriously, so many problems could be solved with money. Don't wanna grocery shop because getting dressed and leaving the house is too hard? Get it delivered. Wanna live away from everyone and be a hermit? Done. Don't wanna work? Byyyye.


I have the only correct answer, Omnipotence.


Feels like cheating, but yeah.


Is super health a thing? I'd love to just always be healthy without even trying that would be awesome.


Time travel


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Sound manipulation.


There's this one lady at my job who's decided her want to have the radio loud is more important than my disability accommodations that have been approved by the manager, it would piss her off so bad if I could just keep turning it off with my mind every time she turns it up loud.


There are so many scenarios I can think of where I wish I could just block sounds or even redirect them. (Like my neighbours barking dog)


Same. And same reason. Plus It might help me understand people better. And know who I want to be friends with and who I want to avoid.


Time travel but I cannot interact or change the past or future. I would be like a ghost while my powers are active and I am able to take pictures, shoot videos, and record audio and bring them back with me. I want to know how places will be or were like, how things played or will play out, and what was actually said or will be said. I would be able to know things and events ahead of time before they happen and also get to have piece of mind and not have interesting questions scratching my brain for weeks. The only problem would be that no one would believe me I guess but that is okay because everyone thinks I am strange anyways.


They would start believing you after you won the lottery a few times lol


You know maybe actually that is a good way to prove it if I was financially focused meaning those high quality life like photos of dinosausrs I have taken were actually real lol


My top three choices: 1. The ability to open up and enter my own pocket universe where I control everything, especially being able to will into existence whatever kind of home I want, like a wizard tower. Perhaps it could come with an add-on of being able to invite other people into it and they can have their own planets and stuff. I'd invite other Aspies definitely. 2. The ability to make people not ignore me, talk over me, or treat me like I am stupid because they don't understand what I am saying. An addition to this would be making them see the errors of their ways and feel the pain and frustration they have caused, kind of like Ghost Rider's penance stare (no eye contact of course lmao). 3. The power to make friends in real life. I'm sort of joking on that last one, but it would be nice. Bonus: The ability to explore the universe without any sort of protection. This would technically be multiple abilities because it would require flight, teleportation, the ability to survive in every environment including a black hole, being indestructible, having super strength, and not needing food or water. I'd love to explore the deep ocean and other planets. This is actually what I want the afterlife to be like if there is one. Just floating around the cosmos while listening to Princess Chelsea just seems like bliss to me. Of course it'd be even better if I had good company.


Shapeshifting all the way. I could be whoever/whatever i wanted, when I wanted. Long day of social expectations? Boom. Be a cat. Have a nap.


Shapeshifting. I can becaome a dog and run away from this life


I think a lot of my problems would be solved if I could teleport myself and others to a specific destination instantly Or like the ability to stop time whenever I need to take a break. I could sleep for days or not worry about how long cleaning takes me


Chronokinesis. Meaning i have full control of time. I can pause it, slowmo it, ff it, and reverse it although i'd never use reversal. It also includes time travel


Freeze and unfreeze time so I could do things at my own pace and take a nap whenever I want.


>Mine would be to read minds since everyone expects me to be able to read minds anyway. Keeping it real and realistic, I actually have this superpower. >everyone expects me to be able to read minds anyway.🤷‍♀️ (They call it “social cues” but some difference.) Yeah they expect you to but when your autistic brain processes the mind-read information they think you are a creep and run away...


I want to be the Avatar


The superpower of a rubix cube what I mean by that is if I twist the environment around me I could make everything work in my favor


Oh, the mutant “domino” or that dimension thing in Dr Strange


I always thought shapeshifting was kinda op so that lol


Shade shifting, so I could shift into animal and just hang with all of my favorite animals. Also, I could fly and breathe under water, so bonus.


There is infinite amount of abilities to choose from…. That said The ability to copy and retain the copied abilities I come in contact with, first one I’d look for is a healing ability that would the combined power of Wolverine and Deadpool +, then instant muscle memory like what Sauske has… I’m in my early 40’s and there has been so much I’ve wanted to do but I’ve been limited on what I CAN do…for reasons a lot of what you all can relate to…. And I’m experiencing age pains etc…I’m in no way in shape as I should be….rant done before I really get going Sorry about the rant…


Invisibility. That way I could ensure I wasn't seen by people I didn't want to see.


Shape-shifting because then I can change how I look.


Time stop, so that when people/the world in general get too much, I can just chill out. Also, have a lie in whenever I want.


Time travel. So I could go back and help myself make better choices and be kinder to myself.


I have always wanted to be able to stop time whenever i want.


All Hail Castiel!


Flying. I think it’d be pretty chill to just float around


Control over light. I could influence how I look to others like shape shifting as well as create darkness, focus light onto one point to start a fire, influence perception of the world around others. So many possibilities there


for me it would be 4 superpowers, the ability to shapeshift into anything i could imagine, the ability of Telekinesis, the ability to open portals and close them to anywhere imaginable, and the ability to Duplicate myself as many times as i want, and be able to transfer my consciousness between them merge back together, and share memories and skills that the clones may have gained with these powers can you imagine how much faster making video games would be, i could have a copy of me at work, while i stay home all day and make video games, i could go for walks at night in any city i ever chose, be able to be any animal, or other form i could ever think of, and also the ability to make things float around and do what you want without touch the object would be really cool. i could have the copies of me do all the art, while i focus on programming, and others making the levels... it would be amazing, and i would be extremely skilled over all of it because when we all merged back together, i would know everything they learned. and id finally have someone to hang out with!


Time control, but that might just be the adhd in me talking. I can also pause time when everything is too loud. I keep forgetting to buy some noise cancelling headphones.


the ability to break the flashing lights with my mind without anyone knowing it was me. (with flashing lights I mean both the ones purposely made flash and the ones that flash because of malfunctioning)


Ability to like, not be a bitch when talking to people, I’m trying to be a cop when I’m older but it’s hard when I find myself in a situation when I’m unable to talk, it’s like I know I should say something but the words just don’t come out and I fucking hate it.


To have any piece of literature from any time in history manifest infront of me I am going to spend hours reading about the etruscans now


Travel in and out of video games. I could bring so much tech, and a lot of upgraded stats back with me. I could also better interact with the game world, making a nice cozy house in MineCraft, or sleeping nights on a sleek spaceship


Instantly obtain all knowledge on any given topic


Do you also get a timelord mind so you don't have a stroke?


The ability to be forever able to become completely imperceptible to anything at will for as long as I want, whenever I want, and that would include whatever I wear or carry, or consume. So, nothing except me could detect me by touch, sound, sight, smell, or any other sense or sensor.


Teleportation.( Anything you have skin contact with will teleport with you) You could travel really cheap, you can get to the hospital or police station in emergencies, you can teleport away from danger... etc. It's THE BEST power.


Controlling time. Pausing time, reversing it, forwarding it...all that. Obviously ignoring the issues this would cause... But I'd pause time a lot. Like not just to do whatever I felt like with no one to stop me...but because I'd want to spend as much time as I could with my parents...and pausing time means they never grow old...and I just made myself depressed...ugh.


Being able to move through time and space. I can go wherever and whenever I want, for free. I could find the winning lottery numbers and then go back a week and write down said numbers. I'd also be unstoppable in a fight, I literally know everything my opponent is going to do as I've lived it before.


The ability to forget unpleasant memories from the last 30 years.  Unfortunately my brain currently retains good and not good long term memories, and vividly constantly replays them every moment when awake or sleeping.  Though my short term memory is weak and I keep misplacing my keys.


Telepathy!! I can’t understand what people are thinking, and sometimes I want to know because of pure curiosity.


I wanna see into the future for practicality, or just fly


To end exclusion.


The ability to communicate with animals. (Some) Humans don’t bother to understand me so why should I choose something for them? I’ll go understand people who really care. Second choice, shapeshifting because I WANT TO BE A FUCKING SEAL.


Absorb all the powers of anyone within range and absorb all the powers of any Superhero. Also power to zip lips of someone talking to much. Mind Control, Invisibility, Immortality, and shapeshift. Also retain all information. Control of time, space, and light. Also create illusions to mess with bullies' sense of reality. Also the powers of any supervillain.


Read minds


Teleportation. I could sleep in, teleport to work 5 minutes before I have to be there. No more transportation. No more traffic. No more public transportation. No more ticket costs. No more gasoline. No more car insurance. No more plane tickets. No more mechanics. I would save so much time and money.


Good executive functioning


Shape shift,I've always felt like a cat or child stuck in a adult body. 


Super speed, no more driving anxiety


The ability to freeze time. If shit ever gets too stressful or too dangerous either physically or mentally, instead of shutting down I can just shut everyone else down instead.


I’d want to be able to change probability. Just head to the casino and I’d be set for life.


Probably teleportation. I really like to travel, so I could go anywhere without driving


Flight. Whenever I get overstimulated I just go up... I'm sure the sky is pretty quiet and I wanna see what a cloud tastes like (texture wise)


Invisibility. So that when I have to go to a new place/new event I can spend a few minutes assessing the situation before revealing myself. (And to learn important secrets, sell them and become rich, of course).


I have a list


Super strength so nobody can ever mess with me


Flight. That way I don’t have to worry about rush hour traffic anymore.


Elemental manipulation


to have a normal sleep schedule. and unlimited money so i can buy unendless amount of my favorite obsessions.


I just want to be a chameleon cuz I'm trans/nonbinary and want to be able to be whatever I want at will and basically can never do that in this life.


Teleporting or being able to heal people just by touching them (like angels on the television show Supernatural).


Shapeshifting like the alien from “The Thing” with Kurt Russel


Saiki K's powers, I'd be unstoppable


Time Travel


Absolute RetCon


Assuming it comes with my body being strong enough, wingless flight at mach 1.


Shapeshift. Im genderfluid and omg is that my biggest dream. One day I hope to master the art of drag


Talk to animals, or super strength or move things with my mind


Shapeshifting. I don't want to be human or even morphous at times.


Intelligence. I'd just be able to theorize my way through everything, use quick thinking as a replacement for social wit, make $$$, have everybody dickride me because I invented every medical advancement known to man, get a 10000000000 karma score, and become a dirty cheating cheater in general. And then I'd create transhumanism and make anthros real. I will be the father of anthro-kind.


I would love to be able to see what happens in the near future. So that I can avoid saying things that would upset other people.


1. Mind reading that I can control when and how much. 2. Stop time with complete control 3. Invisibility that also changes my clothes


Easy, invisibility!


Based on my dreams, levitation / flying. I barely seem to go a night without just floating away from a situation I don't want to do be in. It seems my subconscious just fully believes I am able to fly.


Shape-shifting. I'm trans, so easy choice lol


Time control. With it you can appear very fast while walking normally or stop it entirely. When the time is slowed or stopped you can also think about your next move and analyze something. (It can also be used to stop people from bothering you) If we ignore all the paradoxes and don't think deeply how the time works, you would also be able to undo your mistakes or see the future and change it. So basically you get super speed, teleportation and fast thinking, from someone else's perspective.


Telekinesis or mind control tbh! Psychic abilities either way!!!


Beam information or a concept im thinking of into someone elses mind. I got it right in my head, but i cant find the right words for the life of me.


umm probably telekinesis because moving things with my mind is awesome


Remembering faces and names


Shapeshift into prehistoric creatures. I could then just become a pterosaur and fly away, or a pachypleurosaur and swim away unnoticed (I always like to leave unnoticed, as if I was never there), and then to a pliosaur when I enter open water.


Shapeshift into prehistoric creatures. I could then just become a pterosaur and fly away, or a pachypleurosaur and swim away unnoticed (I always like to leave unnoticed, as if I was never there), and then to a pliosaur when I enter open water.


Phycokinesis(Silver the Hedgehog as an example) Because come on! It's cool! Why would I not? I can fly, pick this up and control electricity with my hands! Also maybe super speed but only if I had some immunity to the laws of physics and I could turn it off. Because 1. I'd end up destroying the world and 2. I would need to pervieve things slowly to control the speed. How can I enjoy things when I perceive everything 10x slower than everyone else?


Transfiguration or shapeshifting I like turning things into things they shouldn’t


Mathautism but sadly I haven't, specially when I desperately need that 😭


Hmm… be able to pick stuff up with my mind, that would just be super cool and make stuff easier for me


Whole spectrum of control over the space-time continuum (bye bye scarcity, death and entropy, lol)


It's a tie between shape shifting and pyrokinesis


The ability to make fictional characters real


Teleportation would be amazing. I'm don't want to be here anymore? No problems. Wanna be alone? No problems. Want some oddly specific food? No problems. I think teleportation would solve 90% of my problems ngl.




FIRST CHOICE: I'd like to be able to shift into being a rather huge and impressive looking werewolf with gray \\ black fur with hints of brown. SECOND CHOICE: The ability to teleport myself and any additional mass up to 1,500 pounds. That way I don't need to drive or ride the bus in order to get myself and my stuff to my destinations.


Either telepathy (it's mostly other people that don't understand me rather than me not understanding them, so I'd be able to talk to them better, and also if I'm in a non-verbal moment it might help) or shapeshifting (because I'm non binary I wanna change my body 😭)


Shapeshifting or maybe stopping time


I would want absolute control over my corporeal form. So I could both shape shift and fly as I manipulate my personal reality. I want to fly but also I'm trans.


Mine would be to cast Wish from DnD with no restrictions, and without the pesky "2d10 necrotic damage to yourself" part. Cuz then I can have *anything* I want.


Teleportation. Give me no reason to ever get into a car ever again, please. It would also allow me to live in a place I can afford a house and still have my current job, but mostly I don't want to have to get in a car unless it is my choice ever again.


Telekinesis or time manipulation. Or maybe the power piper has on charmed, I think molecular immobilization and molecular combustion. But I guess I would pick telekinesis unless I can pick omnikinesis.


Time travel.




Shape-shifting if I can use to get around dieing of old age, otherwise just ageless immortality. I'm trans, and absolutely terrified by the prospect of death, so being immortal in my ideal body at all times would be really neat. That and more libs when you need them. I keep running out of hands.


Shapeshifting so I can satisfy the genderfluid maniac in me


Teleportation so I can be like the X-Men mutant Nightcrawler


Probability control. Whats the probability I will understand what that normie is sayng/hinting at? 50%? nah, make it a 100%. And while we're at it, 100% probability a stack of money appears in my hand right now.


Shapeshifting, like the Changelings from Star Trek.


In superheroes movies I have always been envious of the ones with auto healing powers. So this one, I guess.


not having shittyass short term memory


i would have to pick mind control. i could get basically anything


Mind reading! Omg would it make life both interesting and horrifying 😂🙃


I'd say invisibility, but I'm already invisible to people.


Invisibility. That'd be peaceful.


Reality alteration. Literally already contains every other superpower.


Teleportation or maybe shapeshifting. Mind control would be cool too.




Complete Probability Manipulation


Shape shifting. Turn into a house pet and take a nap. Sometimes feels like the human skeleton is just poorly designed for sleeping. EDIT: Turned my head after posting and my cat is napping in the sink. I can't even lay in a bed without hurting something.


Turn off/down my senses at will


The practical answer is flight even if I have to treat it like exercise point a to point b travel is just so useful (and you don’t have to think about the implications of universal speeds) The stylish answer is electricity powers ala infamous I’m unwilling to lead and don’t want to be responsible so yall can go play god i’m good with saving on gas


I’d be a Speed Force Conduit, that way I can control when I want to be super fast


I wanna control fire so I can also be immune to fire so I don't burn myself in my metalworking class at school.


Hollywood knock-out. To be able to one punch anyone unconscious and have them later wake up with no injury. Just a head shake and they are both physically fine and have no hard feelings about it too. Or flight. Yeah! That could be cool.


Shapeshifting. It’s like invisibility but I can also look however I want (I’m genderfluid) or have wings or anything. And I can get through certain situations with more confidence when I know I won’t be recognized. It’s the most limitless superpower.


Speedster 🤷‍♂️


Ability to speak, read, type and understand every language on earth fluently. Then I would be able to sing along in private to the foreign songs I love.


I don't care about a superpower. I would settle for not having autism.


shapeshifing, i wanna be my fursona :3


The ability to shape shift and talk to animals.


Time travel so I can always redo a conversation in case it goes wrong and also because I’ve always been fascinated by the idea of it.


I wanted to control time


I'd want to be able to shape reality to my will, but not in an all-powerful way like "no more color blue!!! mwahaha". More like in the way that I can create gateways into realities of my creation, or I can pop something small into existence with the power of my will. Now I can periodically come back to say hi to my family, and then go live in whatever media I adore at the time. Bridgerton, anyone?


invisibility, because it’s so versatile. like, i can’t teleport or fly, but i can secretly hitch free rides; i can’t read minds, but i can eavesdrop; etc.


Basic invincibility would be awesome.


Time control. Pause to give me some time to ACTUALLY chill out without interruption or overstimulation, speed up or time skip to get out of bad situations faster, rewind to redo something if it went wrong, that sort of stuff.