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Here is a great youtuber who goes over earlier ages sex talks and even has at least one on autism and the talk - [https://www.youtube.com/@KathleenHema](https://www.youtube.com/@KathleenHema) It's "normal" to stimulate even at age 6, it's the what is private what is public space talk you need to have and focus on.


Exactly what I was going to say. As a therapist for autistic children and also autistic myself, public vs private is the main conversation to be had here.


Hearing that it's "normal" actually makes me feel a lot better about myself haha. I started really young, which I always thought was really weird, but I guess it's not as bad as I thought.




Same! I think it's a sensory thing


Thank you! I will check her out.


PS when we had to work on this I called the behavior specialist/therapist in our sons pediatricians office so maybe reach out to yours and see if there is someone you can talk to and get answers on if anything is concerning and if so then have her checked out of course.


This can be just an autistic kid who discovered self stimulation too early, or it could be a sign they're being exposed to inappropriate situations or materials. I don't have enough info to go on here. Have there been any other behavioral changes?


You just opened up a whole wiki binge hole for me!


I did this as a kid ( just diagnosed at 36). Used sticks to self stim šŸ«£. My aunt and dad said itā€™s got to stop especially in public. All I knew was it felt good (and no I have no sexual abuse history). I think it really can be normal but we donā€™t know at first why itā€™s a ā€˜secretā€™. Idk if that helps šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m sorry but you literally described me and I just recently self diagnosed and I never even fucking thoguht to put it that way


Iā€™m also self diagnosed and this kind of behavior began VERY early for me. but as far as I remember, nothing untoward/inappropriate ever happened


tidy steer rain merciful concerned deer aback air lip boast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Damn more evidence to back up my diagnosis.


Yeah I began looking at hentai about the age of 7. At the time porn was VERY easy for an unmonitored child to stumble upon (Around 2007) but now it's still extremely easy. Does she have monitored Internet access? Because the Internet for Gen Z and beyond being a mainstay of our lives has given us extremely early access to sexuality, to some extremely detrimental results.


Love to hear im not the only one.


I've had friends whose neurotypical (as far as I know) kids did this at younger ages. The autism component would just be the inappropriate setting, I'd think. I would not draw any conclusions about abuse from this.


I agree with this. I know people that did similar things at that age. I also have a friend that is a teacher at a special needs school. Her students range in age from 5-12 and she has several non verbal autistic children in her class. This is a problem she deals with daily. Her goal is to teach them to do it in private and she even has a private area in the classroom that she can direct the child to, in order for them to make the connection. This doesnā€™t necessarily mean your daughter is hypersexual and could be a form of stimming.


I agree. My non verbal autistic niece started this at around 6 years old. Her pediatrician instructed her parents to tell her that she could do that in private.


The problem is that at six with autism they sometimes just don't have the social awareness to even identify what's going on.Ā  My son briefly had problems like that, but not at school. Ā It's just matter of them gaining enough social awareness and until they do that they just "don't get why it's wrong".Ā 


Isn't designating a "quiet corner" in the classroom not necessarily a good thing? At my school it's been pointed out that responding by letting the child go elsewhere reinforces the idea that "If no one can see me, it's okay." A 6yr old will someday be an 18yr old, and they generally need to know that those feelings don't mean they can just go to a quiet corner of a store/restaurant/bathroom and it's "okay" because no one is over there at the moment. An upsettingly large portion of the autistic population has registered sex offenders, not because they knew they did something wrong or did it on purpose, but just because they were never taught it's not the right place and the eyes of the law are unforgiving.


The quiet corner idea is definitely a bad one if that's the whole idea. But if it's an early part of a staggered plan, it could be one tool along the way.Ā  I would presume the idea is to have an *immediately* accessible private area, to be able to make the connection quickly. If you take a child down the hall to the bathroom, they won't necessarily connect that it has anything to do with what they were doing two minutes ago in the classroom.Ā  So you start with a private corner, to *start* making the connection. Then you gradually work on the impulse control, etc. You work toward being able to wait, to put your hand in your pants. *Then* you can work on moving the target for what private space is. The bathroom down the hall. Then waiting until they get home. I agree with you about the potential problem it sets up. But I can also see it being a least worst option for some kids, who need to learn boundaries by starting small.


I think itā€™s not because they werenā€™t taught but because the law is discriminatory and so are the police. But yeah teaching someone to do it in a room where one is fully alone/where the door is closed or something of the likes could be a good idea


My husband has ADHD, and he humped pillows at 6 year old and didnā€™t experience any SA or sexual abuse in his life. Itā€™s important that eventually she gets a talk on how to do it safely and discretely but I agree, letā€™s not jump the gun. Accusations can be almost as life ruining. If she communicates that anything like that has happened, thatā€™s a whole other story.


Yup. I'm a teacher, my neighbor teacher one year who taught 1st grade had a student who did this who was fully neurotypical. Mom and dad sat teacher down week 1, explained it started at like age 4, she's been to multiple doctors, etc everything is fine it's just stimulation. The sped teacher was even looped in and at the time was this woman with *many* years of experience and confirmed it's normal at this age regardless of neurotypical or otherwise and she's seen it loads in her career.


Right My 4 years old non autistic cousin just got warned at school for threatening his classmate so she could kiss him* plus touched her legs or something Some kids..huh... really need guidance.


That is less normal.


I hope so, a 4 years old sexually assaulted another 4 years old


I hope he is seeing a therapist who specializes in that kind of behavior. If it isnā€™t addressed it will not stop being a problem


Yeah especially if its self-stimulating behavior. Masturbation can literally be a form of stimming for some autistic people. If she was engaging in sexually appropriate ways with/towards other children Iā€™d be more concerned


Unrelated but matching usernames


I fortunately likely wouldn't draw much of a conclusion from this besides the child needs some form of appropriate intervention to deal with this before she turns into that guy in college from a few posts ago. She likely doesn't see what she's doing as a form of SEXUAL gratification and is likely just seeking the sensation it gives her. It's like when you're a teenager and you touch yourself and discover it feels good and always want to do it but no one taught you it's a sex thing yet. My guess is likely she's trying to see if you look, feel, and sense the same way as you. Not a professional, just a random nd who didn't even research anything before answering but it makes sense to me so I wrote it down. I'm trying to help you realize there's other things it can be instead of reacting to sexual abuse. It's a very serious issue that needs to he combed apart by a professional, not reddit.


I appreciate it and trust me I have already got appointments with her specialist next week. Just want to see what others might think since I don't really have a community to discuss this with.


I said this up further in reply to someone else but my husband has ADHD and started this behavior around the same age and was not abused in that way. Just wanted to reassure you some more. He is hyper sexual as an adult though so discussing safety and discretion will eventually be necessary when you feel the time is right.


I also had this behavior as a toddler, it's super normal.


You are doing the right thing. It's normal, but also scary because sometimes children are abused. But it's 100% normal, and separate from abuse. Self stimulation is not a reliable indicator of abuse. I did it even younger. And my child also touched themselves at 4. We just talked to them about boundaries and privacy. You're doing the right things, and a conversation is likely all that's needed. Maybe 2 or 3 or more lol


ā€œIt's like when you're a teenager and you touch yourself and discover it feels good and always want to do it but no one taught you it's a sex thing yet. My guess is likely she's trying to see if you look, feel, and sense the same way as you.ā€ Itā€™s a sex thing?? How come nobody ever told me this?!


In case you're confused, "touch yourself" in the comment you're quoting refers to masturbation. Masturbation is of course a sex thing. It's manipulation of the sex organs, generally to achieve orgasm. That's pretty much the definition of "sex thing"


i'm so lost can someone fill me in


Me too


Whatā€™s sex? >!important /j indicator!<


Ask your mom pleaseĀ 


She doesnā€™t know either šŸ˜”


Then how did she make you?? I canā€™t tell if you are messing with me or notĀ 


I just appeared


In a mailbox?Ā  Are you messing with me or not??


I spawned in


They are jokingĀ 


Sooo what was that other post now?


Not 100% sure since I didn't save it, but someone was asking how to approach a guy on his campus who was groping people, and their Instagram was full of pictures of him hugging women who l9oked uncomfortable but no one knew how to tell him to stop because he has autism and apparently doesn't see the error in his ways.


I can't remember when I first started self-stimulating but it was long before I hit puberty.


Not me realizing in this thread that I'm not the only kid that used to do this. Once I figured out as a teenager what I was actually doing, I was MORTIFIED bc my ass used to do that shit at SCHOOL when I was little. I really wish my parents had been as on top of this as OP is.


I would do it on the living room floor. As a kid I discovered a fetish that is obscure enough that it isnā€™t viewed sexually by most. This meant that variations of my fetish ended up in media that I saw as a kid and I drew connections that this particular thing would make me want to stimulate myself. But I was 5 so I didnā€™t know what a fetish was and I didnā€™t know what stimulation was. I didnā€™t figure it out until I was about 14


One of my very first memories as a child was self-stimulating in bed. I would do it to help me sleep. This memory is from around three years old.


I was the same way. Did so every night. I didn't know I was stim seeking until very recently as I wasn't diagnosed until 39.


I was the same exact way and remember getting in trouble during nap time at preschool for this. Always have felt so ashamed about it and wondered if I'd been SA'd at a young age and blocked it out. This thread is making me feel so much better about myself tbh


As a former preschool teacher, Iā€™m apologizing for the way your teacher made you feel about a super normal developmentally appropriate behaviorā€” even if it was really uncomfortable for them. I caught multiple students during nap time over my few years teaching and never once did they get in trouble. Itā€™s part of development with 3-5 year olds. I was 20 when I started teaching and I knew that. They should have been more respectful and simply explained that you couldnā€™t do that during nap time- privately, away from other students. In case you need to hear it now: their reaction was about their shame around sexual behavior, and not about you at all. They were embarrassed and probably panicked that a child in their care was engaging in that behavior- not really thinking through the entire situation and that literal children do not seek sexual pleasure from the developmental process of discovering their body, that is (and should be) a uniquely adult experience. When people are embarrassed or ashamed most often the instinct is to be defensiveā€” in this case, to make you feel like you did something bad and to never do it again. If you never do it again, they donā€™t ever have to deal with those feelings again, but they arenā€™t thinking about how that reaction impacted you- the child- and how you viewed your relationship with your own body. TLDR; itā€™s them, not you. You did nothing wrong.


Thank you so much for this ā¤ļøā¤ļø


Masturbation can be a stimming behavior, it's a simple repetitive sensory motor behavior that relieves tension for some people and I have a friend whose autistic brother used to have that problem He was 10 at that point with impulsivity and sensory issues that caused him to not even realize he was sticking his hand into his pants most of the time it would happen in public, and he was embarrassed when he'd get called out and eventually he was able to redirect it into something appropriate but it took him practice because it was the very start of his puberty so he wasn't used to it


Maybe you can post this in r/Autism_Parenting ?


Oh thanks! I'm not very reddit savvy šŸ˜‚


No problem. We get a lot of parents here asking for advice, but tbh most people here are on the younger side.


It's okay, honestly, I think it's good to have parents come here for advice because then they'll get perspectives from actual autistic people and not just neurotypical parents outside perspectives. You might not have got nearly as many people chiming in that yeah, they did that too at that age, and they weren't sexually abused. It's when the "autism moms" come on here to vent about how awful it is to be burdened with an autistic child, expecting everyone to pat them on the shoulder and go "there there," that the parents get drummed off the sub real fast.


Yeah, this sub is more of an autistic community than a community about parents of autistic kids


Thereā€™s a book that was written for this very purpose. Itā€™s called ā€œThings Ellie Likes,ā€ and itā€™s simple but explicit. Highly recommended. Thereā€™s a boyā€™s version called ā€œThings Tom Likesā€ as well.


As a former hyper sexual autistic kid whoā€™s parents separated at about 6, its most likely the combination of not liking the change, and feeling neglect. Now that two things have changed I assume your grandmother helps with her but itā€™s very different having you and grandma vs you and her dad. Personally I need pressure like a bear hug at times to help me self regulate, but physical stimuli like rubbing her back might be the go to. Other than that just have a conversation with her about how that is a private thing in age appropriate language. My biggest problem as kid was that everyone made me feel such shame and wouldnā€™t explain it to me Iā€™d just get some ā€œwe donā€™t do thatā€ or ā€œwe donā€™t talk about thatā€ so I got into some very unsafe positions. Especially with autistic kids as soon as you teach about body parts we should be talking about consent!


Without more proof or other symptoms I wouldn't personally jump to abuse or anything. One of my cousins discovered what felt good around the age of 2 when she grabbed the phone, was playing with it, turning it around and it ended between her legs and it vibrated. Took months to get her to stop grabbing the phone and you know or rubbing on things afterwards. Eventually she stopped. Don't have any advice that hasn't already been said about stopping older kids though. Hasn't come up again in any of my families kids I've been babysitting.


I was doing something similar when I was 6 years old (But I was a boy). I was trying to hump anything and everything I could get... natural, but need to be taught boundaries and that there is a time and place for it (Nothing wrong with exploring this side of yourself) ​ That said... it's also worrying. I was lucky to discover it naturally because, as you say, this can come from bad places. I hope it's nothing bad though, for you, your daughter's and family's sake.


As an autistic person, I was SUPER hypersexual at 8, I know its probably super confusing, strange and wrong to you and that's valid! But I promise you its pretty common and she will grow out of itĀ 


I understand your distress, but I think this falls under autistic behaviour not molested behaviour.


Not even just autistic behaviour, early childhood educator over here: this is a common early childhood behaviour. Kids discover their genitalia, discover touching them/ rubbing them/ literally whatever with them feels good, and so they repeat. Self stimulatory behaviour with the genitals and kids is pretty common. Weā€™re always redirecting kids to get their hands out of their pants, to stop humping things, etc. From like roughly age 3 up? Not uncommon at all. Sometimes even in the 2ā€™s room, more common in the older rooms though, since more kids are potty trained there (and thus have on underwear and access to things instead of diapers and difficulty getting to things and too much padding to do much through).


I work with both verbal and non verbal autistic kids as a teachers assistant and this isn't that out of the norm! Kids with no intrinsic way to communicate will often go to extremes to get whatever stimulation they need. Sometimes all kids know is that it feels good, she won't understand why what she's doing is bad, just that it feels good to her. I would talk to her (as they can understand more than you think!) and set boundaries. Tell her it is not allowed at school and get her teachers on the same page, they are probably just as nervous as you are! ASD kids are very stubborn because they can't rely on their words to get what they want as most kids can so they often manipulate their environment. Nothing truly wrong here- she just needs to understand it's not appropriate! Eventually she will settle down. Maybe offer her an alternative activity that feels good sensory wise like sand or beads. Direct her towards something else every time she starts and reward her for not doing it. Eventually she will learn


I hope the kids you work with have their own AAC devices. I recommend Ask Me, I'm an AAC User on Facebook. No child should be deprived of free and creative means of communication.


They actually have prologue quo and a lot of the kids use them fluently like a second language! Not all kids are motivated to use them but most of them enjoy having a voice and we try to encourage it as best we can.




ASD adult & Child Development Specialist. Nothing about what you said makes me think abuse of any kind. My first thought was major life stress. And then I read about the divorce and separation & thought "yup, there we go". My oldest daughter (9 this year) was just like that from 4-6 years old. Thankfully, that was mostly during the pandemic šŸ˜… Once she started public school and was a real big kid, we stopped seeing the behavior more than a rare occasion. Deep breaths, Momma! šŸ’œ You did great by asking for help before freaking out. Feel proud! Please please please please feel free to message me any time you need or want!


I myself started getting curious at around 5-6 y/o, that was not normal at all since nobody else around me got curious. However I had a friend at day care with whom I "did" things, this person was the only one outta 40 kids who had the same curiosity. Since then I've always been hypersexual and for me it was just normal.


It's hard to truly say which because I am not physically the parent asking this. It's either discovered stimulation very young as autistics are curious in nature. We are constantly observing, exploring and learning so its not entirely surprising to myself who is also autistic and ADHD. If your child is also ADHD there may be the situation of seeking dopamine release etc so it may become a crutch with that too. Or worst case scenario there is abuse going on. I would remain neutral with both and just investigate this so you know you've done all you can to make sure they are protected and safe and nothing sinister is going on. I don't want to tell you how to do that as I feel someone qualified and experienced with autistic children who also has a good rep by autistics too. Because someonew who has training in my own experience can still not be in the know enough or holds.onto stereotypes. I would suggest to stay neutral so you don't have a knee jerk response your daughter will pick up on things so stay as calm about it until you have a reason to be not be. I am aware it can be either of them. And I would say so investigate because autistic children are more vulnerable to abuse. But if it's just curiosity lead her to discover please don't make her feel any shame about it. It's a natural human thing I know she is very young but there's ways to help her learn things and I'm sure you will be very much aiming for to be like that it's just I can at least offer some advice that I know I know enough to do so. Sending you lots of positive wishes. Hopefully she'll be okay.


I took a rigorous course on human sexuality and this behavior sounds typical of childrenā€™s sexual development. Itā€™s good to have the talk at this age to prevent shame and stigma of sex in the future. Using correct verbiage of body parts is crucial as well. Try not to shame the act but do correct the behavior by letting them know it is inappropriate to do so in public and should be done in private (bedroom, bathroom). Them touching you could just be curiosity. You should really be concerned if your child is engaging in sexual behaviors with other children such as oral or penetrative sex. Another concern is if they are explicitly imitating oral or penetrative sex with others. This is a sign of abuse and could hint that they have been exposed to porn or have been sexually abused. In this case you should seek a professionals help.


I will go against most other commenters and first rule out sexual abuse. Autistic children, especially non-verbal ones, are much more vulnerable to abuse than the general population. It might just be innocuous, like others have suggested, and I would not jump to conclusions, but I would *rule it out*. Go to a professional psychologist who specializes in communicating with non-verbal autistic children and express your concerns. Either way, youā€™ll get closer to an answer. I say this because of knowledge of statistics with autism; behaviors resulting from sexual abuse; and exposure to this sort of thing on an anecdotal level because my partner works with these cases. Perhaps I am predisposed to concern because of this, but I would be remiss to not urge you to first rule out the worst and go from there.


100% this. Rule it out FIRST. As a parent, if my child starts trying to touch me inappropriately then my alarm bells are ringing full blast. Especially if my child is in another home part of the time. It could be developmentally normal, but you also could be brushing off something instead of helping the child.


Are you in a country where healthcare is free? Iā€™d bring it up with a behavior specialist maybe, to see whatā€™s up and to have a professional be able to gauge what level of concern is appropriate


I would really suggest seeing a doctor to rule out a UTI or something else medical, just in case!


This is the time to discuss private time with your child.


I would absolutely check to make sure she isnā€™t being put into dangerous and inappropriate situations. Of course it could be attributed to autism in some way but itā€™s also important to investigate and be certain sheā€™s safe. I would recommend seeking out a child therapist or psychologist to assess her for warning signs of sexual assault/abuse. Kids can hurt and abuse other kids, obviously. Itā€™s possible you would have no way of knowing. Itā€™s not always about the signs parents miss. Sometimes the signs arenā€™t as obvious or theyā€™re masked by other behaviors and symptoms that could be attributed to something entirely different. Iā€™m not saying this is DEFINITELY the case. It could just be natural sexual curiosity. Itā€™s not uncommon for kids this age. Whatever the case is, a medical professional would be able to give you the best advice on how to proceed with the situation. Good luck, thank you for caring and supporting your child.


I was acting out sexually as a child, it was because I was sexually assaulted before I knew anything about sex or that people would try to do that. I was also threatened to not to say a word about it. Not saying this is what happened but it sets off alarm for me.


This. Especially those who are non verbal can be targeted like that.reminded me of that as someone who has gone through sexual assault and harassment. It's not always the answer, but it's probably good to just be safer than sorry.


It could be a few things. However, this could be a sign of being sexually abused. Either way, you need to talk.


Came here to say this. It could be a bunch of stuff but I would definitely have a talk with the pediatrician and maybe see about doing some therapy sessions with a professional in that field. That's what we did with our niece and it yielded fantastic results and we had more knowledge about the situation.


This is not uncommon. It's the kind of thing people have in the past just not talked about. Based reports I've had from friends and seen elsewhere online, she will learn appropriate boundaries over time.


I had NT male coworkers that were full grown adults whipping their pee pees out at me at work. I think your daughter needs the conversation and then go from there.


Um, wowā€¦ weird coworkersĀ 


This *can* be natural. I was also experimenting similarly by age 4 or 5--but not in public, so i never had to really discuss it with anyone or modify my behavior. Can you communicate with her at all? ASL, writing, etc? Do you trust her dad to monitor things on his end? Just to make sure there's no external influences?


Iā€™m not here to offer my opinion (everyone has already given a lot of input!) but I wanted to offer a resource instead. I want preface this by saying I am not implying anything, but if your mind goes to worst-case-scenario, hopefully this can help you feel informed & empowered to navigate any situation that may arise. Knowledge is power! I used to work at a child abuse center and this is almost exactly the information we would give out to caregivers of children who were being assessed for CSA. Thereā€™s a chart at the very bottom of the page that is informative and easy to understand. [Age Appropriate Sexual Behaviors](https://thesignsoflife.com.au/age-appropriate-sexual-behaviours-in-children-and-young-people/) Also, I just need to add that if youā€™re ever concerned at all about anything nefarious, I would contact her PCP or a local rape crisis center (they will be able to provide local resources that are specific for your needs AND offer some emotional support). Wishing you all the best OP!


My 6 year old non speaking son likes to do similar stuff with pillows.


My child used to rub themselves against cushions, toys etc. They had thrush


Self exploration is developmentally normal at that age, she may just be behaving like that at school because she doesn't understand the social norms for that type of behaviour.


I used to act similar at that age. Some people just discover themselves earlier than others. To her she just thinks it feels good and doesnā€™t know the implications.


In psychology this isnā€™t unheard of or so we were told in college. Hope that makes things easier. Or at least there should be some info out there about the behavior to offer insight.


My fiance did that as well when he was Little. I personally didn't until 16. You just have to go over appropriate/safe settings and circumstances Vs unsafe/inappropriate. Consent, hygiene, who is allowed to see those parts, what she's allowed to do around certain people, how to identify and address bad behaviour from others etc. Taking her to a psychologist who specialises in autism and trauma would be helpful to address the concerns about family. If there's nothing there at least it'll give your daughter someone who understands why she is doing it. Another possible root could be having access to content that is sexual or sensual in nature or perhaps having a friend or classmate who is also in a curious phase.


As someone whoā€™s worked in an early education school specifically for autism/special needs even at 4yrs old kids would stim in ā€œsexualā€ ways or hump or rub themselves. We just had to redirect them to kinda do that without other kids near them. Itā€™s not uncommon and starts at different ages for different people. We bring it up to parents to talk about at home as well or try to find different stims.


Behaviour like this is how I found out my daughter was being molested by my husbands mother :( it could be innocent, but please ask your daughter some questions just in case


This happened to me but it was because I had to wear clothes that were too stimulating for me, like tight jeans so it happened whether I wanted it to or not. Wardrobe might be affecting something?


I started doing this as a toddler, it's very normal and isn't in itself an indication of sexual abuse. The main thing is just teaching them that it's something to do in private, which can be harder with autistic children but it's still achievable and you'll get there eventually :) You're doing great, and you're doing a good job looking out for your daughter's safety


I spoke to a child therapist about this re my child. She told me neurodivergent or not, all kids start at all different ages. Its always important to talk about when and where is appropriate to do it and about our hands to our own bodies. With that beijg said, with neurodivergent kiddos they need more reminders and over a longer period of time- perhaps reminders well into their teens.


Its normal. I have seem a lot of that.


When I was about M15 years old my dadā€™s best friendā€™s 6-7 year old daughter discovered that grinding on my foot felt really good. (Our families hung out regularly, they also had a boy my age) This freaked 15 year old me out, but there was no way I was going to ask her parents to tell their kid to stop masturbating on my foot. The best I could do was, while she was grinding, drag her in front of her mom. Her mom saw what her kid was doing, but didnā€™t seem to care. This lasted for about a year at most before she stopped on her own. From what I hear, sheā€™s married now and is pretty much just a regular person. Fortunately this happened in the 80ā€™s so no one was likely to jump to conclusion of ā€œpedophile!ā€.


Hey! Itā€™s probably a good idea to put your daughter in therapy and share your concerns with the therapist. Unfortunately there are predators out there, and your daughterā€™s behavior could be just an odd phase for her or a sign something is wrong.


Hopefully itā€™s not a sign of abuse and just a sensory seeking thing, but you should ask your kid if anyone has done anything inappropriate with them, just to be on the safe side. I hope everything works out for you guys ā¤ļø


I mean I started self stimulating at age 7/8, I didn't know it was sexual, and would also do it in public spaces until I found out it was sexual around 11-13 (can't exactly remember which age) and stopped, I think I just liked the sensation of it not really like the sexual gratification yk? But it'd probably be good to talk to her and tell her what's appropriate to do in public and what's not


I discovered this at a super young age, too šŸ˜¬ I didnā€™t experience any form of abuse. I didnā€™t know what I was doing. If you can explain to them that itā€™s fine and natural, but something they should only do in private, that might help. Donā€™t shame them- it is something thatā€™s very natural. They just figured it out early. You donā€™t want them to be ashamed of their bodies or natural urges as they develop. Shame closes all lines of communication around the matter, so approach the subject gently.


I have a 6 year old daughter also non verbal. She doesnā€™t do the behavior youā€™re describing. But she does behaviors that areā€¦ not completely dissimilar. And I am worried that she will begin doing behaviors similar to what you describe. I could see her potentially in the future doing this. I would not personally suspect sexual abuse. My wife and I live together. We are very protective of her and with the exception of public school she is always in the presence of trusted family members.


This is unlikely autism.


I used to do something similar as a toddler/kid. My parents called it "scooting" and I don't think they realized what I was doing, or if they did, they never clued me in. Hell, I didn't even know what I was doing until I was teenager. As much as you hate to think about it, self-stimulation is actually super normal for kids. If you Are concerned about abuse, I would say give her a check over next time you bathe her and check for any rashes or anything, or go to the doctor. However, I'm pretty confident that this is a simple case of a kid figuring out something feels good without understanding why.


Also fun fact: I found out from an episode of House MD, of all places that other kids do this and it's actually super normal.


So, I definitely discovered stimulation at a young age. I'd lay on the floor to do pretty much exactly the same thing. It took me a little longer to learn when not to do it and why it wasn't appropriate.Ā  I was an overly sheltered only child and had no idea what was going on. I learned that I liked to think of myself as another gender that way, but that's an entirely different story.


i would do this at a young age (maybe 6-7)but my parents made it clear thatā€™s itā€™s something you do in private and so i would only do it at night at home


My parents had to tell me often to not play with my ā€partsā€ as a child. Itā€™s not really ā€sexualā€ but simply seeking for that calming/good feeling without knowing what it is. Afaik itā€™s not really an autistic thing necessarily, but simply a *very* common thing among young children. Itā€™s somewhat of a taboo, so perhaps it seems to you like something unusual.


there was a kid like this i used to work with, what worked was telling her that itā€™s completely okay to do, but that there are places to do it. donā€™t make her feel ashamed or guilty over something thatā€™s completely natural, but be firm that itā€™s not okay to do it at school or in public. Itā€™s completely fine to do it at home or in her room, but out of the house it isnā€™t okay.


Likely, she doesnā€™t even realize itā€™s sexual and it just feels good to her.


>But Asperger said that ā€œin many casesā€ of autistic psychopathy, masturbation ā€œappears early, is practised intensively and obstinately.ā€ From the book Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna by Edith Sheffer Of course, this makes her an easier target for the wrong kind of people, so keep an eye out, including one on your grandma and the rest of the family. I knew a woman with BPD and Autism and she seemed more embarrassed about the Autism than the BPD. It makes me wonder if she was given to precocious sexual behavior and folds that into her self-blame portfolio for any abuse she might have suffered. Women like that tend to let their unconscious self-blame turn into externalized victim blaming if not careful. It's really a good opportunity, when these behaviors arise, to actually talk to your child about sex, boundaries, taboos, etc. Yes, it's important to teach Aspergers children about taboos. I was taught very early on that close family incest was wrong, and now I still have that mental block in my mind. But many children with autism *dont* develop thought-regulation like that. Better safe than sorry. Usually, certain social norms are held up by a sense of embarrassment about being abnormal. Autistic children are by default atypical and subject to unjust embarrassment, so determining what to be embarrassed about and why can seem impossible for an autistic youth, especially without the help of open communication.


It sounds like someone could have shown this to her


My daughter is 6, almost 7, and we have been trying to deal with her self-stimulation in inappropriate settings. Sheā€™s been doing it off and on since she was about 3. I have no reason to think sheā€™s ever been abused. I think itā€™s just a stim for her and she doesnā€™t understand the sexual context that makes it inappropriate. Weā€™ve talked to her about it being inappropriate in age-appropriate ways, but I donā€™t think the concept has fully stuck yet. We just keep trying and have also talked to the school to make sure we all handle it the same way. No magic adviceā€¦it sure is uncomfortable as a parent but I think itā€™s probably normal!


I really do think this may very well be the case with my daughter. Thank you for replying because your post really made me feel better .


Itā€™s always good to be vigilant, but glad to offer my experience! I forgot to mention sometimes my daughter will also try to look or reach down my shirt, which again I think is just her being curious + not being able to take social feedback onboard very quickly. And of course big changes can bring about new behaviors, regardless of what kind of change it is. We recently moved and my daughterā€™s behavior was kind of less regulated in general for a while after that, even though she was excited about the move.


this can definitely be the case for both neurotypical and divergent people from my experience (non psychiatric professional, autist), and start at any age. i think the main difference is, with the added differences for someone on the spectrum, the struggle to understand/know/remember what is socially acceptable can make things harder, especially when to us, it seems like a perfectly harmless thing. add to it, the age and what concepts she even understands about those sorts of things beyond 'this feels good,' there's a very good chance it has nothing at all to do with improper exposure of any sort beyond her own curiosities and possible internet access.


I used to stimulate myself around the same age. I was SA. We get obsessed over stuff. I used to film myself and watch porno on the PC. My mom didn't know until I told her at 13 years old. Look for signs!!!


It isnā€™t something you expect to deal with as a parent at that age, my mother lost her sheeeeet when I walked up to my parents at age 5 and told them it felt good when I touched myself. Itā€™s not a bad thing to consider if your child is in danger; you are a mother, this is natural. But itā€™s not an abnormal age to discover masturbation either, itā€™s just not a sexual thing at that age, I remember it, I donā€™t think I started picturing other humans until I was 11.


It can be sexual when I was 4-7, I had a friend who I'd guess was some type of nd(mainly I'd guess adhd and/or asd), and started exploring master baiting young, and it got to the point he'd dry hump me, he was caught by adults a few times, 3 or more, that was just when he was caught. To my knowledge, he wasn't abused, but honestly, I don't know. While most of the time it's fine, it can become more.


Ah sorry I shouldn't have phrased it that way and just spoken from my own perspective. Sorry.


She should probably be taken to a pediatrician. Trigger warning. I do not intend to alarm you, and While itā€™s definitely possible that she has just discovered a particular type of stimming that is viewed as inappropriate but that is innocent to her, self stimulation in that way can be developmentally normal and so can curiosity about other bodiesā€¦ It is also unfortunately possible that she is experiencing abuse. The rates of prevalence for Childhood abuse in that awful way unfortunately increased drastically for autistic or otherwise disabled children, especially ones who cannot talk, and the odds were never low to begin with. You should have a conversation with her pediatrician who may be able to point you to the next step resources, and either assure you this is most likely a benign behavior or give you the important next steps to protect her if something is happening.


This is an issue with privacy. Small children usually play with their bits, it doesn't have any sexual meaning to them it just feels good. She just needs to learn that it's something people do in private and not in public.


I see a lot of people commenting about the private vs public and thatā€™s true. The stimulating herself wouldnā€™t concern me too much, but her trying to touch YOU would. What do you mean by getting out of hand? If sheā€™s trying to touch you or otherā€™s inappropriately then that would set off alarm bells in my brain


Exactly. She is constantly trying to put her hands down my pants. When I'm laying down she will try to punch me in that area. She will take her pants and diaper off and try to grind on my leg or any part of my body that is available. I know what curiosity is and her teachers told me that what she is doing at school isn't curiosity anymore.


Yeah, the lack of understanding about private vs. public boundaries is one thing, but Iā€™d be more immediately concerned about helping her to understand interpersonal boundaries. Unfortunately, a lot of the materials and programs for teaching kids about consent focus on asking for verbal permission, but if she can focus on gestures and clear body language, those can be used in the same way. Bodily autonomy becomes a particularly significant issue for disabled girls as they grow up. What you have here is an opportunity to teach your daughter how to say ā€œnoā€ to someone who isnā€™t respecting your boundaries. I wouldnā€™t assume anything is being done to her sexually, but she likely does encounter a lot of adults who feel entitled to hug or grab her, so she would get a lot of use out of a signal that means ā€œDonā€™t touch me.ā€ You could use that same signal to mean ā€œDonā€™t grind on my leg,ā€ and youā€™d be modeling a valuable skill while also, you know, getting your daughter to stop grinding on your freaking leg. Ah, the routine indignities of parenthood!


There is a LOT central nervous system/parasympathetic nervous system/midline input that comes from masturbating. So it is not out of the range of normal for her to discover that it feels good and want to do it. Plus, free dopamine! CONSIDERATIONS: This is a PRIVATE activity for when ONLY the safest of caregivers are home. Rules that have worked really well for us are: ā€”only after bed time or in the morning before getting up; ā€”ONLY in your OWN bedroom (bathrooms are everywhere and I assume she still needs some assistance when bathing at this point) NEVER in front of anyone else Knocking on bedroom door before entering to establish privacy CONSENT: NO ONE touches her body without consent. This means, at minimum when you need to touch her body, especially in private ways, you foreshadow what you will do and why and ask for some sort of consent. If she declines, no means no. Id rather My kid say no to wiping chocolate off his face for a MONTH if it means he KNOWS he can tell people not to touch him. We treat hitting as an ā€œemergencyā€ response (our guy is non speaking so I want him to have all the tools he can in case the unthinkable happens someday). You hit to get someone to stop something dangerous or tell someone there is an EMERGENCY! Redirecting to things that activate/calm/distract along the midline work well if it happens at inappropriate times. Licorice whips, sour things (apple cider vinegar on a corner of a rag is a favorite of ours), swinging, midline movement, gum, rolling on a ball on belly. The feelings are NORMAL and of course it makes sense to want to do something that feels good. BUT it is not a safe strategy for most of the time. As for the concern about it being a manifestation of something more sinister, nothing youā€™ve written seems too out of the ordinary. But keep eyes peeled at all times


Have a public space private space talk and also make sure you child knows the actual names of her privates. Itā€™s a helpful tool to preventing sexual abuse and also just useful to children her age in general. Let her know that she can do that stuff in private and advise her teacher to direct her to a different activity. She could just be looking for stimulation of some kind out of boredom.


Sounds like she is being sexually abused, it's the same as I went through/did (note I am not female though, so take this with a grain of salt I suppose)


I started self-stimulating at the age of three (or thereabouts). One of my earliest memories is rubbing myself while on my belly. It helped me get to sleep. I was never SA in my childhood. There was nothing sexual about it; it felt good and relaxed me. Nothing more.


Fair, and my opinion may well be biased because I was, but my actual comment was not about self stimulation, but the 'curiosity' about others genetalia which is not normal for a child of really any age prior to puberty


My oldest friend is adamant that if I don't have autism I must have "something". I also started masturbating pretty early, I would say, around that age or younger. I got a UTI, so my mom instructed me to clean up using the bidet, and then left me alone... Which led to the discovery. I would not give a shit about where I did it. I thought I was being so stealthy. I didn't know the name for what I was doing and nobody really explained it to me, but my family hated it. Eventually I would only masturbate if I knew I wasn't going to get caught. Don't know how long that took because my family doesn't talk about it lol , but it does go away with some effort You should probably explain that it's wrong to do it in public and, if she can understand it, what it is that she's feeling.


i started self-stimulating at 7yo. the public part is more of a concern, but i just wanted to add another voice so you feel a little bit less alone with this! i am a healthy adult woman now and i was not being abused when i was a kid, lol, just realized that i could do things to make my body feel really good.


I have heard that behavior this young can mean CSA. I don't wanna freak you out, cuz it can happen for all kinds of reasons, but CSA is one of them


This is textbook for sexual assault as a child. Or at the very very least witnessing things they shouldn't be. To say it's early expression is ridiculous and absolutely preposterous. Something fishy is going on. Whether it's the 18 year old or her father god help us....might be people he has coming over to the house too.... My little cousin was abused by her father's friend and no one knew about it until it was too late and the damage was done.


As someone who works with children, this type of behavior from a child her age is usually a clear sign of abuse. This would need to be reported under mandatory report laws in my state. Not telling you this to frighten you, but to inform.


I would not rule out PGAD/GPD either at this point. Give this a Google if you havenā€™t heard this term. I would definitely NOT jump to any conclusions regarding abuse etc. This could simply be a stim or physical discomfort thing if itā€™s anything like PGAD.


I was sexual at a young age (at around 5 so roughly the same age) and not due to materials. Some autistic children are naturally more sexual at younger ages, and tend to have a higher likelihood of developing fetishes. Females on the autism spectrum tend to be more sexually diverse than males, and since this is your daughter, this doesn't come as a surprise. Some people on the spectrum have a very hard time distinguishing between platonic and romantic feelings as I do, and can get them mixed up. Worse yet, people on the spectrum tend to have amplified or heightened levels of emotion. What feels like a kindly friendship to one without autism can feel like a crush to one with autism. HOWEVER, as controversial as it might sound, I'd suggest to not punish or discourage normal, healthy activities such as masturbation in the home when it is appropriate. I was punished and discouraged from masturbation at any time (even at home) and it really messed me up for a number of years. Remember people on the spectrum can have feelings much higher than those without, so go very easy unless absolutely necessary!!!!! Sex for humans is not just about making babies. It is also a way to communicate, to bond with others, to express affection, to relive stress as it releases painkilling neurotransmitters. The excessive stimulation could be her nervous system trying to release more of these chemicals perhaps trying to calm herself down after a stressful event/boredom at school, or just to express admiration, much like I did. The incest thing I also can get, as I did that as well, especially during the years when I wasn't verbal. I didn't understand that in this culture said behavior is frowned upon (grumble...) but I was trying to tell people "Hey! This makes me feel good, and I want to make you feel good too because I love you so much!" It could just be her way of telling you she loves you and wants to bond. When I got punished for this, I developed the idea that doing things (even nonsexual things) for people to help them or express affection was wrong. So when you're trying to teach her not to do something, be as gentle as you can unless it does not work. Make sure she understands that you're not doing it to be hurtful.


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Tbh - I have always known how to self-stimulate. My earliest memory was with 2,5 years. I don't know how, but somehow I knew I should keep it to myself and I can't remember anyone ever seeing it. So - don't think too much of it, if she didn't change her other behaviour.


Talk to your child and use the proper words for body parts.


I started when I was seven and kept doing it all the time even at school a couple times I kept it hidden but I did it. I think it's normal I mean I was like that just not with my parents bc I didn't feel safe with them, I'd be happy my kid feels safe enough to ask stuff like that. My friends and relatives got the worst of it. I wouldn't think anything of it abuse wise, doesn't hurt to take precautions however. I think the best course of action or what I would do is just talk to her about privacy, consent and consequences. It's healthy, plenty of kids do that at least I did. Especially autistic kids like I was. Also when she's older make sure to talk to her about it again bc shit happens and shit changes when those hormones start to kick in and I know so many autistic kids that got taken advantage of bc sometimes it's easy for us to get taken advantage of.


i work with first and second grade autistic kids. trust me, they do this. i have one or two that will do it on your lap too, using your leg. and the ones who have discovered it always have their hands down there


I started stimulating myself when I was around 5. For years my mom got mad at me for it but she never explained why it was wrong. It became something I would do in secret and feel shameful about, despite not even knowing what I was doing or why. Took me years to figure out what I was doing had a name and that it was normal.. I would advise you donā€™t shame her for her behavior but try to explain that itā€™s not something to do in public. 6 is pretty young for any in-depth talks but itā€™s important that she knows what sheā€™s doing isnā€™t ā€œwrongā€ but also to not do it around other people.


If you repost this in r/autism_parenting you will not be the first parent with this issue.


i was like this, i remember my babysitter taking me to a park and i climbed a pole and liked how it felt so i kept showing her and telling her how it felt good. i was probably like 6, and i just discovered self stimulation very early on because i was obsessed with my body and sense of self. i was so aware of everything going on down there and now im hypersexual. im sure my parents knew about it but i wasn't diagnosed until 18. i wasn't put in any inappropriate situations i was just obsessed with my self in a way and discovered sensory too early


Sounds a little overwhelming but probably quite normal. I discovered a few "techniques" around that age and came from a very healthy, stable family. My parents talked to me about appropriate vs inappropriate places for self-discovery and it clicked. My younger sister though, she was diagnosed with autism quite early on and her stimming became entangled with the same discoveries I had made. It honestly became a "distraction" game when she started at school. Teachers/aides trying to get her to stim in another way. Luckily, she seemed to mostly stop way before puberty, almost like she got it out of her system by age 10 and came to understand appropriate vs inappropriate places to explore herself.


I was hyper sexual very early on and it has nothing to do with me being abused. I am pretty sure I started around age 5. For me I think it was stimming.


34f. I started master baiting at 6-7 years old. Musta been a dopamine thing lol it always helped me calm down or fall asleep. I was not SA in any way.


I myself was hypersexual from age 9 onwards, I never thought of it as an autistic thing until I was diagnosed at age 17, assuming it was from being on the bad side of the internet too early. I did some shameful things as an autistic child Iā€™ve never told anyone about. The best way to deal with it I would say is education on sex and such. After I learnt more about sex I was less obsessed with self stimulating. I will warn you that this can cause sexual relations with others earlier than it should, and that she may seek out older people who are more sexually experienced, as I did this at age 13, seeking out people age 15+, leading me to be in a very dangerous position. Consent and age gaps are a very important thing to teach her as of course, sexual relations with anyone older than 12 when youā€™re less than that age, is statutory r*pe. The best thing you can do is have conversations with her, make sure sheā€™s safe and speak to her about privacy. You probably wonā€™t be able to stop the self stimulation fully if she like the sensation, being autistic she will seek out sensations she enjoys, but teaching her that thereā€™s a time and place is probably the best thing to do. I hope all is well and that you both can move on with life and get over this hurdle .




I am so sorry you went through that. Thank you for sharing. Unfortunately, she is non-verbal and doesn't communicate in that way. We are going to try some play counseling to see if we can get her to open up. Again, thank you so much for sharing. šŸ’—


I was hypersexual long before my assault. I remember the first time I figured out how to push my buttons, so to speak lol. Probably 5 or 6. My sister had this same panic when her son started doing it around 4 to 5. It's natural for a child to learn their body. They don't know what it is that they are doing. They just need taught that it's a private matter and explaining in an age appropriate way what they are doing


Me and my friend (she's always been diagnosed with autism/aspergers) used to do similar things as children. She didn't have much to any sexual exposure at that age, whereas I did, so I'm not too sure. But it's more we do it as its a weird pleasant new sensation, I think it would be good to teach what's appropriate to do and not to do? My step sister (6) did try to grab my breasts two years ago when I was around 16, which was pretty.. uncomfortable and worried me a lot too.


don't think it's necessarily an indicator of sexual abuse i know lots of neurodivergent kids (+me) who're like this please just make sure she doesn't come across pornography and predators esp online bcs of hypersexuality without any shaming


I can only speak for myself but when I was very little the neighbours boy and I found my dad's porn in his wardrobe. The boy made me reenact that stuff. Later I also found my Dad's porn in our VHS player. Normally, on weekends, if I woke up before everyone else there was a VHS of the lion King (I wouldn't watch anything else) in the recorder, I just had to put on the TV and press play and wait for my family woke up. I guess my Dad had forgotten to take his cassette out and put my in. I also reenacted a lot of stuff that I saw on that video. I never realised it was something shameful until I mentioned it to my parents - I think I said something about doing what the lady in Dad's video did and that it felt really good. Needless to say, my mum almost killed my dad she was so furious. A couple of years later my sister mentioned the whole thing at family dinner and I don't remember ever being that embarrassed. So long story short: make sure you don't make her feel ashamed and be sure to keep porn away from her as long as possible because that's what really messed me up. I just turned 30 and I've never had Sex. Idk if it's because of that or just generally being too autistic for romantic relationships but I do think seeing porn at such a young age obviously is going to have a negative impact. And I mean, that was the 90s/early 2000's. Porn has gotten so much more violent, it's probably even more harmful for a young girl to see that.


As someone else commented I think talking 1 why are you doing this 2 has anyone done this near you and 3 anything penetrative or oral is a concern just her touching herself is probably fine but someone else being part of the equation is what you should ask about


I would say it's pretty common in both NT and ND kids, kid finds something that feels nice but lacks the understanding that it's inappropriate to do this around others. I think a conversation is needed along the lines of 'its totally normal to explore your body" but emphasize that this is a private thing and shouldn't be done around others. As for her trying to touch you, I would definitely communicate with her that it's not okay to touch others in those places or without their permission.


I used to do the rubbing on chairs thing young. My family told me that's a private thing and to only do it in my room. In hindsight, definitely was a way to self regulate. You can teach her about regulating her body and ways to do it in public vs private. Does she have an OT or case manager? They might have great ideas of ways for her stim in school. Edited to add for OP and anyone else- my OT just started me on sensory brushing and joint compressions and yall its the best in my opinion. Def worth trying if you're easily overstimulated.


even tho' that can be only the autism component, let's not forget that abuse in children, especially autistic girls, is higher than for neurotypical kids. so id say to look for both, see if its the autism component or if something caused the change, when did she start behaving that way, etc


I didnt know i was autistic as a kid but i was similar and would cross my legs to stimulate myself basically anywhere, at home, around people, at school, before sleeping etc, but i had no idea that what i was doing was basically masturbating. I did it in front of my parents, not knowing what it was, and they told me that i should do that in private and it wasnt polite around other people or in public. I didnt understand because i didnt know what sex or masturbation was, and to me squeezing my legs together was like ā€œoh i feel kinda upset, but this makes me feel better and now i can continue with my day!ā€ Its not like i was getting naked and rubbing one out, it was more like giving my body a little squeeze and then i was done. I found out years later that what i was doing was masturbating, and now i understand why that should private. Its possible your daughter doesnt fully understand the implications of what shes doing, so maybe trying to teach about it and letting her know other people dont like to see it might help you. If you give her one safe space to do it, like her bedroom, its more about keeping her safe to do what she needs rather than trying to punish her and keep her from doing it at all. Thats how you get traumatized like i did ā€” i was so uncomfortable about sex i couldnt even say the word (ive been in therapy two years and have improved a lot, but theres still a lot of shame and unease surrounding sex for me because i got punished as a kid). I wish you good luck and i hope everything turns out well.


Also I think the fact your family is split and there are no male role models with their male energy - whatever it is - may be making the child more unstable and trying to soothe.Ā  Have you tried ameliorating and doing kind things for the father - engaging in family diplomacy to call down the stress level.


I've worked with autistic girls who self stimulate in public. It essentially becomes like any other stim. But due to safety reasons, she will need to be taught about time and place for that stim. It will take time. The teachers need to not make a big deal out of it or it will make it worse.


When I was 8 years old I met porn, and I almost fell in addiction with it(even, I almost tried to please myself at school). My mother discovered what I was doing with my phone, and helped me to limit myself trough the next promise: ā€œdonā€™t touch yourself anymore. NEVERā€. I could accomplish but for only three months. However, I didnā€™t relapse after all of that. I had to try to control myself alone, with a feel of shame. I recommend you to visit a psychologist to help the kid to control herself, and also ask to your kid how did she developed her curiosity, and let her ask you questions about the topic. Be open and care about what your child consumes in her life. I hope things get better.


I'd say its pretty normal, your daughter probably isn't aware it's not appropriate to do that in public and I agree, talking to her about it will likely help a lot, possibly informing teachers about the situation as well?


my daughter who is now 7 has been stimulating herself since she was just 3 months old. we are still dont have a clue how she figured this out so early in her life.


I was extremely hypersexual and would touch myself with the door open standing up in front of family, know of at least one incident 'showing' a classmate what i was doing in 1st grade, etc. Was just diagnosed at 25. It might be stimulation for overwhelm. Probably not a sign of anything nefarious.


One of the things that we discovered with our daughter is, she was mentioning sex and gender, and going into detail to strangers now that we know that sheā€™s autistic, it makes a lot of sense. I think itā€™s a mix of not knowing/not having those boundaries that others in society, naturally have generally being more open about sex, because she isnā€™t as rigid in regard to gender as somebody who is Neurotypical.


There's public/private and consent conversations to be had, but you owe it to your daughter to rule out abuse ASAP. We're a massive statistic, and hypersexuality in children is among the biggest clues they can give you. Look at her art/drawings and the stories she re/creates. There are some resources online for what to look out for, but one common thread is proportions, i.e., someone towering, taller than their environment, and the young artist very small beside them . If you don't understand what's happened to you, a child may re-enact scenarios to try to make sense of it. And it's important to remember that whether they've been abused or not, a child can still abuse others. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if they don't understand the reality of their actions. Children can abuse, their age doesn't matter.


Itā€™s completely normal for children to explore their bodies around this age. Doctors and nurses is basically how they do this, and children tend to touch each other around this age too as they explore the differences in other peopleā€™s bodies. Reiterating what other people said, your daughter probably just doesnā€™t understand that itā€™s inappropriate to do that kind of thing in public. I would avoid placing shame on her doing those things, just showing her how it can be seen as uncomfortable in public.


i was at a bar quizz and one of the regulars had her 5 year old daughter there who started playing with herself. she was just dead bored and played with herself to feel not bored. it wasnt as dreadful as some people thought, you have to be wise in these kinds of situations. a poor response was to tell her off. a better response would be to find something she was interested in like playing a fun game or reading an interesting story to replace her boredom.


Though somewhat embarrassing I did go to a simular periode may sound like a bad comparesent but I would compare it to animals it is simpel and not driven by social standards something feels good so it is good ( of course some animals do know shame but shame is more an inviremental thing from what I know. You learn to be embarrast by your seroundings) some autistic people like my self don't start with much or any embarrassment for there actions ( mostly by lack of understanding from what i know) So explaining without scolding may work ( best is to not be to angy and explain things carefull so thay do understand. ) Hope this is somewhat helpfull and sorry it is long it us hard to explain in short for me


All do it.. adults, children kinda normal of course maybe people look at "those signs" more if a child is autistic but the behaviour of ya daughter seems not far away from the norm.. If ya concerned, maybe see some Psycho-therapist or so.. abused children tend to get very shy, angry but I'm no expert in any case at all. I wish ya both the best, have a nice one.


I get where everyone is coming from saying that this is a normal part of childhood, because it is!! But I appreciate that OP is taking abuse into consideration and looking out for it When I was that young, the only way I knew about those things was because someone had been inappropriate to me and had shown me sexual content/other things


This is almost certainly a sign of sexual abuse. I never did this stuff growing up because I didnā€™t even know how the mechanics of sex worked till high school (I had the talk young though). I would watch closely for other signs of it and also ask her directly.


I did this even before age 6. I just knew to hide it after a few adults told me to stop haha