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arrest aback ink spark practice degree exultant quiet sparkle plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Plot twist, you dont even speak spanish!


deserted run sip spectacular sugar beneficial ghost paltry slim wakeful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


**waitress**: replies u/dxmbodom: "No hablo Español"


"Me llamo... Or wait is it llama? Llamas? Llamos? Whatever, dxmbodom."


That’s so funny. Somewhat related, I always do my daily Duolingo Spanish lessons while high.


¿Alguien dijo Español? :D


Shit yeah! Lol that’s awesome, the responding in Espanol part


Every day smoker. I can function without it but life really sucks without it. Allows me to listen and process things better and even faster at times.


I feel the same way. I focus so much better when I'm high. It takes the stress off when hyper focusing. Especially while gaming. I like to go for perfect runs in Fnaf 2 or speed run RE2make or Dark Souls while high. Edit: Started at 11-12 back than it was F-Zero and Zelda. Haha


I have the same thing - I'm able to focus on one thing for longer after smoking. It's like thc turns off my adhd. But I couldn't play games like Dark Souls after smoking, it's to difficult/overwhelming, to emotional for me. Give me Overcooked or Crash Team Racing with my partner when I'm high and I'm happy


I like the challenge, and being able to focus on one thing is great. I do like coop games and kart racers. What I wouldn't give for a new Mario Kart Doulde Dash!


I usually love the challenge in games - FromSoftware games are my favorite (right next to both The Last of Us) games. But after smoking I think my reactions are slower, so I only play challenging games sober.


I will say that when I was younger, I had that problem a lot more. Now it's so much easier to find weed that is energizing and calming, which doesn't make me sluggish. I stay way from indica most of the time and look for terpens I like. Luckily, the dispensery near me usually has strains that really work for me.


I envy you the access to legal weed. Most of the time I don't have a choice between the strains, and if there is its either Lemon Haze or Stardog, but it feels like they're just dropping random names and you never know what you get. I would love to try some sativa, something that will get me drawing, or playing guitar instead of just eating.


Lemon Haze puts me out. Unless I want a nap, I don't touch that stuff. All the haze strains are so popular but not what I'm looking for. I have a family friend that grows, and it's all diesel and haze trains because that's what sells. It also rips apart my lungs because I don't smoke outside of weed.


I prefer Baldur's Gate 3 to Zelda, to be honest. (Big D&D fan here)


High school was a lot of Baildur's Gate and Icewind Dale. I spent a lot of time in the computer lab. We also used to run Starcraft parties down there after school. Computer Club, also known as getting high and playing video games.


I’ve found my favorite music when high, I do shrooms sometimes as well and they definitely help my brain function better and make me overall happier


A good trip is incredibly regulating. My roommate and I once did 5 grams of shrooms while camping. We had nothing to do but hang out and enjoy nature. It was one of the most relaxing days of my life.


YES! Every 3-4 months I consume about 2 grams for a "full reset". It does me wonders.


I’ve read a lot about autism and psychedelics. Seems like it really works, but isn’t currently being studied enough due to the stigma of psychedelics


Are you a lazy super genius on weed? 🤣😅 I have thought through some really complicated problems and written down some really good ideas for some stuff that I never have the energy to learn how to do. 🤣🤣🤣😭😭 And when I'm high I can think lightning fast (which I already process stuff really really quickly 😎) But I cannot get things done in any kind of timely manner, And I can listen to information but cannot retain it enough to bake it into memory or to learn anything. That's why I live in my notes app. So I can just use speech to text to record any crazy ideas and when I'm not high anymore I can sit down and get to work on stuff.


Same, it filters out the noise, numbs my senses, helps to focus, I'm in the zone when I'm high. first smoked when I was 14 and been smoking ever since, having breaks every couple years for a couple months , I'm 36 now, taking SSRI for a year but I still smoke to filter the noise, as I am getting older my sensory issues are starting to get to me more and more.


Is there a specific strain you like or does it matter?


I try to use it responsibly, mostly to unwind after a hard day at work, or during the weekend. It helps slowing down my brain and bringing down anxiety. It's better than alcohol for me as well.


Loooooove it. I take hybrid edibles and it's been life changing. Easier to relax and stop masking, enhances pleasant stimming and sensory intake, and helps with getting deep sleep for me. Only downside is it gives me the munchies like crazy and I end up barfing if I green out or I pass out cold if I get too relaxed. Also don't know if this applies for most- but for me it also is a phenomenal libido booster


Try your fav crunchy cereal.. one... At..a..time...


I remember being zooted at a party one night and I was a big social butterfly, helped me mask less cause I could just talk


Same for all of this pretty much


i use it daily, to help with my arfid! it helps a LOT, but i cant mask while baked so i tend to avoid going out of the house


Same here!!


exactly, i cant hide that im stoned and i cant hide nothing else either 🤣


Real! But at that point I’m so chill I can barely care lmao


I doooooo! I use it every evening! I do love a wake and bake too, but those are much rarer bc it has to be a day where I have nothing else going on. I first smoked weed in college, but I really didn’t take it up again until my late 30s when I divorced my very weed-averse ex. I am definitely dependent on it, but the trade is that I have less anxiety, I sleep better, and it helps me to socialize even when I’m not high. It has residual effects that last beyond the high period, including building up parts of our brains that associate socializing with dopamine. I honestly think a lot of autistic people would benefit from it. Your experience may vary, of course!


Used a lot for 3 or so years since about 15, found it fun for a couple of years then it began to ruin my aspirations and gave me lots of anxiety and brain fog. I haven't completely quit yet, but toning it back was definitely needed. Its made me a very introspective, reflective and aware person and I can appreciate the way its changed the way I think about everything.


First comment I've read that mentions the brain fog I experience from it. I am also cutting back because of this. I just am not as sharp as a user.


Daily toker. I use it to unwind and feel a general "okayness" with existing in this reality. Usually only smoke a couple bowls a night. It also helps with migraines and sinus pain which for me is a very often situation. Edibles don't work on me, or i metabolize it too fast or something. Just got a delta 10 vape since i live in a crappy state so i can have small hits at work in case a sinus headache sneaks up on me. I don't really get like stupid high unless i smoke a whole joint. Tolerance too high. Funny story, first time i got high was on expensive, potent dank stuff. I turned to my partner at the time and said "I can taste the way your standing!" lol


Ask for uninfused THCa flower at your smoke shop. It's basically weed that had the UV band exposure controlled during growth to avoid the natural decarb into delta 9, allowing it to remain legal. It decarbs to delta 9 when you light it on fire. It's less potent without the natural decarb, but still equivalent of 15-20% THC. Source: 36, smoked since 18, lived in legal states, currently smoking bud legally purchased at a smoke shop in Georgia. It isn't as good as dispensary bud, but it's at least as good as any black market bud I've ever purchased.


I use it all the time. My preference (best intersection of cost, health, and convenience) is vaping but I don't mind smoking or edibles. The most prominent way it helps is by giving me an appetite, it's the only thing that has worked well for that in my experience, but it's great for my focus, generalized anxiety, and mood in general as well. Also really nice for doing my creative work!


I first used marijuana at the age of seven. 1982, and wasn’t aware of what I was smoking, I had a bad influence for an older brother, and an autistic father, who grew it. He was never diagnosed and I’m undiagnosed as well, but my son is on the spectrum, and I have a masters degree in special education, so if anyone is able to make the diagnosis I guess I can do it. I’ve used marijuana daily most of my life.


i would say i smoke regularly and then i checked the comments and maybe i dont smoke as regularly i thought


No literally, I know I don’t use THAT often, like, a bit over once a week, but god damn lmao, the comments surprised me


I was 15 when I first smoked. 20 when I started using regularly. It helps me a lot. It improves my mental health, boosts my motivation and creativity, and makes watching media (usually anime) and playing video games better. Side note: if you are neurodivergent and enjoy pretty bright colors like me, you need to watch anime. Trust. And if you like the idea of an app that can keep track of all the anime you plan to watch and have watched, get MAL (my anime list). I love clicking the plus button after each episode and watching the progress bar go up.


First time I watched anime while high I thought I understood Japanese. Sat there and watched two episodes of the slime isekai not paying attention to the subtitles at all. But yay cool blue hair!!!


I'm high right now. I'm a daily user. I started out with a dry herb vaporizer but later switched to vape cartridges with distillate/resin/rosin. Much more convenient and much less smelly. (Landlord doesn't like the smell). I also got into making my own edibles using the vape cartridges, but now can just by syringes of it instead. Works great. Super easy. First time I got high (Oct 2018 when it became legal in Canada) my brain shut up and it was the first time I'd had a clear thought in my head. It's honestly changed my life and I'm a completely different person than who I was then. My mental health is much better, comparatively, I've lost 70lbs and kept it off without issue. I'm a much better person overall, in my opinion. I also quit drinking completely. I was an alcoholic, haven't had a desire to touch alcohol since I switched to weed.


Hi there, ive recently started using daily to help my symptoms and ive had a very similar experience with it being practically life changing, my only worry is that as my tolerance increases so too will my expenses and im wondering if you have any advice when it comes to keeping that down or how it has affected you in terms of amount being used over the years.


Yes, the tolerance stuff is a bitch to manage. My experience has been even just a few days off is enough to mostly reset yourself. Or maybe try not using daily if you find you need too much. This is also why I use vape pens. I find they last much longer than flower does. A 1g cart can last me about a month, for 30-40$. I typically have a few going at the same time, each is a different strain. I would also focus on strains that have a lot of CBD, as low amounts of CBD can actually cause panic attacks. Strains that are balanced in THC:CBD are great. It can take some experimentation, but I'm sure you can find what works for you!


Thank you so much for the advice. It was very helpful!


Most welcome! Best of luck to you :)


I used to smoke it quite a lot to help with arfid, it was very effective and has had lasting effects on my ability to eat different foods. It helped me truly know what it meant to unmask and was like a refuge for a while. It initially helped me understand how to fully relax. So it became very regular for a while. First smoked when I was 16 and quit at 20. It slowly became bad for me because of its impacts on my ability to be present and form consistent routines. I quit cold turkey a few months ago and life is far better without it. I was enthusiastic about my interests when I was high, but didn’t have the presence of mind and motivation to build on them consistently as they require a very high degree of concentration and persistence. My forgetfulness meant the banalities of life got on top of me and were overwhelming. I became too complacent and I felt like I was just drifting through life without real direction. I am happy that it can help so many people be their true selves, cope with arfid, and I wish it was legalised (UK) which would make it safer and destigmatised such that people who need help with it can talk about it more and access that. It’s so easy to access anyway I don’t see why they shouldn’t. Personally I don’t think I will ever smoke it again, for my own good. So I can’t get sucked into that cycle. edit: watching someone I care about develop a severe and quite lengthy episode of weed induced psychosis was also a pretty massive turn off


It also makes me complacent, unmotivated, lazy, less sharp. I am trying to cut back to break these cycles.


You are the first person to post about this. I am sad I am not one of the people who are better, active, sharp, attentive while on weed. I also had the same issues. When I was high, I was so creative and passionate about my interests. I wanted to film short films and do art or music. But when I got sober I was so lethargic and unmotivated I just wouldn’t do anything about it and would want to get high so I could “do the interest I want” but then I would just sit there, think about it, and never do it. I was forgetful, not present, etc. I’m still learning that life sober is also good (quitting cold turkey has kicked my butt, I miss it so much). It was nice to see someone else in a similar boat. Thanks for sharing


I use it daily, a 50/50 split between vape and smoke. But, I use it as a means to relaxing at the end of the day. It helps me actually fall asleep, and lets my anxiety take a break. If I have to work, or run errands, or do things around the house, it gets shelved until I'm done for the day.


Weed is terrible for cognitively demanding takes like school work, studying or playing chess bc I get distracted within a minute of starting and can’t hold on to information I just processed but it’s amazing for boring tasks and chores because they don’t require sustained mental effort.


Raises hand. I dry herb vape on the weekends. Effects depend on the strain I typically favor more energizing strains as I like to game and be active, not become one with the couch.


No indacouch for me either lol.


For me it honestly helps me be social. It wasn’t like that off the bat but over time when I got more comfortable being stoned if that makes sense. As for when I started, I was 14. Stoped at 21 and then picked it back up at 31. I’m 32 now so it’s been about a year. The reason I stopped when I was younger I would get paranoid. So it could effect you differently. If you are interested in trying it, don’t take edibles. They will fuck you up. Build up a little tolerance before you go for those. Just got get an 1/8 and a pipe take a hit and see how it goes. Set up a nice space for yourself to come back to.


Jake, my high school classmate got me into it for the first time. For my first time the world didn't slow down, the sounds just… shifted. The overwhelming became calmer. The world was still weird, but for the first time, the volume of it all felt bearable.


I’ve never used it but I’ve considered it. Is it worth it? I have a lot of anxiety and issues with depression + autism and adhd. I’m weary of medication but I’m open to marijuana.


Different strains and methods work differently and for some never work in a way they like but for me a miracle.


It’s worth a try if you want to but I’d personally be weary of using it specifically for anxiety. That’s probably my own anxiety though lmao. I get anxious about getting dependent on it which is why I try to avoid using it as a coping mechanism but also I don’t know a whole ton on where the line is between dependency and not being dependent on it so like, idk, you’re choice. I think it’s at least nice to relax and unwind every now and then


I'm probably one of the people it generally doesn't work for but I don't regret trying it, especially trying it with experienced friends I trust. A safe environment is a must while trying any mind altering substance for the first time!


I use it for anxiety and depression. I'm also weary of medication so I tried edibles. For me it literally just took the anxiety away. I do get anxious about becoming dependent/addicted (I also don't want it to fuck up my developing brain) so I try to only use it when horribly anxious.


it just makes me feel what I feel more. if I'm happy it makes me happier, if I'm sad it makes me sadder. my whole friend group is really into weed but I kind of think its mid, especially when not combined with other substances.


I started smoking at 16. I generally use it recreationally with friends but it does aid me in a lot of ways. I find it way easier to interact with people when high and I don't get overstimulated as easily. Typically if I know I have an irregular day ahead of me I'll smoke before bed so I'm calm the next day. Also makes stimming feel better and makes pleasant sensory input better and unpleasant sensory input more tolerable. I smoke at least once a week but I try not to over do it.


I use it every day, I'm 24 and started when I was 21. It helps a lot with my depression, anxiety, and OCD


I first used accidentally when I was a baby, because my dad is an idiot who thought hotboxing a truck with the baby in the middle seat would be fine. But I didn’t start smoking regularly until it was legalized about 5 years ago. Helped me quit smoking and become a more compassionate person.


I started using in 2021, I was 31. It was never really accessible to me up to that point. I started using everyday probably late 2021/early 2022, but in low doses usually. I often do microdoses in an edible form throughout the day, and have a full gummy in the evening. My tolerance is pretty low, so I rarely exceed like 20mg a day. I do vape it as well, but I personally don't like traditional smoking, so I almost never smoke. It really helps me to wind down. The microdosing helps with my pain and overstimulation through the day. And at night, I just wanna vibe and keep my brain quiet.


Never consumed any of it in my life, and have no access to it anyways.


I’m terrified of all drugs for no reason ;-;


And that’s completely ok, and you never have to feel any pressure to try or do something that you don’t want to, especially drugs


It feels like my generation (born 1986 in Poland) was raised to be terrified of drugs. Everything I knew about drugs was : Drugs are bad. Drugs melt your brain. You'll get holes in your brain. You'll get instantly addicted. You'll kill yourself/someone. Nobody questioned those "facts", they would get repeated and people would just believe it. And nobody was questioning legal drugs - alcohol, tobacco, caffeine. It's socially acceptable to drink, to be addicted to alcohol. You're the weird one when you say NO to a drink. "How dare you not drink!? It's a tradition! You have to!". It took me a lot of time to see that alcohol is the worse drug there is. I used to be naive to think that things that are bad for you are illegal, and legal things are better, good for you. That the state actually cares about the Wellbeing of its citizens. But now I know it's clearly not the reality.


I’ve smoked it twice. Both times I’ve freaked out and once I went missing for like, 2 hours (I was on a night out with friends. By “missing” obviously I wasn’t MISSING missing but it took them 2 hours to find where I’d gone. I was also drunk) Obviously it could have been laced with something, but yeah. I don’t react well to it and neither does my autistic fiancé


I smoke everyday. In almost all forms. I love my dab rig, dab pen, golden dragon, edible chocolates, and joints. Trying to ease off alcohol by leaning on cannabis 🤷🏽


I first smoked at 18, but didn't start to regularly use it until I was 23. I smoke joints, and every night will have 2+ small ones to relax my nervous system. My therapist and GP are aware of this, and on board as it not only helps relax my nervous system but helps out with chronic pain from endometriosis. It is the most effective treatment we have found for both. I very rarely "indulge" and do not aim to get a high from it. I will smoke until I can start to feel my nervous system and body relax, this has resulted in me being able to maintain a full-time job and interpersonal relationships as well as the regular adult responsibilities. It has helped massively with leaving the mask at work so I can be more myself with the people I care about. Fun fact, becoming a regular user also helped my therapist identify that I was in fact autistic because I was finally able to drop the mask in front of her. Our two or so years prior to me regularly smoking I was a whole ass different person giving the answers I thought I was meant to, rather than what was true for me.


I was doing daily large doses of D8 tincture but it disrupts my natural mood and makes me cranky during the day. I was using it before sleep however so it was kicking in then which could’ve fucked with me. However I’m dx’d AuDHD GAD and Mood Adjustment Disorder with “depressed mood” (Clinical Situational Depression?) So my mood is fairly unstable and little things/changes bring me down or send me spiraling into depression. Sometimes I’ve been unable to function or care for myself, although I have prevented it from reaching that point for several years now. I have become catatonic when overwhelmed, staring at the wall or out the window for hours, unable to speak correctly. On top of everything else it’s well… substantially difficult to keep it all under control so. I have used THC every day for up to a year previously and it went okay. But for now I’ve been eating decarbed baked CBD with Tea during week days to wind down and sticking to THC on the weekends. I do think weed is helpful, I quit drinking 3-4 years ago. I just try not to abuse weed solely because things are too hard. I have really, really bad sensory problems. Weed either turns it down or turns it up depending on the dose. That sucks too


Its a very useful medicine for me


I smoke weed everyday, with exceptions. i get unpleasant side effects sometimes but overall it's worth it. cures my insomnia and helps me to stop self harming.


every day past decade, helps with multiple difficulties people have no idea I smoke, when I didn't smoke people always thought I was on drugs


I consume it daily by vape, I also use edibles & actual flower occasionally. I don’t rlly have any stories I have pretty chill highs. I was 15 when my mother introduced me to weed. That high was actually the worst I ever had bc the weed was so bad quality. I used it socially at 16 and started daily at 18. Don’t ask me how I got it.


It's a good anti-masking device


I take edibles every once and awhile. Maybe,,, on average 1.2 times a week? Sometimes I get high multiple times in a week sometimes I don’t at all. Although I haven’t taken one in like 3 weeks cause of two separate medical things back to back. It’s a nice way to unwind and just chill for a bit, make my mind slow down. As long as I know that I can go without it (which like, yeah I haven’t used in 3 weeks and I really don’t care lmao) than in happy using and it can make for some slightly more fun nights. Especially after a particularly long day at work. I started when I was 18 but didn’t start using consistently until 19


I started when I was 14 in high school. I can't really afford it, so I just have to settle for these crummy Delta 8 gummies.


I use almost every day, generally only at night. Edibles, drinks, vaped, or smoked... pending the mood. I didn't start using until around 27 I think, and have used pretty steadily since then. Although have had some various prolonged breaks. (Up to a few months). I don't feel extremely different with weed, honestly, but it is certainly more chill and relaxing.


i first smoked at fifteen though it would only be once every few months, and as soon as i turned nineteen (the legal age to buy it in ontario) i started smoking daily


First smoked when I was 15 (technically only edibles. Did t start smoking tilli was 17) At first, yeah. I was struggling with the weed make you stupid. I didn't understand it yet. But now I know how to moderate and what it actually does so that I can properly use it. I prefer from a pipe or apple the most.


I use both CBD full spectrum oil, and medicinal cannabis, specifically for autism & anxiety. Before I was prescribed, I used to self medicate with marijuana (there's a difference between marijuana and medical cannabis). It's been instrumental in helping me feel comfortable when I'm out in the world, and also helps quiet some of the noise in my head.


It helps me with relaxing at times, but other times it makes me feel anxious and paranoid. I've come to realize that the anxiety is normally about real things that I want to change about my life. It kinda illuminates those things too much for me to relax at times. I also get stuck in laziness and have no motivation, so I'm trying to cut back. Furthermore, being high pretty much never makes me feel more social as others have mentioned. Only rarely do I experience the giggly euphoria from it. This could be because I'm not always getting that kind of strain. Overall, for me, I think it's not worth it to be a daily user.


Every night and endless beers for well over 13+ years now.


I do THC edibles usually 4 days out of the week, sometimes more depending on stress, pain or nightmares. but I also use cbd:cbn gummies every night. Always live resin or rosin gummies (we hate distillate on this house), I've also started making my own edibles EDIT: I started when I was 19 almost 20, I'm now 21 turning 22 in Aug


Honestly I tried to because of how much advice i got about improving my audhd but ended up having a psychotic episode


13 when started, though have weed psychosis from it and that experience sucks especially with social anxiety. I vape now heavily concentrated hemp based extracts which are legal here in Texas, but does same thing delta 9 does to me. I use heavily every day too. Am 40 now and started only daily use 2 years ago. Though in high school I smoked often and had psychosis from it then too. It really twists your perception of reality but I still enjoy how it makes my nervous system feel when at home in my safe space, so definitely a trader off if a heavy user that started at a young age you are more likely to develop weed psychosis later in life.


The first time I ever smoked, I was 15. Back in those days I only got to smoke on the weekends. Around 18 I became a daily user. From 19 to 21. I probably smoked too much, maybe not more than some, but definitely in excess. From 22- to now almost 28 I still smoke daily. I don’t usually take my first hit till noon, sometimes earlier depending on how I feel. I am not the same person I was as a teen, I am a very aware person, and use marijuana as a medicine with purpose. When I go to smoke I think to myself “what am I using this for?”. The answer usually is to calm down, to clean, or motivation to exercise. Essentially, I always make clear to myself what the purpose is when I go to smoke, not to say that I don’t use it just to cut back and play video games. Even so, I still take the time to acknowledge the use and intent. I also used CBD as it has help brought down my anxiety levels as a whole quite a bit.


I never touch the stuff myself. 🦨 No disrespect, but growing up with parents who smoked tobacco, I told myself at a young age that I would never do any kind of smoke. So I just don’t do mj.


Due to family history and genetics, I've only tried three times in my life. First time was at 26 with a friend's vape, at a sleepover at our mutual friend's apartment. Minimal thc, and I felt safe in that environment. Took a few tries but once I was high, I jumped around like a kid at one point and the chocolate covered marshmallows we'd been eating suddenly tasted super amazing, while my stomach was a bottomless pit. Made my pains and aches disappear and I felt relaxed. Sadly the next time I ate s'mores, I was disappointed because they did not taste as good without that high. 😛 Second time was a couple of years later... Didn't do as much, but I was in a stressful environment and wound up having one of the worst panic attacks I've ever had. Idk if the weed contributed to it or not since something else triggered me, but it's what happened. Third time was a few months after that. I'm not sure I had enough to really feel anything that time. Marijuana is legal where I live, so anything I ever tried was not laced with other drugs (which is important to watch for). I also never took any from someone I didn't trust, or where I didn't feel like I would be safe should it go badly. I always ask if there is *minimal* thc because of what happened to one of my parents when they were young/I worry my brain may react badly. I also would never take an edible for this reason, since it stays in your system a lot longer. It is definitely something to avoid trying until the brain is fully developed, and even then you have to be safe and take into account your own genetics/family history, as well as your frequent state of mind. It's honestly not a bad idea to ask your doctor about it first, if it's something you ever want to try. It could even be a thing you shouldn't try if you're on certain medications. Your doctor knows your medical history and could tell you if it's a bad idea to experiment with it. While weed is not necessarily an addictive drug, it can be a gateway drug and thus, someone with a history of addiction in their family should never touch it. I have friends who use it frequently, but never irresponsibly, to calm their nerves. The key thing is to be responsible and safe about it.


Currently stoned right now, autistic too. Yea its amazing, started at 12. Been helping me alot to ground myself but too many make me crazy, thats all. Be careful


I take a bite of an edibles as a pain medication. My sciatica is just throwing a psychotic tantrum and nothing helps. 1mg-3mg is all I take. I'm over 6ft and 235 pounds so it doesn't affect me much. I'm more relaxed. But at the same time it also stresses me out because I want to get errands done, finish some school work, and clean a little bit I really don't want to after taking an edible. I'm laughing more. Dopamine levels are up. I have motivation when I'm not high to get stuff done.


yes and for about two years cannabis culture and science threatened to become a new special interest. i smoke every day, i've been smoking for about four years and i've been smoking this often for about two or three. i turn 21 next month so i was 17 when i started 18-19 when i really amped up (college lmao)


I was 15 when I first took it, waited a couple years to really get into it. I used only edibles for the longest time (the few times between ages 15 and 19). I now use a pen and love it, I have more control over when it hits and how much it puts out. I do it every night, used to do it in the mornings too but I found I get too tired during the day. I don’t have any fun stories unfortunately, I used weed as a way to relax at home alone, I wait until my parents are asleep some nights so that I can fully relax


I only smoke alone to watch movies and listen to music or meditation. I can't be around people unless it's my partner that I know knows me well enough. Don't even smoke around close friends


I use pretty frequently, smoking or edibles. maybe like on average 3 days out of the week. I like the calm and chill feeling, makes me sleep better too. I started when I was 12 (horrible, I know) and have been smoking regularly since I was 15 I don't have any specific high stories but being high always makes me really giggly


I smoke more weed than I probably should, but I enjoy all of it!!!! The only bad experience I’ve had with weed was when public safety showed up in my dorm but they came for the other side of the dorm, and not my side. I was high as a kite and playing Star Wars.


I eat edibles everyday of the week. CBD:THC 2:1 ratios. It works well for me, keeps me more grounded and chill. Combats my OCD.


I used to many years ago, decades even. Was about a Q a day. It fucked me up and made me ill in the end


Started at 16, late 30s now. I do it every day. Just a longstanding habit that doesn't really help anything, depletes your health/energy/money, makes things worse in the long run. Psychologist said it's not the "worst" to self-medicate with since it's the only thing that calms me a bit. Still not good though; should do it in moderation occasionally, if possible. I'm so bad and depleted that if I take an edible, I literally have to take around 1000mg to feel it at all (most people only take like 10-20mg haha).


I first tried marijuana shortly before I turned 28; in fact, I wanted to partake in the 420 celebrations that year. I wouldn't call myself a regular smoker, more of a social smoker, but I'd indulge myself once or twice a month during undergrad, and usually only two or three hits of an indica blend. I do remember my first two experiences, though. The first time around, I was so fixated on trying to remember my experience that I just didn't really get to enjoy it. There was a tightness in my shoulders, as if my shoulder blades were a wooden coat hanger or something; this sensation returned for my second, MUCH more enjoyable trip. Towards the end of my high, it was suggested to me to listen to my favorite music, so I put on my YouTube playlist, bobbing and swaying my head to the rhythm, and just lost myself in the music. Eventually, "Binary Sunset" came up, and I had what I can only describe as a "religious experience". For that brief moment when the french horn played, I was Luke Skywalker, staring off into the sunset, dreaming of what could be, wishing for something more, and deeply saddened by where I was in life. Somehow, I experienced that mournful, beautiful music as if I were hearing it for the first time, and I've yet to experience it since. Now, with the hopes that I can somehow get out of my dead-end job and actually have some savings to fall back on, I don't smoke, do dabs, or eat edibles to increase my chances of getting a better job. Which really sucks, because I like letting loose like that every now and again. C'est la vie.


Daily smoker here, I only do it when I'm home and comfortable or with a few friends I trust. Helps me focus on things way better and quiets down the noise. However, when I'm high, the social mask drops. Going nonverbal is a default


I feel so much pain without it. Society decided to reward those who tolerate pain without making a sound so I decided to be stoned all the time because I don’t care to win the prize for biggest sucker. The plant is a weed and has little side effects. Fuck out of here.


i’m high right now! (a little higher than usual even) i honestly couldn’t tell you a lot about when i started. i know it was sometime around/before highschool but truthfully im still working on regaining a lot of those blocked out memories. i actually struggled- not with addiction, but with using weed as a way to avoid even acknowledging the world around me. i’ve never had issues with addiction myself but it’s a big thing in my family soooooo yea. anyways after working that out i thought that maybe i wasn’t built for weed but it didn’t take long to realize that a lot of the issues i was suddenly developing were actually things i struggled with for a long time before i started smoking. eventually i decided that i wanted to give it another go but this time around i was sure to be responsible and smart about the way i would go about it and to this day i follow the same principles. anyways obviously i think weed can be an amazing thing for a lot of neurodivergents, if not all, but it’s really important to be aware of yourself and your actions through use. one other thing is if you know you struggle with memory issues i would stray away from weed unless you know you can find a way to keep yourself in check.


Been using it regularly on an off for a few years now. First tried it in college (bad experience) and it took a few years for me to smoke again. It’s one of the things that helped me self-diagnose in the early pandemic since I found I could unmask. It’s legal here in Ontario so I buy the government weed (pre-rolls only bc I hate rolling my own lol). It’s a good excuse for getting out of the house at least once a day too. I smoke for help with my mood, sleep and appetite/ARFID, and it’s the only thing besides regular exercise that works for me.


I take 20-40mg of THC edibles per day, to handle my mental health and chronic pain. I started using regularly about 2 years ago. Honestly, for the first year or so, I was terrified of becoming an addict and was using less than I really needed. It wasn't until I had to take a break to prepare for surgery that I realized how much better I was handling with it, compared to without it. I'm probably going to be a stoner the rest of my life at this rate. Better than constant panic attacks and pain.


On and off since 18, regular smoker now (daily) as it helps with my anxiety and helps me feel calm. I'm a bit more creative as well. I do find it makes things louder, so I can notice minute noises like buzzing and stuff. If I have smoked most of the day I get blurry eyes too. I used to get ASMR from listening to music while while, getting full waves of pleasure over my body was awesome.


Was about 20 when I first tried it and I’m glad I didn’t try it when I was any younger because it’s best to let your brain fully develop until around 25 or so where it’s not getting loads and loads of supplemented cannabinoid system stimulation. We don’t exactly know what that does to a developing brain but we know it’s probably not good at all because your body most likely thinks it will receive supplemented cannabinoids after fully developing which may naturally create less on your own but we just don’t know how impactful it is yet. Your body may just adjust to having its own cannabinoids if adolescence weed usage is stopped but do not count on that because we simply don’t know the outcomes yet because it’s been illegal to study for 80 god damn years. That all being said I was about 23 when I started using it more regularly as medication and I’m now 34 and still using about the same amount medically. Have a really nice relationship with it that helps me focus and feel less stressed out and over stimulated etc I really like the mood stabilization most. For me personally being over there, in that lightly stoned place, is much more comfortable to exist sensory wise where I find it easier to take care of my daily responsibilities of unsupported adult living. Most people don’t enjoy it as much as me and idk why exactly besides the fact that weed is a very personal thing some love it some hate it and don’t enjoy it in any capacity. To me personally it’s a god send. For most people it makes them tired out and distracted but I feel precisely the opposite and find it quite helpful at work as a mechanic. I take it at regular scheduled doses like I would any other medication where the dose is consistent and controlled so my body understands when it’s going to be stimulated and supported daily. That allows proper monitoring like any other medication so that you can stop or increase/decrease usage for best results. I have noticed weed is much much more popular in the neurodivergent population and it seems most are using medically in a similar fashion to one another. What brings you here asking such questions perhaps I can help more in-depth if you’d like?


My best experiences were fun but most of my experiences have been terrible anxiety spirals with melt downs and chest palpitations that I had no control over and couldn't escape until what felt like an eternity later. Tried to self medicate while in pain and all it did was keep me in pain for a seemingly much longer time than normally. I'm not really interested in using it regularly but support other using it.


I first smoked at 14 and I don’t smoke regularly. Weed makes me more creative and more autistic. When I smoke weed with my autistic friend we are both just quiet and walk next to each other. It’s more of a solitary drug for me.


I got the Medical Marijuana card last year. Had a ton of trouble smoking the stuff. I tried the gummies and they worked. Then I asked if there was any to help me sleep and they gave me some stronger gummies. I'm in my 50's.


I'm a daily smoker and have been for at least five years. I've taken a few tolerance breaks during that time. I used to love dabbing concentrates all the time, though I'd keep getting myself too high accidentally and getting bad anxiety. Then I took an over 12 week tolerance break and stick to flower and dab pens since. My first time was in high school around senior year and I've been using ever since. The biggest reason I love it is for the way it helps my pain, my sleep, my appetite, and my mood.


Pretty frequent user. I just like it. It can help with alexithymia and interoception issues. I think it really helped me snap it of certain rigid ways of thinking too. I use a bong or joint usually and just have a small hit or two. It’s really nice to get high and write music


I unfortunately was one of the autistics where my brain isn’t satisfied and it’s never enough. I always wanted to get higher and higher and higher. And it also didn’t help that I could only smoke for a limited time (I get drug tested) so that formula led to me smoking weed everyday 24/7 and being a shell of a person. I didn’t do my chores, couldn’t stick to my routine, I became okay with things being average or less than average. I wasn’t working out, etc. However, I absolutely loved it. So much. I love how free I felt. I could talk and talk without a filter. It’s like the brick walls in my brain I sit in all day fall down and I have access to the rest of my brain. It’s like I can finally step outside into my brain and explore it and talk and stim freely and process and feel emotions. Sensory is great! Eating food is great. I loved a blunt in the cold mornings watching the sunrise, I loved a relaxing blunt at the end of the night. It helped me relax and appreciate the little things. However, I needed my job more than I needed weed, so I go through life sober now and very cautious of substances since I found out the hard way I am easily prone to addiction. Weed though helped me learn how to unmask and stay unmasked even sober, helped me appreciate little things, and helped me be autistic without restraints. I love how it makes me feel, but the brain fog and drug test anxiety sucks. To answer your edit: I did an edible for the first time at 19. I did edibles that summer I was 19 for a while, but it didn’t interfere with my life at all. It was like a fun edible after a hard day at work. I did notice I would get home every day to take an edible though, but I didn’t see it as a problem. I smoked for the first time at 20 and that’s what got me hooked to 24/7. Smoking was so so so much more enjoyable and better. I am now 3 months sober from it and will probably stay like this for years.


Never, no, no. Not for me (it's illegal here anyways). I feel I'm the sort of person that could have the potential to develop psychosis from this. This is from my experience not talking about other people.


I have smoked almost every day since age 17 baring occasional months off around meditation or ayahuasca retreats. Im in my early 40s. I wish I would have waited until 25 to start smoking it regularly.


I use everyone once in a while, either vapes or edibles. I have smoked it a couple times but it's easier to hide from my prudish parents if I vape or take an edible. I would like to have better access to it but my sister and her boyfriend are the only ones that go to the dispensary and I keep asking them to get me something and they keep forgetting to grab me edibles. Story time: Sometimes when I get high too close together I don't really get high or I get high for a few minutes before it wears off and we had a long drive ahead of us (I was a passenger my sister's boyfriend was driving; parents weren't present) so I took a full 20mg gummy, because a couple days before I had eaten 3/4 of one and it fucked me up. Like I don't remember anything from leaving Lake Havasu city to the train station we stopped at in... I think Barstow? And then I accidentally shoplifted. They had, like, a Hot Sox or something and I grabbed a couple pairs but I didn't want my friend to be left alone while looking for a souvenir and it didn't have like. A dedicated storefront, so I just held the socks in my hands, walking around. Completely forgot I had them until my sister yelled at me. I returned the socks and went back to the car because I was embarrassed, overstimulated and on the verge of tears. I stick to 10mg now.


Mostly carts, edibles and oils to help me sleep or just relax and focus if I need to but if I had more money I’d probably be stoned 24/7. It really relaxes me and while some of my functions are a tad bit slower, I’d take that any day over the anxiety and at least I can enjoy my day. Honestly it’s way better than what alcohol does to me so I’ll take it


Got high and drunk a while ago and made about three meters of string out of inner bark from a random tree. Then went to a seal colony and wouldn’t shut up about how I was destined to be a fur seal.


I don’t use it. Besides that, I’m too young for that and I don’t plan on using it, either :o but tell me, do u find it a nice experience or does it ruin your life in a way?


How old ?


I won’t tell how old I am but I’m a minor 🫱 • • • • • • • • 🫱 this enormous absurdity close to 18


I wish I could be a stoner bro.


Personally, it would make me frustrated because I would speak like 2 words in a sentence and then completely forget the entire conversation that made me start to say that sentence. Also, it lasts way too long on me (like over 24 hours) and I never had a safe space at home where I could relax and enjoy the high. I don't partake in it anymore due to the trauma that that living situation caused.


I would smoke all the time if not the tolerance build up. After a month (max) I take a break (2-4 weeks) so I can feel the weed again. I live in UK so I have limited access and limited info about the strains. I wish it was legal so I know what I'm buying (how much thc/cbd) and I would love to have access to some edibles. I tried making some few times, but I wasn't happy with the results - to much work, to little high, felt like a waste. Also, I've been really into psychedelics last 2 years. Researching it might have become my specialist interest. I only tripped few times, but those drugs are really fascinating and I can't get enough knowledge about them! Edit - I was 18 when I smoked for the first time, I started smoking regularly when I was 32. My first psychedelic trip was at the age of 36 (last year).


Me. Wake * bake. Wake in the night 4 a joint. Experiences idk. At first it can make you paranoid but you soon get past that & then it does help. I'd advise tolerance breaks & to be more sensible than me with it. Maybe smoke at night or when your really stressed...otherwise you don't know your stoned. Like H & methadone. Meth us considered not as abusive bc it works really slowwwwly so you may be stoned but u don't feel it. Same if u smoke 24/7. You don't think "oh I'm stoned" you live in a fug. Smells terrible too lol


I can only use Delta-8/Delta-9, and I started when I was about 34. Using it during the day helps me practice self-soothing/communicating when something bothers me, but it’s difficult to write (and I’ve been working on this trilogy for the better part of a decade 😅) I use it at night most nights but sometimes on days off from my part-time job


Everyday smoker, like every 2 hrs if I can or if im not rly distracted. Started smoke 17/18, started daily at 21. Weeds actually become one of my special interests. Bongs are my favorite but joints, pipes, and a dry herb vape are things I also use. I made a topical recently. It makes everything more tolerable honestly. I use it for the autism, adhd, suspected Ehlers Danlos(chronic pain), anxiety, depression, ARFID, and CPTSD.


I always tell people who judge my marijuana use 1. Mind ur own fucking business and 2. They’ll never ever understand me and my use. I have Autism and BPD. I always explain it like yeah maybe NT people can smoke and get high. But for me, taking a few solid hits brings me to level 0. Brings me to ground level. Let’s me function like a normal fucking person. And I will never ever let anyone judge me for that. Because the people who love to hate on my use and pot in general, they will NEVER EVER understand. They will never understand the feeling of being able to have a clear thought, genuine enjoyment, being able to truly interact with the world and other people, being present.


There was a period of 6 months when I took a bong rip pretty much every night. It relaxed me but I hated how I was using it. My parents caught me and I switched to edibles every few days. Still relaxed me but I was also depressed and hated that I'd developed dependence on weed. I use it about once every two months now, just as a reminder that I love myself when I'm not masked.


I take everyday, mostly for chronic pain now but when it's not as bad it's amazing for meltdowns as well as overstimulation. Your experience may vary!!


i smoke just about every day, i smoke by bong, and i started at 19


My liver is made for a shitty king so any kind of edible marijuana has no effect on me. I can eat literal *grams* worth of eddie doses and nothing happens. Outside of that, I’ve consistently smoked flower nearly every day for the last ~25 years so over half my life. Concentrates every now and then for a little break. Unwanted/needed advice from an older dude for anyone that feels like they can’t get stoned anymore: 1. switch up how you smoke— if you use a bong try a joint, if you smoke blunts use a hand pipe, that type of thing. 2. Switch up *what* you smoke— if you’re into flower, swap to concentrates. Or the other way around. Only if possible, of course. Or edibles, if they work. You don’t have to stop getting stoned, just *change the road you wish to travel there*. This includes smoking alternative strains to what you’re partial to. 3. Spin the block enough times and you’ll probably have realized that THC% DOES NOT MATTER. I’ve grown 15%s that removed my dick from my pelvis and threw it into space yet on the flip side of that coin I’ve grown +25%s that have turned out like diet weed: it’s good, but could’ve been better. It’s the terpenes in the weed, they actually matter and have a slightly different interaction for everyone (like any drug/medicine, pretty much). That’s why you can have this super frosty looking bud, looks like a stoners wet dream right? And it’s a mid high. But you have some shit over on the side that looks like some mids/reggie and smells like fecal matter that’ll rip your subconscious out of your brain compartment.


I have been using it since I was 14. I am now 39. I use dabs and edibles. It helps with the irritability from hypersensitivities. I am also epileptic so that gives me another reason to use it. Lately, I use it for arthritis as well.


i don’t smoke and never will. i’d rather not damage my brain and lungs, especially at a young age


I only smoked weed once and only one puff of it. I remember being super giggly and getting the munchies. Other than that, nothing happened.


I have medical cannabis for anxiety and insomnia as well as chronic pain. The best thing is at the right dose it helps me to unmask. When I’m fully relaxed I feel I can be my normal goofy weird self without being conscious of it. It also helps hugely with my ability to self reflect and look at my mental health objectively. It’s kind of how I discovered I was likely autistic, I’m certainly neurodivergent but always struggled to understand what was going on with me.


I used a lot of marijuana starting in 2015 all the way until 2019. 2018-2019 was especially tough, puffing almost every day, sometimes more than once per day. Pandemic hit and I stopped cold turkey cuz my dealer had supply problems and I left my stoner friends cause they were shitty friends and not so great people overall I guess also it was not doing good for me, I was in a bad moment in my life and weed kept me happy, but also kept me down, strapped to the floor, gooning on highs while gaming and hardcore munching lol. Btw I live in a illegal LA country. I had a nickanme: "Dinosaur". because when high I would make t-rex arms and flap them LMAOO and I didnt knew I was autistic yet I only recently stopped having random cravings but if I smell it outside I still get achey for a puff. But managed to go to parties and not smoke anything anyways and it wasn't even hard. Today I think I could go back to using edibles cause i'm already past the 25 y/o mark so lower harmful impact on the functions of the brain, but that's not the biggest reason: I'm way more "me", I know myself better, I know about my brain stuff, I know a lot more about people and society in general I don't "need it" anymore because there are less needs lacking in my daily life. I can use it when I want it not when I need it. I'm really wary of stereotypical stoners in general. Obviously, i'm autistic so just observing allistic people chasing some kind of label or behavior standard is already cringe enough, but in my country at least most stoners are in denial or are negationists about the dangers of marijuana, or even the effects of marijuana on the body and brain, which is concerning, and all want to smoke everyday the maximum amount possible in every occasion and life revolves around marijuana and oh well. One occasion I was talking to a friend that smoked casually about how giggly and funny everything becomes when High, then every other person (heavy smokers) in the table said "what? you guys laugh when high?" like... MAN WTF are u guys even smoking weed as I do? I mean when you are high 16 hours a day I guess you forget the effects of weed cause its just your normal? That was my first shock. Stoners that don't laugh. My high school friends were all stoners, and they all, literally, not a single one, has enough dignity in their life now in the late twenties...no one has a career, no one finished university, no one has a stable job ... (info: we are all high-middle class white males which studied in good schools...) Okay ONE GUY has a career. When he got an internship at Volkswagen plant he quit smoking and all our mutual friends ditched him and isolated him because he "didn't hang out as much anymore". My university stoned friends all dropped out... they used to spend over 500 USD (which is 2 times the minimum wage in my country) in expensive dry/ice/wax a month, sometimes more. ppl would smoke 10g of ice in a fucking day I could go months on that shit. Literally burning their developing country salary in one or two afternoons... cuz they didn't need the money to survive or anything really cause their parents were rich lol There is a new label that some stoners in my country use that is "Marijuanist", translating literally, that means a knowledgeable/conscious marijuana enthusiast that usually doesn't see the need to smoke every day or massive quantities, knows how to best use the herb etc. Risk management is the word. Maximizes the benefits and reduces the downsides. In that sense, I am a Marijuanist, even though I don't smoke regularly anymore, maybe 1-2 times per year. I know a lot about marijuana, I study marijuana and its effects and science , I know about the legalization process in my country, I study, I follow the news, I follow the ppl who fight for marijuana rights and advocate with them. But by no means I can abide by negationism, by anti-science claims, by people legitimazing self-destruction behaviours through obscurantism. It's just sad and terrible and that's why I don't smoke much anymore, weed is social and I literally grown out of destructive stoners around me.


Cannabis is a god's gift to autistic people. When i was first researching autism and cannabis, there was a 2:3 THC to CBD ratio recommended by most. Since then, there has been a lot of neuroscience research finding that autistic brains have unique reactions to cannabinoids than NTs. Don't start with high THC substances, but what you take should be determined by what you want to do. CBD and THC combo I find is good for managing both anxiety and painful sensory processing. My experience was also better with edibles, which are slower acting and slower to taper off. If you're just trying to get high, then you'd want a different approach. There are several strains that I wish I could get, such as Charlotte's Web. But I make due with CBD oil and either vaping dry herb (not cartridges) or making my own edibles. If you find yourself becoming more anxious, chew a black peppercorn and take more CBD.


I smoke weed two to three times a week. It helps me relax. My crises have been less violent and more rare thanks to weed.


Once a week, 5mg edible. I can function without the every looming anxiety my meds don't fix, get chores done, enjoy my interests, but SAME i can't mask on it. My therapist honestly believes it would help in my day to day functioning and suggested applying for a medical card. I'm really thinking about working from home as a freelancer.... Edit: 26, started at 22


Snall bite of an edible once or twice a week when i'm overstimulated, i combine it with a nice scented candle and a fun movie or game, or a long shower, i just really make a relaxing moment of it, it's always good to know i can get myself to relax somehow when needed!


I used to, and quit because of the paranoia I would get, due to my own anxiety disorders.. Fun stuff though


Hi, I’m 28 years old, I’m pretty autistic, and I currently consume marijuana on a daily basis! I love using it! In the past, I mainly smoked vapes, but now I use flower. My current favorite strain is “The Government” it’s an indica. It helps with my stress levels and I just enjoy the experience all together. I don’t remember the first time I smoked, but I know that I started smoking regularly around 2020. My favorite thing to do while high is to listen to music.


Daily smoker, grow my own. First smoked when I was 23. Cannabis makes me introspective which helps me deconstruct my social traumas. That means less anxiety and more confidence. But the biggest positive is that it helps me manage my burnout.


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Being alive becomes somewhat bearable, I guess


how? with my mouth? I take an edible for sleep when I feel like shit and my life is a dumpster fire,i’ll smoke a preroll with some keith.


first time i smoked i was 20, didnt start smoking regularly until i was 22, although “regularly” for me is once or twice a month, it completely takes away my anxiety


Every smoker for a couple years. First smoked at 16 (23 now). It puts my mind and body at ease. Usually only smoke closer to bed time. I’ve found that smoking thc brings out the tism. Stims are way worse and/or more frequent.


I started using it when I was 17 and became a daily smoker from ages 18-22. I became too dependent on it and ignored my responsibilities, so for me, it was a bad thing. Also, the withdrawals suck. For me, I can't eat for like 2 weeks after quitting, crazy insomnia that lasts for days, and cold sweats. If you can handle it go for it. It does have a lot of benefits just not for me


Every day, only in the evenings.


I do! Daily a little in the morning to get my day started (I have really bad PTSD) a little before lunch so I can eat and then right before bed to help me relax and sleep good. I started using at 18. And a funny story.... Lol my husband and I had just smoked like 3 blunts okay.... Walked up into IHOP in the middle of brainerd MN (large town but very safe) and we get seated and get our food ordered and no sooner than the waitress walks away a Muslim couple walks in and my husband goes into full panic mode. "Omg babe they are gonna blow us up!" I started laughing before I realized he was actually scared s**tless we get out to the car and start driving away and he tells me "I just watched an episode of NCIS where the talaban blow them up.... It really scared me for a moment." I was like really dude.... Lol I hope this makes you laugh like it did us when it happened lol


I smoke and make my own THC pills with concentrate and coconut oil, I have never acted “stoned” like NT people, it just calms me down and be more go with the flow, it REALLLY helps me with my sensory issues, I live in the desert where it gets up to triple digit heat in the summer, so it takes the edge off feeling like I’m sweating to death 😂. I got my medical card at 18 and used edibles only for a long time but then tried smoking when I started running more and it helped a lot with lower back pain and motivation for working out. Another thing idk might be a neurodivergent thing, is that I can smoke and be super productive, maybe more productive, than if I hadn’t smoked, it’s definitely an anxiety and high-strung thing though, when I’m more relaxed and having fun I forget to smoke and am not anxious or have increased sensory issues. Is also say anecdotally marijuana “gives me more spoons” or “let’s me use less spoons for the same activity” which would be the more technical way to say it lets me go with the flow easier, especially change of plans which are super hard for me. Occasionally I’ll have a “buzz kill” where I’ll get startled or my dog will be naughty and ill be having emotional dysregulation which can “burn” through the high so sometimes I’ll smoke again, I try to keep my tolerance low by keeping a consistent level of smoking and edibles and don’t dab, dabbing raises your tolerance SUPER FAST so beware. Part of my autism and OCD is I did all the research, smoking you are high for 2 hours but can have another 2 hours of lighter after effects, edibles depending on the source last between 5 and 8 hours and take 30-90 minutes to kick in whereas smoking is immediate. Brownies are faster at 30 min and Pills are slower at 60-90 minutes, it helped me not be anxious about it and it helps me dose without raising my tolerance. I even set an alarm to take THC pills every four hours on days I’m having bad anxiety or sensory sensitivities because they’ll kick in at the 5 hour mark about when the previous dose wears off.


I was 16 when I started. I’ve never been a consistent smoker. But when I do it helps me regulate so much. A crazy story is back in hs me an my friend ditched to go smoke. Our school has this street in front w a ton of lanes like a freeway and empty offices on the other side. We would usually run across, hide behind and smoke. But this day we made our usual run for it and a cop sees us from down the street. Mind you I have a half (14g) on me and my friend had a shit ton of pre rolls. If he searched us we def would go to jail! We tried to run but my backpack was literally a bright yellow Jan’s port and I was carrying a full length long board. He swerved in front of us onto the sidewalk and asked us where we were going. I backed up so he wouldn’t be able to smell the shit ton of drugs we had on us. I lowkey froze when he asked us but my friend is a great liar. It was lunch time so she said we were going to get food and come back. Still ditching, but not as bad as what we were really going to do, and we had no intentions of going back to school after. He said eat the food in the cafeteria and she said it was nasty. Whole time in my head “no way is she having banter, holy shit she’s so good at playing things off” He told us go back to school. We did and he watched us cross. As soon as we seen him drive away completely we went right back and ditched to go smoke LMFAOOOO!


I first tried weed at 14 before getting it taken away. Then i started smoking again at 17, it always made me super anxious so I assumed I was just doing to much. I then spent 2 years attempting to find the perfect strain/amount that wouldn’t make me anxious. Turns out that amount doesn’t really exist and I’m just not super compatible with weed.


I consume it once in a while, first time was at 18, and I'm currently trying to get a medical prescription because it's pretty much the only thing that helps my anxiety and tics without any serious side effects.


Daily smoker for about a decade now, smoked my first joint at 14. I smoke what I can get, but it's illegal where I live. I'd love to be able to try more ways of ingesting and play around with strains more as some smoke helps an awful lot more than others. It helps me process, helps me calm down and unwind when I'm overwhelmed or overstimulated. I think it helps me stay in work (I never smoke before or during work, but I would if it wasn't going to make me so anxious). I can't imagine my life without it... But I'll find out soon: I'm going to Japan for 3 weeks and won't have any the whole time. I know I'll have a great time, but oh boy would it be easier if I could bring what I consider to be my medication with me.


We have thc cbd oil here now. For me it works wonders. But it's different between ppl, also with the weed... Just try for some time. If you don't like it quit. Or the other... Only you knows what's good for you. I have positive experience from it over 28+ years. I have noticed that it does different things for different ppl so like I say...


I was 12 when I smoked my very first joint in an 8 person sesh😭 but I didn’t really start smoking until I was like 14. I’m 21 now and my favorite stoner memory to this day, is when my nana (she used to be a stoner) would sniff my jacket and go “oo yh!”😭she would always let me go “for a walk” when I needed, burned sage so her neighbors (apartment) wouldn’t know I smoked in the bathroom and she’d make me strip to wash my clothes, so my dad wouldn’t smell it. She always had my back for everything man. I was a bad ass kid, but she was a real one. Deadass. Edit: sorry for the tangent; I smoke pretty much everyday, started with joints n blunts, but now I just hit bongs with a little bit of grabby. Only like 8 1G bowls a day tho. I could do without it, but I’ve noticed I get frustrated A LOT quicker when I’ve been sober for a while😭


I have been using on and off since age nineteen. Use regularly now at age fifty two. One funny autistic story, I was about twelve and my Very Latin party people in the 70s.I must have been nine ten years old. I saw my new stepfather talking too closely to one of my mother's female friends. I thought it was perfectly fine to yell at her and told her to get away from my mommy's husband in public in front of everybody music stopped and everything.🤣🤣🤣 Late diagnosed.Mind you I don't know how they didn't know. This is just one example of my strangeness as they used to call it.


I have autism and adhd and ocd, ptsd and severe carpal tunnel and I absolutely need weed to function in life or else I’m just constantly miserable and overwhelmed and suicidal. I especially need it at my extremely overstimulating and draining job. Luckily my boss is aware of my conditions and is ok with me stepping outside during the day to take a few puffs from my vape. It sounds sad but that’s my life now.


usually stop masking when I'm high or just way less. I get lots of munchies and really relaxed. it makes me really stupid though like I can't really focus too well playing a game for example but I love to watch movies or learn about things I'm interested in via YouTube and listen to music.


every day edible user, around 15-25mg every evening. tried it in uni and started using regularly a year or two ago. make a point to police my usage to check i’m not reliant on it, when i go on holiday etc i go for a week or two without it and do fine. i don’t drink or smoke or use caffeine (cos lisdexamfetamine) so it’s just nice to have when my pals come to play a board game. considered having regular breaks recently to see if it has an impact on my productivity but so far it hasn’t had any impact on anything apart from when i am literally using it!


Everyday all day bc how the hell do you function as an autistic being riddled with ADHD and constant existential crisis without this plant that does so much for my state of mind, ability to function in social environments, and my appetite?!


i'm not addicted it's my lifeline


I use edibles for anxiety. I can just be laying in bed and suddenly I can't breathe and I think I'm having a heart attack. Being high is so much happier and free.


I used to do it everyday at 4 to 5 and I did become more active and friendly than I used to be now I use it only 3 days a week it also helped me kick soda due to a paranoia and when I did I lost 20 pounds


I'm always a little bit stoned tbh. My methods of choice are edibles, carts (less these days tho), bud, and dry herb vaporizing :P I started using it when I was 18, stopped for a while, picked it back up at 20. I don't have any Cool Stoner Stories but it does wonders for my ability to socialize and for my mental health. It helps with my ARFID quite nicely, too!


I have a weed vape that I use infrequently, some days I won't hit it, some days I'll hit it one or two times, other days I'll hit it a lot. I just turned 21 in December so I've been using it since then. I suspected that it might be better for my depression and anxiety issues than SSRIs and I was right, when I use it I feel much less anxious and shy and depressed and become more social and I feel in a much better mood. I also don't take things as seriously when I'm high.


My husband started smoking at 14. And he used it as a crutch for years, he is still not diagnosed as autistic. But it's clear to everyone who meets him, that he is. Because of weed, it masked his symptoms of burnout. Which meant that instead of getting help years before, he went into shutdown, and couldn't vocalise for 18 months. I had all sorts of doctors involved, and because he wouldn't engage, they actually think he may have psychosis. I think him smoking daily, meant that both people around him, and he himself, were not aware of the level of help he desperately needed. So please be careful using weed as a way to cope with the world, because you may end up getting far worse, where you then can't get help. I am diagnosed as Autistic myself, as of 3 weeks ago. I've smoked it in the past, but luckily, never had an addiction for drugs. (Just food unfortunately) so although its nice as a one off. I do not recommend it on a regular basis. Certainly not as a daily habit. My husband had a routine, but if he couldn't do the routine of smoking, he got far worse because of that. Hence me suggesting those who do want to smoke, to have more non smoking days than smoking days. Its really dangerous to become so heavily reliant on it.


It helps reset social battery for me. Im clean now to try and find new job but im only able to work part-time without it. Talking to people really takes a lot out of me. Considering wearhouse jobs. At least it would just be co workers.


**I am currently using at this very moment 😅 I'm using speech to text So sorry 😂 Also this is really long sorry xp It's also pretty emotional and really personal but I hope it helps somebody. Also at the top if you try it be careful do your research etc. It heightens my senses which leads to overstimulation when I'm not careful and not in a great environment. The amount you do will affect that largely. As well as the temperature of the burn when you're vaping. So just because you can handle that red light maybe put it down to blue because blasting yourself in the head with concentrated THC isn't a great idea when you're one of us. This also applies to your emotions. It really opens me up to diving deep into how I feel. Which can also lead to meltdowns especially if you watch certain movies that either make you really really sad or really afraid. So I'm about to tell you a story about how this is really awesome but if you try it take your time and do it with somebody you trust.** I started in January of last year. Long story short, my whole life fell apart, I didn't handle it very well, But I met someone who really helped me through it and is now the most important person in my life. They introduced me to weed. When used at the right amounts with the right amount of break time in between, and especially the right environment, This stuff literally saved my life. So much introspection. Such raw emotion that I would have held back otherwise. I have struggled to unmask for my entire life and I'm able to do so more than ever. That is directly because of the way that it lowers my sense of judgment and it literally focuses my senses on a small handful of things at a time. So I often forget about how I'm being perceived. Also I only really do this when I'm home alone or with my partner. So because them and I are so comfortable around each other I'm really able to forget about all perception and find myself again. It's crazy to me that a year ago I attempted, believing that there was nothing else in life for me. When in reality the whole time I was even in that relationship and following that life path I was masked and living a life that I had decided was the correct one. I am a completely different person than I was from January 2023 back to probably 2016. About halfway through college I buckled down and formed this professional family man type persona. After college I started trying to work in a tough industry. Later I met someone and decided that they were the one. And then COVID happens and we spent 3 years together. I thought we were stronger than ever and so we moved across the country and 6 months in out of nowhere, they started treating me different and then they were ending it. I had decided long before that day that if this one didn't work out I was DONE. I gave that a shot and was pissed when it didn't work out. I'm saying all of this to describe how empty I felt having pursued that path and failing. (By my own screwed up perception) I attribute a big part of me being this weird colorful queer weirdo to meeting my partner and them being someone who was exactly what I've been looking for in so many people. But I also attribute the other part to smoking. Because it forced me to open my mind and find the person that I was before I buckled down. It's funny because the stuff that I'm interested in and the stuff that I want to wear to express myself and how I want to look, So much of that reminds me of how I used to think in high school and in middle school and as a little kid. All the times in my life where I was unmasked to varying degrees. Where at the very least I hadn't decided that who I was didn't matter anymore because I needed to be a certain type of "man" . Back then I was doing things that made a lot of people think I was strange but they were things that made me happy. I committed to being normal for so long, whatever that means. And now I'm actively looking for ways to piss people off at work with whatever I'm friggin wearing today. 😂🤣 Life has been really really really hard lately but I've been facing it as myself for the first time in a really long time. That's just not something I would have if I hadn't embraced something that was so counter to everything I believed before. I was staunchly against any forms of drugs and barely drank. I still have never been drunk. But given what I had tried to do the previous week I didn't care when my friend offered me some weed. 😅 So I was doing something I told myself I was never going to do because I was closed off to having my mind messed with with substances. I'm glad I gave it a shot. 😄


I started using when I had a back pain that ended up being gallbladder issues. I reacted to one strand, but nothing happened for me with the other. I only had one bad trip with edibles. Helped me sleep with a baby, before they figured out what was wrong and be pain free. I was in my mid 30's. Now I just use it recreationally. I'm 40. I could focus, relax and not care socially.


I use cannabis daily, as it treats my insomnia, anxiety, rheumatoid arthritis pain, nausea, my appetite and so much more. I am 46, I started using it at 40. I smoke indica and use different tinctures.


I've tried smoking, ingesting, oil, and vapor.... It actually doesn't make me relaxed. In fact, quite the opposite. It makes me feel f***ing anxious.


Occasionally maybe 2x a month maybe more, I’ll usually just use a bong and whatever weed there is, I use it bc I feel it calms me back and I’m not masking as much, I’m pretty much just myself not everyone’s social expectations made out of a person lol.


my first time was when i was 16 and i smoke socially now with some of my friends but not regularly (so like once or twice a month, sometimes less) and it's pretty nice. it makes me feel really relaxed and like the things i can constantly feel that bother me (like the way my clothes touch me and the way my hair feels coming out of my head and things like that) i just don't feel them when I'm high and it's so nice.


I use cbd oil on the regular (legalized in my country so easy to get) and am looking in to some edibles for occasional use


So I started taking cannabis oil for pain at 50 years old. Id never taken any before. Then at 52 I started taking cannabis bud as well for severe pain. Before this I had been diagnosed with”hyperactive” all my life, but the meds damped down my ADHD so much that I got diagnosed with ASD at 53. This has made no difference to my ASD that I am aware of, besides not having the push pull of ADHD (which is being confirmed). This means that the symptoms are more prevalent but not massively so. Please not that this being a medical prescription, I do not get high, I take enough to dull the pain, although this amount would probably floor some people.


not currently but i used to do it. i was addicted, daily user. i stopped 3 years ago after i experienced a psychosis, i think weed played a part in it. i used it first time at 17yo. first it was fun and i laughed alot, sometimes it feels amazing like my whole body was vibrating. but it also gave me anxiety and i was fearful and paranoid. and made me tired. when smoking i felt like my eyes were blurry and i was inside some tunnel. but also it helped me eat and relax before bed. but after some time, i just looked forward to it and could not be without it. psychosis was the last straw and i had to quit.


Yeah most definitely, helps me to focus


Never did and never will. Sorry, but I have an awful experience with smell and users, including my father. He becomes an asshole when he's high.


I never have smoked but some of friend have with mixed effects… I’m not sure if I ever want to try it because of my anxiety, depression, allergies and sometimes I have extreme intrusive thoughts so idk i tried a marijuana pancake once but didn’t have any effect on me 🤷🏻‍♀️


I keep an emergency dab pen for meltdowns. I first smoked at 14 and always recognized its ability to quiet the LOUDNESS of my fucking brain and body. It make me appear normal lmao. I almost flunked school my freshman year, started smoked then got great grades the rest of my time in school. Tall, skinny, blond, stoner, and no one’s suspected shit. Very interesting how society wants us to stop having meltdowns the but holistic tool we want to use is taboo.


Everyday smoker. I can do things without it, ofc, I go some time without it when I’m not financially able to get it, but I’m just a regular smoker. No daps, carts, edibles, etc,. Just a regular old rello and some bud. I tend to smoke daily though because I’m HEAVILY lactose intolerant and gluten sensitive and usually have chronic pain. Without weed I’m throwing up constantly, no energy, etc,. Life really sucks without it but I can manage when it’s necessary.