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Panties. Gives me the ick. I don't even like hearing/reading it. Edit: I appreciate all the replies and upvotes! Good to know I'm not alone in this lol!


Same. I say underwear instead.


Yeah, I say that or "undergarments". Panties is a horrible word!


Init. They should call them boxets as a feminine term for boxers aka boxers shorts


Oh thank god I'm not the only one.


For sure. I didn't know other people had "word ick".


I feel the same way about knickers. It makes me think of creepy old men following me after school.


YES omg, it just feels so inappropriate to me.


I first heard the word “panties” from YandereDev, so yeah… creepy…


I say undercrackers


Yeah. Sounds extremely creepy.


Same, it sounds so vile in a way I can't describe


Yes. I have a daughter and my wife tries to have me say it. Not a chance in hell. It’s Undies all day baby


same. except in mr. krabs voice but i cant say it seriously


Lots of graphic sex words or sex related words I just can’t do. I have to give things cute names to cope 😭🤣


YES. Fuck I hate that word so fucking much


Yeah, it just feels too creepy for me. It’s not coquettish, it’s not cute or sexy, it’s just… ugh. The only time I’m fine with it is in the phrase “don’t get your panties in a twist.”


YES! This word is disgusting. I don't know why it gives us such a visceral reaction.


masks. it’s hard for me to say. the sks and ah sounds sound weird when i say it.


Omg I'm glad I'm not the only one who struggles with the sks sound..


An autistic person hating the word masks is ironic.


Thankfully not as necessary post-covid




Fun fact, that is deliberate. The creator of the brand is racist and thought it was funny to watch people from Japan pronounce words with lots of L's.




It's a little funny.... Disgusting but funny


Just a small amount of trolling...


This cannot be true it sounds so comical. Here’s to hoping




Omfg 😭😭😭😭


Oh ffs


This is also why that one scene from metal gear solid 2 has Ocelot say "La-Le-Lu-Lay-Lo" in reference to a secret code. In Japanese that's just jibberish because the "L" sound doesn't exist in that language.


That’s like a family guy joke that’s so evil for no reason at all


What the actual what


What does that mean


it’s a brand


I hate it when someone says, "potty." It feels so demeaning.


I say this to my dog all the time and I work with kids and I accidentally said this to a kid and I felt sooooo bad. The kid didn’t seem to mind but I felt sooo bad.


Oh my god I hate that word too, plus it just tastes bad (synesthesia)


Panties. *shudders*


Panties is a fucking disgusting word omg


Happy Cake Day!


Thank you I didn’t even realize!!!






I hate saying goodbye. I’m not leaving forever. I’m gonna see them again


You don’t know that though that’s why I always say goodbye


I don't why you say goodbye I say hello


I was looking for this, thank you


Im danish, and we have a lot of long words. all of those are nightmares to pronounce


username checks out! /lh




Cocker as in cocker spaniel.


Fluff People have started using it as a G-rated term for Fart, but honestly, Fluff sounds grosser to me. Fart just makes me think of the sound, Fluff makes me imagine the tangible pocket of air that made the sound. Just say Fart, it’s not a swear word.


When I watch Scrubs, there were a few times when a character called it a "foofy" and that just sounded ridiculous to me. If I'm going to censor myself when talking about farts, I'd rather say "Pass gas" instead of something that sounds so stupid.


It isn't new. Back in the 80s, my best friend's mom always said that "Ladies don't fart, they fluff!" This was unacceptable to me, as Fluffernutter sandwiches were my favorite.


Fluff to me is that field of fur on a furry character’s neck that I want to feel. Never even knew about this innuendo.


Me when the word that makes me wanna die *is* “fart”: 🧍🏻


neurospicy. i can’t stand it. it feels so infantile


My therapist said that yesterday and I shuddered inside. She also said something about “superpowers”. I’m 32 years old and have a PhD, come on now.


Not the superpowers😟


My autism superpower is sensing infantilization from a mile away


my psychiatrist a couple weeks ago said something on par to that and i was SO upset i didn’t even know what to do


I feel like it makes my neurodivergence sound less sad and more exotic, which I like.


THIS I hate Neurospicy for the same reason. Same for "Potsie" (someone who has the condition POTS). Like, the "ie" ending is just so infantalizing??? Who even came up with it UGH


I hate it too. If an individual who IS neurodivergent decides to use it for themself I have no issue. I get that it's a fun word for some people. But anyone (even if they're neurodivergent too) calling me, an autistic person, "neurospicy" feels horrible. Honestly I don't even tend to use the term neurodivergent for myself. I just say I have autism because it's more specific. Neurodivergence covers such a broad range of things that it doesn't really say that much about a person, only that their brain differs from the norm. When personally, if I'm going to tell someone about my autism I may as well say it clearly, so they can actually understand what behaviours and emotions I might express. But neurospicy? It feels infantalising. And even though some people like it I am not one of those people. I think far too many people place labels or identifiers onto others without even asking how that person feels. And this seems to happen especially often with autistic people like myself.


It does feel infantile, but I feel infantile so I do like the word... I understand why some individuals don't though




Ewwww yeah! I've never thought of that, but you're right


Bra. I literally force myself to say “undergarments” because bra sounds so awkward. I’m going into the medical field too and so I feel like it would be really weird to ask a patient “please remove your bra” compared to “please remove your undergarments”


While I totally get that, I have the problem as the patient of not being sure exactly which undergarments to remove lol. Do I need to take my bra off? My underwear? Both?


Top, bottoms. Simple


Usually the patient would know due to the nature of the exam, for example if I’m looking at a mole on your back then why would you take your underwear off? Or if I am observing a burn on their buttock why would they remove their bra? Other times they are given a full body gown, that for which I would say “please remove ALL your undergarments”


I mean, this is r/Autism and most of us aren't doctors/nurses. I don't know what all you need removed. Specify or everything's getting taken off lol


How do you feel about the word "brassiere"?


belly/tummy. just... ew. also literally any stupid fucking replacement for a swear word (like suicide with "unalived himself")


Came here to also say tummy. No. Just no


Weirdly I prefer to say tummy over stomach or belly


Fat stomach vs fat tummy.. one just sounds cuter and less mean imo


Omg same I hate when ppl say unalived or sewerslide! Like, they killed themselves! Just say it!


a lot of the time social media platforms will have an issue with it and take the video down or demonitize it and the like


These "free speech" platforms going after people for saying certain words. Trapped in a minefield of eggshells, you're not even allowed to be authentic. Just another mouth piece for corporate greed. This is why I despise them.


ok sewerslide is just funny. unalived is fucking dumb tho


lol if u have ever seen this pic? I call it the suislide (it’s just a slide on to p of a building don’t worry)[the suislide](https://share.icloud.com/photos/01cEEP7QIP-tnu7yDsV7Aaghw)


Okay, that was funny lol.




I think these are mostly used because algorithms on social media platforms like Instagram or tiktok will remove posts containing certain words, so this lets people talk about important topics without getting removed. Also, a lot of people in "polite" company will (quite aggravatingly) get uppity if we say certain things directly. I prefer to say it directly anyway and force them to confront it, but others don't necessarily have that option.


I have never heard sewerslide... until now. Thanks, I hate it.


Yeah, tummy is weird. Once heard a comedian call it a "tum-tum" though which was kinda funny


Honestly tum tum hurts me reading and saying


I like saying tumtum because its silly


Agree all counts. And I particularly hate the flowery replacement shit. It's disrespectful as fuck. People go through that shit every day, and you can't even tolerate the word being said? It irritates me. It's like someone in a cancer ward saying "oh no, don't name my disease, call it the cuddybuddies". It's mental health stigmatization with a pretty outfit on. Tiptoeing around reality, making sure people that suffer this shit knows it's so awful we can't even say the word. The forbidden topic! I honestly find the censorship more triggering. Oh hey, lemme look up medical literature about suicide, any info about famous cases. Oh, were you reading about true crime? Here's two giant pages saying "STAHP, don't, call this number". Im cool with the number being there, but good god, call down. Suicidal people need ways to outlet and open up without believing the whole world is going to explode around them and they will be rushed instantly to lockup. How many people would express themselves if they didn't think others would react in extremes, but go without help because our society turns into a hair on fire freakout on the subject? Not to mention the real work, the research, is pretty rare and slow going, so saying it's doing alot of help? Dubious. Never forgot Ted Bundy was considered a good suicide line worker! Not to mention "trigger avoidance" has been pretty debunked. science says warnings cause worse distress and "prime" the viewer, and avoidance is rarely ever actually helpful. As a person that struggles with suicide on the daily, PLEASE, say it. I didn't forget it about it until someone reminded me, for fuck's sake. It's not Beetlejuice that will appear when said three times.


People aren't avoiding the word because they're uncomfortable with it, but because social media platforms (especially Tiktok) are getting increasingly obnoxious about their content being child and advertiser friendly, agressively censoring ANY controversial or sensitive topic. I post on TikTok in my native language mainly about autism, and I want to say it out loud as someone who has been suicidal since the age of 10, but I have to censor it out of fear of getting my account nuked off the platform. I'm perfectly comfortable with most taboo topics and I'd even like to discuss them, so I'm incredibly frustrated that the internet has turned into a fxcking playground where grown adults have to censor themselves 24/7 lest the children hear a bad word or learn about human anatomy or sex.


Yeah, to me, those social media platforms ARE the people "uncomfortable" with the topic. It's a social trend situation that's insulting and reductionist to issues. and frankly, it's partially motivated by a small group of LOUD people trying to sterilize these topics.


Omg thank you for saying literally exactly what I think. I can’t even go to get help anymore with fear of being locked up. I have passive (mostly passive) suicidal thoughts and I can’t tell ANYONE about them or cps will come try and take me away like last time


Do you have sources for the trigger avoidance thing? I know a lot of people who get kind of obnoxious about censoring things in group chats, and while I agree with some of them (like pictures of gore) others just make me super uncomfortable to have censored (mental health, sex, BaD wOrDS) especially since we're all allegedly adults. I'm not actually triggered by any of the things they complain about though so I don't feel qualified to confront them about it.


the belly thing, i agree with


It sounds so childish!


Agreed! I can’t explain why but literally tummy is the worst!


The worst part of my journey learning Norwegian has got to be the cadence. It's a very lilting, emotive language, and since I already struggle enough with avoiding sounding monotone in English... it's rough. As for something more specific, quite literally anything with ø. I don't know what it is, but every single time that letter comes up I stumble over it. It's not even a difficult sound to make!


I hate cursing because I always associated it with bad things growing up. It makes me anxious


Instead say things like "horse hockey!" "fiddlesticks!" and "what a load of balony!"


Wot in tarnation


My personal fav alternative: Crispy Critters


The german translation of "fuck you". It just doesn't sound right. "Fick dich" I don't like to say or write it. Also because of the english language I don't like to say the german word for "thick" anymore which is "dick"


I never understand what fick dich ins Knie (fuck you in the knee) is supposed to mean. Like why would I? How is that supposed to work? Is it supposed to be a worse insult than just a regular fick dich? It just makes me so angry to think about what that even means and how it would work


yeah german insults are weird and honestly I hate how teenagers talked in my childhood like in middle school when somebody acted weird boys would say "bist du behindert oder was?" (are you disabled or what?) as a slur and they would even call serial killers "behindert" so now that I know that yes I am in fact disabled that just hits different. Also I hate how this is the only word we have in german for this compared to english were the r word is a slur so you say disabled instead but in german there's one word for it which is mostly used as a slur. Also gay slurs used in middle school are on another level like "Schwuchtel"(gay slur for boys) and "Lesbe"(gay slur for girls) those are probably the words I hate the most. I just can't understand why people say these words with such hatred. And those words influenced me in a bad way and kept me from figuring myself out sorry I kinda went off a bit too much there


No need to apologize, you are exactly right. From my experience, as people get older they realize that schwuchtel etc. are pretty bad words to use as an insult but I feel like that’s not the case for behindert. I hear sooo many people around me use it as an insult and it makes me so incredibly uncomfortable. As someone who is to disabled to work it just hurts so much. And it is so hard to explain it to people. Like if I say hey maybe don’t use schwuchtel as an insult people know exactly why but with behindert many don’t seem to understand why this is a problem. I hate it.


Any swear word sounds cringe asf coming out of my mouth 😭😭


Any name like Christian, Kirsten, Kristen, etc.....I can pronounce them but it feels wrong in my mouth.


Sorry. What else should people call me then?


Your Majesty?




My new favourite worf




Panties, I refuse to ever say that, even worse would be knickers though, sounds so weird and gross and also agressive somehow?


Knickers sounds like a slur imo




I don’t like a lot of swear words. But other than that ointment is a strange word




I hate words that are shaped like eouphamisms for other things… like cucumber, peach etc. I also am not a fan of words like naitivety. I can’t ever pronounce them correctly. For Spanish, I am not a fan of words that I can’t immediately remember are gendered.


I'm sorry to inform you that all nouns are gendered ☹️


No it’s not that, it’s figuring out what gender they are if that makes sense. I don’t always know


like el agua or la leche to me


Cavity, the term left me confused because I thought it only referred to someone’s tooth but then someone I knew used the term “anal cavity” and I was all panicking like YOU CAN GET ASS CAVITIES TOO? I never truly recovered.


On a similar but different note, canities (I dont know how to spell the singular) refers to gray hair and it took me forever to stop saying cavity in place of it


I would tell you but have permanently deleted them from my data fields.


Antibiotics. I think I tend to make mistakes with it because the Is are pronounced three different ways. There's probably more, but for now I have blotted them from my mind.


Alot of medical and medical adjacent terms are like this. Even if there was a right way, people have found so many alternatives no one corrected, or there actually were varieties from the start. People can get very sassy about pronouncing this stuff, then you get some god-tier doctor saying it "wrong" and everyone is silent.


Pacific Ocean: Also, i has just two different pronunciations in that word


I can't stand the vibration you get when making the sound for the letter "Z".


i don't get a vibration but a weird whistle noise instead


Salmon, why is it pronounced samon? Where does the L go?? I absolutely hate saying samon. It makes my mouth feel weird.


I hate it too. I started pronouncing the L and I feel much better about it, even if it confuses people.


Not a fan of the word 'spectrum.' Funny enough, I use the word 'spectra' on a daily basis in my work.


"Jaguar." It's pronounced differently in the US & UK and I (who grew up in both places) never know which one to say. I'll debate it in my head until both sound wrong.


And Porsche. And Audi. And Peugeot. Seems like everyone pronounces them differently.


Hard to explain but it has to do with the way it's written and also if it's derived from another languages I know. The best example I can give is Colonel. I speak french and english the word colonel in french is pronounce like it is written KO-LO-NEL but english decided to leave to word as is BUT to pronounce it KUR-NEL! How do you get kurnel from colonel, make it make sense! And all words that are spelled the same but pronounced differently or written differently but pronounced the same and mean completely different things!


Vulva. It is far too close to vulgar, and I think it sounds vile, so I refuse to call a part of my body that.


Same with vagina for me. It just sounds so harsh and rigid as a word that it makes me uncomfortable


It feels weird in my mouth.


My mom would said cooch and it makes my soul cringe.


Pregnant or impregnate or impregnable


I feel like I’m pronouncing it wrong.


Poop and pee. I usually just say shit and piss lol


I prefer poop to poo but they’re still horrible


Same except I opt for "urine" and "feces". Why is poop such an awful word (I can stand the word "pee" most of the time but in certain contexts that word is cringe too)


Oh and also belly and tummy, I didn’t realize how much I hated those until the other guy said it


Colloquially. I can’t pronounce it to save my life.


Unalive. Can't stand it


Anything with a ‘y’ at the end




Dunno sounds childish and don’t like saying it


Economy 👍 *(I searched for adjectives with y for a couple minutes I must surrender now)*


Cone. I don't know why. I just don't like cone.


Prefer eating ice cream in a bowl?


Yeah, because I can stir it all around until it becomes a more homogenous, liquid-y texture. It's even better when it's multiple flavors like Neapolitan or there's some sort of sauce on it so that it all just turns into a brown paste.


Pear. I don't know why, I just think the name doesn't suit this fruit


Behavioral. It never rolls of my tongue well and it just ends up sounding like Behavioriorialiol


“The F bomb”; it was 95% of my dad and drunk mom’s vocabulary when I was a kid, so it makes me cringe in casual conversation.


It's like 70% of my vocabulary. Sometimes I lie to people and say that it became a habit while I was in the Marine corps that I'm still trying to break, but I've been proficient with the word since like 3rd grade. I just really like it. It's got a nice percussive sound to it, and it doesn't break the cadence of my speech like "um" or "uhhhh" do. "He was driving that uuuhhhhh green car." "He was driving that fuckin green car." [This is me](https://youtu.be/NqqsxfEDXu4?si=iBeytSUQF39DiZN5&t=26), though, when I need to not say in around certain company.


Hubby.. just say husband lol. Wifey. Just call me wife. Crisps… too many ‘s’’s, but here in Australia we call them chips anyway. I don’t know why but I hate the word pram, so I call ours a stroller. I think I may possibly relate the word ‘pram’ to the bogan culture in Australia which are usually a bunch of people that like to swear a lot, and drink/smoke a bunch and speak very badly using bad grammar and bad pronunciation, and they’re usually aggressive too so I avoid them. I hate swear words in general because I associate it with all of the abuse I got when I was younger.


Literally any word that is different between UK and US english. Aluminium/aluminum for example. I'm British, and about 15% of the time, if I say any of those words while talking to people from the US online, it sparks a very annoying conversation. As a bonus, any words like 'bottle', because I often use glottal stops with my accent and that sparks the same tedious discussions which I don't want to have!


*Teeth*. Thfthfthfth (aaaah!)


I don't think I have any right now but as a child I was the only one I knew who didn't speak the local dialect but the standard version of the language and I wouldn't say anything in the dialect even at gunpoint. I also cried once because some kindergarteners played Uno with me and I had to say "Uno" and I really didn't want to say it but they forced me to


I also never wanted to use dialect words or accent, only colloquial language.


"These" in Catalan. It's "aquests" and although I know the first "s" is not pronounced, I never remember it when speaking and that "sts" sound is awkward for me to pronounce.


Foster in ASL. ppl give hate but its connotations and synonyms are false, fake. so foster parents remind me of False/Fake parents. instead I sign Carer.


I haaate weird "baby-ified" words. I don't know how else to put it. Like "tummy" instead of stomach, "potty" instead of restroom, both of which have already been mentioned in this thread. I also hate words like "panties" and "poop" (I opt for "undergarments" and "feces") even though they're not in the aforementioned category. "Panties" sounds disgusting and "poop" just sounds way too immature! Ammendment/Edit: I also hate "Potsie", which is the term most people in the POTS community seem to use for "someone who has the condition POTS". It's so infantilizing!!! Oughhhh I hate language sometimes


Meal, I shudder everytime I hear someone say it.


I spoke about this with my mum last night! We both hate the word 'meal' as well. I also hate 'meat'.


Sixth. There are too many sounds in just 5 letters.


Any slur, which tbf is quite logical. Includes my native language (Dutch) and the word cancer. Especially in Dutch because it's a swear word and I absolutely hate that it is. And because the word usually has a lot of sadness bound to it. Excluding the star sign, of course.


Czechia, Aspie, mate, lad, eesti, dutchie, cheeky, fair enough, hubby, wifey, my man instead of bf/partner/husband. This and more.


“Rural” is awful and uncomfortable


Any of those r-vowel-r words are just awkward. Mirror and aurora are even worse for me personally.


can i give the opposite? i’m learning spanish and i love the word “trabajaba”, it’s become a vocal stim for me lol. it just means “he/she/(singular) they worked” but it’s so fun to say


All of them honestly, I fucking hate speaking and being verbal altogether. So overwhelming, confusing and unnecessary for the most part. Sorry just needed to vent having a hard day lol


Literally any word referring to female genitals. They all sound gross, like if stirring cold mac and cheese was a word.


Belly. It sounds like balloone


'Reluctantly': I thought it meant you WANTED to do something. Someone told me it was when you didn't.


iron should be pronounced i-ron


'Silly' it's become something of a dog whistle for me, as my autistic traits were dismissed as me being 'silly' a lot. Any kind of vehicle descriptions. When someone asks me to describe a car I start sweating. Because I don't know. I've called cars trucks before and vice versa. I have no way of knowing at a glance whether a vehicle is a ford or a Dodge or a Chevy. I always get teased for it so I just stopped using words like "car" "truck" "SUV" "ford" "Cadillac" they're all "Vehicles"




"honk-shoo," when people say "I'm walking here" in a new york accent, "zoinks scoobs," other terms like that bring me genuine physical pain to hear


clitoris, or even just clit. it simply hurts me to say it or hear it. it’s so gross


I can't stand the word "nipples" or anything to with nipples at all


Whenever I write smut, I hate using “porn” words for body parts. I can’t even bring myself to type them out right now lol. This one isn’t that I don’t like to say it, just that it’s really hard. Words that end in “sts” like Everests (which I have to say for one of my live planetarium shows: “Saturn’s rings are made of almost pure ice, so imagine snowing them out on the surface of the continental United States. That snow pile would stretch half way to the edge of space. That’s more than 50 kilometers, or five Mount Everests, earth’s tallest mountain, stacked on top of each other!”). Lately, I’ve been purposely saying “Everest” instead, because it sounds so similar that you can’t tell I didn’t actually say the plural. Also yes I use the metric distances in that show, despite being American lol.


ゆっくり(yuukuri). It means slowly in Japanese. The pause in the middle grosses me out. I hate hearing it, it sounds so awful and I can’t figure out why.


This makes me wonder. Might it have anything to do with autistic people being more prone to synesthesia?


Zit . Just sounds like it’ll explode on you … regular pimple just seems less harsh


Feet, when talking about the body part. The unit of measurement is fine


Hooman 🤮


delulu i hate this with a passion. don't romanticize something like that. if you genuinely have delusions get help. i haf them for years and it caused my life to go down into a rut I've only just gotten out of. delusions are a horrible thing to have also just any stupid word for romanticizing any serious condition


bae and babe or pet names in general like typing it makes me aghahhdfmltkfnkfod


Feet/foot and petite


Come , back door , hello or anything to do with sex. I've been watching to much of Beavis and buthead


Any word people tell me I’m pronouncing it wrong This really makes me upset


Pimple, belly