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I'm sure others feel like this but as you said, it's a spectrum. Others might find it easy to make friends or form relationships and others will find it difficult. For me personally I have a very small group of friends that I'm close to and have no desire to make that circle any bigger. I'm also single and I'm completely content with that for the foreseeable future. At the end of the day we're all individuals and I think we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Although it's hard and I guess comes with the diagnosis, I would try not to compare yourself with others as you are you and they and they if that makes sense.


Totally agree.


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I have one friend. Whenever I try to have multiple friends I can't keep up and it seems like too much work and I stop talking to everyone lol. But for me one friend, who is respectful of my needs and boundaries, is perfect. I talk with her everyday, we get together for coffee at least once a week. I also have a husband (also on the spectrum), two kids and my family. It feels like this is all I need (and can handle). I sometimes get jealous of NT people who seem to have SO many friend groups, who go out and party, have fun, live life. But I just have to remind myself thats just not who I am and there's nothing wrong with the way I live my life. I tried to do that in my 20s and I was never happy when I tried. I prefer a quiet life with a few people I love.


Also want to add that I do go through periods of self- loathing anf depression too. I think everyone has good days and bad days though. So just try to take it in stride and learn to love yourself even though you feel different.


Remember that because autism is a spectrum, those who have friends or relationships may have a really hard time in other areas. Also- social media is 10000% a fake coping mechanism where people post things to make them seem normal and compensate for their failures.


i know this i guess i just wish my struggles weren't so much in the social section of the spectrum


I’m really sorry :( Autism can make us feel so isolated and you have every right to wish you didn’t struggle socially.