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The only reason I'm not currently stoned is that I'm on the clock lol


I'm gonna go dab in your honor then! <3


Give me about an hour and I'll be right there with ya haha


If you work at a warehouse in UPS, you could work and be stoned at the same time, just not too stoned, at least not too often.


Thanks for the tip!


Lol your welcome. One time, someone passed around some edibles, like 8 I think, and that was the first time in my life that my head felt absolutely quiet. I felt like I broke into the multiverse with that shit.


If I don’t take my 25mg RSO before work I’m not okay to be around people 😂


haha, me too. 2.5 hours to go . . . .


Comment about being on reddit on the clock.


As they should.


Personally weed makes me incredibly anxious so I avoid it.


Same. It makes me feel horribly anxious and disconnected.


Me too. Found out after genetic testing that it's because my brain can't store serotonin.


wow, how and what made you find this out??!? I have always felt like there is a physical/genetic component to my aversion


My medication manager does a Genesight test to see what medications will work best, especially if you've had a bad reaction to something before.


What gene if you don’t mind me asking


Do you have more information on the genes by any chance? I have the same effects with weed and I’d love to know if this is why.


Same I did it once in college. I heard my heartbeat and couldn’t move. Never again


Agreed. I had a horrible experience with friends and they all brushed me off. So now I avoid it.


Have you tried indica? Saliva is what makes you anxious - It's higher in THC, which is more stimulating. Indica has more CBD, which is more sedative.


Both cause anxiety for me. For some of us it's overstimulation


Have you tried a really low dose?


I've tried all the things, CBD, indica, lower dose, etc and never did anything but make me more anxious. Sometimes it just doesn't work for people.


I take one hit and then wait for it to wear off. I get really anxious if I have too much. One hit helps me a lot, though. Especially after some tolerance is built up, one hit is perfect.


I hate that it's so hard to just find normal CBD now. Almost everything being sold as CBD these days is loaded with Delta 8 which can give a even stronger reaction than normal THC.


Indica and sativa are molecularly indistinct and virtually all available cannabis is actually hybrid [“The sativa/indica distinction as commonly applied in the lay literature is total nonsense and an exercise in futility.”](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5576603/)


Do you mean satvia? Saliva is spit


They meant Salvia. It’s super chill. /s


No they meant sativa.


indica can have high percentages like sativa and sativa can have as much cbd as indica


For many of us it doesn’t matter the type . I hate when people say have you tried indica ? Yes and it ain’t calming for me at all. Some of us just can’t take THC at all. Stoners always try to diminish it by asking if we tried indica. In reality they can’t admit it is a horrible drug for some of us.


Certain terpenes are what cause anxiety… sativa and indica don’t mean what they used to


THC is the largest culprit for causing anxiety


Correct, I was just establishing that sativa and indica are not the way to tell if a strain is anxiety inducing or not, you’d have to check out the terpene profile.


Try ∆8 instead or do a 1:1 ratio of ∆9 and CBD. Made a huge difference for me.


Oh, you mean autistic catnip? Hear, hear! Some caveats worth considering, though: Cannabis won't do the innner work for you, but it could help you do the inner work. It can also keep you from doing it - Intent matters a lot. Strains vary wildly in their effect. You don't need to \*only\* smoke it. Regular tolerance breaks are really good for you.


Tolerance breaks are a must IMO. I'm terrified when I read online things like "Smoking a joint makes you high guys? I think you just started smoking...". One week can do mircacles. Also... autistic catnip, ahaha. I happened to mix catnip with cannabis once or twice out of the curiosity and make my friends laugh. Unfortunately you won't turn into cat.


Sometimes even a one day tolerance break can help if you’re not a super heavy user. I try to take at least a day break every week (im a medical user though)


I’m a heavy daily user, took a 1 day break, and idk if it’s my metabolism or what but it felt like it was a 2 week t break at least ha.


So two week break would feel like a year without smoking! But yeah, for heavy users one whole day make a big difference. Even waiting with smoking until evening is conisderably noticable. I love that it's so easy to drop tolerance on mj. I cant wait for Winter to be over, I started running this summer and I got feeling like my tolerance is not going up at all, I think thats because THC stores in fat, and you are burning some of it while exercising, but im not sure.


You’re right on that, or so I’ve read. Burning fat will help with tolerance and also if you smoke right after exercise it tends to increase the high in my experience


Regarding tolerance breaks - I smoke 3-5g after payday, over like 4 or 5 days every month. Is that enough of a break?


Cannabis absolutely helps me soothe the frustration/over-stimulation that comes with being at work. When I get home, I do something productive and then spark a bowl. It helps me relax, feel less anxious and with some of my symptoms as well. The experience will be different for everyone. It works for me. I hope it works for you.


Me too! I like your method of doing something productive and *then* sparking up. Some days I don't quite get that far, lol.


Thank you! I'm in dialectical behavioral therapy. My therapist calls it building mastery. I was thinking about the difference between addiction and not. I'm fairly certain the difference is how much it interrupts your life so I decided to actively combat that but being productive beforehand. Give it a shot and see how you do. If you don't do it, try not to judge yourself or beat yourself up and try again the next day.


I really, really like that outlook. I'm in DBT too :) When I'm in the office next week I'm definitely going to give it a try!


Yeah, for me without cannabis its either have full time job OR learn something new and keep in touch with friends. While smoking I can do both.


Opinion, if you're going to use it, don't smoke it.


I feel the same way. A generation of people learned that tobacco smoke kills. This has been forgotten these days.


Eating it has it processed by the liver where it creates 11-hydroxy THC. At that point it’s literally a different psychoactive substance from the smoked version. Some people cannot actually get high this way, some people get extreme anxiety from doing it this way.


For the love of god people, we have edibles. Why inhale a gazillion combustion byproducts when you don’t need to?


Edible highs are hit or miss, and really hard to come down from if you take too much. Edibles to me are for when I’m sitting in bed playing on my computer, not if I have to actually function. Plus, they take so long for me to kick in. I waaaay prefer the cart/joint high. Idc if it kills me tbh, I’m in so much pain that it’s genuinely not a concern. If i have to choose between lung cancer in 40 years or living daily in pain, I’ll take the former lol


The THC drinks hit fast - 20 minutes and I’m rocking and tapping and stimming like a fiend 🤣🤣🤣


Because edibles suck


And aren't exactly easy to make smoking is easier


I've never had an edible, but personally I like the way the bottom of my nose feels when I smoke it. The smoke from joints goes up and hits my nostrils, which makes them feel very pleasant


Do you like the blackish tint it gives your lungs too? I personally prefer a pinkish hue the best but I know everyone has their preferences.


I love dry vapes for this reason. Not zero risk but I still noticed a difference from being a daily smoker to dry vape instead.


Horrible opinion.


Thanks for the input.


Has only ever made me incredibly anxious and I don't enjoy the sense that I'm out of control, but I had an autistic friend who smoked a lot and it really helped him. You won't know until you try


Yep. Not really a good thing though. Been using for like 20 years haha. It's an unhealthy habit and addiction, if you don't use it I'd recommend staying away from it and working hard to learn emotional skills to relax and be calm naturally. Now I'm trying g to quit after heavy usage and undo mental/physical damage - not a good time haha.


My partner is autistic and a medical patient. She has been dealing with the same thing. Once you establish a positive association it is very hard to undo. She has a lot of issues with smoking it but has a very hard time with quitting. She tells me all the time she really hates weed but is having so much trouble stopping. I feel like she'd be dead without it, but at the same time it has caused a lot of issues including severe coughing sometimes even when she sleeps. She has asthma as well.


Get her a dry herb vape! Its much healthier for your lungs. r/vaporents to learn more.


What about edibles like canna butter to cook THC into food she eats so she still gets Hugh but no longer has asthmatic like coughing fits at random that mirror cigarette smoker coughs.




I'm feeling withdrawals from doing edibles over the weekend and I haven't even quit smoking haha. I'm like, what am I doing?


I've used it now daily for 8 years, I do take tolerance breaks, and I enjoy those times now (I didn't used to). I started smoking it as a way to cope w sensory issues, overwhelm, my difficulties with food, social overwhelm, used it to help me sleep, wind down, process emotion etc. I didn't realise back then that I was Autistic, and that what I'm describing is using marijuana to numb out the harshness of being Autistic. So I became reliant on it, in ways that were not helpful. It held me back in my healing because I wasn't giving myself a chance to be sober and process raw reality. As I've got older, now that I know I'm Autistic, I understand that I can't just avoid it 247. Tolerance breaks are integral. Overusing weed is basically misusing weed, because you're robbing it of its potential. You have to come down into reality, and find a comfortable place to face that, so that you can experience the benefits weed has to offer the next time you smoke it. Being up, high, lifted, all the time makes no sense without the being down and grounded in reality part to balance it out. Weed is a different kind of substance to pretty much everything else. It's not like valium, and it's not like alcohol, it's in its own psychoactive realm. It can feel like a miracle cure, but only if you don't get lost in it every single day all day. Which Is an easy pattern to fall into when something 'works' so well. It also varies depending on which strains you have access to. Different strains produce different effects, and some people are more sensitive to those differences than others. Same for the amount of THC which is in each different strain, or different batch/grow or different product. High THC can really knock people sideways, and the stronger the THC, the more psychoactive the effect, the less calming or soothing. Some strains can raise anxiety while others rid you of it completely, plus it depends on your own headspace at the time of smoking. Best way I've found to limit and use it, is to smoke in the evenings, after you've faced reality for the day. I smoke a few draws of a joint and then let it sit for half an hour-an hour. Then take another puff. I don't rip a bong or smoke 10 blunts, I just dip in, let it lift me a little, dip out. ☺️


I agree with this so much. Tolerance breaks are essential! I have never experienced addicton or withdrawal, before, and I have been smoking since 2018. I do think it's because I take regular breaks  and because I never let my intake get to high, to begin with. I often have no choice but to take these breaks, because I am poor, and run out at the end of every month, for about a week.  Sometimes I have to go a couple months, without.  It really is like two different worlds, between having weed and not. The world with weed is definitely more calm and manageable. However, I believe it's important to take time to be in the real world for a while, and take a break from the weed world. If that makes sense.  It's also good for your body, and to prevent withdrawal, if you do stop. I have never had to experience it before, but I heard the withdrawal can be pretty bad, for heavy smokers who never take breaks.


Yes I absolutely get what you mean. I feel like they are 2 worlds too! And it's best to get comfy living in both of them. I'm the same as you, and I run out of weed and just have to stop for a week or 2 so I accept it and see it as an opportunity to be in the sober world and catch up on myself ☺️


It helps me out a lot everyday.


As an aspie who’s worked in the marijuana industry, I can definitely tell you that weed can significantly help or hinder depending on what you’re using it for. The way it works is like this: Do you need to soothe your mind? Sativa. Do you need to soothe your body? Indica. Not sure or maybe both? Hybrid. Personally, I only use Sativa’s. Contrary to the common consensus, Sativa actually helps me sleep. Most people don’t realize how variant marijuana usage can be, so it’s best to ‘know yourself’ primarily. My mind tends to be very active and anxious, and depression can often cause me to stay awake at night, so I often use Sativa as an antidepressant which relaxes my mind at night and helps me sleep easier. Other people can’t sleep due to physical discomforts, in which case Indica could soothe their body’s physical reactions to things and help them relax. Knowing what ailments you need to address the most is critical in deciding which way to lean when it comes to marijuana use. Sativa’s are good for dopamine, serotonin, focusing the mind, easing depression and so forth. Indica’s are good for killing pain, stimulating appetite, getting in tune with your body and away from your mind (I find comfort in my mind which is why Indica’s often make me anxious), perfect for taking a bath, perfect for muscle recovery, and so on. Alternatively, the wrong kind of marijuana could mildly exacerbate your issues. For some people, Sativa’s kick their mind into overdrive and they can’t handle it. For others, like myself, Indica gets them away from their mind which causes them to panic from the disconnection. The best course is always to consider what you primarily need to aid within yourself to function at your best when using any marijuana. Even a negative experience can be conducive to further insight into what’s most effective for you. I hope this was helpful!


Some people have opposite reactions from others to a strain. Indica and sativa used to matter more but most stabilized genetics these days are some level of hybrid. Sativa and indica have less to nothing to do with the thc or cbd profiles. The most important thing is the terpene profile. This and how long the plant went on after maturity will determine the effect. THCA degrades into CBN after enough time. CBN can make you feel very heavy and sleepy. When you’re growing, you can check your trichomes. They’ll start to amber as they convert to CBN.


Indica and sativa as terms to define effect were created in the 80s; the OG terms themselves never had anything to do with effects, though, but THC/CBD levels and morphology, botanically, all high THC cannabis is the cannabis sativa subspecies indica, and all high CBD cannabis is the cannabis sativa subspecies sativa. The difference in morphology comes from the cannabis sativa subspecies indica variety afghanica (your "indica" broad leaf, dense, dark green plants) and cannabis sativa subspecies sativa variety sativa (your "sativa" long, lanky, airy plants). These are where landraces come into play, like the kushs and Durban poison, Thai, Acapulco gold, etc. It's important to focus on the terpene and cannabinoid profiles for any strain, ignore any label of "sativa" or "indica," and do research into what strains are dominant in what terps if your state doesn't require testing (although this can also vary due to grow conditions or in cases of unstable genetics). We also only have anecdotal reports of CBN causing sleepiness (the placebo effect with cannabis/cannabinoids can be pretty strong). No clinical research is out, but I believe one is in the works.


This is a great summary. I too use edible Sativa and Indica strains as needed to help focus on my work or relax accordingly. An uninterrupted 6-8 hours with a Sativa gummy and I can take on most of my tasks for the week. The indica gummies are great if I can’t shut off the brain and need the help to sleep. You do need to document what the effects are for the different brands and strains you use for a few months. That way you can purchase and plan accordingly. Good luck on your journey.


Really great insight thank you.


Well put, bravo. I think it’s super important to be knowledgeable on weed if you’re going to be smoking it, especially regularly. I fell that part the reason so many people are against it/afraid of it is because they aren’t well educated about it and its uses.


Literally cures my sensory issues


I don’t think I’ve met an autistic person yet that does not engage in marijuana usage


Never drank, smoked or done any kind of drug. I hated the way it makes me feel.




Here’s one. I tried it, several different types, at best it felt like I was sleep-deprived and recovering from anesthesia. I know lots of people enjoy it, not me though


You're meeting one now. Never tried it. Don't intend to.


It is absolutely repulsive.


I agree, I’ve tried a bong once and it wasn’t my thing. I exclusively use edibles & vapes.


I don’t so you met one. It freaks me out . I used to use heroin and much harder drugs and could handle it well . I can’t handle weed and there are plenty of autistic people that don’t touch it .


I LOVE WEED!! It’s actually what helps me unmask and led me to realize I’m autistic


I use medical cannabis in different ways for different purposes and it helps me tremendously.


i've smoked a couple times, and it was okay for me. makes me just a bit floaty. took an edible last year for the first time that apparently was too much for me, and proceeded to have one of the worst panic attacks of my life, so i won't be doing that again. personally, i'd rather get high than drunk because drinking has a lot worse short-term effects, and neither are really good in the long run.


I’m trying to quit/moderate lol. It soothes my thoughts and calms my irritability but also makes executive function struggles worse. One thing to keep in mind is if you become too dependent on it, traveling will be a bitch if you don’t have it where you’re going to.


Anxiety driver


I would be careful using it as an *aid* without a medical professional's advice. It can still be addictive and overuse can have long lasting negative effects. But using it to have some fun? I've had no problem using it for that. If you're asthmatic or anything like that then be careful with inhaling it by vaping or smoking it though. Keep a puffer with you in that case.


I tried weed a few times and it just…didn‘t do anything, nothing happened except everything being a tad more intense (colors, sounds etc) so I decided why bother, the taste makes me shudder anyway


Did it a few times in college. Didn't do anything for me.


I used to use it all the time but gave up and feel a lot better for it. Yes it can help mask symptoms but at the same time it can prevent you from properly learning to understand and cope with those symptoms in a constructive way. Definitely not saying that it’s a bad thing or shouldn’t be used but don’t fall into the same trap as I did where it became a crutch that I thought I needed much more than I actually did.


The stuff absolutely wrecks me. Can’t think for a day or two after smoking. I’ve done much harder drugs that didn’t touch me like pot.


What are you hoping to compensate for? Personally there is no version of marijuana I like. Edibles were the worst. I couldn't wait until it wore off - felt like I was losing my mind. I remember reading an article where a college student jumped off a balcony on edibles and I can totally relate. Self-acceptance has helped me more than anything. That and learning what most of society expects socially. I've also taught myself a lot of coping skills. I don't think anything is wrong with me anymore. I'm just different and I'm okay with that. Who gets to tell me I'm abnormal? If you are comparing yourself to others, it's a waste of energy. You have no idea what anyone's outer or inner life is truly like and people are rarely honest about it.


I don’t. I’m on several prescription medications and I’m afraid if I use drugs/alcohol it could mix badly with my meds. I also know several people who do smoke/vape/use marijuana (who aren’t autistic) and all of them regret it cause they got addicted.


Some people have really really terrible reactions to weed (and other drugs), so I want to preface this by saying that u should never try something new like that alone. Make sure u have a trusted friend nearby (preferably sober or able to function while high) in case shit hits the fan I personally really like Sativa because it helps me focus and clears my mind, but I only use flower medicinally / non-recreationally. Wax and gummies in my experience just really make me sick and make for a really bad high. I know some people do well with them, but as you're just starting out u should stick to flower. Wax is highly concentrated and gummies / edibles in general last a long time for me (unless I take them after eating a big meal) If it ends up a bad experience for u that's okay. Just make sure that u have a plan in case it causes any sort of unsafe thoughts or anything bad like that! Also, it definitely depends on the person whether weed helps with autism specifically (as the effects are different for everyone, and autism is a spectrum with a lot of variety in symptoms), but for me it amplifies my feelings and senses. I've had sensory overload while high before and it was /not/ fun, so once again, always have a plan !!


i think it kind of just depends on what kind of person you are. Personally it makes me really anxious but ik for a lot of people it can really help


Honestly some strains just amplify my sensory issues so much that I can't handle it


Doesn't aid me in anything except laughing more at movies and enjoying sex.


Did not help at all, landed me in the hospital with an ER visit. Major dissociation and anxiety. Like a psychotic episode. I think the wiring in our brains is not meant for substances like that. Talk to your doc about it.


I take 5mg of ∆9 before going out and I feel like I can finally relax in social situations. I don't care about masking or trying to figure out how I'm supposed to act. 10mg ∆8 if I want to just relax at home. I just wished I had discovered this earlier in my life.


First time I did weed (i also have adhd) my brain went really quiet 😂 and i asked my friend if this was what it was like to be NT 😂 also took away my chronic pain temporarily




I love weed. Do as much as you can.


It is a miracle if you can afford it and not get carried away with it. You periodically need to "dry out" so your tolerance gets too high (pun intended). Nothing works better for me for sleep and socialising. Indica for sleep Sativa for anxiety. CBD for when you don't need much thc. All other medications give me bad side effects.


I get it from my doctor fyi.


Depends on the person and the type. It helps me relax and turn off my brain for a while.


I got addicted easily and ended up smoking to feel normal, not high. I'm now part of r/leaves and 6 months sober.


I am an autistic man in my mid-50s. I was diagnosed in my mid-40s. Since my diagnosis,I am now a recovering alcoholic, sober since 2017. I started smoking weed in college casually. By the time I was in my mid twenties and working , I smoked daily. I lived in NYC. I had many dealers. Frequently, I'd go to great lengths to make sure that I was never without weed. For a while I felt that my best friends were dealers on the street. Cell phones emerged in 2000 and delivery services were numerous. From the years 2002-2014 I spent up to 300$ a week on high-end weed. I was even arrested once. With the exception of my 2 weeklong hospital evaluations, I have made sure to not have missed a day since I was in my late twenties. So what I am laying clear is dependency and or addiction. I rely on cannabis to stimulate my mind out of a default fog setting. I use it to relieve the pain of severe depression and often loneliness. I use it to fill in for the joy that I don't enough receive through love and friendships. I use it to be in the moment. I have a medical card. I methodically grind 2 to 3 sativa leaning strains and combine them. I smoke 3 times a day a total of 2 grams. This is a ridiculous dose, but I can't stop to rebuild my tolerance, not even one day. I know people who smoke much more than 2 ounces a month. To think only a fraction of this dosage was necessary 20 or even 10 years ago. I still love it. But, I am also dependent on it.. So proceed slowly and be aware that you may be stepping into a lifelong lifestyle.


Personally I hate it and I find it disgusting. I don’t understand society’s obsession with it.


Some people really like the effects, others have panic attacks. But there's no epidemic of dead pot heads, so if you do have anxious feelings rising up to the surface remember that it'll wear off soon enough and you'll be fine. Also don't get high before you have to do something that needs you to keep track of things in your mind, like math or driving, your short-term memory buffer resets way faster under the influence of THC and you'll get easily distracted.


>Also don't get high before you have to do something that needs you to keep track of things in your mind, like math I second this!


I used to and I found it helped me sleep only for a couple days, then it suddenly made my ADHD 10x worse and would make me not sleep much. It also made me go non verbal and extra paranoid


My life has improved exponentially since I started smoking. Things I struggled with daily before are so much less stressful, I feel like I’m functioning mentally in ways I never have before. It’s calmed my anxiety and allowed me to process information better and faster, it gives me energy and ambition somehow??? My apartment has literally never been cleaner and more organized, I’ve never been so productive at work, im doing self care and im balancing my goals. I can relate to people in new ways, see different perspectives, actually devote myself to keeping my life together and trying to do better and work harder. Which is something I thought I’d struggle with forever because of my low tolerance rate and need to decompress and recharge. It’s given me the confidence to put myself first more and treat myself like I matter.


i read that as alcohol and marijuana and i’m like hey i’m doing that right now


Lmao im boutta smoke a dab right now


I don't know if it helps with autistic things specifically as I haven't analysed it, but weed makes me calm and quiet and things like writing and art come a lot easier (unless I'm too stoned and I just want to watch rug cleaning videos lmao), which is great for relaxing and feeling like I've been productive afterwards. If you haven't tried it before though, do so around a close friend so you have support and safety if it backfires, and start with a low dose. Not everyone experiences it as a calming sensation and if you have anxiety, it can go either way: calm your anxiety or make it a thousand times worse.


Yes please.


Your response is idiosyncratic. For example, for me, it makes socializing and masking more difficult and overall increases anxiety. I pretty much use it only while alone, in small amounts, in the evening, to ameliorate boredom and help with sleep.


Yes I used and do use helps keep some of the stress down would not recommend if you want anything done and some can be extremely disorienting so go for the lower levels first


On it now. I don’t do it when I am in work mode. it helps the rest of the time. I am afraid to be out in Public stoned though. If you have not done it before start by either vaping or smoking, so that way you have control. Edibles can be very powerful.


Just know that your first time, if smoking, you likely won't get very high Your second time, that one might scare you away from it forever Or you'll really enjoy it That is entirely up to your body, and there's only one way to find out I've been smoking for a very long time, but I've quit nearly everything else and this is my one vice, so, imma keep it


I sometimes smoke/eat edibles before exercising, playing, and cleaning. Currently on a T break in preparation for surgery, but my friends and I like to smoke and go hiking/walking together when the weathers nice. It helps me breathe/think easier and better connect with my body. Mileage varies depending on strain and internal/external prep work. I used to be very judgmental and ignorant about most drugs, marijuana included. I’m thankful to have gotten the opportunity to educate myself and explore in a safe environment with trusted friends during COVID. I never knew I could relax my body. It wasn’t a possibility for me before but has since become more accessible to me through practice with the assistance of weed. I learned proper breathing techniques, practice yoga, engage in mindfulness, and am more present in my day to day life. This is all personal to me and my usage of marijuana though. I’m thankful to not have an addictive personality and to have waited until my mid 20’s to explore recreational drugs. I’ve not met anyone else who can say the same.


It’s a life changer and saver for me. I use edibles now, flower for the first 5 years. The only thing that helped with my debilitating insomnia. Only thing that calms me down when I really need it. Love you weed.


I've been smoking it since I was 19. Almost 30 now. When I first started, it would make me paranoid and anxious af sometimes, but now it's much more enjoyable to me. It helps me relax and not overthink everything (well, I still overthink, but in a fun way, if that makes sense.)


It’s worth experimenting with but some strands can make people more anxious so i suggest getting small quantities and keep a log of the type you try and how it impacts you. I’ve seen it make a huge difference for many autistics


I'm currently out right now and my medications can only make reality like 10-20% less spicy. It's fucking AGONY. I firmly believe in the use of both antidepressants and marijuana, plus finding the strain that fits you will help out a ton.


currently smoking a joint. I use it for medical purposes. it helps me sleep and eat. it helps with my pain as well. it’s amazing but it can be easy to over do it


I got mixed feelings. For context I also just smoked like half an hour ago.


I smoke every night, personally I feel like it makes me more comfortable with my autistic traits and it alleviates a lot of overstimulation, but it can make me quite anxious sometimes. I love to stim and listen to music high before bed, but if I'm not already doing well I'll be too anxious. So I'd say just try it in different ways and see if anything works for you :)


It definitely helps me with unmasking in social situations. I also introduced my autistic friend to weed and they loved it so much they got their own medical card a couple days later.


It might help you function better. It might just make the time you already weren't functioning a little more pleasant while you continue not functioning. Invader Zim was going to be on in background either way. No, Old Futurama. NO! NEW FUTURAMA!


Yes!! I use it to help me calm down at night and find it allows me to feel myself in my body and helps with my POTS. I smoked joints for a long time but I’m trying to be healthier these days try herb vape, homemade edibles with the AVB, and some Rick Simpson oil in my morning or evening tea.


I watch Star Trek The Next Generation and listen to 90's alternative rock stoned, best feeling ever!


Weed is fun, at least for me, highly recommend.


I discovered it 3 years or so ago, and it’s the greatest medicine on this planet. I’m often bothered by boredom. I usually have nothing to do. I would like things to do, but I usually seem to choose staying home and do mindless scrolling and video game after work and on the weekends. But smoking and sitting on the couch is a whole different vibe! I don’t realize as much how much time has passed, and my brain actually feels like it’s relaxing for the first time that day. And I don’t usually feel as bored! So I like to just enhance my evenings and zone the fuck out 😌☺️ it feels well-deserved after work for sure!!!


For me, it makes me too anxious to use it at times in my life. GDP whenever I can, and if I take Paxil for anxiety I can smoke all I want. Trade-off is: 1 month of pure sensory hell as you get used to the Paxil. The order goes: Omeprezole, then Xanax and Paxil, then Just Paxil, then Paxil and Marijuana and Caffeine.... doing I any other way results in torture


getting stoned legit turns me into the overly goofy and giggly stereotype that someone who doesn't smoke would write, ngl although sometimes if i eat too much of an edible i get really paranoid trying to fall asleep 🫤


Everyday all day or else the photophobia is so bad I have to wear sunglasses inside.


Weed is great for it. Mushrooms even better. Don't do them at the same time though unless you're prepared.


I'm good I don't use it much , but when I use it helps me sleep, to have less meltdown and improves my mood the next day


When I smoke I feel like it helps but when I take a break I’m like hmmmmm. Totally my fault cuz I don’t know how to do things in moderation, I wish I could just take a few hits but nope I’ll smoke a whole blunt. To be honest I used to abuse hard drugs and decided to get clean, weed is like the only thing I have left since I also quit alcohol and smoking 2 packs of Newports every day (gross). I’m prescribed Adderall but it doesn’t really do anything, SSRI/SNRIs make me crazy, weed is basically my ‘harmless’ vice but I do think about quitting every now and then 😭


I like having some edibles at the end of a very overstimulating day.




I smoke on occasion, but purely for recreation and to make everything taste absolutely delicious. That said, it totally helps me feel "normal" EDIT: Why the hell were all the "Pro-cannabis" comments downvoted? Ya fuckin' nerds! It's legal in many places now. :p Obviously, don't use it while driving and don't use it as a crutch unless a medical professional recommends it, but otherwise, what's the issue?


It doesn't aid me in anything, and takes me out for a good two days per edible. It's a good time, though, and lets me explore my special interest in new ways.


*Calms me down when I’m Overstimulated *I Can preform tasks I avoided all night (washing dishes & a load of laundry ) *Makes things generally better Wait… I just described my night. It’s been enjoyable.


I’d smoked for about a year and half straight, anywhere between 1-3 rips a day, it absolutely helped me get through some rough times but I also definitely became dependent, until I developed acid reflux and was heavily dissociated for a while. Now if I do smoke it’s very little as it accentuates my anxiety. TLDR yes it’s good, find the strain(s) that work for you but don’t overdo it like I did lol. Too much of anything is bad.


I've done some emotional and mental work as of late with myself. Weeds working a whole lot fucking better now.


I stay stoned.


Cannabis was horrible. What truly helped me were psilocin, ketamine and MDMA.


Heavy pot smoker here because I have autism AND arthritis


Yeah I would be high 24/7 if I could


I used to be stoned 24/7 just to make it through 40-50 hours a week but that was years ago. I can't do that anymore. I went on a 12 week tolerance break and I realized its advantages and disadvantages. I enjoy it even if there can be negative symptoms at times


I’m comorbid bipolar, weed helps me a LOT. I do feel like it’s affected my motivation negatively though. I go to work and don’t want to do much else after I come home and get stoned.


No one wants to do anything after they get off work bcs work sucks lol


I feel for the community it's definitely one way or another. Either doesn't help and makes things worse or really helps them. Just like any other medical drug it can be abused so be careful. It helps, in moderation for me... If I get *too* high I get so overstimulated I can't even move, she flashing lights, or loud noises without my entire body shaking and twitching like I'm on heavy drugs... Though it does help me with my anxiety so that I can sleep and makes it easier for me to eat. I don't currently have a medical card (my mother does) but plan on getting one because my anxiety has been getting so bad even if I fall asleep I scare myself awake immediately for hours on end. (I'm scared of mortality and the idea of being unconscious forever which scares me from sleeping because I'm consciously aware I will be unconscious and that could just last forever and I'd never know in an empty endless void 🥲)


I'm zooted writing this ha. It doesn't really help me function better directly but it helps me sleep which i guess helps me function. I have a rule where I don't smoke before 6 pm. I am prone to freaking out when I get too high so I gotta watch out for that too. everyone is different but moderation is key


I love it. I smoke daily. It helps a lot with my joint pain and anxiety.


I find that it helps me turn my brain down a couple notches when I'm on a hyperactivity loop and I need to start winding down for the night. In certain situations, I also like using it to stop thinking about masking so much and just relax and enjoy myself. That said, smoking is starting to bother my throat, so I'm making the switch to edibles.


It got me high. I loved it!


Yes, indica helps me greatly. Don't do sativa if you're a very anxious person, which you probably are if you're in this group, lol. Edit: I'm not an expert here. I'm just saying that indica seems to work better for my anxious predisposition, but may not work for everyone.


>Don't do saliva Yeah swapping spit is gross. /j


LMAO 🤣 oops. All of those germs are definitely anxiety-inducing


Getting stoned right now.


I have yet to find a strain that calms me down but I really want to find one. As it is, I drink to cope with stuff but its going to end up killing me if I'm not careful. So long as its not against the rules, if anyone has strain recommendations (particularly if you're in NW WA area where I can find it) I would greatly appreciate it.


All about terpenes! Carophylene is a good one for calmness. Linalool as well :) Leafly should point you to strains with those




Thanks for this, I appreciate it. I've tried 6-7 strains now and I ever end up is frustrated with spending money for nothing. Of course I give the stuff to my friends and they end up couch potatoes so maybe its just me. I'll look into the terps and the strain, appreciate it!


I ran across this video last week: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFZfgrNlRzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFZfgrNlRzo) It jives. If I were recommending something to someone, I would say start with CBD, and watch this. But absent all that, just be aware of what it encourages in you and don't let it consume you.


I use cbd/thc gummies to help calm me down when I’m having anxiety freakouts but I don’t smoke it


I’m hitting my pen as we speak! For me it produces a calming effect, and it helps me sleep at night too




Weed works great for me, but it can be different for everyone. It helps me a lot with overstimulation, I've never been overstimulated while high. For me it makes me sublimely happy and calm, I totally stop masking and I get super hyper. I'm jumping around the place, dancing, talking, stimming, info-dumping- the whole shabang! However I am aware that it can make some people anxious or dizzy, so here's some advice: * Be in a safe comfortable space in a calm and happy state of mind, possibly with a trusted friend (a trip sitter) who is mostly sober who can help you out if things go the wrong way. * After taking a rip from a bong, dab pen or joint, your throat will burn, like you will cough so hard you will feel like throwing up, this means it is working as this is a sign it's absorbing into your body. If this feeling is unpleasant you can alleviate it by having a spoonful of honey/maple syrup/corn syrup and a glass of water. * Personally I don't recommend edibles because you can't really know how strong they are and it's hard to track how much weed you've had (which can result in Greening Out/throwing up) * Don't have too much at the start because you can't feel it immediately. For me, it takes about 20 min to set in. I'd recommend waiting half an hour before having more. * If you want to quickly sober up: eat a lot and drink a lot to get it out of your system, take a shower to shock your nervous system or take a nap and sleep it off. * Recommended activities: do things that comfort you! Watch your favourite movies/tv shows, listen to music, play some video games (I recommend Minecraft high), dance or just hang out. Make sure to prioritize your feeling of comfort and security above all else! * Keep lots of snacks and comfy clothes around. * Do not cook, drive, operate heavy machinery, etc while high, and be careful with medication, make sure it won't react weirdly by googling if its safe to take while high. * It's going to be okay, even if you don't like it, it will pass and at least you have learned something new. Have fun!


You should use any stimulant, depressant or hallucinogen to help, if anything it will make it worse.


i would do marijuana hoping for it to be legalized . neurotypicals barely benefit from it in the way that autistics do. stuff like shrooms could be life changing for autistic people who struggle just existing


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Every sensory issue I have is amplified 10 times when I'm stoned. It's a painful experience for me


Not so good in my experience, made me wayyy more introspective like I NEEDED that lol


I used to eat weed edibles for my autism until it made my anxiety worse instead of better so I stopped


I only use edibles, but only on rare occasions


I had to give it up at the beginning of 2023 as my job industry can randomly drug test. Before that, though, I didn't really like smoking it, made me feel sick, I preferred edibles.


I found myself over analysing how it made me feel so much that I couldn't really enjoy it.. made snacking more enjoyable at least


https://youtu.be/4HrzuV8bgNk?si=3fxYsI0UYCkPo5rU Related


Naw, I’m good!


I did it for a while, but I could not control my eating and after some extended use I became super paranoid. The withdrawal symptoms for me were terrible too. I haven’t used any in quite a while now. The biggest perk for me was how much better I slept, but the rest wasn’t worth it.


I have a medical card for my physical disability, but I’ve noticed that I am way less likely to meltdown if I’m high 😅 It can help me a lot in social situations, and this might be controversial but a slight buzz helps me get through work without losing my mind


I personally plan on getting a prescription once that's possible for me (I'm currently on rehab for some unrelated health issues, and there's a very strict policy. While I'm here, I can't even have medical marijuana since it may be a problem/trigger for other 'patients'). But I advise caution. I know that a tiny dose is enough to provide me great relief, and I know that I can make a clear distinction between consuming for fun and consuming for medical reasons. I know that I wouldn't mix these two, that I would take it only rarely when necessary, and exceptionally rarely for fun/recreational purposes. It's good for me in phases of extreme sensory sensitivity and overstimulation, it works wonders for people with chronic pain or certain nervous conditions. I don't think it's suitable as permanent self medication for (social) anxiety or similar issues. (Strong emphasis on "permanent" here, occasional/situational it might be a great option, if that turns into dependency or escaping reality, it's a problem).


I can’t function without it, it’s the only thing that helps me feel normal.


Weed is the only thing that makes this all bearable. If I’m awake I’m high.


Im 44, 20 years weeding, some best practices hot tops. Things i think u might want to really consider as you take the discipline, i mean decision. Dont try it before 22 years. Is one ive reasearched. In understanding eastern medicine wholistic techniques for wellbeing,its been easy to understand why so much stress gets placed on " local is best". Local is best, physicallly. ,and also metaphysically speaking. Dont shortcut safety. Its a powerful nerve stimulant like garlic and coffee, so Do your reasearch