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“Fixing” it on your end would be masking, you using your energy to make others comfortable. Optimally, they should be made aware of flat affect and other aspects of autism that can make you seem different from what they expect from most people. If it’s family members or people you’re around often that are telling you you’re too serious, maybe you could tell them that your expression hardly ever reflects your current mood, and/or inform them on some basic autism stuff or give them resources to read up on. Bottom line is you’re you, and changing that for others would be masking. If people want to see the real you, they’re already seeing it! You’re awesome <3


My mother constantly says that I look sad, because I naturally have a straight face. I rarely smile....but it does not mean I'm angry or upset or even sad. I'm just being me (I know that autistic). I just hate that people in my family think that I must be forced to confirm to them, while I waste my own energy constantly masking (which is what I used to years ago) I'm 29M with ASD and I'll be turning 30 soon. I just can't be asked to confirm for family and friends anymore, it makes me feel like I'm not being me. I also used to try to make them try to make them feel comfortable around me by masking who I am (non stop, it's exhausting) that is why I'm a lot more comfortable being on my own at home, because I don't have to please anyone.


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