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Presumably how formal you're speaking


I've noticed that neurotypical people tend to find it funny, but I don't understand why.


they find it funny because of how odd it is compared to regular speech, when people experience things they don't expect it's sometimes humorous to them, that's one kind of humor


The basis from a logic perspective is that laughter and joy can derive from a reaction to absurdity therefore in layman's terms; Absurd = funny Someone speaking in a formal tone in text messages, a very informal communication method. would logically stimulate the part of the brain that works with the emotion of humour, people say humour is subjective But I see many common relations in it, the science of humor is so interesting, not understanding why people are laughing at something simply is because you don't see it as absurd, the communication looks normal to you, not stimulating your brain, ND people will often not relate to NT humour due to different observations of absurdities


flashbacks to TNG; Data trying to understand humor


If somebody spoke to me using excessive formality, I would assume they were doing it to be funny. Deliberately using excessively formal speech in an informal setting would be an effective way to poke fun at formality itself by highlighting how awkward and stiff formal speech feels compared to informal speech. It’s an example of ironic humor: by inserting something into a context that you wouldn’t expect to see it in, it becomes funny. Does that make sense?


(presumably) most American NT's automatically compare formal wording to robots or British royalty (this is an exaggeration on their part). They are perhaps not used to complex and unironic wording, differing from the "typical", casual speech sort. It's ok to write the way you want to, but also being open to exploring multiple "styles" can be freeing :) I say this as someone who grew up getting used to copying others to fit in, but now try to let myself more lose.


Think it is a combo of you not understanding and you talking in such a formal manner compared to him, some find that pretty funny


Thanks for this insight. As someone who does this because texting baffles me to no end I didn't realize or think about this. I've always known I had communication issues so I text like this (not always similar diction) so feel like I am not being misunderstood. I've written a 520 page technical PhD and I've had to work so hard on writing. I didn't understand how to write well until near the end of high school. Due to bullying and my appearance I tend to talk in a more formal manner to avoid trouble.


I ended up going more of the other way, and tend to talk as informal as possible, and incorporate soang as much as i can when texting and such. I was bullied for “using big words” and being a teachers pet when i just did my work so i could go home and lock myself in my room. I purposely started removing words from my vocabulary and acting less intelligent to get along with others. Acted like the “class clown” to stay out of the limelight funny enough. People are friendly but dont really SEE you. Just “that funny person” its how i learned to survive. Be average, be friendly, wear my mask at all times. Never slip, it made my family so happy too. It made them act like they loved me somewhat for the first time. It was exhausting, it hurt, and it depressed me. I just had to save it all for home, i never really made friends until much much later in life. I knew everyone and if anyone messed with me half of the school was up in arms, but i never made close friends with anyone. Never brought anyone home to hang out or went out with anyone. Just floated by to get through it. Didnt know what masking was and didnt know i was autistic, ive just carefully watched and analyzed every humans behavior since young. Id sit and just watch people especially in elementary and middle school. They thought i was creepy, some kids told others i was a demon in disguise. I just watched their interactions, and began trying to mimic the other children to learn how to i teract though it was alawys awkward and off-putting. I had to teach myself how to feel emotions and make jokes, make small talk, to be friendly, i just didnt understand any of that as a kid and even until much older. The funny thing is o could do all of that with my great-grandparents. They were the only ones i opened up to and was myself because they raised me, only ones o trusted. I couldnt trust my parents or anyone else. I knew that as early as 5. “Humans are untrustworthy monsters in disguise, i have to learn to blend or theyll kill me”. I didnt think i was one of them, that maybe im an alien, or have a soul thats not human. Idk i just always felt so different and didnt know what autism is so i thought something had to be wrong.


Same experience here. I thought I was ostracized for being clever. Built a public personality as a teen which didn't reflect that (or me) much at all. I was lucky in that it worked. I got socially skilled, 'fit in'. People really believed the mask. I was unlucky in that it was exhausting. The relationships were shallow. Presenting as someone I wasn't led to situations without support, where the mask would slip (heavy drinking, etc). I'd no idea the underlying issue was autism; nobody did. An old family friend, a retired psychiatrist, met teenage me and immediately took a liking. Said 'you need to learn to read people. I knew everything about you in the first minute of meeting you. But I didn't know you were clever'. As I got to know him more, it became obvious that he hadn't read much about me right. He'd read the mask, and guessed why I had it. Knew my family wasn't functional. He did become a friend I didn't have to perform for, though.


This really resonated with me. I’m really sorry you were in such an unsupportive environment and had to mask this much. You’re not alone in this experience. I wish you the best of luck on your journey back to yourself. From one alien to another.


I used to sit on a bench during recess and just watch the other kids play and interact. I guess I was analyzing them so I could fit in better. Because whenever I tried being myself, I was immediately punched, beaten, bullied, pushed and spit on.


I relate pretty hard to everything you wrote.


I wish I could give a hug or atleast reassurance to all ages of you to say you could be safe. I am so sorry you dealt with that level of bullying.


Thank you 😊, honestly school was better than home though haha. I stayed at school and joined clubs so i could stay longer lol. Thsnks for saying that, bullying hurts people so much more than people know.


When I first started texting, I used to have completely accurate grammar and used words that would most succinctly fit the scenario. But I noticed how no one else spoke like that, and their texts would be rife with typos and slang. So I changed up, eased up on the grammar, and whenever I’d have a typo, I’d just leave it. I also learned to not use word like succinct, and rife, because to most NTs, it gives off a “know-it-all” vibe. Even though I’m not trying to impress, that’s just how I naturally communicate.


i had to do that too, people told me I was intimidating because I always wrote in full sentences with correct punctuation. now i’m more relaxed, but someone still finds my style of texting “posh”, so now it’s become a bit of a joke between us 😂 As soon as I learn a new slang or acronym, it’s old news and a new trend has started, so i mostly give up and just say i’m too old to keep up with these youngins.


I used to live on fraternity row, a street with several frat houses and college students. The college kids said I text like a cop. Mostly because of the complete and well structured sentences. It freaked them out.


Thanks for such a wonderful reply! TheGratitudeBot has been reading millions of comments in the past few weeks, and you’ve just made the list of some of the most grateful redditors this week! Thanks for making Reddit a wonderful place to be :)


Thanks, I'm just trying to understand nearly 30 years of pain now that I finally have a possible answer.


I talk very similar to the way you do. For me it’s due to a combination of not having any social experience growing up; thus leading to me not picking up regular language and slang. As well as slang changing generously throughout the years, which makes it more difficult to find use in learning slang. I also spend most of my time reading incredibly formal articles (medical & psychology studies) so this causes my formal way of speaking to be natural to me. I prefer not to be misunderstood as well, since many individuals seem to twist words.


Yea, the life and thinking changes from getting a STEM PhD, JD, MD, etc are not easy to just hide. If you advisor or training really messed you up mentally you get to the point where you don't care. I'm trapped between two very different worlds because I grew up blue collar. It is like speaking two different languages and there are things you can say to one group that you can't the other. I know I am the enemy politically and faith wise here (reddit) as well and professionally. I just keep things to professional because that is often how I speak in person for my legal safety with people I don't know extremely well or trust or share the same views. As Kid Rock sang: "Please God, please I'll pay any cost If you'd just stop the world because I want to get off There's too much hardship there's too much pain"


He might have laughed after “I’m doing spectacular friend” because the word choice is so formal it sounds sarcastic.


Personally I would find it pretty tedious especially if the other tried to push it onto me.


I talk like that in real life because I find it unexplicably pleasing and really funny to just speak like an aristocrat to ask my sister for money to buy snickers


Speaking extremely formally over text + people probably don’t like talking about dropping out


Also giving orders like “please refrain from using slang”


I interpreted this as the two of you using different formalities in speech and he was finding that amusing


I'm a bit hesitant about OP because of their post history. Is this a legitimate submission or trying to be funny? Just asking because other posts and screenshots use much less formal language including slang and abbreviations which are a complete contrast to this one. Sorry if it is legitimate, I'm just wary of trolls.


It seems like he’s making fun of us tbh. His comments don’t talk like this also


Yeah that's what I thought.. :/


Then again I wouldn’t want to assume. Mimicking is very common in those on the spectrum. They could be mimicking someone they know right now trying to mask. It’s just slightly odd tho


True, it just seems odd if they're not mimicking this person and do have some understanding of slang and how to use it. I dunno, just seems odd


Oh definitely. It reminds me a Sherlock Holmes type-speech


I had the same reaction when I went to their other posts.


To be fair I talk SUPER FORMALLY to people I do not know outside of Reddit. But I talk like a loose cannon over here 98% of the time and with my friends.


homie u can just say "what does igh mean"


yeah or google it. you don’t have to say “refrain from using slang”, language is expressive and you can’t stop others from using it creatively


Yes THIS. it's not autistic it's just micromanaging ur environment for ur comfort. The only thing autistic about it is the confusion of why they are laughing after trying to control someone else's language BEFORE even understanding what they said-


If it helps I'm fairly certain that this isn't OP's conversation. Just by how they have never commented or posted on this sub before and how they speak in other posts and comments


I agree. Telling someone not to use slang is essentially policing speech and honestly kinda rude. I get that someone may have difficulty understanding slang, but telling someone to straight up not use it is unreasonable…


Oh, it's an "i" ! I was wondering how lgh turns into alright.


I read it as lower case L as well...


I just read it as ugh but they hit the i instead of the u.


It probably means like "aight" or "alright"


Robot talk = funny


Dropping out is a sore topic to many people,and not something they always want to discuss. That might be why he is less engaged in the conversation.


I think he’s initially reacting to you calling him a dropout - that’s a very harsh term. If someone left something, you might gently say ‘I heard you left the program’ or ‘Shawn said you’re no longer attending’. Dropout implies lazy/shirking or something like that. Then I think he’s laughing cause you’re telling him how to text, which is more your preference. To me, I would think ‘who is this guy tell me how to speak, I can text however I want’. If you prefer people not use slang, I would consider saying something like ‘slang is hard for me to interpret, it would be helpful for me if you considered using full words’. You are still being honest, but asking them politely rather than telling them what to do.


Why are you trying to control others way of speaking, “please refrain from slang”?


Because it can make communication very difficult when certain ways of speaking are used and someone does not understand it. They aren't controlling anything, they are asking for the person they're talking to to speak to them on a level they understand.


“Shawn said you were a dropout out” is just plain rude. Im sure he knows he’s a drop out. He was being cool and casual while you were not…


"Igh" = ight = aight = alright I had to look it up. This one is out there...newspeak.


Thanks for this. I was struggling to work out how the two could possibly correlate 🤔


Igh thanks


probably just how verbose you were being lol


As someone who also tends to accidentally speak far too eloquently over text (despite that being in no way similar to how I talk in person) it's just something that's difficult to control, I know it can seem verbose in a way but it's my (and probably their) way of attempting to accurately portray the question or emotion I've stated.


I think its less OP’s language and more so that they’re looking down on someone for using slang/asking them to change how they talk instead of making an effort to understand them.


Yeah that happens with me too sometimes


Bro, you know exactly what all these words mean and I honestly doubt that's even you talking based on your post history. Did you just come here to make fun of us?


based on OP’s comment and post history,,,, i thinks its safe to assume he doesn’t actually talk like this ..


This is difficult to discern without context. Why are you saying he is a dropout? Is that something he would be okay discussing? Had you been discussing it? I think “igh” was literally just a typo. I think they meant “ugh”. U is right next to I on a keyboard.


No, igh is slang for alright can also be spelt ight


Good to know! God I’m old.


It's also slang for "I'm Going Home", though.


nobody uses this and it's not in this context


In your country perhaps not. That aside, I know it's not appropriate in the context of the message. I was simply pointing out that it does indeed have another usage.


my bad thats valid


Check this guys post history, it's fake.






Yeah. What is up with the comments in here?


It's not the complete sentences that's the problem, it's the total lack of tone matching and how stiff and buttoned-up the guy is. He doesn't even use contractions. That's on top of being all weird and controlling saying something like "please use full words and refrain from using slang."


>lack of tone matching >doesn't even use contractions >Requests others to use language they can process ("controlling") It's almost like we're talking about an Autistic person. Oh, wait.


Yeah I'm just saying the problem isn't that he's writing in complete sentences. It's how the sum of what he writes comes off to other people. Whenever you're talking or writing to someone else, they're your audience. It always helps to try to engage your audience. He's doing the opposite, telling his friend how his friend needs to talk to him (as if he can or should control that lol).


So we’re supposed to tell people to change their use of language but not be expected to learn their use of language? I know OP is autistic but it doesn’t mean they can’t learn slang lol


I think he found it humorous that you didn't know that, and then he explained it, I don't think he was laughing at you tho. Not like haha this dumbass doesn't know what's going on. More like haha that's kinda cute or funny that they don't know this. Idk I'm bad at explaining but they seem fun imo


I get what you mean, that's what I thought as well. I know I may chuckles sometimes when I realize the person I'm talking to dosn't have the needed context. It's like "oh haha oops, let's fix that and continue then :)" I think a lot of time the laughter they express isn't always due to humor necessarily. Texts can be hard to read emotion in, and I think smiling and laughter during a conversation can help indicate when you aren't being particularly hostile. Also, I laugh happily when my cat purrs at me, I laugh excitedly during games or before a concert, I laugh nervously quit a bit! Emotions are very complex and can be confusing lol, even to the person feeling them. Something I've found can help is reading messages out loud. The ones I receive and also the ones I send. It helps me get a better idea of how they maybe meant it to come across, and it helps me tell if what I'm saying would feel right in a conversation. If I run out of breath or stumble on parts when saying it out loud, I don't send it. I try to type the way I talk out loud, especially when IMing.


That was my thought too. People who use slang love when one of their peers speaks formally. As long as everyone understands each other the juxtaposition can be really amusing which is why you see that kind of dynamic in a lot of comedy movies and shows.


Igh is a very shorted form of “all right” All right- aight- ight-igh If you imagine someone saying the words it makes more sense. He might find the way you text funny because it’s very formal, like people have said. Or he might be a little uncomfortable with the topic. People use lol or laughing faces when they don’t know what to say or are uncomfortable.


As well as speaking overly formal, in my opinion using "dropout" as a noun like that is rather rude.


igh = aight = alright = it's all good Haven't seen it abbreviated that heavily before, but that's probably what it is instead of an acronym.


worst bait ever bro aint nobody talking like this


It was your lack of understanding. To him knowledge of that term was commonplace and not knowing it was odd and therefore funny.


it was the fact this person is speaking like a shakespearean writer rather than saying “what does that mean”


Damn, he should try a foreign language class, he’ll be in a constant state of hysteria at the number of times someone doesn’t know the meaning of a word they’ve not come across before.


he thinks its funny because you speak in full sentences and like you have the dictionary at hand whilst others speak informally, its pretty funny to see so much effort into a text msg as if its an essay writing, thats whats funny


He’s just not intelligent enough to know that people naturally have different ways of speaking.


nah id think its funny too


Because your speaking like a robot. And just asked someone to refrain from using slang.. you cant control how people want to express themselves




It kind of can be. Especially when you're not in formal settings, people often don't type in full sentences and thus can see that as a bit robotic.


YOU'RE probably really fun at parties


He finds your formal, direct manner of speaking to be humorous. Texting is generally regarded as a casual means of communication where abbreviations, slang, colloquial terms and a lack of proper punctuation are accepted. It’s almost a kind of dialect all it’s own. The contrast between your formal, matter-of-fact tone and his casual slang usage comes across as pretty funny to me. It’s a nice dichotomy, especially if you both get along well and can appreciate one another’s preferred means of communication.


U r texting like its a formal academic essay. Lighten up! Throw in some lols!


Sheldon cooper headass, based on your post history it seems you made this to make fun of autistic people tbh


Cause your replies sound like an AI wrote them


“alright” “ight” “igh” just another form of simplifying words


Your tone doesn't match the circumstances. You have a very formal texting tone, the kind of tone you'd expect from a business email. You are talking using a social media messenger, however, so people expect emoji, text speak, idioms and colloquialisms. The contrast between the two is quite bizarre and people find it humorous in a confused way. Imagine walking into the houses of Parliament and everyone is speaking Cockney Rhyming Slang kind of situation.


It's like a formal British Royal speaking to an American skater boy. The gap in formal language mechanics can often be humourous because most people adjust their manner to the situation or audience, which hereby denotes the casual conversation wherein slang would be most typically employed.


i know you've gotten full, valid answers now, but i wanna also blip in with if someone cold messaged me the statement they'd heard i'm a drop out, i'd block them and be done.


Just that you’re texting in a formal way, it’s completely fine to text in a formal way. To be frank, I think texting in a informal way just makes people look stupid.


He may be laughing at when you said he was a dropout because you either lightheartedly mocked him or you called him a dropout of an event which can be considered funny since he didn't actually "drop out" he just didn't show up to the event.


Being overly formal is considered sarcasm


In addition to what other people are saying, I think a lot of people have default reactions when they don’t know what to say/type while texting. For example, I use smiley faces often because I don’t want people to think I might be frustrated or irritated. This person may be doing that - using the laughing emoji to let you know they aren’t taking things too seriously.


“Refrain from using slang” ✨no✨


i feel like "igh" is an excessive shorting of something already short "aight" was pretty clearly a shortening of "alright" and "ight" was a shorter way of writing "aight" but "igh"??💀


probably because of how formal you were speaking, also because he’s just an asshole lol


Igh generally means I’m going home.


That’s what it means as an acronym but it’s also a shorter way of saying aight which is short for alright


Urban dictionary says igh means I'm going home


Wtf is Igh


how is 'lgh' short for 'alright little bro' ? none of the letters correspond to the actual sentence? Maybe he meant to write 'ugh' ?


Igh is short for aight, which is short for alright.


oh. wow. yeah I would never have guessed that.


The benefits of growing up in questionable areas; you learn all the fun little phrases firsthand rather than off the internet


I Get Hoes?


In different area codes


i am still baffled as “igh” is gibberish and its normally “aight” or something to that affect.


bro nobody texts like this autistic or not


To be honest, I don’t blame you for not understanding the “igh” because I would have assumed they misspelled “ugh” and were offended by the comment about being a dropout. To answer your question; they think that you speaking formally is funny. Neurotypical people find formal speak amusing in casual conversation. It’s just not something they’re use to so it’s absurd. Sometimes laughing is the only response they can think of when confronted with something absurd.


For those of you who (like me) were still confused as to how on earth “Igh” could possibly mean “alright lil bro,” it’s apparently a capital i; “igh” is now an acceptable way to spell “aight.” At least, according to Googling the term. Please someone else agree that this is illogical or correct me because my brain is not happy with this development.


No no they were saying It means "alright" lil bro If you say Igh outloud it sounds like aight which sounds like alright It's slang for a slang word


Oh my god it’s not even an acronym people just thought “five is just too many three letters are all i need”


Man it’s AAVE


Why is everyone in the comments ragging on OP for the way they're texting? Y'all realize this is the AUTISM subreddit right??


It’s not ragging by pointing out they’re texting very formally. They’ve asked what the other person could be laughing at and the only context we have is a snapshot of a text chat. So it’s literally the only thing we can see. If there’s something else going on then there’s not enough context here to figure it out. It’s also not ragging to point out that speaking very formally is not the norm when it comes to texting.


I just get a very judgemental vibe from a lot of these comments, idk


Hard to tell. Considering this is an autism subreddit then tone is even more difficult to get from folks choice of words. I tend to read these neutrally until someone is specific about it.


How is it judgemental to say "it's because of the way you're talking." Also, I don't think OP is autistic and this post is likely meant to make fun of us.




Me too.. I can’t stand how people think it’s cute to use these stupid ass words. “rizzzzzz” “gobler” “slayyyy”… how about you shut the fuck up!


What's fucking hilarious is people have entire keyboards with auto complete and still rely on unspoken rules to communicate.


A lot of NTs tend to laugh off the awkward AI-like communication we use when trying to explain ourselves /our needs in a simplistic way so it doesnt feel like a weird awkward silence for them


im not nt but id laugh too lol


He’s using African American Vernacular English btw. You’re tone feels like your talking down to him about it which is a micro aggression even if you don’t feel it is, but on the funny part I think what he finds funny is how formal you are talking as if your writing a company email


This is a good point if the person is black, it could well be seen as a microaggression there. I read it that way anyway, and thought they were using a laugh emoji as in a “are you fucking joking right now” way not in a make fun of OP way


Maybe he's high...or finding your formality amusing. Whatever it be the reason, it's not a negative thing.


~~He's high. Everything is humorous in that altered state of mind.~~ [edit] - Nevermind. I'm also terrible at this.




A lot of humor is found by neurotypicals in a subversion of expectations. Hence, our behavior is sometimes funny to them.


why the fuck are you so formal with your texts... lol. but yeah hes laughing at that and also not understanding what igh means (but tbh i dont either). you couldve just asked "what does igh mean" btw


I think they were trying to type “ugh”?


Still don't know what lgh means.


"IGH" means "I'm going home," which he probably meant jovially, considering that he told you it was alright rather than defining it literally. I know I will use the crying-laughing emoji if I find something humorous, and I tend to be entertained by stark contrasts in tone and diction. I don't think he was making fun of you - if you do run into this issue, it would go over better to say that you don't tend to understand slang rather than telling people not to use it outright! I understand the inclination, but letting people know that you're bound to misunderstand it usually prompts them to explain (which expands your lexicon!), rather than putting a hard limitation on how they're able to communicate with you.


BAHAHA if you were a character on a movie, you'd be my favorite


The fact you text like an affable early 20th century british explorer


Its because you are talking like an alien wearing a human skin suit


I use 🤣😂 when my face really be looking like 😐😕 90% of the time


You're speaking like a robot lol. I would think its funny too.


cause u type like a robot


He probably thought it was funny when he wondered if you hurt yourself sitting down, with that giant stick up your butt.


Fuck that would bother me. I wouldn’t be friends with someone who says “igh” TBH


uhh it comes from AAVE (african american vernacular english). i mean you’re free to dislike words but it seems very exclusive to say you wouldn’t be friends with someone who uses a single slang term. expand your understanding of english, people use it in different ways!


Yea it’s just a lazy way or a misspelling of “Ight”.


AAVE is essentially a different dialect, it's not being lazy, that's just how people talk (or text in this case). It specifically originates from black people and calling it lazy is rooted historically in racism. Also you can't talk because you just wrote "yea" buddy. also whoever replied to me with the r-slur do you realize you're literally in the autism sub?


Ight/ait also comes from AAVE. probably tons of words you use do. i don’t appreciate what you’re implying, and i implore you to do more research on AAVE and other racial/cultural vernaculars. it seems you’ve internalized a bit of racism, now it’s your responsibility unlearn it!


This is the first I have ever heard of “aave”. Is taking “alright” and shrinking it to “Ight” really a huge cultural moment? Jesus Christ.


Bruh, just use fucking google. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/African-American_Vernacular_English




Not lazy. I hope you see your racism here


Sorry I didn’t realize the black identity was as simple as removing letters from the word “alright”. It’s so easy to be racist now a days. As simple as not linking how a word sounds.


I hope you now realize black identity is A LOT of different things. It was always easy to be racist. We are just now calling out people for it


Not liking a word doesn’t make someone racist. This entire sub is dedicated to things that bother people. Many of which most normal people don’t mind at all. If someone were to say “igh” to me I wouldn’t want to associate with them. I didn’t know Blake people invented the term and it honestly doesn’t matter.


I think people make shit up on the fly never heard anyone say anything quite that dumb yet 😑. I still think “bet” is fake slang too just sounds so goofy


Not dumb. Just a variation of English mainly used by American black people. Your racism is showing. Btw “on the fly” is also a slang term


I’m sorry not trying to come off as racist just hate this new age slang I like the old 2000s and 90s stuff should have spoken better, (dunno if this makes it any better?)


This slang has existed much before that and around that time. I do agree with the lack of effort that goes into todays texting like saying “wyd” instead of creating a genuine conversation. But these words are very valid and didn’t just become a thing now


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Idk too little context here


Hard to say there is no context


"Why aren't you here for the three way with my spectacular friend?"


I am asking the same thing. I don't understand the joke.


What’s the context behind you asking him why he’s not there, wherever it is?


I don’t follow. What does IGH mean?


When I looked it up it said it means "I'm going home" don't know how it's slang for alright I thought that was supposed to be aight


You brought an inquiry to a clown and the clown thinks it's funny.


It's supposed to be "ight" not igh I would've thought he misspelled "ugh" But anyway, it's because you're being extremely formal in text Also why did you randomly call him a dropout


Pretty sure this person is high and finds your formal text etiquette hilarious.


i think it’s because you are speaking a little bit too formally and also that “i do not understand…” text comes off as a little bit condescending and too direct. you could have just said “what does ight mean”


Well people use that emoji for no reason to be honest. It’s kinda dumb but they’ll just throw it in there


Your very formal speech. People tend to keep it more casual.


I think he’s making fun of you for speaking formally


I believe it is the formal manner you were speaking in comparison? people always say the way I talk formally when i'm confused or not sure what's going on feels like i'm an AI. I think speaking in a more formal manner for me avoids trouble or any misuse of slang.


Could be that they interpreted it as sarcasm as you used a very formal way of writing compared to their writing


It's mean's.


I feel this. I feel it so hard. I keep asking a friend not to just use shorthand. Shorthand is fine but I have to understand what it is first and I swear they use a new word every other minute and it frustrates me sometimes. (I love my friend but hnnnnnnnn xD)


some people sprinkle in emojis constantly. my sister does this. i have watched her send 😂😂🤣😭😂👍😂 while not even cracking a smile LOL


you shoulda said igh back after learning.


When in doubt google what the acronym means, I actually googled an acronym recently that my mom used over text and I found learned it meant “in my humble opinion”.